Thursday, May 12, 2016


New thread.  The rain continues...


Lolly said...

Whoa! I get a feather! First in a long time!

Thanks, Steve! Will call other over!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Storms gave us just under an inch of rain! Yesterday with the clean up Jack mowed and was able to mow the entire yard. No standing water, no black tire marks on the lawn. So glad he mowed! Back to wet and muddy yard. However, it is not as bad as yesterday, but once again limbs and twigs down from the trees. More clean up needed. Wind was strong again and I worried about the Mississippi Kite nests!

Have a brunch this morning. Leaving soon. Not feeling the best but I am going. If I start coughing, I will just come home.

Have a great day!

Hoda said...

Thank you Steve and Lolly.
Sorry about peeing in the crate Sandi.
Could it be a physical ailment as opposed to behavioural thing?
All good here.
Learnt from my conference.
Love using my bicycle as my main means of transportation.
Be well. Stay well. Make it a good day.

Hoda said...

Oh! Kayak update.
Because I am a senior, the city will rent me a kayak for 1.66 $ an hour! Three hours at a time. So excited about that. I have my own paddle. 50.00$ for a ten pass punch card. I love how they keep putting programs to get us seniors out and about.

JudyEddy said...

GoodMorning Eagle Buds

Both are sitting on the edge at 9 with back to the outside looks like they are in serious conversation I just love the way they look at each other like a mirror and not much beaking there Yesterday Clover was pecking or grooming Shamrocks chest no protest and went all the way u and ended at the beak was so cute like a kiss

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I was looking but being my truck isn't leaking it is on hold Shh don't say it to loud don't want the truck to hear LOL
being the leaks were all warranty I would have been stupid not to get fixed

I was so shocked at the prices of vehicles Can almost buy a house for what a car cost now days.
Being the 2017 are just going to be rolling out I am keeping a eye on the sticker price one car has gone down 2t in a week now So I am holding tight for now

JudyEddy said...

Looks like Decorah lost the smallest eaglet last night

Mema Jo said...

congratulations Lolly
Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread
Good morning Hoda - happy for your benefits as a Senior

Getting a little humid outside - not raining but no sunshine either

hope you feel better Lolly

have a good day everyone xoxoxoxo

Lolly said...

Home now and feeling better. Going to take more Advil and head outside. I hear nature calling me. Will NOT over do.

Pouting.....I want to go paddle around the lake with Hoda. No mountains, no lake here! Not fair!!!馃槴

JudyEddy said...

adult is in the nest
so cute they are picking on nestovers and one eaglet took something from the others beak sharing it seems I got a snip of it also

JudyEddy said...


hope the feather made you feel somewhat better with its magical power

Sandi said...

Hi all. Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks Lolly for the call over.

Hoda, for $4.98 per day, you could do a whole lotta kayaking before you would spend as much as the cost of buying a decent kayak. Sweet! And Bella's problem is purely behavioral, trust me. If she can go 8 hours at night without an accident, she can go 4 hours during the day without one.

PT went well - next week will be my last 2 sessions. My range of motion still isn't as good on my left side as on my right, but it's much better than it was, and with less pain.

Traffic meeting was long but productive.

After my microdermabrasion, the sun had come out, so Janey and I went for ice cream in Bethany and then took a little walk on the boardwalk.

Did Kay post this morning on the previous thread?

Time to fix food for people and pets - bye!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Lolly.

Same here, Sandi. I need to fix food for people and pets. Cheeto is reminding me.

Hoping that the training continues to work and that there aren't any more setbacks.

Know what you mean about the prices of cars, Judy.

Have fun kayaking, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

One eaglet standing in the nest. Other is flopped into a heap. Looks to be cloudy there. Weather forecast for us is for more rain.

Sandi said...

Judy, I know what you mean about the cost of a new vehicle - it's enough to give you a heart attack, right?

Shirley, how many more days til Hunter's summer starts? Will he get a job this summer? Driver's license time is fast approaching and he may want his own wheels.

No post from Kay this morning on the old thread and no post on this one. Hmmm ...

JudyEddy said...

just heard the eaglets sneeze that is a couple of different times so far I have heard them Sounds so cute

Just got home from Jordyn gym

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Just a half day for m this morning. Another rainy day on tap here.

Jo, hope today is a good one for you.

Have a greyt day all.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have lost my voice! Sometimes I squeak when I try to talk. All this drainage down my throat is doing me in. Still do not feel great but I will survive. Worked in the yard yesterday but should probably just stay in. We have a beautiful day ahead of us. Rain returns this weekend

Lining up our end of the school year activities. Band concert next Tues. the following week a jazz band concert and the last week of school Jacob has something in the morning and Laurel can not attend so we will.

We are really enjoying the Mississippi Kites that are nesting in our trees. I knew their call when they are soaring high, but now learning their call while sitting on a branch. Very musical! We frequently see them flying in. Such beautiful, and graceful looking birds!

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday morning to all

Another wet one! Busy day with PT, OT and a nurse visit
Daughter is here for her visit... Having delightful conversation

Take care and stay dry


stronghunter said...

Have a delightful day, Jo.

stronghunter said...


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

***Sending birthday wishes your way***


in case you pop in

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Introducing my bowling champ troll doll.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Not to worry, SANDI, I'm here. The last couple of days got away from me as I got prepared for Malcolm's 11 day stay. He arrived here about an hour ago. In a few minutes I'll be leaving to pick his family up and get them to the airport for their trip to Ireland. Next weekend Eileen will come down from MI to help with the dogs, til' then picture me with two dear mutts to play with.

Happy Birthday, SUSAN!

Prayers for all in need!!! Will catch up with y'all after we settle in here.


stronghunter said...

Happy birthday,


Lori O. said...

Wow, so much going on - despite all this rain.

We had a Rose Breasted Grosbeak (male) on the deck this week. Gorgeous! I thought Kate had seen a ghost when she was trying to tell me it was there. She was speechless and didn't want me to move and scare it away.

Happy Red Friday, JO! Hoping your therapies and nurse visit are all great! ♥

Kay, how fun that you will have two dogs in the house and Eileen coming for a visit. Fun times ahead for you. Funny, but I never thought of you as needing to "spruce up" the house. Pictured you as a neat freak. I am!

Sandi (the name of our new neighbor in Manassas, btw) . . . I always called it microdermabrasion when Parker the cat licks my face. More than 2 licks is painful. :)

Hoda, what an awesome deal on your kayaking pass! I love Nelson more everyday. ♥

JudyE, hope you have fun car shopping. Hoping to have my Honda CRV forever. I'm very close to 100,000 miles and got it in 2009. Worst thing about buying a car is they keep you there all stinking day. There's no reason for that!

No talking, Lolly! Gargle with warm salt water and get lots of rest. Sorry you've been feeling puny.

Sandi said...

Home from school so my weekend has started - yay!

Lori, how did the home inspection go? I just chatted online with a young lady from Miracle Gro about the moisture control potting soil. I sent her links to the reviews I had read and expressed my concern. She checked to see if the product has been reformulated recently and said the last time it was changed was 2013. Not encouraging, since many of the bad reviews are more recent than that. She had no tips other than what's printed on the bag. Sooooo, fingers crossed that I have a good experience. So far, all of my flowers are growing and doing well. I still have all of the pots on the front porch under cover so they don't stay wet. With all the rain we've had, small annual plants could easily get waterlogged in any potting soil. With the pots on the porch, I can control how much water they get. If the sun ever decides to come out and stay out, then I'll move everything back out into the front yard.

Headed to the grocery store. Later.

JudyEddy said...

E8looks TO have been found at CROW
IN CAR line

NCSuzan said...

Jo, good to see you posting more. Have you been out to dinner yet? Think you deserve some special treatment after pneumonia and therapy! Any new news on the spot? Keeping you in my prayers.馃惣

Shirley, love your trophy and friend!馃弳

Kay, wow, you have quite a lot going on. Know Penny and Malcolm will have fun and keep you entertained and busy during his visit!

Happy Birthday Susan! Hope your day is spectacular! 馃巿

Will our eaglets ever dry out? Notice that they are beginning to winger size. So fun to watch.

Hope everyone has a good afternoon and no unlucky happenings!

