Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday 31 July

Late night new thread, out of the office this week...


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glo said...

Hello I see we have anew thread just in time for beddy bye for some. I'll go let you all know on the back page LOL

Just Vicky said...

WOW new thread! And Glo is #1!

glo said...

Hi Lady How are you tonight?

Just Vicky said...

Just hanging around! My husband is off to boys camp this week in Mechanicsburg

glo said...

I sent you an answer to last night's email. it was good tohear from you. I am glad you really like your stuff and can read it all just fine that's GREAT!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well we're on a new thread thanks Steven.
Hi Vicky Il and Glo

Mema Jo said...

GLO I sent you mail.

Just Vicky said...

I was surprised you answered it last night, thought you had gone off to bed as late as it was! I took one of my mousepads to work and had to show everyone!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon you are the eagle-eyed one else caught that like you did....I found out I know someone that knows him. I just ask how old he was and is he married (no not married).

Paula didn't see answer as to when the products will be ready? Looking I need to order for someone's birthday.

Just Vicky said...

wvagal, just where do you live in that beautiful state? I'm not familiar with all of our groupies!

Just Vicky said...

Are we still talking about Mr. Todd Harless??

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Partners.. Just was reading blogs from other page before leaving been cleaning off comp also.. Any ways been a nice day for staying in and staying cool.. Glo cant wait to see the thing we have sent you .. Vicky il good to see you , comin back to West Virginy huh? Vicky-WV do you have a crush on Todd or some sorta of fantasy, keep asking about him ?? He is just a nice person, heck none of us know him personally.

glo said...

Jo Yes Got your mail. You are number 9. Counting me as 10 I still really hope I get 2 more at least. It will turn out nice. I am going to release it to those who contributed first, since essentially they will be the ones who made that particular page.

glo said...

Well for someone no one knows personally his name certainly comes up a lot. I bet if we put Todd into Google right now, it would send us right here to the NCTC BLOG LOL I

Just Vicky said...

Glad to know I am one of those 12!

Just Vicky said...

Glo, Todd is a celebrity!

glo said...

Tribute page does have some special messages from some special people...Exactly what we all need to express and share with each other. You will like it!!!

Just Vicky said...

Of course, you would have to see him to appreciate a fine work of mankind!

glo said...

I just want to know how in the world Todd managed to get top billing over Spunky

glo said...

Well all I know is I am coming with my camera to Shepherdstown. I will take the picture!!!!

Just Vicky said...

Well, we actually saw Todd first! And for a few minutes WE ALL FORGOT WHAT WE WERE THERE FOR, couldn't take our eyes off of him! He had to leave for our sense to come back and make us look up to the sky!

NillaWafer said...

LOL,, well he could be my son but not an obsession for heavens Will i get it close to the first in line Glo Bug? If Not your a STINK BUG from now on..LMAO

Just Vicky said...

Honest confession there! (lol)

Just Vicky said...

Remember Nilla, I was there! You were right up next to his window!

glo said...

Well since I was up late last night and am really pretty tired tonight, I am going to let my dogs out since its cooled down to like 88 with humidity at like 80% LOL, and then get ready for bed. Everyone rest well. Will caht at ya tomorrow.

Just Vicky said...

That Nilla could get anyone into Fort Knox or anywhere for that matter!

Mema Jo said...

You can google Todd Harless and there are quite a few articles available.
I was very much impressed with him and I certainly respect his photography skills. He did send me a pic of the osprey he was shooting one day - Guess what it was? He stated that since I know you are a 'poop shoot' fan - you guessed it. It made my day! I'm famous too! Poop Poop De Doo!!!!

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Glo! SLEEP TIGHT!

Just Vicky said...

Mema Jo, I'm surprised you are up so late!

glo said...

I am putting the Tributes in, in the order they are arriving. They are all wonderful, once you start reading it won't matter who is first, you will read them all!!!

Everyone rest well.

NillaWafer said...

Ohhh Poop Poop Deee Dooo i am waiting on a e- mail from you...LMAO or phone call Geeezz

NillaWafer said...

