Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wednesday 19 July

New thread for another HOT day.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So much for Mei's break. Tai just found her!

Mema Jo said...

Hey There Guess Who You best behave & make these last few days count for something special!
Sharon Thanks for Spunky's Storm - that really did have to scare the Spunkster!
Mits Sun's shinning - time for your nap on the beach! My favorite afternoon event.

Everyone missed your comments! We knew you were ok when the puzzles kept coming!
Stay safe! Stay with us!
Norma I called her Spunky because when she was young & the smallest, she had that attitude needed to fight for her food - even fought her mom once for the food. So, therefore she got Spunky & that is a characteristic of the female eagle. You know: female - agressive behavior!!! Where would we be without it!

Next year when we vote on names for eaglets, we need to stay far away from any name which would infer the gender of the bird. None of this Ms or Mr

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Here is my report from John:

The live feed is gone for good. Glad to know I don't have to click on that anymore!

He is resetting the system and going to have Brad call Denver. They were not aware it was stuck. So, hopefully, soon we will have it up and running!


Mema Jo said...

Marie Try this & you should get right onto the page that has the cam-just scroll down to it. You can also reach the 2nd cam right from this spot...

Anonymous said...

Sharon he just will not give her a break. There is alot of info about pandas on the Zoo site and especially the Animal Planet -site. You can even hear the sounds that pandas make. In short, the keepers are very respectful of the fact, that altought they are cute, they can be aggesive. Tai seems to have no fear of them.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, you are not only YOUNG & BEAUTIFUL, but also clever---Thanks, I watched it twice----

I bet another bird rambunctious male bird did attach your cardinal---I remembered, my cousin had a few chickens---some special kind--they are her pets---anyway she had to get rid of the rooster---kept getting rambunctious with the hens--pulled lots of their feathers out----

Anonymous said...

MARIE if all else fails just Goggle The Smithsonian National Zoo of Washington D.C. That should get you in the front door, or even Goggle Giant Pandas. Worked for me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe my cardinals husband wanted to make her unattractive to other male cardinals!

Mema Jo said...

Please let's not show any emotional

displeasure of the live feed being

gone for good without our being given

any prewarning! OK? Stay COOL.

Just breath deeply 10 times & try not to exhale....... Can't do it, can you? LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sharon for the info on the LIVE-FEED and cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well Mema Jo, Steve did tell us soon, just didn't imagine it was this soon. SAD!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ops, Before you know it, Got Blackwater on my mind, poor little one just does not want to take the giant leap to freedom

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Backatcha, Glo!!

Anonymous said...

My 30 second cam is moving, just saw the leaf move I think.

Anonymous said...

Glo, do you work at the FBI and thats why you have to be Anon???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits it is moving but the pics just repeat over and over like a loop.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I gotcha, guess I wasn't paying attention the the cam and started to look for signs of life.

Mema Jo said...

Same for you Glo

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody receive "Spunky's Storm" today, besides Mits and Norma?

Anonymous said...

GEULA---WE HAVE REALLY--REALLY MISSED YOU----You have brightened our day----so glad you are still sending puzzles----that tells us you are still perky---(that's a good thing)----take care

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't think that little osprey is going to fledge today.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon You'll need to read back 20 messages to find out the answer to your question.....LOL

Mema Jo said...

MITS I am on the BW osprey cam - Which of the 3 now in the nest is this youngster not yet ready to test his wings?

Anonymous said...

I might have, Sharon I will check when I get home. Where I work is Far Beyond anyone's Imagination so yes FBI would work LOL

Anonymous said...

Just a short note re: panda Lun-Lun at the Atlanta Zoo, her progestrin levels still continue to rise and if she is indeed ,pregnant, like they hope. The cub would be born sometime between mid to late August.

Anonymous said...

JO, The smallest one:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, DUH, don't know how I missed that.

Secret Agent, let me know!

Signed: Proofreader from H--l!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NILLA--I need your mailing address to send you the Potomac Eagle sched.

email me:


Anonymous said...

Woooo, all of a sudden all the ospreys jumped on something or someone, lots of mantling.

Anonymous said...

MITS---Just because you can't get in to the club---you don't have to be anonymous-----

Anonymous said...

