Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday 31 July

Late night new thread, out of the office this week...


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Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful sight. 2 eaglets in a nest. When MEI XIANG goes up to the door and stands on her hind legs, it remind me of Ray Charles singing his hit song I CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU! swaying his head back and forth. NORMA I like your info:):)

Anonymous said...

GLO---Called Cafepress----they were out of the magnets & I was told to keep the coaster----I reminded him twice that it cost $3.25 more----and that I owed him money---he said just keep it----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, I am assuming you know I was just joking. I was trying to act like the jerks on the AppArt osprey blog!! I love yous guys and wouldn't ever complain about what we talk about on here!!

Ray Charles is exactly who Mei reminds me of.

I love hearing these eagles. We definitely have to have sound next year.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am slow but I get there. I hadn't noticed the water in the background! How cool is that and convenient too!

NillaWafer said...

Well i see ya'll have some how manged to amuse yourselves.. i left i think 70 some blogs and come back to 220... Know what they say "Idle Hands Are The Work Of The Devil" or did i just make that up? Oh well get my drift.. Just not feeling well today friends, so gona make this short n sweet... Jo didnt hear the cell phone its on chargr in dining room..Norma i loved your info on just about everything on the planet..Hugs.... Sharon what can i say Instigator leave my Thelma Hi Vicky IL stay cool g/f... DLT N CAB sorry i have missed you today..Glo Bug getting xcited about reading your Tribs.... Who am i missin Mits being a grandmaw is great ok its when they get older and they know they are wrapped around your finger and needs $$$ ..LOL mine says grandmaw ya got any gas money? Now who can turn that darling face down NOT ME.. Now he has a girlfriend and you read i was foreckin out the other day thinking about bein a great grandmaw..I really and honestly cryed.. Thanks for the reports on critter cams.. Did go over to WS Osprey and saw that u were talking about.. Now NOONE from here would sneak over there and cause trouble would they???? Naaaa must be daft thinking that... I swear wasnt me i just woke up after 3.. To any i missed Hugs n hey keep Sharon GloBug n Mits out of trouble..

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All

WHO is going to be a NANA ???? is it MITS, well nice to have them round for a visit bit oh so nice to hand them back, we have done our time !!!!!

Tai Shan [gobbo] is in his tunnel at the mo, he has taken his red milk crate in there with ihm to chew on I think he is teething again, no such thing as CALPOL for baby pandas ????

How is NILLA is she still ill with the cramp, I know what thats like, in bed at night I get twitchy legs and get told BUGGA off woman from said Husband Frank, where's the sympathy, I would like to know !!!!

Anonymous said...

NILLA Go rest!! I have to dry my hair and get out of here, supposed to be in Fenwick to pick her up and meet a friend in Bethany for an early dinner in about 15 mins. Will never make it. BBL!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Are me and Glo the only ones watching this beautiful eaglet? You are really missing out!

Anonymous said...

SHARON---SHARON---When you apologize----I think you don't love me any more??????? WOW--isn't that wonderful to see those eagles---(1) OUR EAGLES build better nests (2) OUR EAGLES produced 3 eaglets (3) I LOVE EAGLES----Let's hear it for the SHEPHERDSTOWN EAGLES--RAH--RAH--RAH--Don't those eaglets look younger than ours---but it was certainly a sight for poor eyes---Thanks GLO for introducing it to us---We have MISSED you NILLA---Hey would should all fly to Bluefield----FREE LEMONADE!!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Well night night all, I have quite a bit left to do, before hubby comes home from work so I will say goodnight to one and all, NILLA I hope you feel better sooon, take it easy legs up and have a nice massage with some soothing oils.

Take cre all speak soon



glo said...

Norma Oh well glad you ended up with something even nicer. i think it is because I changed the magnet style not too long after I opened the store. They probably can't make that one anymore unless I put that picture back up there. Haven't really decided on that totally yet, BUT there is a different magnet design there that people seem to like very well. Anyway Glad you heard from them. Hoping you are happy. Sure send me the money Just kidding LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh but Norma, I do love you. How could I not, you have heard of Bluefield!!

Anonymous said...

CABUK----Don't laugh---twitchy legs at night----THIS WORKS---put a bar of soap UNDER the sheet at the bottom of the bed----you leave it there--Doctors don't understand why---but it works--NOW DO THAT----

NILLA---did you take the teaspoon of yellow mustard when you had a leg cramp---I KNOW THAT WORKS--I do it----W/send you folks my bill--

Anonymous said...

STEVEN must have been tired last night----he wrote MINDAY 31 JULY------but we still love him---

glo said...

LOL man if you don't read all the BLOG messages since the last time you logged on you can really Think and sound funny

That would be me...I'm thinkin what the heck is going on in here and then i go back and do some more reading and ocme out chuckling....Its all good!!!!

glo said...

I think the eaglet sitting int he branchin maine is the younger of the two...not lots of long tail feathers in yet. Probably spends a little more time near the nest too which will be good for us if I'm right about that .

Just Vicky said...

Isn't that just amazing! Dr. Norma is with us!

glo said...

Too cool I am definitely feeling much better after an eaglet fix...I can play lets pretend just fine too!!!

glo said...

Hi Vicki from Il yep sounds like we have a Dr inhouse. Got alittle bit of eveything in here I imagine. Pretty neat combination. Did you see the link for the live eagle cam out of Maine..been kind of nice to see eaglets again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express last night, so that means I am a doctor.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There are 2 eaglets back in the nest. Now one is gone!

glo said...

