Monday, March 07, 2016


New thread.  Going to really warm up...


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stronghunter said...

Hi Steve,

Good morning!

Thanks for the new thread. I will tell the others.

stronghunter said...

Looking forward to the warmer weather.

stronghunter said...

Sunshine on our eagle in the nest. Belle, I think.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh sunshiny Monday thread. Have a good week.

Shirley, congratulations on the feather and thanks for the call over.

Shirley, down your general area, sorry about the firemen who are in trouble for transporting the little child. Not fair, I say. How's Hunter? Cold all better? How's Luna? Almost healed? Does she have any follow up treatment?

Jo, enjoy this non-treatment week.

Sandi, have a greyt day at school.

Kay, how was your weekend?

Lolly, enjoy working in the yard. Just think, won't be long before you and Jack will be outside doing your rain dance.

JudyE, hope your truck is ready and in perfect running order.

Enjoyed the final Downton Abby. Sorry it is over.

Hope our weekend absentees will stop by today.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Luna is just great. No follow-up treatment required.

Hunter went back to school today, but he says he still feels awful. However, he is not too sick to play video games. I think both Kathryn and I have picked up his cold, though. I have that feeling that a cold is coming on, but I have had it for several days at this point. Not feeling awful, just kind of like a cold is lurking.

Wishing you an excellent day, Judie.

Have fun in your gardens, Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - beautiful day today ♥
Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday thread - come on Spring.
Congrats on the feather Shirley - don't let the kittens have too much fun with it

I was very pleased with the ending of Downton Abbey - It was a Happily Ever After ending. There are some other shows going to start soon - Hope they are just as enjoyable.

Wishing everyone has a good week - the weather should be very nice and I hope to get out and about for a while.


JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Good morning! I do hope you have beautiful weather. Ours has changed. Rain has not started but you can tell it is coming as it is very cloudy....gloomy. Yuk! And, so very true....will be doing rain dance come about July. Sigh.....

Nothing on the agenda today. Guess I will just have to stay in and do house work. Again.....deep sigh!

Getting do done We'd and meeting and luncheon on Thursday. I think I can deal with this week. Lol

Have a great day!

Sandi said...

Hi all - quick break between 8th grade pre-algebra and 7thgrade science.

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Shirley (I think) for the call over.

Gotta go!

JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle buds are you ready for a good one

I don't have my truck with me!!!! I have another rental.
Fri he told me to keep the rental till Mon because they wanted to make sure the pump would be find by driving it Sat Well I went there returned the rental which drove me across the street to Ford. Long story short I have another rental different color Expedition-- till they call me could be a couple of days. Apparently still issues with the PS Pump getting a new one that isn't BAD. I have a free rental and that all that matters. No since in getting upset.

JudyEddy said...



saw it when I was at ford that was my delete above

Lolly said...

Watched the cam a little while ago. There was a changing of the guard. Movement of the fly in and all other movement was jerky and very disappointing. Anyone else having this problem?

grannyblt said...

Lolly, I have the jerky slow movement on my iPad, but not laptop.

NatureNut said...

Hello, Eagle Buds. Back for awhile to let you know I put more eagle pics in the Nook. I have others to work on re: The Mystery Nest if they're even worth it. Have to ask Nature guy, Greg, about a nest you can barely see across the river. It is in the open, but far away. It looks to me like lots of the nest is missing! Maybe it's been repaired.
BTW, I take Park pics through the window if the phone isn't ringing and coming & going from work. Tomorrow may be explosive as it seems there is back stabbing going on and I will be meeting w/the acting director who's been there 2 months. I've been there 30 years about and her little evaluation I would not sign because it said I don't do or finish my work! If that were the case, why would I punch out at 4PM? and how come no one else has ever said there are any problems? Thank you for letting me vent, Dear Friends,.----this stuff is disgusting as well as Confidential.

WVJerry said...

Good evening. Thanks for the new thread and congrats to Shirley on the feather. I see an early tucked-in eagle in nest. Dean and I just got back from taking Rhonda's brother to Fairfax. We took the scenic way home and made a few stops at some thrift stores along the way home. It had been a while since I had traveled past Leesburg. On another note, I was saddened to see Nancy Reagan passed away. Maybe it was because we were married in 1983 during their time in the White House, but I always admired their love and devotion for each other. Enough rambling...enjoy your evening and have a peaceful night.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - bear with it and rise above it! Best of luck - 2 month old supervisors can be a challenge. I would certainly want detailed examples of what I didn't finish.

Went to Pulmonary just for check up after meds last week. I really do feel great but maybe it is just this beautiful weather. It was a late afternoon appointment so we then drove up to Thurmont to the Mountaingate Family Restaurant. Their buffet is immense.
Hubby got more then his fill and I was quite satisfied with what I ate.

I have some family b-day cards to send - In Fact t My blonde haired ggs is 7 today. He is a handsome & suave little lad! So very sociable. Donavon is his name!

Head is tucked at then est - all is well. Next week we will get more daylight hours by turning the clocks up.

Only a 9:00 TV show that interests me. In between I can find small things to be done! Judie I hope the down-sizing is going well. Even though I plan to stay is this house I still need to down-size all the clutter. I try to give some away each time I get one of the children visiting. lol

IF I don't return know that I wish you all a very relaxing evening and a very peaceful sleep -------- Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...

DOWNTOWN ABBY watches rumor a MOVIE is going to be made of of the star was on Insider and that is what they said

JudyEddy said...

one of the stars not of of the star

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Probably Belle that is tucked in asleep. Nest looks calm in the moonlight.

Won't say a word about Downton Abby as Kay is watching tonight so don't want to spoil it for her. We'll see what she says tomorrow.

Jo, glad you got some time out to include a nice buffet. Wondering, of course, if the bountiful buffet had apple pie?

Loretta, you must be very disheartened about your situation. Knowing you, I cannot imagine you not finishing anything you are working on and hope the acting newbie is willing to be specific and then listen and keep an open/unbiased approach. Good luck. We're here for you.

Hi Jerry. Yes, the scenic route. I took that once at the request of Lynn. She thought coming over the mountain to WV was the inspiration for John Denver's Country Road.

Today I drafted a one-year update on Jake and Jude. Adoptees have a web page at Siamese Rescue and adopters can post updates on activities as well as pictures, etc. I'll have it ready to post on the 21st and will send a copy to their MA foster and NYC coordinator.

Also worked on going through course materials and tomorrow will begin to shred student papers, exams, grades, etc. No longer need to retain and no desire to move them to our new abode.

Headed to my recliner. Feet going up. Then to the pillows. Wishing everyone a night of restful and restorative sleep.

NatureNut said...

Dear Jo, thank you so much for some advice. (I think she did no research!)
Supposed to be almost 70° tomorrow! Hope some ospreys have come back to Park, but we don't want any fights w/eagles!

Got to tell you a heartwarming story from our friend whose hubby passed away recently. She's been mostly eating out and one of their favorite waiters asked about her hubby. She told him & they both shed tears. When he brought the bill, it was 00.00! She said she could just hear departed hubby, Jared, whispering to her to go to another favorite restaurant and she might get a free lobster!!!!
Love to all, Prayers for Good Health & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

NatureNut said...

Forgot to add Judie to my thanks & everyone else. We have so many new folks at Park (all in the other bldg., not w/me) & if they blabber, they don't know anything that's been going on in the past and now!
And that's enough about that.

Lolly said...

Loretta, what a mess! Yes, stick up for yourself and make her explain. Had one principal that I did not get along with. She made my life miserable. I clearly saw her faults. I out lasted her. Celebrated when she was gone!

Lots of TV tonight as well as a long phone conversation with Laurel. Looks like we will be dog sitting with Luke Sat-Wed. It is spring break and they are taking the boys to visit L and J's university, Stephen F. Austin in Nacogdoches. It will be fun. Joseph's first visit to a school except for North Texas there in Denton. It is a great school and the town is small and the campus is really pretty.

Luke is their Bishon. Cosmo will be boarded.

No serious rain here yet. Laurel has had plenty and tornado and hail west of us. Tomorrow night should be our worst weather.

Night all! SED!

WVJerry said...

Good morning. See a sleeping eagle in nest. Loretta - I also hope your work situation gets better for you. Some supervisors just don't get it sometimes. Talk later and take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. 55 degrees here, going into the 60s with lots of sun this afternoon - bring it!

Loretta, I'm so sorry that the work stress has continued. I know you love working at the park but, do you really need the job? If this supervisor is going to make your life miserable, can you say take this job and shove it? Good luck!

Lolly, stay safe in this weather. Good to hear that Cosmo won't be coming to visit along with his brother! College visits for Joseph - how time flies!

Judie, did the college require you to keep student papers for a certain time period? If so, wouldn't the college store them> I hate clutter so that would bother me. Any idea where you and Frank are on the wait list for a cottage?

