Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wednesday 19 July

New thread for another HOT day.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They would also look nice with a good dose of coffee in them too! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tea and coffee - both are nectars of the gods.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wonder if we will get the live feed again today?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you WV Gal Vicky!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow neat I'm in Hi! everyone Good morning...
Don't have time to read all the comments but certainly will. Just dropped in to say hello. Be out for a couple of hours then back.
Did get a look at that mug. Nice.
Sharon That's the BIG EASY BUTTON Steve put it in the tree to fair to see who could get it first but we all would give it to you Sharon. Cause you had ask first. lol..

wvgal_dana said...

Norma nice you like the gorilla drive cam. It is still neat when others take over and drive. Sometimes they find what we couldn't. All you have to do it hit the button again and it puts you in line to drive again. It show how many people are there to drive. I thought it was alot of fun too.

Sorry everyone had to delete somehow I posted on the other page. Duh I'm with it lol.. YW Sharon

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey Steve. Do you want me to send you a copy (after I get it put together) of the storm Spunky made it through last night? It was so awesome. I am so glad the live feed was up then!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What is that at 9 o'clock?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Am I by myself?

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning my Eagle Friends,
Last comment I made yesterday was that you may lose me...Storm came through & electicity went off 7 pm until 3 am. I have read all the coments - I need to be out of here until 2pm today. I will catch you all later.

Hope live feed comes up for you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Mema Jo!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have had a hard time getting in here.

Suzanne, BirdGirl said yesterday she could be molting but she looks horrible. Slick shiny dark skin on top of her head.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No pics again! No live feed still!

Anonymous said...

GEEZ-LOOWEEZ!!!!I keep getting hit with roadblocks when I try to get in...Going back to look at the mug, if I don't come back send HELP!!!! I'll be over at BW and the panda-cams. Can't get on to the PAPA-SMURF cam, either, but I can get onto their site, maybe heat or storm knocked it out. Ok, I out-of-here, hope to be back.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, WESTVAGAL, VICKY!!! Just thought I was being banned again:):) Love the Gorilla cam, maybe Nilla can use her stick savvy on one of these handsome fellas.:):):) Don't hit me, Nilla, I bruise easily.:):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Blog has been down, still pics have been down. Now both are back up. Still no live feed but stills are better than nothing.

glo said...

Home on lunch typed a long message, didn't post :-9 So now just a quick one about Momster Mugs

Go see

I will probably add a couple of other items tonight but NOT tshirts or totes.

Also hoping to hear something from Todd/Steve about pictures and or cd etc.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, hasn't this just been a challenging little day!
Cameras, blogs, just everything messing up on us! Is anybody still here?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I'm so lonesome, I could cry!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2:18 p.m. MT nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, are you lurking?

Anonymous said...

Gee, I got in without a fight!! I'm here for a little while Sharon, going down to the beach in a about 20 mins, got to let the sunscreen sink in...and I'm watching Tai Shan, since we have an MY nest at 2:35p.m.

glo said...

I'm here just to say hi...on a quick break. So glad though to see something is working again. it even posted what I tried to put on here over lunch before I resorted to the whole eagle people email list. Hope things stay up now this PM. Will check in later UNLESS it is my turn for the bad storms..looks kind of threatening out there and I left my computer on at home!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for letting me know, Mits.

Mei and Tai look like they are getting ready to fight over the bamboo! Love him, love him!

Anonymous said...

Poor Tai, wants to nurse and she keeps pushing him away.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Marie/Donna!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai was just standing on his head, picking at his mommy! He is so funny to watch!

Anonymous said...

Well. that's attractive, Tai is sitting on Mei's head.

Mema Jo said...

2:46pm Big One In The Nest...

Anonymous said...

I see that....

Mema Jo said...

Sharon MITS
Calling everyone from the panda cam!!

My Eagle cam has a visitor.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

1 eaglet in the nest at 2:48 p.m.

Anonymous said...

On board...very intense eating, hasn't come up for air yet. NCTC. live feed,please.

Mema Jo said...

I have just returned - I need to read your comments... I realize live feed is down & now I see the Eagle Cam messing up.

Anonymous said...

My 30 sec-cam is going wacko..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Stills are really messing up. No live feed and somebody in the nest. HELP!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I know you don't mean that in a bad way, Sharon. Its just frustrating, because we have precious few moments with these eaglets and every minute counts when they come for a visit. So, NCTC, give the nice lady what she wants or I'll send the pelicans after you. Signed, BEACH BUM MITS

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love it when they sit at 12 o'clock and look out!

Anonymous said...

LOL, Sharon Did you delete???::):):LOL

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm off to the beach.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, I did delete! Didn't want to make anybody mad!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

3:09 p.m. MT nest again. SIGH!

Mema Jo said...