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday Susan.
Lori gave you good advice Lolly.
Got my paddle punch pass and hope to go out Sunday it it is not windy. Excited.
All good here.
Happy healing Jo.
Congratulations Shirley.
Time for Judie to check in me thinks.
Eco Society volunteer next up!
Will cycle up there.
Very happy with my cycling experiences.
Signed up for a free osprey monitoring program on Monday. Will volunteer over the summer to keep an eye on them.
Boat rides involved... That is always good...
Make it a good day everyone.

Mema Jo said...

SUSAN - I just know you are enjoying your birthday! Have a fun day ♥

Shirley - saw your adorable troll - Also on FB saw that little troll getting cozy with all your pets in the house - lol

I notice the buffering on the live feed is not so great at times. Evening nest looks so lovely.

My day was busy - strength is starting to come back - just ever so slowly.

Have a great evening - Kay enjoy your doggie days. xoxoxoxo

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds!!!!! Boy, those babies are growing fast!
At the Park, there are lots of ospreys flying and singing. Our Live Cam has been working off and on. Our naturalist, Greg, is planning to get new cameras and set up a whole new system. Can't see eagles very well even over the River or at the nest due to leaves! I have a couple "now you see them, now you don't" nest pics, but when last clicked on them to edit, my shoulder got sore. Another senile citizen glitch! Here at home, we heard a barred owl for a couple nights. Mr. House Wren has been busy singing and escorting a lady friend to the bird house. He did some sprucing up inside, but we didn't see her in the following days. Today I saw him on a branch near the house partly fluttering his wings. Then, more sounds and TWO more birds on another branch. One was doing wings just like our guy---must be another male doing courtship routine. The third bird, probably the female, flew away! More, on a serious note, to come.

NatureNut said...

Getting late. Will write some more tomorrow.
Healing prayers and wishes for Jo, Sandi and all under the weather.
I think we get some good weather tomorrow. DC area broke the 30 year rainy day together record~~~TU had 15 days, so now I guess we're up to 18!
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Time to go to bed to sleep, not here in my chair!

Wish I could say I felt better however........! Not really sick but feel awful. Has been a long time since I felt like this. Tried to give a check at the grosssserie store without singing it. Told the checker I was only half there in my squeaky voice! He was funny!

Nite all! Using my Nettie pot!!! I know, I know, TMI. 馃☹️

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Beautiful morning here and it looks like a sunny morning in Shepherdstown as well. We DO have thunderstorms in our forecast for the afternoon - this rain! The Bible promises the world won't end in a flood, right?

Lolly, I'm so sorry you're feeling so puny. I hope you bounce back quickly.

Jo, it's great to hear that your strength is returning. Baby steps my friend. Prayers continue for you.

Hoda, I think you can add just one more thing into your daily activities and volunteer to monitor the ospreys in your area! Sure, no problem - who needs to eat or sleep when there are kayaks and dragon boats to paddle, houses to watch, yoga to do, organizations that need volunteers, and osprey that need counting! You go girl!

Both juvies are up and waiting for breakfast. Searching the nest for leftovers.

Will try to get up into Bethany for a last walk on the boardwalk with the dogs. As of May 15th, they're not allowed on the boardwalk again until October.

Have a greyt day all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Breakfast at the nest. Not a fish. Maybe a squirrel.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, maybe it is a fish.

stronghunter said...

Really looks like the adult eagle is eating most of the food. Hope there will be more brought in for the youngsters.

stronghunter said...

Lots of buffering of the cam this morning.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Yeah finally a not wet morning seeing the eaglets bet they are happy also

getting ready for Jordyn soccer game then I am watching her later in the evening

JudyEddy said...

STILL cam is stuck on 246 last night odd and it s not Wed

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all on this sunny Saturday (so far)

Judy the still usually got stuck on Thurs when the server downloaded. I think Deb has notified Rob

The nest really looks fresh and green

Have a great weekend - xoxoxoxoxo

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

One eaglet at ease, the other on guard. Birds of a feather sticking together. Sweet!

LORI, it's true, I am a neat freak, so sprucing up is part of my daily routine. When this apt. to condo conversion was created the model I live in was known as The Spruce, fitting, huh?

The "kids" are in Ireland now and the dogs are getting along well here in OH. Malcolm is off his feed, but getting less exercise. He'll soon get over the little mourning bit he goes through when his family departs. He will survive!

JO,you have a great and recuperative weekend!!!

SANDI, enjoy the boardwalk with your terrific trio!

LOLLY, Neti-pots rock---you'll be well soon!

Prayers abound for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! I announced last night I would be well today. Positive thinking, right? Well, it did not Work! However, coughing less! The end might be able n sight. Also think voice is better. Have not talked much this morn.

Hard to believe but it is 65. Today starts a week of possible rain, storms, etc.

Laurel texted me this morn. Our 11 year old is now 5'11". He grew 4 inches this year. He is 8" taller than Joseph at the same age! Joseph at 15 is still 6'2". Jacob will soon pass him! We are raising a young giant! Laurel has to work at it as Jacob wants to eat anything and everything constantly. He has a sweet tooth, but he is just BIG, not fat. She is keeping junk food out of the house! What is amazing is that this tall 11 year old has a sweet baby face.

Another day of taking it easy. Trying to shake this off! Have a great day!

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eaglebuds.
Dear Lolly, so sorry you are still on the yucky list. Get well soon. You'll have to help raise the Giants!!!

A friend of ours who is an eagle lover sent an article from Reuters. You may or may not want to read it, however it's good to know new happenings. It is about a new proposal of Fish & Wildlife "permits" put on turbine energy companies that allows them X amount of eagle kills. My solution is wire cages around all the blades like we have on household fans. Of course there will be screaming from the cos of "too expensive". Eagles are more valuable than a turbine cover and it would be a win-win situation. We have until July 5 for public comments, but it doesn't say WHERE to write. Have to do more research~~~~
idUSKCN0XW051 /Sorry it didn't change colors--guess it's a copy/paste

JudyEddy said...

still is back up

JudyEddy said...

the wind is horrible at the nest
game plan changed
not watching Jordyn
Instead she is spending night with cousin and I am going out with them Its a going a way party for friend who is moving to Calf
Carl has know them since 2nd grade

JudyEddy said...

two meals were delivered in the past half a hour both are gone nice size was the last one Adult seems to be finishing up what is left

grannyblt said...

Sorry you are still yucky Lolly. I passed on the Jenks Freshman Academy cold my granddaughter gave me to my hostess in Houston. Maybe it made its way north west to you. Took a couple of weeks to end and feeling like I did took some of the enjoyment out of my visit.

I don't know what th solution is for those wind energy turbines. All kinds of protests against them along Lake Erie. We certainly need to find alternative energy sources. Didn't Shirley's brother work in that field?

Jacob will certainly be tall. Isn't his Dad tall? He comes by it naturally. My grandson stopped at 6'4", the same height as his father. And I knew I was shrinking, but my daughter is now taller than I. I've lost about 2 1/2 inches , now about 5'7". I feel like a shrimp next to them. At least youngest granddaughter is only 5'5".

Hope all have a lovely rest of weekend.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

It is my nephew who works with a company that makes the wind turbines. I have wondered about covering them with something like our fans at home have, too. Not sure how that would work. I mentioned the problem with birds to my brother, and he said that power lines kill birds as well, and that is true. I guess there might be above ground power lines connected to some of the wind turbines as well.

Wonder if some kind of high-pitched sound signal would scare away birds?

Do you have any predictions as to how tall your young giant might be when he quits growing, Lolly?

stronghunter said...

I went with Julie and Val to lunch in Culpeper today. The day, which started out sunny became more and more cloudy, and we came home from Culpeper in pouring rain. We will need a machete to get through the back yard. Fortunately, Hunter did get the front mowed, and the back is hidden from view by our fence, so we look okay from the street.

My summer bowling league starts on Tuesday.

Shrinking? I was once 5'5 1/2". Now they tell me that I am 5'4". I have to go to the petite section of the store to buy pants these days.

Kathryn likes the Neti Pot. I haven't used it myself.

stronghunter said...

Snow in the mountains tonight??????

Lolly said...

Still Yucky! I do NOT like feeling like this! Not a good sickly!!!

Yes, raising Giants. Watched Blindside tonight, thought of Jacob. His Dad is 6'6". Jacob will be at least that. Jos ph will be up there but Jacob will pass him. Interesting genetics.

