Tuesday, September 02, 2014


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Tuesday Morning to ll ♥

Thank you Steve for the new thread

I really need this feather

I'll alert the others to come on over

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning Steve and Mema Jo.

Jo, yesterday Mattie asked how Mema is doing! We are all such a great big loving family!!!!


Mema Jo said...

Morning Sharon - I love to see on FB all of Mattie's pictures - You tell her that her boyfriend needs a bigger smile! They are a very cute couple. Glad you had some weekend time with Andrew and Kelsey. I hope he likes his new teaching job.

Mema Jo said...

Sandy you made out like a car bandit this weekend - able to sell your jeep and get your new wheels - Love the car color they gave you.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Hunter's new outfit sounds very color coordinated! I bet you were proud of him and especially the way he looked. I hope he has a great year!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - we are going to have a heat wave! I would love to have some of your cool air - but I guess we need to wait a week or so.
I wish you the strength to paddle and for you dragon boat to do well.
2000 is one boat load of paddlers ♥

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE
Thank you JO

Cool is good.
Not complaining.
It will be hot in Penticton this weekend.

Thank you JO for your wishes.

Off to KSF meeting and volunteering.
Yoga today
Dragon Boating tonight.
Have a great one.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird inventory for today: Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. :-( Oh where, oh where have my little birds gone. Oh where, oh where could they be?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Andrew is struggling with this teaching position. Most of the kids are turds and not interested in learning anything about math. A couple of them asked him why did they need this, they were just going to work at McDonald's after they graduated. I told him to give it a little time. Learning process for him.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Thank you Steve for the new September thread. Hope you had a nice weekend.

Thank you Jo for the call-over and congratulations on yet another feather for your new hat.

Congratulations to Sandi on her new chariot and sale of the jeep. Enjoy!

Ah, Hunter's coordinated outfit. Sounds very reasonable to me. Wish him a great school year.

So, the partay was successful, quiet, and there are left-over crabs for ME! Nice the new lady friends seem okay.

Hoda, fuss as you may but you know you love the challenge of competition and practice. We love cheering you on - socks or no socks. lol

Shar, Andrew will adapt and succeed. An uninvited comment: perhaps if he could think of everyday applications to demonstrate the concepts/processes the students would relate better.

Okay, oppressive heat or not, I must venture to the library to return books and collect one that has been on hold.

Have a great day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Judie. I just texted him with your suggestion. :)

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle buds. Not too many birds in my backyard today either. Just the neighborhood usuals.

Got gas this morning and picked up RX from drug store. I was happy to see that I am getting 24.8 mpg with my Equinox, if the stats are to be believed. Realized that the clerk in the store was the first person I had spoken with since Sat. morning. I guess my life is pretty quiet sometimes.

Sandi, you must have a silver tongue to get the big wig in the car dealership to make you such a good deal. Nice car!

Supposed to be very humid and rainy later today. I swear we have had more summer the last week than all of June or July and most of Aug.

Off to bury my nose back in a book, under the AC. ....

Hope everyone has a great day. And prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Congrats on the new feather, Jo. I do believe our Eagle Whisperer has a fell headdress and that is very appropriate!!

Sandi, do like the new car and congrats on selling the other. Very good day!

Yes, Hunter's clothes sound just about like the boys. Jacob's particularly are very colorful. His favorite color is neon green. Therefore..neon green on his shoes as well as his clothes!

Best wishes on on the new school year.

Sharon, this school year will be exhausting for Andrew. He has a lot to learn. He will succeed and hopefully reach the students and change their attitudes! Our boys love math and that is their favorite subject. Joseph is walking to the high school this year for Algebra. He qualified in testing to proceed with taking this class with 9th graders. He walks to the high school from the Jr high to take math and for band. Not sure if he sees his dad or not. Laurel is missing him at his school. Wish they could find a house in Ponder where Joey teaches and Joseph is now going to school. Laurel is pleased he is not with the 8th grade students at her school. She says their attitudes are so BAD! That is why he is going to Ponder with his dad.

Lolly said...

