Thursday, September 18, 2014


New thread.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I got a feather!! Thanks Steve!

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo I only missed that feather by one and couldn't be any better then for Sharon to grab it.

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread
Weekend is almost here

Mema Jo said...

JUDYE Thanks for all those photos you are capturing and placing in our Momsters album ♥

Mema Jo said...

Going over to read morning remarks


Mema Jo said...

Shirley, prayers for Anthony to have successful surgery and healing. Prayers for Hunter and help for him to accept that it was not his fault.
All boys horse around all in fun - This was a hard lesson to learn; however, there is a higher reason to it all and I pray this event will even bond the two young men during their lives as friends.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Jo. I am very concerned about the whole situation.

Hoda said...

Prayers JO

I have a minor surgery today to biopsy a lump.
In the clinic not the hospital.
All is good
Planning on yoga and volunteer work afterwards.

Enjoy the day
Will check in later

Hoda said...

HUNTER's experience is heart breaking .
Putting him in prayer
Sorry it happened to him.
I am sure he will get the help he needs
Accidents happen.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for your procedure to go well, Hoda

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shirley - hugs all around!!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Thanks to STEVE for the Auto New Thread set up--it's working great!

SHAR, congrats on a well deserved feather!

SHIRLEY, my heart aches for Hunter--he and Anthony are in my prayers. I'm lighting a candle for the boys.

JO, so glad you fared well on the first day of chemo and hope today brings a repeat performance!

I'm all set for son's visit. About to go to Julie's to pick up Malcolm. Thurs. are her long day and so I'm going to have him on every fair weather Thurs.. I love having the two dogs together as often as we can manage. Julie will pick Lee up at the airport and they'll arrive here by 6. The three of us will have dinner at Mozart's Restaurant and Piano Bar and then back here for more visiting before Julie and Malcolm head home. I'm excited!

Love and prayers for all!!!


Kay said...

HODA, I'm lighting a candle for you as well---it many seem like "minor" to you, but it's major when any of our Momsters go through such things!

stronghunter said...

Thank you so much, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Hoda. I understand about getting those biopsies. Please keep us informed.

stronghunter said...

Need get moving here and call the washer repair person. Smelled smoke. Laundry room was full of smoke and the washer has stopped working. I have unplugged it. Goodness, I do not need anymore laundry room fires.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

SHIRLEY Poor Hunter he must feel bad but he must know it was a accident and I hope all goes well with the surgery

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

SHIRLEY Poor Hunter he must feel bad but he must know it was a accident and I hope all goes well with the surgery

JudyEddy said...

I did that on purpose no stuttering here I just forgot to check the box and before it went to publish I checked and clicked again so a double post

Lolly said...

Good morning! Lol. Still have a few minutes of morning here!

Oh, Shirley, so sorry about the I accident! Boys just do not know or stop to think about what could happen with rough housing.

Yesterday at football practice Joseph saw a player break his arm. Bad break! Joseph saw the bone!! We go to Joseph's game tonight. I really wish he would stick with soccer, not football.

Hoda, prayers for you! A little concerned after I saw the picture of you on fb. :). You are over doing! LOL

Need to get some things accomplished! Jack hunted again last night! No luck! Repaired 4 holes in the north garden. Grrrrrr!

stronghunter said...

Know what you mean about the soccer, Lolly, but Hunter is not interested in soccer.

Hoda said...

Thank you my friends.
All is good.
Lump removed.
Taken to hospital lab for biopsy.
She is not worried neither am I.
On to core class and volunteering today.
One gets NO RESPECT AT ALL from Miss LOLLY
Hurumph!!! Laughing at me for doing a very challenging yoga pose!!! JO don't you join in with them!!! Remember you are my friend.

JudyEddy said...

Had a nice lunch with dau

JudyEddy said...

we ate out side was 83° then now its 88° no rain in forecast to cool it off until tomorrow We get a day to dry out my yard is soggy Everywhere is soggy and funny I see people IDIOTS with their sprinklers on this am after 5" of rain wouldn't ya think they would think to turn off the automatic sprinklers

JudyEddy said...

