Thursday, April 16, 2015


Fresh thread.


Barbara said...

It's meeeeeeeeeeeee again... I'm going to have a whole head-dress of feathers. The kids must have had a good breakfast because they are all spread out napping in the sunshine. Hopefully, they will be growing feathers soon so their skin will be protected...

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Thanks for the new thread Steve. Make it a good day. Patches and I are off to coffee and dog treats. Then some yard work and just maybe a walk at the Marina. She is starting to enjoy that "Let's go for a ride" idea :-)

grannyblt said...

Good morning all. Hoping to watch our eaglets some of the time today but I really need to spend some time in the yard. I cut all of my daffodils for a nice bouquet for the living room. Not enough of them to make for a pretty show outside.

Glo, Patches must be in doggie heaven to have found such a wonderful new life.

Hope we all have a happy day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Just signing in for the day and very happy to see a fresh new thread. Thank you Steve - weekend is almost here.

Congratulations Barbara on your most recent feather! I need to go back one and read comments from the Early Birds.

Glo - Patches is quite a companion for all your activities.

Lynne those daffodils should spread and soon you will have a bright yellow display in your yard. My forsythia is in full bloom and the dogwoods will soon be in full bloom!

Mema Jo said...

Hello CarolAnne ! I am happy to see you ! I hope all is turning green out there in Wisconsin! Think of you often. ♥

Mema Jo said...

WOW! We have grown overnight in our donations towards the new eagle cam..

Collected: $2,320.00
Goal: $5,000.00 46%

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Thursday thread.

Congratulations on the new feather, Barbara.

Can't wait to find out if Shirley gets a new phone today. Hope all her information is retrieved.

Glo, have fun with Patches. You two will soon be a regular pair on the morning outings.

Today, my alter ego will be here. Here name is Laura Laundry. She does an excellent job but I still must supervise. Tonight, Darth and I are headed to dinner at our future retirement community.

Sunshine, blue sky, cherry tree changing from blossoms to leaves, forsythia blooming.

Could not get the nest cam open this morning. Will try again now. Loon nest is empty. Seems some concern about the loons not spending time on the nest.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Anyone else having trouble getting the cam? All I can get is a black screen.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

I have the still and live feed up Judie.

Our nest looks really tidy!

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, Hope you enjoy the dinner and the company.

Eaglets plotzed at the 9 spot, side by side.

glo said...

OMG Absolute almost heart attack. As I was showing the fence folks where to put the posts in, Patches pushed her way out the back door. gate was open and off she went. THANK GOD my neighbors saw her and took off after her. Chased her through three yards before she would respond to his come. SO SCARED So Greatful. Li'l stinker will have her fenced in yard finished soon. ok Thanks for listening. I can not believe this just happened.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, that's scary Glo.

My first dog I had in a townhouse with a fenced back yard. Let him out back. Neighborhood kids opened the gate and let him out. Searched all evening. Cops picked him up 2 miles away from the house and I got him back the next morning.

Mema Jo said...

Glo - heart failure for sure.
I get so upset reading about all the
lost dogs and cats that I for sure
did not want to see Missing Patches.
Thank the Lord for conscientious

Mema Jo said...

Judie Both my cams are up running
Hope you get them up - beautiful day at the nest: it is clear and almost 64° with winds at 2mph.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Congratulations on the new feather, Barbara.

Oh my, Clo. That is scary. You do need that new fence pronto. When I had my fence put up, I had three gates built, but I had them all placed so I can see them from the window in the kitchen. It has helped, although Luna did manage to make an escape fairly recently. If she gets loose in the neighborhood, she just keeps wandering and enjoying all of the wonderful smells. Basset hounds are good at that.

Janet, in answer to your question about Hunter--what can I say? There are times when he is just delightful and other times when he tests my skills at staying patient. He is not going to be happy when he comes home from school. He left his Easter candy on the sofa and Luna found it before I got home. I found a mess of ripped packages. She worked very fast. Yesterday, Hunter gut upset because I had moved his candy. I did not even remember having done it because I moved a lot of things. He somehow seems to think I have some kind of ulterior motive in moving his stuff--he says I am the only one who does this. Well, at least I do not eat it all up and trow bits of ripped packages everywhere.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your dinner, Judie.

I just checked the info on my phone and it says I should have it by 8:00 this evening. Not too bad.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, Blogger Cop ate my message. Just wanted to correct my typo, but maybe the Blogger Cop likes Clo.

Sandi said...

Hi all - quick check in from school to find a new thread. Thanks Steve!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

No roof action today don't know why and don't care LOL

Judie said...

Okay, I hit refresh 2 or 3 times and the screen opened to the nest. See two eaglets plotzed in the sunshine with parent on guard.

Shirley, amazed that Luna didn't get really sick.

Glo, my sympathy for your anxiety. Those of us with animal children can appreciate how frightening an escape can be. So happy Patches was safely captured.

Thank you. The community dining room is a full service restaurant with very good food. We are going to be joined by a couple that has let us tour their cottage 3 times before making a commitment. Our treat to thank them for their hospitality.

Laundry underway. Laura the Laundress was a bit slow to get started today. Now to wait - newspaper beckons.

JudyEddy said...

On Facebook Angie posted a picture of a BOY and JORDYN

she has been talking about him for months and she has even written him a note and sealed it but Angie didn't get to read it What can a 7yrs old say now huh

He is a older man lOL he is in his last year school there so she will have to get over it for next year

He apparently is in the lunch room in before care and sits with the kids and all the girls love love him So sweet that he took a pic wit Jordyn he has a beeber hair cut looks like Justin also

JudyEddy said...

Let me know if you can or can't see the picture I shared it to my wall

JudyEddy said...

sounds like something is going on in the attic HP one chick is lookin gup

JudyEddy said...

