Saturday, July 13, 2019

Cameras are down Both Live and Still

Woke up this am and discovered I recorded the same hour  for  hours Made editing easy LOL  Camera is stuck at 1050ish pm 7-12-2019  .  Still camera has been down since 7-10- 851pm
Being it the weekend and this is a government camera may not get fixed till Mon  Deb has contacted them via email so we will wait with bated breath for it to come back.

Are there any local people that see this that would report what they see would be super cool

1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

If cam comes back I will record but I doubt it won't be fixed till Mon
but we can always hope

1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...