Parent came to nest Think oldest one grabbed it and flew off :-( Other one sitting there crying now Hmmm I heard the parent coming they definitely will give us an incoming signal.

Just Vicky said...

Oh yes, I've been watching for over 46 min. so far! Just had a parent and the 2 kids scuffle and I take it the one kid took off with the food!

glo said...

Well Sharon guess you and I are the two Maniacs LOL

glo said...

Nope gonna fix that right now Mainiacs don't want anyone getting that one confused..

Just Vicky said...

He sure is yipping his heart out! I wonder if that's a begging cry?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mainiacs is a good one!!

Commode Vicky is with us too! I missed the parent though.

glo said...

Yep if you blinked you missed the parent. I think the big one actually kind of knocked the parent and the food right out of the nest. Happened very very fast but it was a parent with food.

Just Vicky said...

Oh yes, I'm with you and the kids in Maine!

Just Vicky said...

Glo, I never replied about LaDosha! She is married, has a boy and a girl, and she is a specialized nurse. She is a really nice gal. She visits our church now and then!

glo said...

Cool 3 muskateers and 3 Mainiacs!!!

paula eagleholic said...

You are watching the eagle cam in Maine! i have it on the Momsters site under "Bald Eagle Cam - Maine". That is the Bio Diverstiy Research Institute cam, I think it is a National Wildlife sponsored cam.

Ooops, MT nest there now.

paula eagleholic said...

One in the nest at Blackwater!

paula eagleholic said...

2 Osprey in CT nest, eating!

glo said...

Ladosha is an angel from like 20 years ago LOL

glo said...

Hi Paula Good to see you.

glo said...

Time to walk the dogs and eat some supper. Have to work for a little while this evening. Will be in and out the next few hours.

paula eagleholic said...

They also have a blog for their site in Maine, if you use the link on the site, you can pick up the blog off of there... they originally started out w/ 3 eaglets, but one was killed by another in the nest. They have 3 biologists that write the blog...very interesting reading!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Ya, Glo, Thanks. Back in the office for a little bit, then out tomorrow.

glo said...

Paula Man I'm glad our eaglets Didn't do that. My guess is the big one did it...very forceful still from what I saw this afternoon, but the other one has gotten this far, hopefully will carry on from here fine.

Anonymous said...

WELCOME PAULA--Here I am bragging that we had 3 eaglets & Maine only had 2----you say 1 was killed---how very sad----Sorry---

You all are laughing about my knowledge of home remedies---Listen to "People's Pharmacy" on NPR--(I get on Sat a.m.)--great program---they cover all kinds of health problems--People call in w/quest. & you get many of these home remedies---THESE 2 I MENTIONED WORK---another is Vick's salve on wart & it took about 3 wks. or more & gone--my Dr. thought I had flipped---I know you all think I have----Thee of little faith---

floralgirl said...

WOW!! You guys have been busy talking,took forever to load this page.Haven't been on for a while,too busy.It is so hot out ,I am really miserable trying to keep everything alive in my garden.This weather is UNBEARABLE!!!Since others have,I went to the Momsters site and started an album,some flower and garden pics,will add more later,takes a while to download with dial-up.

glo said...

floralgirlI am so sorry to hear how miserable it must be right now for you trying to keep all your beautiful flowers alive in this heat. I love my gardens and in the evenings I spend time watering too, but kind of meter out what needs it most etc. Hate to ler some of it dry up but I kind of have too. Glad you put some pictures up. I will check them out later.

Bird girl has and album too. I love dher pictures, BUT who and what is BERT?

Norma I think I will put a littl epad of paper here by my computer and write some of your remedies down. ya just never know and I am NOT kidding I think I will.

Anonymous said...

SHARON---NPR is 91.7 FM in Beckley, 91.9 FM in Logan & 91.5 FM in Matewan-----which is closer to you Beckley----you don't need those Holiday Inn Expresses anymore----you too can be a Dr.---

VICKY-IL---I prefer DEAD snakes---I am deathly afraid of snakes---mice, spiders, etc. don't bother me--

wvgal_dana said...

Well just made my rounds to different cams lol panda's wore out. Didn't see anything yet strange in any of the empty nest.
Hope all is having a good evening.

glo said...

W Va Vicki did you find your way to the Maine eagle cam? It has been nice to see some eaglets a few times today!!!

Anonymous said...

PAULA do you or anyone else belong to National Wildlife Fed.? They called today & asked that we work against the bill now in congress in regard to opening parts of the Gulf of Mexico for drilling oil----they are asking that we write to our congress person & senator----Didn't you say the Eagle site in Maine is theirs? GREAT GROUP-

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Glo I have been there most of the day. I didn't know others didn't know about it because it is a link on the momsters site. Thank you though for letting me know about it. I have really been getting an Eagle/Eaglet fix lol. Boy does it bring back memories of BigBoy, MsInBetween and Spunky, with Liberty and Belle. Wow its been awesome.

wvgal_dana said...

When I think about the names for the eaglets. I like how they got their names; it suited them very well. I hear names of other birds and wonder why did they name them that. It is special to watch them as they grow and how they act then give them a name that suits them. Instead of just picking names out of the air that is what they do soar in the air .

NillaWafer said...

New thread is up and I AM #1 lalalala..

Just Vicky said...

Hey new thread up!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...