LOL looking up my g got misplaced

JudyEddy said...

adult just left and kids are plotzed I am heading out for a bit Will take tablet Odd last night at the tower in the parking lot I got wifi a guest one may be from company that are in the building there It doesn't say no trespassing like the one sign does next door

JudyEddy said...

one eaglet is moving flugg

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for the fresh thread, to SANDI for making sure any old thread hangers on-ers got the word and congrats to Barbara on the new feather!!!

Wow, GLO and SHIRLEY---two not so shaggy dog stories today---nothing puts a heart in the throat as much as a "runaway dog" does. And, it's pretty scary to think of what may be ahead for Luna due to the impromptu Easter treats find.

So happy to hear the cam funding is picking up again!

JUDIE, you are so lucky to have Laura the Laundress! It's hard to get good household help these days! Enjoy dinner with your "new" friends--what nice people they are.

JUDY, I hope Jordyn's young crush does not ACT like Bieber!

It's a cloudy day, in the 50's and with rain due off and on. Pretty much what an April day should be in Central Ohio.

Not much on my agenda, just working around the rain with outings and hoping to get a lot of Eagle watching in.

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

KAY Angie said he was such a sweet kid Didn't act like a snob and was willing to take a pic with a kindergartner LOL

JudyEddy said...

had to take a phone call now I will try to leave lol

Kay said...

Oops, sorry I didn't edit before hitting "publish" for it's CarolAnne who needs the call over thank you. So good to "see" you once in a while CarolAnne and I hope you know you're on the permanent prayer list. I love having my cookbook reminder of your love and grace.

JudyEddy said...

so happy you pointed that CA did the call over I would have never seen it because when I woke my puter had shut down with a update last night and I went right away to the new THREAD didn't see who called over

HI CA we miss you and you are always in my heart and sending healing thoughts your way

Kay said...

That is sweet, JUDY! I'm so glad the little boy is neither a snob nor a Bieberish slob! His parents are in for quite a ride if he's already bowling the girls over!

Kay said...

It seems like we can see our eaglets change and grow right before our eyes! Big differences each and every day. Good to see them full as ticks and enjoying the sunshine!

paula eagleholic said...

Good to see you CA...hope you come back soon and stay awhile :)

Finally sunny and pretty here today!

paula eagleholic said...

Parents in nest...big fish!!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep is panting the hardest, so I'll give him credit for the catch :)

Belle, of course, is ready to take over anytime....and she does :)

Belle and fish at the 11 spot

paula eagleholic said...

Kids are getting fed

paula eagleholic said...

Shep gone

JudyEddy said...

sitting here reading the blog not to much to read Waiting for the eagle to come up out of the tower

Wifi is really iffy here but I can get on really week putting tab down other wise might miss action in the tower I can hear both of them but can't see them

JudyEddy said...

The people that are here say they parents only show up in the evening and the am and they don't have a issue with me being on property after closing That is good to know

can't get the live feed on the tablet here in the parking lot odd I can get fb and the blog but no camera must have to do with strength of the wifi to play the feeds huh caught up on reading and giving up on the chicks must be napping all quite going to run to walker Ford tower to see if they are there also
and will be able to get guest access at ford maybe will be outside don't know if it will pick up in parking lot will try

Mema Jo said...

Up 2% points

2:47 Thursday Collected: $2,375.00

Goal: $5,000.00 48%

We are moving forward!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding again at the 10 spot

Great news on the donation response for our cam!

paula eagleholic said...

I believe it was someone in the Friends of NCTC group that encouraged NCTC to put up the cam in the first place. Glad they are finally moving forward on the project.

paula eagleholic said...

Sun shining on the nest :)

Kids still eating

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like they are eating off of a new whale or two.

paula eagleholic said...

Kids are plotzed with their heads under Shep. He remains on guard at the 12 spot with the remains of 2 fish.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

If I didn't know better, I would say these eaglets are suckling. :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Is there a deadline on this fundraiser? I can't really do anything for a couple of weeks.

Mema Jo said...

Friends NCTC emailed me and that is one of the questions I have asked.
I'll let you know what I find out.

Barbara said...

There are parts of two giant fish at about 11, and a parent. Gotta love those giant yellow feetsies! Do they have claws already?

paula eagleholic said...

Eatin time again!

And a nice healthy PS

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, they do have talons already! They are born with them!

Mema Jo said...

Getting a few sprinkles
Evening has started - news time


Janet said...

good evening all.

JO: I would like that answer as well. I get paid the 21st and would like to donate.

Its been a busy day.

Right now, Olivia is supposed to leave to go to a movie, but she is still fighting with this math problem. I think if her attitude were better we would let he go. But she has been a stinkpot today, attitude wise. So she may not get to see this movie. Kind of sad as it is a one night only showing.

But she didn't start her math til afternoon and has an attitude with it....soooo not sure how this will turn out.

BTW its division.

I was most pleased with the work that I accomplished today. I think of myself as a facilitator of relaxation and wellness. I can't MAKE someone relax or heal, but I can facilitate the journey. I can "walk " beside them and assist them.

So my first client comes in this morning 8 a.m. with a massive migraine. By 10 when the session was done, she went from a 10+ in pain to a 1. :) :) :)
I love days like this. I feel as if I am making a difference.

Anyway, not a lot else going on.

JUDYE: so sweet that Miss Jordyn has a crush.

and run away pooches. don't tell my crew!

everyone have a lovely evening!

NCSuzan said...

Good Evening everyone!

Judie, hope you and Darth have a lovely dinner.

Shirley, so sorry you are having phone issues. Hope you get it all straightened out soon.

Made a donation toward the cam. Wish I had more to give but won't it be wonderful to have that new camera and all the extras? Have missed our family at nighttime.

Hope all are well and enjoying spring. Has been wet here. Take care all.

Judie said...

Good late evening.

The evening was very nice. Couple who joined us has lived at Westminster for some years and are quite knowledgeable. They have been a tremendous source of information about preparations, downsizing, and transitioning as well as offering us some "insider" knowledge.