Well i was groomin Sugaaaahh dont want to take him to the groomers tomarrow morning not lookin Like i clean the apartment to have cleaners come in and clean..

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky-IL I have confessed many times that I am a night owl. I just don't Hoot! very loud. I had been writing the tribute - I did it on word so I could read and re-read to make sure it said what I wanted it to. There is so much one could say about these kids of ours.

Nilla I don't see any pic yet by your blog! You want me to send you that turtle pic that Mits sent me one day?

Just Vicky said...

I know all about night owls Mema Jo!

Nilla, you need to get a turtle picture! The only way you'll get your birthday shell!

Mema Jo said...

Vicky-IL & wvaGal Did you both go over to Momsters to see Geula's pics? It is so great to see people we talk with all the time.

NillaWafer said...

Well i am trying but i just am having a hard time .. heck i know how to send files and get them from here to there but this thing doesnt bring up a box that you click your files and browse them and send thats what i am having trouble with..

NillaWafer said...

Like sendng a file from my documents cant do it... Where is Vicky at she asked me about my store today the location.. she leave?

Mema Jo said...

I think that I was just lucky that my pic came thru. I followed BirdGirls instructions = Well, I did the first 2 & thought I had finished when I realized there were 4 parts to do.......Then it worked. I just might put a big fat kissing frog on mine!

Mema Jo said...

Nilla you and I might just be the ones to close the blog tonight!

NillaWafer said...

Jo daughter called an i said where is the floppy drive on this CPU at? She said mom there is none when she had it built she didnt get one put in .. Now i need to go buy 1 and install it or just take the floppies i have here and send the pictures to myself and then they will be here.. She says no one uses floppy any more i said well damit i

wvgal_dana said...

It was just that when remembering the eagles/eaglets and looking at pics. I thought of the ones Todd took; so great they are. Then I happen to remember all the fun you all had talking about Todd.
No Nillano crush on Todd nor any fantasy. I perfectly happily married like I said I just happen to be talking to someone and knowing them ask them if they knew Todd. Which the answer was YES. Maybe like Mema Jo said he could be a match for eagle_eyed Sharon.
I enjoyed talking with the person that just happens to know Todd. No biggie Nilla just two people chatting about a wonderful picture taking person.

Just Vicky said...

Where do I find Geula's pics?

NillaWafer said...

I can send them from work to me .. Well soon i am headin out early tomarrow again to drop off Sugahhh

wvgal_dana said...

Mema jo I sure did. Nice to see Geula she has added alot to this site. Her chatting and friendliness. I told her she should make a puzzle (which she seems to like making) of her ducks.
She is braver than me I hate having my pic taken.

NillaWafer said...

Well we all have fantasies i get anew one everyday...LOL Up Up & Away Nighty Nite..

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky IL got to the Momsters group and click on photos there is an album of Geula it shows ducks.

wvgal_dana said...

True how true Nilla but mine are of my husband....oh can't say what lol. Of course he knows I'm in awe of Mel Gibson now that's my hunk!!!

belle_wv said...

Hi Everyone! Wow I am getting my eye exercise these days - catching up on the blogs after working on my project all day and running errands is a fun job! I'm glad everyone that's posted is doing OK - haven't heard from Bird Girl today have we? Hope she's OK. One of these days I'll get to chat with our newest bloggers DLK(or was that DLT - sorry I have CRS)and CAB from UK ! LOL look at all of those capital letters and not one cuss word :)

Norma - the trip to Green Bank was wonderful, but my oh my the uppiest downiest windiest roads on earth are betwixt here and thar!

My daughter will be down there for two weeks, so we'll get to go back down to pick her up. Lots of great places for eagles to nest. One area where I think there must be a rather decent sized lake... I saw some hawks, but nothing I could say for certain was an eagle...

Hope everyone is staying cool and hydrated. It was 93 degrees a little after 9 pm here... and I think the humidity was at least 95% - felt like a sauna outside.

Mema Jo - your kitties better not attack you - not letting them outside in this heat is doing them a big favor. I know my kitties like to lay in the sunshine an be warm - but this kind of heat isn't good for any of us furry or otherwise.

