Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday 16 July

A bright sunday morning thread.


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Anonymous said...

Good Morning Eagle Fans!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mits and thanks Steve for the new thread. Everybody left me and Paula yesterday for hours and we didn't even know.

I just saw the eaglet still at the tree trunk.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I thought that baby was still there and he/she is!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is that an eagle in the shade at 1:00 position???

Just Vicky said...

Any action so far?

Anonymous said...

Why yes it is!!!! Who is that beautiful eagle and how smart to stay in the shade.

Just Vicky said...

There is someone home!

Anonymous said...

Close to the launching pad. Nope back in the shade

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The eaglet has been there for a while. Was hiding at the tree trunk. Probably Spunky but who knows. There was a shadow of one of them flying over the nest a minute ago. It was so cool.

Anonymous said...

Sharon---I was on old thread today--do you think that is Spunky in nest now---she was in her old hiding place----MEMA JO--your chocolate formula was right----I AM 29!---KIDDING & haven't had coffee yet----Glad you are back CINDI----Thanks to the 2 Vickys--I can now comment & see the eaglet & turtle shell---

Have been listening to news---we MUST PRAY for Geula---that is one big mess---

Just Vicky said...

Take good notes, and keep those eagle eyes open! This "ole bird" can't stay long this morning so I'm depending on all the others to make sure I don't miss anything.

Anonymous said...

Smart bird stay in the shade, let Mom Or dad bring you breakfast. Does anyone have Geula's e-mail and have they tried to contact her?

Just Vicky said...

Yes, prayers for Geula! Well off to church folks! Check in later!

wvgal_dana said...

Was checking out Blackwater Osprey for Birdgirl no fledge yet.
Also had my Real Player up watching what I think is spunky; cooling in the shade. Sharon I did see the fly over shadow too neat.
Yes Geula like I said on other thread (thanks Steven for new thread) I'm keeping her in my prayers. Hope we soon hear from her.

Anonymous said...

I think someone is close by messing with the cam.

Anonymous said...

Sharon you must have "eagle eyes"-----I didn't notice the fly over shadow---COOL

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot, NILLA Glad you had a nice visit with the eagles.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits you still at the Ocean? Very happy to hear you say. That there was a good many dolphins.
One in nest is just doing some R & R in the cool shade, at the 12 o'clock position.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Whoever it is in the nest is certainly taking advantage of the nice comfortable shade! Hard to even seen him/her. I personally think it is her - Spunky!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Vicky, I'm still at the ocean. There was alot of Dolphin activity yesterday, have not seen any this a.m. I just checked the weather for this week down here and we wil be having heat indexes of 100 to 105. That is so rare for hear.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Mits that sands sure going to be hot on those people that don't where something on feeties.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This is what I want to do. I want to sit on a balcony overlooking the ocean with a wonderful cup of coffee in my hand, watching the dolphins go by and feeling the ocean breeze on my face. Instead, for my summer vacation, I am going to my son's last band camp for the week. I will be a chaperone. I did it last year and had a blast. They covered me in shaving cream, put toilet paper all over my car, covered my doorway with Saran wrap - I truly felt loved. It was great. Not the beach, but I am sure I will have fun!

wvgal_dana said...

Has anyone seen any movement from Spunky at all, even a stretch of the wing. Man is Spunky out of it!!

Anonymous said...

Vicky, I always wear these ugly beach shoes, but, at least, I can walk across the sand. My husband just told me to stand in the water all week.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Spunky is moving a little bit now but not much. I see her tail feathers moving a little bit.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok figured out by watching leaves that mine froze. Did a reboot Spunky is up now. Is Spunky eating something? Did food come in while I did a reboot?

Anonymous said...

SHARON---I bet they (band members) have been planning all summer to play GOTTA YA----how lucky to have a NEAT COOL mom like you----Do you ever play pay back---

wvgal_dana said...

Back down in the R&R position. Really must have been some trip flying or tired from playing with sibling in air.

