Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday 18 Oct part 2

The blog is now unblocked. Thanks to the NCTC ITR folks for dealing with the powers that be so quickly, and thanks for the support you folks have given this site.


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wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning :) Doreen across the pond in UK. Getting ready to read your comments. I am not sure if others are having a problem getting in; that is questionable ):.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the New Thread for and the extreme hard work you put into this blog for us.
I am thankful for the decision that was made. Humble may be more the feeling. Thank YOU...and those that realized the impact the blog makes. Thank you Steven for deleting Annoy. Can hardly wait for Oct. 21st to happen and share and meet more of the Eaglet_Momsters group. See what NCTC is like from the inside and meet and greet you all.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Suzanne I hope the others make it in too.
I am getting so excited about NCTC Saturday. :) I need to call them to see if there is handicap parking. Hard for me to get up and down the steps of bus. If that is all there is then me body then is in hands of the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS.

Bet it was foggy coming in for you?

glo said...

Wow, thanks for the 2nd thread today, Steven! Also thanks so much to your IT staff for unblocking the blog! Thanks to the entire NCTC staff for all their hard work on maintaining the cams, and maintaining this blog! We ALL appreciate it

Not really lazy BUT this has said it all so well. I too am just very grateful and humbled that someone listened and granted this BLOG it is so much a positive influence on so very many!!!

wvgal_dana said...

hee hee Doreen remember that wax that was all over your car. Well you are # 1 on this thread lol. Here comes a bucket load from USA to UK.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok starting to check the cams

Maine is empty for now windy and water makes me feel like I need a fireplace to sit by.

Blackwater nothing in nest when I was there.

Frodocam dark can see falcon chicks sleeping.

CT osprey cam no seagull or kingfish yet.

Going to check out other cams. :)

Steve Chase said...

We have handicapped parking right up front. No worries.

wvgal_dana said...

Glad the drive to work changed for you Suzanne and got out of that fog.

Hi morning Glo...I getting more excited about seeing you at NCTC.
Girls don't expect too much I can't do a thing with my hair LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Morning All! Glsd to have a blog today!

Thanks, NCTC folks!

Just Vicky said...


Mema Jo said...

May I add my humble Thank You, Steve. You wil always have our support. I actually was terrified at the thought of losing this blog. See you on Saturday

Good Morning All

Just Vicky said...

No one in Danville Illinois ever heard of NCTC till I found the eagle cam and blog! That's just one example of how far reaching this blog and NCTC has gone! If that isn't good publicity then I'm an monkey's uncle!

Just Vicky said...

Sure hope Steven doesn't mind hugs Saturday!!

paula eagleholic said...

Got the order! Thanks! Could use your help at the table, I just sent out an email about it.

Mauley said...

Steve, How can we ever thank you. God Bless You today. We love you. donna

Mema Jo said...

I'll return this afternoon - appointments to keep!

Mauley said...

Who will hug Steve for me on Saturday. I could pay a little something if necessary???? Any volunteers. Mauley can't be there, but working on a trip in the future. Any takers?????? donna

movin said...



Mauley said...

Dear Eagle Family, Let us all encourage Rene to join in with us. She has been reading the blog and never joined in. Rene, come on in the water is warm and welcoming. We want you, too. Welcome Rene. donna

glo said...

OK Rene we're here and all celebrating our Unblocked bLOG. This BLOG is Home to many of us as far as eagles are concerned. I think you might spend as much time here is several of us do, so why not pull up a chair and say hello...we want to hear from you too, we really do.

Donna I sent you an email a couple of days ago...did you see it? Saw where you are busy with grades etc. Kind of needing an answer though. OK Thanks

MITS said...


glo said...

Mits I see that...not a bad dancer at all!! LOL

MITS said...

Thanks, GLO

MITS said...

The little bird is back at CT.

MITS said...

The kingfisher, could not remember its name, than my 2 brain-cells kicked in:):)

MITS said...