Good grief! full headdress not fell. LOL

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Just getting in under the wire for the afternoon is just around the corner.

Wahoo, a new thread, thanks to STEVE and another lovely feather for JO!

SANDI, happy news! Dontcha' just love that New Car smell? Great color! Thinking of you on this first day with students.

SHIRLEY, nice to hear about your very special holiday guests and yummy food. Hunter had you worried, but wound up coordinating his 1st day outfit. Kind of telling, isn't it.☺

SHAR, Andrew will probably always feel that most of the kids are "turds", but there will be some shining stars that will make it all worthwhile, in time....

HODA, wow, and only a few days ago you were sweltering with temps in the 90's! Gives me hope that our Autumn will arrive soon. I love the crispy cool and spectacular colors! Good luck, Dragon Boat Lady! Hope the team places well in the upcoming competition!

Love and Prayers for all !!!


Lolly said...

Ponder is a tiny town near Denton. Therefore a tiny school district, one elementary, one junior high, and one high school. He will have his dad for English next year as only one freshman English teacher.

Janet said...

good early afternoon. THANKS to STEVE for the new thread, and congrats to our eagle whisperer for the new feather.

home for a short bit. had dr @ 8. accupuncuture @ 11:30, but did not allow myself to sleep. I have an ultrasound @ 2 . drinking copious amounts of water now.

sunny day here. want to get some pool time in...we shall see.

thinking of everyone...((((hugs))))

NatureNut said...

Hi, all!
Janet, don't stand still in one spot! With acupuncture and lots of water, there will be puddles all over the place! ☺
So happy to see that our Eagle Whisperer got a feather!!!!Way to go, Jo.
Nice to be at Park. See there were no ospreys in the cam nest. We have had one squawking in a tree near the Vis. Ctr.
Here's a large bird group to tell Shar and everyone about. My daughter in Texas said they've had several turkey family groups coming through their yard. Now the youngsters are almost as big as the adults. She counted 17! Last larger count was 22!! Too bad the garage was open-----Jimmy was so mad, as the flock used it for a rest room!!!!

NCSuzan said...

Good mid-afternoon all.

Shirley headed to practice! Yay!

My neighbors grew heirloom tomatoes this year. German Johnson variety? Not familiar with them but they are awesome. Juicy and meaty and I will be heartbroken when the vines stop producing. I am grateful for their generosity. The neighbor's generosity that is!

Does anyone here cross stitch? I have a question concerning Kreinik threads and using a thread conditioner.

Sandi, excited for your new wheels but must admit that I was pulling for the reddish color!

Take care everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Today we have had 2 very good showers
but they were short lived. Couldn't find the rainbow even though the sun was shinning brightly. Our county is under a severe storm watch but so far skies are light blue.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work

silly free wifi wasn't working in McDs again today Bummer for me :-(

I see still cam is down also?????

JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...

still CAM is back on

Judie said...

The Eagle Whisperer has sent the raindrops, thunder, and lightening my way.


JudyEddy said...

gotta share this cat story with you all heard it on the radio this am so I googled it and here it is

Cat lives two secret lives with two family for 10 years or so going to court

stronghunter said...


Cute cat story, Judy.

We had leftover crabs for dinner along with a rice dish someone left here last night. Plenty for you and Frank, Judie, and for anyone else who would want to make the trip to Fredericksburg.

Bowling went well. We won all of our games. One of my teammates is a retired Secret Service agent, and another is a retired nurse. The third teammate states next week. We had lunch together after bowling and made plans to have lunch together again.

stronghunter said...

No rain here so far.

Hunter did stay for football tryouts today. He said he has two more days of tryouts, that there are lots of kids, and he needs to be better prepared tomorrow. "Better prepared" means having clothes for hot weather.

stronghunter said...

Meant to say my third teammate starts next week.

stronghunter said...

I think Hunter was pretty excited about the tryouts. He was more willing to talk about his day than usual.

Janet said...

What a busy day and I feel as if I got NOTHING done! :{

LOL Naturenut, needed that laugh. The ultrasound was a couple hours AFTER the acupuncture. But as much water as I drank, the visual was amusing!

