Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday 16 July

A bright sunday morning thread.


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Anonymous said...

Good Night Vicky and Sharon, I'll try to check in on Nilla's Great Adventures' a little later. I think she just likes to get her son's jeep and do some joy riding. Wish I were with her.

Just Vicky said...

So where is Nilla, where is Nilla,??? Did she get another great show?

Anonymous said...

I just put it on full screen and stepped back from the computer and I still can't see anyone. Must be these old eyes.

Mema Jo said...

Vicky-wvgal Do you think that is a firefly in spidey's web - It keeps blinking?

Waiting for NILLA
Hope she saw all that activity..I don't know if she stays that late or not...This is the latest we've seen them at night.

Moths are really risking their lives up there so close to the web...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Just Vicky said...

I also thought it was pretty late to be seeing them in the nest, but hey, we will take all we can get from these kids!

Just Vicky said...

You know Nilla is holding out on us, making us jealous!

Mema Jo said...

NILLA probably has to reconstruct the entire jeep before she returns it to her son - You know like put the top on, the doors, the windshield & things like that. That really takes a long time but, I bet she also stopped for dinner... probably forgot to take her munchies like she did last night!

Anonymous said...

Ok, got my jammies on and going to hit the sack. I"ll catch Nilla's stories tomorrow. Good Night All!!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight, MITS. It was 10:40 last night when NILLA returned to the blog. I'll keep checking for a little while longer. Eagle dreams to you..

Just Vicky said...

Nilla, I'm still waiting!

floralgirl said...

Sounds like a lot of eagle activity again today.So glad they are still using the nest so much. Hope Nilla saw some eagles if she made it to the tree. Market was busy but HOT!!!Off to bed-early morning tomorrow.

glo said...

Glad everyone was able to enjoy the cams and lots of eagle action this weekend. I ended up with a nap in an easy chair in front of my new TV. It was relaxing and cool. Off to bed here pretty quick. early day tomorrow. Might stop in once more after I let my dogs out to see if Nilla has a report for us. Good night everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Glad to hear you had a lazy day, GLO. Still waiting for NILLA - but her time is running short - Late news & then to bed for me too.

Just Vicky said...

Still holding out for Nilla!

Just Vicky said...

Guess it will be a lonely place around here???

Mema Jo said...

Vicky-IL I'm still playing solitaire for awhile. It is pretty late to be getting back & blogging...
We may need to wait until tomorrow to find out what NILLA saw..

Just Vicky said...

it would be my guess she is not going to tell us tonight!

Just Vicky said...

I see we lost the live cam!

Mema Jo said...

Yes, your right - Live feed is down. Hopefully the morning crew will see our message. The live eagle cam is still working.

Mema Jo said...

It's almost midnight in WV - I think we'll need to hear about NILLA's adventures in the morning.
I'll check in once more before I retire in about 15 minutes.

Just Vicky said...

well I guess I'll give up and check in the morning also! Dog gone Nilla, keeping us in suspense!

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to call it a night.. Well, I have a good reason to get up early. I hope everything is ok.... Goodnight

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight !

Anonymous said...

Hi! It's 3:08a.m.! I was having this frantic dream about "frapping" and the computer kept making a loud beeping noise. Turns out it was the 3rd and final carbon monoxide alert unit to need batteries in the last 3 days. How come these things never lose their batteries during the day? Anyhow, thought I'd check in to see Nilla's report and check on Eagles. No report, Nilla I hope you are OK, worries me that you did not check in and live feed is down. So I'm off to check the pandas and other cams and sit out on the balcony for awhile, anything to distract me from walking down to Coastal Highway and getting a chocalate nut sundae at Tubby's, they are open to 4:00a.m. Talk to you all in the a.m. WAIT it is the a.m. xoxoxo!

Anonymous said...

Pandas asleep, tiger cubs are up and running around driving Mom up onto a platform to get out of their way. Can't find kiwi chick who is nocturnal and computer keeps crashing. AlL in all a good night...NOT!

Bird Girl said...

almost 1 am here in AZ, so it's almost 10 am in Germany. Hugo is alone in nest at the moment, just dozing I guess...

Blackwater Ospreys have posted five clips of fledges, they are in Windows Media and I have saved them to my computer.

I don't think anyone is in our nest at the moment... kinda hard to tell in the dark...

On a completely different note, yesterday when I was cleaning some debris from my yard, I came across five Mediterranean gecko eggs! I love geckos, they are really neat! Since I had uncovered their nest, I brought the eggs in the house and set up an incubator. Four of the eggs are fertilized; in three, I can see the eyes when I candle the egg; in two, I can catch a little tail wiggle now and then. It is just the coolest thing, I have to say! I had just as much fun and excitement when I hatched a couple of my Zebra finch's eggs...

Well, I'm finally off to bed. I will be trying to get in to see my doctor tomorrow (well, today, really) as I am now out of ALL the medication for my back injury, and since they were prescribed by the ER doctor, they cannot be refilled. My mom is taking me down there. I'll check in when I get back :-)

Have a good day everyone, and be safe!