HODA I can see you were straining to do that pose I saw the blood vessels popping out from straining LOL
as i sit here laughing LOL

JudyEddy said...

I see that Steve is doing a every other day thread HMMM need to plot to get the next feather LOL

Gonna go play for awhile

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
Home from a good session of chemo.
I go back tomorrow at noon for the
3rd on in this series.

Hoda, I will check out fb yoga.
Yes you are my friend and I also feel safe in thinking the result of the biopsy will be clean.. ♥

Checked out TV for the evening and I guess I will chose a Hallmark Family movie.


Janet said...

Good afternoon to all. Thanks for a brand spanking new thread STEVE.
Congrats to Shar on the feather!

JUDYE: any word on your co worker?
STRONGHUNTER: so sorry about hunter. Sometimes things just happen. Hugs to him. I hope his friend will heal quickly.

HODA; holding you close for healing and good results!
I was really tired this morning. I just opened up the computer when I got home.
Having a coffee and biscotti. Then time to do some school stuff.

Not doing a lot this afternoon. Still feeling tired. I was busy at work. It was a good day. Now, off to the home chores.

Later ya’ll.

JudyEddy said...

JANET Being I am not at work I won't hear anything till I go back to work So funny all the friends I had that are true friends that I would call on the phone have all died or moved or no longer at my store moved on in life one way or the other
The others are just work acquaintances and don't converse after work

I see you noticed I tagged you in a couple of pic I got a comment from ""

Laura Rawlings You forgot to tag Connie Skala, Jason Rawlings, Tyler James, Laura Rawlings
47 minutes ago · Like""

I am not going to respondit-- You tagged the pic for your family on my pic Why couldn't she just do that instead of making a snide remark
Just venting

Lolly said...

roflmbo, Hoda!!! You were doing my favorite Yoga pose! Even though it is terribly challenging! :) Love and hugs!!

Time to leave. See you later!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Shirley, so sorry to hear about Hunter and Anthony's accident! Hunter needs to realize that it really was just an unfortunate accident, and not his fault. Prayers for Anthony for a successful surgery and a speedy and complete healing!

Prayers for the boy who was hurt at Joseph's practice, too.

Also saying prayers for Hoda and for Jo.

Need to run now--Ken wants to go walk the mall for some extra steps. Thank God it is cooler here today! Will report back later. Have a super day, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Shirley, sorry about your washing machine! Hope I didn't start a trend or something. Praying for an easy solution!

JudyEddy said...

so lucky you saw the smoke SHIRLEY hope its a easy repair

For those of you not on Facebook

HODA picture is of her laying down she says yoga (we think she fell or was relaxing after a brownie) The person that took the pic was on the floor right at head Floor level picture

Sandi said...

Hi all - it appears that I forgot to check in again this morning. My apologies. I have never felt so stressed and so unhappy at the very start of a school year. I go to bed exhausted and wake up still tired. The expectations and deadlines from my new principal are overwhelming. My conversation with him yesterday had no effect. Combined with teaching every day with someone I can't stand, this year is going to be a LOONNG one!

Our land line was fixed yesterday - the problem wasn't caused by the guys working on the driveway.

Shirley, how awful for Hunter. Give him lots of hugs, even if he doesn't seem to want them. I hope he won't be too hard on himself.

Kay, enjoy your visit with your son - I can tell how happy you are!

Jo, glad that today went smoothly. One more day of chemo and then on to your next step! I'm praying for you every day!!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

A late thank you to Steve for the fresh thread and congratulations to Shar on the feather.

Hoda, hoping the biopsy is negative.
I have not seen your yoga pose but Jufie has suggested, as someone else did, that it may have been brownie induced.

Kay, enjoy your two-pup-time and a wonderful visit with Lee and Julie.

Shirley, you need to contact a television writer to see if you might get a program of your own. Life with Shirley. A Day In The Laundry Room. Bus Stop Stories. Really, hope the washer can be repaired with few dollars spent. Hoping Hunter is feeling less guilty now.

Off in a few to the scullery. Grilled chicken and Cole slaw tonight. All is prepared except the sauce (bbq sauce that is).