I am 72 and I have not shrunk. Jack has, though. Again, interesting! I am 5'81/2". Jack was 5'11" but more like 5'10" now. Laurel is 5'10/12". Michael is 6', if he stretches! Lol.

I need prayer, Momsters/Dadsters. My dear friend, Annie , is in the hospital in ICU. They did surgery and found a perforated ulcer and removed her gall bladder. I visited Annie last fall down near Houston. I think I have told you, she is a little person and one of the greatest, kindest people you would ever know. My boys call her GranAnnie. Please pray for recovery for her. Thank you! Momster prayers do wonderful things.❤️

Time for bed! Nite! SED!

Hoda said...

Prayers for your friend Lolly.
Very happy to be sleeping in my own bed.
House sitting was curious. My friends had gone to Denmark.
Good night to all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Both kids are standing together at the edge of the nest, I guess waiting for the arrival of breakfast. Dry and sunny in Shepherdstown. We had a warm (mid 70s), sunny day yesterday and then a big downpour around dinner time with lots of wind. Temps dropped into the 40s last night and the high today may only get to 60. Roller coaster weather! But at least there is no rain in the forecast for the next 2 days in a row!

Lolly, I hope you feel a little better today, and then a little more better tomorrow and the next day.

Jo, I hope today is a good day for you and your strength continues to return.

Kay, do Malcolm and Penny walk well together? I can take Janey and both little dogs at the same time but it's still a real adventure. Most times, I opt for separate walks and tell myself I'm getting more exercise that way.

Lori, what's the latest on the new house?

Hoda, there's no place like home, right? Hope you slept well in your own bed.

Judie, yoohoo! I miss you!

I got laundry and the dusting and vacuuming done upstairs yesterday but still have the 3 bathrooms to clean today. This evening we'll be driving to Baltimore to spend the night at my sister's house. She'll watch the dogs for us tomorrow while we meet with our financial planner who has been managing our investments for the past 25 years. There are 6 different options for receiving my MD pension and I don't know which one is best for me, so I will defer to George since he has always made good decisions regarding our money.

Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

Breakfast has been delivered. Both kids just stood there waiting for the parent to feed them. That's happening now.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Eaglets are snuggled in the middle of the nest. Wind is rocking the tree.

stronghunter said...

Would be nice to see a post from our Judie.

Prayers for your friend, Lolly. Hope that you feel much better today.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Shirley and Sandi. I see Shamrock and Clover and a fish in nest. It is breezy and chilly here. Supposed to be mid-30's tonight. Feels like mid-November not mid-May. Lolly hope your friend gets better soon. I;m going to try and accomplish something today...not sure what exactly. Probably won't be anything outside . Have a great Sunday.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning to all - Also looking for Judie - hope her return is soon
Lolly - prayers for Annie for sure

Do NOT like the coldness today - Can't get my hands and feet warm
Eaglets are hunkered down side by side

Jenny is here this morning - love her visits

Take care xoxoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

Good Sunday morning to one and to all.

JO: hope you are continuing to improve!
SHIRLEY: the trophy and troll are wonderful! Congrats! Sometimes I miss bowling. Now that they took ours away there is nothing close for us.
LOLLY: sure hope you are feeling better today! Sending healing and love to your friend for the highest and greatest good.
Its been a busy week. I have a half dozen projects going on and I have been enlisting help from Olivia to get caught up.
As I told you we bought a huge 300 gallon Rubbermaid tub to grow our garden in. of course we need some rocks in the bottom for water drainage…….and the rock pile that was left in the yard from the pool supplied that. There are still a few rocks that need to be jackhammered into smaller rocks so I can move them. Then that rock pile will at long lasts be gone!!!
Glad I haven’t actually planted the garden yet. We have had a blast of cooler air and it was quite chilly last night. But we are warming up quickly.
The pool is up and running. Wednesday the high was 90. Thursday I was actually standing in the pool cleaning it! Still a tad cool, but not bad. Then the front came thru yesterday and I couldn’t stay warm. So it will take a few days for the pool to warm up again.

Iwon’t bore you with every detail of my projects, but just know there are plenty of them.

This week is my annual camping trip to Montgomery Bell State Park. Today we have to take the RV down and fill the propane and I start putting it all together. Last week I washed all the blankets, etc. Today is make the bed, etc etc etc. Food goes in Tuesday, camping begins Wed. evening!
There will be a very popular and somewhat famous guest at our event this year. Her name is Selena Fox, you can google her If interested. Everyone is excited to hear her speak. Tuatha Dea of course will be here!! And many others.
Yesterday was the Good Guys Car show and then in the afternoon we had a boy scout ceremony to attend.
Nice to sleep in today.

Hope everyone is well and safe. Take care and know that I hold you close in my heart and thoughts!
Blessed BE!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Not going to church, just too puny to go! Head is still dizzy, cough, etc! Another friend and hubby drove to Houston and saw Annie last night. Still on ventilator so she could not talk, tried to smile, and relaxed after Mary said a prayer. Thank you for prayers.....keep it Up!

Wish I felt better or we would head down there, too!

Down into upper 50's last night. Presently 65. Unbelievable weather.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Looks like Shamrock and Clover have had a good morning!

SANDI, I can take both dogs together if I put their "gentle leaders" on. I do that once or twice a day for our longest walks. The other trips out I take one dog and stay in eyesight of the dog left on the deck---then we change places. The gentle leaders keep them from competing for my attention and for "I gotta run ahead and see if I can sniff something out wonderful before you do". It's a chore anyway you look at it for an old gal like me, but I know it's good for me and I love pleasing the mutts. I also want to be of this kind of help for my kids as long as possible. When Stan passed I made a vow to dedicate the rest of my life to them, their mates and children. At first Seth was my main focus and now he shares me with the two dogs we all love to pieces. I enjoy the life I've carved out in the last 10 years. I know you're aware of the fact that if you ask me one simple question you'll get a novelette! That's new in the last ten years, too---living alone makes one quite the talker when given an opportunity.

JO, glad dear Jenny is with you today! Loving daughters go a long way towards complete healing!

LOLLY, prayers for your friend.

And, prayers for all in need with the added plea that you'll all have a great day!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

another windy day at the nest

SHIRLEY SNOW someone forgot to the north it was MAY I guess

JUDIE had said she was taking some time Just to let you know we are thinking of you and DARTH

LOLLY hope you get over this pronto so sorry you went up to going to church and hope ANNIE recovers soon

shrinking HMMM don't know if I have or not Odd how some people do and some don't

Had a lovely evening last night at Gulfport Salty's really nice place outside dining and bar with live music There are several restaurants outside and inside on the strip there Right on the water so pretty watching the sunset go down. Was nice and cool I guess being right on the gulf makes it cooler

Shamrock and Clover are in a pile baking in the sun
Camera is doing its buffering thing

JANET do you have a pool thermometer to check temp of water before plunging in or just the toe test LOL

Its 84° out now 88° should be hi for today

Hope everyone is having a great day in no matter what they do

catch ya later

JudyEddy said...

Video of two eagles on a branch near their nest and a squirrel is near the nest not realizing the adults are just up the branch cool video

JudyEddy said...

A friend of mine sent me some Purple Passion seeds I just got done putting them in a container and keeping fingers crossed the do something
I google it and followed the instruction that they had exactly to the container with lid.

stronghunter said...

Well, it did snow in some places. Several friends posted pictures of it on FB. Goodness.

Time to feed the kitties. Kathryn and Hunter went fishing. They took Luna along.

stronghunter said...

Hope your seeds grow, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Lynne2 reports snow at her abode.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, saw a commercial last night for a Troll movie! Looked so cute!

Hope everyone is OK. Jo,hoping each day is better for you!

Lori O. said...

Hi everyone!

LYNNE1 if you feel like a shrimp at 5'7", I am a super shrimp at 5'2". Can't believe you haven't lost any height LOLLY. Lucky girl!

JO, wool socks are great for warming feet. I always put a couple layers of regular socks on patients with a pair of wool socks on the outer layer. Worked every time. Have you tried taking a warm bath to warm up?

We have a frost warning here tonight!

We did the house inspection on Thursday and I had a blast roaming the backyard and looking at all the plants and figuring out what I wanted to add. Lots of peonies, lily of the valley, iris and crepe myrtle already there. Lots of shade in the both the front and back and really nice brick raised planters that I'm so excited about. We had a few requests of things they need to fix, but not many. We should hear by Tuesday I'm guessing.

