Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday part 2

Travels note:

Our resident eagle expert Steve Wunderley told me he saw a immature bald eagle soaring over his house this last weekend. Eagle eye Steve lives in Falling Waters (seven miles upriver), so he says the likelihood it was one of our eagles is high.


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paula eagleholic said...

What is the whitish round thing about 10 o'clock, is it bark? Looks like a sea shell from Mits.

Mema Jo said...

Isn't she beautiful? Maybe she wants to share with siblings... She's talking right at us........Oh this is great........ But I can't FRAPS! Sharon going to get me....

Back to eating - or thinking of taking off... When 'the bird' sits at 1:00 position it then looks like Spunkster..Now on the launch pad..
Looking for something or someone..
Still talking up a storm..
I'm waiting for the next move...

Anonymous said...

Should I stay or should I go...

NillaWafer said...

this is breaking my heart watching her needing someone.. I know bet she is missing the jeep and

Anonymous said...

My live froze up---just now got in, who is that Jo? My favorite, Spunky---how long has she been there? Really panting--was that a poop shoot--she is so hot---

I am ADDICTED---about lost it when I couldn't in----WOW---need the Gatorade MITS-- still there---is that lighting or the cam? Gone!!!

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

Paula I think it is the turtle shell that was in the middle...
She sure is running all over the nest..
Below cam by tree trunk.
Launch pad..
8:09pm ALL GONE

NillaWafer said...

Goneeeeeeeeee 8:08 pm

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like go!

Anonymous said...

I sent one of my pelicans up ther with a sea shell for the eaglets.

Anonymous said...

That object was dead center before they got there, looks like a mushroom.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, I'm happy, got to see an eaglet today!

Anonymous said...

That did look like light flashing, maybe someone was flapping near the cam, I'm exhausted just watching all the action.

wvgal_dana said...

Eaglet at launch pad looking around; talking to other eaglets that are watching from above. Says, "Do you see Nilla she was here last night." "No we don't see the jeep anywhere." "Well if she's not here I not going to do alot of flying in and out. So out I go. You all do the flying in and out tonight for the momsters at home watching. I'm going to limb it for awhile".

Mema Jo said...

Look at the Live Eagle Cam
It is the turtle shell now at 10:00 position. Just a little more commotion and that ole' turtle shell is on the ground...... Whoopee!

NILLA I think you're right in saying she can't find the jeep with that Ditzy Redhead in it! LOL

Anonymous said...

Glad you got to see them, Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

My, how quickly things change!

paula eagleholic said...

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!

Anonymous said...

I think that object is winking at us, anybody else see that????

paula eagleholic said...

Been missing the little rascals, Mits.

Gonna go see the osprey now!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, 2 other osprey fledged today!

Anonymous said...

A day without an eagle is like a day without OJ or sunshine or something like that...

NillaWafer said...

My customers think i am going bonkers ok .. laughing out loud and they are just wondering.. Vicky its time to take your Jo its like this when you ride with me in the jeep the rules are 1:set back 2: buckle up :3 Hold on 4: and shut up..lollllllllllll Good once the turtle shell drops Jo i can finally have my birthday present...

Anonymous said...

It's Osprey-Mania!!

Mema Jo said...

MITS I wouldn't touch your comment about the object winking at you with a 10 foot pole!

wvgal_dana said...

Mits name in blue I think Mits has had too much or too strong of G&T.

Anonymous said...

Nilla, bring a can of Lysol with you!

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO---Tell Nilla---- Spunky was searching for a map to ROMNEY--wishes to be close to her favorite momster (ME) and ride the Potomac Eagle Train-------


Mema Jo said...

NILLA Me and my oxygen tank will ride with you anyday you want!!
(As long as I can hold onto the roll bar)

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla would meds? That's poor Birdgirl.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! Is that right?

NillaWafer said...

OK Mits ur cut off ok sending pelicans into nest..No more G & T ..LOL going to check on the critters PAULA says 2 more fledged at Blackwater.. yippeeee

Anonymous said...

