Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday part 2

Travels note:

Our resident eagle expert Steve Wunderley told me he saw a immature bald eagle soaring over his house this last weekend. Eagle eye Steve lives in Falling Waters (seven miles upriver), so he says the likelihood it was one of our eagles is high.


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Mema Jo said...

ME HERE I'm First for once

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread & the information from Steve W. How about our guys!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Seven miles away - that is going way too far from us. Not ready for that yet!

Hey, Steve, did you know the live feed is down? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Good job, Steven, thanks for new thread, but remember I have short-term memory. Did I tell you I'm going to be a "1st" time Grandmom on Sept 2nd? I didn't think so, I haven't told a lot of people:):):)

Anonymous said...

I don't like 7 miles away, getting to brave.

Anonymous said...

NILLA, Maybe we could feed that one to Geulas' jackals.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, how could you have kept such important information from us -- a first time Grandmom? How exciting! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm shy:):):)

Anonymous said...

MITS----I knew you were going to be a grand-mom--that why I mentioned your CRAVING---Where did they get the name Kalis---it's beautiful-----It's an usual name----COOL---I like it---

Did I mispell?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is now 86° in Bluefield, Nature's Air Conditioned City!

Anonymous said...

OK, if someone would volunteer, we could throw some bacon and eggs in the nest now and they will cook up and BINGO, birds in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I will let you answer the Kalis one Mits, but I wanted to!

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO---You have always been NUMBER ONE---why are you surprised----

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Steve, Well from the sites i have seen the last few nights over there and the time line now, we all know like our own childern they will go.. but the thing with our childern they leave home but always return and bring more with

Anonymous said...

My last name is Kalis, that's short for KALISZEWSKI, my father-in-law had to shorten it when he was in the Army. We call the baby, Baby Kalis or BK for short, because we don't know what the sex is and the kid's are not telling us the names they have picked out. Everything will be a big surprise, like Christmas!!

Bird Girl said...

suzanne I replied to you on Sunday's thread...

hey everyone i'll try to check in after doctor appointment..

Anonymous said...

SHARON---It's 95 deg. in Romney, the OLDEST TOWN IN WEST VIRGINIA---

I am going to get "yelled at" by Shepherdstown-----but I am correct!

Anonymous said...

I may use a new nick-name, Jo is calling me BEACH-BUM, I like it.

Bird Girl said...

mitsI married into a Polish family (Janiszeski) and we have all kinds of unpronounceable and "unspellable" names! My own family is from the Czech Republic -- more difficult names! LOL Kaliszewski isn't as bad as it could be, of course!!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, Mits, I am glad I let you answer that one. I wouldn't have known all that! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My maiden name is Crisco, used to be Chriscoe. No big changes there. I think it is Irish but not sure.

NillaWafer said...

Mits i remember when my grandson was born almost 17 years ago (only have 1) She went into labor on sunday to hospitol.. 12 hours later dilated to 7 at 9 am doc says let her go some more WELLL she turned into the demonic she devil from H***.. I was trying to help her and telllin her to breath..Ohh my she said Dont breath in my face!!!!!!!!! Well to make along story short at 11:43 am Nathan Jesse arrived at 9 lbs 8 1/2 ozs.. I think if i had to push that large of a baby out i been a little more than a she Oh and once she got her Epideral she became a "Peppermint Patty"

NillaWafer said...

There are 5 in the Blackwater Nest, I watched the log cam pictures and it was awsome to see the little one take off..

Anonymous said...

You folks a talkin' 'bout BIRTHIN' BABIES----Mits---I told my kids not to call me until baby is born-----I don't think I could have handled it---hosp. 46 miles--Winchester, VA---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have informed Andrew, who is 17 years old, that I would like for him to wait for at least 10 years before he blesses me with a grandchild. Wonder how long that will hold up? :)

Anonymous said...

I hope Andrew waits til he finds the right woman. My son, Kevin, will be 29 on Sept. 8th, that's how old I was when I had him. NILLA, YOUR SCARING ME. If I get the call when I am here at the beach, will take me 3 hours to get there.

Anonymous said...

Pandas are wrestling inside their den....

NillaWafer said...

LOL Mits but was a great time and we have it all on video I got to carry him down to the nursery and they all had bets on how much Nathan weighed.. I nkow im watching the pandas wrestle also.. Hugo was making noises moms in the nest with him.. Blackwater looks like 4 are standing on edge of nest.. Oh the moma Tiger is nursing the cubs right at the cam.. Oprey in Washington State were being fed.. they should be fledging soon also.