2 EAGLES OUT AT KENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...


MITS said...

SUZ,Hope you are watching.

MITS said...

She is moving the sticks around.

MITS said...

All gone, fast visit, they will be back.

NillaWafer said...

Prances in the room with and hands in the air sayin CAN I GET A AMEN?? let me hear a halleelouyaaaaaaa then a YipeeeeeeKiiiiOOOOOO ... WIGGLES HIPS N TAPPIN TOES is free free at last!!!!! Now for more news i am sick with a bad bad sore throat and swollen glan's (SP) so going saturday is up in the air for now. Plus news that stepmother is passing out and few other things family is waitng on her surgeon to call. New camera site for anyone interested you can get to it on Petes Pond site.. The Polar Bears in Churchhill, Manitboa Canada check it out... Ok checking few ams n heading back t bed... Oh Rene come out come out where ever you are girl and join us!!! Hugs, Nilla

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning all in Eagleland!! I truly had faith that our blog would not go away. There is way too much good happening on here for anything bad like that to happen. God takes care of us! I am off today but have to start on some OT.

wvgal_dana said...

A get well FASTTTTTTT to Nilla so I can enjoy her joking at NCTC. Need a ride we'll get ya gal.

Wow I rode with Nilla this morning in the cam she is talking to you all about. I got sea sick !! really ): I have to say the ride in one of those buggies is great.

Look at the things I/we get to do and enjoy and see with these cams. Places I/we couldn't get to because of health, money or work, etc. I am happy :) to say I am a cam watcher.

Now Rene you did step one gal you emailed some of us. Now just go to step 3 (step 2 is registering as a blogger) use other and type these words:
Hi this is Rene

We will take it from there ok :) I am praying you will join us in here.

I have to go eat but I will be checking for you Rene. :)

I got Buta Buta on my screen hee hee

MITS said...

AMEN!!!!! SISTER LOUISE!!!Praise the LORD and pass the gatorade you thought I was going to say whiskey..didn't you? :):):):)

wvgal_dana said...

hee hee Buta Buta has her tiny feet in mommies face and she is laying there for all to see. Lun Lun arm is around Buta Buta loosely ahhhhhh

NillaWafer said...

Sista Thelma did ya get to watch Ole Fatty? Thats 1 big croc huh and its hiding in Petes pond. Yes Dana and i were talking on the phone as i called her so she could hear my manly voice with this sore throat. So we just surfed and i took her to Polar Bear site watching your riding along with people who payed thousands of dollars to see them only we do it from the comfort of our homes lollll So i really need to try and lay down as i was in bed yesterday most of the day also. BBL

Mauley said...

Glo, forgive me for such a slow response. The answer is Yes, just email me at work. donna

Mauley said...

Nilla, it is such a joy to see you blogging. Get well soon. I pray for you daily. We CAN'T DO without you on here. Just ask everyone and they will tell you the same. donna

glo said...

Donna Ok Bless you!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Nilla for the ride in the buggie to see the Polar Bears.
ooopps sorry I got sick

Nilla does sound like she could use wax to take the hair off with that manly voice (hoarse)

Buta Buta is on her back and wiggling I can't get her can someone else tys

wvgal_dana said...

lol she rolled over herself

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone. Thank you so much for your warm invitation to join in the fun. Been with you since March. What an addictive experiance- watching the miracles of nature. I've almost spoken several times but, I'm kinda shy. But, I've prayed for baby Maggie, and Nilla. So, I sort of feel like you are part of my family. God Bless, Rene

glo said...

Rene You are definitely already one of us. if you know us since March and love our Maggie too Mits is a sharing kind of grandma LOL..So glad you said Hi. ((((Rene)))

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Rene!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to have you aboard!

MITS said...

YEAAAAAAA!!, RENE is here everyone! WELCOME RENE!! Thank you for your prayers for my MAGGIE.She is a special needs child and will always need our love and prayers. GOD BLESS YOU!

wvgal_dana said...

