Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tuesday October 10

Fresh thread.


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Just Vicky said...

Woe first

Just Vicky said...


glo said...

LOL Congrats Vicky and I just picked up a can on the last thread oh say 5 min. ago LOL Packing it in tonight!!!

glo said...

How are you. read where your grand daughter got homesick on youl Also read about lots of tea parties too though. You did good. she'll be back!!! sooner than you know.

NillaWafer said...

Just a small note to thank everyone who has sent me nice cards.. As everyone has been on my mind alot lately and as i set here and eat a homemade apple dumpins i made today... Hope each is doing ok.. I am ok just dont get online alot any more.. Well need to finish up afew things here.. Nilla

Mema Jo said...

Nilla You have homemade apple dumplings! Yummie! Glad you liked the cards - hoped they helped you know we sure as h###l miss you around here.
Love you much

Mema Jo said...

I guess that new fresh thread came straight from New Mexico... Thanks, Steve. Hope your day went well.

Thanks, Vicky for the heads-up.

I will be back shortly - have to eat a late dinner................

glo said...

Nilla So great to see your name on here. Come in when you can. We're always up to something, but our spirits take a jump when you show up!!!! Just how it is!

Just Vicky said...

Yes, words from Nilla! How wonderful!

Just Vicky said...

Glo, to answer your question, I've been feeling down under! I think I've been hit with a bug of some sorts!

MITS said...

Good to hear from you,NILLABEAN

Mema Jo said...

Someone get in there and scoop up that little ButaButa or at least help her roll over............

Mema Jo said...

Well, ButaButa girl did it all by herself and in comfy on her belly. Love it when her little legs look like she is swimming.

Mema Jo said...

Need to take a break --- will return later this evening.

paula eagleholic said...

How cool is that. You are awesome, Steven. Thanks!

Just Vicky said...

No one here, must have run people out of the house!

Just Vicky said...

Nilla didn't offer us any dumplings! Thought we shared goodies around here????

floralgirl said...

Hello Mits, Jo, Glo, Paula, and Vicky !! Glad to hear from you Nillabean!!

Just Vicky said...

Hi Floralgirl! Seems just you and me here!

Just Vicky said...

Don't get this lonely too often, only when I come around! (just kidding!)

Just Vicky said...

Do you see that little cute Buta???
She's so precious!

floralgirl said...

No, Vicky, I only have dial up, too slow for many cams.

glo said...

Hi everyone. Yep Buta Buta is such a cutie. More cuddleable everyday!!!

Newsletters in your email tomorrow. That's it, don't want to sound like a broken record, just want you to find them and some weren't onearlier today on the other thread!

.Vicky. Sorry you are feeling well. I wasn't so good myself yesterday but do feel lots better today!!

glo said...

How are you feeling .floralgirl

glo said...

LOL OOPS Vicky Actually I am sorry you are not feeling well....and also sorry I don't type lots better and check what I typed before I send it. Too much llike work but it bites me back everytime LOL.

glo said...

And that was wax as you have all gone now

Bird Girl said...

Hey all... feeling poorly today... catch up with y'all later on...

Bird Girl

floralgirl said...

Doing better, Glo- thanks for asking. Awaiting the frost later this week, hoping it will help my allergies. Is your garage finally empty?

wvgal_dana said...

Well nice to see those that are here plus the lurkers.

I see Nilla stopped by.. darn she didn't stay.

I like the typos it make things look normal lol

Earlier today Buta Buta was on her back and rolled to her belly.. she is getting quite good at it.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, again, checking in, finally got my DSL activated after a month of problems, going to see how well it works.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, works better on Lun and Buta Ball

floralgirl said...

Hello, Dana and Birdgirl. Well, I am out of here for tonite, tired- 8 trips back to back thru the corn maze this morning, that's a lot of walking and my legs are killing me. Gotta rest now, blog at ya all later.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I want to know where Belle is?

Next, I have a theory. The way Lun Lun has Buta Buta sleeping on her head -- She is training Buta Buta for when she is a mommy, you know, they way Lun Lun sits on her head. Get her used to it early on.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am absolutely so amazed at how those little white furballs are looking just like falcons now. Mother Nature - she never ceases to amaze me!

Mema Jo said...

Back Again. I had mentioned early on the other thread that the Brisbane site has some new comments on the Forum and about 7 new videos. There is also a Tues update on Atlanta LunLun & Cub ... If you remember Lou's episode of bamboo - after reading the update, I decided she didn't use the right species of bamboo and forgot to eat the leaves.
Hope Doreen sees this tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, those chicklets have more feathers today than yesterday!