NillaWafer said...

My son and his fiancee' were expecting but she lost it.. sad I have told my childern i want a granddaughter and her name will be Sierra Jade... I do have 2 step grandaughters Rosa and Fatima 6 & 10 years old..

Anonymous said...

3 little tigers all in a cool is that?

NillaWafer said...

Yeah and right there at the cam to.. They sure have gotten big, bet wont be long they will go outside.. Well im going to play some games i bought Yahoo games for 19.95 and its been awhile since i played, daughter told me yesterday there is a new one like the "Granny In Paradise" where she goes around and collects

Anonymous said...

That is very sad Nilla. I know what she is going thru and your son also. Love the names Rosa and Fatima.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Somebody is in the nest. We need the live feed!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2:35 p.m. Looks like a parent who is getting to eat a little bit!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eaglets must not be near because parent is still in the nest alone eating.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it is Liberty but could be Belle!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you!! LIVE FEED IS UP!

Anonymous said...

MITS---three black (w/some white) beautiful birds w/large wing span------that's COOLER---

I have been outside---it is a HOTTIE------

NILLA---7 grand kids---one doesn't always get to name them---Parents w/always out rank you----

Anonymous said...

Wish we had live feed, so much action over with the pandas, they were fighting over the fruitcicle, I keep jumping back and forth.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I sent an email and within 30 seconds it was up. Don't know if one had anything to do with the other, but I am grateful!

NillaWafer said...

Parent in nest looks like Belle!!!!!11

NillaWafer said...

Mits you see the pandas they are eating fruitcicles? I see all kinds of flashes that little stinker is really haming it up for

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2:49 p.m. Belle is getting to eat the whole thing. It is so amazing.

NillaWafer said...

Eatin something did she bring in a fish? I hope the other show up!! Tai is just so adorable Mits look at

NillaWafer said...

Norma you becareful outside in this heat .. drink plenty of liquids.. Still eating i i just got this feeling she is going to have company so lets wait and see

Anonymous said...

He is my precious baby-boy. Ms. Belle has had a nice relaxing lunch. Looking around, I have to learn how to peck at this keyboard and look at the same time. I think she is going to take off soon. Thanks for the feed Sharon, thought maybe it was my whining that got it on. There she goes...

NillaWafer said...

There she goes at 2:57 nest is empty once again.. How awsomeeeeeeee to see her /him again

NillaWafer said...

I have the nest and TAI up on the screen

Anonymous said...

Nilla, what is a task-bar?? I think the fruitcicle had their veges in it.

Anonymous said...

My live feed is up---she seems to be looking for her brood---I read that the parents w/tease & play w/eaglets over food,etc until they think they are ready to be on their own----then parents push eaglets away, don't want kids around & go off on their own----The parents are still keeping tabs on them----enjoyed watching the eagle---AWESOME---

NillaWafer said...

well i did have pandas up til it when to max cap and shut

Anonymous said...

I can do that but when I blog, I have to put the zoo cam on the bottom and I only have audio. Now th zoo cam crashed on me, to many people are inside watching the pandas and staying out of the heat.

NillaWafer said...

Mits down at the bottom of the page or any page usually the blue strip where your icons are.. just put everything down there.. then click it to bring back up

Anonymous said...

I've had trouble all day with the panda-cam, especially during lunch time. No one is going out in this heat.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is your live feed jumpy?

Anonymous said...

Sharon---my live is up--

Anonymous said...

You know how there is usually an arrow there where you can look at the hidden icons, my arrow is not there, I only have the clock, volume and an icon that says Windows Messenger-not signed in...Don't know what happened to the arrow, it was either my mistake or the Comcast guy who was here last week pushing buttons.

Anonymous said...

My live looks great.

Anonymous said...

Ok Nilla, pass the Ditzy to me, read you comments to me again, :):) that's what I do.... DUH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should lie down for awhile, have been awake for 12 and a half hours. Think maybe I will get some lunch.

NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie Mits take anap, i think Sharon is here and i am watching, my live cam is fine.. I checked on Hugo he is resting, the Opsreys in Washington are rearranging the nest so Our MT for now..Blackwater they are perched, going to check out tiger cam

NillaWafer said...

