Good morning to all ♥ I am still keeping an eye out for my Red Winged Blackbird. He usually comes in with other birds and the best part is when he flies in you can see the red/yellow stripe.
No sunshine today - soon it will return I hope. No plans today so I can watch for a pip. Suzanne Hall (over on the Outdoor comments) and I thought we saw one yesterday when the eggs were rolled BUT it really could have been wet flugg. It was in one of Deb's videos.
A few complaints concerning Zoom; however when everyone views a pip or a hatching I think they will be grateful for the close up view. This is day 35 for the 1st egg.
Sandi SINCE YOU ARE HOME (LOL) hopefully you will capture that winning pic of a PIP.
Well, Belle seems to have turned her back on me. I guess she didn't like my remarks about the grass dangling from her beak. Please do not tell her that I snapped her picture and posted it on the Momster's page. I do not post there often, and I'm always happy when I figure out how to do it yet again.
Good morning everyone. I will be watching Cam today off and on. I have to gho out and make a couple copies of my brother-in-laws Will advertisement and mail them out. The Probate process is winding now. Overcast and cool here. Also, I woke up achy, cold and just feeling kinda yucky. Hopefully that will change.
Good morning! Went to bed early enough but still slept late! Luke slept with us but Skippi did not. However, she is with me on the chair right now and Luke is on the sofa.
Already 69 and sunny. Headed to upper 80's today. Not good but will help with the standing water.
Luke sleeps with Laurel at home. She has to put him on the bed but he can jump down. Our bed is so high he can not jump down. Lol. At least I know where he is all night! Two more nights and then we take him home Wednesday.
Going to work in the yard today. Going to put Luke on his lease. He stays around but sometimes just wanders off. I get busy and forget to check on him. Lol
Judie, I see one female to 100 male Red-winged Blackbirds. The females are stay at home moms and the guys love to go out flashing their colors. That is my opinion anyway.
Not sure I have seen 100 red-winged blackbirds in my entire life. I do not remember noticing them until we moved to Ohio and my husband commented about them because he was used to seeing him when he was growing up in Illinois. We often saw them sitting on fences in the countryside during our Ohio years, and I have seen them from time to time here since I moved into a semi-rural area.
Sharon, Belle is very devious! She has piled the flugg way high! Every time she pulls it higher she glares at the cam as if to say "SEE THERE...I can keep you from seeing them!"
Hi all. Not feeling great became feeling awful shortly after I posted this morning. But after an up close and personal visit with the toilet, followed by a very long visit with the bed, I am feeling OK now. Not ready to conquer the world, but able to get dressed, come downstairs, and even eat toast and jello. Lolly, I am 2 pounds lighter than I was yesterday but I would NOT recommend my morning to anyone just looking to lose weight!
I did discover while I was upstairs using my iPad that, if I am watching it full screen and then minimize the page, I am left with a very small image that allows me to open other pages and still see the live feed. I can even move the image to whatever corner of my iPad that works best so I can multi-task. Very cool feature!! Since Judy has commented about having to go back and forth between pages on her tablet and only being able to see 1 at a time, I just assumed that was true for all tablets.
I don't see many red winged blackbirds right here in South Bethany, though I do hear them. I see them while driving to school since there is a lot of open farmland heading to Selbyville.
Shar, it's good to see you on the blog - please visit more often! And please ask Bev and Thelma to do the same! Our little group here could use some stories from Bluefield!
Speaking of stories, I am very anxious to hear about what's currently going on in Lynne's and Steve's lives.
OK, I have 2 dachshunds that need a bathroom break. Later!
Popping in real quick Still have Jordyn just got back from the movies Cute show Zootopia Late night and she still gets up early I want her energy
SANDI so sorry you aren't feeling to good and OH I sure wish my tablet did that I dislike it so because of it I have no where to minimize at all bummer But so happy you figured yours out I have only had this one tablet and none other as was disappointed in the fact that can't minimize it.
Nice warm day here. some sun. some clouds. some showers. watching the nest. waiting is difficult to do! glad eagles are so much more patient.
busy day. working on a painting. and also, a small crafty project for my gal pals who will be visiting later this month. chris' son Jaimie, who will be 18 this fall was born with a hole in his heart. it was repaired when he was 3 months old. now, however, they are deciding whether or not to put a stent in or do a by pass. this will be done in june.