Laura the Laundress did not complete her assignment today. I will step in tomorrow AFTER I go foraging for sustenance.

Headed for the pillows soon. Sandperson is packed and ready to depart.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

I just checked out the donations:

4/16 10pm Update on Eagle Cam Fund Raiser..................

Collected: $2,475.00

50% We are half way to our goal of $5000.00

So grateful for all the donations from all of our NCTC eagle fans.

Mema Jo said...

Janet it sounds like you have the magic touch!
I will let you know about the length of the fund raiser - I think it will run longer then just this month.

TY Suzan - all amounts are important to the success of the total amount donated. No amount is too small is what I am trying to say.

Mema Jo said...

I am closing down for the day

Goodnight to all ♥

Lolly said...

About to hit the sack and thought I better at least say good night! Had a busy day! Went to church early to do some out door landscape clean up! Had four women to join me. We got a lot done but have more to do. They gave up before I did, so I quit before it was finished.

Then I went to a nursery, purchased some plants and came home and planted 5 flats of begonias and Impatiens. Also, our Caladium bulbs arrived today so we have that job facing us. Never a dull moment in the spring!

CarolAnn!!!!! 😍 Loved seeing that you took a short peek in!! Miss you!

Ok, my body is telling me to put it to bed!

Night all! SED!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's getting late, but wanted to drop in and say hello. Worked all day on transcription, and got it all finished and sent back to the doctor. Phew! Now I'll have tomorrow and the weekend all to myself, without that to be concerned about.

It was hot here today--high of about 85! It's still about 70 outside. Supposed to be 80 tomorrow, with a gradual cool-down. By next Wednesday we're supposed to have a chance of rain!

Goodness, we have THREE feral cats that keep hanging around our back yard! One's a brown tabby, one's all black, and one's a black and white tuxedo kitty. I didn't put any birdseed out for about 3 days, and didn't see the cats. Now that I'm feeding the birds again, the cats are showing up at times, too. Any suggestions, anyone? I'm feeling a bit desperate.

Well, getting to the point where my eyes are refusing to focus properly. Guess I'd better say goodnight. Have SED, and restful sleep. God bless! I ♥ us!!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - TGIF.

Taking off a 1/4 day this afternoon to get home, pack, and get on the road to WV to visit Freyja for the weekend ... oh yeah, AND Brian & Lynnis.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

quick good morning to all. feeling lazy this morning, but need to get moving.

yes, Olivia did get to go to her movie last night.....but wow was still surly when she got home.

she missed the first 5 min of the movie.

*sigh* being the parent of a teenager is so much FUN. lol.

have a great day to all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Surliness--Oh yes, I know about that.
Almost time to take my surly grandson to school. He does respond to my "good morning" these days. For awhile, he would not do that. I guess that is progress.

Just finished my first cup of coffee, so my brain is beginning to work.


stronghunter said...

Back from delivering Hunter to school and now watching two ungainly young eagles in their nest. It is truly amazing how fast they grow.

stronghunter said...

I have a request.

I did get my new phone yesterday, and I took it over to the ATandT store for help getting it going, but all they could do was transfer the sim card to my new phone.

It seems that I should have been saving the contact list to the sim card, but I was not. I was saving it, but somehow not to the card. So, I need to re-do the list.

Please do not put your phone number on this blog, but I would appreciate it if you could put it on my email or on the Momster mail.


stronghunter said...

Huge cam shake. Parent must be sitting there.

stronghunter said...

The young guy at the phone store looked to be maybe 20 years old. I was pretty upset when he couldn't transfer the information to my new phone, and he explained to me how, when I come across my friends, I need to ask for their phone numbers, and ask them if they could give me the numbers of others we both know. He really sounded like he was suggesting a concept entirely new to me. I listened patiently. Wonder if he really thought I hadn't thought of this concept on my own??????

Barbara said...

Those babies are sure comical... They are in a newly-renovated large bowl together. One is on its back pecking at its own belly fluff... And yes, they are huge, and of course those giant yellow feetsies! They move their wings a lot, which I guess is their physical therapy and strengthening...

We have a 3-day weekend here in Maine. We and Massachusetts are the only states that have a public holiday for Patriot's Day on Monday. That is the traditional day for the Boston Marathon also.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all.

Shirley, I guess I don't know how to save to my SIM card. I thought that was what a SIM card did--save info. Whenever I have gotten a new phone everything has transferred. Of course maybe that is an Apple thing.
I think you can probably find several of our phone numbers on the Momster blog list that Jo did for us a few years ago.

paula eagleholic said...

I thought that bowl looked renovated, Barbara. They sure are cute aren't they :)

paula eagleholic said...



Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday to all !

Squirrels, blue jays, cardinals and
many other critters are here this am. I've noticed that the robins this year are so plump! They must have had a good winter somewhere.

Sandi I am sure you are anxious to get to WV - Freyja probably has many new things to show you since you last saw her. At her age children seem to develope in many ways.

Mema Jo said...

Both the eaglets are 'sitting' on their tails at the 11 position.
I do love this stage of their growth. Can you imagine them questioning why their feet are so
yellow and large?

Mema Jo said...

Judie - sounds like you are going to have very nice new neighbors! Happy for you and Frank.

Janet - Happy that the math got finished and Olivia only missed the first 5 minutes! I'm sure that will be held against you for a long time

Shirley - I haven't had any experience with transferring info from one phone to another...but all the kids have had that done one time or another. I think I would want an answer from someone more experienced. However; this younger generation seems to know lots more then I do.

Mema Jo said...

Barbara - the Boston Marathon this year is scheduled for April 20th - Monday.
I am praying for all those runners and spectators to be safe. ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They brought pluckable brunch in and I think they are still in the process of making it not be alive anymore. EEEKKKK!

Good morning my favorite eagle budlets. Hope all is well in your world!