Yay for you Sandi for calling Miracle Gro! Good luck in Baltimore tomorrow.

Enjoy your camping trip, Janet.

KAY, neat freaks unite! :) I love your answers and always look forward to reading them. Write on (wink) dear friend.

Love you all and hope everyone is ready for Monday! Big hugs. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Agree with Lori on staying warm and or warming feet advice.

All good here. Went to check on some birds large and small
The gozzlings are doing well.
We had a storm last week. It took one of the Eagle's nests down.
I felt sad.
I think I see signs where they have already rebuilt. Not far from their old nest.
It did not like it when I walked towards its new spot, so I turned around and walked away. It stopped squaking.
Going to get done more learning in a workshop tomorrow. Osprey. Forming teams to monitor them this summer.
Good night all.
Healing prayers for Jo and Lolly.
Blessings to all of us.

Unknown said...

Good Monday morning! Welcome to another week. Mid May and sure doesn’t feel like it here today!
LOLLY: sure hope this morning finds you feeling better.
JUDYE: yes, the pool has a thermometer. So I know the temp before getting in. Vacumming (for me) is easiest when I can stand in the middle of the pool, but I can manage from the outside if I have to. Today and this week however, the weather is NOT cooperating for the pool. It is cloudy and 59 right now. We are supposed to be in the mid to upper 70’s all week which will be fantastic camping weather, but not great pool weather!
Loosing height. Yes, there’s that. Way back when I was in my 20’s, I broke my left ankle and the med tech measured me in at 5’8”. Last year…..they measured me, and I had two different offices measure me because I found it hard to believe, 5’6”. Somewhere I lost 2”.  This displeases me greatly.
LORI: thank you!
JO: hope this day finds you feeling stronger and more like yourself.

Hi and love to everyone….
I need to get moving in a few min. I have things to get done, but am enjoying a 2nd cup of coffee first.
Today is our last tutoring day for this school year.
Had a great but busy weekend. Sat was an early breakfast, then the Good Guys car show. Afternoon brought the boy scout advancement ceremony. Yesterday was getting the RV out, propane filled, running it down the road a bit and then starting to prep for the trip. I went out and bought a couple items that I have been wanting for the RV. (prepare to chuckle). I wanted a stick vacuum. I am tired of dragging the regular vacuum out there. I do have a plastic runner over the carpet, but I needed a better way (than a broom) of cleaning it. And making the trip to Florida later this year …. The thought of the sand makes me cringe. So that’s done.
Then, I had 2 cast iron skillets. I don’t know how many of you love them, but I LOVE them. I gave one to Niki and Michael. I figured it was easier to give them a ready made already seasoned one rather than try to have them do their own (cooking and kitchen things are not their forte at this time). And, I wanted a bigger skillet. So yesterday I bought a really big new casts iron skillet for the house and moved my smaller one into the RV.  happy happy.
And , of all things, an alarm clock for the bedroom. Of course, it had to be the right size, small to fit but large enough numbers so I could see it without my glasses. I do not have an outlet near mfy side of the bed or I’d just use my phone. I found one with 2 charging ports for the cells phones!  Man, the selection of alarm clocks is amazing! I had to shake my head at the variety!
So that’s my day today. I have to admit, I am enjoying the last few min of sitting on my hind quarters before I get moving. I love my Mondays off.!
I hope everyone in need is healing and feeling stronger. Love and hugs for one and all. Make it a super Monday!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Maybe a little better today. Think I am going to not make a doctor appointment. Unless,Jack yells too loudly!馃榿

Cloudy and 67 here. Need to get to the grosssssssserie store this morn.

Lori............your new house sounds exciting. I love how you are so interested in the yard!

Last resort on Annie is she is still hooked up to machines but is talking and smiling a little. She lives with her sister and has helpers who come in as she is wheelchair bound. Not sure where she will be now. She may need a nursing home until she recovers. Please keep up the prayers. Everyone loves Annie. You would, too. It is a privilege to be a close friend!

Lolly said...

Oh, I forgot! Drumroll please.........29 lbs!

Lolly said...

Oh, and Janet........We love our clock beside the bed. It projects the time and the outside temp on the ceiling. Just love it. Have one in the trailer, too!

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday morning to all - almost ready to turn the heat on!!
Late breakfast or a second breakfast for our growing eaglets - not sure what it is..

I had covered the outside planters last night - I think I will need to do it again
tonight. They look ok.

PT gal is ill so I'll be on my own to exercise - I can do that.

Wishing all of you to have a cozy day - xoxoxoxoxo

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JO, I had to kick up the heat in the middle of the night, brrrrr. It may reach 60 today and is dry and sunny, so the dogs and I are happy campers. Hope you got those tootsies warm, though we diabetics have some problems with that, I know.

LOLLY, that clock is nifty---name please??? Congrats on the melting away of pounds!

LORI, here's hoping your offer is accepted---the yard sounds bee-u-tee-full!

We've a noisy hood today as a tree service goes down the electric lines clearing away dead or threatening limbs/trees. First time I've seen it in 9 years. Hope it means fewer power outages with the summer storms ahead.

Praying for those in need and wishing all a happy Monday and a good week!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Called my water dept and tried to cancel my reclaimed water its only 9 a month but over years it adds up. Haven't used it in years so many don't remember. Well they want me to come down in person to sign papers can't be done over the phone.

JudyEddy said...

E8 interview with CROW after surgery

Mema Jo said...

Good early evening to all
This evening is very nice outside but tonight will again bring the cold and then tomorrow RAIN! Hope our eaglets are really for it.

Lori tomorrow I am praying you get an affirmative answer on the house.
Lolly - don't dwindle away to nothing! Do make that dr appointment whether Jack hollers or not??????

Twice a week I have a nurse come for my vitals - I am sure Annie will need a rehab place to gain back her strength. Prayers for her healing.

Kay - stay warm - I'm looking for Sandi and Judie - prayers that all is well

Enjoy your evening and have a SED with AOYP xoxoxoxo

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends - just checking in for the day. Didn't have time this morning busy getting the dogs all outside and fed and then heading to our appointment with our financial planner.

Our meeting today was very productive. Reviewed all of our investments, shifted some money based on George's recommendations, and made decisions about my MD pension and about social security.

Jo, I hope you're feeling better and better.

Gonna watch a little TV and then get to bed early. Neither of us slept well in Michael's double bed last night. Goodnight all - I'll see everyone in the early AM.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang! Oh, my, this has been a BUSY week!! Glad to know that Lolly feels a little bit better. Jo is sounding better, too! Prayers for much improvement for both of you!

On Wednesday, Ken rescued a tiny kitten who was in the middle of a very busy, 4-lane street! The speed limit is 45, but most people use that street more like a freeway. The poor little baby was being run over by several cars (ducked down in the middle of the lane). Ken stopped, put on his flashers, and hurried back to get the poor little thing! A young woman walking on the sidewalk helped to catch the kitty, and Ken brought it home. It's a tuxedo cat, black & white, with a perfect white bib, more white farther down on it's tummy, and white on all 4 feet. Has no white on its face, except for all-white whiskers. Has blue eyes at this point. Think they'll change color later. It's about 5 weeks old.
When I got it, I think it was in shock. Its heartbeat was so strong, fast & hard you couldn't count the beats! Little cutie was pretty limp, too. We went and got some milk replacer and Blue Buffalo all-chicken canned cat food. It actually took 2 days of feeding it every 3 hours before it had enough food in it to poop! We called about 9 cat rescues, who told us they are at their legal limit and can't take even 1 more kitty. Late Friday we got a call from a guy named Eric in Fullerton, who a cashier at Petsmart gave our phone number. He agreed to take it. We dropped it off Saturday morning, and now I'm a wreck because I really, really bonded with the little cutie. We leave for Texas to visit the kids on May 21st, and really can't afford to board a kitty AND Emma while we're gone for 10 days! I haven't been the same since Saturday--feeling miserable, unable to sleep, horrible sinking feeling in my gut. I called Eric, but this is the second day that he hasn't returned my call. Please say some prayers for the adorable little critter! (It's very young, but I think it's a boy.) I asked the Lord to show me a scripture about him, and what I was given was Ezekiel 16: 1, :3-6. Very interesting!! I hope that Eric calls me back soon, or he will find me on his doorstep again.