This a.m. I checked the Cornell site, Marie recom.---Lots of pics & info regarding the ivory-billed woodpecker-----In this a.m's Charleston Gazette paper, it states a federal judge temporarily stopped construction on a $320 million irrigation project Thurs. in Ark., ruling changes could disturb the habitat of a woodpecker that might or might not be extinct---goes into more detail---Need to ask Birdgirl her opinion---

Anonymous said...

NORMA I'm not anonymous, GLO IS Geeeezzzz, I get blamed for everything:):):)LOL

Anonymous said...

Just a question who needs the irrigation system??? People are the woodpecker??? Can't the woodpecker be moved to a safe location.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just tried to call Brad about the status of the cam and had to leave a voice mail. Hopefully somebody will let us know something soon.

Anonymous said...

Norma Anyone can turn into anonymous

Even Mema Jo... LOL

It's getting that blue name! LOL

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

More to be revealed, in case anybody wanted to know.

Mema Jo said...

People are woodpeckers ???

Thank you from the bottom of my heart - I hadn't had my belly laugh since you said BOO! one day!

Anonymous said...

Anon, huh??? What's MTBR??? I can't remember all these acronyms. Is that you Louise????

Anonymous said...

Glad to oblige, Jo. Laughter is the best medicine

Mema Jo said...

Oh My, No! Don't start the letters today... I am just as bad with those as the puzzles everyone else enjoys..

MTBR - Maybe Tomorrow Birds Return ?

Anonymous said...

More to be revealed, HMMMMM, that sounds like Glo or Sharon. This is like a bad episode of CSI, who is it and who done it????

Anonymous said...

I'm right with you on that one Jo. I gave up on the puzzles long ago.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sharon for calling Brad again. Do you think they have caller ID?

glo said...

LOL You guys are too funny. It's nice to have some chuckles especially after a long day at the FBI

Hoping for a good evening. Thanks for the not so wanted but needed info to those making and receiving calls emails etc.

I am honestly NOT surprised . They did say they would leave the other cam and BLOG on though I thought at least unless or until the cam is just too much to deal with anymore. i do think the bLOG will stay up but we are approaching that 300 mark again.

I have seen BLOGs over 400 so I don't think that is really what shuts it down. Hopefully I'm right about this one.

Anonymous said...

MITS--If I had thought you were ANON---I wouldn't have said so----I AM NOT SLOW, YOU KNOW?????? You do know---DON'T YOU?

ps---they aren't sure the ivory-billed woodpecker exists any more--Judge did a good thing---

wvgal_dana said...

Ty Sharon for the views of Spunky outlasting the "fury of a storm". Spunky has character!
What's this about Glo working for the FBI? I thought it was ATF she worked for?
Mits your always in trouble, even without Nilla here lol.
Good work trying to get the pic that refreshes Sharon. Remember it took along time to get Denver to fix it before. Hopefully they are working on it.

Mema Jo said...

GLO You're right about blogs not getting a problem due to being over a certain amount -- info was from an IT person whom I asked..

Here is a concern: This blog is owned by a gov agency - aren't we restricted to content of comments? We may want to go to Momsters if not for that reason alone. I belong to the ApacheAngels - army website- and man oh man their rules are strict.

Mema Jo said...

So what did I do? Scare everyone away from blogging due to my last comment.

Hello out there?

glo said...

Well my thought is we haven't been restricted so far. I hope we wouldn't maybe lose some lurkers if we move somewhere else, I like the sense of real time with the bLOG verses the momster group email although I do love all the various things we can do their like links pictures files, etc...that might be the place to send any info/comments that you would question their acceptibility on this BLOG.
As long as Steve keeps it up for us, I will probably check in here daily at least to keep in touch with some who might not be using the other site.

If this goes down I will be right over to the momster group. maybe their is a real time feel over there that I haven't discovered yet. Tell me if I have missed something here. I think it sort of works like lots of seperate emails. here I can read and follow all your conversations well some of you are a little ditsy or can't type or remember worth beans but my experience with those things helps me to follow those conversations too LOL

Anonymous said...

The whole family is back in the BW osprey nest! Nice picture.

glo said...