Pandas are eating bamboo again. Moma is finished nursing the cubs and moved away but 2 cubs remain in camera view.. Have a good nap Mits..

Anonymous said...

NILLA---The Vickys told me how to get my live cam on tool bar---can I put the still picture there too--

Anonymous said...

Well I'm back! HA! Thought you could get rid of me :):) Had Lunch on the balcony and watched the dolphins, they are swimming far out. Doing laundry and am going back out on the balcony, surprising a nice breeze. Think I might take myself out to dinner. Don't feel much like cooking for myself, going to check out some cams 1st, those osprey at BW make me laugh, all just sitting there together. Someone just came into the nest picking up leftovers from Moms' lunch

Anonymous said...

Looks like BIG BOY????

Anonymous said...

Yo!!! EAGLET in the house!!

NillaWafer said...

Okkkkkkkk we have touch down and visitors in the nest...time is 3:30

NillaWafer said...

Opps time was wrong...yes looks like Big Boyyy Mitsss and Norma i think if its a single picture you should be able to put it down there..Just setting there awsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

NillaWafer said...

What ever you have up click 1st tab at top and it goes to task bar

Anonymous said...

WHO is looking so lonely in the nest?

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

OOOpps got so excited blogged 2

NillaWafer said...


Mema Jo said...

How nice it is to come home from the dentist and see BigBoy and Inbetween in the nest..

Where is Spunky?
Where is Spunky?

Bring on the lemonade !!!

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Jo Jo what a time first a parent was there and ate .. now these 2 came in and wow must be pecking at what parent left.. By the way how was dentist visit?????

Anonymous said...

AAAHHH!!! 2 pandas 2 eaglets, life is good!!!

Anonymous said...

ANYONE recogonize these 2---Spunky next tree trunk? now at 2:00---Jo can always pick her out---

NillaWafer said...

Oh how i wish we had sound!!! CAN YA HEAR THEN CHATTERING JO..LOL

Anonymous said...

One is resting, the other, darn did I miss the take off??

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

OK, back to the panda wrestling matches and a God-awful drilling sound, maybe Jo is at the zoo Dentist????

NillaWafer said...

Thats Spunky resting... Our Little Spunky has come home to rest .. exciting me to a big highess.. There she sets in the shade.. looking out.. wondering where in the heck is my momma Nilla...LMAOOOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

Norma........had to chuckle at your "Winchester 46 miles away"....One of my granddaughters (now 16) place of birth was "a wide spot in the road on Rte 50" where the nursery is now...enroute to Petersburg hosp....Thank God for the August Rescue Squad

floralgirl said...

Wow! walk inside to get a drink,check the cam and eagles in the nest hiding in the shade. It is sooo HOT outside-this weather is miserable and really wears you out. Nilla- so glad you got to see the eagles again-I will have to try to make myself go over there this week in the evening, are you going to go back? Mits- I am sooo jealous, the beach is my favorite place to be.As soon as my husband wins the lottery(he keeps assuring me it's going to happen.HA HA)I will move to the beach and never leave!!

glo said...

Well I see one of our little buddies int he nest. Probably waiting ont hat free lemonade. So We have eagles, cams and Nilla Life is good!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jo---You are right---I just wished so hard for it to be Spunky-

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL,That's why my poor hubby is still working. Poor Spunk looks exhausted.

Anonymous said...

I think Spunky came "home" hoping the a/c was on..............

Anonymous said...

Spunky is in for a rude awakening, how can a bird get that hot flying around with that wind beneath your wings and in your face??

Anonymous said...

Wish the shade would move faster, she is really tired.

Anonymous said...

NILLA----Spunky knows I am her favorite MOMSTER----I can tell she loves me best-----KIDDING----Golly I do LOVE those "imps"----Mom & 2 kids---now 1-----

LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I came in around 3:30 and got to see 2 in the nest. Where are you Sharon? Frapping I'm hoping because I didn't get to see the adult.

On the other hand: I am reading all the comments and your talking grandbabies & the next comment is about 3 little tigers in a row???
And Mits & Ditzy what are you feeding to Geulas' jackals?

It is 102 degrees on my backporch thermometer without the sun on it yet!! Hot as Blue Blazes out there!

Sleep on little one! It could be Spunkster - at least it's his favorite spot in the nest.

Hope Birdgirl blogs after seeing her doctor.