Now that I've caught up on the logs, I better get to bed. One more busy day of pulling my project together ahead. Sigh.

Miss everyone! I hope to have lots of time to blog after my surgery - so don't go away and leave me then!

Night night everyone!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Mema jo I want to see your pic of your frog he sounds cute.

Mema Jo said...

Vicky-IL Over to the Momsters site under Photos.. Geula's is Ducks & Geese.

Vicky wvaGal I never like looking at pics of myself - I guess we are our own worst judges! I say It's me and I like me just the way I am!

I am headed to bed --
Goodnight Eagle Buddies
Sweet Eagle Dreams

Just Vicky said...

THanks Mema Jo! You can be counted on to take care of me!

wvgal_dana said...

Nite Mema jo sleep tight everyone AOYP = Angels On Your Pillow now adding AOYPWEAA=Angels On Your Pillow With Eagles All Around..signing out

Mema Jo said...

# 50

I was going to bed and I saw that I was the number 50!

Belle So good to hear from you. When you need us, you know we will be there for you! Keep us posted. I hope your project is reaching it's end.

Vicky-wvagal The frog moves like Vicky's eagle - I'm not sure it will take.

Goodnight again!

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Ya'll!

Just Vicky said...

Let my eagle be your PC fan!

Bird Girl said...

hi everyone! just finished reading the last day's blog comments.. whew!

dltuk and cab Welcome to the site! I'm Bird Girl, aka Delphia, in Arizona. I'm a wild bird rehabilitator and mother of many "children" -- cat, dogs, birds, turtle, hermit crabs, etc! You've seen glo's blog by now, I'm sure, and the group site.

My blogs are [be sure to include the whole line of text]:



welcome to the group! And if you should happen upon Colin Firth one day please get his autograph for me! I LOVED him in P&P!!!! I actually have that miniseries on VHS!

dltukwhat county are you in?

cabglad to see someone from another country is also a fan of The Elephant Sanctuary in TN! you heard the news, I take it, about the accident involving Winkie and a handler?

sharon You shouldn't worry about the red-tailed hawks taking the birds from your feeder; almost 90% of their diet is small rodents, with the occasional snake, lizard or rabbit. Red-tails also like pheasants if they are plentiful.

suzanne My back is much better, thank you so much for asking! The steroids worked on the inflammation, but I couldn't sleep and was insanely hungry all the time (side effects). Glad it was only for five days!

birthday girl vicky happy "30th"!!! i'll be "9" on Sept 21st!

nilla if you still need them, the directions for adding a pic to your blog profile is now available on the group site...

geula Is the fighting getting closer to you? I hope you will be safe from all the action. I can't even imagine what that's like...

all Steve said he will be out all week, so that might mean NO NEW THREADS. Since we have several people on dialup, and it can be a real pain to try to open the comment page when there are so many, maybe we should move to another post when the comments reach a certain number? say, 300? We could go to glo's blog, or mine, or ????

hope everyone had a good weekend... humidity here in Phoenix is getting to be more normal, and while I hated it, we did get a lot of rain on one or two days, which we desperately need.

Bird Girl said...

I forgot to add this...

The first Brown pelican of the season came to me this weekend. He had been found limping slightly, not flying, at dusk in a residential neighborhood. When they brought him to me, he seemed a bit off, but I couldn't see anything obviously wrong with him. Unfortunately, he passed away in the night.

He has been taken to Game & Fish for a necropsy (animal autopsy), so hopefully we'll know what happened soon.

I noticed that he had a couple of cactus spines in the webbing of one foot, when I examined him at Jody's the morning after I got him, so I suspect that perhaps he had smacked into a cactus and was punctured by the spines. Pelicans have very little "meat" -- they are loaded with air sacs, which make them bouyant and able to glide for hours. If the spines ruptured several air sacs, it could have been a contributing factor in his death, but not the primary. More than likely, it was a case of him diving for fish in what he thought was water, but was actually the mirage on the pavement. This happens frequently, I'm sad to say.