I don't think that Spunky will ever give up the nest.. His nest.. His feeding ground..
We haven't seen BigBoy - he must be doing really well fishing in the river!
Inbetween doesn't come in very often either.
After yesterday - I don't blame them not coming in when Spunky is already there - She knocks them for a loop!

Mema Jo said...

Oh No - I was bloggging and didn't see the flight out.

3:11 MT NEST

Anonymous said...

And then I went on to defend you.:):):) I feel another censor coming on, I may be back and maybe I won't. If I can't get back on, it was good to meet ya.

Mema Jo said...

Ok, going over to see this eagle momster coffee mug of Glo's & check out the price... I'll be back.

Mema Jo said...

Beach Bum

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah but Mits, they don't know what you were defending!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Getting an occasional blue screen!! Please, no!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like no live feed today! Oh well.

NillaWafer said...

HEY HEY HEY GANG, I went to look at the mug and have credit card in hand to order.. I read the blogs on the last page and I am so glad ya'll missed Mits my partner in crime you are right the 10lb wonder called me Weeeeezzzie..but i would get back at him his middle name was Deweese and i called him Weeeeezer to... Well i tell ya what if i told my son about going to the nest and cleaning it he would go for But only on the conditions ya'll have our bail bond money!!! No i was tired last night and didnt fool with the new DSL set up at home. Well going to finish reading these blogs and check out critter cams..Mits ya got an xtra chair down ther on that deck?

NillaWafer said...

Oh trying to get here i got a warning that i was forbidden to be on this site????? Or something like Mitsss we are condemed

glo said...

Ok So I have read a little more, and they don't send me any money until I have made $25. LOL. So buy those mugs LOL. AND

I need contact info just an email address although written address for NCTC woul dbe good..

I know a couple of you have an email address handy where I can get the other info. I really hope this proves to be worthwhile for NCTC at least to some extent. I fully plan to donate something next year anyway, but would love to be able to tack another check on from the mugs or whatever else I do put on their. Trying to thikn of something for the Dad(s) if you are a dad and maybe would like a hat or mouse pad, just say so. I'll create away LOL. have a neat program where I can add those text kinds of things I did for the mug.

glo said...

LOL OK proofreader from hell just relax I'm always in a hurry when I first get home.

I know the last post is a little off but hey so am I LOL

NillaWafer said...

Glo i thunk the idea of mouse pads is great.. I know i would buy some..I was begining to think i was all alone here buts its dinner time so i guess everyone is off eatin.

NillaWafer said...

Thunk??? Geeezz where that proof reader when ya need it????lol

glo said...

she's probably eating dinner or some such. i will play with the mouse pad idea tonight. Any preference on kind of picture, babies, young, wingspan, family you know stuff like that?

Mema Jo said...

GLO I did order 2 mugs so you are closer to your $25.Also sent some $5 gift certificate to a few friends. may be the email contact you want. Paula has also contacted him concerning some items for us with proceeds going to NCTC. I was interested to know if NCTC gets the funds or US FWS is also involved.

NillaWafer said... Ok i was surfin again and found this web site it is not animals but web cams placed all over the world. Beautiful to look at. Pandas are eating..Elephants in and eating..Monkeys in the box and playing..AmazonRiver cam the fish were swimmin by..Tiger cam sleeping.. Cheetas there was 1 laying in the litter box in the shade. More surfin to do .. brb

NillaWafer said...

Whatch think Jo about the mouse pads?? How about those beautiful pictures Todd took? Doeant matter they all are beautiful of the kids and Liberty &Belle

Mema Jo said...

Proofreader ?? I almost published my last comment about ordering 2 MUTS!! Whoa!!

How are you DIPTZY? When is your next couple of days off?

GLO How could we vote on the pic for the mousepad if you would choose 3 pics: Babies - Liberty-Bell & youngsters - all 3 in the nest ??? We have so many good pics...

NillaWafer said...

Doeant .......... Where the H** did my fingers get that from? ROFLMAO My finger nails are so long i need a

NillaWafer said...

Jo i am off this friday saturday and sunday... Mits is taking adip in the ocean i think hope she has her water wings

Mema Jo said...

NILLA I think I had better forget the DIPTZY - DITZY

Mema Jo said...

GLO Make mine a
Poop Shoot

Mema Jo said...

5:36 pm M T NEST

Just in case someone didn't think I was watching.

NillaWafer said...

Grrr my daughter cleaned out the favorites again!!!! She says MOM all we have in there is our OK OK ill add them all at home on my comp. Jo i hope Mits doesnt half to be saved by a handsome life guard and get mouth to mouth..I can picture that..lolllll

glo said...

Jo Well OK so I have one vote for a poop shoot, and I think someone actually caught a picture of that at some point. I can only design 1 of each kind of product so we're gonna have to get a few more votes for poopshoot and then a "Nice shot" LOL

glo said...