Jerry, I was sad to hear about Nancy Reagan's death as well. Very classy lady. Did you find any great finds while thrift store shopping?

Have a greyt day all.

Judie said...

Good very early morning for me.

Eagle still sleeping and tucked in. Maybe trying to get a head start when there will be less rest at the nest?

More sorting and staple removing today. Yes, we are required to keep student papers/exams for five years and, no, storage space is not provided. I kept all my stuff in the basement until the final semester. Students, yes this does happen, find out that a job may be hinging on grades and will claim a grade was miscalculated and want a change of grade. We have to be able to provide evidence that the grade submitted was accurate. PIA but necessary.

Hi Jerry. Today is a day off, yes?

Lolly, batten down the hatches. Do hope the worst of the weather passes you by.

Okay, off to scan the newspaper and then begin my work.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good pleasant morning to all ♥

Off to see Dracula at noon!

Rob got the still cam up/running. They have been busy a NCTC I think.

Remember the Rachel Carson building in PA - their falcon laid the first egg on 3/5 & they now have their 2nd egg. I love the colorful falcon eggs - pretty pinkish. - Take a look

Today 3/8 is Geula Sauberman's Birthday‏ . SUZAN - sometimes you correct me on Geula's name I think - well, do it again if I've typed it incorrectly, please
I certainly wish we could find our friend from Israel. I pray all is well with Geula.

Off I go to get ready for my appointment........ BBL

Mema Jo said...

As mentioned by Sandi recently - next week should be PIP Patrol.
Tell what you think about ZOOM - right now it is 8pm until the Cam Tour say around noon. Remember also that we change our clocks ahead this weekend.
Think about it and express your opinion. I'll try to get what we want.

CarolAnne said...

Mema, if you search Geula (just as you spell it) on facebook a post from 2012 w/pic comes up. Comment is she is an eagle addict. No recent posts, but there is a message link that you could try.

Happy day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle BUDS


JudyEddy said...

On Geula I have in the past went on her FB page and messaged her or if anyone is taking care of her page Have never heard back and also put a message last year on her page as well as this year


speaking of just this DID YOU all know that when you pass you can leave someone in charge of you page or they can let it go I assigned Angie to mine naturally. It will be up to her if she wants to keep mine up.
FB came up with that a year or so ago all over the one young man that passed the rules were changed
so make sure you assign someone as you legacy person of sorts

JudyEddy said...

JO I think we should have 24-7 zoomed IN so we can see the cup and the bobble head hatch and get cared for JMHO a close up until they leave the cup and go wondering around

Lolly said...

Good morning! Lots of thunder, lots of rain, tornado watch but all is well! The worst went north of us. There is tornado?/wind damage. It is now east of us. All is well! EXCEPT for my muddy yard! And, this weekend, apparently two four wheelers decided to enter our neighbors yard, through the ditch, across part of our yard and out the driveway. This activity left ruts and black, muddy tracks across our lawn. We are not even mowing down front because of the bog!

Need to get out and run a couple of errands but waiting til after we walk and rain lets up.

Yes, Sandi, we can not keep Cosmo. Yard is not fenced and given the chance he bolts. He is better but once he decides to run there is no stopping him. Luke on the other hand stays right with you. He is such a sweet boy. Only thing that concerns me is the early hour to wake and take him out. Lol. He likes to sleep on his momma's bed but he can not do that here. Our bed is very high. Hope he will be content in a kennel. He whines at home when they put him in it. We shall see.

Time to get busy! Have a great day!

WVJerry said...

Checking in on lunch break. I missed Your. See an eagle sitting in nest. Judie - on scenic route and Country Roads song. I think it was written by Starland Vocal Band from DC area and was from the old Hilltop House in Harper's Ferry. It is a nice view from there. Sandi - I did find some nice golf clubs that in nest there day were too expensive for me to buy. Last two times out I have found some nice clubs. I probably shouldn't do it - but my playing partners have some really nice modern clubs - if and when they remark on a shot I hit and ask what I used - I tell them I only paid a couple of dollars for the club. I just enjoy there I said I shouldn't make those remarks. Enjoy the rest of your day.

WVJerry said...

Should read "Tour" not "Your" I see how some new words start on the Blog.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Weighing in on the Downton Abbey posts. I,too, will miss the show, but no doubt another will come along to catch my fancy. It certainly did end on a fairy tale ending, but it's okay to leave us with a sweet taste in our mouth, I reckon.

I've just finished binge watching 3 seasons/18 episodes of William and Mary, starring Martin Clune of Doc Martin fame. It's a modern family saga featuring the blending of two rather diverse families. Like a good book, it ended with me wanting more! Those Brits sure do know how to spin a tale.

72° delightful degrees here---Penny and I are loving it. Can it be that Spring has really sprung. Gee, I hope so.

GUELA, Happy Birthday!!! You were the first Momster to greet me when I came on board and I've missed you soooo much over the last several years.

JUDIE, it's a bummer that you must keep those records for five years---there should be a repository at GW for such things, seems to me! Glad you and Darth are making headway toward the new home and a new life filled with good neighbors and activities!

LORETTA, it pains me to hear of such ghastly working environments. I hope, like SANDI and JUDY did, you find a way out or that boss does!

JO, thinking of you as Dracula has it's way with you! How about a nice ice cream cone or a piece of pie to help you recover from the assault?

Our nest looks serene and peaceful with just a gentle breeze blowing. Oooh, maybe just a tad more than gentle!

Have a great rest of the day everyone and know I'm praying for all in need!


NCSuzan said...

Good afternoon!

Jo, not me on Guela's name but maybe Hoda?

Moderate temps here with a feeling of spring.

It seems that it takes most of my morning checking on arrivals, health and activities of eagles, bears ospreys and I could mention more! A wonderful time of year.

Judie, a year for the boys? They have you and Darth properly trained for their every need? It's a wonderful life isn't it?

Go for an Echo on Friday. I'm just about sick of doctors. Is there a doctor for that? haha

Everybody sounds like they are feeling good and that is awesome. Loretta, I hope you are given the opportunity to set things straight. It's just not right. Wishing the best outcome for you.

Lolly your yard benefits from the attention. Beautiful as always.

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Our Momster Yahoo site is alerting upcoming birthdays ONE DAY ahead
Please look at the actual b-day date!


Mema Jo said...

So far: Zoom in (Straight into egg cup) on the 14th and kept there (Except for the Cam Tour) until after hatching and few weeks of feedings. If possible after the hatching of both if the cam could be pulled back a small distance to view the feedings by the parents.

With NCTC I feel we can request
moving the zoom when we see it necessary

Thanks to all who have responded about my question on the ZOOM

Judie said...

Thank you Jo for keeping us connected to NCTC and the camera situation. I would like close in for hatchings and feedings and babies growing up.

Lolly, prayers for those in TX. News had some reports on nasty weather in Denton so hoping Laurel and family are all safe and out of harms' way.

Got lots accomplished today. Next task is to sort lecture notes/outlines but maybe this weekend for that. Tomorrow is "do" day.

Thinking of Loretta and hoping her circumstances have turned in her favor. She does not deserve unfair treatment.

Headed to my recliner. Feet up. Then the pillows.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Snuggled in my bed with two kitties at my feet.

The weather news from Texas looks scary, Lolly. Hope all is well at your abode.

I have definitely caught Hunter's cold, and so has Kathryn. Lots of sniffling and coughing continues at our household. I did not bowl today.

So sorry you have issues at work, Loretta. It is no fun when the backstabbers get started. It is amazing how political the workplace can become.

You mentioned the issue with the firefighters who got suspended because they took a child to the hospital in an firetruck instead of waiting for the ambulance, Judie. They have been reinstated. There was a huge reaction to the decision to suspend them. The Falmouth Fire Station, where they were assigned, is just across the street from my old neighborhood.

Lolly said...

Yes, weather has been bad here in north Texas but all family A-OK! More storms over night they say but nothing severe!

Watched The Voice tonight. Did some baking this afternoon. Yet another reception after a funeral tomorrow. Made brownies, hard to do and not eat any!

Shirley, so sorry you are sick again. Not fun!

Jo, thanks for arranging for the zooming in on the nest. Can hardly wait for bobbleheads!

Night all! SED!

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I see a tucked-in eagle in nest. Supposed to be very warm today. Enjoy your day.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - today is hump day but no hump for me to get over. I have a dermatologist appt. at 8:45 (just a 6 month check) so I took the day off. Why not, right?

Loretta, HAPPY birthday!! Hope your day is great and I hope everything went well with your supervisor yesterday.

Jo, I vote for the camera zoomed in 24/7 as of next Monday. Terri's video yesterday said it almost looked like Belle was listening to the eggs at one point so maybe she knows something is up.

Lolly, I don't often check the FB messenger conversation but I did last night b/c I got a message from a Baltimore teacher friend. Saw the video of Jacob and his solo - rock star is right! I loved it!

