Thursday, December 07, 2006

Afternoon pic


The locked up still cam shot is being dealt with in Denver!

Also, the live feed is up. Access the realplayer file through the link here on this blog. The link will be put up on the eaglecam webpage soon.


NillaWafer said...

Oh my what a wonderful picture for the cam to be stuck on... Hang in ther Steven we have faith the problems will be resolved and the camera will be better than ever... Now i am going to tell the rest

MITS said...

Thank you, NILLA

Anonymous said...

I seem to always come in the door when the new thread is there. Just came home from a meeting...Need to go over to see what I misses during the last 2 hours.
Thanks Steve.

MITS said...

You haven't missed much, Jo.

Anonymous said...

Nope! I really didn't! Thanks.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon. I am watching Buta covered with straw, Belle (or Liberty) froze in time in our nest (ISN'T THAT WONDERFUL - OUR NEST!) and that beautiful eagle in Florida. God is sooo good!

Steve Chase said...

Live feed is up.

MITS said...

Eagle flew out and back in FLA.

NillaWafer said...

I have just sent a e-mail to our local news paper in Hagerstown , Md about the cam being on To:
Hello, Just a note to say the Bald Eagle nest in Shepherdstown, WV is up and running live 24/7 now. The 2 adult eagles named Liberty & Belle have been in the nest building and getting it ready for the season. Last year they sucessfully raised 3 eaglets we named Big Boy 1st born....Ms InBetween 2nd born and Lil Spunky the last born and they all grew and fledged, which is rare as usually the smallest doesnt survive. This is beautiful and new home page of NCTC which includes a blog link of which we have watched last season and became friends n family. Hope you enjoy as much as we have.... Thank You, The Eagle Momsters of NCTC , Nilla Attached is 2 pictures i took yesterday of both Liberty & Belle in the nest.

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Mines still stuck on 2:02 also

Steve Chase said...

The still cam is still stuck at 2:02, but the live video feed from wheeling is up and running.

CamsGrammy said...

I can not believe that the live feed is up. It is so nice to see one them moving for real. Hope we get to keep it up from now on.

CamsGrammy said...


NillaWafer said...

ok i has gone to 3:07

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

OH MY GOD, THE LIVE FEED IS UP!!! I am so excited. It is so wonderful to see our nest with everything moving and Liberty or Belle standing in it looking around. I can hardly type!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am really ready to cry now!! This is so gorgeous!

NillaWafer said...

i have refresh over n over mine is still stuck at 3:07 pm

CamsGrammy said...

:( Lost live feed !

CamsGrammy said...

Nillabean it is the live feed that is up. The still cam is the one that is stuck but now I think we have also lost the live feed too.

CamsGrammy said...

OMG what a beautiful sight both of them.

Anonymous said...

Sharon you have mail

NillaWafer said...

Ok your crying tears of joy and i am crying tears of sadness AS I HAVE TRYED TO OPEN LIVE CAM every way i can from home page and the link and the camera is stuck on 3:07 still!!! 9:36 launch of shuttle tonight if weather holds out.... will be a glorious sight for any of those who have not seen a night flight...

MITS said...

JO YOU HAVE MAIL and I'm not shouting:).

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Well i am SHOUTING!!! this is drivnf me crazy i cant get the cam to refresh and stuck on 3:07:15 pm Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhgrrrrrr

MITS said...

I'm not getting live-feed either:(:(:(. Nilla, still cam will not be working til tomorrow, I think that is what Steven said....relax we have the whole season ahead of us, don't want you blowing a gasket...lower that BP.

Anonymous said...

Well that was an exciting few minutes. Company had just left and I was about to take a nap when I saw New Thread and Steve's comment about the live cam running even though still 30 sec refresh was stuck. Got there in time to enjoy them a few quick secs. Hit Fraps but it didn't record it for me :-(.

I need a nap for tonight and I also want to watch for either cam now. Oh my what to do!!!

nilla settle down, neither cam is working at the moment but they BOTH will be...its just a few glitches still getting worked through

NillaWafer said...