I think I could actually collage a group for the mouse pad too as our pictures are all small, Although I am thinking about getting permission for a certain picture that would in fact fill the mouse pad, and then we wouldn't need to vote.

Brainstormin...without much of a's a challenge but someone has to do it!!!

NillaWafer said...

Oh that site does have animal cams

Mema Jo said...

GLO Really just kidding about the Poop Shoot.

Anonymous said...

NILLA That same warning came at me this a.m. Scared the Bee=Geeus out of me, thought the computer was going to attack me. You all would have been proud of me at the beach, the area in front of the condo today was the desegnated surf beach, I did not harass 1 surfer. HANG "10" DUDE Ahhh some of you sound like you have bee sipping the Wacky Juice or taking some of BirdGirl's Happy Pills. No, JO,. I have found ways to get into this site today, they are not going to intimidate SUPER MITS. SHARON, It was my pleasure to defend you, even no one knoes what I was defending.

Anonymous said...

Ok I didn't check for spelling errors, one snuck by me. Going to shop for mugs.

NillaWafer said...

Mits the web site i put here has all kinds of animal live cams they have 6 pandas to see,,, and polar bear cams live.. its great check it out!!! Waiting on son to bring me spaghetti for dinner daughter made.. yum yum

NillaWafer said... this is so great had to post the site again!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll check it out, sounds like it is right up my alley.

Anonymous said...

What is the last part????m???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have been off line trying to connect Andrew's XBOX 360 up in his room and run cable. What a job! Too much mind working after working all day! Getting ready to trot off to Wal-Mart. Keep notes if you see anybody in our nest. Too bad we don't have the live feed. I wouldn't have to miss anything while I am gone. Wonder if it is gone for good?

Anonymous said...

Well, I'M SURE, they would tell us. Ya think?????????????

NillaWafer said...

just the htm Mits darn you drinkin again????

Anonymous said...

Ok there area a gizillion mugs on that site, how do I find ours???? Nilla you made me hungry, just put on a pot of water for pasta

NillaWafer said...

LOL Mits hey i saw the live cam for the sharks and they were swimin by... the sea otters were nappin it looked like.. This is live from the San Diego zoo i think.

NillaWafer said...

When i checked it out the mug was right there showing in the middle of the page..

NillaWafer said...

LQQK LQQK Mits the handlers are in with the penguins feeding them ... Oh what a siteeee..Sooo cuteee

Anonymous said...

Nilla, you are talking to a computer illiterate, if I don't have everything in front of me, I can't find it. Which page out of 6000+

NillaWafer said...

The Critter WebCam Links
Japanese / English | Without Frames / With Frames Last Modified: Mar 21 2006 00:23:26 GMT

Recommended Now: TX screech owls | National Geographic's WildCam AFRICA | National Geographic's Crane Cam | Nesting falcons | Nesting eagles | CO owls | Bear den in Bear Park Groenklitt, Sweden
Quick Links: Smithsonian National Zoo | San Diego Zoo | Monterey Bay Aquarium
[ ! ] Meet the Babies! | Free Download [ A ] African Wildlife | Alligators | Alpacas | Apes [ B ] Badgers | Bats | Bears | Bird Feeders | Bird Nests | Bonobos | Brown Bears [ C ] Cats | Cheetahs | Chickens | Chimpanzees | Cows | Cranes | Crocodiles [ D ] Deer | Dogs | Dolphins | Domestic Animals | Donkeys | Ducks [ E ] Eagles | Elephants [ F ] Falcons | Ferrets | Flying Squirrels | Foxes [ G ] Gavials | Geese | Giant Pandas | Gibbons | Giraffes | Gliding Possums | Gorillas | Grizzly Bears | Gulls [ H ] Haggis | Hawks | Herons | Horses [ K ] Kangaroos | Kestrels | Kites | Koalas [ L ] Lemurs | Leopards | Lions | Llamas [ M ] Macaques | Manatees | Mangoosse | Martens | Meerkats | Monkeys | Moose [ N ] Nessie [ O ] Octopuses | Opossums | Orangutans | Orcas | Ospreys | Otters | Owls | Oystercatchers [ P ] Pandas | Panthers | Penguins | Pets | Pigs | Polar Bears | Puffins [ R ] Rabbits | Raccoons | Raccoon-Dogs | Rats | Rays | Red Pandas | Rein Deer | Rhinoceroses [ S ] Salmon | Sea Lions | Seals | Sea Otters | Serows | Sharks | Sheep | Spectacled Bears | Squids | Squirrels | Storks | Sugar Glider | Swans [ T ] Tapirs | Tigers | Tortoises | Turtles [ W ] Walruses | Water Birds | Whales | Wild Boars | Wild Cats | Wolves [ * ] Multi-Cam WebSites | Non-Critter Cams | Tools

glo said...


Should only be one mug here right now, and i am working on a mouse pad.

NillaWafer said...