Temps are supposed to hit 70 degrees today. If the canal water wasn't so cold, I'd take my new kayak out. But if I tipped and landed in 50 degree water, I would be most unhappy. Instead, I think Janey and I will take a hike.

Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

Snoring update - Denny had been sleeping in another room for the past few nights b/c he ran out of Theravent strips. But yesterday, he went to the dentist for his mouth guard. Last night we slept in the same bed again and ... NO SNORING!! The mouth guard moves his lower jaw slightly forward to keep his airway more open.

We are still battling with our health insurance company over whether or not they will cover the costbut, even if they don't, it was money well spent. No earplugs for me, no surgery or C-PAP machine for Denny - win-win!

Also, my sister's husband's brother is a professional opera singer. He is currently the stage director for a production of The Barber of Seville at the Lyric Opera House. My niece Madeline (age 14) will be performing as Figaro's assistant this weekend. She has no lines and no singing part but still, what an exciting opportunity for her. My sister sent me a photo last night of Madeline in her costume and make-up - Figaro's assistant is male!

The sun is coming up on the nest - 1 eagle (Shep I think) enjoying his morning.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Looks like a nice sunshiny day at the nest with an alert mom/dad. Yes, zoom in is my vote until after eaglets start to hop and flap.

Shirley, sorry you and Kathryn are sick and hope you both feel better quickly. Colds are not fun.

Lolly, happy to know all your family are safe. The weather looked really nasty.

Sandi, so sorry your six months checkup will take the whole entire day (tee hee). Enjoy the afternoon. Also glad the mouth guard is working for Denny. What a relief for everyone. Finally, congratulations to Miss Madeline. May she break a leg.

Off to get my "do" done. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

gotta head outside and try to finish up my project

using the pressure washer to spray the roof Thought would be better that a regular hose and nozzle

Mema Jo said...

Good sunny morning to all ♥
It is a day to open doors and windows for the fresh air to come on in. Shirley I wish you and your family to rid yourselves of those head colds.

Sandi - I guess it isn't Kayak weather yet - dog walking seems to be more of the thing. Happy Birthday to Jenni - 14 dog years is quite a lifetime. She is so pretty and poised. HAPPY TO HEAR THE SNORING NEWS.

Good way to perk up your day by getting prettier, Judie. Then back to the shredder!
Isn't there a shredder that accepts staples??

Lolly - The video of Zach is fantastic - His personality is shinning!

Andy - hope all is well out there on your side of the USA. Our cherry blossoms may soon be blooming.

Judy - hope your truck soon comes home - perhaps they are tempting you with the rentals. lol

Loretta - hope your meetings at work prove to be in your favor and that tomorrow you can celebrate that birthday!

Lolly - the video of Zack is fantastic. His personality is really shinning

Going out onto the deck for some rays! BBL

Lolly said...

Good morning! Nasty weather here! Up over two inches of rain at Hawkwood and thankful it is not more.

Sandi, that was Zach in the video. So very proud of him. He is our 10 year old grandson who has Aspergers Syndrome. Highly intelligent, amazing memory and has no inhibitions at all. Lol His passions are ice hockey and to be a rock star. He is always happy!!

Get my do done today. Interesting to go to my hair dresser at her house and pay her with cash. 😜

Time to get busy! Drum roll..........please.......20 lbs. Four more weeks to go!

JudyEddy said...

I don't think we have sound

ANYONE ELSE all I have is a buzz

JudyEddy said...


now I see the writing under the cam SOUND IS TURNED OFF

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Here just in time for the cam show. A serene scene, which is wonderful!

LOLLY, seems strange to pray for rain to stop in your neck of the woods, doesn't it? 20 POUNDS! Congratulations!

SANDI, hurrah for the mouth guard. I need a mouth guard, but a different kind and for a different reason!☺ Kudos to Madeline! I hope you're going to get to see her in action.

SHIRLEY, boo-hiss to a house full of sniffles! I hope you have a good supply of Clorox Wet Wipes on hand.

JUDIE, Happy Do Day! I'm anxious to follow you into the beauty chair next Monday.

JUDY, what material is your roof made of? Glad you can give it a good bath without calling for expensive outside help!

It's a gorgeous pre-Spring day here. Penny and I can't stand to stay inside!

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

KAY here is a picture of my metal roof that I had installed last year
I had put pic om blog but maybe no one saw the link when I posted so here is a picture that was taken then

My metal roof Terra cotta in color

JudyEddy said...

when I had the roof installed it was entertaining to watch the squirrels and cats try to climb on it They no longer give us any entertainment They gave up I guess LOL

WVJerry said...

Good afternoon all. I see an eagle - I guess panting - from the Facebook comments under the Outdoor Channel site. My phone says it's 79 in Martinsburg now. Might ride down be nest after work. Nice day to drive. Never got my nerve up to park on turn and watch. Maybe today I will. Sandi - glad you got snoring issue solved. Talk later and take care all.

JudyEddy said...

Happy eagle watching if you go JERRY
shame you can't go on the road that we see in the view of the cam You could wave at us if you could LOL

in for a break

Kay said...

JUDY, nice roof and color scheme, including a snazzy looking p/u truck! When it rains is the sound above you thunderous or annoying. I love the sound of rain on the roof and love it even more when it rains between 10pm & 7am and then calls it quits!

JERRY, I hope you get up the nerve to park on the turn for a while and hope it pays off with a great view of the nest, Belle and Shep!

There is, at least on my PBS station, two hours (8 to 10) of tribute and highlights of Downton Abbey tonight. Guess that tells you what I'll be watching.

Tootles, see you tomorrow!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Dropping in to let you know that Ken & Emma & I are all O.K. We have been SO busy getting ready for a visit from our youngest granddaughter, Courtney, and her friend. They fly in Friday at about 4 pm. from Texas, and will be here for a week. They're competing in a national cheer competition this weekend at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Should be an incredibly busy weekend! We are going to board Emma at Petsmart for the weekend, since the schedule is crazy and we want to be sure she eats on time and isn't left alone for what seems to her like forever! Once the weekend is over we will have Mon. - Friday to visit with the girls and see the sights. At the moment we're debating whether to drive from Anaheim to L.A. Convention Center and back twice a day, or stay at a hotel in L.A. for the weekend. We booked one--but it's very expensive, near the LAX airport (9.32 miles from the Convention Center), and costs $31/day to park your car! Parking at the Convention Center is $18/day, and you can't leave and come back without paying again. The traffic can be HORRIBLE in Los Angeles, and the timing is unpredictable as a result, but right now all we can see is dollar signs! Hotels NEAR the convention center are even more expensive, and it's not safe to walk around in that area of town. Hmmmm... This wasn't organized as well as when Courtney went to Disney World for that competition. They had all the girls staying together in rooms at Disney World, and we parents didn't have to worry about getting them across town in time for practices and various events. They were right there already! Hope this doesn't become too complicated!

Well, I'd better get going. I have a bathroom to clean, and a kitchen floor to scrub. May not get back here until sometime next week, but know that I'm thinking of all of you, and you're in my prayers. Ken and Emma say "Howdy!"
I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

ANDY hope you have a grand time with Courtney

KAY I was hoping to hear it more in the house but I guess the attic acts as a insulate for it and can only hear a tad not enough to say AHH now if I sit on the porch and when the windows are open I can hear the rain more

JudyEddy said...

the difficult side is done that is where the taller than my house hedges are. Front done yesterday and only got the one side next to the carport. That may be a pia being the porch is attached and harder to reach and the crowsnest is there and I don't like that. Ken wrapped a rag around the lines a while back and I know its safe but I am still skerred LOL

Sandi said...

Hi all - had a nice day. After my dermatologist appointment - no biopsies (yay), just 3 pre-cancers that she had to spray with liquid nitrogen, I took Janey for a long walk at a local state park. Picture perfect weather to be outside. Saw some geese and some water turtles sunning themselves. Still too early for the osprey to be back - St. Patrick's Day is the rule for when we normally start seeing them in this area.

When I got home, I took a nap, then took Jenni and Bella for a shorter walk.

Andy, sounds like a super busy week for you and Ken but I'm sure you'll have a great time with those young girls.

Lolly, sorry I confused your grandboys - the video of Zach (not Jacob) was terrific!

Kay, we're not driving to Baltimore to see Madeline in her stage debut. If we lived closer we might.

Time to fix food for people and pets - later!

Costume Lady said...

Hello, my friends~
Thought it was time to update those of you who are not on facebook.
My long-awaited sunroom is finally in place and rug delivered today. The floor is slate and although it is very pretty, it is COLD, thus the need for a rug. I order the wrong size drapery rods, so I am now waiting on those to arrive so my drapes can be put up!