I hope we don't get anymore pelicans this year -- not because they weren't found by anyone, but because they weren't injured. They are endangered, although doing well, and they are amazing animals and I enjoyed my time with them before (see my blog entry on nestwatchers), but I'd rather never see one again if it meant none were ever hurt again.

Not a realistic dream, I know, but what can I say? Sometimes, the deaths add up and get to me.

Goodnight all...


Bird Girl said...


i'm just curious... I've done extensive research into my ancestry, and found that a significant part of my family came from Devon.

it's 1:30 am here in Phoenix, Arizona... :-)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone!! My, my this is a busy blog!! Just got through reading all the comments and getting ready to start work. Make a good day everybody and don't forget to do random acts of kindness. Rewards are great!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning dltuk and Suzanne! I wondered where you were, Suzanne. It is supposed to be very hot here today. Might be free lemonade tomorrow in Bluefield if it reaches 90°. More will be revealed!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am happy to report that my mug, mouse pad and pin is in Louisville, KY!! YEAH -- IN TRANSIT!! That means it is on its way!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Donna, The link is:

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I had never heard the name "Fatima" until a doctor came to town with that first name. She is a horrible dictator (am typing her right now) but I like that name.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It does have significance. Nilla put the meaning of the name on yesterday's blog but can't remember waht it is!

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Out In EagleLand.. Not staying long as i didnt sleep very well with some bad leg cramps so this morning not walking very well with a knot in the left calf of my leg... OUCH hurts to.. i know eat bananas.. Called and left amessage and canceled Sugaaah grooming this morning way to hot to be taking him out in this heat.. Morning to DLT across the pond.. Morning Suz you be careful in the heat down there in DC.. Scorcher puts it mildly for the area please evryone take care if you are going out , especially with your animals which i know you do..smiles Hope "OUR" kids choose to linger down by the Potomac River all day fishing.. Oh my Steve is gone all week??? Lord this blog will blow for sure...LOL Well going to lay back down for alittle while... Besure to leave reports on critter cams for me.. Hugs, Nilla DLT its now going on 8am here in WV where some say We Go To Family Reunions To Get A Date... j/k 3 Xhusbands none of which came from WV... C U L8R I think it some religious name like you said being that country is mostly Catholic.. Need to get some pictures on here of the girls Rosita is 6 and Fatima is now 10.. Rosita will be turning 7 in Nov and daughter already has plans to take the girls back to Disney to surprise her.. We all spent 10 days in Orlando at Christmas, 15 family members.. Well i thought 13 but daughter flew my son & fiancee' down to surprise me,, WOW did it ever!!!

glo said...

Good morning all. I am pretty much OFF today Have about an hour and a half tied up tonight but other than that I am a free woman today.
Sharon I saw where you will be sending our corrections for our BLOG entries Could you split mine up into a few seperate entries so as not to clog the system. THANKS!!!

Maybe yew could makeup sum soft where because some times it Mrs. sum of the thinks ewe Miss spell any way. Ewe R a deer won.

Suzanne Yeah glad to hear you've been back to the stor for next month.

marie, Donna Sharon put it on here this morning Thanks Sharon others might be wanting it too BUT in case you are watching for my answer on here

The store link is

Bird Girl Good to hear from you. I hope you are feeling better. Sorry to hear about the Pelican. We are starting to see them here along the Mississippi where I live too. I do hope you are feeling better. I wrote you a long answer to your question about the Heat wave in the area...Definitely gone east now too rest in the shade of the nest our Feathered Little Buddies Your answer is about 1000 posts ago. To make a long answer short When I went to bed last night at 11 pm the temp was 93 and the humidity was 88% making a heat index of 99. There is just no way to cool off without air conditioning when it gets like that. All kinds of cooling places opening up all over to help people find someplace to stay cool.

Have a good day all. I'll be checking in. Think i'll clean a very neglected Aquarium today.

glo said...

Gosh Nilla I am sorry to read you are not feeling so good this morning. I think milk or calcium kinds of things might help with that some too! Will be watching for you to check in and say you are feeling better.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This morning my sister brought me a butane lighter with an eagle and a flag on it (No I am not advocating smoking) and a key chain with an eagle on it with inscription on the back that says "Eagle, Fly High, Touch the Great Spirit". Love it!