Kay said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning, Eagle Buds!!!

Our adorable eaglets sure to favor that 11 o'clock spot!

SANDI, wishng you safe travel and a glorious weekend with Freyja and her parents!

SHIRLEY, what a hassle with the phone and just when you're trying to get everything in order for the big trip! Arrrrgggghhhhh!

The cam fund raising is looking good! We just might fund it completely by the end of the month.

Wow both parents arrive at the nest at the same time, one with a meal, but can't see what it is. A brief glimpse---did not look like a fish.

paula eagleholic said...

Both parents in the on the stump...looks like parent at 11 spot working on food...oh maybe defurring...parent on stump just flew off... looks like Belle in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley...I think you can set the option to save to the sim card

Yes...defurring...can't tell what tho

Mema Jo said...

Paula - where is the b-day party being held? I remember your excitement knowing you had a granddaughter !

Kay said...

You got a better look than I, SHAR---pluckable, eh? The prep kitchen is out of sight!

ANDY, feral cats must be after the critters the bird seed attracts. I've no experience with such kitties, but hope others can help you out!

Feral cats, surly teens and pesky mice. Lots of patience needed with all!

Prayers for all in need!!!!


paula eagleholic said...

Jo, party is at John and Ajay's house...should be a pretty day for one :)

paula eagleholic said...

Parent hanging in the nest with the kids...

glo said...

Good mid morning. Some yardwork already done. Trip to hardware for padlock for fence gate. I do not trust Patches or a few of my neighbor hood kids :-( Going to give Patches a bath today (as if we aren't both still a little traumatized from yesterday) but going up near 80 today and cold nest week. So bath it is Why do I think I am going to get REALLY wet bathing this one

stronghunter said...

Well, I found the option to save on the sim card, so I clicked on it. Funny how people just assume a person knows to do this and knows how to do it.

stronghunter said...

Yes, when I get hold of a Momster list, I'll get phone numbers from there. I think it in in Karhryn's computer. I did switch computers recently, too.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Glo, we put a padlock on our gates, too--originally. I think the one on the gate in the back is rusted shut, and we don't have locks on the other two anymore. That is one reason I check the gates whenever I think about it. One gate is being held shut with a chunk of firewood, but that seems to be okay as long as I keep an eye on it.

stronghunter said...

Parent and kids still in the nest.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I have noticed a colony of feral cats near a shopping center we frequent. There are some shelters there, and we often see cats. Recently I saw one with no tail crossing the parking area.

Judie said...

Good almost afternoon.

Beauteous sunshine and blue sky here. Lots of birds and a couple of Bambettes.

Eaglets were plotzed in the sunshine with adult standing guard.

Sandi, safe travels and lots of fun.

Paula, hope the birthday party is just wonderful. Enjoy.

Glo, maybe you and Patches can have a contest to see which one of you gets the wettest.

Shirley, will send email with phone. Sure hope all the data can be restored.

Andy, seeds attract prey for ferals.

Jo, the people we have met at Westminster are all very nice. I especially like the sense of community.

Headed out with Darth to find mulch and forage for food.

Wish everyone a lovely afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

I just checked the Fund Raiser:


Collected: $2,560.00
Goal: $5,000.00 -

Thanks to all who have donated and also to those that will be donating !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think the children are needing some shade and I need them to not be so close to the edge, at 9 o'clock position. They sure are panting hard.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is that shade I was talking about.

Mema Jo said...

We are not the only nest this season to have a heartbreak...

Critical Watch Alert – sad loss of an eaglet at Ft St Vrain
April 17, 2015 — bald eagle, birds, Eagle, eaglecam, Ft St. Vrain, nature, raptors

Sadly, it looks like we have lost one of the eaglets at Ft St Vrain. The other eaglet seems to be doing hanging in and was seen eating and active earlier. The weather has just been brutal and the parents have been heroic in protecting both eaglets. But it appears that it wasn’t enough. This is just so hard. Sometimes it feels like all I am reporting is this sad stuff. sigh. Thankfully there are lots of thriving nests that are a joy to watch too. As we always say, it is nature and it is real. Some days more real than we’d like than others. Sorry for the editorializing, not the news I wanted to report on my bday – or any other day really. Critical watch alert since the perished eaglet is visible in the nest bowl area.

stronghunter said...

Very sad to read that, Jo.

My goodness, our eaglets are close to the edge. But the crib rails seem to be built up pretty well there. Geesh, one has its head up against that whitewashed branch. Yuck.

stronghunter said...

Heard some eagle calls and hurried over to the cam page to see what might be happening. I can see two eaglets nestled up against one of the adults, but the adult is only partially visible in that part of the nest. Nothing seems amiss. It is quiet now.

stronghunter said...

Well, Judie, it was beauteous earlier today, but now it is pouring rain.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - is there a rainbow?

We still have a bright blue sky with puffy white clouds. But an hour from
now - who knows!

I am thinking that Sandi and Denny have their hands full of their little gal! Perhaps Sandi will post
this evening.

Judie said...

Good evening.

No rain here, Shirley. It is warm, relatively speaking.

Hope Sandi, et al had a safe drive and are happily enjoying Miss Freyja.

I think Paula must drive, also. Safe trip, please and thank you.

Very sad about the Ft. St. Vrain eaglet. The eagle population rebound is so wonderful but still hate when a little does not survive.

Today's adventure led to the acquisition of a few more garden herbs and mulch. Groceries were purchased.

Dinner over and scullery restored to order.

Feet going up.

Sandperson is slinking to the hall closet to fill a large satchel with sleepy dust.

Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Oh, almost forgot. Shirley, how's the vacation paperwork coming along?

Bye and goodnight.

Judie said...

Oh, almost forgot something else. The new Lady of the Loch has produced a second egg.

Janet said...

good evening all. tired 'round these parts, heading to dent some pillows shortly.