Well, better go get busy. Need to cook more chicken for Emma, and must package up 27 bags of Emma's chicken & rice meals for Petsmart. That includes 2 extra days' worth, in case we get delayed flying home.

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Will say goodnight and God bless now, since I may not make it back here later! Prayers for everyone, especially Lolly, her friend Annie, Jo, and all that are in need. I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...

Prayers for the little kitty, Andy. Did Eric take the the kitten for himself or to place in the store?

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I think I see Shamrock and Clover in nest. It is a little darker than usual one Cam. Have a good day.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Both eaglets are awake - lots of wing flapping around the nest this morning.

Gray here with rain in the forecast for later.

Andy, I hope the kitten has found his way to a good home and also hope you can feel good about your decision to place him with the person you did. Maybe you could call just to check on the little guy?

Jo, prayers for strength and healing continue for you.

Have a greyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all - cold - damp - wet - not good weather day for sure

Not a busy day for me - hope all of you can relax and enjoy !


grannyblt said...

Good morning all. Rainy day here again. Yesterday was beautiful, but cool. I'm ready for seasonal temps.

Grocery for me today, I only need a few things, but somehow items just jump into my basket and I've spent $75. I wonder how that happens? Lol

Andy, I hope you learn the kitten is safely in a new home.

Lolly, sending good vibes to your friend Annie..

Also healing prayers for all in need.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Looks like a good one at Sycamore Palace! Both younguns' looking alert, wingersizing, etc.. So pretty and green there!

ANDY, great kitty rescue! Hope a great furever home is found for the little guy.

LYNNE1, that same grocery basket phenomenon happens as I roll through Kroger here! 75 bucks, but only about 3 bags????

Has there been any word from LYNNE2 via FB? My thoughts are with her and Steve as they face yet another transition.

LORI, is this the day you'll hear something re:the house purchase? Sending positive vibes that way.

Malcolm seems to think he needs something, wish I could speak Carolina Dingo-ese.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! I am slowly getting better. Actually worked in the yard for about an hour yesterday, but that hour wore me out. Sunny and 72, possible storms but so far no rain!

Heading to Denton this afternoon for band concert. Cooking dinner for the crew.

Oh, poor little kitty. So thankful he was rescued and hoping you find peace, Andy!

Annie, was getting a blood transfusion yesterday. Still in ICU. Mary came on home, need to call her this morning.

I am actually now down 28/29 lbs. so excited to be down. Not to worry, certainly not thin! Lol

Lolly said...

Kay.........just google projection alarm clock. There are many available. One in our bedroom happens to be La Crosse Technology. It projects time and temp. Also it is atomic and resets the time automatically.

Unknown said...

wow. nooone has posted since this morning!
just touching base. busy day at work. am home. just about finished packing for the weekend. only last min stuff left.
I have my books ready (for night time and down time reading)
looking so forward to see Tuatha Dea and all my other friends who frequent this event! Big hugs will be shared all around. Fantastic seminars listed. Excited!

Hope everyone has a great evening!

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I see Shamrock and Clover both sleeping. Hoping to mow grass after work. It's getting pretty tall. Take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Both eaglets are standing near the edge of the nest at the 10 position. Surveying their world and waiting for breakfast. It looks dry but gray in Shepherdstown. Forecast is for another gray day here as well. What a spring we've had!

Kay, Lynne hasn't been on FB much that I've seen.

Jo, I hope today is a good day for you.

Keeping the little dogs in crates has cut down on the number of messes that have to be cleaned up in the house - that's the good news. The bad news is I'm beginning to think the crates will be Bella's and Jenni's new normal rather than just a temporary house training tool. We shall see; it's only been 2 weeks.

Physical therapy for me this morning - don't know what I'll do with the rest of the day except appreciate that I'm not spending it at school. There is nothing quite like middle schoolers when there are only 15 days left in the school year. So much apathy.

Have a greyt day all.

Hoda said...

Good morning
Life is good. Speaks of rain for the next week, yet does not look like rain and does not feel like rain...
The positive thing is that I get to ride my bicycle daily...walks are very good...have to be careful about not going in the woods too early...dawn and dusk rule applies as two grizzlies have been sighted...radius is not too wide of a range and that sounds like cubs sighted yet.
Was oon a racing Dragon Boat yesterday and it is awesome...yet I am clear that I will back away from attending too many races this year. I will go to one at the end of June.
All is well here and wishing health and wellness to all on this group.

Lori O. said...

Always loved the pics and stories about you in the dragon boat, Hoda!

It's official, we made an agreement on what needs to be fixed in the new house - took the cash off offer - and it's ours on June 17th! We are so excited! Thanks for asking, Kay.

Sandi, have you tried peepee pads? We have two senior dogs and if they don't make it outside they always hit the large 30 x 30" square pad. It's been a life saver as peep on the hardwood floor is awful seeping between cracks. But we have ghetto floors right now. lol. They're in bad shape. And, I'm a bleach cleaning person and bleach only makes urine worse, so I've heard.

So excited you get to see Tuatha Dea again, Janet! I know how much you love that group!

Andy, love your kitten story and hope he finds his way back to you. Would be a lucky cat! Thanks for saving him.

Lolly, proud of you and your weight loss. You're motivating me. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all - it is COLD out there

Our eaglets are getting so large - soon to be more wingersizing and branching and then POOF

PT person coming today - I may need to get my Eagle cane out - lol

Everyone have a good day - - xoxoxoxo

Janet I know I don't need to say "Enjoy yourself" - have a blast!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

One eaglet snoozing, the other standing guard and almost got knocked out of the nest when the sleeping sib decided to stretch. I exaggerate, but it was cute.

JO, I hope it's a good PT session with no need to use the Eagle cane---perhaps it's presence will be enough to ward off anything too rough!

LORI, hurray! So happy for you and Kate---wow, you'll be making the move in just one month. Great!

HODA, glad Dragon boating is back on your schedule and also glad you're taking precautions against the grizzlies. You're so sweet I'm sure they'd consider you quite the tasty morsel.

Thanks, LOLLY. I think I'll put a projection clock on my wish list. I like the fact that some of them come with the temperature feature.

SANDI, your current avatar is just too cute for words!

It's a nice, sunny day here. The dogs and I are elated!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! Getting the do done this morn. The. This afternoon a regular dental appointment. Such fun!

Had a good evening in Denton. Dinner then band concert. Only problem is on the way home had a tummy problem. Head is better but boy did I hurt. Better this morn. Don't know what the problem was. But, I am on the road to recovery.

Lori, glad to motivate you.馃槂 I have also motivated Laurel. She is down 18 lbs. I am down 29 and really excited about possibly hitting 30! Laurel is looking good! It is interesting as Jack has also lost, and the three of us are very close in weight. I am trying to get lower than Laurel. That would be a first, though she is a good two inches taller than me. Jack has shrunk a little and she may be taller than him.

Gotta get moving! Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

JANET I know you will have a blast with your posse

LORI congrats on the house I know you are so excited

SANDI wishing you luck with the crate training Could it be their ages??

E* being feed

both are just laying in the nest awake looking around I hear such sweet birds in the area

Just got in it is so HOT out 85° 63% humidity we are sort of in the summer rain season we got a half inch yesterday but some area inland got 5 inches Summer has arrived earlier than usual

KAY I also googled the clocks and to my surprise WMT has them LOL WHO knew when you work there you usually don't look around Maybe that will change BUT I still hate shopping
one there has the moon phase on it also pretty cool and one with soothing sounds so so many to look at online anyway

JudyEddy said...

E* was to be E8 being feed

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Another cloudy day here.

Congratulations on the house, Lori!

Congratulations on the weight loss, Lolly!

Have fun with the dragon ladies, Hoda.

One eaglet is sitting on the edge of the nest. Other is flat, but just waved a wing at me.

stronghunter said...

Parent arrived. Much squealing. There must be food.

stronghunter said...

Whole family is in the nest.

stronghunter said...

Could not identify the food item. Doesn't look like a fish. Wingersizing going on.

stronghunter said...

Getting a little bit of air. It is not too long until fledge time.

Unknown said...