I like to have a small gift for them when they visit. its just what we do. I have 2 wine glasses that I am decorating and going to purchase flameless candles candles to put on them.
allergy shot done. math tutoring in a bit.
right now, doggie bath time.
everyone have a great p.m. ~light and love for all.
Spent the day sorting about 200+ holiday/greeting cards that have been unused (left over) to give to Goodwill. Darth has saved all cards received from others for about 15 years so those have been sorted and will be taken to the recycling center. No need to comment. Hoarding is not funny to a non-hoarder. Darth did take to Goodwill all the china and other items used for entertaining before he retired. Still have a few items of silver to donate. Significant progress.
Hi Lynne and hi to Steve: about the blackbirds, maybe we live too close to the city. I'll have to Google. Maybe Steve will arrange for me to pitch a tent at NCTC (close to the nest would work for me) since there are so many blackbirds there.
Sandi, glad you are feeling some better. Take is easy and rest. Hopefully, just a 24 hour bug.
Lolly, somehow my picture of you and Jack and a dog all cuddled together is heartwarming. lol Poor Skippi ):
Hi Shar.
Off to the scullery. Grilled maple-glazed chicken and roasted cauliflower tonight.
I'm watching the nest now on my laptop and agree that those eggs are so deep we won't get a chance to see a pip. The rate Belle and Shep are gathering the flugg around them, we won't see them soon either? LOL.
I hear a red winged outside right now, but usually see them near wetlands or farmland. In fact I rarely see or hear them in town.
A noisy thunder storm and heavy rain blustered it's way through our area a little bit ago. Reports of tornado sightings in other parts of Ohio. I made it home just in time to take Penny on a good long walk before it hit.
I'd been getting my "do" done and running errands.
SHIRLEY, red-winged blackbirds still love Central Ohio, but are seen out in the country. Pretty smart of them to avoid the big cities!
JUDIE, I'm impressed with the progress you and Darth are making! I know how hard it is to get it all done. Stan was a hoarder, but I'm a throw away girl and we never saw eye to eye on that issue. When he died and I began fulfilling our plan for me to move back to Ohio, it took visits from my two daughters and Stan's son to get the job done. I gave so much away to various charities, sold a bunch of stuff and gave friends and relatives a bunch, too. What a job!
SANDI, hope you're feeling much, much better this evening!
Time to decide what's for dinner and then on to the news and Jeopardy.
Have a good evening all!! Prayers for those in need!
Good dreary morning all! Yes it's last. Sorry to be so absent lately, and I have not really been able to keep up with you all either so I surely hope everyone is well.
What's happening here is that we have been getting a LOT of work dumped on us. On Steve, technically since he is the groundskeeper, but SO much that he can't do it by himself and I've been helping him.
There are a lot of trees here, white or Virginia pines maybe...the ones that grow really tall and break easily. There are about 25 or so, and the new owner wanted his barn manager and her crew to remove all of the limbs up to about 20 ft. You can guess how many large, heavy branches that has made that WE have been instructed to clean up.
We have almost finished, as well as kept up with our regular duties here. But Saturday, his barn manager, Michelle, told us that he was likely going to fire us because he doesn't seem to feel that we are able to keep up with everything. HUH???
We had a lively conversation with her for sure. SHE said she could have had it all done in 2 weeks. HERSELF. But we asked if there was a time frame in which it should be finished, she told US that as long as they were removed on the outside of the fence before March 1 and the inside before Steve had to start mowing that was fine. I had to remind of that....and weather and snow pack, and that we were working on them at least 3 hours a day AND our other stuff and have in fact gotten it done as we were told. More branches and trees have come down in the mean time.
She mentioned some big list of things that we were supposed to have gotten that Dr. B wanted done and I told her that we haven't gotten a list in over 2 months, and that everything that was on it was completed. But she insisted there was another that Office Girl was supposed to have given us. We asked her...she knows nothing about it, she says.
I also reminded her that we had wanted a meeting with her and Dr B from the get go to make sure everything was crystal clear about our duties and what was expected of us and that that has never taken place.
I asked her when he was going to decide for sure what would be our fate and she said that she'd relay our conversation to him, which later she said she did, and that he is "thinking about it". Whatever that means.
This is quite a blow. And the last thing we expected. Or should I say, the last thing LYNNE expected. Steve has been skeptical all along. He has thought for some time now that they keep dumping more and more on us so that we will fail and he can get rid of us. Looks like he may be right after all.