See thats why i need to drive down there and help

NillaWafer said...

OH MT nest yes i am watching ours also.. and spaghetti came so dinnertime

NillaWafer said...

Meet the Babies!
A male African elephant calf was born on October 18, 2005, at Indianapolis Zoo. [See also]
Su Lin, a female giant panda, was born on August 2, 2005, at San Diego Zoo. [See also] [See also]
Fahim, a male Asian elephant, was born on July 24, 2005, at Zoo Zürich. [See also]
Tai Shan, a male giant panda, was born on July 9, 2005, at Smithsonian National Zoo.
Farha, a female Asian elephant, was born on May 3, 2005, at Zoo Zürich.
5 cheetah cubs were born on April 14, 2005, at Smithsonian National Zoo.
Kalia, a female orca, was born on December 21, 2004, at SeaWorld San Diego. [See also]
A female gorilla baby was born on December 13, 2004, at Prague Zoo. [See also]
Askari(M), Damara(M), Imara(F) and Hatima (F), cheetahs, were born on November 23, 2004, at Smithsonian National Zoo. [See also]
Misha(M), Ilya(M) and Nika(F), Amur tigers, were born on October 14, 2004, at Marwell Zoo. [See also] [See also]
Suci, a female Sumatran rhino, was born on July 30, 2004, at Cincinnati Zoo. [See also]
Lana and Nika, female Amur tigers, were born on May 30, 2004, at Minnesota Zoo. [See also] *This cam is no longer available.
Hitam Lucu, a siamang, was born on May 13, 2004, at San Diego Zoo. [See also]
Marah, Jalan and Besar, male Sumatran tigers, were born on May 2, 2004, at Smithsonian National Zoo. [See also]
Cinta, a male Sumatran orangutan, was born on March 5, 2004, at San Diego Zoo. [See also]
Vus'musi, a male African elephant, was born on February 23, 2004, at San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park

NillaWafer said...

Sounds great to me Carol.. count me in!! Would be nice if we had the tee shirts to wear

NillaWafer said... This a web site all about eagles beautiful pictures and alot of info.

glo said...

Help I need apicture of Big Boy on June 6 or even early morning before fledge of June 7 anybody Please

NillaWafer said... OK this is a live cam where you can spot Nessie the LockNess Monster... Man im am busy busy here finding this stuff to keep Mits

glo said...

OK Where did everybody go? Are you all out looking for pictures of Big boy? LOL

NillaWafer said... Mits this is the penguin cam site its live

NillaWafer said...
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NillaWafer said...

cuts _cam.asp off last part Grrrr

NillaWafer said...

MT Nest at 7:30 pm Mits once you get to the site and bring up a camera live there is a tab under it saying view another cam click to bring up the list of live cams.. I am watching sharks swim

Mema Jo said...

Give me a couple minutes - I'm looking. Sounds like another storm is coming my way. Hope I don't have to spend another evening with the camping laterns on!

Get back to you GLO .

NillaWafer said...

OH WOW THERE IS SOUND WITH THESE..look down and there is an audio button to turn on.. i hear seals barking.. I am at the Monterey Beach.. the wavs are crashing onto shore and i saw people walking around..

NillaWafer said...

Oh i am so glad i found this site ya'll are gona love it!!!!!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Jo the Outer Bay camera just had a huge sea turtle on it WOW.. now thats turtle and beautiful music playing while watching

Mema Jo said...

GLO I could only find 1 pic from June date you wanted but it is
of all 3. I sent it to you, just in case you could use it....

Mema Jo said...

7:51pm M T NEST

Keep watching - they sometimes come back to the nest around this time.....

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Hmmm Jo how romantic with camping lights.. did ya get cozy with hubby??lol

NillaWafer said... This is a video of sea otters and penguins and beautiful jelly fish it has music and fun to watch!! Where is everyone??? At the Monterey Bay site the tide is coming in and seals were on the rocks yackin.

NillaWafer said...
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NillaWafer said...

Nest Empty 8:51 pm

NillaWafer said...

The dreaded blue screen is back

NillaWafer said...

Blue Blue Boo Hoo Here I Am all Alone.. No Eagle has come to the nest.. maybe they put the camera to rest.. Oh whaaoooo is me... I am as lonely as can be..

Mema Jo said...

Once again the Live Eagle Cam is still showing daylight and it is 9:00 pm.

I think there is a problem with the still pic Live Eagle Cam.....No Spidey's web

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just going to call attention to the fact that it is dark in WV and not in the nest. Must be caught in the dreaded loop again!

Glo, I went through my pics and would you believe that I have no pics from 6/6 and only the BIG FRAPPING EPISODE OF BIGBOY'S FLEDGE. NO STILL SHOTS. I can't believe it. I have 1,302,305 pictures on my computer and none from when you are asking. Oh well, I tried!

NillaWafer said...