I did feel as if I would burst while I was waiting on the tech! Ugh! Was glad when that was DONE. Good news was all is normal. Blood tests will be back in the next couple of days and we will see what they say.

My M.D. rocks. He is so kind and listens and I appreciate him so much!!!!

I spent most of my day running here there and everywhere, it felt like.

We had copious amounts of liquid sunshine this evening. Everything is so green that it doesn't' really look like September. I am glad. Maybe we will have some splendid colors this fall!

back to work tomorrow. and i'm ready to rock it.

everyone have a lovely evening! Sweet and peaceful sleep to all!

stronghunter said...

Still having issues with the ground bees. I think the water I put on the nest just drove them further back under the porch. We will continue to try to drive them away. Since they are further back, they are coming up between the openings between the boards.

Kids have been asking what good algebra will do them for a very long time. I used to tell them that it is good to learn as much as you can about all kinds of things because you never know what you might need to know. That doesn't necessarily impress jaded teenagers, but sometimes I was surprised at what they took away from our conversations. Sometimes I overheard someone quoting me :).

stronghunter said...

The bees are coming through the openings between the boards, I meant to say.

Rus now has my laptop. Maybe I will be able to use it again soon.

stronghunter said...

Wishing everyone a good night. SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

I am finished watching my TV show for the evening. I do go into the doctor on Thursday - at that time I think a CT will be scheduled. It will be very interesting to see what the chemo has done to the cancer cells. I sure hope they have shrunk if not miraculously disappeared. You never know.

I am tired and I don't really like beating the sandman to the punch but off I go

Goodnight to all and God Bless you through the night. SED and AOYP

Judie said...

I have returned to announce that the storm has passed and all is now quiet again.

Shirley, Hunter is just too funny (for those of us who are mere observers). Congratulations on winning all the games. Former student, now friend, lives down your way and is retired Secret Service. So you have the best of both worlds - law enforcement and medical expertise.

Hi Lowreeda, cannot remember if the osprey stays year-round or migrates. No ospreys in my back yard - boo!

Jo, will be sending prayers that the CT will give you the best possible news.

Judie said...

Sandperson departed some time ago while I was resting my eyes.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Well, if the sandman is headed this way, I better get ready! Have had my nose in a book all night. Laurel gave me two books to read from her personal school library. Well, I picked up one yesterday, finished it in a day and now on the second. Great young reader books! Lol. That's because I am so young! Lol

Time to get ready! Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Good morning.
Fell asleep before I said goodnight
Need more sleep though
Headed back to bed
God Bless Us All.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Day 1 went well. Hope I can still say that on day 91 and day 181!

Sharon, Andrew will have many frustrating days this first year - it's all part of the learning process. I wish him well - hope he has a mentor in the building to confer with on a regular basis.

Jo, is your granddaughter part of the Wounded Warrior group in Bethany this week? Denny is taking a family out on the boat today.

Shirley, glad bowling went well and you like your new teammates.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

good morning. mid week!

SANDI: so glad day 1 went well.
MEMAJO; hopefully the CT scan will show only positive results!

Glad STRONGHUNTER had a good time bowling.

Another beautiful day ahead. I hope everyone has a lovely day! :) Later ya'll

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Judie must have sent her thunderstorm down this way last night. It made lots of noise and blew over the umbrella in the back yard.

Wishing Andrew well in his first year of teaching.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Whispering here. Don't want to wake Hoda.

Yep, Shirley. Passing the storm around from Jo to me to you. Shhhh! Don't tell Lolly.

Sandi, glad the first day went well and becomes a trend for the year.

I also hope Andrew has a mentor. At GDub, I referred to a close friend and mentor as my guru. Always helped me think of new examples and techniques as well as solutions to problem students.

Has Lori mentioned anything on FB about her licensing exam? I think it is coming up on the 8th.

Headed for another drop of coffee and then to forage for victuals.


Kay said...

Good Morning, Eagle Buds !!!

Not whispering for I'll bet our busy bee, HODA, is up and at em' by now.