I told you Rene I would be checking back in to see if you said something... hee hee clapping hands YOU DID.

Happy to see you Rene so glad you came in to visit. Wow been with us since March. Way to go gal.
So you was with us and the eaglets then. Alright :)

wvgal_dana said...

I am cracking up here at Lun Lun there is more of Buta Buta for her to wash now. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Rene what cams to you get to watch?

glo said...

What a good mama Lun Lun is...she is getting her all cleaned up and doesn't sem to be standing her on her head as much either LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Rene, welcome to our humble abode!! So glad you took the leap!! I remember I was scared to put anything on the blog in the beginning but have I outgrown that! :):):) Glad you are here!!

Bird Girl said...

rene welcome to the Eaglet Momsters (and Dadsters)! if you have any critter questions, i'd be happy to (try to) answer them for you -- fins, fur, feathers, scales or shells, you name it! I can find the answer to just about anything if I don't already know it... unless you ask me where my shoes are! HAHA!!!

doreen how's little Beth?? I was wondering if you like to read, Doreen, and what type?

steve thanks to whomever is responsible for keeping this blog alive! we would have found a way to continue, of course, if you were not allowed to... but it's nice to see that we've made a positive impact with our support and devotion!

everyone under the weather today, headache the size of Montana, just wanted to check in to see how all of you are... Oh, and I have some Frap stills and movies of Africam and Pete's Pond, soon as I get them edited I'll post on group site...

take care everyone! have a great time at the open house this weekend, those of you who are going... wish I could be there!

Bird Girl

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Rene even knows Buta's name. I am so proud. She really has been keeping a close watch on us, huh? Wouldn't you just love to know who else is out there lurking? COME ON IN. IT IS A BLAST IN HERE!!!

Buta is trying so hard to walk. Wish they would move in closer, though!

glo said...

Well I think Buta Buta's little fat tummy is aobut the only thing keeping her from scurrying along. Won't be long now.

Anonymous said...

This is Mama Kat with an update on the 5 kittens - Please don't confuse me with anon - I can't remember my password so I can't log in!

They have been with us 6 weeks now, and are doing great! They have been weaned and are eating "mush" now and learning to chew up the crunchy food! It is interesting to watch them learn to eat and drink on their own!

It has been a true blessing to nurture these little souls and watch them grow into full-fledged kittens, very playful, very curious and always finding something new to get into.

Hubby saw a bald eagle yesterday fly over the job site where these kittens were born - nearly wrecked his truck watching him! It has been so rainy here that the river is high so I guess he was hunting for a nice land lunch instead of fish! He spots them quite often - some people have all the luck!

I read the previous blogs - and must comment about the dryer incident -

We pull ours out from the wall - at least 2 times a year - throw the breaker off first!!! Then we vaccum every square inch of it inside and out - don't forget the vent hose - screws come off the back very easy - you will be amazed at the amount of lint that collects where you can't see it!

We had renters living next door to us a few years ago and the house caught fire from a lint-laden dryer - their two year old twins died in the fire - please please please take this seriously -it could save your life or the life of someone you love.

I know it may be hard for some of you to pull out your dryer - hire some one if you have to but do not ignore your dryer - and never ever leave it running while you are gone or asleep!

Things sure hop around here, now that the kittens are older I might have a life again and be able to check in more than once a week!

Have a great day everyone -

PS - I don't know how I will be able to give these kittens away - but I am building myself up for it! It is kind of like watching the eagles leave the nest - you don't want them to go, but you want them to go - it is hard being a mom sometimes! Time to go snuggle with kittens!

Mama Kat

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, the panda timeline says pandas start walking between 3 and 4 months.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mama Kat, glad the kittens are doing so well. Your hard work has definitely paid off!

glo said...