A short while ago it had the blue screen. But that morning picture is up

glo said...

LOL Sharon Thanks for trying. That li'l bugger snuck out of that nest on us ...well most of us anyway. I wonder if we played the video if the Frap would capture a still. I might try that. It just doesn't comeout as clear with the Frap tool ,as the still cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, It would probably be pretty blurry that way. Well, I just did it and sent it to you. See what you think. You've got mail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

Ok Thanks. Yes I figured blurry will probably be an issue but hey who knows might get soemthing out of it, if not i'll go with plan 2 LOL

NillaWafer said...

Well saying good night, for those of you who went to the sites i posted i hope you injoyed them. Just tryed to make your internet travels more exciting and educational about all animals. Niters, Nilla

Mema Jo said...

GoodNight, NILLA. I'm not far behind.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Me either ladies. I am out. Been up since 5:30 a.m. and I am beat. Good night, my friends of fine feathers.

glo said...

Good Night everyone. Thanks for the picture Sharon...I think i can actually make it work pretty well.

Anonymous said...

Good night all, ordered my mugs. NCTC, what's the deal with the cams?

movin said...

Evenin, Everyone,

I could not access this site this morning either ... looks like I missed a lot of action too. So, who's got the pics and the fraps ... where??

Are all the mugs (I am a good coffee drinker and the proud possessor of a 30 fl. oz. mug from Indonesia by the way)... are all the mugs going to have the word "momster" upon them ... I hope not. I guess I could drink from such a mug at home in the dark after the lights have been turned out, but I probably wouldn't.

I looked at the nest of the Santa Cruz eaglet, which just fledged, not really expecting to see him, but to my surprise there was his daddy perched on one of the limbs off to the side...beautiful.

Checked the Kent nest, and if the young boy has flown the nest, he was back for dinner and a good perch in the breeze this evening.


Anonymous said...

Nilla, without that complete wildweb address it just isn't working for me, been trying to figure it out and can't. Please e-mail me the address Thanks! Been sitting outside tonight watching the clouds from the tropical storm go by, it should be far enough off the coast not to cause any problems here, just high risk of rip-currents tomorrow. Good Night Again.

wvgal_dana said...

Well all I've had company after we got home so I've just finished catching up on the comments. Wow Mugs....were do we order?
Nilla must have not made it to the "driver the webcam for the gorillas yet Mits".
10:55pm here and the feed shows such a DAYTIME scene so I know it's NOT WORKING.
I'll check and see Glo if I have any of Bigboy from the pics I've saved.

glo said...

Jim Give me a chance to figure out how to either add another mug or perhaps in August I will change the mug to something you and aother "Dadsters" might like better. I am also working on another item you might enjoy but as yet have not figured out how to add it to the store LOL...but I will!!!

glo said...

W.VA gal Vicki you order the mugs here

They are a little pricey as they have a $2 mark up to give to NCTC once I earn $25 in sales. Think I have made $10 so far today if I read it right so we just might make it. They don't send a check until its $25. I will give that profit to NCTC.

glo said...

I did add 3 more items some of you might want to look at. The magnets are fairly inexpensive and have a pretty darn cute picture on them. also a hat maybe for Jim However I do plan to use the picture on the hat, and put it on a mug in the future. it will only let me sell one mug at a time, since I went for the free store LOL.

glo said...
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glo said...

sorry Jim but yes for 2 or 3 weeks that mug will say Momsters...but I will change it to something else. Probably the picture that is currently on the hat.

The link again is

movin said...

Thanks much, Glo, and a great job setting up the products.

I am looking at them now, and I like some of the stuff...will the proceeds from all go to the same fund?? (Probably don't have to ask)

Is the camera frozen in your area too, anyone?

Anyway, I'm getting 'punchy' and can't guarantee I will buy tonight, but I likely will soon.


P.S. I posted another puzzle on the momsters site.

Bird Girl said...

Hello! I couldn't get onto the cam site OR the Blogger comments yesterday, I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms!

Hubby is going out of town until Sunday night (boohoo) so I'll be all alone at the house. I'm going to spend Saturday at his folks' house, trying to identify who the people are in the giant box of photographs I'm archiving for his mom. Sunday, my mom is coming over, we're going to have a big breakfast and then watch movies and tv shows (I have a DVR - LOVE IT!!!) all day, pig out on popcorn and pretzels and whatever.

Tomorrow I have a couple of appointments -- one phone, one in person -- so I won't be able to check the cam until late.

Right now, the cam photo doesn't seem to match the timestamp. It's obviously broad daylight in the pic, but it's not yet 4 am there...

suzanne I had mentioned that your bald bird could be moulting, but I also mention that it could be from her "suitors" pulling feathers out when attempting to mate with her (my quail has this problem). Another possibility is some type of injury or disease. I know you probably wouldn't be able to catch her, but if you managed to, and you could get a decent photo of her head, I might be able to tell you more... I know, crazy idea..

gloI'm going to get something from the cafepress site, soon I hope, just to help contribute to Our Eagles...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:53 a.m. Pic still the same from yesterday. Hope it gets fixed soon. Good morning everyone in eagle blogland!