Good Wednesday afternoon to one and all!
Checking in….leaving in just a few hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JO, JUDYE LORI, yes indeed I plan to have a blast!!!!
CONGRATS to LORI on the new house!!!! Woo hoo!
SANDI: you know I’ve come to regard kennels are okay. We have to watch Dax. I’ve also used the pee pee pads (for when Sable was ailing) and they worked well. Sometimes its just getting the right thing(s) for your situation

LORI: I am excited to see Danny, Becca, Kathy, Chris and all the others this weekend! Much drumming to be done. Some awesome classes coming up and a weekend in the woods. Rain is anticipated….but I have brought plenty of clothes!
LOLLY: congrats on the weight loss!!!! Way to go!!!! I am only down 16 pounds at this point but still working at it.
HODA: so happy your weather is warm enough to enjoy some dragon boating!
I have a few more things to accomplish before I leave….but I am nearly ready. I do not think that the park has WI FI…so I am leaving my computer here. Iwill try to pop in and at least lurk via my phone…

Know I will be holding each of you close in my heart and thoughts as I go thru my 7th return to this festival. Light and love, hugs and smiles to each of you….

Mema Jo said...

WAY TO Go E8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!


PT finished - exercises completed - still a ways to go before I'm comletely mobile


Our first osprey chick has hatched!

Welcome to the osprey newsletter - it's been a busy 12 hours at the Loch of the Lowes Visitor Centre!

In the early hours of the morning, our ranger, Charlotte Fleming, noticed that a tiny hole had appeared in one of the three eggs that our female osprey at Lowes has been patiently sitting on for the last five weeks. This first sign of hatching has had everyone glued to the live camera feed ever since, but just over an hour ago our wait came to an end as the first chick successfully hatched!

Have a good evening ♥

JudyEddy said...

another update on E8
Today E8 received radiographs (x-rays) as a follow up to Saturday’s surgery. The radiographs showed good pin placement that was placed in the right leg to repair the femur fracture. E8 is still in critical condition and will continue to receive pain medication, supportive care and remain on strict cage rest.

Sandi said...

Hi all - productive day outside. Gardens have all been weeded and sticks and branches cleaned out and bagged for yard waste pick-up. Bought a new oak leaf hydrangea but didn't get it planted - tomorrow is another day.

Lori, congrats on the house - how exciting for you and Kate!! Yes, we used pee pads for several years. But lately, both doxies got very lazy about where they chose to pee and poop in the house. It's not a matter of being unable hold it, since they can go all night in our bedroom and not go on the floor. It's that they think, since they have permission to go to the bathroom in the house, it doesn't matter where they go. What I would like is for them to understand that pee and poop are reserved for OUTSIDE, though at their ages, I may be beating my head against a wall to think I can change their habits.

Janet, enjoy your weekend. I hope the weather where you're going is better than the forecast for here this weekend - rain Saturday into Sunday. Surprise!

pets have been food and dinner is ready for people. I'll see everyone in the early AM - tomorrow is my Friday!

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds

a must see video LOLLY shared to JO on FB and I must bring it over here We all know how JO loves turtles in the nest

Parent brings turtle to nest eaglets are napping

glo said...

Good evening everyone. Have had a very busy weekend and then my son and his dog arrived on Monday and stayed til after breakfast this morning. It was nice to have him and his little dog here. Patches is a wonderful hostess :-) Taco however was a little too loving towards Patches almost anytime we had them in the same room together so dogs pretty much stayed by their owners. I am so very tired though. It's wonderful but also kind of tough to have company. Did have some good times, a few fun photos and of course made some family memories. Hope all is going well enough here. Love the story about the kitty rescue I read so quickly. Hoping that PT lady/or gent is not sporting any eagle cane bruises. SED everyone. Glad to see the encouraging news on E8.

Hoda said...

We had all of five minutes of a downpore!
It was supposed to rain all day.
Thunder and lightening came with the five minute rain!

Good day. Beautiful, spectacular clouds.
Glad to hear Jo brought out her eagle cane! That should set things right!
Maybe we could send her to check out on Judie? I can see it now two ladie going out for coffee and pie clearing their path with their eagle canes.
Congratulations Lori.
Would really like HRH Lynne to check in!
Good night.

Lolly said...

Heading to bed soon. A little Better! Slow but sure! Only occasional cough. Head clear, tummy stopped hurting, sleepiness is going away.

Dentist appointment went fine, do done. Not much else accomplished.

See you tomorrow! Nite all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. One more day in my work week. Then getting my nails done. The weather forecast looks beautiful for today and tomorrow.

Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

Jo and Lolly, please feel better!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Lolly said...

Good morning! I do believe in global warming, but it is hard when it is May 19 and 59. So here I sit in shorts and a sweatshirt. Lol

Still coughing some, tummy not the best, but I am better. Raining, so staying in today and after "walking", going to do some Lollypaloozing! What else?

Need to get the came up.

Sandi, it won't be long now. Know your excitement! Been there, done that! You will have a whole new life!

We are so enjoying our Missippi Kites. Wish I could see in their nests! We sit out and watch them fly in and out. Such graceful birds and really pretty. We sit and enjoy them and none of the neighbors have any idea of their excistance! It is amazing what you can observe just sitting and watching the trees. Love it!

Have a great day!

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi, Judy. And Lolly. Glad you're some better Lolly. Shamrock and Clover just hanging out in the nest. Might be my imagination since I haven't been able to watch previous years, but these two seem pretty laid back. Have a nice day.Take care all. Nice to see a sunny and a little warmer day.

Lolly said...

I Agee with you, Jerry! They haven't even aggressive to each other nor have I seen a whole lot of wingersizing! Late bloomers?

In the middle of Lollypaloozing! Kitchen clean, Lolly hair combed, and bird feeders full. Now on to the rest of the house!

JudyEddy said...

Just got in from running around and having lunch with Angie

picking Jordyn up at her house to take her to gymnastic while Angie is going to the DR hopefully her last appt She is getting retested today to see what all the appts have done
Since she started she hasn't had one episode of spinning or vertigo
and since she has been going when I look at her Her head is straight her head was tilted to the side due to the issue with her neck from accidents which would contribute to the vertigo and balance issue, But we never noticed it until it was pointed out by the dr

So wishing her luck she so desperately want to start back to zumba which she had to stop because of the eye brain exercises and adjustment he makes on her.
She told Carl if she got the aok she would be going to tonight 7 class

JERRY I also noticed how out eaglet are best of buds and laid back- but I have read some of the things below the cam and they seem not to agree with us One calls Shamrock a bully BUT I don't see it I see no food fights I see gentleness of these two They seem to take turns self feeding and eating and also not to much mantel fighting I THINK its good parenting
Yesterday was so cute looked like one was either kissing or feeding several times beaks so gently touched each other as they stood at 12 I did get a few snips naturally

JudyEddy said...

and every day there is so much buffering all day with the live feed I am depending to the still and I loose the live feed each night about the same time

I wonder why all a sudden its doing this for the past couple of weeks I noticed DEB also complained on FB

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in quickly to let you know all is well. Have been SOOO busy this week, I'm not sure whether I've found a rope, or lost a horse! (Old cowboy saying!)

Ken finally got hold of Eric, the guy who took the rescued kitty! He and his wife seem to think the kitty's a girl, but I'm almost positive it's a boy. Golly, really small kitties are hard to figure out! Anyway, the little cutie is gaining weight and really growing. Seems to get really frisky and full of beans right after eating, so runs around like a nut job, then crashes and naps. Eric promised to send pictures to us once in a while. They don't plan to find another home for the little critter. If I continue to miss that kitty so much, I may try to negotiate once we're back from our Texas trip.

I'd better go and get busy packing up Emma's meals again. I'm about half finished, but I figured out that with 2 days worth of extra meals, I need to pack up 27 of them! It's just very time consuming. Well, wishing all of you a super day, safe travels, and excellent health. Prayers for everyone from this roost. Hoping I'll have a moment or two to check in while we're visiting the kids. I'll be thinking of all of you! I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...

I see I didn't come here this morning - I thought I had !

Good early evening to all! I hope your day has been good to you
Loved seeing some sun

My computer time is finisher for the day - Some TV this evening

Take care and have a good night's sleep with AOYP xoxoxoxo

Hoda said...

All good here.
No family or friends were aboard the downed Egyptian airliner. Every one accounted for. Sad for those who did lose family members.