Looks like a slow news day here and it's a laid back day where I am, too. Julie and I will meet at the park this afternoon so the dogs can get a good work out. Too hot for me to do much but sit and enjoy watching them frolic!

Love and prayers for all with a little extra emphasis on JO !!!


Mema Jo said...

If I wait much longer I will need to say Good Afternoon - lol

Hoping all is well with everyone
I am feeling good - however; I went
into the bathroom early this morning and I saw a half bald old looking woman in the mirror - the image made me stop dead in my tracks - I swore I would in the future steer clear of any mirrors and/or reflections ! All the dark hair has left my head but all the gray hairs remain. Go figure that one out! lol If I don't laugh at my appearance knowing it won't be forever I just may burst into tears.

Hoda said...

A quiet morning for me.
Need to rest.
It has been crazy busy.
Praying for JO'S CT to show no cancer.

Thanks JUDIE for whispering.
KAAAAAAAAYYYYY! I was still asleep.
Oh my!!! Love you both.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I went back to the orthopedic doctor this morning and after the injection not working and oral steroids not working, it looks like a hip replacement is in my near future. I go Friday for an MRI and we will go from there. UGH!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I sure hope those bees migrate to the south pretty soon. So sorry you didn't have a means to make them move from under your porch.
Congrats on your 3 game wins and
especially on having lunch with your team. Sounds very promising for a good year!

Hoda said...

Hang in there Dearest Eagle Whisperer.
We see you, we love you, we accept you hair or no hair gray or brown hair, looking old or young face... Matters not to us... WE SEE YOU! WE LOVE YOU!
It is never in our looks.
Mirror Mirror on the wall,
Who is the bestest of us all?

MEMA JO of course.
We are with you.
We laugh with you.
We cry if you cry.
We've got your back.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - Patrick and Christine are now in VA and today they are working some hours on helping to refurbish their new forever home to be from Operations Second Chance. It is very exciting for them and all the rest of our family. Samantha and
Elizabeth started school yesterday and all went well! (They will be on same school schedule as Hunter in VA) They are in the town of Midlothian VA just west of Richmond. They are part of the Wounded Warriors - Thanks to Denny for giving his time for some of the Warriors enjoyment ♥

Youngest son and family are headed now to the summer house for the rest of the week. Good hot weather for sure.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Jo, Jo, Jo!!! We LOVE you! Put on your hat and feel the love!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Hoda! I have never doubted
any of our friendships!
You are are my world! ♥

Lolly said...

Ahhhh...was on my ipad but now managed to get my laptop up and running. Much easier typing this way. LOL

Okay, have a problem....a light hearted probem. Went down to get the paper this morning. There was a flock of migrating birds in the tip top of the oak trees. They were singing away! Beautiful sound....flute like. Have never heard them before. Got Jack and the binoculars. Have been studying two bird books and can not identify. They were large birds, long tails, light on the underside and black and white tails. Could not see the tops. Grrrrr! Very distintive birds. Any idea at all with this vague discription? Oh, and they bobbed when singing!!!

Lolly said...

Lynne, the so called Queen, has an on line bird identification site. Help!

Lolly said...

A reminder to all Momsters and Dadsters. We can light a candle along with our prayers for Jo.

Lolly said...

Light a candle

JudyEddy said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds

My heart went out to you JO with your little story So sorry about the hair loss But you are a strong woman and we know you will be through this
Good to see SHAR on more also

I am in the process of making another photo album for Jordyn of the outings we have done

Winter the Dolphin, Primate Sanctuary, Sea Bird Sanctuary and Great Explorations if I have enough room in the album

Blurb only allows 240 pages and I think 480 pics so I am trying to trim what a pIA

Hoda said...

Praying SHAR.

stronghunter said...

Hugs, Jo and Sharon.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, I have had a couple of friends who lost their hair from chemo. Once it started falling out, they just shaved it the rest of the way, instead of watching it go a little at a time. Might help you. I LOVE YOU MUCH!!!!

Kay said...