Anonymous said...

GOOD MORNING MY EAGLE BUDDIES WOW! Lots of reading to do. NILLA When I told my doctor about my leg cramps, he told me to crawl to the kitchen and get a big glass of water. I thought he was nuts, but it works, and faster than a banana. Will be in and out today, got to pack for the return trip to D.C:(:(:(tomorrow. Its 1 month and counting til "BABY KALIS" arrives, hope I can be a good Grandmom, like some of my "Eagle Buddies" are....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is a mourning dove in the NU eagle nest!! Looks so tiny!

Anonymous said...

Mom is feeding baby smurf oprey up in Conn. They have the most beautiful eyes.

glo said...

Mits you will be a great (good) grandma. You already ahve a wonderful start. My guess is when the time comes, you will have us all in labor pains along with the mama.
Did you call about your stuff

Please let me know..AND remember I want some honest feedback about the Teddy Bear.

glo said...

There are 2 of you Who come here all the time You know who you are Who haven't sent a tribute yet. Your words are going to be missed by your Blogging friends in here Please send something for me to add to the Tribute Page.

Sharon can Proofread it for you if that is what you are worried about.

We know you love the Young eagles, AND we know you can write because you do write in here frquently. Please join in the Tribute

Anonymous said...

SHARON We never have heard back from, I think, his name was Bill, who gave us the address of NU, but thanks for the eagle-cam, actually saw one of the beauties yesterday. Bill, if you are out there lurking, sorry if we scared you away, please come back and say HI.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I knew you were one of them!!

I really wouldn't mind at all to proofread anything for anybody. I can do good with everybody else's, just suck on proofreading my own stuff! I always said I needed to get a job at Bluefield Daily Telegraph because they definitely need a proofreader. Grits my butt sometimes to read the paper!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, in my heart I know you are going to make a good grandma!!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!!!GLO AND SHARON You have mail...

Anonymous said...

Thank you SHARON (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

2 opsrey in nest at BW

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bakatcha Mits!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Baby Smurf sure is looking beautiful this morning!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I pray Andrew waits at least 10 more years to bless me with a grandbaby!! Just now learning to be a mom (just took 17 years), not ready to do the grandmom think yet!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

AM I 100?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I made it. #100!! Thank you, thank you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I bet if Steven reads these comments, he thinks "My God, these people need a life!!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Glo, one down and one to go!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all..Group (((HUG)))!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hear those daggone hawks coming back. Good to know they might not snatch one of my little birds off my roof. (Thanks for the info, Bird Girl). They can't have my squirrels either but they can gather up all the rats they want!!

Anonymous said...

SHARON AND GLO You two really keep a close tab on us MOMS. I thought I could sneak by, because I am not the best writer in the world. Thanks for watching over us. GLO I deleted the e-mail of confirmation from them on Monday, thinking I would get the tracking e-mail. May not get to check til I get home tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so hoping my mug gets here before I go to band camp. Would love to have it with me there since I can be here. Although, the eaglets and you all are in my heart wherever I go.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mei Xiang is still in the grotto and I think Tai is up a tree. Momma tiger is nursing the cubs. She is a beautiful animal.

Anonymous said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----NILLA--this really works--leg cramps---take 1 teaspoon of yellow mustard---REALLY WORKS---& SOON TOO---NPR has a program---"Peoples's Pharmacy" & people call in with all the home cures---I can testify to this one----I use it often---

HELLO to everyone---took me forever to read all your comments--and MITS---can never get on the panda cam----w/miss you----hope your little one doesn't arrive on the wedding day!!!

glo said...

LOL I didn't name any names

But yes thanks Mits and Sharon..I so wanted that tribute.

yes Suzanne I got yours its right here infront of me. Going to post some of them this morning.

Anonymous said...