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Ya'll what a bright sunny hot morning and the live cam is so clear... I saw 1 in the nest and i think still there but in the shadows.. Your right about being excited last night seeing them just flying and landing.. was spectacular!!!!!!!!!! Depends on activity today around the nest i will ride over this evening again.. Have a wonderful Sunday and KEEP COOL!!! Hugs, Nilla I am off to check on all the other critter's live cams.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No I haven't thought of a payback, but I am open to suggestions! I do know that part of the senior skit there will be when I spit my dentures out into my hand on the band bus! That should prove to be pretty embarrassing! I can't believe I said that on here!

wvgal_dana said...

There is a nice breeze blowing the feathers as the eaglet rest in the 12 o'clock position, where it is also shaded. Ahhhh must feel so good.

Anonymous said...

I started looking through so of our groups mail I saved and I think this could be Geula's e-mail:
Does that sound right??

Anonymous said...

NILLA, Check out those adorable tiger cubs at the national Zoo.

wvgal_dana said...

We need a "baby monitor" so we can hear if it's snooring lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks, CINDI, That might be it.

Anonymous said...

HEY EAGLET_MOMSTERS! Sharon is open to any PLAY-BACK STUNTS she can use when she is counselor at son's band camp!!! Surely we can come up w/some "sneaky-nasty tricks"-----DENTURE TRICK is GROSS----we need to get GROSSER---

NillaWafer said...

For anyone who has not seen the 3 tiger cubs at the Washington National Zo here is the link: They have new camera angles this morning and must have the cubs seperated from mom... looks like she is really pacing back and forth and they want her

Anonymous said...

Your welcome....I just hope thats the right e-mail?

I know just how our little eagle feels about this HEAT, I hate it, I'm just not a summer person, THANK HEAVENS FOR AIR.

NillaWafer said...

Oh Mits i did and they sure have gotten biggggggggg... I like the new views..

NillaWafer said...

I see someone at the door Mits maybe today they are giving them a medical check up???

Anonymous said...

Nilla, the keepers were just cleaning the area, just let Mom back in with the little ones, hard to believe that they were only born on May 24th.

Anonymous said...

Nilla, I remember last year at Tai Shan's 1st checkup, his Mom, Mei Xiang, tried to climb thru the little window on the door to get him and when they brought him back, she cleaned him from head to toe to get the human scent off.

Anonymous said...

Too funny....tiger cub just approached mom really carefully and tried to get by without her licking him, but Mom got him anyhow.

NillaWafer said...

I see now they have left the cubs back in and she was cleaning them.. Have any idea when they might go out for the public to view?

Anonymous said...

Usually they will put that info on the site, think it may be a little while yet.

Anonymous said...

Just read on site, it will be several months before their debut.

NillaWafer said...

I know but thats been posted for awhile now.. Cant be to long as big as they have gotten.. I check Osprey cam in Washington State and they are resting.. Panda's cant tell which one but is laying on concrete out side by the door.. wants in from heat i Well going to check on Hugo and see what that rascal is up to.

Anonymous said...

How many in nest now? Two?

NillaWafer said...

Is 1 of the kids still resting in the nest? Hard to tell with shadows and wind blowing.. Looks like it..

NillaWafer said...

1 i think over at 2 o clock position

glo said...

Good morning everyone. It is heading for 100 here today. I am off to the mine is open on sunday at 11 my time, and to Best Buy...I am going to try to some Retail Therapy LOL. I need a new TV small one i can move around that will eventually end up in my bedroom but for now I need it for my livingroom. I have an old heavy huge thening I moved to the sunporch early in spring, but now its pretty hot out there. The only TV in the house lOL. So off to Best buy. Think I'm ready for a small cool tv for the livingroom. LOL

Hopefully some eagle action although just resting in the shade sounds nice today too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, there ain't nothing better than retail therapy. Works for me, till the money runs out anyway.

There is one in the nest and has been there for at least a couple of hours now.

NillaWafer said...