My dryer My neighbor put this metal pipe on there that is NOT easy to take off and I do infact think that lint is very possible clogging that up. No i can't move it myself to even try to cleanit. he will be furious with me if I put the other kind of tubing ont here as he is the one that took that off and did this pipe thing. I want to go buy a fire proof flextube thing before the dryer people get here and see if they will put that on for me. PROBLEM my neighbor wants to be here whent he man comes... Oh I don't think I can keep my neighbor happy and feel safe about the tube too.

.Anon It could be something else but my gut says you are right one. MTBR

glo said...

3 to 4 months well shoot we are only aobut half way there then... I had her crawling into our laos any day now.

wvgal_dana said...

Mama Kat just wanted to let you know you don't have to use that Anonymous if you don't want to you can use other glad kitty's are doing well.

Rene have a good day at work hope to talk again soon. So glad you came in. It added such delight to the blog. (smiles)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dana - feel like a bad guy if I use anon - was afraid to use - Glo apparently thinks bad things of me - what does MTBR mean anyway?

Also - regarding dryer - I am talking about electric dryer - not gas - I am scared to death of gas appliances and do not use or own any - please get advice from someone else on that - they seem more dangerous to me

Mama Kat

glo said...

It has been a good morning ont he BLOG han't it. Its like we have all been given and returned a HUG or two or more LOL

glo said...

mama kat Why would you think I think bad of you. I think you are right on, and i need to figure out how to handle the situation whent he dryer man tells me its that silly pipe. MTBR means More To be revealed fri when the dryer man and my neighbor are both in my basement looking at my dryer.

glo said...

Oh is an elctric dryer

glo said...
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glo said...

Meant to ask earlier but what does ITR stand for?. Where Steve said NCTC ITR for dealing so quicly etc.. Just wondering who or what ITR is.

glo said...

Doreen Glad to hear Beth is feeling better. it is awful when they are sick and even more so when it could be something really serious to deal with. Good news on your side of the pond for Beth!!!

NillaWafer said...

Tryed resting but phone call woke me up. Well they took my stepmother out to Robinwood Drs office and from there called an ambulance and put her in hospitol again. This is the 4th time now. ReneLouise welcome now listen up i am Janet Louise and i have have a daughter Melissa Renee' Oh and i am partner in crime with Mit aka Thelma but you should know that. lol Anyways question just how can you be here all that time and not blog with us??? I know i could not keep my fingers from hitting the key board. lol Oh and thanks for the prayers when i was ill (((((RENEE))))) (((((((((((( BIG GROUP HUG)))))))))) Now i am going back to bed BBL

glo said...

It is turning cold and rainy here today, infact the dogs and I are a little soggy now. Going ot be mixed rain and snow again tonight...way too ealry for this LOL. Lun Lun and Buta buta are snuggled up so cute together...looks very comfy cozy!

glo said...

Nillaget well really quick...The Honor of Your Presence is requested at NCTC Open House. You will be very needed for the Group Phot(s) I am sure so many going will be taking for the rest of us!!

NillaWafer said...

Doreen be sure and visit the Polar Bear site. When Dana and i were visiting it was snowing and you could see it. Thanks Glo Bug i know my throat is so swollen and i am hoarse really hurts to swollow. Just drinking warm liquids for now. I can go to visit hospitol same i dont want to go to NCTC and make everyone else sick. We get together like that alot of huggin goin on.

NillaWafer said...

OPPS I CANT GO TO HOSPITOL.. redhead moment

glo said...

Oh Nilla just put a sack over your head LOL

OK never mind I am silly today

wvgal_dana said...

Guessing here on first part

It maybe Interior Training a guess

wvgal_dana said...

We could all play dr's that day and wear a mask over our mouths Nilla lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, google says ITR is Information Technology Research!

Doreen, in October we fall back an hour and in the spring, we spring forward an hour!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, I am sniffling with you dear. I can't be there either and I live in West Virginia. Our last band competition is Saturday.