BELLE---Green Bank is located up all those bad, very bad roads---that's truly God's country---I am sure they have EAGLES---I didn't know you were having surgery---w/have you in my thoughts----w/like to hear how your daughter enjoys camp---Is that the Science Camp---every state has 2 rep.---? Take care----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, you didn't have to name names. The guilty ones just automatically know!! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GLO----The reason we all went goo-goo--gaa--gaa-- over "T"--He is this great photographer who takes the beautiful pictures of our eagles & probably loves them as much or maybe more than we do----That's what makes him so SPECIAL----We all were so EAGER to meet him & listen to what he had to say about them----That's why he is "WAY COOL"----

Anonymous said...

NORMA You can't get onto the panda cams??? What problems are you having?? I'll be checking in from home. Gee, that would be great, then I would not have to go to the wedding. LOL! She is due Sept. 1st, that would be a tad early, but my son was due Oct. 1st and came on Sept.8th. Baby could follow in its fathers' footsteps.:):)

Anonymous said...

MT nest in Conn.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Andrew was due June 21 and was born June 22. I was praying they were wrong and the date and he would come earlier. He came in God's time and his time for sure and so will Baby Kalis!!

Anonymous said...

You got that right SHARON. I'll take him/her whenever, she/he comes.

Anonymous said...

Just checked Seattles" osprey blog. Someone posted that they were silly for naming their osprey, good thing that person did not blog here. Of course, postor did not leave name. Coward!!

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
glo said...

Same place but for some reason this link seems to work better for me I don't know. Tea time with my Momster Cup and eagle viewing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Glo, 2 eaglets sitting over the nest! So cool.

Anonymous said...

How come when I try to copy and paste right from the blog it never works. Tells me my info is wrong and I double an triple check it???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, and you can even hear them too!

glo said...

Mits Mits you have mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you've got mail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh my, great minds really do think alike!

glo said...

LOL too funny

glo said...

Found them from a Forum on Birdspeak. From what I read quickly I don't think they have a forum of their own out of Maine but there is a thread out of Birdspeak for them under the eagles. Anyway,,had bad storms up there last night. Those two have had a orugh 24 hours or so. But there they are..probably hoping mom or dad is fishing

Just Vicky said...

Hello to all Momsters! Another hot one today! Keep cool, my little eagle will keep flapping for you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, have they fledged yet?

glo said...

LOL I was reading a post from June2, I don't thik thay had storms afterall LOL. I think they are waiting onlunch. breakfast was like 5 hours ago

glo said...

Yes haven't read enough to know how long ago, but they are saying things like "Hard to tell how much longer we will get to see our "sweeties together". I'll go read a little more

glo said...

Good morning Vicki

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Glo, you read and report while I keeping typing!

glo said...

It's kind of nice just to watch and listen...close to the right age and stage as "ours"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo and Mits, the second link doesn't shut down every minute like the first one!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU, SHARON AND GLO Great to see some younguns!!!

glo said...

Actually I think we are lucky they are there today...seems like they too are gone more and it should be of course

glo said...

I sent mits the second link I think I'll go delete the first one now.

glo said...

If we and the eaglets are lucky we might see and hear lunch arrive

glo said...

One just flew off. Camera is at a very nice angle...ooops other gone as I typed :-(

glo said...

Well it Was wonderful although somewhat brief Will be checking back here for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

Me too...:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

ME THREE:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ospreys are nice but eagles have my heart!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All, how are you all on this fine and hot Tuesday,, just a quick pop in as I'm makeing dinner, I don't know if you have these URL's but here goes

San Diego Zoo panda Station.html

Monterey Bay Aquarium otter/otter cam osp

View Nesting Birds

1st one you can watxh all the pandas Bai Yun and her baby Su Lin who is one month younger than Tai Shan WATCH OUT for her 1st birthday party on the 8th of this month its bound to be a spectacular,her daddy is Gao Gao and her Brother is Mei Sheng he is nearly 3 years old now but still such a baby.

Monterey is wonderful for sealife, my fav animal of all time is the otter, its a marvelious place.

The Nesting Birds are from all over the world, it is a masive site all you have to do is scroll down and take your pick and enjoy.