My second knee replacement will take place next Wednesday 3-16-16. I'll be in the hospital for three days and then will do my rehab at a Nursing Home in Front Royal, Va., which is in between the homes of Denise and Karla, which will make it easier
for them to visit me. Reason for Nursing Home; no one here to take care of me. I've had offers, but I don't want to bother anyone when the N. H. will do just fine. They have a separate wing for rehab patients. Only problem, how does one pack for a Nursing Home? LOL (3 to 6 weeks) After I am released from there, Denise and Karla will take me to Denise's newly finished Beach House...she's moving in this Friday with a moving van and 6 friends. An exciting time in her life...a life-long dream!
I will have my laptop with me, so I will try to get on here and let you know how things are going. Karla will have updates on facebook. Have a great Spring!
Love and Blessings to all~

Lolly said...

Wanda, we will be keeping you in prayer. Sounds like you are making some sound decisions. What a wonderful place,the beach house, to re-coop!

Please poke your head Ina little more often! You are missed on here!

Judie said...

Good evening.

Well, got my "do" did and got my nails "did" and got some laundry "did" and about to head to my recliner. Foraging on tomorrow's agenda.

Seems everyone had a nice day with Jo basking in the sunshine and Kay and Sandi doing their puppy parades around town.

Andy, you are going to have an amazing week with your young ladies and their cheering activities and going all around town. Do let us know how much fun you have.

Jerry, if you park at the turn in the road, just pull up close and put your hazard lights on. Look straight ahead. Shirley and I looked to our right and were puzzled we couldn't see the tree and nest but then realized it was straight ahead of us.

Wanda, what a wonderful surprise to see you stopped by. I do truly miss having you around. Please know that my prayers and thoughts are with you for your surgery and recovery. Very happy to know that you will be near Denise and Karla. Please keep us updated. Hugs! Congrats on the sun room.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

JudyEddy said...

Great seeing WANDA on here You sure are missed and will keep you in thoughts and prayers for a fast recovery

Lolly said...

Lots of flooding in north Texas. . Lakes are creeping up into yards if not flooding houses. We are totally fine, just very soggy and muddy.

Got my do did today, too! That was my big accomplishment for today. Lol

Enjoying a fire tonight as it has chilled down with all our rain.

Time to turn in! Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Loretta, happy birthday!! Sorry that I was 1 day early again - what's with the reminders coming 2 days early now instead of one?

With today's weather forecast, I was a little tempted to be sick today but I'm going in. Two days til the weekend!

Have agreyt day all!

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORETTA ♪♫ May today be a most lovely day for you and may the year ahead be happy beyond your wildest imagination.

Looks like Belle basking in the sunshine and watching over her domain.

Sandi, have a good day at school. Think weekend!

Headed out in a bit to forage for the weekend.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

WVJerry said...

Good morning everyone. See an eagle in nest looking around. Did stop at turn yesterday for a while. Could see nest fine. No sign of Belle or Shep. Need to take binoculars next time. I noticed they had a "controlled burn" in a field right before entrance to NCTC. Still a fire truck and a couple there. Didn't want to stay too long. As far as waving, I'm not sure you can see road on Cam. Working 12-7 today. Talk later and take care all. Good to see Wanda checking in to Blog. Her sunroom looked nice on Facebook.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagl


~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!


JERRY the road we see in the cam is not the road you are on it is the road at NCTC and can only get on it through gates from what I remember That is where we all saw the eagle when I was up

Lolly said...

Good morning! However, not so good here. About 8 we started getting wrong number calls. We are up to 6 or 7 calls. All are in the real estate business wanting to see our property which they think is in Dallas. Managed to get one business name to call to ask to get us off the list. Of course, got an answering service. What is interesting is they have the correct last name. Anyway, left a scorching message to get our number off that list!

Anyway, yet another very cool rainy day here. We are getting close to 3 inches. Certainly wish we could save it up for August!

Luncheon today.

Time to get a move on! Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ Spring will be here in 10 days

Good to hear all of your comments on the happenings in your lives - Dog walks, cheer leading, knee replacement, hair dos, cam messages we usually fail to see since we don't expect them, early Yahoo reminders of birthdays and all sorts of news.

Power washing isn't any picnic Judy - good luck on almost being finished. Your Red Roof is attractive.
Jerry I am glad you stopped at the curve. They do controlled burning but of course that is where all our Flugg originates. It is good to have a device with you to see in the nest cam while you are visiting there on the road. We used to beep a car horn from the road to say we were out there. lol

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy Birthday Loretta

Hoping you have a spectacular day and

a fantastic year ahead ♥

Mema Jo said...

PA DEP Falcon Wire: Third Egg!‏

JudyEddy said...

looks like the still made it through last night update YEAH LOL

EAGLE in with flugg

JudyEddy said...

eagle up one at edge and I see no eggs in cup must be deeeeep in there

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Whaddaya know, it's Thursday and I realize it this time!

Look at our panting eagle, making use of the God given A/C system. It must be hotter in WV than here. We're in for several days of rain and I hope it veers north rather than straight for the nest!


SANDI, with Shar's birthday JO mentioned the thought that Leap Day might have messed with our Calendar.

WANDA, good to "see" you here. Praying for you as you face knee surgery and recuperation---you certainly have a well thought out plan!

JO, thanks for the Falcon alert. It's a reminder to me to check in on our downtown skyscraper ledge pair.

JERRY, sorry you didn't see Belle or Shep yesterday, but keep trying.

Have a great day everyone! Praying for all in need!


JudyEddy said...

FULTON has a hatch There is a part of a egg shell out on the edge of the cup

JudyEddy said...

I am not doing any more pressure washing today Taking a break My lower arms is not wanting to asked me for a break LOL!
so I said yes LOL.

NatureNut said...

Hello, Eaglebuds!!! Thank you so much for the B'Day greetings. We don't keep track of the years anymore!! You guys are so supportive and positive.
TU at the Park, I kept watching and listening for ospreys. This AM, our secretary wrote me and said they've heard them!!!!

Also, TU, spoke to the acting dir, girl and she said I took some of her comments in a negative way & I have an excellent work ethic!!???What does that mean----sounds like ying and yang. I'm to take a 4 hour refresher class on one of the newest 'puter programs we are supposed to use. It's a bear and our previous director told me not to use it. Maybe that's where this new girl got confused by not knowing what's going on. It was also written that I don't initiate launching canoes very often. After BR CA surgery in early 2000s, I was told not to lift anything over 20 lbs. w/arm on that side due to them removing lymph glands & it might cause lymphodema in that arm. Our Dir. back then made a deal with me to ask patrons if they can carry the vessels themselves to the ramp. If so, I go down to dock w/them and unlock everything. If they are going to need help, I call other office to see if anyone is available to help. I emailed this info to new girl. (Slid in comment yesterday that when checking staff members, you've got to do your research.)
She has other options if you don't want to be in office----work in butterfly garden, tool museum, Am. Indian Village. I love all of those, but not sure about being out all day when it's 90° plus. Anyway, I may have an ace up my sleeve by the end of June. TOP SECRET ☺
Love ya all

Mema Jo said...

News Update

Officials: 13 Bald Eagles Found Dead in Caroline County Didn't Die of Natural Causes
(sorry I forgot how to create the link - lol)

...FWS spokesperson Catherine J. Hibbard said the agency just received necropsy results of the dead eagles, which were discovered Feb. 20 on a farm on Laurel Grove Road in Federalsburg. The results ruled out natural causes, including disease, according to Hibbard.
"Our investigation is now focused on human causes and bringing to justice the person(s) responsible for the death of these eagles," Hibbard said. She added that the FWS cannot release further details about the cause of death as such information may compromise the ongoing investigation.
The FWS is continuing to work with Maryland Natural Resources Police to solve the case. A $25,000 reward is available for information leading to the arrest and conviction of suspected wildlife offenders.
Anyone with information is asked to call Special Agent John LaCorte with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Law Enforcement in Cambridge, Md. at (410) 228-2476, or the Maryland Natural Resources Police Hotline at 800-628-9944.

Mema Jo said...

Yeah Loretta - Happy for your meeting's results
Enjoy the rest of your day

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday Loretta! Hoping all your wishes and dreams come true.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Loretta, so happy the meeting results were positive. Did you remind them to "fear the eagle canes?" Have a lovely evening.

About the MD eagles, tragic but not surprised. I do hope the person(s) responsible are identified and prosecuted.

Lolly, hope the rain was not too severe today. Maybe do a sunshine dance?

Suzan, how's stuff down in NC?

Would someone on FB please tell Wanda how happy I am that she has her sun room and wish her many hours and years of enjoyment.

Foraging completed along with other errands. Now to put my feet up for a few before returning to the scullery.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE I am coping and pasting your comment under the picture of the sunroom

Lolly said...

Yes, thinking of doing a sunshine dance!🌞 After a couple weeks of beautiful weather it is hard to tolerate cold, rainy weather! No downpours now just drizzle!