Morning Glo have agreat day shopping. Hugo is up but not completely on his knee's it looks like, he sure is big now also. I love the sound its it amazing we can see this from across the world in Germany.He is standing up sleeping.

NillaWafer said...

A Peaceful Morning In The Ole Sycamore Tree.. Thats where it looks like Spunky wants to be.. For all of us the enjoyment is a pleasure to see.. He is conserving his energy for Nilla to see

NillaWafer said...

Ut Oh dogs barking woke Hugo up and he is looking around..

Anonymous said...

Nilla, that was Mei the Mom, Tai was in the grotto last time I checked.

NillaWafer said...

I see movement in the nest.. Just a jostling of feather's repositioning i think sun is moving

Anonymous said...

They just put 2 big fans outside the tiger den.

wvgal_dana said...

Well we are up from R&R stretching wings 11:12am in the 12 o'clock position. Standing looking around.
Sort of am I awake yet thought.

NillaWafer said...

Oh the kid is setting at 1 o clock just beautful so strong and magnificent looking!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, the ditzy redhead, I was just thinking the same thing. How magnificent and majestic looking! Love it, love it!

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Morning. So happy to have cams up & seeing our eaglet at the 2:00 position on the nest. Sometimes the live eagle cam will take the shadows away when in doubt as to what is being seen on the live feed. I'm thinking it our Spunkster hoping that food will come in for lunch.

Read all of today's comments but need to go back a day to hear about Nilla's visit to the nest.
GLO Have a good day shopping.
That is the correct email address for Geula.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Glo sounds good in this heat tv in cool room.
Good Morning to you too mema jo. Yes eaglet has had alot of R&R. Maybe ready to steal some food now or have someone drop off lunch.
Tiger cubs are so cute playing with mom's tail lol.

NillaWafer said...

Darn i walked away to get a drink of water and Poooofff looks like i missed the take off Nest empty at 11:25 am

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now that was the case of the great disappearing eaglet!

wvgal_dana said...

Well maybe Spunky decided to not stick around and wait for food to be dropped off. Tummy might have been grawling off to look for food I guess.

NillaWafer said...

Or hiding in the shadows again?? Cant tell.. Morning Jo and how are you this fine Sunday morning? You stay inside hear me????lol

NillaWafer said...

Mits i am jealous i would love to be seeing dolphines or better yet see whales.. my dream trip i am working on taking..

wvgal_dana said...

eagle-eyed sharon I had to go back and review the "live feed" to see if he even spread his wings lol which of course he had too.
It was there really a fast "out of here act".

NillaWafer said...

Reporting on tiger cubs... not in view but mom is pacing in full view of camera ...Pandas 1 inside eating 1 outside eating bamboo..Ospreys in Washington in nest resting...Hugo is preening hisself..LOL only 999 animals to go check on yet...

Anonymous said...

I tried that e-mail. Just got an E-mail from Geula, sent it to all by eaglet Momsters.
She's fine.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for letting us know, Cindi. I miss her!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:48 a.m. MT nest.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cindi---so happy to hear that she is safe-----I checked my email----I didn't get a email--

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think sometimes it takes a little while for the email to go through eaglet_momsters.

NillaWafer said...

I checked e-mail didnt get 1 neither but atleast we know she is safe and out of harms way.. smiles

NillaWafer said...

Ooooo Hugo is standing up and flappin his wingssss WOW it is the 1st time i have seen it.

Mema Jo said...

I couldn't wait for an email - went on over to Momsters site & read Geula's message. Thanks Cindi for contacting our friend and Thanks, Geula, for replying. Keep all your prayers for Geula's safety coming- you know the one - Eagles' Wings - so that she will be held in the palm of His hand!

Nilla You really had your time well spent last evening! Boy did they know you were down there in that jeep-or what! Wish I could have been right beside you!

Sharon & Vickie wvgal I rewound the live feed & I still didn't see him take off - just a "Poof" & gone!