I only had half of my G&T, was too busy eating my corn. I think sleep deprevation is setting in.. OOps, Got to go check the sun set.

NillaWafer said...

Look we are rubbin off on

Mema Jo said...

NORMA That would be too cool!

MITS - NILLA I use pure clorox

NillaWafer said...

Oh i would love to come and ride that train especially in the fall.. Did i tell you i had a birthday recently???? lol

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla must have visited my house looking in my weekly med dispenser ROFLMBO<<<<<<< yep that's no mistake in typing those caps.

Mema Jo said...

I hope that Sharon's show is half as good as the show we have going on here!

I wish GLO would be here!

Mema Jo said...

I need to take a break from all this excitement - keep watching those camera - little guys might just sneak back to the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Did Mits tell anyone she is going to be a grandmother!!!
My daughter Sharon when you go back and read this after your movie date out. My daughter is almost 25 married 4 yrs. and no grandchildren; I was a grandmother to a dog (love his heart just passed away with cancer not yet 7 yrs old in May), to a cat, then it got bigger than the BullMastiff I was a grandmother to two horses, how I'm a grandmother to a ferret.
She says she is waiting till they are ready to have children. I have no complaints. Told her don't do it for me. Your too far away you have to care for them all the time. When your ready you'll be ready.

NillaWafer said...

Was watching the Osprey in Washington St and looke dover and Spunky was back anyonne else see her? Poff she flew off

NillaWafer said...

ROFLMBO....... Ok now thats going to confuse many...lolllllllllll

Anonymous said...

I was out looking for the sun, missed it,but, I could tell it wasn't as good as last nights.

Anonymous said...

Vicky is just making it sound nicer.

Just Vicky said...

I rewound realplayer and caught the action!

wvgal_dana said...

Mits got it! Mits is going to be a grandmother.
Now you know why I like so many animals and birds. I am a Grandmother to all them due to my daughter lol.

Anonymous said...

I have not seen a parent at the Papa Smurf osprey nest anytime that I've gotten on it today, the little one looks weak. Hope everything is ok with the parents.

Anonymous said...

Vicky, you have a full house of grandbabies.

Mema Jo said...

NILLA Rewound the live feed and yes! it was there - but don't know if it were Spunky or Inbetween. I need to see them together to be certain. This one looked rather large...As you said - didn't stay long... Food drop was real late last night - remember seeing the adult fly in almost at dark?

wvgal_dana said...

Daughter is always trying to save toads, frogs and whatever from inground pool. I think she and husband did CPR on a little frog one night when she was talking to me on phone lol. When they got it breathing again by blowing on it lol she took it out and put in near the bush. I told her she just got that frog in trouble. She say why Mom. I said because the Mother sent her baby out to get a bath and now you put him by the bush dirty. She cracked up.

Mema Jo said...

Spidey is starting his web...Live Eagle cam shows it better then Live Feed..............

NillaWafer said...

Well i must say i really enjoyed todays conversation's and laughter with ya'll. This is the 148th blog comment for Jo was the 1st only right she be the 150th so go for it Jo...

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, didn't see it, was cutting up zucchini

wvgal_dana said...

Mits Thank goodness not a full house for me. She has them where she and husband live. Horses she boards and trains. She just calls me and says Mom you have a new grandson or granddaughter lol.

NillaWafer said...

You huys are to fast now 252 blogs ,, the nest has that earrie look tonight

NillaWafer said...

*Guys ole fingers slip sometimes

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Spidey's web is pretty in the dusk

NillaWafer said...

I saw a report on the race horse and he seems to be doing well for the damage done and his other surgeries..

Anonymous said...

WVVICKY--Yes MITS shared the good news---Your writing to your daughter is so touching----so much truth along with your love for her-----Wish you both much love---

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla what do you sale in your store?

Mema Jo said...

Man - I couldn't even get number 260!

NillaWafer said...

Spidy is at the top of screen just out of view, but saw it alittle moving.