So that's what's going on right now. I called the court house to see what the procedure would be. He has to give us a written letter stating he wants us out and he has to give us 30 days. OR, he can go to the court house and try to have us removed as "squatters" which means that the judge would have to decide whether we ever had a right to be here in the first place. Don't think he's going to go to that trouble, nor do I think he'd win that because even though there is no written lease, the judge might want to know why he's let us continue to live here for the past 9 months!
Lynne2, I am so very sorry that this is happening to you. What a mess. Hopefully he will have that conversation with you and Steve that he should have had sooner. Please keep us aware of the happenings and you know we will lift you and Steve up and ask for the best outcome possible.
Do you think our eagles are trying to bury themselves in flugg? Everyday it looks like the nest is becoming deeper and deeper. We might never see the pip!
Oh my goodness, Lynne2. This suggestion may not be possible but perhaps you might request a meeting of all people involved (doctor B, barn manager, office manager, you and Steve) to have everyone explain their understanding of what their jobs requirements are, and what was/was not done by each to include clarification of duties of each person and to whom each of you should report. I am so very sorry for this situation and wish you and Steve the best possible outcome.
Headed for my recliner and then the pillows. Need to tackle the hall coat closet tomorrow. Ugh!
dear sweet LYNNE2 I am so sorry this is happening to you and Steve after all the work both have done to keep that place up. You both have gone through so much. I pray all works out for you and Steve and I agree a meeting is needed between all parties involved. Keeping everything crossed for a good outcome Let us know if we can help in any way.
Long day! Can't believe what time it is where does the day go ?
Had a great day with Jordyn
SANDI hope you are feeling better.
JUDIE so happy you and DARTH are making progress. Don't know if its to late or not but some nursing homes take cards as donations or schools for crafts that is what I do with mine they make ornaments etc with them. Being Angie worked in a nursing home many years ago is how I found about it. And your menu sounds divine I may have to hint to Carl about the chicken Sounds yummy!
SHAR good to see you on here come back more often You are missed as well as your sister/
KAY so happy you got home before the storm! I do so remember storms up in there when I lived there.
Oh, Lynne, I do hope you and Steve are able to work things out with the powers that be. I wouldn't know what to suggest besides the things already mentioned. God bless.
Hi Lynne - I've just read your comments and sure doesn't sound good. I am leery of the Barn Mgr Michelle's intentions - really. It doesn't sound like she has management skills. Or at least communication skills. Have you or Steve personally spoken with the Dr? A meeting surely sounds needed - and I hope he is people savvy! Sounds to me he also needed a tree trimming company in to accomplish that chore. I am going to keep praying for you to have the best possible solution. Keep in touch with us.
Sandi, so sorry you had a miserable morning. Do hope you are better. No, not the way to loose weight. I will stick with diet and walking, thank you!
Lynne, what a mess! I agree with Judie, a meeting of all involved is a must. I think time to have things in writing.
Spent the day in the yard. Luke was so sweet. I put the leash on him. It is long with a heavy handle. I just laid it on the ground and he did not try to go anywhere., Skippi had a hard time though as she is really wanting to go outside. Sigh...... She stayed at the back door and cried. Poor kitty!
LYNNE2 I agree with JO and JUDIE. I mistrusted the msnager's skills and communication abilities from the get go. Write a letter requesting a meeting. Address it to the Dr and deliver it to his manager. Something is not tight. Don't play the I said you said game. Be clear and precise and ask for clarifications as to what your duties are. Be professional and precise. Thinking of you and STEVE.
Deliver the letter not only yo the manager, but also yo the office. There was a secretary that was supposed to send you a list according to the manager... Take it to that level. Copy the manager but don't have her be your go between...she seems to be less than honest and lacks clarity and integrity.
Goodorming my eagle friends. I see one wet eagle in the nest - hasn't moved since I opened the cam so no sign of the eggs.
Lynne2, thanks for sharing what's going on with you and Steve. I agree with the advice you have gotten from others. But I would add that you should not allow Steve and yourself to continue to be taken advantage of. Perhaps the work is being heaped on because someone senses that you are afraid of losing the apartment so s/he knows you can be exploited? Moving may be a better option than the stress of staying and continuing to do what you're doing now. Don't be the victims. Good luck with resolving things and know that we're here for you.
Wanda, if you stop by today, know that I'm thinking about you and wishing you a successful surgery tomorrow!