Hey there, Mits They say the ocean water is warm...!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Cindi for forwarding the email from Geula. My prayers are with you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I saw his wings go out a little bit and then the camera skipped and poof he was gone! That is why I said the great disappearing act!

movin said...

Good morning from CA,
Writing before reading, because I just looked at the Kent nest and the eaglet is really working his wings and flying from one upright branch to another and back...could fledge any minute.


NillaWafer said...

Me too Jo wish you would have been there with me.. We always have so much laughter With taking the jeep everything comes off even the windshield goes down for full Better call my son and reserved it for of course gas will need to be put

NillaWafer said...

Morning Jim well its afternoon here in WV...Yes many of nest are already empty and now thoughts of next years babies and more excitement!!!

wvgal_dana said...

cindi Thank you so much that you emailed Geula and heard back. I am still keeping Geula in my prayers.
Sharon I rewound mine and it was a fast act but I just kept watching for wings to move; little they did and poof gone.
Checked again for Birdgirl no fledge yet at Blackwater.
In case anyone needs to know "peppermint tea" no preservatives in it is good for settling stomach and ends something else too which I won't write but sure you understand.

Mema Jo said...

Jim Checked out Kent Is. I first saw the empty nest & thought I had missed the fledging. Then lo & behold I look at the tree limb & the eaglet just blends right in with it!

Sharon What week is the band camp?

NillaWafer said...

Poor Mei is sure getting awork out from Tai They are so cute together playing and she is so gentle with him.. but when she has had enough she lets him know it... MT nest still guess they are waiting on me for a return visit

Mema Jo said...

Last evening we were talking about Hugo's goiter I just decided it was his 'crop' - stored food. It's not there today nor is his male puff of feathers!!

NillaWafer said...

Oooo Asian Elephant is inside and in full view eating

NillaWafer said...

The Osprey in Washington State are resting .. looks like something new been added to nest along side since yesterday .. a orange stick of some kind.. They sure love bright colors

NillaWafer said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
NillaWafer said...

Watching the elephant eat i am thinking and mind has brought back the smell of elephant' Amazing what your mind can retain..LMAO Guess im not going senile after all...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cindi----It was good to hear from her---I take a paper every Sun. a.m. to a friend of mine---so I just got home----really WARM out there----Let's all visit Mits for a few days---

NillaWafer said...

Oooo there are 2 elephants inside now eating.. Jo you hush on me saying im not i know you rolled your eyes and

NillaWafer said...

<~~~ wants to know what the pay is for reporting all this animal news????? J/K i am at work and not busy with nuffin else to

Mema Jo said...

NILLA Did not laugh - I couldn't remember what it was you said! HaHa!

NillaWafer said...

Nilla Just A Ditzy Redhead said...
Watching the elephant eat i am thinking and mind has brought back the smell of elephant' Amazing what your mind can retain..LMAO Guess im not going senile after all...

Jo did you take your Ginko today????? LOL

NillaWafer said...

Well nothing to really report at this time.. Pandas are sleeping.. Hugo was standing up preening.. Tigers are sleeping.. Ospreys are resting but looking at something in the air maybe aparent flying over.. elephants out.. our nest is empty...Oh and cheetas never have seen them.. but 1 day ill catch them using that big litter

NillaWafer said...

Did have 2 visiters in nest now only 1... they knew i didnt have anything to watch

Anonymous said...

popped in to say hello! off to lunch with the folks...

thanks for checking on the Blackwater Ospreys, and for telling us Geula is ok, and for being you in general!


bird girl

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Went out for a little while. Backed it up 30 minutes and saw 2 in the nest, then one left. Now both are gone. It is so good to see so much activity in the nest.