I don't have any hidden names: Lennox - not like the fine china - but like the air condition company!
Time for your nap,Mits unless your going to change your blogger name & when doing so - make it BLUE.

floralgirl said...

Yeah-it is so unbelievably humid,really makes it hard to function outside.I can't get a thing done out there-feel like a sloth!My most productive hours were definitely early this morning-I am mellttinngg...

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back Mountaineer---We've been wondering where you were----I couldn't have handled that delivery---bet Shirly was WILD---about same distance to Petersburg as to Winchester-----

Spunky always "flops down" & passes out---ADORABLE---

NillaWafer said...

Awwww them thar kids knows WE ALL LOVE THEM..Speaking of births i saw Jerry Springer on the new "Ive Got A Secret" and he was born in a subway i think it was.. We had abirth recently along the road.. actually i think they were heading for the shore and didnt make LALALALA Flora i said earier about going over this wknd im working rest of wk til 10 pm.. Besides Jo owes me a birthday

NillaWafer said...


floralgirl said...

4:20 -MT nest-guess it isn't quite shady enough in the nest yet to stick around.

Anonymous said...

Ok missed another take off Had Tai Shan on full screen, he was in his kiddy pool. JO We are feeding one of Nilla's old husband to the jackals.

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL Feeling like a sloth, then you should visit the sloth bear cub on the zoo cam.

NillaWafer said...

Mits did you get all the web sites lined up in bottom task bar?? Welcome back Jo, hope your dentist visit wasnt to painful..Floral saturday would be a good day for me.. I just hope everyone is taking care in this miserable heat wave if you dont need to go out stay in!!!!

NillaWafer said...

LOL yeah the one who thought he had 10 lbs of danglin fury...OMG did i say that

floralgirl said...

Mits-a sloth bear cam? no more cams please!!I too quickly become addicted to them.My family will take away my computer privileges.haha Nilla-Hope you can go back this weeekend. Saturday is busy for me-market in am.-cut flowers and arrange for Sun. market in the evening.I usually work til the wee hours on Saturdays.

Anonymous said...

He just flew off--4:32--I wasn't seeing things----the eaglets come & go but turtle shell remains----

floralgirl said...

10 lbs.of dangling fury??!!Thought he was a real stud huh?Throw him to the jackals!!

NillaWafer said...

ROFLMAOOOO Yup Floral..Should i hang my head in shame for saying that???? NOT No we saw that in amovie once and when he drank alittle to much he always said that.. Not mention singin "Ole My Darlin" to me...lollllll

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, you did say that here! ROFLMAO!!!

I have been having computer problems. I changed the sharpness of my picture and that made my picture skip. Have restarted my computer multiple times, did a system restore and now the leaves are moving fluidly again. I did not frap any of the last visit. Did get some frapping and pics of the parent in the nest earlier though. I did get to see them some though. It was good! The third one is probably on his way back from his 7-mile track down to see Steve W.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

How do you type a whistling sound? Here eaglets, eaglets! WHISTLE, WHISTLE!

Mema Jo said...

No Sharon You say:
Here, birdie, birdie
Here, birdie, birdie

I am thankful you got the adult in the nest on Fraps. Haven't seen much of them lately - too fast of an in & out.

Thanks, Mits I went to the other page and found out what the subject was... LOL

NillaWafer said...

Sharon you had to asked that question .. now here i set trying to figure that

Mema Jo said...

The shadows in the nest sure do play with your eyes.. I could have sworn there was somebody in there - but I don't see any eagle feet....

Anonymous said...

NILLA---please email me & tell me what all those initials stand for------I think I'm missing something here---

Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...

Go to to check it out. I heard they are having anight show of balloons free. I live very close to the airport.

Anonymous said...


floralgirl said...

Norma-don't feel too bad-I keep running all the possibilities through my head in an attempt to figure out ROFLMAO. DUH

NillaWafer said...

NORMA WHICH LETTERS? The LOL?? THAT means laughing out loud The ROFLMAO means rollin on floor laughing my a** off.. ITS A LONG TIME COMP LANGUAGE

NillaWafer said...

ROFLMAO I cant blame this on Jo??????????

Mema Jo said...

Hey there! LOL
Can also mean to us non-computer non-fluent language people.


That's what it meant to this ole gal!
Now I have learned something new & I'll refrain from using it so often unless I have a CRS crisis.

Mema Jo said...