Ok someone please send me the real player free d/l page.. i uninstalled mine thinking i needed to upgrade or something and put it in google and cant find the free d/l Ohhhhh look at the news really snowing up near Cumberland and Savage mt on rt68 going towards Morgantown

MITS said...

Nilla, thought I had sent it to you??????

Steve Chase said...

Yup, live feed is back down. I expect we'll have a lot of these ups and downs for a bit yet. Our folks working on this are also supporting 200 staff people and their day to day computer needs...

MITS said...

Thanks, for the update, Steven

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Check out the Jeffersoncam and you can see what a mess Bluefield is right now.

Anonymous said...

Steve, this bunch of momsters/bloggers do know how to show our patience..We're behind you 100%.
I was hoping that at the end of last season when you mentioned that a new staff person for the cam operations was coming on that he/she was ours alone. I know, I was dreaming.
We'll "get r done" and be up & running very soon .. Yesterday & today just shows you how spoiled we are about having our Liberty & Belle eagle fix!
Just keep us updated as you have been doing.

Anonymous said...

Looks pretty since I am not there....
You going out this evening? Be careful.

MITS said...

Yikes....look at that snow in Bluefield WVA. Might have to change the name to Whitefield???

MITS said...

Good lord its a traffic jam in Bluefield.

Anonymous said...

Will someone please tell me how did you get the "live feed" up??? Was it on the Realplayer?

Anonymous said...

I can't find my link for Bluefield either. First live feed where how to get to it. now the bluefield cam dang

NillaWafer said...

ok send me the Bluefield cam link as i cant find it..Dana will call you back soon going out to look if it is snowing here like Dana said its snowing at her house..


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If you go back to the main blog page, under links you will find "Video Feed Info". That will lead you to where you need to go.

Anonymous said...

Nilla & Dana you have email with the links.

Gotta go look at Buta Buta's video.
Thanks Nilla...I read the cub updates this morning & Mits said she probably had her exam today - seems to be every Thursday. I want to see also if has a video-their's are usually longer then Atlanta's...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the heads up on Buta Buta Nilla. That was so precious! I so love that little girl!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

AJC's video is always much better, longer and narrated compared to Zoo Atlanta's.

MITS said...

Oh, now I see where it is...DANA, JO AND NILLA you have mail...SHARON,my address for Bluefield is a little different from yours, its the one I have had in my favorites for a long time.

NillaWafer said...

I know Sharon we need to figure out away to get our hands on did you see her little tongue and teeth?? Adorable i checked on the bad boy and he is asleep up in the corner Mei is asleep stretched out on the floor ...Going to check the mail BRB

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, there is one with a bigger screen and one with a smaller screen.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

I remember that Sharon, one day mine just automatically changed to the big cam....look at that snow blow........

Anonymous said...

I also was noticing her little tongue!

Anonymous said...

Mits - Nilla: Which Panda is on Cam 1

NillaWafer said...

Looks like Tai up in the corner to me.. whatcha think Thelma?

Anonymous said...

I agree the corner panda is Tai.... But who is it under the shelf or something on Cam 1?

Anonymous said...

They just changed the shot on Cam 1..

MITS said...

Missed it...

MITS said...

17° in Bluefield, WVA.

Anonymous said...


I was out of the office this afternoon when Steve put up the new thread and said the "live feed is up". He was like "Hello, the live feed is up".....and everyone was like "no, my cam is still stuck" and he is like "Hello, the live feed is up"....go back and re-read it all....

S000, did everyone find the link ok for the live feed on the blog page? Nilla, there is also a download there for real player...

NillaWafer said... Ok i found this contest in a local news paper for pictures and a light bulb went on inside my head ... WE CAN send a good picture of the eagles and maybe win a 500.00 cash prize.. Who knows stranger things have happened and they are beautiful and all our pictures are ... Whacha think am i nuts??? Oh by the way the contest is pput on by The Smithsionian..

NillaWafer said...

Yeah Paula i finally got real player d/l thanks.... Getting bak to the contest there is no entry fee its free heck and the money can go to the camera because of course we would win....

NillaWafer said...