Judie said...

Jo, good that the session today was okay. Are you not watching the Roosevelts? Another episode tonight.

JudyEddy said...

JANET just thought of this I went to facebook I am facebook friend with 112 Walmarts associates from work so I am private messaging a couple of them to ask about her Danielle

stronghunter said...

Dog is barking for her dinner. Just a moment to post a quick message to Sandi--Would be lovely if you can find a way to make sure that your principal has to do appropriate paperwork to respond to what you have to do.

Just a thought . . .

Janet said...

good evening all.

JUDYE: she is just being her "normal" snide self. I completely blocked her. I felt like writing, no she didn't forget to tag anyone, but held my peace.

Hope you get some good word on the co worker.

I know what you mean, I am the world's WORST at picking up the phone...and at work, I have many acquaintances, many of whom try to invite themselves over for the pool, hot tub, boat, but very few have actually been over for such. I am kind of careful about that. And busy. Let's not forget busy.....

STRONGHUNTER: so glad you saw the smoke! yikes!!!

Got out of the house for a few min tonight: dollar tree, publix and then by the package store. Bed time in a bit.

SANDI: I hate that you are so stressed out. It is so not good for you to be so stressed. I hope you find a solution to the problem.

Good night all.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, so happy that you are doing so well with chemo. Only one more day!

Shirley, first I am so proud of your bowling expertise! Your practicing is paying off! So very sorry about Hunter and his friend. Hope forgiveness is achieved and friendship cemented for life.

Judie, I shared your crab recipe. Thank you for posting it.

Call me stupid, it's ok. I have been reading this blog for five years or more and never knew about joining Friends of NCTC. And did not know it existed. I am sorry and embarassed. So what do I do and where do I go? Thank you in advance.

Margie, if you check in, Hi! and hope you are well.

Take care everyone.

Lolly said...

On our way home . Another loss but Joseph did well. It is known that there are no outstanding athletes in his 8th grade .

Ahh, should have thought of that ! Yep, brownie induced coma! And she would like for us believe it was yoga!

Oh , Shirley! Feel for you! If only administrators would stop and think! Stress does Not contribute to successful, enjoyable teaching .

stronghunter said...

I think that last comment of Lolly's was meant for Sandi. :)

Judie said...

So, not going to let the Sandperson get to me before I say goodnight.

Lolly, sorry Joseph's team lost. Hopefully, he still enjoys playing for the fun of it.

NCSuzan, no need to apologize. I did not know about Friends of NCTC until Darth and I were preparing information for trust distributions. Interesting that I contacted them to obtain their tax exempt number but we never heard from them. We assume they do not need our money. Money will go to animal shelters, rehab and rescue groups.

So, the Sandperson is just moments from departure. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

NCSUZAN I also do not no anything about Friends of NCTC

JudyEddy said...

Went to Cracker Barrel for dinner had breakfast and had my country ham

JudyEddy said...

wow they got a big collection of pumpkin stuff there

NCSuzan said...

For once in my life I am not alone!Thank you Judie and Judy!

Mema Jo said...

It is bedtime for this gal

Sandi - I am praying that your year will not be the same later as it is right now.

NCSuzan - don't do anything right now concerning membership in Friends of NCTC. I'll talk about it tomorrow sometime.

Yepper - 3rd chemo day tomorrow. It
is going well.

Now - Goodnight to all ♥
Prayers for all our needs ♥ SED

stronghunter said...

I don't know about The Friends of NCTC, either.

Just popped on to say good night. SED, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Hope that tomorrow is a good day for you, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Hunter's friend Anthony. We are heartbroken about the accident.

Anthony did have a successful surgery today.

Lolly said...

Yes, Shirley, that comment was meant for Sandi.

We are home now. Actually enjoying driving to Joseph's games. We having to drive around 100 miles one way to small towns we have never been to and it is an adventure to find a place to eat. iphone helps!

Lolly said...

Ok, time for bed....can not believe I typed "we having". Meant to type "we are having". Oh well.....

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Good night.

Scotland said Nay
Young vote a resounding yes.
They will revisit in twenty years!