Mema Jo said...

Belle from all reports is ok, just extra, extra busy with school.
She sometimes comes on the Saturday threads.

I want to know Where Is Geula

Mema Jo said...

Forgot one other piece of info... There is a video of ButaButa's one month exam on the site........

Mema Jo said...

Well Bloggers - I may just close for the night... Probably stick my nose in once more around 11:00.

Good Night All

Suzanne, Good Morning and hope you have a PC today and also really hope you didn't stay home sick Tuesday due to being out in all that rainy weather.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was thinking about Geula earlier today. Maybe we should stop by for a visit! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Sure would be nice if they moved that Lun cam so you could see something besides Lun's butt!

paula eagleholic said...

Sure would be nice if they moved that Lun cam so you could see something besides Lun's butt!

paula eagleholic said...

Where is Mits when we need her?

paula eagleholic said...

Buta all alone

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai just got up moving around a little it. Moving kind of slow.

Buta Buta is by herself!

Two chicks on the Frodocam. Unbelievable!!

MT pond on Africam.

Just Vicky said...

Buta all alone!

Just Vicky said...

Suppose folks are lurking waiting for the wax!

Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...

for me

MITS said...

Here I come to save the day...ah...what am I needed for???

Just Vicky said...

That's all folks, been nice talking to myself! Have a good night! Keep warm!

Just Vicky said...

Mighty Mits was on the way!

MITS said...

More wax for Illinois!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Congrats Vicky!!

MITS said...

Dr. Mits here, any problems that I can help with??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta was just raring up on her front legs. She is so precious. Has the hiccoughs again!

Mei just came back on camera. I think it is Mei anyway.

Still an MT pond on Africam.

2 1/2 chicklets on the Frodocam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dr. Mits, seen any copulating bamboons lately?

Just Vicky said...

How is it that I beat Sharon?? That's a miracle! Dr. Mits, I think the temp has gone down on this blog? Seems to be sickly tonight! (referring to the emptyness of the house!)

Just Vicky said...

Guess the Bamboons got everyone captivated!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

MITS said...

ROFLMAO!! two and a half chicklets.

MITS said...

BW has a note that they know the cam has stopped and will check it in the morning...that's the bad news...the good news it is stuck on the pic of the eagle eating.

MITS said...

Not one copulating BAMBOON in days, SHARON

MITS said...


MITS said...

BTW...Glad your DSL is working, PAULA.

Bird Girl said...

just checking in folks...

By the way, Lou's got a lot of work ahead of her if she wants to find a type of bamboo that is suitable for her consumption -- there are at least TWO THOUSAND types of bamboo! A few have toxic compounds, so hopefully she'll stay away from those :-)

From Bird Girl's Brain: Pandas are, in actuality, carnivores. That's right -- MEAT EATERS. Unfortunately, over time, they became overspecialized eaters, deciding to eat bamboo leaves almost exclusively.

The shift from meat to plant was a result of long-term habitat loss leading to reduction in prey. The panda started eating what it could find, and got stuck on bamboo.

Because the panda stomach and G. I. tract was not designed to digest plant matter, and because bamboo is very fibrous with little nutritional value, the panda must eat over 40 pounds of bamboo leaves a day. FORTY POUNDS!!

In the wild, pandas will occasionally eat carrion, if the opportunity presents itself. In captivity, pandas are given well-rounded, balanced diets that include plants, fruits, and supplements.

The term "panda bear" is basically accurate, in that the giant panda is in the Ursidae family; however, it is unique within this family. Unlike most bears, giant pandas do not store fat for hibernation.

The red panda and the giant panda are not related, other than both being carnivores. This concludes this edition of From Bird Girl's Brain

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne and Doreen. Too early to be spellchecking much this morning! :):):) Suzanne, we were wondering where you were yesterday. Glad you are feeling better today.

Doreen, a 3-hour storm. That sounds like a whopper.

Watching Lun Lun roll around with Buta Buta this morning. I am waiting on the color version though.

There were 2 absolutely beautiful eagles at BW yesterday.

I hope everybody has a wonderful day. Remember, do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne, Doreen and Sharon..

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry about the oak trees Doreen. Where we lived before have a magnificent giant oak. Every year tremendous amount of acorns. Of course lots of squirrels too.
I always said if that tree ever goes it will be through the house and out the other side.

Suzanne sure hope you are felling better this morning.

Doreen tell Lou to watch what bamboo she taste since Birdgirl said some are toxic. I know you gals over there was just kidding around sounded like you all was having alot of fun.

wvgal_dana said...

