Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday 2 Oct.

New thread for a new week. Sorry about the delay, was away this weekend away from computers.


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glo said...

Very strange things happen around here, some even stranger than the Captain!

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, Glo, I think we all had our eyes glued to the computer...

Just Vicky said...

I don't think munchies were a problem when we could watch eaglets!

glo said...

Think we were having anti-Alzheimer Drill

floralgirl said...

Paula- you've got mail! Hey Glo- I've got cookies and ice cream! Decisions,decisions...

glo said...


paula eagleholic said...

I loved Captain Kangaroo. Bob Keeshan was great! That was no Captain earlier,,,it was an imposter!

glo said...


glo said...

Ok two chuckles to get that one...thought that rabbit would be coming but not here in time...maybe out looking for mr Greenjeans

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, Guess I was the rabbit!

glo said...

Hey rabbit you did get here for the wax!!!

glo said...

Yep Vicky said the rabbit always won...she was right!

glo said...

Freida chicks look like 3 flattened out cotton balls again

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back for a minute. I have to start working at 5 a.m. so I am going to hit the hay pretty soon. I remember Romper Room and she never said Sharon when she was looking into that daggone mirror thingy.

Buta Buta and Lun Lun are laying so cute! Tai is on the ledge, of course. The three falconettes look like 3 pancakes.

paula eagleholic said...

I loved Captain Kangaroo. Bob Keeshan was great...but that was an imposter!

Thank you, more wax for the candles...

glo said...

welcome back 5 am thats up with the chicks for sure

glo said... on eaglecam never would such a thing happen

glo said...

well at least he wasn't anonymous! LOL

Just Vicky said...

If there should be an imposter, then the blogger cop better get them!

paula eagleholic said...

Must be losing it..posted that a couple of minutes ago!

glo said...

Sharon wasn't kidding about not staying long I guess LOL Good Night Sharon!

Anonymous said...

Watch out for the falling ping pong balls!!!

glo said...


glo said...

Yep we are very much in bad need f an eagle cam!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I'm still here, Glo. Having to let the dogs out multiple times, bring in clothes from the laundry room and various other assorted and sundried items!

paula eagleholic said...

Guess I don't remember much of those shows cause I don't have a clue what that means!

glo said...

Its that Brufals dog again isn't it LOL. Did you notice we had another Imposter while you were supposedly gone?

Just Vicky said...

You don't remember ping pong balls!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Laundry, thanks for the reminder, Sharon. Gotta put towels in the dryer!

glo said...

Of course my Dexter has been known to mess with the keyboard occasionally. Nah it wasn't him...He is still sulking from yesterdays bath and trim...yep he is unless I give him special attention he is off moping today!

glo said...


Just Vicky said...


glo said...

Yep I'm stitterin LOL

Just Vicky said...

Wow, Glo, you're packing the wax tonight!

glo said...

Hi Vicky its all going in the same trunk. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Its Buphals Glo and I was not the imposter. I didn't remember Mr. Moose and ping pong balls.

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, Vicky, not a clue!

Just Vicky said...

So, doggie got mad about his bath and trim?? How long will he pout?

glo said...

must be this game of solitaire I can't win for nothin

Just Vicky said...

Paula, The Captain would get tricked by Mr. Moose all the time and it would rain down ping pong balls on the captain!

glo said...

Buphals must be a character. I love dogs with character. Daphne is like that...she can be so honery but she alwats makes me laugh

Dexter will probably pout until i take him for a nice long walk like to the Marina...or if he gets up on the other side of the bed tomorrow that could help!

Just Vicky said...

So Paula, were you a Sesame street kid or maybe Barney???

glo said...

Vicky you seem to be pretty well informed about kaptain cangaroo...say hello to the Captain for me.

floralgirl said...

Wow-made the mistake of turning on the local news, too much violence in this world- had to go turn the channel, school shooting in PA is sickening. I rememer the ping pong balls- they used to fall out of the ceiling!

Just Vicky said...

Actually, it was my brother that knew the captain very well! He always got to watch the Captain, I never cared to watch TV that much, still don't!

Just Vicky said...

See FLoralgirl knew the Captain! Is she younger than you Paula?

Just Vicky said...

I know I'm MUCH older than you!

glo said...

No I don't hardly watch anything much except for deal or no deal..definitely can't make it through a newscast these days. Just horrendous stuff everywhere...sad to think about lets go back to the tennis balls...ooops ping pong balls...I didn't remeber that either

glo said...

OK so which show did they line buckets up and the kids tried to toss the ping pong balls into a bucket for a prize, anyone remember that?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, kids, I am going to hit it. 4:45 will be here way too soon.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

glo said...

Ok Good night Sharon

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Sharon!

Just Vicky said...

Glo, I do NOT remember that!

Just Vicky said...

Maybe its a game you played as a kid???

glo said...

No it was on tv...They kept making them throw it into the next farthest bucket and the prize kept getting bigger if the could get the ball to stay in and nOT bounce right back out LOL...Hmmm How woul dyou ever Google that one LOL.

glo said...

OK Think Howdy Doody or is that too far back LOL

Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...

You're on your own with this one Glo! Or I'm having amnesia!

glo said...

Hmmm well I sure wish MITS would show up LOL Put that wax in the trunk for me would ya please. You do remember a show called Howdy Doody though right ?

glo said...

Well going to let the dogs out and take a nice long bubble bath..sound good to me. Might clear my mind too LOL. Good night all. Blog at you tomorrow.

Just Vicky said...

I remember the song on Howdy Doody!

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Glo Bug!

paula eagleholic said...

I remember the show, but not that much detail...Floral is younger than youngest was a Barney fan...older one watched transformers and care bears!

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting it for tonight ladies! Gotta rest up for Blackwater trip!

Gnite, all, sleep tight!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I had to get back on here. Was anybody watching Buta Buta just now? She jumped, rolled over on her back, you could see her mouth moving. She had to be really hollering and then rolled back over. Bless her little heart! It was just too funny. Wish I had been frapping! Glo, were you?

movin said...

Good evening, All...happies to the eagle buddies (maybe I won't do that one again)....

Happened to tune into the Kent eagle nest about 5:20 here, and what do you think? The oversized juvenile was blowing "z's" in the cradle. I've seen evidence that some eagle had been there lately, but I haven't seen the bird for weeks.

The Brisbane expert, Greg, has answered some more queries lately.

Have a good Tue.,

Just Vicky said...

Hello there Jim!

glo said...

Yep check your mail!!!

floralgirl said...

Well, everyone left, huh Vicky, I guess that means it must be very late. Hubby just got home- need to make him something to eat, haven't even had my ice cream yet. No bed for me yet. Hi Jim.

MITS said...

I really love this african cam. A big jeep just rode by, must be taking people on an excursion to see the animals.

MITS said...

Man that cam is noisy, wish we could see the birds making the noises

MITS said...

Lun and Buta are snuggled together.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Suzanne. I had to start work early this morning. Boy, how I wish I could still be in bed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei keeps trying to wake Tai up and he wants no part of it! Maybe she needs him to nurse or something. Buta Buta is snoozing under Lun Lun's chin! Beautiful site.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Suzanne! WAX!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They are absolutely beautiful!!!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, NEW THREAD IS UP AND RUNNING I'm going to read last nights and this mornings' post.

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...