Judie - 15 years worth of saved Christmas cards??? OK, I won't comment... but it's hard not to.
Pip watch is exciting. Things for Lynne and Steve not so much. I second third and fourth what others have said. Schedule a meeting. Get in writing what they expect of you and what your understanding is of their responsibilities as well. DO NOT take or stay in the victim role. If they do not value and respect you and Steve and what you do then leave. Out there is someone who needs you and will respect you. IF they do not schedule a meeting in a timely manner then you schedule it and tell them what you expect from them. If they do not show up and do their side of this then they never will. Leave. Start making plan 2 now just in case. I am so sorry for the mess. It should not be this way and can not stay this way. I remember how hard you were working in that big snow. I do not like the people you are working for on many different levels.
Have one of my migraines today. Been up since 3:30 am. Going to lie back down but pull up cam. Take care everyone.
Good morning all my eagle budlets. I see no report of a pip so I guess we watch and wait.
On Saturday, I took T-bird to Louisville, Kentucky to see her Aunt Thelma who just found out on Wednesday she had cancer everywhere. They moved her into Hospice on Friday, we saw her on Saturday and she would open her eyes every now and then but was unresponsive. So glad Thelma got to see her because on Sunday afternoon, she passed away. So please keep Thelma and the Elmore family in your prayers. This was T-bird's favorite aunt and the one she was named after. :(
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 241 of 241Good morning to all ♥
I am still keeping an eye out for my Red Winged Blackbird. He usually comes in with other birds and the best part is when he flies in you can see the red/yellow stripe.
No sunshine today - soon it will return I hope.
No plans today so I can watch for a pip. Suzanne Hall (over on the Outdoor comments) and I thought we saw one yesterday when the eggs were rolled BUT it really could have been wet flugg. It was in one of Deb's videos.
A few complaints concerning Zoom; however when everyone views a pip or a hatching I think they will be grateful for the close up view. This is day 35 for the 1st egg.
Sandi SINCE YOU ARE HOME (LOL) hopefully you will capture that winning pic of a PIP.
Whoops - we SPLIT
Time for a fresh new thread - Please and Thank you
Well, Belle seems to have turned her back on me. I guess she didn't like my remarks about the grass dangling from her beak. Please do not tell her that I snapped her picture and posted it on the Momster's page. I do not post there often, and I'm always happy when I figure out how to do it yet again.
Hi Judie,
Happy sorting!
Good morning everyone. I will be watching Cam today off and on. I have to gho out and make a couple copies of my brother-in-laws Will advertisement and mail them out. The Probate process is winding now. Overcast and cool here. Also, I woke up achy, cold and just feeling kinda yucky. Hopefully that will change.
As for the Cam zoom - I like it right now.
Just got a glimpse of one egg and it looked intact as best as I could tell.
Good morning! Went to bed early enough but still slept late! Luke slept with us but Skippi did not. However, she is with me on the chair right now and Luke is on the sofa.
Already 69 and sunny. Headed to upper 80's today. Not good but will help with the standing water.
Luke sleeps with Laurel at home. She has to put him on the bed but he can jump down. Our bed is so high he can not jump down. Lol. At least I know where he is all night! Two more nights and then we take him home Wednesday.
Going to work in the yard today. Going to put Luke on his lease. He stays around but sometimes just wanders off. I get busy and forget to check on him. Lol
Beautiful view of two eggs with no visible pips!
Make that "leash"! Lol
Eggs uncovered and her some calling.
Covered now and looks like Shep may be on eggs now. Both looked intact to me.
Judie, I see one female to 100 male Red-winged Blackbirds. The females are stay at home moms and the guys love to go out flashing their colors. That is my opinion anyway.
Good afternoon everybody. (Still feels like morning to me).
Well, that egg cup looks to be entering China now. Deep, deep, deep. The babies will be fledging before we see them. lol
Not sure I have seen 100 red-winged blackbirds in my entire life. I do not remember noticing them until we moved to Ohio and my husband commented about them because he was used to seeing him when he was growing up in Illinois. We often saw them sitting on fences in the countryside during our Ohio years, and I have seen them from time to time here since I moved into a semi-rural area.
On FB Steve made this comment...........
Surrounded by red winged blackbirds. They're back.
Sharon, Belle is very devious! She has piled the flugg way high! Every time she pulls it higher she glares at the cam as if to say "SEE THERE...I can keep you from seeing them!"