Enjoyed meeting and lunch today. Lots of laughter! oh, and Jo, forgot to talk with Margie! Darn! Will call her!

Getting ready to walk now. Did not this morning!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lolly - no hurry ___That isn't our Margie of WV - those of you who may have wondered. This is a TX friend of Lolly's on FB

Judie said...

Thank you, JudyE

NCSuzan said...

Good evening. Not everyone here is on Facebook but an incident happened on there today that I feel needs to be addressed.

JudyE, you made a post on Wanda's pics of her sun room. Wanda said that her daughter dropped by and how special that was and exactly what the sun room was meant to be. I believe it was Karla and she had a phone in her hand. Judy, your comment that you would not allow phones in your home from visitors was ill timed, insensitive and rude. I posted that people use their phones for other reasons than calling people and while you agreed with that statement you later edited it and added that you had a trackphone and could only call ER. The sarcasm was noted.

To make matters worse Karla felt the need to defend herself and say she was reading the manual to help her mom set up her tv.

While all this is menial in the scheme of things I still can't help feeling horrified of your comment. At this point I feel you should make an apology to Wanda and Karla and remove that statement.

Judy, you do not always seem to think before you barge in and do things. It can be rather off putting. Another case in point, the same posting where you said Judie asked you to post the good wishes about the sun room. While Judie did ask someone to let Wanda know, she did not specifically ask you, as you stated.

JudyE, be selective with what you say, also in how many pics you post. We do not need 25,000 pics of the same piece of red meat in the nest. I do not even try to post a pic. Sandi posts great ones but sometimes are overshadowed by the pure volume of what you have posted.

And don't stress so much about the cams. Jo has it under control. Just take some deep breaths and relax. Make some friends, try some new things and please think before you speak.

WVJerry said...

Good evening. I see a tucked in eagle in nest. Happy Birthday to Loretta. Also good to see news on eagles found in Fedetslsburg, MD. I don't want to think it was intentional but you never know. Have a peaceful night.

Judie said...

Suzan has given me much to think about regarding the use of social media and its siblings and I appreciate and thank her for her openness and honesty. Wanda has endured a series of life events that would try the strength of any human being and she deserves our love and support and happiness for her -- not criticism. Lesson learned. I will pick up the phone and call Wanda myself rather than using social media and go-betweens.

I am headed to my recliner and then the pillows.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

Mema Jo said...

Stopping by to bid everyone a Goodnight's rest

Prayers for all of our needs


Lolly said...

Getting on to say my usual good night! Thinking of building a boat. Rain rain rain!

See you tomorrow! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends it's Friday!! We have slept with the sliding glass door open the past 2 nights - who can figure out this weather??

Loretta, glad your conversation with the young director went well. I'm anxious to hear more about the ace up your sleeve!!

Lolly, I forget how to make the blue links but here:

Wanda, it's soooo good to see you on the blog. maybe you can visit more often while you're recuperating from your surgery. Sending prayers and positive energy your way for next Wednesday!

Lynne2, please stop by to collect some birthday wishes today for Steve - happy birthday Steve!

Have a greyt day all.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Loretta, a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! and Lynne2, please relay my HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Steve!

By the way, Loretta, I'm glad your meeting went well!

Dropping by to let you know that we decided to stay at the hotel we had tentatively booked up in Los Angeles, near LAX airport. Dealing with Friday PM traffic and commuting from Anaheim would have been just too much. Now at least we will be within 10 miles of the Convention Center. That seems much more manageable. Courtney & her friend Lauren have a Friday night practice at 7:00 pm, after arriving from Dallas at 5:18 pm. (Yikes! We'll be jumping to make that on time.)

I'm not sure we're taking the laptop with us, since there is no free computer hookup in the hotel room. You have to pay $10/day--crazy, huh? Will be sure to write a "saga" about the weekend competition, and update you next week.

Well, I need to go finish getting Emma's meals packaged up. Need to complete all the usual paperwork for Petsmart, too.

WANDA, it was wonderful to "see" you here!!! I have missed you SO much! Will be praying for your upcoming surgery, and for a speedy and complete recovery. Glad to hear that you have your sunroom! That's fantastic! Enjoy!

Well, hope to be back here on Monday sometime to update all of you! Have a great weekend! I ♥ us!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Looks to be a little windy at the nest but all is quiet. Both the DC eaglets and the NCTC eaglets should arrive about the same time. Eggciting.

Andy, have a wonderful wonderful time and may the young ladies have an amazing experience.

Sandi, can't remember. Are you sick again today?

Wonder where Shirley is these days?

Wishing everyone the very best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning to all ♥ It is breezy out there today. It was good to see that flags were being flown half-mast in honor of Nancy Regan - You was a fantastic First Lady.

Shirley was at the bowling alley yesterday - I think her cold is clearing...

Happy Birthday Steve Soper
May the year ahead be extra good to you

I did email NCTC about the Zoom - no reply yet - I do think Steve is out-of-town.
They may be waiting on his approval. I'll keep you posted.

Off to eat some Cheerios - Honey Nut Cheerios that is - I need to stay Heart Healthy

BBL today

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

first I wasn't going to say anything but since I was publicly scolded for something I felt was not right I am speaking out

I PM Wanda to apologize to her for the comment that SUZAN thought was wrong(I saw nothing wrong with what I had said)
Wanda really had NO CLUE what I was talking about
and said there was NO NEED to apologize that her and Karla both agreed with me and the cell phone issue.
With that I say let sleeping dogs lie.
and if there is any issues PLEASE PM the person don't be childish and say it on the blog for the whole world to so especially when its one sided.

Waiting for the roof inspection to come and give me a wind mitigation factor on my roof. Just may get a discount on it. Keep fingers crossed got my insurance bill yesterday 2146.00 not liking that

JudyEddy said...


~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

Gonna have lunch with Angie after the inspector leaves then pick up Jordyn at school and then go the the nature park if Jordyn choose it. Its up to her I am easy. LOL Then to there house for dinner.

JudyEddy said...

I LOVE Honey Nut Cheerios as well as those are Jordyn favs
and I did lower my cholesterol with them at one point
Inspector pulled in see ya

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!! And a RED FRIDAY morn at that.

LOLLY, good luck with that ark!

SANDI, sleeping with windows open and no snoring---what a treat!

ANDY, wishing your dear cheerleader well as she competes!

Like JUDIE, I was beginning to get concerned about SHIRLEY and I thank you, JO, for the news that in spite of her cold she's been able to bowl!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Steve Soper---LYNNE2 let us know how it's being celebrated, please!

The rain in these parts has stopped, at least for today. Nothing much on the agenda except for the A/C-Heating man to give the whole system a check up. They always come up with something that I could spend money on, but I'm hoping to stay strong and make a wise decision!

Have a grrreaat Friday all! Prayers for those in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

I am so confused I checked my balance in my checking account and my last pay check was 2-25 for my last vacation and personnel time WELL today there is a 2146.18 deposit that says Payroll check That can't be a pay check! I wonder if its my sick time that they gave me.??? I tried to go online and look on my WMT access and it denied me because I no longer work there. I tried calling the store and no answer. Will have to try to keep calling I guess and that would be more that a normal pay check also about two pay checks not one.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Looks like we have reversed the weather systems. No open windows and doors around here. It is a very damp and chilly 59.

Yes, Happy Birthday to Steve. Where is the Queen recently? She is ignoring us! Off with HER head!

Running errands some time today. Have told Skippi that Luke arrives tomorrow. Do not think she is listening to me. Talk about one spoiled kitty. You should see me get out of my chair and then sit back down later without lowering the foot rest. Mustn't disturb the sleeping princess!😻

Sounds like a fun time, Andy! Enjoy!

Time to get back to building my ark! Possible storms again today.⚡️🌦🌊 Row row row your boat⚡️⛈☔️

JudyEddy said...

Out the door

I hope each one of you have a fantastic day in no matter what you choose to do

Lator gator

Lolly said...

We had just started walking when Belle got up, did a shake, and rolled the eggs. The cam Immediatly zoomed in. Wow! What a close up view of the eggs. The cam then zoomed out and back in several times, finally stopping on the very close I view. Perhaps too close until we think there is a pip?

Barbara said...

Wow -- that close up is so close you can count the wing feathers on that adult!!! It will be a great view when there are pips and bobbleheads!

NCSuzan said...

JudyE, I stand by my statement. Your post was ill timed and insensitive. Sometimes your lack of insight into a situation is jaw dropping. I posted here because we all have each others back. Everyone here is supportive and I felt since you are a Momster this was best handled here. I am sorry you are upset. That was not my intention. I was hoping that you would have some empathy for a situation and the people involved and clearly you did not. I also agree with your statement however there is a time and place for everything. I'm done barking up the wrong tree.

On a happier note....

Happy Birthday Steve!!!! Rock on dude!!!

Mema Jo said...