Nope didn't scare me I was answering you...which is exactly the real time part of the BLOG I like

Anonymous said...

Well, I can think of 2 people who "Big Brother" is watching. Maybe Thelma and Louise should watch their backs.

NillaWafer said...

OK everyone up againist the wall and assume the position....LOL Well i dont know where to start so much to remember from reading all the blogs.. Lets see Ms G welcome back glad your safe..Wavin Hi to everyone ..Norma i put my address in a earlier blog but here it is again... Mits my partner in crime becareful going in the ocean they showed sharks not far from the beach on the news last night.. Sharon i saw Spunkey during the storm and wow it was awsome and then the hassle over food. Thinking Thinking..Glo will get to ordering soon.. Oh Vicky yes i drove the Gorilla cam and also the Rhino cam..Havent set up DSL at home yet just been tired but i am off friday sat & Sunday so will do it.. Besides i need to be here to keep MsThelma out of trouble...LMAO Jo wanta meet over at Shepherdstown early sat and see Floral and just have a day yackin??

NillaWafer said...

Off to check all my critter cams

Mema Jo said...

Sharon If you haven't already done so - the BW cam page by Lisa - The virtual reality movie...That's what we need for next year. 360 degree angle...

NillaWafer said...

Lord whatcha know daughter didnt clean out the favorites i filled back up yesterday..LOL HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY

Mema Jo said...

I get the prize

I wanted to be #300 & it happened without even trying!
Should I be so lucky for all of us to have those lines leave the cam....

wvgal_dana said...

I like the blog on here especially since Steve C. has gone to all the trouble to keep it up for us. I feel I owe him and NCTC since all the "calls for cams to work" lol.
Also it is very easy on here to talk to one another.
I don't think we are censored if so those pages that were wrote at one time not too long ago. Would have since us to prison.. lol and I don't smoke so don't bring me any smokes... hee hee

Geula said...

What's the Spunky and the storm story?

Mema Jo said...

Going to be out for awhile.
Where is Sharon? Probably jumps on the X BOX when Andrew isn't there!

NILLA I'll consider it & let you know. I do have a 1:30 appointment on Saturday....You know I'm not an early riser anymore. May depend on the weather..Should be cooling down to the 70's I hope.

Geula said...

I'll check for answers when I wake up in the's tomorrow here already!

Be good eaglet moms and dads...MAWOY!

Mema Jo said...


I will forward to Geula the movies you sent to us.

glo said...

Nilla I will be changing the mug design sometime on Satto something more generic and also different color scheme, so if you want this particular one, you might want to get it now. I will save the design though so I ocul dput it back in the storefront at a later date. As I said before can only display 1 type of each item ( 1 mug design) at a time in my Free store.

Hope that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

NILLA LOUISE----I need your United State mailing address---not email--I w/return it by U.S. Mail---


glo said...

LOL Would make more sense if I would proof read it before I hit publish...LOL no time got to feed and walk my dogs

NillaWafer said...

Ok Mits just watched the news and they are saying it was Sting Rays in the water at Rehoboth not So your safe to go back in without shark repellant.. Ok Jo call me and let me know I am not a really riser neither but for you i

NillaWafer said...

Norma dont they have a web site for the train?? I think i looked at it before i can just go there instead of snail mail ok..

Anonymous said...

Nilla, the Stingray were down here at the ocean paying us a visit this past Sunday. Several years ago, we had skate swim by, freaked everyone out. Everyone thought it was a baby shark. Nilla I sent you an e-mail, did you get it???? Or do we have to wait to you get up and running on DSL?

wvgal_dana said...

Glo Thank you for mentioning that "if someone wants the mug they should order it now because things are going to change". Ty Ty
I just ordered my mug excited to get it in about 7 business days
MITS I thought on the news that was you in a sting ray outfit swimming around out there. You know too many G&T's lol

NillaWafer said... OK Mits try this will take you right to the live Monterey bay cam and all the others are along the side to click.. remember some have sound so look for the audio button and click it.. right now seals are on the rocks people are watching them and kayak boaters are going by.. last night beautiful sail boats could be seen and large boats.

NillaWafer said...

Checking mail on yahoo now Mits

wvgal_dana said...