BC Teachers said Yay
Schools start on Monday in these here parts.

The story telling opening show was good.

God Bless Us All
Good Night

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Shirley, glad to hear that Anthony's surgery went well. I hope Hunter feels a little better today. Distance from the event will be a healing thing for him - kids don't tend to hold onto guilt like adults do. Is it possible for him to visit Anthony in the hospital? Or maybe just talk to him on the phone? That may help him to feel better. Also would help to hear from Anthony's mom that she isn't angry with Hunter.

Hoda, good news about schools in BC reopening.

Jo, rest well today!

Lolly, I think my new principal is suffering from a huge case of wanting to be the ambitious "rising star" brand new principal in the district. I sure hope he relaxes. Once they leave the classroom, administrators seem to forget instantly what it was like to be in the trenches - why is that???

Spent 3 hours on my first of 2 IEPs last night. Finished just 2 pages - complicated student with many different needs.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

good morning all!


Hope its a great day!

Hoda said...

Many in Scotland are not saying Yay this morning.
The nay vote got it
The Aye vote did not.

A correction on my last post using yay!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I am working an earlier shift today so I can get off early.

Thinking about you today Jo!! I LOVE YOU MUCH!!

This evening, Justin, Becky, Mattie, Jordan and I are heading to Charleston. Justin and Becky are going to see WWE Live (wrestling) at the Charleston Civic Center. We are going to drop them off and then head to Andrew and Kelsey's. Andrew said his interview went well and he should know within the week about the music job.

Wanted to let you know that Becky and Chris (Mattie and Justin's mom and dad) are both clean now. Becky went to detox first and now has over 30 days and Chris got out of detox on Tuesday. Praying they stay in the solution.

My hip is about the same and I am still waiting on the appointment for the second opinion. I have to call the doc's office this morning to find out what is up.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Judie said...

Good morning.

Enjoy the weekend Shar. Best to Becky and Chris.

Sandi, ego and power. How many days do you have remaining? Oh, what's the latest on your "favorite" teacher?

Jo, hope you have as good a day as possible.

Shirley, how is Hunter today? Better I hope.

Hoda, rejecting independence is probably a good outcome. Seems more long-term planning is needed to sustain the country long-term. Congratulations on the beginning of school for children, teachers (and parents).

Pretty morning here. Going foraging.


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Another Red Friday for our Troops...Praying they stay safe and come home very soon.

It is really windy here in my valley.
60° with wind gusts up to 13 mph. Bird seed flew right out of the feeder!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, is Anthony home from hospital. I know with my broken leg that after surgery they had me up walking and right on home. I had PT at home until I walked normal. I hope Hunter can visit Anthony - I'm sure they will still be the BBF. Hunter may need to bring home school work for him or even play video games with him. I cannot see any anger toward Hunter from any adult - boys will be boys ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - Great news about Becky and Chris........ Prayers for them in their recovery.

Enjoy your visit with Andrew and Kelsey and fingers crossed for him to get the position in the Music department.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - that is the best news about school starting on Monday. I just can't imagine what all the children have been missing by having all this free time waiting on adults and political policies to make decisions.

Sandy I hope in some way you can bring your principal back down to the reality of the teachers' position.

Mema Jo said...

Off I go to Chemo....... It is good
and I have all the confidence in the world with my Dr Oh and Dr Gagnon and Dr Tolino. Quite a group and each knows what the other is doing.

BBL this afternoon

Lolly said...

Good morning! Out to mow, but had to announce there is one less armadillo in this world. Jack does not like getting up in the middle of the night and hates more to kill an armadillo. However, they are so destructive to lawns and flower beds and so very hard to trap!

I'll be back later!

stronghunter said...

Anthony will be in the hospital until Sunday or Monday from what his mother said on FB.

I hope things will work out okay.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!!

JO has expressed views I must wholeheartedly ditto, SHIRLEY, SHAR! Prayers where needed and kudos where so well earned!

SANDI, big ARRRRGGGGGHHHH---what a frustrating set of circumstances you're facing. Keep your eye on the prize, Retirement! That will be a great day!