Jo, Band Camp is August 6-11 at a really rural 4H Camp. The first year I took Andrew down there, I cried when I left him because I thought it was such a horrible place. Of course, he had a blast. I stayed a couple of nights the next year and last year stayed all week and I had a blast. Looks can be deceiving. Really looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Did someone mention I was getting company.:):):) Clear today, temp is 81 degrees, wind out of the NE, surf temp is 66, it has gone down about 5 degrees because of the fog on Thursday and Friday. A couple of years ago, we had fog for an entire week, during the last week of July and the surf temp went from 72 to 56 degrees, the coastal area can be fickle. Cindi thanks so much for the Geula update. Nilla, you really have to see the elephants get their bath everyday around 8:00 a.m., they love it.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing it has been to have the cam up and visitors this weekend. Thanks to all who are responsible, especially the "ONE WHO MADE THE EAGLES"!!

Anonymous said...

Hugo, must have another "crop", because he has a big wad of something under his chin.

wvgal_dana said...

I sent Birdgirl an email letting her know that at the Blackwater Osprey one of the Osprey fledged today. They are going to post video or pics tonight.I sent her all that information in an email.
She was right told us to keep an eye out for her that it would be soon and soon was "today".

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I am in and out this afternoon. It has been such a miracle having the cam up all weekend and so many visits by our eaglets! God is good!

Anonymous said...

You are so right about that, Sharon. I have so much fun watching these cams from all over the world. My husband told me there is a new phrase in the Websters' Dictionary...its "mouse-potato"...someone who is on the computer too much, maybe if I change my name to that it will show up in blue??

Anonymous said...

I was just reading about Barbaro, (the horse who got injured at the Preakness), and he is holding his own, still fighting his infection. What a trooper! I f you want to send him and the people at the Vet Hospital some well wishes the site is

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Mits your name is in blue lol, I also read about the horse. Things are still up in the air. Hopefully all will go well for him. So much has to do with their 'hooves' alot of infection and lameness can come from that.
I'm in here for awhile yet.
Sister-in-law wants to play card
"penny annie poker" family genelogy
page comment lol.

wvgal_dana said...

I like seeing the nest in here but sometimes wish we had a control knob that we could drive the cam up into the limbs. Also out at a different angle. I know I know never satisfied...
There is a gorilla site where you can do just that.

Anonymous said...

VICKY if you go to the Memphis Zoo Site, they have a Tropical Bird site where you can move the cam all around for 4 minutes, you can get as close as you like and some of the birds are so colorful. Don't know if they have it up on weekends, I'll go check.

Anonymous said...

Yep, the cam is up at thr Tropical Bird House at the Memphis Zoo, its so much fun to be able to control it yourself. Don't know the exact address, just use a searh bar and type in Memphis Zoo, they also have a panda-cam there.

NillaWafer said...

Thanks for the info about the race horse i had seen on the news where he was not doing so good.. I worked in Equine Medicine & Surgery and with all he has been thru he is in the best Equine hands around except of course for the one i worked He may never race again but his stud fees will be mega bucks!!! Ok off to check cams out since ours is empty again.. They are waiting on me to arrive again...smilessss

NillaWafer said...

Oh thanks Mits more animals to watch.. God Bless Your Pea Pickin

movin said...

Thanks for the Blackwater report ... I was just reading through the blogs to see if anyone else noticed that there were only 4 chicks, got to near the end, and there is your entry.

Now, I'll go back and see if they have posted the pics.

I'm kind of lying low because of the heat and nursing a minor disease ... cold-like ... like many of you.


NillaWafer said...

That is sooooooooo kool Mits moving the camera around like that.. Although i didnt get the panda cam up..

glo said...

Hi all. Fairly quiet but peacefully fun in here this afternoon I see. Well actually it is always peaceful in here!!! some of you know whay I mean by that one

Anyway, got my TV, got it hooked up, and took a while to figure out how to get the satelite feed to go through it. All set now. It's 95 here and humidity is horrible heat index 106. I'm in and keepin it cool.

Anonymous said...

NILLA I surf so you don't have to... I love horses and he is a beauty. I just hope he recovers to become a stud. The Memphis Zoo panda-cam is notorius for having problems with its cam and the Atlanta Zoo panda-cam is only up Monday thru Friday 10 to 5.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo yea keep cool and make sure you keep the liquids going. No lol Norma I don't mean "moonshine" lol. By the way Sharonyour a west virginia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

VICKY, Great minds think alike...

wvgal_dana said...