The train ride are you talking about the one where you catch the train in Romney?
Can't remembe what it is called.
I believe most people have said you usually see an eagle flying.??

Anonymous said...

Vicky, I go into to the ocean, splash some water on me to cool off and then I am outa there. Got knocked down really hard when I was 10 and never forgot it, and besides I'm a lousy swimmer.

glo said...

WVagal Vicki, Just received the email about your order. We are up to $18 now if everyone is happy and keeps their mugs LOL. I should get mine by Mon or Tues, since I made it and ordered it right away. Mine is mispelled though LOL cause the proofreader from hell didn't get the info in time to tell me. I shall always remember the eagles and the proofreader from ...oh well you know...everytime I look at the mug. I too am very excited to get it!!!

I have already been playing around with the newer more generic design. I will NOT change it though before Sta afternoon or evening. So you have a couple of days to make your decision.

Anonymous said...

NILLA---Yes--the web site for the Potomac Eagle train is thought you wanted a sched. mld.---that what I sent Jo----
WVGAL---you almost always see 2 eagles---rare not to----It's a good deal----different times, different prices, etc.

Anonymous said...

Excursion train Potomac Eagle in Romney, WV schedule here....


NillaWafer said...

Ok Glo ..I am trying to order and Jo sent me am e-mail with 5 dollar coupon.. for some reason i cant get to where i am suppose to Gona try to order from you url here.. Yup Norma hang on a second while i order the mugs

glo said...

Here is the url again

As you check out it should give you a place to enter a coupon. I didn't have a coupon with my order as hadn't opened shop yet, but I do remember seeing the screen asking for it.

glo said...

Yes it says add to frame says proceed to check out. On that page under billing and shipping is a place for the coupon code on the right had side
near middle of page

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I love it, Nilla. I've been to that Aquarium along time ago, it is just one of the most beautiful areas in the country. Heard someone giving a lecture on penquins a little while ago. Going to eat dinner, will check back later. Going to send this to my sister.

NillaWafer said...

Ok i processed my order and bought both the mug and the mouse pad.. Had no problems except the coupon expired Oh Mits i knew you would love it i am so glad i can keep you happy and out of trouble....LMAO

Mema Jo said...

I have returned - went out to eat - I purchased a black tee shirt with an eagle in flight on it....WOW! I am anxiously awaiting our T shirts - This one is really a Harley eagle but doesn't have any writing on it so I'll just tell anyone who asks that it is a Shepherstown eagle.

glo said...

Thanks to all who have ordered. Glad you found something you like. You might want to be watching the storefront this weekend, almost anything could and is happening BUT I won't change out that mug til Sat sometime...I promise!!!

Mema Jo said...

I just ordered the other day - 7/19 - I have received confirmation & tracking info that my order shipped today.
NILLA I can't believe the coupon expired within a day. I just may call & inquire.
Will you give me your order # ?
Glo, Sharon, Mits - check your junk mail from CafePress for any $5 coupon...

NillaWafer said...

Thats what it told me Jo was expired when i typed it in..#26955747..Oh i was on the Washington State Osprey cam site and saw Vicky was there also but i thought to myself all these people love birds so why not put our mugs and mouse pad here.. Name: Nilla-WVEagleMom (7/20/2006 4:24:06 PM)
Comments: Hi Ya'll and Vicky my pal..I see they are still in the nest thought sure 1 would go as it was air born the other night in the nest. For any who maybe interested we at NCTC have created a special coffee mug and mouse pad with pictures of our eagles, it is on sale at this addy Wonderful gift for anyone.. Thanks I guess if they dont want it there i will be banned but might drum up sales!!!

NillaWafer said...

Jo i thought the coupon said it was good til July 26th check your e mail or ill send it back to you and you can see the date, Nilla

Anonymous said...

GLO---I have tried to order---all I get is the won't take the
want me to try again tomorrow?

NillaWafer said...

Jo the word was Polandsalt

NillaWafer said...

Norma keep trying for some reason the internet has been acting goofy took me afew times also... and i am on cable here at work.

glo said...

Norma sorry you are having trouble. You should be able to just cut and paste this into your url...Yes of course i want you to keep trying, especially if you are wanting that mug.

