Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday 2 Oct.

New thread for a new week. Sorry about the delay, was away this weekend away from computers.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Dana for the heads up on the new thread. Thanks Steven for the new thread.

2nd of October. Wow, 3 years ago today I had my gastric bypass. Definitely a day to remember!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, Dana, how did I beat you here?

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the New Thread "May Your Day Be A Good One"

Hee hee Sharon I remember reading that you hadn't been get wax for awhile lol. So I just kept refreshing till I seen someone was on the thread.

Hay Sharon you got WAX !! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Dana!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow 3 years whew Contgrs Sharon on that Anniversary date !

Buta Buta ia all alone

Just Vicky said...

Wow, new thread! Thank you very much!

Has everyone read that article in our newsletter from Glo about Osceola?? VERY interesting! An eagle love story!

Well have a nice day everyone in eagle land! Some of us have to go to work!

wvgal_dana said...

Have A Nice Day Too Vicky

Well have to catch up on Newsletter later today...

Hee hee it was fun waiting to see who would be first...

Buta Buta she is getting so chubby and more pretty everyday.

wvgal_dana said...

BW empty right now

CT I have to laugh at my Seagull there lol

glo said...

Good morning all. Going to be 90 here today...So strange, I sat in my driveway and froze 2 days ago LOL.

Hope everyone has a good day. Glad you are enjoying the Osceola is a pretty neat story and a Beautiful Bird for sure!!!

And aof course 2 of our "Friends of Fine Feather" are also featured in there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I love the "friends of fine feathers" touch! :):):)

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Glo I will get to the newsletter later; fingers crossed I promise. Got an appt. got to get ready.

Suzanne on the other blog said they are having problems with electric at work today. So if she doesn't come back in that is why.
Lost all their work...terrible for them..hope their/her day gets BETTER.

glo said...

2 things for Sharon

Congrats on your special Anniversary today. I do have a lcue what you went through as i had a very good friend choose that back a few years. i sat with her for the first 2 days off and on with 2 other friends as she had no family support. I know the route she was on before the decision and the recovery from that surgery as well. Wishing you nothing but Health and Happiness as you continue on down the road of life.

Also thanks for the cute Buta Buta quick change pictures LOL. Not changing quite as quick as them chicks down under LOL but obviously LOTS of change over a few days. Can't wait til she starts being able to move aorund some etc.

Tine to do some work now.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all. Happy Monday! Thanks for the new thread, Steve. And yes, you are allowed a weekend off every once in a while!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, gastric bypass is the weight loss surgery. I lost about 175 pounds. Really grateful I had it done. Made my life so different!

MITS said...

Thanks, for the new thread, STEVEN Since I use my computer for fun things, I go bonkers when I am away from it. GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are in the new yard. Tai is up a willow tree. Tian was in Mei and Tai's old yard a little while ago. He is smaller than Mei and does not wiggle when he walks.

MITS said...

What state does Megan live in, anyone know???

paula eagleholic said...

Megan is in Boonsboro, MD. I believe.

MITS said...

Thanks, PAULA

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If you go to this link, you can see how the leaves are starting to change in Bluefield.

Or if you type in jeffersoncam in google, it will take you to the link.

MITS said...

Good Morning, NORMABYRD!!

MITS said...

I love SHARONS' SITE OF BLUEFIELD I think I'm starting to recognize the cars driving thru town.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Norma, you are the proud owner of 1/2 can of wax!

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, 1/4 can.

paula eagleholic said...

Busy little intersection there, Sharon! Pretty neat your town has a webcam.

MITS said...

White tail-deer at the African cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I laughed really hard when I first saw the "jeffersoncam". But, it is a pretty view. I just happened upon it one day when I was looking for some place to buy a keyboard. Andrew's best friend, John, drives a 48 Chrysler New Yorker and that cam is right on their way home from school so I see him pass by sometimes. He is Andrew's chauffeur for school! :):):)

MITS said...

OMG!!!! I think I have seen that car!!!

MITS said...

Elephants are doing there training session at the zoo.

MITS said...

BEWARE!!!!Its passed 11 and cam is starting to act up!!

MITS said...

OPS!! that should be "their" traing session..sorry, spell-binder.

MITS said...

Can't get the old fingers to spell properly this a.m.

MITS said...

The African-cam has zebra and something else on it now. TURN DOWN THE AUDIO!

glo said...

Lots of traffic going through town, must be heading to the local restaurant for lundh. Love small towns like that Sharon. Funny you can kind of watch for your son and his chauffer to be driving nicely through town.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, the mountain that is on the jeffersoncam is actually East River Mountain. It is called jeffersoncam because it is on Jefferson Street. I rode all through The Greenbrier one time. That is definitely how the other half lives! :):):) Just on the other side of the mountain is Virginia. You can get to NC in about an hour from here.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, what is the address of the African-Cam?