That's it Mits H20. That way you can't say when they are falling off the couch that you mean't any other kind of drink.
heee heeee
Eaglets will come to nest when we start playing cards.

Anonymous said...

Going out to the balcony now to see if I can spot any Dolphins. Everyone on the beach today were excited to see 2 stingrays swimming close to shore. I did spot a sea-nettle, not happy about that. Some man is going out to the ocean off of Cape Henelopn, Del tomorrow and swim to Cape May, New Jersey, why you ask, because he says no one has done it before, good luck to him.

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla did you work in Equine Medicine here in West Virginia? I think I remember your from W.Va.

Anonymous said...

My personal choice of poison is a nice tall gin and tonic...hmmmm, might have to take one out to the balcony. Have fun playing cards.

wvgal_dana said...

Getting foggy at Blackwater to see the Osprey. Thought maybe one more fledged but probably not. If so they will certainly post it.
Well it card time so that means keep an eye out for the eaglets coming home to the nest.
Enjoy I'll read comments later.
Sharon press by "RED EASY BUTTON" if they come in lol.

NillaWafer said...

Yes Vicky in CharlesTown, WV.. Valley Equine Associates near the track..Well i have been busy looking at live cams all over Pandas are eating bamboo..Elephants are missing...Mole Rats are busy busy trying to dig at intersection of tubes..Blackwater Osprey were setting on edge looking around... Washington Osprey in nest just resting..Octopuss is not in site a zoo..Dark in Germany but could make out Hugo and a parent in nest..Our nest is MT they are waitng for me to I know im forgetting some animal im watching, Oh no cheetas to be seen but tracks in and out of the litter box.

Mema Jo said...

5:27 pm Action in the nest

Mema Jo said...

2 in the nest
Now 1 out of the nest
Lonely one in the nest...

Mema Jo said...

Shadows are covering our little eaglet who is at 5:00 position. Guess there isn't anyone on at this time with me??

Saw them first on the LiveEagleCam & then they appeared on the live feed. It's like you said Sharon -

It is so hot - I can see our little one panting as he rest in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

5:33 pm Has made itself at home - resting in the shade.

Vicky wvagal Wish I could see the RED EASY BUTTON - no where to be found.

NillaWafer said...

We have akid in the nest at 5:37 pm

NillaWafer said...

Jo thats not panting that'S the heart going pitter patter thinking my moma Nilla comin to see me..LMAO

Mema Jo said...

5:40 om Standing up in nest - someone could be headed in. Looking all around ..
Here comes another flying around the nest - did not come in nest. That was so cool.

Mema Jo said...

DITZY I am soo glad you're with me.

Eaglet under the cam - could be leaving - Well, I saw some feathers but it could have been when he took flight - Just have to watch for awhile to see if he really did leave the nest.

NillaWafer said...

I am going to wait til it cools off alittle way to hot to set over there now. Jo i canceled the Earthlink DSL..Verizon gave me a great deal for $17.99 amonth for ayear. Earthlink was 19.95 for 6 months then jumped to $39.95.. sending modem back to earthlink and Verizon will be here in 5-7 days..Couldnt pass that deal up saving all that money for DSL.. Ok time to close store and i will report later..

NillaWafer said...

Nest MT at 5:45pm

Mema Jo said...

5:45 pm I'll call it MT NEST

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was off for a little while as I had to move my computer from one room to another. That is a major undertaking. Anyway, I got it all back together on the first try. It is an absolute miracle. One flew in just a few minutes ago. Great action today - just to be able to see them again is wonderful!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you need to be in Bluefield. Comcast is pretty good here.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:57 p.m. MT nest.

NillaWafer said...