NillaWafer said...

Vicky it is a video store i share with my daughter.. We have had it almost 9 years.

wvgal_dana said...

ty Norma I jusst read what you wrote. Darn I do miss her so. I had to "let go" along time ago. She needed her independence being an only child. Yet she always calls to check on Mom & Dad. I am proud to have been blessed to have her at age 32. I tried when married at age 19 always tried for 4 or 5 kids had none. Didn't know I was lied too that husband did not really want any although he told me and we picked out 4 names. Well he really got a shocker when I re-married and 3 years into marriage along came my always wanted baby. He is old and has NO children...that is sad. I could understand if he or someone can't but he pulled stuff I didn't know about until he wanted a divorce.

NillaWafer said...

YA KNOW I BEEN MEANING TO ASKED HAS ANYONE HEARD ANYTHING FROM ANGIE??? she was in my thoughts today and kind of worried about her, not like her to disappear like this..

wvgal_dana said...

She went to NCTC with some of you didn't she?

Mema Jo said...

I haven't had any replys to personal emails.. I do hope all is well with her.

Mema Jo said...

9:10 pm M T NEST

Mema Jo said...

I think MITS finally fell asleep after watching the sunset...

Mema Jo said...

If I could just think of one more comment, I would be number 270 !!

wvgal_dana said...

Just a thought...did anyone of you that was at NCTC exchange phone number with her? If someone did they could check on her that way.
Ekkkkkks that spidey ekksksksskskksksskkskksk

Anonymous said...

Good nite all---time for dinner & I haven't finished my crossword puzzles----REALLY LOTS OF EXCITEMENT TODAY----WILL GO TO SLEEP WITH VISIONS OF INITIALS DANCING IN MY HEAD-----STAY COOL ALL YOU GREAT MOMSTERS-----

I see the spider for the first time---modern art---beautiful----

wvgal_dana said...

Now we know what those white flashes were the other night just didn't show his body like this.....I'm going to have a nightmare. Daughter doesn't have spidey that I'm a grandmother to thank goodnes.

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else having trouble with the cam, can't seem to get on.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits you better hadn't have fallen over that dang balcony!!
Come in and let us know your ok. Probably fell asleep on lounge chair on balcony.
Looks like spidey has all the camera tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

No Paula I'm still on "live feed" not on "still pic".

Mema Jo said...

Paula My live feed is still running BUT the live eagle cam is not functioning for me. I closed it - but it won't start up for me.


Hopefully someone will fix it in the am hours tomorrow. Doubt if they will see my message - You early birders need to holler at Steve C.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo, thought it was my computer.

Mema Jo said...

Nilla & Mits just emailed me that they can't get into the Eagle Cam Daily... I said I would look for their comments. Told them they were being censored! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

So not everyone has fallen asleep!

wvgal_dana said...

mema jo I'm confused. My "live feed real player" is working. I'll check on the "still pic" the one that refreshes after so many seconds. brb that mean be right back

Mema Jo said...

Here is NILLA'S email message:

Nope cant get in i was going in from favorites, any ways time to leave the store and close... dont come onto work til 5 pm tomarrow so see you then Hugs, Nilla

Mema Jo said...

Vicky-wva gal The live feed seems to be ok - it's the still pics (Live Eagle Cam) that isn't working.

wvgal_dana said...

ok mema jo both are working you may have to reboot.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, all, been a long couple of days, going to hit the hay for now, chat w/ ya tomorrow!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I'm getting ready for nitey nite. Early day tomorrow husband now has an appt. Boy we really get out lol.
Good dreams all eagle/eaglet land.

Just Vicky said...

Not as much action today like we had over the weekend! They gave us quite a show!

Mema Jo said...

Tried to put Live Eagle Cam up
& IT CAME UP.......... Believe me it wasn't working for me a few minutes ago. Sharon emailed me that she was up on all programs - told her she was 'special'..

Thanks, Vicky for making me try just that one more time....

Mema Jo said...