Thanks for the candle reminder, LOLLY! JIM and I are there every day and it's good to see more of you using that meditative avenue!

JO, I echo the thoughts of others since your poignant post this morning. You are beautiful inside and out---go ahead shave off the rest and don the Whisperer cap, hats, scarves... When people look into your eyes and see smile on your face they'll notice little else! Love you so!

SHAR, sorry the initial efforts to relieve your pain didn't work. Judging from the experience of several friends, you'll sooo happy with a new hip. They tell me that orthopedic surgery is far easier than most when it comes to recuperation time. One friend has had both hips and both knees replaced---the hips are great, but she still has knee problems at times. Prayers!

LOLLY, those birds sound like fascinating ones to observe--hope you can identify them for yourself and the rest of us!

Kay said...

Julie just called---we're off to the park! See you later or tomorrow for sure!

Lolly said...

Kay, have decided the birds were just my vivid imagination. Have searched two books and have searched on line. They do not exist except in my imagination. And, Jacks! LOL

grannyblt said...

Jo, thinking of you. Hugs

I've heard that when your hair comes back it will be curly, at first anyway.

grannyblt said...

Lolly, cedar waxwing have a high pitched sound, but I guess they don't match your description. When you say big, do you mean larger than a mockingbird? Sometimes it is easier to find in a field guide if you can sort of compare the unknown to something you do know.

Lolly said...

Not a cedar waxwing, know them. This is driving me crazy. An Eastern Kingbird is the closest I can come to apprearance but the bird call is not the same. Yes, a little larger than a mocking bird.

Lolly said...

Jack is in his shop. Will have him look at the pictures of the Eastern Kingbird.

stronghunter said...

Could they be magpies, Lolly?

stronghunter said...

Guess magpies don't live in your area, though. Your description made me think of magpies, but you probably would recognize them, anyway.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

How about a scissor-tailed flycatcher Lolly?

stronghunter said...

I have a nice picture of an eastern kingbird, and it does match your description.

Lolly said...

Nope to both of those. No Magpies here but have seen them many times. Flycatchers here, but not flycatchers. They did have a very pretty sound song.

Kay said...

Hmmm, the birds bobbed while singing, eh? Google Bobolink, LOLLY. I have no idea if you have them in your area or what their migration pattern is. If birds are already fleeing Southward we're in for a rough winter!

I'm back from the park with a very tired Penny. Had to bathe her as soon as we walked in the door for she found something "delicious" to roll in. Malcolm followed suit and got a huge dose of the icky stuff on him. We wiped them down with paper towels before leaving the park, but that only made them easier for us to ride with. Ugh. Penny is on her floor pillow and snuggled into a nice terry towel now---sound asleep.

grannyblt said...

I think Bobolinks are smaller, but I love to hear them. They may be out of range. The Eastern Kingbird sounds a likely choice.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

My delete.

Accidentally re-posted an earlier comment.

Was looking at the loggerhead shrike, but Audubon says they sound like a rusty hinge.

Lolly said...

Not a bobolink, light colored belly and larger. Jack has ruled out the Eastern Kingbird, but I am not so sure. This is going to haunt me!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hello - I was just chatting with Nurse Lori - asked about date of her test for LPN .....

Yes, it's 9/8, Monday and I'm scared to death!

I told her we had her back and our prayers would help her ACE that test just like all the other times.

Prayers for Lori for 9/8 LPN Test

Hoda said...

Thank you very much JO for getting in touch with LORI.
OK on it for Monday test... Prayers and holding her in the Light.

Mema Jo said...

My hair: I do have an appointment with my gal Lisa for next Friday.. If I have any hair left she will shave it off for me. I am not a vain person - so I truly am not self conscious of the 'no hair'. lol I just don't want to scare the great grandkids - I need to be able to explain it to them and I think I can do that ok.
Anyway - I do have a perfect shaped head -- lol

Janet said...

good afternoon.

JO: hugs hugs hugs. we have you covered in love.

Wish I could chime in on the bird debate, but I have no clue. I just figured out what a nighthawk is last year!