Rain here. There is a need for a lot more rain. At least it hasrainedfor longer than five minutes. Maybe twenty minutes!!!

Stay well everyone.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Great news about the osprey hatching! Thanks for sharing, Jo.

I agree that our eaglets seem pretty laid back.

Happy to learn that the little kitty is doing well. It sounds like it has a good home.

Hope that you get the rain you need, Hoda. And it is good that your family and friends are all accounted for. The plane crash is tragic.

stronghunter said...

Wishing everyone a good night. I will soon go upstairs to bed. Rest well, my friends.

Lolly said...

Glad your family was not affected, Hoda. Very sad!

Went to the dentist yesterday. All was well and had teeth cleaned. This afternoon part of a tooth broke off from a filling. Sigh.....Back to the dentist next week. Probably will mean a new crown. Woe is Me!

Accomplished Lollypaloozing today. Good day for it, rainy and cold. So, tomorrow yard work! I am ready for it! Looks like a nice weekend ahead and then rain returns next week.

Night all! SED!

Unknown said...

Good evening to one and all. I am trying this talk-to-text thing I am hoping it comes out okay. I have had a phenomenal day! The weather was perfect! Saw a lot of friends did some volunteer work and had a fabulous class. Met and talked with Selena Fox for a while. Now I'm in and the RV with two little dogs who missed me and had to come be with me. Another fabulous day tomorrow I hope. Some rain is forecast however they have downgraded the amount we anticipate blessings light and love to all goodnight

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. The eaglets are standing on opposite edges of the nest - looks like a beautiful sunny day in Shepherdstown. One more sunny warm day here in Bethany Beach before we get hit with 3" of rain and possibly 50mph wind gusts tomorrow into Sunday. Plus, tomorrow is the full moon so tides will be high.

Andy, I'm glad you feel more comfortable about where you placed the kitten - good on you for contacting the people you gave him/her to.

Jo, prayers continue for you, today and every day.

PT for me at 8:30 and then doing something outside to enjoy this glorious day. 13 school days left, but only 6 for me.

Have a greyt day all.

WVJerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
80° out now gonna get 88° but we may have a cold front that will pull temps down in a day or so

Shamrock and Clover are at opposite ends of the nest HMMM do you think they are in the same position as reported earlier LOL both lpoking around surveying the area that they will be soaring into one day.

Off to start my day

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
It is a beautiful clear day - the nest looks very inviting with the surrounding grounds
such a green green! I'll give it another 2 weeks and think then it will be an MT nest
Need some more air under those wings - and hopping up to a branch

Everyone enjoy your day and catch some sunshine. It
worries me with our eaglets soon taking flight that our blog is going to take a hit as it seems to already have done :(

Take care - Sandi my PT isn't until 3:30pm ♥ xoxoxoxoxo

Lolly said...

Good morning, Jo! Yes the blog has taken a hit! Miss so many!

You really think two weeks? I am thinking a little longer. More vigorous wingersizing and branching.

66 and waiting for the su to break through. Going to work I the yard but waiting for it to warm up and sun shine to dry it up a little.

Called the dentist and have a appointment Monday. Groan....

Jo, you are "sounding" stomach better. How are you feeling? Keeping you in thought and prayer.

Need to get a move on. Have a great Friday!

Lolly said...

Roflmbo. "So much". NOT "stomach"!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Just a quick peek to see our the eagles and each of you are. Will be a bit scarce for the next few days as Eileen will be visiting and we hope to accomplish much.

Prayers for all in need!!!


stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Just taking a moment to say good night.

See you tomorrow.


JudyEddy said...

Lovely evening with family

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

WVJerry said...

Good rainy Saturday morning. Looks like Shamrock and Clover are getting wet now. Have a great weekend. Take care all.

WVJerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Looks like another rainy day in Shepherdstown. Two wet eaglets standing in the 11 position, facing one another, waiting for breakfast to be delivered. The rain hasn't started here yet, but it's coming. And once it arrives, it's sticking around for a while.

Nothing on my agenda today except laundry.

Jo, I hope today is a good day for you and that you continue to feel stronger.

Have a greyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagley Buds

getting ready to head out to soccer
then to swimming after with a friend of Jordyn whos parents are moving today so Carl is helping move and Angie is watching kid since she can't help move,
Then later to the Zumba bash in the evening

I bet there has been more rainy days at the nest than non rainy ones Poor babes always wet

Hope everyone has a great day in no matter what they do

Lolly said...

Good morning! A beautiful day ahead! Sunshine! Need to get to the grosssssserie store then spend the day outside! Heavy yard work completed yesterday, so today will just be leisure small jobs. Very pleasant and enjoyable!

Have a great day!

Sandi said...

It started raining here around 9:30am and it's supposed to continue ALL day! YUK!!

Last Thursday afternoon, I got my nails done like I do every 2 weeks. Since I have acrylic over my natural nails, my nail appointments consist of removing the old polish, shortening the length, applying new acrylic near the cuticle where my nails have grown out, buffing the acrylic, and then polishing with a new color with a new design.

When I got home Thursday afternoon, my nails felt funny. They were sore around the cuticles and they felt "tight" and inflexible. It's hard to describe but it almost felt like my natural nails were suffocating. The young lady who did them is not the same nail technician who has been doing them for the past 4 months and admitted that she wasn't as experienced with doing acrylic as Alma is.

Anyway, I figured whatever it was would resolve itself. Yesterday, the tenderness was still there but my fingers also started itching. Since I had been out working in the garden, my first thought was maybe I had touched some poison ivy, but there were no telltale bumps on my hands. When the itching and soreness still hadn't gone away by this morning, I called the salon and the owner answered. I explained what I was feeling and she told me to get myself to the salon asap. She said my fingers were having an allergic reaction to the product on my nails.

Sooooo, my nails are now completely naked. No acrylic, no polish. Alma had to cut them all short because my natural nails are so thin and brittle from having a product covering them for years that they would have broken very quickly anyway. I am applying over the counter hydro-cortisone anti-itch cream to my cuticles and have to wait and see what happens over the next couple of days. I hate having short nails and I hate them being bare, but I agree with the salon owner that this is what needs to happen. Talk about first world problems, right?

What horrible weather for the Preakness! I have never been a fan of horse racing, and am even less so since adopting a dog that was used for racing and learning about the number of injuries and deaths from the sport.

Stay dry if you're in the path of this weather.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥

Sandi so sorry you had that polish reaction - I had started with the acrylic one year and it did quite a number on my nails - had to discontinue quickly.

Preakness was a muddy mess and a surprise ending! I so wanted Nyquist to win and go on to be the Triple Crown winner

By Wed or Thur we will see 80° - can you believe it! I know 2 eaglets that will be happy to get some warm air time under their wings.

Enjoy your evening and have a restful sleep! xoxoxo

Hoda said...

Happy Queen Victoria Weekend.
It is when we always get snow.
Yes this year is no exception. Even in areas where we have fires.
It is when we await putting in the gardens. Yes yes yes, we do so even though we will get snow.
What can I say!
We made lots of money for the Grans at the market today.
Paddling was good!
Enjoyed the cooler air.
Monday is a day off in honour of Queen Victoria.
I rather like to think of her as a young Princess ahead of her times and with a terrific love story.
The traditional straight laced firm looking Queen who imposed such awful Victorian Morals on the Empire, brings me sadness.

Any way!
Happy Queen Victoria Day!
God Save The Present Queen.
ERII has now reigned longer the VR

Lolly said...

Good evening! Sorry about the nails, Sandi. Never have had any kind of artificial nails. Just try to keep my thin, peeling nails neat looking. Hard to do for a gardener.

Got a lot done in the south garden today. This is the south side, no lawn, just gazebo, garden and paths. It is also the swamp. Tried to neaten it up. Have not put mulch in that area, waiting for it to dry up. Trimmed back English Ivy, transplanted some of it and raked up twigs etc.

Going to try to read this evening. Have not been reading since sick. I just get sleepy.

I wanted Nyquist to win, too. What a muddy mess.

Going to say night all! See you tomorrow!

stronghunter said...


Another rainy day.

Oh, wow, Sandi. So sorry about your nails. I have had a similar problem with perms. I have been getting them in spite of the fact that I break out if the solution touches my skin. Now my hairdresser says I should not get any more perms, and that I should not use the curling iron. I bought some curlers, but have not used them yet.