It hit 90° again yesterday in Bluefield, Nature's Air Conditioned City. Free lemonade again today. Of course, I have to work and can't go get any but oh well, I hope the others enjoy it!

floralgirl said...

Good Morning-catching up on blog reading,couldn't get on yesterday when I tried,sound like everybody was having problems.After working outside all day,too tired last nite to try again(could have been the G&T I made,oops I thoughtG&T stood for gatorade and tequila!)The weather is supposed to be better today,little less hot and humid. Off to weed, water, fertilize, pick flowers...etc.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, the cam is stuck in a loop of pictures. Been showing the same ones since yesterday afternoon sometime. The time is changing and pics are changing, just the same pics over and over again. Of course, we didn't discover until last night when it was dark outside and the camera still showed sunshine and daylight.

glo said...

Good morning all Jim All of the proceeds which is $2 an item will go to NCTC

Actually I had asked Todd yesterday about a certain picture for the mouse pad...Since Paula has already received permission to use the photos on some items from wherever; he prefers to keep his photos all sold out of one place. I have written and asked if a mouse pad is part of the plans from whomever she is working with, but haven't heard back as yet.

If not I will ask again for a photo as I too do think a mouse pad is an excellent you all might want to hold off on the mouse pad.

I wanted to add a couple of things for the eagle Dad's though so there is one on there. And if I don't raise $25 in profits they don't mail a check and NCTC gets nothing. I was at $10 when I went to bed last night.

I do plan to spend a lot more time this weekend creating something fun on there. I absolutely just love to do stuff like the mug. The other couple of items were just put their quickly for options and something less expensive if you just want something from our eagles Was pinched for time during the week, and with cameras not very predictable and the eaglets flying higher and further, I have always been one to "Seize the moment".

Jim If you hold off a couple of weeks, I will chamge Momsters to Dadster, I can change the color scheme for you too... if you prefer the mug...let me know. As I said before I will not be making a cent on this. ALL is going to NCTC however much that is, but...It needs to be in $25 segments as that is minimum for Press cafe shops. I could pay for a shop (small amount really)and put limitless numbers of products and colors sizes etc....but I want to wait for Paula's products.

Let's face it they will be nice, when we see what they are!!! My goal now is just to clear that $25 and get some mugs or something in the hands of all who want something, while the passion is still high enough to want the product.

OK Off to coffee and treats with my dogs.

floralgirl said...

Came in for a drink..Reading where someone was asking about the NCTC open house.It is Saturday,October 21.It is a great event,you get to see animal demonstrations,sheep herding, usually someone has raptors,there is this couple that comes with wild animals they have rescued-their show is not to be missed,don't sit down front if you don't like snakes!One of the best parts of the event is that you get to see the NCTC facilities,which are beautiful.The buildings are magnificent,unlike any government facilities you've ever seen,the lodge where the cafeteria is really incredible.Oh yea,they serve lunch there that day,very inexpensive but really good food.We've gone for several years now-one of the other good things-it's FREE!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Glo and Floralgirl! I hope everybody has a great day!

Sure do wish our cams (one or the other) would come up.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in the soaring eaglet land everyone.
Sharon I would like a copy of Spunky holding out in the storm please.
Floralgirl how did your flowers do? At market over weekend? Did you get a bad storm the other day? If so is your flowers ok?
Wonder what Glo is fixing up to sale.
I do remember Todd saying he didn't want his pics I guess you say re-copied or whatever the term is. Your right by asking cause I was wondering when I seen the puzzle if it bother him. Sure hope not he seems like a nice guy.
Yes was so so good to hear from Geula and she still sounds like our Geula. Just miss chatting with her on here.
Have company again today but should be in and out checking for feed to come back on. Of course checking out comments. Who could not want to do that.
Mits why don't you get your name in "blueeeee" lol

wvgal_dana said...

Just checked at Blackwater only parent osprey in nest. The little one must have fledged!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky WV - can you call NCTC and see what is up with the camera. PLEASE! Not updating since yesterday sometime. I have emailed them but nothing as of yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Checking other cams for the storks little Hugo is by himself in nest standing walking around. He is really looking good.
Where the other 2 chick storks are one wasn't in the nest one was so I guess one chick has fledged don't know when.
Osprey at Washington State getting Breakfast.
I wrote and ask because at Blackwater only parent was in nest. So I ask when the littlest guy fledged?
Going to check in on some other since ours is down.
Suzanne thank you will check it out too. A mouse pad would be neat. Too many pics I can think of I would want on one though lol.

glo said...

