Wednesday, July 10, 2019

3🐟Day/A pretty visitor about a year old female from size

We had a visitor a pretty one 2nd year juvie And it sounds like Hope is in the attic at the time of the visitor in nest   

928am SLO motion 

928am 2min long Fish πŸŸand attack on talon

Part 2 departure 
146pm  Shep in with🐟  2minlong

231pm Shep in with fish 🐟 and high tails it out of there 
318pm another🐟 successful escape

our visitor  pretty one 

318pm another fish

148pm You can see Hope right behind the wing  Shep is getting the heck out of there

I will try to keep all video to the top of the page for  enjoyment pleasure  then you can scroll the pictures if you want
Using blog as a way to record pic and videos  We have them on FB but those are groups you must join  This is for all public to see We previously used this as a communication blog  but no longer since our Matriarch Jo died. JO you  are missed. This blog was started because of her in 2006  She loved it so! 

I am sure JO  will approve of the blog being used like this  Well at least I hope so!!! I refuse to let the blog Pass as she did I know she wanted it to go on. Maybe not as it was but all things change and so shall the blog!!
I hope you enjoy the pictures and videos I do for the public to see

 If you have any suggestions please let me know

If you wish you may 
comment below ~<b></b>

1/6/25 PM Fish

 πŸŸ  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...