Hope all this is ok girls, right back to the oven and slave labour. back later


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So, cabuk, you have a name?
Hi Chrissy!

Anonymous said...

CHRISSY Thanks for the info, I love the San Diego site, visited there many years ago, before panda cubs where there. I'm sure you read about the big bash Tai Shan had at The National Zoo. I'm hoping to squeeze in some time to go see him when I go back to D.C tomorrow, boy, am I dreading going back there in this heat!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, was I # 150???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you were #150. Congratulations!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My baby towhee is back out here again. God, I love seeing all these babies this year. Don't think I ever had an appreciation before like I do now for baby birds!! I got that here!

Anonymous said...

SHARON I just love all babies!!! Speaking of babies, no I promise I wont start that again, LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm concerned about NILLA. Going to go try to track her down!

wvgal_dana said...

Good afternoon although I've been in and out since this morning.
HAPPY AUGUST can't believe it is August already wow.
Chrissy I'm going to check out that eagle site in Maine ty.
BBL checking out some more sites.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wouldn't it be cool if next year we could have a split screen, one from a side view and the one we had this year?

Anonymous said...

BOOYAH, SHARON Excellent idea!!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

SHARON---I have towhees too----I think they are beautiful---a few yrs ago, nest built on our spotlight on carport---babies hatched--one fell to floor---I picked it up & I'll never forget--this little warm thing, I cried-- felt---like it was mine---didn't survive---sad--long story, but I love all babies---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't know where the nest is but I think besides eagles of course, they are my favorite bird!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, we need to turn Vicky's picture into a large turbo eagle!!

Anonymous said...

I missed GLO'S eagles---w/try pandas again---Tai is a TRIP---ADORABLE---w/check back----while Sharon's killin' all the band kids---& while you're crying at the wedding---I also get teary eyed at weddings---But I going to see my beautiful GRANDKIDS this weekend--before they go back to FL----THAT'S A GOOD THING --

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

HEY, MITS - I heard somewhere that one of our eaglet_momsters was going to be a grandma. Do you think there is any truth to that?

Anonymous said...

CRISSY---Which one of you two lives in Hampshire? I live in Hampshire County, WV. It is the oldest county in our state. It was founded in 1754, and was named for the Hampshire hogs of England. Our county seat, where I live, is Romney. Over the years, the mayor of Romney. England has visited our city & our mayor has visited your Romney. Didn't I read one of you lived in Romney, England?---This is COOL---WELCOME AGAIN---

glo said...

Just load it live and keep an eagle eye..they'll be back. I've had it running 2 hours now...yah just never know but it does have live eaglets about the same stage as "OURS"

Email me if you want a direct link.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I really don't know if they come on here or not. I just heard a rumor about it at sometime or another and was wondering if you had heard the same rumor!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Norma,

No it's DLT that lives in Hampshire, I live in what we call the Midlands, but I live only 45 mins from Stratford-upon-Avon Shakepere Country, the Area I lvie in goes way way back to well before Roman times, and archeology [which is my field] tell us even further back than that, but no living record to verify. Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...


glo said...

Is someone going to be a grandma Wow Who is it....Hope she lets us know!!!

Anonymous said...

TAI SHAN looks a wee bit lethagic today, didn't seem to want to wrestle too much with Mei.

glo said...

Well I just saw a squirrel in the Maine eagles nest. Funny do you know how small a squirrel looks in one of those nests That was funny. Puts size into perspecitve all the more.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I don't know who is going to be a grandma. Just heard the rumor but can't anybody to admit to it!! More will be revealed! :):):)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

DLT Could also be the fact, that the temp in D.C. is supposed to reach 100 degrees today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I feel pretty lethargic today too. Probably from the flipping heat!! Desktop Weather says it is 88° here right now. Better step up 2 more degrees or no free lemonade in Bluefield tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Tai is laying there on his back, munching on bamboo, he looks like his Dad, Tian Tian.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Hot August to all my eagle buddies! Yes, I have been lurking somewhat & took me awhile to read comments. Congrats Sharon on hitting the numbers!
Mits Did you know that someone from the DC (Bethesda) area is going to have an exciting event this month or the very first part of Sept? HOOAH! I am wondering if Grandpa to be is as excited as the Gramdma to be is?