I've let my hair grow a bit longer, but I am going to get it cut on Monday. We will see what happens next. If you have been getting your nails done for years with no problems, you should be okay. Just make sure they go back to the original process.

stronghunter said...

Interesting experience for Rus today. He was outdoors at his home in Springfield when her heard gunfire. Lots of shots from two different guns. Then sirens. It turns out that some guy robbed a jewelry store and had a shoot-out with the police. He hijacked a couple of cars and, as far as I know, he is still on the run. The story has been on the news. I'm just glad that Rus was not any closer. A bystander was shot.

Rus is in town visiting his friend Perry. He is coming back at some point this evening to do laundry and probably sleep on my sofa.

stronghunter said...

Since it is almost ten o'clock, and he's still not back, I expect laundry may need to wait until tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Good Lord Shirley!
Too close for comfort for Rus.
Glad he is safe.

I can not contribute to nail polish comments as I do not paint my nails. I am not surprised that one can develop an energy from nail polish though!

Goodnight all. Stay well.

Hoda said...

Allergy not energy!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Two wet eaglets standing near the edge of the nest at the 8&9 positions, waiting for breakfast. And surprise, it's another rainy morning here in Bethany Beach as well!

Hoda, the thought of you wearing nail polish makes me LOL! You work so hard not to put chemicals into your body; I couldn't imagine you putting chemicals on the outside of your body either.

Jo, prayers continue for you, for strength and healing. I hope today is a good day for you. It also makes me sad that our blog has really taken a hit. Reading it and then posting is still part of my first thing in the morning routine.

Have a greyt day all.

Jewels said...

Good morning to my eagle pals... I am sorry I do not visit enough.... every day I come to work when time allows, cause we are so busy and in the middle of new computer software, I will take sneak peeks in and try to catch up. Also each day I hold my breath that we can still access anything. Slowly the management here is taking away each thing that makes our day go by faster. I have no access to my aol email. No access to google hangouts.... the new software that we have now is for the CAD ( Computer Aided Dispatch) is for the birds. Its been a headache since we went live on it the 17th of this month. I have gone home in tears and had to drink twice to relax.
I am sorry for venting!!

Jess is doing great. She is almost 7 months along!!! Baby Bella is active!!
Jennifer graduates THursday, without walking.... she chose to not walk. But we will still go if it is not raining cause its held outside on the football field.

Momma Jo, Hope you are feeling better and getting stronger! Continued prayers and for everyone else in need too. Tori is having many health problems and so hoping her transplant comes soon! She deserves to have a go at this thing called life!!

Sandi I get my nails done too with acrylic. I would cry if I had a reaction to it! I have had my nails done for soooo many years that my real nail is awful and would have to keep them cut soo short for a very long time! Hope yours gets better!!

Nyquist was my pick too. He was my pick for the Derby...and because he was wearing Purple. LOL Favorite color. Sad he lost :(

Rain rain go away, come back another day! Dreadful, dreary and Shamrock and Clover do not like it. lol well my opinion for them. Wont be long, they will be flying.

Hope all have a great day. Stay dry!

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday MORNING TO ALL ♥ Yes - without the sun!

Raindrop smears all over the camera lens at the nest
Two wet rugrats it looks like - lol

Prayers for Tori - as Jewels said she need those new lungs!

Jenny will be here soon for her visit - she also is celebrating her b-day this afternoon with her family - that means Elliot!

Take care and find something cozy and warm to do today xoxoxoxoxo

Mema Jo said...

FB 2 hrs ago Robyn wrote: Medics here, trying a neb treatment on tori.

Neb treatment opened her up, weather isn't helping. Tomorrow we'll go to clinic where they most likely will admit her until transplant, would possibly get her higher on list.


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

got home late last night after a nice day and I am tired

SANDI so sorry about the acrylic allergy I wonder if they changed brands on it For you to all a sudden being allergic to it.

I just got mine done with acrylic had been doing just the gel polish but had 4 nails that split and they put acrylic on them and they talked me into the acrylic ones since The gels were working good until I started painting the house. But I think I am just going to let them grow and next time tell her no more acrylic and stick just to the gel which I do like.

You would think being I was born in KY I would like horse racing but same as dog racing I dislike both

thanks for the update on TORI I also wonder how she is doing.

lots of rain drops on the lens

stronghunter said...

Eaglets sitting on the edge of the nest. Big raindrop on the lens blocking a good view.

Lolly said...

Good Sunday afternoon! 83 here with sun going and coming! Possible storms this evening. About to mop floors and then head out!

That is my routine ,too, Sandi. I like to peek in each morning and evening. Was running late this morn. No time before church!

Ok, I want to complain. Jack lost weight yesterday and I did not. I ate a hamburger with no cheese and no bacon and he did. He also ate chips and I did not. I watched my intake all day, he did not! Life is not fair!馃榿☹️馃槨

Lori O. said...

You're right Lolly, NOT fair!

We lost our hospice bulldog, 10 yr old Priscilla on Thursday.
She had thyroid cancer and was a joy and so many laughs until the end.
We miss her so much. The house is so quiet but we have great memories
of making her last 4 months with us the best of her life. The bulldog rescue
pulled her from the Prince William County, VA, kill shelter in January.
I have already potted her memorial tree - a Brugmansia, or Angel's Trumpet.
It was the weirdest thing that I had ordered the tree about 6 weeks ago.
I even had to email the lady TWICE and tell her I hadn't received her invoice yet.
It was the wackiest ordeal trying to get this darn tree.
It arrived the day Priscilla left so I'm certain it was for her. ♥

I'm no good with nails. I had get an infection under an acrylic from a nail salon
eons ago and it was very painful. Sorry about your ordeal, Sandi.

Get ready, supposed to be in the mid to upper 80's this week!

Enjoy your time with Eileen, Kay!

JudyEddy said...

on another note on acrylic nail Did you know that certain suntan product can damage the nail? I even googled it and was surprised about it.

JudyEddy said...

LORI so sorry for your loss :-(

JudyEddy said...

Watching the Billboard Music Awards

forgot to mention STILL CAM is stuck at 524
noticed it after I got home just forgot to say something

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Hoda said...

All good here.
We have rain.
I remember it used to rain so much I worried if I was going to turn into mold!!!
I long for those days.
So it speaks of a couple of weeks of rain. Keeping my fingers crossed.

In India it was over 51 degrees. The ashphalt is melting!
Yikes. I saw a video.
Goodnight all. Enjoy whatever you have going for you that you love so much.
My friends from Toronto who were coming to visit, arrived in Calgary. Their eight month old baby went into convulsions! No one knows why. She has been in intensive care for three days now! They want to take her back home. Doctors not releasing her from hospital. They say no to commercial plane. They might have to medivac her back to Toronto. They are very shaken. No history of convulsions in either family. Life! Fleeting and ever changing...

Lolly said...

Oh, Hoda! Prayers for the baby and the family.

Lori, so very sorry a bot the doggy. So good that you made his life a good one!

It is warm here,76 and terribly humid. Mopped the bathroom tile this afternoon and it is still wet! It dried in the kitchen with the ceiling fan going.

We ate outside this evening. Pleasant in the shade.

Time to hit the pillow! Nite all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Steve started this thread on May 12th with the comment, "The rain continues." That's still true today - another gray day with showers in the forecast.

Tried 3 times to get the live feed at the nest up and running - no luck.

Hoda, I'm glad there is someone who is happy about the rain.

Jo, I hope your Elliot visit didn't wear you out too much! Toddlers have so much energy per square inch, don't they?

I am supposed to play tennis at 9am - doubtful, very doubtful. Then PT at noon.

Have a greyt day all.

glo said...

Good Monday morning everyone. I have a house full and it's pretty much all by my one gentle giant visitor Percy. Gosh he is big. Even my living room seems a bit small and it's a big room lol. Lots of photos and a video on fb. I will make a video of the dogs together later this week after he goes home. For now I am pretty busy for more than quick snap and shares. Sorry to read of the loss of the bulldog. TY Lori for those last months in a kind loving home. Prayers for Tori. It is very much time for that transplant. OK time for doggy day care here.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle Buds

STILL cam and LIVE feed are both up and running


Lolly said...



Come on over!

3/12/25 AM 馃悷 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...