I have been working with NCTC on this Zoom - Yes it is too close for now and I am
trying to get it pulled back more until we see a PIP.

Bear with me - It's hard to send pics and say how about here or how about a little farther back!

NCSuzan said...

Jo, take all the time you need. No one is rushing you here.

Off to the cardiologist and more tests. Fun afternoon ahead!

Sandi said...

Hi all - scratch off another school day! I don't know exactly how many days are left for other teachers but this teacher is down to 33 days based on the current last day of school of 6/15. School should end earlier than that b/c we only used 3 of the 9 days built into the year.

Wow - we are REALLY zoomed in aren't we???? This should be great when we are anxiously awaiting those chicks next week!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Amazing close-up, really close-up on the nest. Not to worry Jo. I'm just grateful we have a new cam with all sorts of bells and whistles.

Had to chuckle this morning. Local tv station morning news had a live shot of the DC nest and the anchors were asking questions/speculating and Googling to find answers right there on air. Egg roll caused a brief commotion as one anchor thought the egg was an eaglet. Nothing like a little "live" education.

Wow Sandi. Only 33 snore-free sleeps to go.

Soon headed to the scullery.

Sandi said...

OK, no one else has made a hatch prediction yet so I will make one. Don't want to commit to an actual 1st hatch date but I will say that I do not expect that we will see a pip on Monday, 3/14. Belle and Shep spent a lot of time off that first egg, I guess b/c Belle knew another was coming. It would be nice to see the first hatch on Monday since I am off, but I don't think it will happen.

Judie, I took the time to count and there are actually 63 more teacher days in this school year so that's how many sleeps until I am officially retired. But ... I will only have to go to school for 34.5 of them (not 33 as I said before). The rest are days that I will be "sick." And again, it's likely that the district will deduct 6 days from the year for snow days that didn't get used.

This new cam is amazing!!

Pets have been fed, now time to feed people. Later!

glo said...

Hi everyone. We are all getting excited now. My guess is pip middle day 37 which is March 16 and hatch late afternoon day 38 which is March 17. Hope you feel better in 30 plus days Sandi. Everyone should clean house this weekend or dim the lights. Gonna get busy eagle time very soon.

Judie said...

Good grief! What a lot of days 63 seems compared to 34.5. Still, it's only 34.5 sleeps till retirement Sandi. How about this -- find a dog friendly cafe/restaurant and you and Denny and all the furry babies go for a celebratory dinner complete with puppy treats. What fun that would be!

Hi Glo. Yes, all chores should be completed before mid-week so we are free to watch for pips and hatches. How're Patches and the others (I'm sorry I forget names)?

Going to check my email before heading to my recliner followed by pillows.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

Lolly said...

About to stick my nose in my kindle. Thought I would peek in here first!

Know your excitement well, Sandi! So happy for you. Retirement is well earned and such a joy!

Expecting Luke around noon tomorrow! He will cry when his mommy leaves but will adjust fast. She is bringing his "cage" though he does not sleep in it at home. He will here, though. Will probably put it in a front bedroom so we do not hear his whining. Poor Luke! He is not sleeping with us as that is where Skippi sleeps. He is one spoiled baby and will be my lap dog for 4 days. Skippi will take up residence on Jack. She loves us both!

I'll say good night now! See you in the morning!

And, Jo, thanks for working with them on the cam!

glo said...

Hi Judie Kitties are Gabby and Zoey. Patches is pretty good. We are dealing with some allergies or dietary issues so changing her diet. Not too sure we are headed in the right direction with what vet sent home though. I just might put her back on what I had Dex on since Vet doesn't think she is benefiting at all from grain free. She will need rabies shot next week too which also makes me nervous given how she has been this winter. Blood tests all looked good though. Zoey is my kitty who has bouts of pancreatitis. Almost lost her last summer. She still has her days but does respond to some meds Dr prescribes. So far she is maintaining although has lost a little weight I can tell. Gabby is sweet talkative pal to all of us.

Mema Jo said...

Stopping by to say Goodnight to all ♥
Prayers for all needs

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY is fine and accounted for. She posted on FB Private Group that she is having problems posting on here. Hunter used her computer for school work, and she is having problems getting to post from Google. She said she will work on it.
I thought to let you know so you do not think she is MIA!
She is fine and well. She can read the blog, for now she can not post.
Good night

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on this last day of Eastern Standard time. Belle is awake but hasn't given me a peek at the eggs this morning.

We are at 47 degrees with a high only in the 50s today - back to normal for this time of year. Cloudy today with showers tomorrow.

Tennis this morning at 9am.

Hoda, thanks for the heads-up on Shirley. Please visit more often! Shirley's current situation is why I do not like sharing devices. But once Hunter shows her how to log off of one account and into another, she'll see how easy it is ... assuming she remembers her Google password! :)

Have agreyt day all.

DanaMo said...

Well it looks like we are viewing someone's backside today. LOL!

glo said...

lol good morning everyone. We will be viewing someone's backside 90% of the time now for several days BUT when they get up we must put on our Eagle spectacles and report what we see. So get them by your computer well and don't forget to clean house this weekend. Next weekend it's probably not going to happen. :-) Off to Disability Dogs for me.. Have a good day.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lolly, have fun with Luke.

Glo, thank you for reminding me about Zoey and Gabby. I recall that Zoey has some health issues and do hope you will find the best food for her. We use Nutro grain-free as Jake is allergic. Enjoy the time at Disability Dogs.

Hoda, thank you for stopping by to let us know of Shirley's plight. Hopefully she'll stop by later. Have you put away your socks yet? When will dragon boating begin?

Sandi, enjoy tennis this morning.

Dana, how's your dad doing? Still improving I hope.

Looks like a dreary day here. Think I'll pack up two sets of china that are no longer used. Prefer the everyday things so will donate china.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Testing, testing.

stronghunter said...

Yay! I can post again. I got Hunter to log off his account this morning which let me back in. Good morning, everyone. I hope everyone is well.

stronghunter said...

Sandi, I tried to log onto my account by clicking on the spot indicated; it said "sign on using a different account," but somehow it did not work. I did not see an option to log off his account. I think I do have my password correct. Not sure what happened. Anyway, I am fine again.

stronghunter said...

And, thanks to Hoda for posting for me last night. I am surprised that even Hoda was awake when I was playing around with my computer in the wee hours this morning.

stronghunter said...

Must get myself organized and ready to meet my bowling friends this morning.

Judie said...

Yippee! The lost has been found. Have fun bowling Shirley.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all.

Our eagles are really up close--all the better for pip watch time.

My birding friend and I went to our usual haunts yesterday for the first time in several months. It is a tiny bit early for spring migration in these parts, but we saw a nice variety (32) of birds and ducks. We saw three eagles, or maybe the same one twice.

Sad for me to say that my mini I-pad is suddenly critically ill. Won't turn off, won't charge, won't go on the internet. My I-phone is needing to be replaced too. I am so addicted to these devices. Hate the thought of replacement costs, hate the thought of a 75 mile drive to the nearest Apple store. Thankful that I do have this laptop.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I confess, I am also addicted to my iPad! I was devastated when it would no longer take a charge. Took it to the Apple Store and they confirmed it could not be repaired. I got a reconditioned iPad for $99. A great deal! You are the victims of my typos using the iPad. Hunt and peck system on iPad leads to interesting results!

Expecting Luke sometime this morning! Will be an interesting few days. My poor unexpecting kitty. Lol

Still chance of rain around here but tomorrow brings sunshine! Yea! Can not work in the yard as it is way too soggy and parts just standing in water. Will have to take Luke to the front yard for business, but he is a good doggy and does not run off.

Time to get busy! Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds


Neat can count the feathers on ones head will be a great view when we get a hatch

I wonder where my sister is JANET where are you???

so glad SHIRLEY you got your sign on figured out.

JudyEddy said...

Any of you watch the Fulton cam??

I have a question the one adult has really really dark area around it beak! Is that because its young?? Just never seen dark feather in that area all around the beak under the eyes JUST WONDERING

Mema Jo said...


Saturday - Watch for the scheduled Cam Tour at 11:58am for the wide range view
The cam will then go back to the close up view... Close up view is to enable us to monitor the eggs that are soon approaching their due dates


JudyEddy said...

and zoom is back

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

S'wonderful to have a close up view as we watch for pips n' peeps!

SHIRLEY, glad you're back in bizness and so nice of HODA to let us know what was up!

LOLLY, I sincerely hope your little kitty is unexpecting while she remains unsuspecting about the upcoming housemate! LOL

JUDY, good plan for that unused China. I went through the same throes and throwaways when downsizing in preparation for moving back to Ohio. I haven't missed a thing I got rid of.

LYNNE1, wow, that's a long way to drive for an Apple Store. You really live out in the country! Good luck with the puter problems.

LYNNE2, where in the world are you? We hoped to hear from you and Steve on his birthday. Inquiring minds want to know what's going on in your world!