Anonymous said...

BOOYAH, SHARON Lets hear it for free lemonade in BLUEFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA. tomorrow!

glo said...

Must be a GI best I can figure

Grandma Incognito

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO Grandpa, claims he is too young to be a granddaddy. He is 6 weeks older than me. He is not spreading the news like I am.

glo said...

AHA Columbo has arrived

I know who Grandma is LOL

Anonymous said...

What a nudge I am, blew my own cover LOL!!!

glo said...

That's right come to think of it I guess she did mention somethng about being a grandma a while back!!!

We need to work on remembering these things

Geesh MITS Feel free to remind us...we need a little help sometimes

Mema Jo said...

MITS He'll get over it when the little blessing arrives - Mine did! Gave me the same song & dance - I'm Too young!
Yep! Glo Army talk.. You got it
right on the nose. If MITS says Booyah then I thought I could sneak in a Hooah. However, since I'm only connected to army as a grandma, I shouldn't use it. Noone on here will tell on me - you're all my buddies!

Anonymous said...

DLT Let's try this again. Bloody blog kicked me off after I answered your post! Tai is very exact like his Mom, but a real rascal like his Dad, Tian. People will be allowed inside the habitat. There are no ticket requiements anymore. August in D.C. is hot, but all the hot-air leaves the city, if you get my drift.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo led Mits right into blowing her cover!!

Anonymous said...

Hell no, SHARON my lips are sealed. Shout anything you want...Hope , hubby changes, or he will get a swift kick in the butt.

Anonymous said...

Was JO ever a lawyer? LOL!!

glo said...

Well tis sieata time for this semi retired Grandma And I have the live eagle cam up from Maine.

AHHH just like the good ole days..

later Stay cool. Oh and I have FREE lemonade at my house too All are welcome

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is certainly not suffering from lethargy anymore!

glo said...

OK Sharon add siesta to my corrections list LOL. ready for a nap!!

Times are tough all over

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I just thought that was a siesta in a different language!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to be

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...


How many in a row was that?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't know but I think I need a life!

Anonymous said...

MITS---Don't worry about Grand Pappy-----Only take ONE LOOK into those baby blues and he is HOOKED!!!

Anonymous said...

You are right about that, NORMA he will melt, he is a softy at heart, likes to pretend he is tuff. LOL!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

E-mail factoids: A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue. A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours. A shark is the only fish that can blink both eyes. A snail can sleep for three years. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. Butterflies taste with their feet. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

Anonymous said...

NORMA fascinating!!! The heat index in Ocean City is 106 degrees

Anonymous said...

I have been reading all my newspapers before I take out trash------I also read they are having a disagreement about rattle snakes---the Charleston Hiking Club thinks one shouldn't kill them---they have a place on this earth, other side--ONLY GOOD SNAKE IS A DEAD ONE???

Anonymous said...

OKAY---I won't send you anymore info---but did think it was interesting about the tiger's skin-----

Just Vicky said...


Mema Jo said...

NORMA If a crocodile cannot stick out its tongue - I guess that means he cannot "lick his chops!" LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Interesting facts here today but could you stick to eagle facts only. This is a blog for an eagle cam, you know!


Watching Tai play with that milk crate reminded me of when I would spend $100 on Andrew a new toy and he would toss the toy to the side and play with the box!!

Mema Jo said...

I did call Nilla on her cell phone but needed to leave a message.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though Tai is hiding from the camera on Animal Planet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, are you still watching the Maine nest. THEY ARE BACK!!

glo said...

2 eaglets in the Maine nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, we have to stop doing this! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am in heaven right now!

Anonymous said...

MY--MY--AREN'T WE TOUCHY TODAY---I was just sharing all my nature wisdom w/you all----THANKS MEMA JO----I think that little one has it "made in the shade"---I remember with the Wash. Post referred to him as "butter"----when he was born they said he was the size of a stick of butter----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Go to that link and see 2 beautiful eaglets in their nest!!


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...