Good luck....You can do it!!! I'll be watching for your order.

glo said...

I am making a journal right now that I will put on the site. i am going to order it and try my coupon code too which is the same I believe and supposed to be good also til July 26, if I have a problem i will figure out how to contact someone about their coupon codes!!!

glo said...

Sheperdstown is this correct spelling please

NillaWafer said...

Name: Nilla-WVEagleMom (7/20/2006 4:39:18 PM)
Comments: Sorry it is not NCTC who created this beautiful mug and mouse pad but 1 of our EagleMoms..Which we are giving most of the money so that we may have sound next year.. Hmmmm am i wording this right Glo?

NillaWafer said...


glo said...

OK Thanks for the spelling of Shepherdstown.

Yes I have created the mug and a few other items to raise funds for NCTC in gratitude for what they did for us this year, and towards offsetting some of their expenses for nextyear. I don't plan to stipulate thatit be used for sound though, although I do intend to hint that we would love the addition of sound if at all possible.

$2 from each item sold will go to NCTC.

Thanks again to all who are helping.

Mema Jo said...

NORMA - don't type monsters & it should work.

GLO Spelled: Shepherdstown
You know-The good Shepherd.....

NILLA Did you type the 's' on the word POLANDSALTS ?

NillaWafer said...

No Jo just like i put it here polandsalt.. Well if the Osprey site doesnt want the url in ther they will edit but hopefully some will look and buy before they do. Doesnt matter Jo its payed for... Mits i was watching the sharks and abig hammer head came right at me the music is beautiful to listnen to..

NillaWafer said...

Ok i added just a tad at bottom, they havent deleted it yet so i hope sales will roll Name: Nilla-WVEagleMom (7/20/2006 5:02:41 PM)
Comments: Glo said Yes I have created the mug and a few other items to raise funds for NCTC in gratitude for what they did for us this year, and towards offsetting some of their expenses for nextyear. I don't plan to stipulate thatit be used for sound though, although I do intend to hint that we would love the addition of sound if at all possible. $2 from each item sold will go to NCTC. Thanks again to all who are helping. We looking forward to Liberty & Belle to give us a new family next year to watch and love.

glo said...

Nilla Nilla Bless your heart did you advertise for us on another site. That's great. I plan to do the same tomorrow sometime which in addition to our Eaglet dads, and not wanting to just use the "momster theme" I am creating some generic great "our eaglets and family memorabilia"

Time for my supper now!!!

Anonymous said...

JO---"Just take me out & pull the trigger"----I couldn't find the Eagle products when I got into cafepress---will order tomorrow---I have to fix dinner---salad---


Need to talk to someone tomorrow in re: my blog---applied--says ok--but I don't want to do it wrong---I bet I w/have same trouble Mits has-----Nite all!

glo said...

Norma No one is going to take you out and shoot you. If I have your email correctly I sent you a link in your email that should get you there OK. AFTER your supper!

Hang in there...we are going to figure out how to get a mug to you!!!

NillaWafer said...

Mits i have been watching the Kelp Forest cam ive and there are 2 divers in there cleaning the huge they are putting on ashow playing around.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon didn't say she was going out!
Hasn't been on most of the afternoon & early evening... I hope Andrew was NOT cutting grass again today!

Looking forward to your signing back in, Sharon. Still daylight on the Live Eagle Cam.....

Maybe Steve will be in tomorrow to take care of things! I hope so....

paula eagleholic said...

Hi all.
I found out today that Steve is out of town, so maybe if we email tomorrow sounding desperate someone can get the cam up again!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula Maybe they sent Steve to DC today - Seems he has to go there at least once a week. Good idea about tomorrow - we'll probably get a good quick response.

paula eagleholic said...

The 360 view on the blackwater site is really neat if you haven't seen it....

Sharon...I got your fraps earlier today, Thanks! Haven't had the time to watch it yet, work is extremely busy...

Anything we sell thru the eaglet_momsters site will be for the total benefit of the NCTC cam, nothing will be for eaglet_momsters....that is just a fun group!

I don't think Steve would have offered to keep the blog up if things we said on a "government site" were inappropriate...that is one of the things I have really enjoyed about this blog and the group is how well we all get along together...