NillaWafer said... ok there it is i checked right now its off line but they ares howing a wonderful video of what you see. Now going back to bed , and i thought about the mask Dana and Glo Bug a story about wearin abag but wont go there LMBO wink

Just Vicky said...

Surely Nilla won't be contagious by Saturday!

Just Vicky said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, you've got mail!

NillaWafer said...

cam/index.html Doreen this is at the end of that url

glo said...

I'm sniffin too Save your maoney for a Spring trip when the eagles are htere with their chicks. yep I am counting on chicks before they hatch getting my plans underway for that one. Liberty and Belle and family are a little bit more in charge of the timing though LOL

wvgal_dana said...

What IRT means. We all know what NCTC stands for. IRT is a division solely for the purpose of computer and technology etc. It stand for INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY REGISTRAR. For which we OWE A DEBT OF GRADIATUDE TO for this blog.
Where you know me from the (sorry Ms.) horses mouth.


wvgal_dana said...

Niters Doreen

glo said...

Ok Thanks Dana and Sharon Yes I too am grateful that they responded positively. If you meet someone from there on Sat. besure to let them know how much we appreciate their swift and positive response.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I had 2/3 right on ITR.

Doreen, I am doing okay. Off today, supposed to be doing overtime but getting ready to take a nap instead!

wvgal_dana said...

You was close Sharon but that only counts in horseshoes kidding

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, you've got more mail! That is Andrew on my blog picture but I sent you a couple more.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am taking a nap now!

glo said...

Well some of us talk in our sleep Sharon obviously bLOGS in her sleep Now why does that NOT surprise me...I think I need a nap LOL

wvgal_dana said...

I'm folding clothes and watching Buta Buta

maybe I'll get a nap later

glo said...

Hi LuLu I think I need to go explore that sight next. I am needing more cams to watch!!! LOL Dana You have mail.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh LuLu that ride Nilla took me on this morning in one of those buggies. I seen Polar bears and it's crazy but I actually got seasick..... really
That is a neat site for everyone to go to and get in a buggie and ride of course it is better with Nilla on the other end of the phone cracking you up.

Ok did too much ... need nap like Buta Buta nappy nappy

Bird Girl said...

doreen Here in Arizona, we don't observe Daylight Savings Time (changing the clocks). Part of Indiana, not sure which part, also does not change the clocks. DST was initially instituted to allow farmers more daylight in which to work, but Arizona is light enough to work later than more northern states. In fact, in the summer, it can still be somewhat light out at 9 or 10 pm! Part of it is light pollution, though, and when it's cloudy, all that light reflects off the clouds, making it even brighter out.

What amazes me the most still, even after being here for ten years now, is that it can be over 90 degrees F at 2 am! Whew!!! Now, a big part of that is the heat stored and released by all the concrete and asphalt paving and concrete block buildings. Still, it's an odd thing.

Oh, and it was I who asked about Beth; I'm so glad she's doing better. It's so scary being that little and having to be poked and prodded. When I was 3 or 4, I had strep throat, and they gave me penicillin; that is when they found out I was (am) allergic to it, so it was scary for me!

To those going to the open house: I had an idea (this is the point at which Hubby says, "Uh-oh")... Since we can't all be there at the Open House, how about you gals that are going print a headshot of each of us that won't be there, and you can all hold up a different person's picture when you take the group photo? That way, we can all be there without all being there!! What do you all think???

Gotta go lay down, headache coming back... Check in later on if I can!

Bird Girl

MITS said...


Just Vicky said...

Hellooooooooo, I was here again! Seems everyone is napping!

Just Vicky said...

May as

Just Vicky said...

well take wax

glo said...

Birdgirl I love your wouldn't that be fun!!!

Visited kent but no eagle right now I'll be watching though

glo said...

Hi Vicky yep I was napping but i'm up...good job on the wax!!!

Just Vicky said...

You'll notice wax only happens for me when I sneak in and everyone is napping!

glo said...