I am setting here laughing because when Thelma reads that message she is thinking yeah Louise the lights on but nobodies home... lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes Mits and the wind is whipping. It is just bitter here. At the moment I have only one of my dogs on the bed but this is probably going to be a "4-Dog Night"! Mattie is not staying with me tonight so I will just have to hug up to my dogs to stay warm. Andrew is stuck at his friends house because the roads are so icy.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think the contest is a wonderful idea, Nilla!

Anonymous said...

Go for the contest, Nilla.

Anonymous said...

Good luck picking one of the photos, Nilla. Like you said - they're all
good. Is it limiting the subject matter any?

Anonymous said...

BTW, I posted 2 pictures on my blog today, it shows the nest back in July and is really neat, you can see a BIG difference in the nest.

NillaWafer said...

The contest subject matter is Americana..... The Natural World... meaning animals and that caught my attention... and afew others. You do not need to be aprofessional photographer to send it is open to amateur pics... The winning photo's will be published in Smithsionian Magazine and the web site in 2007... So snap all those pictures of Liberty N Belle and we just might bring home the M-O-N-E-Y

NillaWafer said...

Think about any of the last years pictures and maybe we have one that i can send... This picture has to be the best of our eagles..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My personal favorite is the one where all three little gray babies were looking up at Belle (who was at about 12 o'clock) and she was feeding them. I have always thought that was the sweetest, they were so trusting of their Mommy and Daddy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Show me the M-O-N-E-Y !!

Anonymous said...

Got More SNOW Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Dana i just called you on cell phone at least i think i did .. i dialed didnt have glasses on so maybe it was not your

NillaWafer said...

Dana i am watching PP and its only 3:52am and day light? Must be a video antelopes are eating at that tree.. No Fatty

Anonymous said...

Nope wasn't my number gal

Refreshing PP not fatty lol

NillaWafer said...

Ok so lets put our heads together and pick what we think is the best and also wait afew days for when the new cam comes up and maybe get a great picture of Liberty & Belle in the nest.. not to say they arent all great to us.

Anonymous said...

Is it still snowing, Sharon?

Anonymous said...

That's a thought Nilla. Maybe a picture to enter from this season.

Anonymous said...

Paula has anything come of putting the eaglet merchandice in stores, nctc shop or anywhere?

NillaWafer said...

It has come to my attention about the Christmas Dinner planned for Dec16th at 6pm at the Clarion is not a very good time for many who would like to attend. Many do not like to drive at night myself included, so can we make it a afternoon lunch instead, so many who are traveling a distanse dont need to travel late at night? And this being the Christmas season the Clarion is a very busy place for dinner and reservations maybe required but for lunch i would not think so.. Just some thoughts to make it convenient for everyone..Maybe Steven could attend the lunch?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I just looked outside and it does not appear to be snowing. It is 15° and windchill is supposed to be -5 to -15° tonight. I am so grateful for a warm home!

NillaWafer said...

Sharon have you came up with aplan as to how we are going to get our hands on Buta Buta and bring her home??? I am laughing looking at the panda Belle got me 1st time i was in hospitol Buta is bigger than this one now.

Anonymous said...

No, Dana, I haven't had any luck yet. Steve was checking on the NCTC shop, but I guess it's either a "no" or he still hasn't received an answer. Sandra has checked several shops in Shepherdstown, but no luck yet. I am going to try several others.

Send an email through the momsters group and post a new time that people wish to attend! Also, put the time that everyone wants on here also. Or just send it off the email I sent earlier....

NillaWafer said...

Oh we need to send prayers as i heard on the news a tornado hit over in UK outside of London i hope our girls are ok... very strange weather lots of damage

Anonymous said...

A thought on lunch at the may want to find out what menu they are serving at lunch...

Anonymous said...

Going to watch ER

NillaWafer said...

Ok Paula was thinking around 1pm thats enough time for eating and yacking and getting home before really late & dark for those traveling mountain roads n high traffic areas... But everyone must agree...

Anonymous said...