Hi all. Not feeling great became feeling awful shortly after I posted this morning. But after an up close and personal visit with the toilet, followed by a very long visit with the bed, I am feeling OK now. Not ready to conquer the world, but able to get dressed, come downstairs, and even eat toast and jello. Lolly, I am 2 pounds lighter than I was yesterday but I would NOT recommend my morning to anyone just looking to lose weight!
I did discover while I was upstairs using my iPad that, if I am watching it full screen and then minimize the page, I am left with a very small image that allows me to open other pages and still see the live feed. I can even move the image to whatever corner of my iPad that works best so I can multi-task. Very cool feature!! Since Judy has commented about having to go back and forth between pages on her tablet and only being able to see 1 at a time, I just assumed that was true for all tablets.
I don't see many red winged blackbirds right here in South Bethany, though I do hear them. I see them while driving to school since there is a lot of open farmland heading to Selbyville.
Shar, it's good to see you on the blog - please visit more often! And please ask Bev and Thelma to do the same! Our little group here could use some stories from Bluefield!
Speaking of stories, I am very anxious to hear about what's currently going on in Lynne's and Steve's lives.
OK, I have 2 dachshunds that need a bathroom break. Later!
Popping in real quick
Still have Jordyn just got back from the movies Cute show Zootopia
Late night and she still gets up early
I want her energy
SANDI so sorry you aren't feeling to good and OH I sure wish my tablet did that I dislike it so because of it I have no where to minimize at all bummer But so happy you figured yours out I have only had this one tablet and none other as was disappointed in the fact that can't minimize it.
will pop in later
Smooth, quick parent switch just happened. Saw an egg roll - no sign of any pips, no parent looking down at the eggs as if to listen for a sound.
good PIE (3.14) day to one and to all.
Nice warm day here. some sun. some clouds. some showers.
watching the nest. waiting is difficult to do!
glad eagles are so much more patient.
busy day. working on a painting. and also, a small crafty project for my gal pals who will be visiting later this month. chris' son Jaimie, who will be 18 this fall was born with a hole in his heart. it was repaired when he was 3 months old. now, however, they are deciding whether or not to put a stent in or do a by pass. this will be done in june.
I like to have a small gift for them when they visit. its just what we do. I have 2 wine glasses that I am decorating and going to purchase flameless candles candles to put on them.
allergy shot done. math tutoring in a bit.
right now, doggie bath time.
everyone have a great p.m. ~light and love for all.
Good late afternoon.
Spent the day sorting about 200+ holiday/greeting cards that have been unused (left over) to give to Goodwill. Darth has saved all cards received from others for about 15 years so those have been sorted and will be taken to the recycling center. No need to comment. Hoarding is not funny to a non-hoarder. Darth did take to Goodwill all the china and other items used for entertaining before he retired. Still have a few items of silver to donate. Significant progress.
Hi Lynne and hi to Steve: about the blackbirds, maybe we live too close to the city. I'll have to Google. Maybe Steve will arrange for me to pitch a tent at NCTC (close to the nest would work for me) since there are so many blackbirds there.
Sandi, glad you are feeling some better. Take is easy and rest. Hopefully, just a 24 hour bug.
Lolly, somehow my picture of you and Jack and a dog all cuddled together is heartwarming. lol Poor Skippi ):
Hi Shar.
Off to the scullery. Grilled maple-glazed chicken and roasted cauliflower tonight.
I'm watching the nest now on my laptop and agree that those eggs are so deep we won't get a chance to see a pip. The rate Belle and Shep are gathering the flugg around them, we won't see them soon either? LOL.
I hear a red winged outside right now, but usually see them near wetlands or farmland. In fact I rarely see or hear them in town.
Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!
A noisy thunder storm and heavy rain blustered it's way through our area a little bit ago. Reports of tornado sightings in other parts of Ohio. I made it home just in time to take Penny on a good long walk before it hit.
I'd been getting my "do" done and running errands.
SHIRLEY, red-winged blackbirds still love Central Ohio, but are seen out in the country. Pretty smart of them to avoid the big cities!
JUDIE, I'm impressed with the progress you and Darth are making! I know how hard it is to get it all done. Stan was a hoarder, but I'm a throw away girl and we never saw eye to eye on that issue. When he died and I began fulfilling our plan for me to move back to Ohio, it took visits from my two daughters and Stan's son to get the job done. I gave so much away to various charities, sold a bunch of stuff and gave friends and relatives a bunch, too. What a job!