Thanks Suzanne That puts NCTC proceeds up to $14. I will be keeping everyone posted on where we are with this. I did get an email notifying me of the sale so I know things are being credited correctly.

I know that as things quiet in here we are loosing lurkers and even some posters probably on a daily basis. The momster group though will be easy to reach with whatever products Paula is working on no mater who remains regulars at this BLOG. I will be here regularly, as I just well Like it here LOL

Off to work here in about 10 minutes. Took the link off my computer at work since i'm leaving, but will check back in at lunch!!

have a great day.

Oh Sharon, the "Spunkster storm" Me too, Please and Thank You!!!

I think Sharon was having a litle storm of her own with an XBox last night. I also think her son has a pretty neat Mom.

paula eagleholic said...

you have mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Glo.

floralgirl said...

Oh please ,me too Sharon-I want to see the "spunkster Storm".My e-mail is Gal Vicky-I did very well last weekend considering how hot it was.Saturday's market I sold out quick-which is always great!Sunday was busy because Shepherdstown has the Theatre festival going on,which brings a lot of tourists into town.I have been lucky so far,the damaging storms have gone right around us the past few days.We got about a half and inch of rain and no damage to the garden.Right now I'd say the plants are doing better than me-this weather is really wearing me down,hope I'm not getting too old for this hard work!!

movin said...

Good morning, All,
Not too much to see in the nest 'that we haven't seen before.' (yuk, yuk)

I loved Glo's line of eagle products, especially the mug, except the aforementioned wording. I'll take another look this evening.

Glo mentioned she could change pic on mug to the one on the cap ... couldn't see the one on the cap.....

I'm sure I'll find something before long. Talk to you later. Have a good, animal-cam day.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I will send out the "Spunkster Storm" as soon as I get it put together into a movie thingy! May be this evening. More will be revealed.

glo said...

Jim If you click on the cap It will give you the opportunity to see larger picture, then it even has a place to zoom and you can read the words as well. it does have sample imprinted onthere so a bit of a challenge but I think you can read it.

Sit tight for weekend items...more fun LOL

Also remeber I will fix the mug to something that suits the Dads out here in a couple of weeks. So hang in there if you want a mug. They even have a Stein if you would rather that, just have to take the mug down to put the stein up.

glo said...

Ok Paula has asked me to clarify that these Press cafe items I am offering are not the ones from Eagle_Momsters... there will be
Tshirts, tote bags, mugs, mouse pads and calendars to start. Not sure on time frame but proceeds of $5 to $10 per item will go to NCTC. I am sure they will be nice.

Mine are really NOT from Eagle_Momsters....they just have that name printed without the underslash on the mug as something for us to have while we wait for the "Other" products etc. Not sure if they will all say Eagle_Momsters or NOT.

Actually I guess I didn't understand until now that eagle_Momstes were sdelling these. Just thought it was NCTC benefit eagle items etc. So there ya go.

Hoping to make the $25 though in these momentos and to be able to send a check to NCTC.

glo said...

Having clarified that Eagle_Momsters is preparing to sell some items soon they are hoping, here is the link for the items I have made to sell for us now. I did not know at all that Mugs were in the plans. I had only heard T shirts and totes. before this..

Any way as far as I'm concerned this is for NCTC not eagle_momsters, and is about raising funds in thanks for what we have and hope for next year. here is the link.

I will be the first to admit that what eagle_momsters seems to be planning will be beautiful products and looks like offer more to give back to NCTC depending on what the price of the items will be.

Off to work late again...oh I'm gonna get fired!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It really is all about giving back. I think all these things are great ideas and I appreciate the work everybody is putting into it. I think a wider variety of stuff for us to buy is good. They will all be unique in their own way. I am grateful for the talents that different ones have to put this stuff together for us. Thanks Glo and Paula for your efforts.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Pretty sure it is the same pictures from yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Morning all, MITS IN BLUE HERE See my name is in blue. I have tried even to change my name on blog and it will not let me change, really don't care, would RATHER have live-feed and a decent cam. Maybe with all this stuff that is going to be sold, NCTC can hire someone who can keep these cams up and running. I hope they are getting credit for the time these cams have been down. Any how for some diversion The pandas look like they are playing in a pool of ice.

Anonymous said...

GOOD MORNING "LITTLE EAGLE BUDDIES"------Now Jim, do you feel included???? Come on---I know many ex-marines who drink out of "Momster Mugs"----KIDDING---I have just finished reading yesterday's posts----Missed you all yesterday---everyone is way ahead of me---Nilla, did you read those comments Mits & WVGal made--they were COOL--buy please not hit them---Floralgirl----I'll drink to your G&T---Lots of questions---MARIE, I checked the Cornell site----that is a good site---bluebird eggs, etc.----I enjoyed the info on the Ivory-billed Woodpecker---GLO---I will certain buy mugs & mouse pads---I would like a pic w/3 eaglets in nest--& the eagles in flight---think this is a great idea----HAPPY--HAPPY to read Geula's email---Good spirits--no mention of Big W-----She's a delight---Great puzzles too!