Mits they called me and told me about the deal at Verizon who is my home phone carrier.. Call them and asked heck for 17.99 for a year for DSL is cheap!! Ok im out of here.. more later keep those notes coming i shall

Mema Jo said...

6:02pm Headed to the dinner table - I'm glad you're in from the balcony, MITS. Your computer move went well for you, Sharon. I bet GLO is still in front of that new TV. Nilla will be on her way to the tree - said it was time to close down the store...Vicky wvgal is playing cards & winning all those pennies! I hope Floralgirl had a good morning at market!

Be back...

glo said...

LOL Sharon Yes that computer move can certainly be a major event. It is at my house too. When I fried my notebook a few months ago i carried the old monitor upstairs, went and got a new tower "which I love" and actually just today finally got the scanner hooked back up to the whole thing. Lots in transition right now in my world so i am making some brochures and wanted to scan in some info from an older brochure rather than to reset it all up. Well first I dug through a stack of software just to find the one that goes to my scanner. Then I hoped it wouldn't be incompatible with all this newer technology stuff. it oo do NOT want to move a computer againfor a long time!!!

Checked the nest. How come when I look no one is sunning. Anyway as I said in earlier post It is shade I am needing

glo said...

Oh wowo is Nilla going back to the tree. Maybe we need to take up a video cam fund for her and she could be our Filming agent. We have to check all our possibilities!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. Be back around 8:30. Keep good notes. I see one is back in the nest. Busy children today!

Anonymous said...

MT NEST at 7:03p.m. I just have a feeling someone will come back.

Anonymous said...

5 Ospreys in the nest at Blackwater.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi everyone just checking in during break time. Look like my pennies go down then I gain some. It's just fun lol. Where can I go and loose or gain some pennies for 3 or 4 hours.
Shaded area in nest but looks empty to me at 7:14pm.

wvgal_dana said...

That osprey site at Long Island NY is awesome. The parent was calling the other parent today. Usually the littlest one makes alot of noise but when parent was calling mate. That little one did not make a sound. At least one of them should be fledging soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Back to card game. Check in later.
Want to see Nilla's report.
Mits watch that balcony and that drinking. You could go overboard ooops. Don't want that!!

Anonymous said...

I love that site Vicky, just as much as a love the Osprey site in CONN. wth the blue bear.

Anonymous said...

:):):) I try not to drink to much when I'm alone, one false move and I'd be swimming with da fishes!!! Dophins came by about 5:30p.m. Going to check on them again, sometimes they come by to say Good Night. God, now I'm talking to the Dolphins.

Anonymous said...

Those ospreys are taking turns strecthing their wings. How cute is that?

Anonymous said...

I think Nilla, should call someone from the site and then that person could post the action. Hope she sees the kids again.

Anonymous said...

7:28p.m. MT Nest

Mema Jo said...

7:46pm Does anyone else see one on side of nest at 5:00 position?

Mema Jo said...

Yep! 1 on the edge of nest - Hanging out I guess waiting for Nilla. Maybe he sees her - OFF HE GOES

whoa !!! Adult came in 2 kids behind her Adult out fast I thought there was food - I think the adult took it with him. Spunky is at 2:00 position on the edge of nest & OFF HE GOES.

6:00 position is probably BigBoy - really cannot be certain. Shadows don't help

Mema Jo said...

7:53pm Last one in nest nearing the launch pad site - OFF HE GOES !

MT NEST for now

Anonymous said...

7:53 Eaglet just flew off, just as I sat down.

Anonymous said...

Probably went to say "HI" to Nilla.

Mema Jo said...

8:22pm MT NEST

Anonymous said...

8:41 MT NEST:(:(

Anonymous said...


wvgal_dana said...

Mits name is in "blue"
I told you to watch how much you put in that drink. Dolphin talking are they having a "hands on lesson down at the ocean today"? lol That's why your talking to them I know not the drink just practicing the lesson you learn't today. Right?
Nillabet you are getting a show again this evening.
Read all the comments ty mema jo, mits and anyone else I missed.
Nest looks empty 8;54pm

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back. Hate I missed the action. I see Spidey is busy already! Maybe they could smear a little Crisco on the camera next year to he will just slide off. I say Crisco and not Wesson because my maiden name is Crisco (Andrew's last name too).

wvgal_dana said...

awwwww MitsLove those ocean sunsets also sunrises lol

movin said...