SANDI, hope you're feeling much, much better this evening!
Time to decide what's for dinner and then on to the news and Jeopardy.
Have a good evening all!! Prayers for those in need!
Good dreary morning all! Yes it's last. Sorry to be so absent lately, and I have not really been able to keep up with you all either so I surely hope everyone is well.
What's happening here is that we have been getting a LOT of work dumped on us. On Steve, technically since he is the groundskeeper, but SO much that he can't do it by himself and I've been helping him.
There are a lot of trees here, white or Virginia pines maybe...the ones that grow really tall and break easily. There are about 25 or so, and the new owner wanted his barn manager and her crew to remove all of the limbs up to about 20 ft. You can guess how many large, heavy branches that has made that WE have been instructed to clean up.
We have almost finished, as well as kept up with our regular duties here. But Saturday, his barn manager, Michelle, told us that he was likely going to fire us because he doesn't seem to feel that we are able to keep up with everything. HUH???
We had a lively conversation with her for sure. SHE said she could have had it all done in 2 weeks. HERSELF. But we asked if there was a time frame in which it should be finished, she told US that as long as they were removed on the outside of the fence before March 1 and the inside before Steve had to start mowing that was fine. I had to remind of that....and weather and snow pack, and that we were working on them at least 3 hours a day AND our other stuff and have in fact gotten it done as we were told. More branches and trees have come down in the mean time.
She mentioned some big list of things that we were supposed to have gotten that Dr. B wanted done and I told her that we haven't gotten a list in over 2 months, and that everything that was on it was completed. But she insisted there was another that Office Girl was supposed to have given us. We asked her...she knows nothing about it, she says.
I also reminded her that we had wanted a meeting with her and Dr B from the get go to make sure everything was crystal clear about our duties and what was expected of us and that that has never taken place.
I asked her when he was going to decide for sure what would be our fate and she said that she'd relay our conversation to him, which later she said she did, and that he is "thinking about it". Whatever that means.
This is quite a blow. And the last thing we expected. Or should I say, the last thing LYNNE expected. Steve has been skeptical all along. He has thought for some time now that they keep dumping more and more on us so that we will fail and he can get rid of us. Looks like he may be right after all.
So that's what's going on right now. I called the court house to see what the procedure would be. He has to give us a written letter stating he wants us out and he has to give us 30 days. OR, he can go to the court house and try to have us removed as "squatters" which means that the judge would have to decide whether we ever had a right to be here in the first place. Don't think he's going to go to that trouble, nor do I think he'd win that because even though there is no written lease, the judge might want to know why he's let us continue to live here for the past 9 months!
oh duh, I wrote this this AM and forgot to send!
Belle was almost asleep and something came by and woke her up. I love seeing them so clearly. I could see her eyes closing.
Lynne2, I am so very sorry that this is happening to you. What a mess. Hopefully he will have that conversation with you and Steve that he should have had sooner. Please keep us aware of the happenings and you know we will lift you and Steve up and ask for the best outcome possible.
Do you think our eagles are trying to bury themselves in flugg? Everyday it looks like the nest is becoming deeper and deeper. We might never see the pip!
Oh my goodness, Lynne2. This suggestion may not be possible but perhaps you might request a meeting of all people involved (doctor B, barn manager, office manager, you and Steve) to have everyone explain their understanding of what their jobs requirements are, and what was/was not done by each to include clarification of duties of each person and to whom each of you should report. I am so very sorry for this situation and wish you and Steve the best possible outcome.
Headed for my recliner and then the pillows. Need to tackle the hall coat closet tomorrow. Ugh!
Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.
dear sweet LYNNE2 I am so sorry this is happening to you and Steve after all the work both have done to keep that place up. You both have gone through so much. I pray all works out for you and Steve and I agree a meeting is needed between all parties involved. Keeping everything crossed for a good outcome Let us know if we can help in any way.
Long day! Can't believe what time it is where does the day go ?
Had a great day with Jordyn
SANDI hope you are feeling better.
JUDIE so happy you and DARTH are making progress. Don't know if its to late or not but some nursing homes take cards as donations or schools for crafts that is what I do with mine they make ornaments etc with them. Being Angie worked in a nursing home many years ago is how I found about it. And your menu sounds divine I may have to hint to Carl about the chicken Sounds yummy!