JO: yes, i'm sure in her head tom and I are at fault for her missing 5 min of the movie. such is life.

I am sure SANDI is in her bliss right now with Miss Freyja. :)

JUDYE: enjoying that new roof?

It has been just a crazy week. If any of you have ever run down a sand dune (and if you haven't I don't suggest it)...that's how I have felt this week. Running fast fast faster faster to try to keep balanced on the ever shifting sands......and today I guess I hit the brick wall. Just plain old tired. Not so much from work, but just everything else!

I had a now show at work today, so I took a co worker with me and we ran to Walmart to pick up a few things we needed around the office.

Kept me awake!

Was tired tonight so made sandwiches for dinner. I had pastrami on rye with sauerkraut and CHEESE! yumm.

To all, have sweet big yellow eaglet feetsies dreams....


Mema Jo said...

I did watch some TV this evening - it was On Demand.

I am ready to close down for the evening
Hoping all is well with everyone

Goodnight to ALl ♥

JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle buds just got home and took a shower before I dared sat down in front of computer

SIS only have a half a roof the rest will be done on MON I love it I love the colors so pretty and I am getting the carport done also I think Long story!! Had a nice day not at the house off course to noise here I went to a new cell tower eagle nest and it is nice right over a intersection so you can get up close and personal School bus depot is right across form it and its a busy intersection I want to get with Sue to see how many more tower eagle nest there are I now know of 5

Lolly said...

Hi all! Interesting day here. Worked in the yard, mowed, etc and Jack spread fertilizer. Must be living right 'cause then we received over an Inch of rain!

We got rid of the more. But, now we have evidence of termites! Lovely, just lovely. Man was here today and he will be here in a week for treatment. Groan........

Also, might be serving on jury duty. Received a card in the mail and had to go on line to fill out a questionnaire.
Not happy about that.

Did not look at the cam today, was so busy and trying to limit screen time.

Going to sleep tonight thankful for the rain! CarolAnne, I did shake the rain stick!

Night all! SED!

JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

good morning all. JUDYE: sounds as if you had a super day! I know you will be glad when that roof is done I didn't know anyone knew anything but gravel and tar roofs in Flordia, lol.

work today. feeling more human. always so tired on Fridays! ready to rock some massage! everyone, hugs and love, enjoy your day!

WVJerry said...

Good morning all. Watching two eaglets relaxing in a shady spot now. My vacation is slowly winding down. Need to mow grass today and might try and do some fishing. Looks like it might be a little rainy tonight and tomorrow. I noticed Shirley having some phone issues. Not sure about I-Phones but on Android you can log-in to Gmail account and then do a Sync that brings in Contacts. At least I think that is how it works.

WVJerry said...

One parent feeding now.

Judie said...

Good morning to everyone.

Two eaglets having breakfast in the shade.

Sunshine and blue sky here. May try to get outside to spread some mulch.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all on this beautiful
day! Our yard got its first mowing
Yesterday at the feed were the little
brilliant yellow Gold Finches. So

Don't overdo yourselves today.

Sandi said...

Good almost afternoon from Ranson WV. Been up since 6:30 but just finding time to hop onto the blog. Have been busy with Freyja, dogs, chickens, pigs, donkeys, breakfast and dishes. Brian and Lynnis are still asleep. Hoping to take a hike somewhere this afternoon the weather is just about perfect! Have a great day all.

glo said...

Kind of long night and tough morning. Patches may be having a reaction to her flea meds. Not sure. Has not really had a normal stool since Wed and up with her twice in the night. So we went into be checked out. It's hard when you have only had her 3 weeks. Could be the bath yesterday although that doesn't explain the other days, could be the new treats neighbor got that I let him give to her. We didn't go there this morning so no new treat today or tomorrow or at all for a pretty long time. Vet gave her fluids and did cbc to rule out anything else but probably is the Nexguard. We have some meds to stop the diarrhea too. She is so tiny I just couldn't wait til Monday . It could have made for a really long weekend.

Judie said...

Checking in.

Sandi, hope you get some outdoor time with the beauteous weather. Perhaps Miss Freyja will want to shlep along.

Glo, very sorry about Patches not feeling well. Some medications do have an adverse effect. Hope the problem is resolved quickly. Very sorry.

Jo, thank you so much for sharing -- must have been you as the tiny yellow birds have been around all morning.

Nest is quiet. So am I. May allow myself to snooze for a few.


glo said...

Well Vet called. Patches does have an elevated liver enzyme. We do not know if it was elevated before the Nexguard or if that triggered it. We do know no more Nexguard and will recheck blood in a month or so. Liver issues are prevalent in Maltese.

stronghunter said...


Just a quick message before I start getting ready to go out this evening. I will be going to see "Driving Miss Daisy" at the theater in Val's neighborhood. We're also meeting for dinner at the clubhouse there.

I am making progress on getting the paperwork done for the trip this fall. Sent off a letter requesting a new certified copy of my birth certificate. Interestingly, there were all kinds of links to places to get the copy. At the top of the list was a place that will get it for you for $139.00. I went to the .gov site and ended up paying $10. Think I mentioned this before, but, wow. It's one reason I waited a few days. Just had to think about that for a bit.

stronghunter said...

Hope Patches recovers quickly, Glo.

Judie said...

Wow, Glo. Hugs for Patches and for you.

Shirley, have fun tonight.

Eaglets are basking in the afternoon sun. A bit too close to the crib rail but my arm's too short to reach out and move them.

Where's Kay? Has she run off with Seth? Has she been dognapped by Penny and Malcolm?

NatureNut said...

Good afternoon Eagle Buds. Been watching chicks--never saw so many huge elbows!

Put a couple eagle pics that I didn't post before in the Nook. Didn't have time to put some on before because HAD to show that bobble on the last post! I did get a pic of a blob in center of nest the other day, but it's so blurry, looking at the branches would make you feel like you're falling out of a tree!