Is anyone's live feed frozen??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I always knew your LOL mean lots of love. Everybody else laugh out loud!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nope, my leaves have fluid movement! YEAH!

Mema Jo said...

Forget the live feed frozen question. My leave are slightly moving now.

Thanks, Sharon for backing me up! LOL

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO I hope Steven doesn't read us today, we may be shut down and SOOL Use you imagination on that one!!!

NillaWafer said...

I add just adding this to the 130th the way OMG means Oh My God i will mail everyone a bill for the computor lessions the second tuesday of next week..

NillaWafer said...

OMG Mits i am rollin here laughinggggggggggggggggggggggggg I know i know what it meanssss

Anonymous said...

JO--my live feed is fine---

floralgirl said...

Oh how my computer vocabulary is expanding- See what happens when the eagles disapear from the nest for too long??

NillaWafer said...

Well gmta just like they say...Lots Of Love

floralgirl said...

Thanks Mits! finally one I know with no help.LOL!!

Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...

When i 1st started on the computor way back in 1995 learning all the jarrgen was something i accomplished by placing all those lil sticky notes all over my computor screen and gradually went to keeping everything in a small note book.. TTFN

NillaWafer said...

GTOP..Means got to go potty but in Jo's case would be GTGL.. LOOOV

floralgirl said...

Somebody's in the nest!!

floralgirl said...

Did anyone see that? MT nest now-I may be losing it but I swear I saw an eaglet for a sec.Keep in mind I only have the cam-no live feed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nope, floralgirl - no eaglet in the nest! Sorry. Or at least I don't see one.

Mema Jo said...

Stop using those dang letters!
I just know that SOOL doesn't mean So Out Of Luck! Now does it! No-Don't tell me what it means!

Yep! We've got MT NEST Fever!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well guys, I am going on a date with my son to see Pirates of the Caribbean! YEAH! So I will be leaving in a little while. Hope somebody can frap if anybody makes an appearance.

floralgirl said...

Thought I saw one earlier-might have been a shadow-think I have been in the heat too long..

floralgirl said...

Sharon-enjoy! we saw the movie last week and loved it!!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon You and Andrew enjoy & hope you find some free lemonade with the popcorn.
When you return I'll be able to say

Howdy, Mate

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It looks like something there to me...

Anonymous said...

I just put it on full-screen and I can't tell what it is..

Anonymous said...

OK! I'm going to have a nice cool G&T and come back and look at the screen.

Mema Jo said...

MITS You're kidding me - I didn't know I had Computer Language Smarts! Well, that just made my day!
NILLA Now that's not what you thought it meant - did you??

Shadows on the live feed can really be deceiving - If you also have the Live Eagle Cam up, you can usually compare them & you sometimes get a truer pic on the cam.

floralgirl said...

HA-not what I thought it meant either-if you know what I mean,and I'm sure you do!Mits-have one for me! I'm strictly Gatorade and water today!!

Mema Jo said...

Hey MITS I know what G&T is! Too many will really have you seeing eagles........I thought you were going to treat yourself to dinner out this evening. You didn't ever take your nap - did you? Isn't it great being your own boss through the week - doing what you want to do!

NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie my grandson just brought me plate of pork saurkraut mashed tators and dumplins daughter made.. She is nuts cookin in this heat!!! Me i dont cook but man oh man was it ever good.. Jo that never entered my mind i thought it meant SOOL=Someone Outthere Onthe Loov i swear...laughing

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL---The shadows fool you----does look like someone---but that is not a foot you see---it's the turtle shell---That's what I think is so neat, the way they lie on their side with feet showing, & the way they used to flop their wings over on the other one----
Time for popcorn & coffee---

NillaWafer said...

Jo i got to admitt something awhile back reading your comments i kept seeing you say MT nest and didnt know what it meant heck didnt think about it i always said empty nest so seeee i was having a ditzy redhead momentsss many!! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Well, NILLA I forgive you and our lunch date is still on. But not until this 100 degree weather lets up.
I would like to go and buy Floralgirls flowers if it's on the weekend.

Anonymous said...

OK, am seeing much better now and I see nothing. Was going to go out, but, forgot I have some yummy corn-on-the-cob fresh from Delaware that I have to cook up. I'm am really used to being by myself. Oh G&T does mean Gatoade and Tonic:):):)

Anonymous said...

When I look at the blog real fast and see MT nest, I keep thinking people are saying Mits is Nuts!