I am thinking about starting an Eaglet_momsters blog later this summer/early fall, with news and links to other early eagle nesting cams...I think they nest in Florida in October or November.

Hoping to be able to get everyone info on the items to benefit the cam soon. And yes, Todd said we could use his pictures as long as it was for the benefit of the cam.

Anonymous said...

Ok, lets see where was I between dinner and phone calls, I haven't had a chance to get back out to Montery. Oh and we had a beautiful sunset, had to take that in too. Norma, I could not get into that Cafe Press to save my life until MeMa JO sent me the address in an e-mail. The only mugs that kept poping up were of the 101st Airborne. My coupon worked just find once I got in, just make sure you print the Poland Salts exactly like it is printing on Jo's e-mail. I tried again several times today to get my name in BLUE, No matter how I tried to change the name and the password, it would not accept it, always says name is taken or charictoristic not accepted. I will skim back thru the blogs to see if I missed anything.

Anonymous said...

If this blog is still up after Thelma and Louise have posted on it, I think we are ok, you know those two can get PRETTY rowdy at times.

NillaWafer said...

Welcome Home Mits, what this about Thelma & Louise? Dont forget Ms Sharon she can be an instigator aslo and I have been watching the Outer Bay live cam the fish swimming by are so soothing and beautiful music.. could fall asleep to it.. Well almost time to say HiDeeOoosss my friends and close and go home,, but i am full of energy and just might hook up DSL So true as i aid before for the internet we are a rare bunch as to never having a lil tisk between us.. get my drift any ways Nighty Nite, Nilla

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, I have been out for the evening. Been reading the 70 blogs that were put on here since I left. You people have been busy here tonight. Still no cam!! ARRRGGGHHH! Had to go to the store, a meeting, etc. Hopefully tomorrow we will have the cam back up. I think I said that last night too.

Andrew has Ghost Recon, NCAA football, and a racing game - doesn't interest me. I need Super Mario or something like that. That tickles my fancy.

Still have to work some tonight because I was too busy blogging and calling NCTC to get my work done so I have to finish it now. I will be checking though.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mon, its me I've been swimming under the sea, with the sharks and otters and fishes. I just received my e-mail that my mugs are on their way.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I feel I have been wrongly accused at being an instigator - not me!! Little ole me? NEVER!

paula eagleholic said...

My kids always beat me at Mario! I would always jump up and die or fall down the hole!

I like Pac-man and space invaders and that other one, what is it, oh yeah, Tetris.

Anonymous said...

Sharon and Jo instigators, NOOOOO, I don't believe it I see Halos over their heads, but then again my eyesite isn't what it used to be:):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Mema Jo
Would you be interested in a Sunday evening visit to the nest? Or anyone else for that matter? I have to work on Saturdays, and Sunday is my only day to sleep in!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I saved the princess on the original Mario. I even took a picture of the TV screen. Funny.

When Andrew was about 5 or 6, he got a Nintendo 64 for Christmas. Little feller got to play it for a couple of hours and then it was over. He couldn't get it away from his mother. I beat that one too.

paula eagleholic said...

Man Sharon! You are good! I would always die, and just ROFLMAO.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just one of the many talents I have! LOL. And to you Jo - LOL!

Mema Jo said...

Evening visit - right before they settle in the tree sounds good. Nilla always saw action near dusk. Let's see if there are any other takers for a Sunday.

I like Tony Hawk!!! I can make him crash really well. Tetris I can't do- just like the puzzles I can't do. I really prefer car racing- I get those police cars all the time.

Whomever gets their (correctly spelled mug) first will get a Free Magnet! So record the date & time of its arrival in you hands or should we make it whomever has the first mug of coffee? LOL
Love Ya, GLO

NillaWafer said...

Ok gang i know i am leaving now but I will be back in at around 8:30 AM as my daughter is ill ( she has female problems)YUCK remember those days.... and i will be here til 5 pm tomarrow. Mits Yo Mon you behave!!!

NillaWafer said...

This is the first place i will head if i get DSL running tonight...

Mema Jo said...