Birdgirl I wonder if that is when the panda stopped mating in the wild? When that change happened from meat eaters to bamboo.

MITS said...


MITS said...

I saw that, DOREEN, lazy little lump. SUZANNE, I was watching the Bay Bridge cam that night, with all that was going on here at the beach, plus the nor'easter, crosswinds play havoc with the bridge. Hubby came down on Saturday morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun just dropped Buta on her head again. I wish she would be more careful with our baby girl!

MITS said...

Lun sounds like my sister when she dropped me on my head...and looked how I turned out.:):):)tee-hee.

glo said...

Good Morning all. Off to coffee with the West Virginian LOL. .Suzanne You have Yahoo mail

Anonymous said...

Morning All!! I am a newbee here this is my first day here.. I hope I didnt happen accross this site too late in the year? how can i navigate here and see the eagles on their nest cam etc? thanks for da help ..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Welcome Willie.

Doreen, thanks for your reports!!

MITS said...

BOOYAH, WILLIE, WELCOME! We watch a variety of cams, but are anxiously waiting for the eagles to return. Bethesda is approx. and hour and 15 minute drive from the Sheperdstown nest, if the traffic is flowing nicely.

MITS said...

DOREEN Another new talent for you Roving Reporter...thanks for the info.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Willie, you've got mail.

MITS said...

WILLIE Where are you living now???

MITS said...

Oh no, your back to the snow, WILLIE! Hope you like the computer, because the gals have given you plenty to look at...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So, Mits, I guess you don't remember if it hurt or not when your sister dropped you on your head, huh? My sister probably would have done that to me on purpose if she had thought about it. :):):)

glo said...

Hi Willie Welcome. You have managed to find the Best BLOG out there for eagle watching......and we happen to watch the most fantastic pair of eagles on the net as well. .I am serious here Our pair is awesome. They raised 3 beautiufl Young eagles, when the odds especially for number 3 were very very slim. You need to learn more aobut our eagles and you can do it all right here.


Of course you need to sign the Guestbook too lOL. We're all in there I think...well 99% and then some others from around the world. Go see our Wonderful eagle Family You will be well caught up and understand why we are so very excited for our Pair to return which in fact we have heard they are doing

glo said...

.Suzanne You have MORE VERY IMPORTANT MAIL....

And I forgot to say I am sorry you were sick and very glad you are feeling better.

MITS said...

SHARON, I STILL HAVE THE SCAR, RIGHT OVER MY EYE Thought about plastic surgery, but it is too deep and narly to fix it.ROFLMAO!!! She is really going to get me. Maybe she will come on?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Come on, Mits' sister, take the plunge and join us!!!

Poor Willie, he didn't know what he was doing asking us for links. WE GOT LINKS!!

glo said...

Mit's sister Surely there is more than one side to this story. Did you want to come on and tell us your side, cause there is no telling where this story will go without your input!!! Between mits sense of humor and our imagination almost anything could happen now!!! If I were you I would get myself in here quick!!! JMHO

MITS said...

SUZANNE I rode past there on my way to Lewes for lunch during the height of the storm and only saw a handful, as I was passing thru town. I've read they do not like the rain and would rather be curled up in a chair then go out in it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What dogs and where is Dewey Beach?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like there is a storm blowing into Maine!

MITS said...

We might not see WILLIE for days.

MITS said...

It was the GREYHOUND CONVENTION IN DEWEY BEACH, DELAWARE. Its about 30 minutes north of Ocean City. Love it when they wear their little rain gear.

MITS said...

Its been kinda dark and dreary at Maine all a.m. Much like the weather here.

glo said...

Nice deer on Africam

glo said...

Well Willie Will feel welcomed!!! LOL

.Suzanne. Did you see my note about MORE IMPORTANT email.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW

MITS said...

Yep, SUZANNE You are correct, thin skin, must have protection and every year in October they come to the beach. The convention ran thru Monday, but it was sooo nice I went to the beach myself.

MITS said...

Thanks, SUZ!

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome, Willie

Glad you are feeling better. Worn your Blackwater sweatshirt yet?

paula eagleholic said...

Something flapping in front of CT cam, looks like a strap from the cam or something.

paula eagleholic said...

Checked the Florida cam, not up yet.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta is trying so hard to get curled up in a ball. I want to hold her so bad!! Everybody needs to let me know when they will be available to come to Atlanta to get me out of jail. :):):)

glo said...