As for the bees.....I don't envy you on that one. ugh.

Deep in thought this afternoon. a
job offer from the massage school came thru, clinic supervisor. they offered me up to 3 days, any hours I want...pay is NOT good enough to leave massage envy, but am thinking of picking up one day, just to get my fingers in the pot..... not sure not sure not sure.

much thinking to do.


Judie said...

Lolly, I believe you have seen a rare species known as the rare and amazing HODA WARBLING DRAGON BOATER bird. They are quite rare and I hope you get a picture if they return. This could make you famous. Hoda Warblers are known to engage in all manner of activities from tree-top warbling to dragon boat racing to brewing sinister sounding health food. When their wings are tired, they have been seen bicycling. Interesting species.

Jo, you are absolutely gorgeous and you need only don your new hat to elevate your stunning beauty. We love you.

Can only say I expect Lori will do her usual A+ on the licensing exam. I hope she will return to the blog to share her success.

Shar, everyone I know who has had a hip and/or knee replacement was up and back to normal in less than two weeks. It will be worth it.

Headed across the hall to check out the tv offerings and to finish the last few chapters of a book.


stronghunter said...

Trying to picture the HWDB bird. . .

In my mind, I picture a very lively bird flying with great purpose from place to place taking part in a variety of activities.

stronghunter said...

So, if you see one, try to get a picture. It won't be there for long.

stronghunter said...

Wishing for the best for our friend Lori. Somehow, I think this test can't be harder than all of the ones she's already aced.

Mema Jo said...

I did watch a movie at 8-9:45 (No commercials - whoo hoo. Hubby called it 'dry' but I called it intellectual. We both enjoyed it.

Janet - good luck with your decision on the job offer.

The HWDB bird is sooo fast -
however there are times we know where it will be at certain times of the day.

I am going to be ahead of the sandman again this evening. I thought I saw Jufie earlier but I think my eyes were deceiving me.

Mema Jo said...

I don't know what is with that wide open space at the end of my last comment. It makes you think I forgot to say something lol

Mema Jo said...

I am closing down for the day.

Pray for everyone to have a sound sleep and pleasant dreams...

Goodnight to all ♥

Judie said...

Ah, the HWDB is a rare and wondrous bird indeed. We must enlist Dudley DoRight to bring this rare creature out of the fog of brownie-baking vapors. Brownie fog in Dallas? Hmmmm. Well, we must certainly have Dudley check out Lolly's trees.

Will watch a bit of news (depressing) and finish a murder mystery (exciting) and then dent the pillows,.

Sandperson is out and about. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Ya think?
I will be flapping some wings if I survive this coming weekend!!!
2000+ Dragon Boaters in the same Penticton Event is overwhelming me.
Then tonight I hear the 5 Vancouver Teams clock in at 1:50 or 1:75 for 500 meter race.
God Help us.
The best we have done is 2:29 for 500 meters.
The average age for Vancouver Boats is thirty years old. Our average age is 60 for this event.
Send positive energy please Saturday and Sunday.
May I continue to breathe and continue to be vertical!!!

Good paddle tonight.

Good night
God Bless
I love us.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Jo, so sorry about your hair. That would be very hard for me - I am vain. It's good that you have such a positive attitude about it. Prayers continue for you - I love you hair, or no hair!

Day 2 was good with the kids - not good with the ELA teacher on my team who I don't get along with. Whatever. Day 2 was good with the kids.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

good morning! THURSDAY!
feeling good. had a 2 hour massage last night. hands feel loose and limber. this therapist works deeply on arms/forearms and hands,all of which I need! so thankful!

work today. decision made. feeling content.

thinking of each of you. everyone have a lovely day!

Hoda said...

Good morning SANDI JANET.
What way did you decide JANET?

Certainly autumn feel to things
Dark at 4:30 AM
Light woolen blanket on bed
Window still open though
No heat on.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Headed to the coffee pot and newspaper.

Today is dedicated to thinking positive thoughts for the CT results. Jufie will be there.

Do not recall Iris posting but wish her a happy birthday.

Mema Jo said...






3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...