GLO, I have my Eagle Spectacles ready!

Being ready reminds me---don't forget to Spring Forward before beddy bye tonight. Can't believe it's time for Daylight Saving Time already. I'm one of those skeptics who thinks it a totally unnecessary exercise, but seems we're stuck with it.

SANDI, hope you were ON for tennis this morning!

Have a grand and glorious Saturday y'all!! Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

Well I found out they $2146.18 I received from Walmart is my 345 bonus that everyone got and being they were changing the sick pay and vacation policy anything over 80 hrs of sick was paid out as vacation That really surprised me But not to many people have lots of sick hours because the call in sick.
I feel better knowing what the money was from.

Out and about

Hope everyone has a great day.

grannyblt said...

Kay, I live between Pittsburgh and Erie. I can get Apple products in nearby towns, just not an Apple Store. As it turns out, I held down the buttons for about two minutes and the iPad rebooted. And is working. I tried that earlier, but evidently not long enough. Very nervous for a few hours. I will be getting a new phone very soon, just don't need that huge $$$$ layout right now for both products.

Listening to a Song Sparrow in my backyard. Glad that Spring is on its way.

Sandi said...

Hi all. Tennis was good exercise ... but I wasn't the winner. Enough said!

Lynne1, glad you got your phone working. A few weeks ago I thought my less than a year old phone had died - it wouldn't turn on. Before I drove to the Verizon Wireless store, I did a Google search on my phone and it told how to do a reboot. It required holding the power button down for about 7 seconds. Did that and it started right up! Isn't it a nice feeling 1) when you find out something is fixable and doesn't have to be replaced and 2)when you're able to fix it yourself??

Judy, glad you figured out the reason for the unexpected money in your checking account. What a nice surprise for you from Walmart! Like getting a tax refund!

Speaking of tax refunds, we're not getting one. Not only that, but the amount we owe would give some folks a stroke! To me it just means that Denny's company made a lot of money last year. That's a good thing.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday!

Lolly said...

Have me a dog! Tried to take a selfie of us but my arms are not long enough. Lol. He is doing just dandy. However, the first time I took him out he stopped on the sidewalk and stared at where Laurel's car had been parked. Skippi is just fine with Luke. However, she thought Luke had left with Laurel and the boys. So, while walking through the room she was startled when Luke moved on the sofa. She arched and hissed, then promptly settled down when she realized Luke was still here.

I have already taken him out twice. Such a good doggie, he stays right in the yard, slowly sniffing around and hurries in when I tell him we are going in. Cosmo is at the kennel. Laurel said he pranced right in, tail and body wiggling! He is just so big, hyper, and not exactly obedient. He LOVES everyone!

Sun came out today. Wonderful!!! Ten degrees warmer and it feels so good!

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Kay, JUDIE not Judy. lol Got us confused, I guess. Regardless, we have accomplished much today with china, glassware, vases, and many "I'll use that someday" items being corralled and ready to make a journey to Goodwill. Had forgotten after Darth's mother died he brought home a Lennox service for six. Nice but not nearly as nice as our Family Lennox.

Sandi, sorry for the loss but glad you had a nice morning for exercise.

Lynn, so happy you got the phone working. Don't have any of that stuff. Just my cell phone and a Galaxy Tablet. Glad you enjoyed your birding day and time with your friend.

Kay, I forgot to mention on here that I emailed Lynne2 and asked if she and Steve are okay and missed her updates. She did respond that she didn't realize how long she had been away and that they are fine. I had hoped she would stop by.

On to the scullery.

Lolly said...

We measured today. Joseph is now 6'2" and Jacob is 5'10" Jack says at least Zach is still shorter than him! Lol

Lolly said...

Thanks, JUDIE for the update on THE QUEEN!

stronghunter said...

Just checked the nest. Wow, we are really close in. I guess that is so we can look for pips?

Unknown said...

hi all. JUDY, I am here. Been lurking. Reading the blog, but not too much happening in my world, just been quiet. hugs to all

JudyEddy said...

all seems quite now on the nest a couple of times Belle called out I got a couple of snips with beak open I hope everything is ok
Need to go put picture in the EM ablum

Kay said...

JUDIE, JUDIE, JUDIE, please forgive that slip up! Sounds like you and Darth have made great headway! Yep, our Family Lennox cannot be beat! Thank you for update on LYNNE2 n' her Subby!

LOLLY, how nice it is that Skippi and Luke are friends!

SHIRLEY, yes, we are in Pip Mode now---good viewing in store.

I've shut down the kitchen and living room with clocks already Sprung Forward. Next the clock on my little Bose radio/cd player here in the office. Then there will two more resets at bedtime, one in the TV room aka Seth's room and the other in my bedroom. Hope Penny and I adjust easily to the change.

Have a good Saturday evening---see you here sometime tomorrow!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Judie said...

Good evening.

Dinner over and scullery in order.

Will take care of a few upstairs clocks and Darth can handle the remainder OR as I told him at dinner, we are retired so who gives a clock chime if we wait till tomorrow. lol

Kay, you are forgiven and yes, we accomplished a lot today. So much more to do but a dent has been made.

Need to do a "grow really tall" dance for Zach. Lolly, will Zach be coming to Camp Hawkwood this summer?

Headed to my recliner and then the pillows.

Wishing everyone a night of restful and restorative sleep.

Lolly said...

Zach does not come to Camp Hawkwood. His parents keep him busy going to different day camps. We have taken him on a trip only one time and that was for a long weekend. We babysat occasionally when he was really young, but no more. Next Friday is Grandparents Day at his school. We will be going. Will see Ashley and her mother for the first time in a year. NOT looking forward to seeing her mother!

I think days of Camp Hawkwood are over. Sad!! However, there are a few days in July we might do something with the boys. Laurel will be going to Colorado and Joey will be teaching driver's Ed. Have not come up with a play yet.

Think I am going to start getting ready for bed. Maybe we can get to bed early and not loose an hour of sleep! Lol

Night all! SED!

Lolly said...


JudyEddy said...

Like your way of thinking LOLLY going to bed earlier.
and so sorry camp days are over But just remember all those wonderful memories you have made with them. I keep thinking the same thing with Jordyn want to hold on as long as I can. She is spending the night tomorrow night no school MON for her. May go to movies tomorrow night with her. Ford said truck MAY be ready but in the afternoon so that will be good we still can do something before then. But we will see on the truck. I talked with the mechanic and he is so apologetic about it can't figure out what is going on with the pumps. Each one that they put in makes different noises. Like he said I brought in a truck that didn't make a noise just had leak and he will not give me it back till he is 100% certain on it being safe with the steering

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Hoda said...

JO asked to wish you all a good night. She was not able to post herself. A Google issue she thinks.
Spring ahead everyone was also a reminder she mentioned.
Good night all from MEMA JO

Hoda said...

JUDIE and SANDI thank you.
Socks still on.
Skis put away.
Bicycle now out.
Dragon Launches April 30th.
First race end of June.
Team Registration was today.
We raised twenty thousand dollars for the CFUW to support scholarship fund.
It was a fun activity.
Good night from me this time.
Looking forward to the hatch.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I know there are conflicting opinions about Daylight Savings Time. Personally, I wish we would just stay the same all year. Yes today it will stay lighter longer in the evening. But looking out the window right now, which is when I will be leaving for work in the mornings, it's still dark. Last week I had to wear my sunglasses when I drove to work. So the hour of daylight we're getting at the end of the day, we're not getting as early in the day. It really makes no sense to me, except to upset people's sleep cycles twice a year.

Hoda, thanks for the heads up on Jo.

Jo, I hope you make it back to the blog today.

Belle is awake and just did an egg roll. I got a quick peek at the eggs before she settled back down with her tail feathers facing us. Either mist or dew is on her feathers - it looks like glitter!

Today is a nothing day - the forecast is for showers off and on throughout the next 2 days. I'm sure this afternoon will include a nap - the dogs were awake at 6:15, which was really 5:15am.

Have agreyt day all.

Sandi said...

Uh oh, both eagles calling out - Ben on the eggs and Belle close by. Now Shep is up and out. Eggs are hidden in the grass.

Sandi said...

Now an eagle is back in the nest and settling on the eggs. All is quiet.

Sandi said...

Just reread my previous post and I used both Ben and Shep - I was on the Eagle Cam page when the squawking started so I guess I had the name Ben on my mind.

I think this is Belle incubating now.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi. I just missed an egg roll reading Blog. This is my first look at the Close-In Zoom and I like it. Should be able to see clearly. I have to say this new Cam is awesome. I've got my housework to do and I should be able to watch off and on today. Talk later. Enjoy today.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Belle still showing us her tail feathers. At least the weather is calm and dry right now. So, both NCTC and DC nests are on pip watch this coming week. Can't help but be excited about watching DC eagles hatch and thrive. Berry babes are growing daily.