Well Vicky You got to have a plan, and if your plan works then i say run with it LOL

Just Vicky said...

Oh Glo, can only RUN in my dreams! Or in this case, with my fingers!

glo said...

OK Where is everyone. How long do you gals sleep LOL. Walk dogs and supper time here. Kent is quiet I haven't seen an eagle all day.

MITS said...

Hi, Glo, been working on my computer on and off today, been having problems with my comcast e-mails. I did see the eagles at Kent today, posted when I saw them.

glo said...

I saw that Mits i think I only missed by a few minutes. Have had it up ever since, but i'm kind of in and out of here too. maybe they are taking the day off from building etc LOL

MITS said...

They have another 3 hours of daylight, maybe they will stop by

Just Vicky said...

It seems some have gone into winter hibernation and forgot to get up!

glo said...

I think they are busy planning all their weekend fun....They will just fit you in Vicky Be preparedfpr a;most anything knowing this group LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Wax :( I missed it again

Just Vicky said...

Well Glo, what can I say? Seems you know these characters better than I!

Just Vicky said...

I just hope the "star" photographer is there all day!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I made it in and Tai is still up the tree. They have tried and tried to get him down. Still there.

glo said...

LOL Yes ,Vicky I hear you.

Just Vicky said...

See that Buta baby?? So precious and becoming a BIGGIE girl sleeping by herself!

glo said...

Hmmm dana . seems to be part of his nitely routine,,,I don't think he likes bedtime!!!and that bribe down with a treat and then NOT give it to him, wasn't too smart..he isn't gonna fall for that quite as quickly this time...

glo said...
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glo said...

so cute with her little feet sticking out like that!

MITS said...

Tai is finally inside sleeping on the ledge.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening All. Didn't expect to be gone all afternoon but......I was.
I see Mei eating and Tai on the ledge-Mei's bamboo hiting him in the face doesn't seem to matter.
ButaBall is really getting large - seems each day you can tell a difference in her size. Sorry to hear there wasn't too much eagle action at Kent today. I am anxious to get over to NCTC and see if anything is going on at the sycamore.

Mema Jo said...

LunLun having a hard time settling down. Did you see ButaBall's little tail twitch?

floralgirl said...

Hello everybody!!! Looks like the weather will be good for the Open house on Sat.

Mema Jo said...

By Golly! ButaBall sneezed!!!

Just Vicky said...

Well welcome back Mema Jo! Been a quiet place around here!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Megan. Looks like a delightful 60 degrees for the day.

glo said...

I can hardly wait til lots of you get over there to check out that tree too. I will be anxioulsy waiting for info on who what when where etc etc from eagle spottings that day LOL

Just Vicky said...

Mema Jo got Wax! Will we be picking up our wax Sat.??

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky! See you soon!

Just Vicky said...

Glo, I can call you on my cell phone and put it on speakphone Sat.!

Mema Jo said...

OK! I'll have it all bagged up for you on Sat to take back to IN for you and Glo to use in the Springtime!

Just Vicky said...

Yes, I'll be seeing YouAll soon!

Just Vicky said...

Bet Sharon's truck load will be bigger than us IL gals put together!

Mema Jo said...

Phone call to Glo on Sat is the best idea yet! That way I won't need to rush home to hit the Blog! Glo can be our roving reporter on the Blog! Good plan Vicky.

Which reminds me that I need to sent an email to Suzanne on directions through Sharpsburg........ Megan, you didn't already do that did you?

Just Vicky said...

Do you suppose I'll be the farthest away momster to show up?

Mema Jo said...

I would bet money on it!

Just Vicky said...

All I have to say is, that guard better not hassle me this time or I'll call Nilla!

glo said...

Vicky Oh my that would be so much fun.