Sharon OK Here's the deal. You get 1 phone call. Just call anyone of us, and we'll get the info out to everyone very quickly ask Willie Then we'll be right there to bail you out WAX works ask Vicky and Paula

We all want to be there becuase we want the PUBLICITY for our eagles...and hey a nice cuddle time with Buta Buta would be worth it all. Will be waiting for the call!!!

glo said...

Suzanne Sent you 1 more email

paula eagleholic said...

Actually, thingy at CT nest looks like a branch!

paula eagleholic said...

So glad the kitties behaved for you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Willie, we just figured you were lost in the cams!

Glo, I just have Nilla and Jo's numbers so I may need to gather more before I head out. My luck would be they wouldn't answer their phones. :):):)

Really windy in Maine, tree is moving more than I have ever seen it!

glo said...

Willie We thought you were out in cyber cam space never to return til Nov. with all the links you suddenly found yourself receiving. We got the info and the links here. Once you visit them all you will know everything we know. Which will probably take all morning LOL but NOT til Nov. anyway. Didn't miss much. Most everyone on here in the morning is at work Believe it or not LOL. Blog has quieted some, the bOss's must have shown up!!!

glo said...

Sharon Well gal we got your number LOL We'll just call you LOL. Not too fear...you know we are all behind you !!!

glo said...

prescious of Lun Lun and buta Buta right now

glo said...


glo said...

Well they moved but was awfully cute. Think I got picture...Will send it around

glo said...

Opps another gREAT one go look at Lun Lun

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, since Willie has asked about wax twice, we probably need to tell him. Okay, Willie, we have gotten a little bored around here since our eagle cam went down. When we hit 50 we get a 1/2 can of wax and 100 is a whole can of wax. I will try to find the email to forward to you exactly what the wax means.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, Suzanne, I should have read the blog before I spent 20 minutes searching for the wax story! :)

Just Vicky said...

Oh Willie, Welcome! But don't ask about the "wax" story! We win either a 1/4 can 1/2 can 3/4 can or whole can on 100's # posting. So 125 will get 1/4 can, 150 gets 1/2 can, 175 gets 3/4 can and 200 will get a whole can! (Just pretend, not real!) But there is a story behind it that maybe someone will share with you!

glo said...

Good morning Vicky How are you feeling today?

MITS said...

WILLIE the panda is taking a nap, not dead.

MITS said...

I believe the panda you are watching is the lovely Mei Xiang, mom, to Tai Shan who was just roaming around the new yard at the National Zoo in DC. Pands sleep, eat and play.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Willie, if you go to the Atlanta Zoo pandacam, There is the lovely Lun Lun holding who we so affectionately call "Buta Buta" (panda cub who has yet to be officially named but I named her Buta Buta). Sweet pair.

MITS said...

WOOO! that tree is a swayin up in Maine, SHARON

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


paula eagleholic said...

That whooping crane migration is pretty neat. Amazing that they have to teach those birds, and then they follow a plane! Have you found the website on that? There is one out there, although I don't remember what it is at the moment.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits got the wax!! WAY TO GO MITS!! I tried but couldn't beat you to it! :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Mits beat ya to it, Sharon. Congrats, Mits!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, don't ya love it when it was only 8 seconds!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta is all alone, bless her heart!

MITS said...

Hmmm...got the 150 and 200..the gals in Illinois need another car, donating it to them.

Mema Jo said...

HELLO! By the time I got through all my emails (thank you everyone) and then tried to get comments read before blogging, it is now time for me to get ready for a 12:30 appointment. So very quickly: Newsletter was fantastic-- especially the last link!
WELCOME WILLIE! Thanks for placing info on you profile - Your a welcomed newcomer to the group - stick with us! Wish I could stay longer, but BBL

glo said...

Mema Jo Glad you liked the newletter. If you especially liked the last link it tells me it did what it was meant to do. I am so very GLAD to hear that!! I loved it each time I watched it and just thought need this to tie into the main subject this time of....well will let everyone else go see for themselves..

MITS said...

WILLIE The one that is sleeping is the MOM (MEI) and the one hiding behind the rock right now is the baby (TAI). The zoo has 2 panda cams.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Willie, Mits is our panda expert around here. She has been watching Tai since he was born.

MITS said...

Tai Shan is now sitting on a rock eating some leaves...Mei is still resting. Eating the amount of food (BAMBOO) that they require leaves them exhausted.

MITS said...

Well, it is nice that your are here...and thank you for your service to our country, WILLIE

MITS said...

Just a beautiful shot of Mei's face.

glo said...