Sandi, not to worry about the name confusion. Clearly the time change momentarily fuddled your brain. I, too, dislike the time changes. I seem to remember years ago the idea was to have more daylight when children were going to and coming from school. Regardless, too disruptive for me. Same weather forecast here so planning to go through a couple of desks and clean out.

Hoda, thank you for the update on Jo and also for the update on your activities. I'll know it really is Spring when those socks come off. Congrats on the fund raising - that's a lot of money to put to good use. Do you need Evil Jufie to visit the dragon boat competition?

Lolly, paste a smile on your face next Friday. As you know, the day is for Zack.

Hope Jo, Shirley, and Kay stop by later. Maybe the QUEEN will even stop by.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...

Good morning, Jerry.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see a beautiful eagle in the nest. We should certainly see lots of details with this zoomed-in view.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Judie. Just saw egg roll...both eggs looked I could see.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Shirley.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jerry!

stronghunter said...

I watched that egg roll, too. Eggs look intact to me as well.

Hoda said...

JO is awake. Finished her coffee. Dispensed some MEMA JO wisdom on FB blog.
She wanted you all to know she was fine. Does not like the time change or google this morning. She will however try to get on here. Just checking in.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Jo is up and moving! She says to tell you she will attempt to get back on here soon.

Luke was not a good doggy! He whined in his crate last night. Moved him to another bedroom and he cried/barked louder! So, spoiled doggie slept with us last night!

Time to get a move on. Time toget ready for church! Have a great day!

Judie, always nice, always smile but inside cringe at "Nana's" constant talking, baby talking, and fawning over Zach. Why can't she be normal? Yuck!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

WVJerry said...

Good morning Hoda, Judy and Lolly. Thanks for Jo updates.

Mema Jo said...

What the heck! I have been entering usernames - passwords.... And they gave me a secret # by phone and when I used it immediately after the phone call they said it expired. BUT here I am

I still don't really know my password - LOL

Good Morning and yes it has been a frustrating one so far. I hop[e non of you have to go through this.

Expecting some rain during the next 2 days... then back up into the 60 - 70's.

I need to take a break after all that - hope I never need to sign into google again at least not soon

Enjoy your day - Thank you Hoda and Lolly for leaving my message here. BBL (I hope)

WVJerry said...

Good morning Jo. Glad your logged-in and back. Enjoy your Sunday. Hope you are well. Saw egg roll but nothing visible.

JudyEddy said...

What is the weather for the nest ???
reason asking is I see small white specks on feathers !! dandruff ?

Welcome back JO happy you got back on

JudyEddy said...

another egg roll but can't see anything tail to us

WVJerry said...

Looks/sounds like rain showers starting to pick up now.

JudyEddy said...

so JERRY they are rain droplets on her feathers HUH

WVJerry said...

Judy - yes I believe so.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Rainy here with thunder n' lightning in the forecast so thought I'd better say, Hey, while I can.

Thanks to HODA and LOLLY for relaying JO's messages and so glad the problem with your google sign in has been resolved, JO!

LOLLY, dogs do have their way of getting their own way, don't they?☺

JERRY, nice to have you doing some nest reporting in between your chores!

JUDIE, one of my tasks today was cleaning out a couple of desk drawers---must be something in the air. Good luck with all your downsizing efforts!

Oops, Penny says, "I need to go out" and I'm thinking it's a good idea since we're between raindrops. There is only a light mist right now.

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

Tour is now one hour late

JudyEddy said...

all looked good on the grounds with the tour didn't see any wild life

glo said...

Home from church. I see MeMa Jo did get logged in. That's great. Saw photo of 2 intact eggs on fb. Tour was 1 hour late :-) My auto clock did not spring ahead. I am wondering if it will do it at 2 pm this afternoon. Stay tuned for that one. Have a great afternoon everyone.

Lolly said...

Home from church! Had to say exactly what you said, Glo! So nice to have sunshine, however it going to head into the 80's tomorrow. That is not so good. Hopefully, our standing water goes away before possible chance of more rain At the end of the week. Front page news this morning was about lakes being MORE than full. Now let's see what spring brings.

Luke was happy to see me. Nice to be welcomed home by both kitty and doggie!

Drum roll.........21 lbs! Just two or three more weeks, then the hard part of maintaining. If it dries up and I can work in the yard, it will be easier.

Lolly said...

Glad you are back on, Jo. I have to write down all my passwords. Certainly cannot remember them!

Sandi said...

Lolly, not surprised at all that Luke was not happy sleeping in a crate. Good for you for your willingness to share the bed. You and Jack may not have gotten the best night's sleep, but you surely slept more than you would have if you had kept Luke in the crate all night!

Boy, the cam is REALLY zoomed in now! Belle is tenting - you can watch the raindrops rolling off of her feathers.

Unknown said...

good spring forward afternoon to one and all. I am viewing a very damp eagle back. sitting. waiting. patiently.

everyone, enjoy your day!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the Cam Tour report as to being late - I assume clocks didn't jump ahead

I'll send an email to NCTC to check it out
The time stamp on the still cam is accurate..................

I think the zoom is the same as always but that with the wings tenting it just fills up the screen..........

I now have rain!!!!

stronghunter said...

That is quite a view with raindrops on the eagle wing.

Mema Jo said...

I think I have one TV how tonight 9-10 - When Calls The Heart - Hallmark weekly show.

It's been a rainy lazy Sunday......... And I think it calls for Showers tomorrow.

There is a lot of wet flugg on our eagles' faces and also on the eggs - there was one
egg with a mark that could have been mistaken for a pip - OR maybe it was a PIP.
Keep your eyes on those egg rolls.

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Dinner over. Scullery in order. More cleaning out accomplished.

Headed to my recliner and then the pillows. Tomorrow will be looking for signs of a pip both NCTC and DC.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep including our beauteous eagles.

NCSuzan said...

Good evening.

Did anyone notice Lynne2's post on FB about things "going South" and maybe having to look for another place to live?

Rainy here today. Not much else going on.

Hope everyone has a good night.

Lolly said...

Yes, saw the post. This is not good. Time to keep Lynne and Steve in prayer.

Going to put my nose in a book.

Hope we get a new thread tomorrow! Hopefully it will be a busy week!

stronghunter said...

I saw it as well. Concerned about our friends, Steve and Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I saw a red-winged blackbird in my backyard today. I think it was a young one. The bars on the wings were quite small. I have read that they sometimes join flocks of other types of blackbirds, and we have had large flocks of starlings today. This one was alone when I saw it, though.

stronghunter said...

Just looked it up, and learned that they can change the size of the shoulder patches according to how they feel.

The female is not black. It is brown with dark streaks. I don't know that I would recognize a female.

Mema Jo said...

I also saw on FB Lynne's remark and as she requested I sent a Personal Message

Lynne has replied saying: I'll try to get on the blog tomorrow sometime w/ update.

So let's not speculate - let's send good vibes and prayers to Lynne and Steve.

Mema Jo said...

Time to say Goodnight to all ♥


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - dreary here.

I see one sleeping eagle on the nest.

I hope Lynne is able to get to the blog today to share some information with us. In the meantime, prayers are being sent.

Lolly, did Luke sleep in bed again last night? Will Skippi also sleep in the bed with Luke there? We have Bella and Jenni in bed with us at night - but NOT Janey! We would need a much larger bed!

I took today off just because but I am not feeling too great this morning.

I don't expect that we'll see any egg action today but I'll be watching just the same.

Have a greyt day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hi Sandi--dreary here, too. Lots of starlings outside my window this morning. I may need to cut back on the peanuts and birdseed. I do not wish to encourage them. I don't think they can get anything from the squirrel-proof bird feeders. Those feeders only allow small birds to get anything, but I usually put out peanuts and other seeds for the squirrels and jays.

Hope that the day is a good one for everyone.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all

Shirley, female Red-winged Blackbirds look like great big sparrows. I've been sent to the field guide many times trying to identify.

Prayers and good thoughts to all in need.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Dreary overcast this morning. A good day to tackle the two desks that need to be cleaned out.

Sending prayers for Lynne2 and Steve that all will lead to a silver lining.

Well, now I must be on the lookout for great big sparrows. lol Lots of little ones around here. I would be so happy to see a Redwinged blackbird. Lucky you, Shirley (:

Sandi, hope you feel better today. Too dreary for kayaking but not for doggie walks.

Big Red and Ezra (Cornell redtail hawks) have their first egg (yesterday afternoon). Check Loch of Lowes each day but no osprey yet.

Okay, off to begin more cleaning out and sorting -- oh, and some laundry along the way.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Belle seems to have gotten herself a piece of grass in her beak this morning.

Thanks for the information on the red-winged blackbirds, Granny.

A big yawn did not dislodge the grass from Belle's beak, merely rearranged it a bit.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 241   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...