Had an amazing sighting yesterday at Chelsea Farm Office. Pics to come!

Glo, hope your little furbaby totally improves. We've been busy w/the Vet this week~~~2 patients went to clinic. Punkin went to get "fixed" which is a normal thing, but one of the semi-wild little kittens, Tiger, had an awful looking rash and fur loss under her chin. She just came home. Luckily, vet says it's not contagious. Wasn't fleas or mites--perhaps a type of placque. Will have to sharpen our zoo skills to try & dose her and apply ointment twice a day. Told Fubby, see what setting out Purina for little visitors will get you???

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

JUDIE, you make me smile and I love you for it!

I helped Julie with Meals on Wheels today as her usual helper, Seth, elected to stay on campus---he's saw a play last night and is cheering Otterbein's softball team on at this moment. So happy that he's a happy student there.

After MOW we went to Julie's and shared lunch---outdoors at the picnic table---with Hugh---it
s 80° out there! After eating, Hugh and I headed for my place. He cleaned and repaired the downspouts and gutters along the eaves that matter to me. The condo assc. is supposed to do some things, but they take forever to move on such requests and every now and then Hugh just takes the bull by the horn! He measured my front and back doors and will be replacing weather stripping soon. What a grand SIL!

Now I must read back over the days postings...BBS

Kay said...

Slow day here, but so glad there is no nest drama, just wonderful parenting and our little toddler phase eaglets to enjoy!

SANDI, so Brian and Lynnis got a chance to sleep in, giving you and Dennis a chance to enjoy the baby and all the critters to the fullest! They've gotta love having Freyja's grandparents around!

Oohh, GLO and LORETTA, best wishes to Patches, Punkin and Tiger. Our furbabies sure do keep us on our toes!

Prayers for all Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters with special needs today!!!


Kay said...

I went back over my posts and saw typos I hope you'll forgive. I need to develop a habit of using the preview option all the time! I'm very tired...nicely so.....

JudyEddy said...

Been home for a bit been watching the eaglets seems adult is having a hard time finding nestovers they were in the basement digging and now the adult has moved to 11 and is picking both babes scooted over to where she was at Looks like one was walking with his wings dragging behind looked so funny got a few snips

JudyEddy said...

this is from CROW on Ozzie for you nonfacebookers

"""Ozzie the Eagle’s Recovery: Over 50% Healed, Release Uncertain
This morning marked a first for Ozzie the eagle as he underwent a physical therapy session without being heavily sedated. Caregivers at the Center for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife performed x-rays and general wellness checks before leading Ozzie through a series of exercises. The overall goal of this morning’s session was to test his range of motion and current flexibility as he heals.
Ozzie spent the last week indoors under observation. As he continues in his fourth week of recovery at CROW, he no longer requires a restrictive wrap on his wings. Dr. Molly Lien has seen great improvements in Ozzie since he arrived at the Center.
“We will get a better idea of where he’s at when we take a look at the x-rays today,” Lien said. “But it is a good sign that a callus has developed over the fracture site. A callus is basically new bone that is growing over the injury that bridges the two fracture sights. So once that starts I’d say he is about at fifty percent healed, but the real test is going to be if that callus is going to be healthy enough to allow full flights. It is a good sign but it is only about how his body can handle it.”
Ozzie’s talons were covered as well as his eyes to keep him from becoming spooked or active during his physical therapy session. After receiving minor anesthetics, the bird’s blood was drawn and his wings were rotated and stretched. Oxygen and water were provided to Ozzie throughout the session to keep him comfortable.
CROW takes in various wild animals that need assistance and medical help. Because of this, Ozzie is not the only eagle at the facility receiving treatment. Instead, he is one of four eagles. Ozzie’s recovery has been compared to other eagles that have spent time at CROW and local wildlife refuges.
“This is a relatively common injury, but in his case we are still waiting because it was just such a displacement of a fracture,” Lien said. “Typically they heal pretty well so, definitely more than fifty percent are released and have total function.”
For the remainder of the week, Ozzie will go back into a small enclosure so he doesn’t hurt himself. After a week, caretakers at CROW will likely move him to a larger enclosure so they can actually start getting him “flighted,” and work up his muscles so he can be released.
Until then, Ozzie is enjoying many fish-head meals and recuperating nicely. In the past week, CROW received so many fish heads from various local businesses and residents that they now have more than enough to feed Ozzie and many of the other animals at the facility.
“People in different time zones were looking up fisheries here on the island and ordering fish to be shipped to our facility,” Kenny Howell, the marketing manager at CROW, said. “We had to start calling some of the local restaurants and let them know not to take any more orders for us. The public response was just overwhelming.”
A definite timeline of Ozzie’s recovery has not yet been announced. It is still unknown if he will be released.…/ozzie-the-eagles-recovery-over-5…/

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

They always had the words on the bottom of all releases """IT IS STILL UNKNOWN IF HE WILL BE RELEASED after I read it I realized it """ but now it is also on the top been a month now I sure hope he gets to go home I love it that they are constantly posting on a daily basis almost forgot to say the sentence

glo said...

Thanks for the good wishes for Patches. She has drunk some water and ate some supper about an hour ago. Sleeping beside me right now. Only 1 stool since we got home from the vet at noon. I so like my vet. I just trust her.She has told me to feel free to call her tomorrow if I need her. Yes she is more than a vet She is a good friend.

JudyEddy said...

Good to here GLO that she is getting somewhat better

Sandi said...

Hi all! Wonderful day here - took a 3-4mile hike on the Appalachian trail near Harpers Ferry. Fist half was ALL uphill-thought we would never get to the top but the view from the overlook was gorgeous. Freyja chattered the whole way in her pack on Brians back - fell asleep as we were almost back at the car. Stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home to reward ourselves. Freyja loves soft serve ice cream - chocolate and vanilla.