SHAR good to see you on here come back more often You are missed as well as your sister/
KAY so happy you got home before the storm! I do so remember storms up in there when I lived there.
Gonna go watch some mind numbing TV
Winding down for the evening. . .
Oh, Lynne, I do hope you and Steve are able to work things out with the powers that be. I wouldn't know what to suggest besides the things already mentioned. God bless.
Need to stay awake for awhile since I have clothes in the washer and dryer. I do not like to sleep with machinery running in my house.
Hi Lynne - I've just read your comments and sure doesn't sound good.
I am leery of the Barn Mgr Michelle's intentions - really. It doesn't sound like she has management skills. Or at least communication skills.
Have you or Steve personally spoken with the Dr? A meeting surely sounds needed - and I hope he is people savvy!
Sounds to me he also needed a tree trimming company in to accomplish that chore.
I am going to keep praying for you to have the best possible solution. Keep in touch
with us.
I have been at the TV this evening.
It seems my days are going very fast.
Goodnight and Sleep well ♥
Getting on to say goodnight!
Sandi, so sorry you had a miserable morning. Do hope you are better. No, not the way to loose weight. I will stick with diet and walking, thank you!
Lynne, what a mess! I agree with Judie, a meeting of all involved is a must. I think time to have things in writing.
Spent the day in the yard. Luke was so sweet. I put the leash on him. It is long with a heavy handle. I just laid it on the ground and he did not try to go anywhere., Skippi had a hard time though as she is really wanting to go outside. Sigh...... She stayed at the back door and cried. Poor kitty!
Past bedtime! See you tomorrow! SED!
LYNNE2 I agree with JO and JUDIE.
I mistrusted the msnager's skills and communication abilities from the get go.
Write a letter requesting a meeting. Address it to the Dr and deliver it to his manager.
Something is not tight. Don't play the I said you said game. Be clear and precise and ask for clarifications as to what your duties are. Be professional and precise.
Thinking of you and STEVE.
SANDI I am glad you are better.
Deliver the letter not only yo the manager, but also yo the office. There was a secretary that was supposed to send you a list according to the manager... Take it to that level. Copy the manager but don't have her be your go between...she seems to be less than honest and lacks clarity and integrity.
Goodorming my eagle friends. I see one wet eagle in the nest - hasn't moved since I opened the cam so no sign of the eggs.
Lynne2, thanks for sharing what's going on with you and Steve. I agree with the advice you have gotten from others. But I would add that you should not allow Steve and yourself to continue to be taken advantage of. Perhaps the work is being heaped on because someone senses that you are afraid of losing the apartment so s/he knows you can be exploited? Moving may be a better option than the stress of staying and continuing to do what you're doing now. Don't be the victims. Good luck with resolving things and know that we're here for you.
Wanda, if you stop by today, know that I'm thinking about you and wishing you a successful surgery tomorrow!
Judie - 15 years worth of saved Christmas cards??? OK, I won't comment... but it's hard not to.
Back to school for me - have a greyt day all.
Pip watch is exciting. Things for Lynne and Steve not so much. I second third and fourth what others have said. Schedule a meeting. Get in writing what they expect of you and what your understanding is of their responsibilities as well. DO NOT take or stay in the victim role. If they do not value and respect you and Steve and what you do then leave. Out there is someone who needs you and will respect you. IF they do not schedule a meeting in a timely manner then you schedule it and tell them what you expect from them. If they do not show up and do their side of this then they never will. Leave. Start making plan 2 now just in case. I am so sorry for the mess. It should not be this way and can not stay this way. I remember how hard you were working in that big snow. I do not like the people you are working for on many different levels.
Have one of my migraines today. Been up since 3:30 am. Going to lie back down but pull up cam. Take care everyone.
Good morning all my eagle budlets. I see no report of a pip so I guess we watch and wait.
On Saturday, I took T-bird to Louisville, Kentucky to see her Aunt Thelma who just found out on Wednesday she had cancer everywhere. They moved her into Hospice on Friday, we saw her on Saturday and she would open her eyes every now and then but was unresponsive. So glad Thelma got to see her because on Sunday afternoon, she passed away. So please keep Thelma and the Elmore family in your prayers. This was T-bird's favorite aunt and the one she was named after. :(
718 miles in 1 day. Still tired.
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