LOLLY, glad JACK had success out in the "bush"! Not to worry, there is great rejoicing in Armadillo heaven as they welcome their latest Angeldillo. So how about that Armadillo Bowl---hmmm, sounds like the spot for a college football game, eh?

Had a great evening with "the kids" and looking forward to more good times over the weekend!

Love and Prayers for all !!!!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

LOLLY so glad he got the little bugger

JudyEddy said...

FYI they reported this am visit on the Eagle cam page a vidio of the still little over a min visit

JudyEddy said...

My silly daughter sent me a message

""Do you wanna build a snowman"





heading out

JudyEddy said...

we have lots of rain out in the gulf skirting the coast so its gonna be a wet one again

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
I'm home from chemo and I do feel very comfortable
Just had my comfort lunch of some chips - glass of milk - and Peanut
butter/Jelly sandwich.

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear that Anthony will be home Sunday... Hopefully Hunter can visit with some candy or books or small gift. Hope Kathryn was or is able to speak to Anthony's mom to avoid awkwardness for the boys. ♥

stronghunter said...

I hope Hunter and Anthony remain friends. It is very important to Hunter. He is hurting. Came home in a bad mood because kids on the bus gave him a hard time. I took him to school this morning, and it looks like I will be picking him up for awhile. His day at school was okay, but the bus ride home was not. Middle school can be tough.

stronghunter said...

Looks like we are in the market for a new washer. Judie, what did you get? Sounds like I want to avoid that kind.

My old washer is 20 years old, and the motor will need to be replaced. Not worth it. Guy made several recommendations of brands and stores, or he will sell me one. He really did not come across as pushy, and he is a neighbor. He sells Speed Queen. I have been doing a bit of online research, and the price he gave me doesn't look too bad. Going to look at Lowes, though. But I will not spend too long on this. Prefer not to have to go to the Laundromat too often, and I have a load of wet clothes sitting in the laundry room right now.

Judie said...

Evenin' everyone.

Food purchased, lawn watered after the aerator/seeding done this afternoon, dinner eaten, kitchen restored to order.

Shirley, avoid any washer that has a pullout tray with receptacles for liquid detergent, liquid bleach, softener. When you finish and push the tray in for a few days or a week, the dampness causes mildew and mold. After the final load, I now take the tray out, rinse it, and leave it out to dry. Also wipe out the trench where the tray slides in to get rid of water/dampness. Never never again. Also, front loads are low and unless you enjoy back/hip pain, you have to buy a stand to raise the washer door up to waist level ($~300 at Lowes). Front loads also just flop the clothes up, drop them down, repeatedly. There is no agitation. I definitely do NOT think the clothes get clean. Have had to redo before going into the dryer. Okay, now would anyone like to know how I really feel about front load clothes washers? lol

Headed across the hall for Jeopardy and the Roosevelts.

Hoda said...

JUDYE are you close to a place called Sarasoga Florida?
They will have Dragon Boat races there in October.
Two of our team members will paddle with the Florida Breast Cancer Survivors.

Missing MARGY

Glad it Was OK today JO.
Love you

SHAR let us know about ANDREW's Music Assignmet.

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Judie. The repairman stayed and talked for quite awhile--about washers that don't use much water and how some people think they don't clean so well.

I already have enough trouble with toilets that don't use much water until you have to flush three times because they just don't work.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening friends ♥

I am about to start a 9-11 movie on PBS - Inspector George Gently

Then I am off to sleep - It has been a busy day.

I will bid you all goodnight as I close down the blog. Prayers for all and thank you for all your prayers and thoughts for me. They sure are working well.


Hoda said...

Good night JO
Love you.

Judie said...

Eyelids falling down asleep so I think I will quickly follow Jo.

Tomorrow early the landscape people are to arrive. Let the choices be good ones and the work progress quickly and correctly, please and thank you.

Sandperson has been rousted from his sleep and is packing a large satchel. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Howdeeeee! Worked in the yard today until I totally exhausted myself. Not good! I have repeatedly told myself not t do that, but apparently I did not listen to myself. It is just that the weather was so nice!