Judie thought of you each time we passed a Sheetz!! :)

Glo I hope Patches perks up quickly.

Where is the swinging bridge that Margy talks about? Is it in Martinsburg? I bet Lynnisand Brian would enjoy it.

Freyja is napping in my lap life is very good.

Lolly said...

Glo, so sorry about your baby! Hope all is well soon!

Sandi, sounds like you are having a great visit. Awesome! We used to hike with Michael, then Laurel on our backs. Such great memories! Then we have hikes with our grandsons on our backs. Glad they can hike on their own now.

Has been an interesting fun day. First we were going to a soccer game but fields were closed because of last nights rain. Decided to go to Denton anyway as we had loaded the car with stuff we were taking to
Laurel. Decided to go eat at the square in Denton. It was "hopping!" Ran into two groups of friends so had fun visiting.

Came home and went party across the street. They are Cajun and we had a big Cajun feast. Big party, lots of folks.

We came home and shortly there after a big storm came through. Think we are on the southern edge so getting rain but no hail or strong winds.

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds.

Chicks are basking in the 60° degree sun this am Love it that can see the chicks Adults were gone when got on

JudyEddy said...

DIANN O'Donnell

~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Happy birthday Diann!

Have a great day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Diann enjoy your special day

Our eaglets really like their sleep position at 11. They really stick together.

Hoping that all of you have a good Sunday ♥

Kay said...

Good Sunday Morning Eagle Buds!!!

There are our two thriving eaglets, enjoying some sunshine at the 11 spot. Very windy there.

Expecting rain here today, but no wind as yet.

SANDI, hope your day is off to the same grand start as yesterday. Loved the description of hiking and sweetly winding up at DQ!

LOLLY, hmmm, Cajun fare sounds yummy!

JUDY, thanks for the Ozzie news.

Ohio no longer bands eaglets, but thanks to the practice when the specie was endangered Wildlife has IDed a 19 year old male eagle in their care due to injuries. The article was brief, no further details right now. Yahoo news has an article today re:a new nesting pair on Staten Island---just one of over 200 pairs/nests in NY. Eagles are proliferating at a rapid pace---seeing them is going to become common place, but awesome nevertheless!


Prayers for all in need!!!


Kay said...

Hey, hey JO--good to "see" you!!!

Kay said...

Checking in with Ospreys @ Jackson's landing in Patuxent River Park, shows parent on nest, very windy and river running fast. Would like to get a glimpse of their chick and see status of the other two eggs. JO or LORETTA, do you know more?

Kay said...

Visitors at the National Zoo are getting a good Bao Bao show today. The show off is rolling a ball, waving bamboo shoots around and munching on them while in several different positions. What fun!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Looking at a nest with two eaglets and one adult. I can see the adult's feet and sometimes the head when he/she bends over.

Nice and sunny there.

Last night was very nice. The play was good and so was everything else. Nice dinner, nice time with friends. When I got home, I found that Will had managed to transfer my contact information from the old phone to the new one and he'd recharged the battery for the lawn tractor and gotten it started.

Janet said...

Morning to all.


Hoping all furbabies are recovering nicely!!!!

Its been a quiet morning. About to split the screen and do some eagle watching.....

Its been raining here. I anticipate a quiet day on hand.

Had a mostly dry day yesterday, Chelsea took the kids zip lining. (not me no thank you!). Actually Chelsea did not zip line, but chris did with the kids. Jack had to do the kids line, Amelia could do half the adult line, and Olivia could do it all. They had to rescue Chris as he got stuck! :O He was purple coming down.......EMTS checked him out, thankfully he was okay. Yeah, I'll keep my feet on the ground, thanks.

Oh, before I go. Got up early to let the dogs out and saw a neat thing. On my back deck sits my grill. On top of the grill is a potted plant and on that plant was a mockingbird singing its heart out! How cool!

ya'll have a great day! hugs, love and healing fo rall

Kay said...

I've been checking e-mail and watching the always cute and interesting puppies at the Warrior Center. Love being able to watch "family time" at Sycamore Palace at the same time.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Patches seems to be feeling some better this morning. Almost time to give her some more meds. I am feeling some relieved. I bought her some chicken broth to put on her kibble if i need to at some point today. I would really like her to drink the water and eat the kibble without adding anything else to the mix of things that could mess with that tummy. I am tired though and dealing with a headache. I am sure we will be napping this afternoon.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, good on Will--what a fine son you have in him! Saturday night dinner and "Driving Miss Daisy" with friends, how delightful!

Kay said...

Glo, happy to hear Patches is on the mend--hope a good nap takes care of that headache and refreshes you and Patches, too.

Kay said...

JANET, scary moments for the zip liners---glad Chris is okay!

Kay said...

Going into lurk mode--have a good day all!

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Watched the eaglets having breakfast this morning. Growing up quickly.

♪♫ Happy Birthday Diann ♪♫ Wishing you a great start to another year.

Glo, so glad Patches seems better but sorry you have a headache. Must be contagious. My head is a bit achy, also.

Janet, what a fun day for everyone and happy Chris was no worse for the experience.

Shirley, I think you need to go out more often. Not only did you have a fine dinner and see a good play, Will took care of your phone and charging the tractor battery. Congrats to Will for being a good son.

May try to gets some flowers and herbs planted today. Need Tylenol first.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch. I claim the feather in the nest LOL

Mema Jo said...


Collected: $2,635.00 53%
Goal: $5,000.00

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANN!! Hope you are having a spectacular day!

Glo, hope Patches is feeling much better.

Loretta, hope Punkin and Tiger improve pronto, too.

Ken and I are considering going to a movie today. Not sure which one yet.

Shirley, glad you enjoyed the evening out. It's nice to do something like that every so often.

Well, better run. Need to spend some time with Emma before we go to the movies, so she doesn't feel neglected. Have a great afternoon, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! About to head out as we need some grossssssseries! Yuck!