MITS said...

Zebra all gone...wait they are back.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

One day, I will let you all know in advance, I am going over there and wave at everybody. Maybe make a sign to hold up or something. I know, I need a life!!

MITS said...

MITS said...

scroll down it is one of the most popular video category, along with the hummers.

MITS said...

OMG!!! monkeys

MITS said...

Probably a bamboon

MITS said...


MITS said...

Did you find it SHARON???

MITS said...

LOL!!! more then I wanted to see bamboons having SEX!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

OMG. ROFLMAO! Just saw a little quicky on the African cam. Did you see that, Mits?

MITS said...

Geez-Looweez. The horny animals are starting to fight with their horns.

MITS said...

FYI, if you are a bamboon, don't bend over at the pond!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

SHARONI am too, ROFLMAO!!! Typical male it lasted 30 seconds.

glo said...

LOL well all I'm gonna say is you never know what you are gonna get on FRAPS especially at the Africa cam....Thanks mits LOL

glo said...

Yes Norma It would All I need is for someone to write it up and send it to me. My guess is we are gonna have opportunity for lots of those kinds of fun things together as time goes least Ihope so.

glo said...

.Norma I assume you mean the BW trip this weekend, NOT the Aricam sex education segment LOL

MITS said...

Good one NORMABYRD!!!LMBO!!! Thoe horned animals were fighting...the bamboons were the horny ones

MITS said...

Please this is an adutlts-only blog tee-hee!!

glo said...

Speaking of Africams, what ever happened to that Safari idea someone was gonna fix for us back a couple of months ago...that sounded really fun!!

MITS said...

Sex and the Singles in Africa.

MITS said...

Mr Bull frog is putting his 2 cents worth in.

glo said...

Mits Do I understand this right, are you volunteering for the bW trip or the Sex and Singles in Africa article for the newsletter ? Couldn't quite tell from your response .

paula eagleholic said...

One Seagull in CT (no copulation goin on there!)

Brisbane - Parent on ledge and chicks snoozin (copulation complete!)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, I am just a young girl. I can't be reading about all this copulating stuff! :):):)

MITS said...


MITS said...

ROFLMAO!!!!!!SUZANNE Its BAM and then you have a BOON!!

MITS said...

The bull frogs sound like they are baseball!!

MITS said...

The eagles are out copulating!!!

MITS said...

Just trying to follow the chain of thought here tee-hee.

MITS said...

Where is MEMA-JO??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They are having practice runs on the copulating so as to perfect the art!

MITS said...

Well, that is sad news, NORMA.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is bugging the pee-water out of Mei.

MITS said...

I've been watching them..what a pest he can be.

MITS said...

Poor Mei is looking in Tians' yard, like for help!

MITS said...

NORMA, they usually visit the new yard in the morning. They will move there permantly later this month.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Question- where do birds go at night?

MITS said...

I give up where do they go????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have no idea. I was really asking. ROFLMAO!

Mauley said...

Good afternoon friends, A big hello from grantoeight. I must go back and read the blog for the last few days, have been sooooo busy. Could anyone tell me how Nilla is? love donna

glo said...

Mits you never did answer my question?

Be careful thought there could be copulation cops lurking with the blogging cops

glo said...

Well i think they go wherever they want to

Mauley said...

Don't birds go just about anywhere to roost? Hubby cleans out all of our bird nesting boxes in fall, because other birds (non-migratory) use them for shelter. He even puts up large Bird Boxes open on one side for shelter for birds in winter. donna

Mauley said...

There is such a lack of housing for birds who are cavity nesters. Farmers use steel posts now for fencing, which used to be prime nesting cavity for bluebirds, wrens, and such. There are not so many decayed trees as there used to be. That is one reason that hubby and I put up so many boxes for the birds. Not only birds, but racoons love the boxes, and we even have squirrels build it them. Lazy squirres. donna

Mauley said...

Am I 100 today?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Google is a wonderful thing.

Where do birds go at night?
Most birds spend the night sleeping, just as humans do. A few birds, like the owls are awake at night and rest during the day. The birds that rest at night find a safe place, such as a thick bush or shrub, where the nighttime predators will not see them. Some, such as woodpeckers, spend the night in holes in trees. Most ducks, on the other hand, sleep on the water.

Mauley said...

If I get wax, may I donate it to my brother in law's back?

Mauley said...

If I get wax, may I donate it to my brother in law's back?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Blog has gone nuts!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, it has definitely gone nuts.

And Mauley, please do!

Mauley said...

Blog is a booger, sic em Mits.

paula eagleholic said...