Mario Players
The funniest thing about the kids & adult kids playing Mario was their body movements. They would go back & forth - up & down - This is a flashback of memories watching Nintendo 64!
My favorite was to watch my oldest grandson as a youngster play LINK & save the princess. He even had to have a green costume. Enough of this...getting choked up!

paula eagleholic said...

I like the racing ones too, they are easier. I am definitely up for a Sunday visit!

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe Floralgirl could join us since she is always at market on the weekend mornings.

paula eagleholic said...

Mits ,
We used to skates mating all the time at my moms place on the Potomac. They would mate just offshore, and you would see 4 sets of wings instead of 2. Was really neat to see them swimming all around.

The bad part was they liked to bite on your fishing lines, and you usually had to cut them loose, as they are very strong, and put up quite a fight to get them to shore, usually over an hour. So most times, people would just cut them loose.

Anonymous said...

Skates mating, now that's a picture, that will be in my head the next time I see them. Maybe Nilla can find a cam for that one:):) Where was your Mom's place on the Potomac, PAULA?

Anonymous said...

If I were not at the beach I would join you, as with most birds, I think Dawn and Dusk are excellent times to see them.

paula eagleholic said...

My mom's place used to be at Point Lookout, right where the Potomac meets the bay....eagles are starting to nest down there now, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla has a knack for that, doesn't she?

Anonymous said...

PAULA I guess the skate mating thing scared everyone off. Its OK, there are not any pictures, you can all come back now:):)

Anonymous said...

That's great news about the eagles, Paula, do you still visit there?

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

There is also Nilla, Vicky wvgal,Belle wv. Norma - it's your daughter that is in Shepherdstown-right?
Sunny is from Hagerstown.
Be great if Steve could get us in the gate if the guard was there on a Sunday rather then park by the roadside.
You talking this Sun or the next Sun?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am getting jealous again. I want to come!!

Skates mating? PICTURE GO AWAY!

glo said...

Well good night all. sure hope we see a camera working tomorrow. I still yearn to see our young uns checking in for us!!!

movin said...

How's everyone doing??

No camera movement of any kind, no news of why.............? Maybe we are being weaned from the pics.

That reminds me...I was wondering about the process of the young eagles leaving the nest area permanently. Are they driven away like some mammals do when their young reach a certain age, or are they just led by instinct to look for their own territory??

Anybody want to fill me in on Glo's quitting her job or the "censorship" suggestions? I think I missed the main entry on both of those....

OK, Glo, I will wait a while on buying the mug, or alternate goods...think I'll take another look at them though, since things are not at their hottest on this cam at the moment.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Goodnight, Glo. I will be on the phone again in the morning. Won't be able to get ahold of John as he will be in Jamaica but will try to get in touch with Brad again.

Anonymous said...

Well, SHARON as Edward R. Murrow used to say, "GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK" I now you are much too young to remember him.:):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Mema Jo
I was talking this Sunday.

I don't go down anymore, Isabelle destroyed her cabin a couple of years back. I really miss it.

What puppies?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I do remember something about Edward R. Murrow and his quote.

Anonymous said...

Paula, I was trying to distract everyone away from the talk of the skates. I thought if I mentioned puppies they would all come back. It worked!

Just Vicky said...


Anonymous said...

Sharon, you probably saw the movie with George Clooney

Anonymous said...

No, Vicky just lively and engaging conversations about skates mating:):):)

Anonymous said...

OOOPPPSSS!!! Sorry, I'm Anon

Anonymous said...

That Hugo is one cute stork.

movin said...

Eward R Murrow...I'm old enough to remember him very well... watched a bunch of his TV stuff. He was great, a real honest to goodness journalist.


Just Vicky said...

What in the world are "mating skates?"

movin said...

Good night, I shall let one of you regulars break the 400 comments barrier.


Mema Jo said...

JIM Live cam's contract time is finished. Sharon found that out with a phone call to John at NCTC today. We all knew it would be leaving - just didn't know when.

The live eagle cam is to stay around-for how long we don't really know.Trying to get it reset!! Hasn't been up all day.
Sometimes when I have questions such as you just asked about the eaglets leaving the area, I email them to Steve Chase & Steve Wunderley for answers. Usually the answers are given when a new thread is created.
Give it a try:,

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jim that is great. Me being a very young 44, I have memories of others speaking about him! LOL!!