Did not get on earlier as we were internet slow. Jack rebooted the modem and we are up and running!

As of this time last year we had received about two inches of rain. Right now for this year 10 inches!!! More prayers for this to continue ! So very thankful for what we have received. Over two inches this weekend.

Have a great Sunday!

glo said...

Patches sat outside in the shade with me for a while today. She does feel better than yesterday atleast. I can tell. Has drank some water and nibbled a little bit on her kibble. Think I will add some chicken broth over her kibble tonight. Get a little more food and liquid into her that way,

NatureNut said...


And Happy Sunday Evening to all the Eagle Buds. Been watching chicklets and wonder if some raindrops are falling there? Belle seems to be trying to cover them. We just started to have light rain here.

Just put new story in the Nook. This is so exciting to me because it's one of those times where you just had to be in the right place at the right time!

JudyEddy said...

Belle looks like she has fuzzy slippers on LOL

JudyEddy said...

OH MY LORETTA I loved the video and I won't spoil it for anyone else so cute what a awesome sighting

The pictures are so cute I want to hold it

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Had a great weekend in Eburg...Michael, Laura and I stayed at John and Ajay'so till 11pm last night...had fun at Gianni's party..then stayed and ate and snacked a drank some more :)

Michael, Laura and I had breakfast with my GF Debbie and her hubby Buddy...he is still battling cancer...was nice to see them

Beat the rain getting home is in the 50'same and windy..kinda cool. Glad to be home.

Larry had a DR checkup this past week. DR is happy with his appointment in 4 mths...they will do a PET scan before his next appointment. .if all is clear then the DR will cut him loose and declare him cancer free :)

JudyEddy said...

PAULA so happy you had a great time and did beat the rain
and keeping everything crossed for a great out come on all dr appts

Judie said...

Good grief! Sandperson is already pacing up and down in front of the closet.

Paula, so glad you all had such a lovely fun time for Gianna's birthday party. Especially nice to think Larry Studmuffin is so close to victory.

Got flowers and herbs planted just in time for nature to do some watering for me. Darth got grass mowed and front flower beds mulched.

Slam wore out. Headed to the pillows momentarily. Sandperson is packing.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Checking in to say good night.

Rest well, everyone. SED.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday Dianne!

Sorry I am so late in expressing salutations. Spent the weekend going through a couple of boxes of things I have saved over the years. Managed to thin out a great deal but lots of memories stirred by some of it. Glad it is almost done!

Shirley, please thank Will for taking some of the stress off of your shoulders. That had to feel good.

Paula, I hope only good news waits for Larry. What a battle he has waged as all do who fight cancer.

Our babies are growing so fast. They are a pleasure to watch.

Holding all in good and positive thoughts.

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Closing down for the day

Goodnight to all ♥

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night! Awesome pictures of a great experience, Loretta!

Has been a beautiful day! Loving the cool temps!

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - another work week looms. But only 7 more Mondays in this school year!

Paula, what wonderful news for Larry!

Pouring down rain here and it has been for most of the night. Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

Eaglets are being feed adult is in NHZ but I see beak feeding them

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Rainy here.

Two eaglets snuggled up together. Can't see parent.

Loretta, the pictures are just wonderful. Thank you.

Have a terrific day.

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Patches seems to be feeling pretty good this morning. I can surely tell though that she needs this daily pill to keep things from being too runny. She did eat a good breakfast and did eat her supper last night too. We are getting through this one day at a time. I will be so glad when this stuff is out of her system. we have about 2 1/2 weeks to go though argh

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Eaglets are really getting those pin feathers in now.

Parent in the leaves in the nest, too.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!!

Such happy nest watching these days--the chicks show big changes every day!

PAULA, hurray for the news on Larry! There is a big light at the end of the tunnel now!

LORETTA, what a delightful set of pictures! Thanks for sharing!

SANDI, only 7 more Mondays? Hallelujah! There's also a light at the end of your tunnel!

Glo, so glad Patches is responding to the med and TLC.

Getting set to take Penny to the Vet Clinic for her mani-pedi. Then home for lunch and out again on errands---that is if the rain does not begin to fall again. Kind of iffy today.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

The rains have stopped for now - the sky is quite gray.

No special plans for this Monday - I like Sandi's way of her countdown -
only 7 more Mondays ♥

Earth day is almost here - To me it is also the b-day of our youngest son who turns 51. Kids are getting up there in years!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets! Getting ready to start the new work week.

I'm still feeling mahvelous and so grateful for it.

Lolly said...

Good morning! 52 this morning, but up to 60 now! Loving it! Today is planting caladium bulbs day! I will be very tired at the end of the day!

Great news about Larry, Paula!

Earth day....also my mother's birthday. This would be her 99th birthday. She has been gone 9 years. Miss her! This week Miss Skippita turns one! Wish we knew her exact birthday but we don't. One person told us a date, the 23rd and another told us another date. The vet thought she was older than both dates. Yes, we think we rescued her from the rescue people!!!

Saw two eaglets plotzed in the nest! They are growing fast!

Have a great day!

paula eagleholic said...

BIG cam shake...eaglets watching :)

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, I meant to say "thank Will for me....". I was appreciative of what he did. Will teach me to re read a comment before I send it on its merry way.

Sunshine is coming and going here this morning. I think that is sunshine. Have seen it so rarely this year!

Judie, would love to see/read an update on the cheetahs.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO On lunch

Its so good to hear that you are feeling marvelous SHAR you deserve it.

Life with pain is horrible

JudyEddy said...

Kay do you get the toes painted? or just trimmed

JudyEddy said...

Kay do you get the toes painted? or just trimmed

JudyEddy said...

GLO so happy she is feeling more chipper

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglets are hanging out at the 9 spot...they look hot

Judie said...

Fresh Monday thread.

Y'all come on over.

Janet said...

Hey Judie beat me to it! New Thread!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...