MITS is alive & well. Still trying to get back in the program.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My goodness, I was only gone three hours and it took me 1/2 an hour to read all the blogs. You guys were really busy tonight. Pirates was great! Howdy Mate!

Hate I missed the action but maybe there will be more tomorrow. My live feed is fine, live Eagle Cam is fine. Maybe I was just holding my mouth right when I brought it up.

glo said...

Hi everyone Not sure what is going on there but where I live it was wind and lightening for a couple of hours. Still storm watches and 90 but nothing happening so thought I would check in. I had my computer shut down since 3 pm today. We hit 101 and heat index was 114...then the storms came or tried too. We sure need rain, and some cool. Hope all is well with everyone. I will shut computer down again before going to bed in case storms come in during the night. its all heading east although I know youa re already plenty warm that way too. yuck!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Spidey is mighty busy tonight. Really can't see nothing now. Smile, you're on candid camera! Too eerie!

Anonymous said...

BOO!!!! It's me! Can't get on thru my favorites. Steven I've been a bad eagle Mom, please don't censor me. :):) I was sitting here ROFLMAO, NOT! I can't believe it was just me and Nilla. I really should be going to bed, but now I'm too keyed up with trying to get on this site.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jo and Sharon for sneaking me back in:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Sharon, how was the movie?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mema Jo said...

Oh My You Beach Bum You

I am laughing too hard - I'm going to live a long life with all this laughter today. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for just being The Greatest Group of Eaglet_Momsters!

Jim This includes YOU!
I almost commented to you on your one comment about the tail at xx o"clock and the head at xx o"clock to see if you were really sure about that!! Inside joke! Hope you are feeling well again. This heat is about to do me in - well, I'm staying inside to be sure. It's was so hot today that they called to cancel the Pulmonary Rehab session! That's HOT.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Welcome back Mits. Glad to know you weren't banned from the site! TOO FUNNY!

The movie was great. Strange ending but just setting it up for the Pirates 3.

Spidey is busier than I have ever seen him. He is not near as big as he looks when he is up close to the camera lens. Sure do wish he would have chosen another tree to do this in though. Although, (Okay, maybe I am rambling), there have been some times when that is the only action we have seen.


Anonymous said...

Glad to be back if only to say Good Night. It has been a fun day. Laughter is the best medicine. Don't tell Steven, I'm back. NILLA I think our new nicknames will be Thelma and Louise. LOL Night everyone!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just wanted to be 300.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

But Mits beat me to it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night all! Blog with you tomorrow.

glo said...

Good Night all

Anonymous said...

My short-cut is working now! What an honor to be #300. I so happy I could just ROF..maybe I better not say that, I'll get banned again. Sweet Eagle Dreams Everyone. Saying a special prayer for Geula tonight.

Mema Jo said...

MITS Do you keep deleting your
double comments?

Mema Jo said...

OK - I'm closing down the joint!!

Sweet Eagle Dreams! Goodnight

movin said...

Well, everyone, have a good day tomorrow. I just got home from a day + OT, so you are all probably in bed now.

The nest appears empty, but the spider webs are so bad I can't even see the Spirit Eagles let alone the nest.

I glanced at the Blackwater site, and the notes say that (as we all know) the oldest fledged yesterday, AND today the three oldest chicks all left the nest.

The Kent eaglet is still in the nest, but he could fly any second in the daylight.

Glad to hear about Steve (the expert) seeing an eaglet at his place...wonder if it was a female, such as Big Gal.

Guess I'd better take care of business tonight.


Bird Girl said...


suzanne Why is it you and I are both online at this ungodly hour? LOL

ALL I went to the doctor, told him about the whole "back goes crunch" thing, he said that the reason my back still hurts is that the ER doctor gave me "band-aid" medications (800 mg Ibuprofen, a muscle relaxant and Percocet), nothing that would significantly reduce the inflammation of the bulging disc and irritated nerve! So he wrote me a Rx for a steroid, just a short course, and that should take care of it. It's funny, but I kinda wish he had written me a Rx for the Percocet because it helped my fibro pain, too. But of course, I don't want to live on multiple meds, and certainly not on narcotics.