Posted on the weird one and got the normal one back!

paula eagleholic said...

Is everyone in jail w/ the blogger cop?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nope, not in jail. Just been working.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you weren't arrested, Sharon.

glo said...

chicks active Freida on the ledge

paula eagleholic said...

Frodo chicks now in color..can't see all of 'em

paula eagleholic said...

I see 2 now...Gosh, they are really getting big! Is it 4 weeks today?

paula eagleholic said...

Those chicklets are all over that ledge.

paula eagleholic said...

Seagull back in CT, NU cam still not up, BW still MT

MITS said...

Oh dear, the chicklets are out of view. Blog has been a bugger for me this afternoon. Going to smack it silly.

MITS said...

Don't believe it it posted.

MITS said...

Lun has Buta up by her mouth and is licking her.

MITS said...

Seagull at CT is unhappy about something, squawking a lot.

MITS said...

The seagull flew off, another one landed for a few seconds then that one flew off, too fast to get a picture.

paula eagleholic said...

Too fast for a quickie, too, Mits?

MITS said...

I think that's why she flew off.

paula eagleholic said...

The Aussie chicks are 3 weeks old and 3 days

MITS said...

And no where in sight.

MITS said...

The little Ledge Lodger just laid down in his favorite spot.

Just Vicky said...

Where'd everyone go around this house? Outside enjoying beautiful weather??? Some of us have to just look out our window at work! It is perfect weather here in Commode town USA

MITS said...

You can see Frieda and one of the chicklets.

MITS said...

Eyass in full view.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wish I could crawl up behind Tai and snuggle up to him. You know that would be some good snuggling if he would let me!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Those beautiful pink rocks don't look so beautiful anymore!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. Be back a little after 9. TTFN!

MITS said...

That's one little tired panda bear. CU later, SHARON.

Mema Jo said...

I have been out in cyber space today. Not only the blog, but I think my 'puter needs a good cleaning. Really freezing up on me. Can't say how long I will stay - Sounds like everyone was having somewhat of a problem with the blog today. Afraid to put up all the cams at one time. Guess I'll go check some of them. BBL I hope.

MITS said...

JO I was wondering where you were????

Just Vicky said...

So, Mits, is it just us 2 in the house?

glo said...

Just getting back from supper myself KFC for the dogs and me LOL

glo said...

really nice closeup of Lun Lun right now

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mema Jo said...

I thought Buta Buta was going to be successful in her attempts to roll over. Almost made it--Another week & I'm sure she will be doing it whenever left alone.

Just Vicky said...

I see Glo, I see Mema Jo, (remember romper room magic mirror?) or one of those shows where she rubs a mirror and saw kids???

glo said...

Glad you made it back in here Mema Jo yep i was Frapping it, but didn't happen LOL

never know what you are or are not going to get on Fraps these days LOL

glo said...

Yep Romper Room fan right here LOL

Just Vicky said...

We won't go on with "remember" ?? Might start showing my age!

glo said...

Vicky No we all know you just had like your 29th birthday...or so, my guess is your Gradma told you about Romper Room.

MITS said...

Miss Frances of "Romper Room" How did she start that see-thru mirror? Bibbity Boobity Bibbity Boo!!! something something???? Or, was that the Cinderella mice? :):):)

MITS said...

Going to eat some dinner. BBL!

MITS said...

My bad...Miss Frances was Ding-Dong school.

glo said...

Well I can hum the tune but not sure its Romper Room could be though LOL

Just Vicky said...

Now inquiring minds need to know the whole routine with the mirror! Someone much younger will have to help us out with this perhaps, like Glo! (wink!)

glo said...

Ok Its deal or no deal time

glo said...


Just Vicky said...

Wasn't it romper stomper bomper boo?????

Just Vicky said...

House emptying out again!

Just Vicky said...

Glo, you got us a 1/2 can of wax!

glo said...

Please stop and look and listen, when you go out to play.
Use your eyes and then your feet,
You will come home safe that way

Just Vicky said...

Yep, I knew GLo would know ALL the scoop!

MITS said...

Just Goggle Romper Room. It started in Baltimore where I grew up...I remember Miss Nancy and Miss Sally.

Mema Jo said...

Vicky - I remember it was 'Romper Stomper Bomper Boo' But can't remember any farther then that..My children watched it all the time. I guess we could google it.. Hee Hee...

Just Vicky said...

Alright, now the experts are showing up!

Mema Jo said...

Romper, bomper,
stomper, boo.
Tell me, tell me,
tell me do.
Magic mirror,
tell me today.
Did all my friends
have fun at play?

Mema Jo said...

"I always do everything right.
I never do anything wrong.
I'm a Romper Room Do Bee;
A Do Bee all day long!"