Mema Jo said...

JIM I bet you missed my message to you......... Goodnight.

Anyway, I broke the 300th I'm not up to the 400th....

paula eagleholic said...

We're here, Vicky! How is Hugo doing, Mits?

Anonymous said...

Ouch, that hurt, Sharon.:):)VICKY They are fish, when people see them in the water they think they are sharks, there have been sightings down here at the beaches this week.

Just Vicky said...

SO do I need to scan these 398 notes to find out what mating skates are??

Just Vicky said...

thanks Mits!

Mema Jo said...

Paula This Sunday is ok. What time are you thinking?

SHARON & ALL Your spirits will go with us! & one of these days--we'll all be at the tree --I just know it will happen!!

paula eagleholic said...

Exactly that! Doing what comes naturally in the spring!

Anonymous said...

Hugo seems to be doing very well, he is soooo cute. His Mom just flew off a little while ago and he flapped his wings after she left, praticing , I guess.

Just Vicky said...

I'm trying to map out Shepherdstown from Illinois, seeing how far it would be and how long it would take to get there! Got some time off till Tuesday and you know what I'm thinking!

Mema Jo said...

Is it time for me to order the item in my blogger picture?

Anonymous said...

We will be at the tree in spirit and hopefully for real one day.

paula eagleholic said...

***Vicky from Commodes Town

You are number 400!

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

Mema Jo,
I was thinking around 5pm or 6pm til ???

Just Vicky said...

Wow, did I win anything????

paula eagleholic said...

Vicky from Commode(s) Town,
Assuming there is more than one commode there!

paula eagleholic said...

Sadly, NO ,

Just Vicky said...

Oh, so that's the prize! I'll pass on that one!

Just Vicky said...

Just that I beat everyone to the proud position of 400! Go for 500?

Just Vicky said...

Well my "map" says a 10 hour drive to Shepherdstown, that's do-able!

paula eagleholic said...

Go, Vicky Go!

paula eagleholic said...

Only 83 more comments to go!

paula eagleholic said...

81, Sorry it's getting late, math part of brain not functioning too well!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, ladies (since I think Jim is gone), I am hitting it for tonight... have a great evening, talk to you tomorrow.

Just Vicky said...

another one down for the night, goodnight Paula!

Anonymous said...

Hugo is jumping up and down in his nest flapping his wings. He has come along way to get where he is today.

Anonymous said...

Vicky, would you be making the drive alone??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I just finished my work and am going to bed. Long day! I am off for the next 2 days but have to work a little OT each day. MTBR! TTFN! HTSET.

Just Vicky said...

YES I would be alone

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:37 p.m. MT nest!

Mema Jo said...

Mits Vicky-IL
Calling it a night. You two close up shop.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Boy, Vicky from Commode Town, sure wish you lived south of Bluefield, I would get you to stop by to get me!

When will Hugo fledge? Do storks fledge? I thought they just delivered babies!

Mema Jo said...

SHARON I knew you'd be back!

Vicky-IL You could pick up GLO on your way through.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was thinking that too. Glo is in Illinois!

Jo, I thought you were going to bed!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope if they make changes to our camera next year that we can still have the rewind on the RealPlayer. Makes it easier to frap that way and see things we may have missed. I would really hate to lose that!

Just Vicky said...

Oh no, she's too far west, she would have to come my direction and leave from the east side of Illinois!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night! Honest!

Sweet Eagle Dreams............

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hugo is laying down now. What a miracle he is!

Anonymous said...

All Right Sharon its time for you to nighty-nighty. And cows jump over the moon.:):) Can't Vicky swing south and then go NE. Ok I got the MTBR, but the other 2, no clue.

Mema Jo said...

SHARON Earlier comment I made was for you to have a 360 degree cam like BlackWater and then you would have Vitural Reality Movies.

Mema Jo said...

Maybe Tomorrow Birds Return

Did I get it right?

Just Vicky said...

How big is Sheperdstown?

Anonymous said...

Hugo is tired from all the standing and flapping he did, your right, Sharon, he is a little miracle. Well, all, "GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK". TTUT!!!

Anonymous said...


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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...