Jack told me that he could hear a GHO hooting as he hunted last night. Looking forward to sleeping with the windows open.

Jo, so happy that you made it through these three days without too much affects.

Thinking of putting my nose in my kindle!

JudyEddy said...

YEP HODA that is south of us not to far from here Shame it can't be you and I would meet you there

JudyEddy said...

JO happy you are feeling comfortable after treatment

Hoda said...

I actually considered going...
One has to be a breast cancer survivor to join this team.
I am not, thank God!
So Sarah and Mary will represent us.

Hoda said...

LOLLY I have to ask!!!
Do people not get concerned and phone the Texas Rangers / police when they hear shots fired at night?
I would die of fear!!!
Is it legal to fire a gun in a residential area???

Hoda said...

Finally caught up with my cheque book!!!
I am 19 days late in getting this task reconciled.
All bills were paid the end of August, yet I had not reconciled my cheque book and my paper trail was causing a clutter... Task is done, I have a sense of gratitude for the abundance that is life. Dollars pay bills. A different experience from the abundance of gratitude.

God Bless Us All

Hoda said...

Tomorrow morning Dragon Boating.
Then Yoga.
Then volunteer with the Grans at the Market.
Then Massage

I will check in in the afternoon.


JudyEddy said...

Good morning EAGLE IN THE NEST

JudyEddy said...

just sitting at 5 ish

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's the weekend.

Lolly, I am sad for the armadillo but happy for you and Jack. Hoda's question is an interesting one. I know lots of people own and carry guns in Texas, but wouldn't someone call the police if he/she heard gunshots in a neighborhood like yours in the middle of the night?

Judie, what an exciting day for you - I would love to see photos of the landscaping project!! How about before and after shots?

Shar, my fingers are crossed for Andrew to get the band job. Prayers for you to get relief from your hip pain.

Jo, relax and enjoy your weekend - prayers continue for you.

Kay, I hope you are enjoying your time with your son!

You all know that, between my negative, complaining, backstabbing BFF on my teaching team and my new, young, super ambitious principal full of demands and deadlines, this has been a very unhappy start to my 31st school year. Well, Denny and I have been doing some talking and number crunching this past week and I have done some investigating with personnel and am happy to announce that, as of yesterday, I have a new game plan for exiting my career!

As I have explained before, I need to teach in DE for 10 years in order for our health care to continue when I retire. This is the start of my 9th year, so I need to work for 2 more years. This week I found out that, if I work as a paraeducator rather than a teacher, the years accumulate for me the same way they do if I'm a teacher. Also, if I switched to being a para, I would get credit for my years of teaching experience, so I would be paid at the top of the para salary scale instead of having to start on step 1.

Although there is a significant difference between a teacher's salary and a para's, Denny and I know that, if we're careful with our expenditures, we can pay our bills with his salary from the business and my reduced salary as a para. And we both agree that my happiness is worth far more than the money.

Based on the special ed. enrollment at my school this year, which is larger than we anticipated due to kids who moved into the district over the summer, my school will be hiring at least one new para as of October 1st. So Denny and I discussed me giving up my teaching position this school year and becoming a para. Though the idea is tempting, I would really be putting the special ed. department chair and the principal in a bind if they had to hire a replacement for me now that the school year has already started. I also think it would be unfair to the teachers on my team, 3 of whom I really like, because I am the team leader. And I think it would be upsetting for the kids on my caseload and for their parents.

So, I will continue in my position for this year, knowing that it will be my last year as a special education teacher. Next year, I will be a para, which means that I walk in the door at 7:45 with the kids, spend my day providing support for special ed. kids in classrooms, but under the direction of the special ed. teacher on the team, and walk out the door with the kids at 3pm with empty arms. No IEPs to write, no assessments to modify, no parent conference nights to attend, no state testing to administer, no faculty meetings, no lesson planning, no phone calls to parents in the evenings, no new district mandates to comply with.

Just making this decision, I feel as though a giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders, even for this year. Yesterday, once I read the email from the personnel director, I could not stop smiling!! Knowing what my last year in education will look like will really help me to get through this difficult school year. I am so happy!!