Well gonna be gone for several hours. On my way to help out with a new facility that is opening soon. Still got some finishing touches and have been told to bring my tools. LOL yah right. I have a hammer, screwdriver and pliers. LOL

BLOG at ya later.

MITS said...

Beautiful sunsets at Pete's Pond and Africam.

MITS said...

See ya, SUZ

MITS said...

Sun is out in Maine...no eagle.

paula eagleholic said...

Adult eagle in Maine nest!

MITS said...

EAGLE UP IN MAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Off he went...so graceful!

MITS said...

DARN...gone that fast.

paula eagleholic said...

Kingfisher in CT, if you can see thru that stuff flapping around

MITS said...


MITS said...

Gone again, what a beautiful take-off.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Man she has a short attention span, I can relate to that.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Doreen, sure sign the eaglets from the last brood are gone, and she will be ready to mate soon!

Wouldn't it be cool to see that!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, there she is again~!

paula eagleholic said...

REally windy in Maine today!

MITS said...

ROFLMAO...DOREEN..I'm a friggin genius than....

paula eagleholic said...

Not much to actually see, Doreen. Just looks like one bird sitting ontop of another bird, usually pretty quick!

There she is again!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like they must stay there year round,,,water must not freeze over much. Ocean or bay water usually doesn't because of the ever constant wave action.

MITS said...

DOREEN, it's like wam..bam..thank you maam. Presto, and you have eggs.Sorta like humans.

paula eagleholic said...

And an Eagle at BW, and the Kingfisher is still in CT

paula eagleholic said...

I don't think these two have names. Have you seen any on their blog, Mits?

paula eagleholic said...

That was cool, off and a little bit of a soaring show.

So, Doreen, what is England's mascot?

MITS said...

She is really staying close to the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

My English girlfriend is from Eastbourne area. I think her Dad or Mom is from Polegate, or live there now. Anywhere near you?

paula eagleholic said...

Man, she is really working hard today, back again w/ more sticks!

paula eagleholic said...

She's fussing at something. Anyone else see the white thing fly by?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wow, this eagle or eagles? has really got my heart a-pumping!!!!!

MITS said...

I don't believe they have namesPAULA unless they have a blog and the regulars have named them...remember these are scientists and don't get attached like we do...but we could name them on our blog...how bout Maple and Leaf:)):) Silly Mits been dropped on her head, just like Buta.

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, you haven't read their blog yet? It's right on the site. I know the biologists haven't named them, but I couldn't remember if the people on the blog named them or not.

paula eagleholic said...

Sure is Doreen. I had posted that info on here awhile ago, but I don't think you ever saw it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is one busy eagle today!!!

MITS said...

Nope, haven't read any thing on that site for a long time, PAULA Just that it was going to be up all year.

MITS said...

Eagle still at BW

MITS said...

Guess he is still there because it is stuck again.

paula eagleholic said...

Raining at BW now, Eagle lookin a little wet!

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, not stuck Mits, he moved his head.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, what is a brolly?

paula eagleholic said...

I get lots of info off the web. Eagles normally live 15-20 years, but could be as long as 30 years

MITS said...

Not stuck now, but it was stuck on 14:01 for about 5 minutes.

paula eagleholic said...

Doreen, This is a pretty good site for eagle info.


paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Doreen, explanation on brolly please.

paula eagleholic said...

Brolly, makes sense!

paula eagleholic said...

Thought maybe you were talking brewskies!

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Mits, now stuck on 14:20:01. Must be the weather.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


paula eagleholic said...

Now it is OK

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, congrats on the wax. And, if it is information about a bird, you can bet your sweet bippy we are interested! :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

I have heard of those fish eagles, Doreen.

paula eagleholic said...

Doreen gets a brewskie for 300!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Brewskie is a beer!

paula eagleholic said...

Tide is VERY HIGH in CT..and I think my BW page is about to hit the skids....it won't refresh!

Mema Jo said...

Anyone there to go get Buta Buta???
She has mastered getting off her back onto her belly very well. She is so sweet!

Yes, I am back but will leave again in about 2 hours.... Pizza at Tony's in Greencastle... Didn't get the word out to Suzanne before she left!!! I
haven't read the comments since I left-will do now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, are you old enough for a brewskie?

paula eagleholic said...

Pass the brewskie to Doreen!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I could do some serious lovin' on Buta Buta. She just gives me that warm fuzzy feeling every time I look at her!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle still at BW!

paula eagleholic said...

This link might work better


paula eagleholic said...

They call it the white tailed eagle also.

MITS said...

Did someone mention BREWSKIES??? Count me in!!! Although I do like my gin and tonics and Pinot Grigio.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...