I promise - no more.

Just Vicky said...

Guess who did her "googling?"

Just Vicky said...

Had to see if the minds were working around this blog tonight! Boy, Nilla would sure known it without googling!!! Where oh where is Nilla????

Mema Jo said...

I also got kicked out again.. Don't know about all this...
Anyway, I do remember Miss Connie....

Just Vicky said...

I didn't kick you out Mema Jo!!

glo said...

Ya know I think blogging here could help reduce Alzheimers LOL

glo said...

OK back to my show...LOL

floralgirl said...

Can I come in? I remember Romper room, but not the song.

Just Vicky said...

Yes, blogging has documentation to prove health benefits! Many topics, many opinions!

Mema Jo said...

Come on in and stay awhile. How did today go for you?

Mema Jo said...

Planning a trip up to NY to visit my gals this Thur thru Sun. That's the real reason I couldn't plan on trip to BW.

floralgirl said...

Long day, didn't get home til 7.

floralgirl said...

We will miss you on our BW trip! Sound like you have a fun trip planned though.

Mema Jo said...

That is a long day... Do you ever get home before your daughter?

glo said...


glo said...

Ok works for me LOL

floralgirl said...

Only on Fridays. Luckily for me(some would disagree), my mother in law lives right next door. So although she is home alone for a few hours, she knows her Nanny is there.

floralgirl said...

Glo- did you see that? Guy won $15,000. Small amount for that show, but still nice to have. I need to get on that show. Was the other guy with him his brother? They really looked alike. Missed the beginning of the show, daughter wanted to watch cartoon.

glo said...

Floral girlLOL No the other guy was another BUG MAN from the same town...they are good friends though NOT competition.

floralgirl said...

OK, I guess it was their "hairdos" that made them look alike.

glo said...

Buta Buta all alone for quite a wile this time

Anonymous said...

I ain't no baboon or anything, but how come Romper Room is getting so much time on here tonight. I wouldlike to speak to the management.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to sign out for the evening - This PC is getting the best of me - the time it takes to refresh & then freeze up & then sign off & sign on.... Driving me crazy.

Good Night All
See you in the morning....

Just Vicky said...

Oh Captain, so good to hear from you! My brother loved the Captain! Where's Mr. Moose??

floralgirl said...

Hey Captain, how's MR Greenjeans??

glo said...

Geeesh Deal or No Deal isn't going so good this week LOL.

glo said...

Good Night Mema Jo Hello Captain Kangaroo...we don't have a leader well not exactly, but you could try to talk to steve maybe...not sure if he will know who you are or not? LOL

glo said...

Not sure whether to ask how old Steve is or how old the captain is these days LOL

glo said...

well lets ee 12 posts to a can of wax

glo said...

If I talk to myself for like 7 more times things ought to pick up in here LOL

glo said...

and th epicture is kinda cute for an old woman anyway.

glo said...

But then there's the BLOG cop to think I guess I'll go play my addictive game on Yahoo for a while

floralgirl said...

Talking to yourself???

Just Vicky said...

So, you want a race?

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all.

Hey, Glo! I'm sure you'll beat me to the wax, still on dialup..

Captain who?

Floral, you got mail.

Just Vicky said...

We talk to ourself if need be! Guess we've all experienced it!

Just Vicky said...

And in races Paula!

glo said...

someone needs to tell Nilla there may be an eagle cam soon that might be great news for her.

Just Vicky said...

want wax

glo said...


glo said...


Just Vicky said...

need it

glo said...

LOL no

Just Vicky said...

Well that will work! Partner in crime Glo got it!

glo said...

well evidentally it is a Deal after all!!!

Just Vicky said...

Must be better than TV Deal!

glo said...

Vicky Clean out that trunk too, we're gonna need that space for sure now!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I'll race...let's go!

Just Vicky said...

or, guess its over!

Just Vicky said...

Trunk is all cleaned out ready for packing!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I'm 208...feel like the rabbit...or is it the turtle?

glo said...

yep Deal or no Deal is over, and so is the race for now anyway!

Just Vicky said...

Bet Paula is getting her mouth ready for Floralgirl's cookies!

Just Vicky said...

Well the Bunny on Captain Kangaroo always won ALL the carrots!

glo said...

PaulaIts the rabbit if you are aiming on 225, but its the turle if you were figuring on 200.

glo said...

I was thinking it is definitely ice cream time here...did we get the munchies this bad in the evening when the eagle cam was up?

paula eagleholic said...

Captain Kangaroo? Who dug him up?

I vaguely remember Romper Room, but don't remember any names or songs.

Just Vicky said...

Let's show a little respect for the Captain!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...