You don't happen to have a picture phone do you LOL...No Not for the group.... I want a picture of the eagles or Todd LOL OK Ok The gorup would be great too. I'm sure those will be happening. Sounds ownderful and the weather is going to be great. Feel free to call, but not before like 10 or so our time as my kids usually call on sat so ya know i so look forward to hearing their voices and catching up on their week etc too.

glo said...

Now I have something fun to look forward to also. sure I'll do a play by play .you all know how well I type in a hurry right here on the BLOG and we will have it for posterity.. Cool

paula eagleholic said...

Are you coming on Saturday?

Mema Jo said...

Look at the close up of ButaBall.

Just Vicky said...

Ok, I don't figure we will arrive on the scene till around noonish their time, 11is ours! AND my weekends are free calls anyways so I'll ring you up and let you get in on it!

Just Vicky said...

Yes Paula, I'll be there Sat

glo said...

aww so cute Took a couple of Fraps I'll send them out

Mema Jo said...

UPDATE ON TWITCHING: BUTA BALL (She) is also exhibiting frequent involuntary muscle movement or twitching. Frequent twitching is common in young giant pandas.
Human Thoughts
She just looks as though a soft blanket over her in the absence of LunLun would make her feel secure -

glo said...

Time to do some dished and clean up in the kitchen a little which is actually a whole new thought for me LOL BBL

floralgirl said...

JO, I was giving some directions to Suzanne this morning on here,but then blog was acting up and I had to get out the door to work. Haven't eailed her yet though, trying to find her address. Vicky, can't believe you are coming, you will definitely win the award for farthest traveled.(of course the award will be made of wax)

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Vicky! I didn't know you were coming..see you Saturday!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula do you know what area the eaglet_momsters table will be set up at?

paula eagleholic said...

Just sent Suz email address to you.

paula eagleholic said...

Steve said it would be in the "Commons Area"

Just Vicky said...

So do we head to the Commons or the cafeteria? I'm thinking food!

Just Vicky said...

Like I said earlier, that guard better not hassle these out of state license plates again!

Mema Jo said...

Vicky Now, you know that guard was sooooooooooo sorry he didn't let you in the first time...... I thought he was going to get on his knees and beg me to go find you & get you back to the gate! That really was a funny time!

Just Vicky said...

FLoralgirl, I wouldn't expect any of our awards to be made of anything BUT the wax!

Just Vicky said...

Well it wasn't funny when he ran me off!! But yes, he did try to make amends! Of course, after Nilla stroked his arm!

Just Vicky said...

Has anyone heard if Belle is going to be coming?

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Paula. I haven't offered to help only casue I don't know what the schedule is yet, and it usually takes us the whole day to see all the activities we are interested in, and eat lunch in the BEAUTIFUL cafeteria. Sort of an annual event for our family for several years now. If I get any chance to help out I will. And I'll provide the cookies that may lure other helpers to the table.

Just Vicky said...

Don't know what I could do as far as being of help, but if you think you can use me, let me know!

Mema Jo said...

Go to the Home page of USFWS or NCTC and look for the CAMPUS MAP.
The Commons is located way over to the right at the 4 way stop (we go left to the sycamore tree). The campus grounds covers quite a lot of land.

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you Floral. I didn't really expect you to be able to help out, because I know that you are there with your family. The cookies would be wonderful! Thanks, Megan.

The table will be there all day...go eat first!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo, I'll check it out!

wvgal_dana said...

There are going to be buses running from the enter to the cafeteria and back to enter.

paula eagleholic said...

I sent out an email earlier, if you can help for an hour or so, I need to let Steve know by tomorrow so he can make up name tags. It would just be manning the table.

paula eagleholic said...

Or "womaning" I should say.

paula eagleholic said...

I have it on good authority that Belle is coming!

Just Vicky said...

OK found the Commons, but where is the cafeteria?

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I think I remembered you have handicap thingy that hangs from mirror if so you can tell the parkers and park at the entre.

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky I think to right on commons

Just Vicky said...

Ok Paula, I could take a shift, let me know which one!

floralgirl said...