It would be better for me if you have it around 1:00. When Jennifer & I went for lunch this fall they had a full menu I think it needs to be checked out. Sandra may be able to do that for us if the 1:00 hr is good for her.

Anonymous said...

The 2 ducks on Wavelit make more noise then a flock of geese.

Anonymous said...

Are there any lurkers out there in eagleland or has my blog froze up?
I was just over on the Film Loop & today's pics are great.

Just about ready to call it a night - but don't know who to tell it to....
Yoo Hoo !

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Mema Jo

Anonymous said...

Good Night Vicky - Stay warm. We did have a dusting of snow & single digit temps.

NillaWafer said...

I was watching that new show called "Men In Trees" and its really good ... Jo i am hoping that time is good for all and i dont think the menu is aproblem for lunch. I went to their web site but didnt have the menu for Rumsey Tavern.. But will check it out if Sandra cant..

NillaWafer said...

Snowing here to and the plows been passing by... I have heat on 72 and cant seem to get warm guess its time for my flannel long johns

Anonymous said...

Sounds good, Nilla.

Anonymous said...

I have a throw over my shoulders as I did go ahead and dress for bed. My cats don't even want to stick their noses out the door.

Anonymous said...

Well there are 2 ducks at PPond and small birds at the waterhole.. Things aren't very active in Africa tonight.

Going to call it a day & hope for the cam to be up tomorrow full speed ahead

Good Night All
Sweet Dreams & Stay Warm

Good Morning, Suzanne. Hope you didn't hit any icy stretches this morning.

NillaWafer said...

I wish i could go back and take along hot bath and soak but cant get my heart cath surgery site wet yet... I did take a shower earlier... My daughter is very ill with what seems to be the flu i told her i would open the store in the morning if she needs me to , will know more in the AM , hope she feels better.

NillaWafer said...

Niters Jo, i am heading out for the night also Letterman is coming on soon and Leno i switch back n forth like them both.. Nighters hope the cam is up tomarrow and the nest has 2 eagles in Nite

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrrrr..Baby it's cold outside..What a cold, blustery morning. Dusting of snow on the ground here. Good morning, Suzanne!Doing some early am Christmas shopping, just found video accessory for daughter I couldn't get in the store Weds., ordered it and it will arrive in time.YEA!

Anonymous said...

I hate having to sign into this blog before commenting.grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Good Morning Suzanne and is very cold here 19 degrees. Snow still laying around..very windy so I'm sure it feels colder than 19.

Suzanne glad your drive in was good. Hope you can make the lunch. I think they are going for 1pm Sat. Dec 16 (Jo this time I didn't write Nov. lol)

Megan I hope your able to stay warm. I think of you often in that cold. Megan will you be able to go to the lunch?

Anonymous said...

Morning, Dana. Hard staying warm sometimes, but I was smart and cut up a lot of greens yesterday so I don't have to do it this morning. Have to make another delivery today though, and hang a garland outside on someone's stair railing.Suzanne, I also love shopping online. The item I ordered this morning ships free, can't argue with that. I love the holidays, but worked retail for years and boy people really forget about their Xmas spirit when they are shopping sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Working Saturday til noon selling wreaths, might be able to make lunch at 1, depends on what I get made today. Figure this is my last really good weekend for selling wreaths, want to have as many made to sell as I can.

Anonymous said...

OOOhhh- don't even get me started on credit cards, still paying down one that I had to use to buy 2 appliances(OUCH!) smart me ,I am using my check card so it comes out of my checking acct, not gonna charge a bunch of stuff I don't have the money for.

MITS said...

Good Friday Morning Snow and wind in Maine, Eagle still sitting down in FLA, looks like it is go for a launch in the nest, not with the shuttle. Hope everyone has a peaceful Friday. I'm way behind in doing things:):) too much eagle watching..zoo day today and I'm not prepared yet,so off to do some homework....

MITS said...

What luck just looked in on Maine just in time to see eagle bring in pine all the sound effects from this cam.

MITS said...

She just flew off, you can hear her, singing, and, her wings flapping as she takes off....amazing.

MITS said...

Dad just brought Mom something to eat in FLA....

MITS said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...