Just checkin back...

There are 5 Ospreys in the Blackwater nest again...the fledgling returned?

The Kent eaglet looked like he had fledged, but then he flew on camera again and perched on his fave branch. He might not have flown the nest, but he's having a H of a time flying inside the old home digs.

Do you people have any news of our WVa group??


wvgal_dana said...

It looks like it is foggy out up in the nest tonight. I know the humidity is still terrible. Hope Nilla took along one of those little fans that blows a mist out.
8:56 parent in nest with eaglet just flew in

wvgal_dana said...

Is it one or two eaglets with parent?

wvgal_dana said...

8:57 Liberty just flew out eaglet or eaglets still there.

wvgal_dana said...

Need goggles like they use in the military for tonights watching. I know one eagle see wings and it moving like parent left food for it. Can see pulling action so it is eating something 8:59pm. Think one eaglet.

wvgal_dana said...

Is anyone else seeing this?

wvgal_dana said...

Eaglet is still there at the near 6 o'clock position pulling at food.

movin said...

Missed the "Liberty" entry-exit, but I see one eaglet in the nest now at 9 p.m. Eastern.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sorry, I was busy frapping. You could see the parent coming by on the right side of the tree, go around the tree and then flying into the left side of the nest. That was awesome. There is 1 eaglet in the nest now and it looks like it is eating!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Sharon it is eating at the 6 o'clock position but its back end toward the leaves and its head facing towards the launch pad. Eating away.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

vicky, When the dolphin start talking back to me I'm in big trouble.

wvgal_dana said...

Spidey's web must be awlful high cause parent nor eaglet coming in tore it up. Eaglet walking around under the web. I think it just laid down over were in the daytime the shade area is.9:11pm

Anonymous said...

I see that.

Anonymous said...

Someone, please hand me a swatter!!

movin said...

It's hard to see in the low light, but it looks like Mr. Spunky, and now he's flaked out with wings outstretched at the 2 o'clock position (oh, my aching flight muscles!!).


wvgal_dana said...

Yes Mits I see the moth but I am straining my neck to see if the eaglet moves. lol Almost standing on my head at this point.

Just Vicky said...

So it seems we had action this evening?? I rewound my real player and saw it! I've kept real player running all afternoon!

Anonymous said...

VICKY Please don't do that you may fall and hurt yourself and we will have to get you some of BIRDGIRL'S HAPPY PILLS.

wvgal_dana said...

eagle-eyed sharon are you still on here? You seeing anything better than me?? Did you get those special goggles with infrate red for night time?

movin said...

Well, now I can't see him...either he flew off into the night or the spider web is masking him.

Can anybody else see??


Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now. But that is only about 1 foot from my computer as I moved my office into my bedroom today. Just frapped some of Spidey's action. Now he is frozen at the leaves. I think there is still an eaglet in the nest but it is hard to see.

movin said...

Looked again, he's still there
...his head at 12 and his tail at 3 o'clock.

Probably back for the night now.


movin said...

Have a good night, everyone,
and a good week.


Just Vicky said...

wonder why still cam is not showing them in the nest like live cam?

Just Vicky said...

someone is having a snack before bedtime!

Anonymous said...

All I can see is that creepy spider. EEEEWWW!!!

wvgal_dana said...

He didn't fly off into the night as of yet 9:37pm but the foggy scene is tough to see eaglet.
Sharon have a nice night.
Vicky IL my "live feed" is very foggy can't really see the eaglet; although if it had left I would have seen wings in the foggish white.
He sleeps now.
Night all I check for Nilla's comments tomorrow.

Just Vicky said...

I do believe someone is still in the nest

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...