Good news, Vicky the commons area is right by the cafeteria!

paula eagleholic said...

Did you find the cafeteria on the map? I wonder where all the activites will be held?

Just Vicky said...

HOw did you find the cafeteria?? They don't show it on the map do they???

Just Vicky said...


floralgirl said...

That bridge they show leads right to the building with the library and cafeteria in it.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, they have a Rachel Carson lodge

Just Vicky said...

Wow, sure is great to have a guide here Floralgirl! AND she bakes cookies!

paula eagleholic said...

The instructional east or the commons.

paula eagleholic said...

Got it Floral, didn't read back far enough

Mema Jo said...

I think that Megan is the expert as to where places are located due to her going to the event the past year or two. Cafe is not on the map, but Megan said commons area is right by the cafe.

I know Steve said: We have handicapped parking right up front. No worries.
I will take advantage of it if it isn't filled.

floralgirl said...

Okay ,the auditorium is the building you enter in to see the animal show and the exhibits they have, some of the outdoor raptor events may be past the guard gate on the road into NCTC in the fields there. Sometimes there is something in the labratory building to see, and the library and cafeteria are in the same building which is the one the bridge leads to. Past couple of years people had parrots in the library.

paula eagleholic said...


They have info on the open house, go to the community lecture section!

Back to reading...

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky when I called down today they said
(1) all buses will drop people off at the entry
(2) buses will pick people up at the entry and take to cafeteria and pick them up there and bring them back to the entry
And she said that the caferteria is to the right of the commons.

She also said that activities will be all over the building. Ramps and elevators to 2nd floors.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Paula I never would have seen that! The Talons, birds of prey show is not to be missed. The tunnel of Terror is wild!!

paula eagleholic said...

I checked there last week and it wasn't there, only saw the flyer on the homepage.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Vicky, I'll put your name on the list! Is anyone coming with you?

Is anyone coming with you?

Just Vicky said...

My husband is coming with me, he's a good sport, he will help if needed! Is there a time slot??

paula eagleholic said...

No, Vicky, I haven't done that yet because we don't know the time schedule of the events.

Vicky and Dana,
Can you email your husband's name at

floralgirl said...

The tunnel of terror is wild, you form two lines ,facing each other, put your arms up towards each other to form a "tunnel" and she has a bird fly right by you through the tunnel-it was a hawk or falcon I can't remember(CRS). It was really cool!!

NillaWafer said...

The Greatest Gift You Have Given Me

The greatest Gift you have given me is being my friends
Times maybe tough but on you i can depend
The warmth of a small hello felt so strong within the blog we know
Always here to lend a ear,make me laugh and share our tears
and you,

Mema Jo said...

Paula & Megan Check the email I sent to Suzanne with directions. I don't have her business address. If you do, please forward to that one also.
Paula Do you need to know that my daughter is coming with me? She would probably help me at the table. I will email you her name just in case...

paula eagleholic said...

That's pretty cool, Floral.

What a nice poem!

paula eagleholic said...

Got it Vicky, and send it Jo!

Just Vicky said...

Oh Nilla, that was wonderful! What a talented lady you are! AND IF I NEED YOUR HELP GETTING INTO THAT PLACE SAT. CAN I COUNT ON YOU TO COME AND STROKE A GUARD'S ARM???

Mema Jo said...

Hi Nilla How is your throat feeling this evening? Any word about your stepmother's condition?

NillaWafer said...

No need to say why i wrote that for everyone each of you know deep within your hearts what the daily arrival of mail has ment to me with get well cards and cards of friendship and the packages...Ya'll are amazing With sincere heartfelt love, Nilla

floralgirl said...

Soounds like good directions to me, JO.

floralgirl said...

Hello, Nillabean!!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Megan -- Paula sent to business email address. Want to go over to see NCTC page.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, where oh where is Dana?

Has anyone heard from Norma? I am beginnning to worry about her.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...