Mema Jo said...

MITS Yeah! You've been drinking G & T but then why can't you spell Gatorade the right way? LOL

I just have to meet you one of these days!

Mema Jo said...




Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL----Now it does look like something near the trunk---I need a break---MITS---1 good thing about living alone---eat when you want & what you want---COOL--- Nilla I do know what G&T is---see I'm not an "air-head" all the time------FUN DAY---GLO--how's the new TV---They have changed some Ha--
Seriously I watch TV news all day--the fighting is getting worse--telling if siren sounds--2 min. to get to shelter---air strikes intensifying---think of Geula---

floralgirl said...

Okay-enough of this fun-I must go back outside-I have stalled long enough,but I have to start mowing the grass now.Chugging water as I head outside...

Anonymous said...

OOPPSS!! I wish this blog-site had spell-check. Going outside to have dinner with the dolphins. Later!!

NillaWafer said...

Norma Mits is the g&t i am a tee tootler Ops make that totaler

Mema Jo said...

7:00 pm M T NEST

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FLEW AWAY 7:11 p.m.---get so excited I can't type---

NillaWafer said...

I missed it finally doing alittle work here have merchandise that came in UPS..and took a Gop break..lolllll

Anonymous said...

Anyone else see the eaglet?---I thought maybe everyone else was on a new thread----Could it be Spunky?
Stood in her spot--but flew off at 9:00---

paula eagleholic said...

MT nest @ 7:15pm, been empty since 6:40, still trying to get thru all the blogs! Love It! Lots of activity, can't wait to see the video of the BW Osprey.

Be Back!

Mema Jo said...

Norma I missed it. They are too fast for me. I keep the feed up, but when I walk away and look at it from a distance, I just think it is shadows! I better keep a better eye on things.

Anonymous said...

My sister called to tell me there was an eaglet in the nest, by the time we got off the phone, eaglet gone. MMMM!! My Gatorade and Tonic was nice!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Missed the in and out...was trying to get thru the blogs...whew! finally read them all!

paula eagleholic said...

gotta go feed doggies

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for all the comments and the computer savy lol. Hi everyone. Mits that not water your having lol..
Back from appt. and went to bed. Up now feel better.
Does anyone know? Did Birdgirl hurt or back or has she always had back problems?
Ok I've read about Blackwater and I thought I read where some said 5 baby osprey. There was 4 egss and 4 hatchings. Three have fledged now except the baby. If you go to where it says Osprey web log there you can see the great pictures of the 1st fledge and where parent has to keep an osprey away from her own osprey. Wow parents protect their babes.
Thanks Steve C. for telling us about Steve W. seeing one of our eaglets. Probably Spunky he has been "pooped out" lately. Just a guess.

wvgal_dana said...

7:49 someone in the nest!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

7:49pm 1 in the nest

wvgal_dana said...

7:51pm it is at the launch pad with back to it nawing on something.

Mema Jo said...

FOOD FIGHT ! Adult came in & right back out of nest. Brought food I'm sure. Mantling ... Spunky or Inbetween - don't know yet.

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

I don't do FRAPS.....

Norma - are you here? Now you're missing it...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Next year we have got to have sound.

Mema Jo said...

Sure looks like Inbetween

Anyone taking still pics..

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Vicky, her back not the dog.

Anonymous said...

Inching towards the lanch pad, maybe not.

Mema Jo said...

My live feed froze - will try it again...Just had to hit the start button. I guess she is still eating..or else she gobbled it up quickly... Only see 1 in the nest. I thought there were 2 when adult came in. Guess I'll need to go back on the live feed and see for sure.........

Anonymous said...

Are we going to launch from a different site?

Mema Jo said...

Don't know why it looks so dark in the background - She sure is talking to someone out there -- I wish I could hear her.........

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jo there was a drop and run by adult, with 2 eaglets coming into together, mantling and fighting and 1 left shortly there after.

NillaWafer said...

Vicky i think it was me that said 5 .. musta had 1 to many G & T's .lol Yes we need sound next year i could see that little peak justa yappin i think it was talkin to

Anonymous said...

The angle of the setting sun, I think is making the backgroun look dark. What a conversation she is having.

paula eagleholic said...

Moved over to launch pad, now back at noon, facing into the nest

NillaWafer said...

Oh look at her she is justa talkin

paula eagleholic said...

now back over to launch pad

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...