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning all you Eagle Buddies! I like that phrase
The later I sign in, the longer it takes to say good morning. Everyone seems to be doing great! Hopefully we can say that about the cams very soon.

I am out of here for about 2 hrs..Keep me posted with your comments. I will return!

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL SHARON----Please include me in "Spunky's Storm" tape---I was wondering why so many of us always cheer for "her"---is it because she was the smallest, youngest & always had to fight for her food?----I know she is probably a "he"---I like to think she is a modern eaglette---You know, SHE IS WOMAN HEAR HER ROAR--- and way back JO said if I wanted to think of her as female---that's OK----no one w/ever know----THANKS

Anonymous said...

MITS---I need help---how did you try to get you name in BLUE? I know I am going to have same problem you do & have put off trying---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, what is your email?

Anonymous said...

Bird lovers.....Being the hummingbird lover / feeder that I am, my SIL sent me this URL showing photos of hummers from eggs to chicks....amazing photography IMHO....If you like hummers check this out

Just COPY / PASTE in your browser

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just spoke to Donna at NCTC. She will let Brad and John know when they come back from lunch that the cam is messed up. Hopefully, we will get something back up today.

Anonymous said...

NORMA Everytime I go to blogger it tells me that name is not available, I can't even get it to show the original name I signed up with....many months ago. Its ok I don't mind sticking out like a sore thumb. Just checked BW-SITE, that poor little one looks sooo anxious to join its siblngs.

Anonymous said...

AWWWWW!!! Mom osprey is sitting close by as if she wants to talk him thru it.

Anonymous said...

I think he is telling her to "BACK OFF" I'll go when I am ready.:):)

Anonymous said...

Now she is real close again. C'mon son, take off the training wheels and GO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Both are looking down, someone must be flying by...

Anonymous said...

Mom looks like she is looking at the cam as if to say: "Do you see what I have to put up with"!

Anonymous said...

WHOA!!!! What is that fuscia-color at the bottom of the osprey-cam?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They don't have live feed on the osprey do they? Just 30-second pics, right?

Anonymous said...

Just 30 second, live feed would be great, like the one in Conn. Have to check that one out, it was off the air yersterday.

Anonymous said...

ok conn is back on..

Anonymous said...

Eagle in the nest out in BC

Anonymous said...

MOUNTAINEER & SUZANNE---that beautiful humming bird is listed in our Yahoo Eaglet_Momster Page---

WELCOME KETTERMANS----Glad you joined us---don't you have eagles in Elkins? I live in Hamp. Co. & we have them---CAROL from Pend. Co. also sees them---AREN'T WE BLESSED-----

Geula said...

AWWWW GEEEEEE! Y'all missed me! How nice of you...BE CAREFUL! I may stick around and drive you all CRAZY!

All is well where I live(so far so good) as we go into the 9th day of "the War in the North). Relatively quiet day, as wars go. "Only" about 40 some odd Katusha rockets...a few injured, no great property damage, a couple of fires where the rockets landed in fields. but all that is 40 km from me and on up to the very north of the country. I live in the central region...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, you've got mail.

I haven't been able to find any eagles in Mercer County.

floralgirl said...

Geula-Welcome back!!Glad you're okay,stay safe.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, I am so glad to hear from you and that you are safe. Don't stay away so long next time!

Anonymous said...

Great to have you back GEULA !!!

Anonymous said...

Mom is trying to kick his feathery butt out of the nest and he is not goin budge..

Anonymous said...

Did someone bring in food at the osprey nest?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just called and left a message on Brad's voice mail. We will see. I hope we can get the cam up today.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon isn't this the feed that goes through Wheeling West Va. remember you told Steve C. to put it through Bluefield?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it is one in the same!

WV Vicky, did you get your email from me?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am feeling really lonesome again! WAH, WAH! No eagles, no cams, no bloggers!

Anonymous said...

Tai Shan is playing around his pond, too cute.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Of course, I went to see Tai and he left the pool!

Anonymous said...

Now he is headed to the pool of ice...

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Oh I wanna go see. OOOPS I'm at work, do you want me to get fired LOL Guess who!

Anonymous said...

Just let Mei Xiang in for her afternoon treats and some quiet time away from wild man.

Anonymous said...

Hi GLO!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She thought she was sneaking in, huh? No anonymity around here! :) Well maybe some places!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Are Pandas every mean? Can't imagine Mei or Tai every being mean or nasty!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei is saying "Be vewy, vewy qwiet! Don't wet him know where I am".

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bald cardinal back out here again. Maybe she wants to be a Bald Eagle when she grows up and thought that was part of it. LOL.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...