Bird Girl

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, yes, I'm still up. Beautiful sunrise in Ocean City,Maryland. While I was watching the sunrise got a surprise visit from Mr. Red Fox, (no, not that Red Foxx) Very unsual for this time of year, usually see him in the winter. He was trying real hard to catch the birds in the sand dunes, but they were to fast for him. Having alot of problems with this computer, been trying the last couple of hours to fix it. Crashing, freezing etc. If you hear of a woman going beserk in O.C., its just me flinging my computer into the ocean, maybe the dolphins will have better luck with it.

Anonymous said...

Hugo is standing tall on his own 2 legs. What a big boy!!

Anonymous said...

Just checked the osprey at BW, they are a nice looking bunch, aren't they SUZANNE?

Anonymous said...

There was some activity late last night in the nest, but I never could see an eaglet and I watched for most of the night. Live feed is still down. Still waiting to hear Nilla's report from her visit. Maybe she brought them all home in her son's jeep.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. Been an MT nest since I started watching at 6:10 a.m. Hope the live feed gets back up today! It was wonderful having it up all weekend.

Anonymous said...

SUZANNE one did fledge yesterday. Lisa the webmaster has some awesome video of the fledge. GOOD MORNING SHARON

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Mits. I bet the sunrise was beautiful this morning. I know the sunset was gorgeous last night here. Love it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


glo said...

Good morning all. I see the eaglets , the live cam and Nilla all need to be checkin in soon. My day starts early on third monday of the month so I won't be back in here til perhaps over lunch of later this pm. Anxious to hear how the day went with eaglets, live cam and Nilla. Have a good day all.

Anonymous said...

Have a good day, GLO. Be careful with this heat. Remember, DRINK, DRINK, DRINK

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is back up. Yeah!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:58 a.m. MT nest.

Just Vicky said...

Now I am worried about our "Nilla"!

Anonymous said...

NILLA Hope you are ok!

Anonymous said...

I bet they are close by...this is how the cam acts up when they are moving in the we will see one or two soon. Fingers crossed.

Just Vicky said...

Thank you Suzanne! He's slower than the other guy I had. This one is "cooling" us off!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Mornng Everyone!
Nilla might have slept over at the nest hope she is ok too.
Awww Ocean sunsets and sunrises sure are beautiful.
Mitsgive it a try dolphins are smart will probably get it working and throw it back to you lol.
Birdgirl is right video's at Blackwater are awesome, simply beautiful only 1 fledged so far that I know of.
Bald eagle on the Northeast Utilities site I don't think fledged but is "limbing it". I went in and seen his shadow on the nest he is on a limb above nest. Might have fledged and came back to limb "they don't say on there".
I see our nest is sort of padded down where the sleepy head was lol.
Be in an out today have an appointment later. We'll check comments. Hope Nilla arrives to let us know what all surprises she got from the eaglets.

Anonymous said...

Your right VICKY they probably can fix it. Took off my McAfee free stuff from Comcast and it seems to working much better. Does anyone else know of a free Security system that works better than McAfee. The Comcast guy gave me a name last week because he said McAfee crashes the computer too much, but I can't find the paper I had it on.

floralgirl said...

Good morning all, in from the garden for a quick breakfast-Going to be a very hot day here today, already on my 3rd Gatorade.I feel sympathy for any of us who must work out in the heat today.STAY COOL if you can-hope we hear from Nilla soon, curious to know if she saw the eagles last nite.

Anonymous said...

MITS........I highly recommend Microsofts "Windows Defender" as a replacement for McAfee......and its FREE .works extremely well for me....


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just found a Beanie Babies Eagle that I have had for a while. His name is "Soar" and it says --

The symbol of freedom flying high
The eagle glides across the sky
He's proud to wear red, white and blue
He's patriotic through and through!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe Nilla needs to get a job writing the poems for the tags for Beanie Babies. You know she is good at it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much MOUNTAINEER. I was looking for something for Microsoft. I have Windows XP

Anonymous said...

SHARON I have that one at home, forgot all about it until you said the name and read the poem. Have you heard from Nilla?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No word from Nilla.

Under the tree? Under the tree?
Please give us your comments, please give us your comments,
Nilla please, Nilla please!

floralgirl said...

New thread is up!!!Thank goodness.this page takes forever to load it's so long.

movin said...

There seems to be a very new thread....


P.S. Did Spunky spend the night, or was I seeing things through the spiders doings?

Just Vicky said...

Yes I do believe someone spent the night in the nest! It was hard to see!

Bird Girl said...

hey all...

Suzanne, I'm with you -- I just want my back to stop hurting altogether. I really don't like taking a lot of meds. As far as the dove is concerned, it turned out she only had a dislocated shoulder, and we were able to set it, put her on anti-inflammatory meds, and we're just making sure she's got good rotation & extension and eating well before we let her go.

The gecko eggs seem to be doing okay so far... As I understand it, the eggs are left to "percolate" on their own once laid, but I'm not completely sure. All I know is, I'm really excited to be a surrogate gecko mother!

And no, I don't have the clips on my blog... I haven't gotten to adding the links to the webpage yet, and I haven't figured out how to embed videos into the blog.

Hope everyone is having a good day, keep up the good work!

Bird Girl

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6 13 24 🌞

  The only thing that showed up in the nest. Today was the sunrise beautiful. Maybe we'll see them tomorrow. I'm sure dad will find ...