Lennox Scottish and northern Irish: habitational name from the district near Dumbarton, recorded in 1174 in the form Leuenaichs and in the following year as Levenax. Apparently it is named from Gaelic leamhan ‘elm’ + the locative suffix -ach + English -s. [I'm interpreting this as meaning something like Elm Town or Elm Woods, or possible just Elms]

Crisco Unable to determine any origin or meaning for "Chriscoe" or the variant "Chrisco" but in Italian, "Crisco" means "unexplained". HAHAHAH!!!!!!!! Sorry, I thought that was really funny...

Kaliszewski Polish and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): habitational name, probably for someone from Kalisz in west central Poland, which probably derives its name from Old Polish kal ‘muddy place’, ‘slough’

Janiszeski This is my hubby's family name. Somewhere along the way, the 'w' after the 'e' was dropped. Polish: habitational name for someone from Janiszew in the [towns] of Konin, Plock, and Radom, or Janiszów in the [towns] of Lublin and Tarnobrzeg; both place names are from the personal name Jan [John, of which there are MANY in hubby's ancestry]

Strickland This is my maiden name. English: habitational name from a place in Cumbria, so called from Old English styr(i)c, steorc ‘bullock’ + land ‘land’, ‘pasture’.

I found this information on, but if you just Google "surname origins" you're bound to find a bazillion other sites that can give you some information... Have any of you Googled yourselves?

mits I think someone has been adding food coloring to your GIN and putting it in the GATORADE bottle! HAH! If you happen to get a chance to take pictures of dolphins while you're enduring your horrid exile at the beach, I would love to see them. Remember, I told everyone about my first name, Delphia, and how it means "dolphin"? :-)

Well, off to bed. LOL, Hubby gets up in an hour and a half, poor guy...

And for those of you who don't remember:

BTW = By The Way
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
BRB = Be Right Back
AFK = Away From Keyboard

And the not-yet-accepted-worldwide

ITASGFPWCSWLWC? = Is There A Support Group For People Who Can't Stop Watching Live Web Cams?

HAH! Guess that's the fatigue and pain talking...


Bird Girl

wvgal_dana said...

6:29 am "live feed real player" down.
"still pic" working
empty nest
Gooooood morning eagleland!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:58 A.M. LIVE FEED IS DOWN! MT nest. Good morning all in eagle blogland! Make a good day.

BirdGirl - "Unexplained" is such a wonderful description of my family name "Crisco". Perfect!

floralgirl said...

Good morning eagle watchers!Getting hot outside already-this weather is driving me crazy!!!Hope our birds are staying cool- I guess down by the river is the place to be. Birdgirl-ITASGFPWCSWLWC-FUNNY!! WELL,IS THERE? Hope everyone is staying hydrated,looks like it's gonna be another Gatorade and tonic day here!

glo said...

Good morning all. Hoping for a great day in eagleland, but with our eagles I hope it all happens early on. They need to spend the afternoon in the shaded down by the river for sure. Our forecast today is some better. Less humidity and only in the low 90's. Believe it or not, that sounds good to me. Yesterday was horrible and by the time I got home I felt sick from the heat. Some of what I did invilved lifting several hundred pounds divided up into seperate cases fro a 3000 letter bulk mailing.

Oh and ITASGFPWCSWLWC well I am not going to need one after the last Thurs of this month. I quit my job!!! Of course I will be busy working at an old favorite job of mine which involves a little at home preparation etc. I have 7 more days to work. I am releived and especially happy to have yesterday done!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:55 a.m. LIVE FEED IS UP!! Thanks NCTC!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

At my bird feeder, I have a female BALD cardinal. Down to her neck, there is nothing - no feathers whatsoever, just skin! Bird Girl- what makes that happen? Really bright orange beak, female red but nothing on the head! Looks pitiful.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 316 of 316   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...