No tennis for me this weekend. I got one of my 2 difficult IEPs finished last night and will work on the other one today and tomorrow - both meetings are on Wednesday.

Have agreat day all!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY is your state doing the Tax Free on Energy Saving appliances Our state is this week That would be cool if you were to save some $$

Sandi said...

Shirley, I love my front loading LG washing machine - got it from Home Depot about 5 years ago for under $500. I have never had a problem with the clothes not seeming clean, nor have I had the mildew problems Judie described in the detergent/fabric softener dispenser. I do keep the door open so the tub doesn't get a mildew smell and I know that can be a problem for some people if they don't have a laundry room large enough to do that. And I agree with Judie about how low you have to bend to load and unload it. Good luck with your decision.

Janet said...

good morning all.

SANDI: so happy you found an answer to your problem with work! good for you!!!

SHIRLY: I too have a front loader washer and I love it. I have had a small problem with the mildew, but simply leave the door ajar slightly to dry. problem solved. and once a month I do run the washer cleaner/bleach water thru it to santitize, but I did that with a regular washer too.

Yes, the pull out detergent, etc gets gunky, but I simply pull it out and clean it, no problem.

it seems to clean well, have no issues with that.

work today 9 to 3. have to get moving in a min. critters to feed. shower to take, etc.

everyone have a lovely day! :)

Hoda said...

SANDI yay!
Sounds good and well thought.
My sister Carol did something similar. She now has a business after she retired even from para... Thriving.
The hardest part was often she knew ore than the teacher!
You are considerate and very professional.
Blessed Be you and DENNY.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!
Thought I'd drop in for a bit before Ken & I take off to walk the mall. We go every morning unless there's an early appointment or something, and in that case, we walk later in the day.

Sandi, I'm so glad that with your new plan you can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Shirley, I'd recommend that you check out the LG top loaders. I absolutely LOVE mine! It gets everything very, very clean, and I just leave the top open after doing the laundry so it can dry out. I leave the detergent/softener drawer open so it can dry at the same time. Oh--and this washer and dryer have all the controls at the top FRONT, so you don't have to reach to set the cycle you want. Very convenient.

Well, better get this show on the road soon. Will check back in later. Have a grand weekend, everyone! I ♥ us!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for all of the advice and suggestions. I will need to get out there and do some shopping.

This morning, I need to get that load of wet stuff and go to the Laundromat. I think I will put it in the dryer for a little while so it won't be so heavy. I think I just might stop at the bowling place for a little practice, too.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Already busy here with people all around the yard.

Sandi, seems you and Denny have made a very thoughtful decision and I wish you a good final year of teaching responsibilities.

Sorry about how negative I am with the washer. I'm sure Shirley will make a very good decision for her needs.

Hi Andy, glad you stopped by. So sad about the fires and yet so happy the alleged arsonist has been apprehended.

Okay, off to do things.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like you have in interesting plan in mind, Sandi, and some time to think about it as well.

stronghunter said...

Exciting about the new yard, Judie. And you get to sit in comfort and watch the transformation.

stronghunter said...

Got to get moving. Hunter has a football game this afternoon. Thank goodness, it is in the local area.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Saturday Morning to all ♥

Sandi - you have restored my faith in our every day decisions.
I am just overjoyed with your plan as it will surely make this year liveable with the future you have chosen.

Shirley - good luck with your washer selection. Hope you find the one you want at the right price. 20 years usage means you sure got your money's worth - hope you do the same this time.

Mema Jo said...

This afternoon is the Baby Shower and I am very excited. It is down in Shepherdstown at the Train Station bldg. About 50 in attendance I think
Love all the gifts a couple gets with
the first born. I am taking a car seat for the precious new cargo

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Did not get on and say good night. My bad!

Sandi, we are actually in the country, though an in-cooperated area, a "town" called Briaroaks. There are very few rules around here. Dogs run loose for instance. Houses are on 1 to four acres. People have horses chickens, etc. We hear gun shots all the time. Target shooting mostly. Jack only has a shot gun and it is not loud. I did not hear it! I did not know he had shot the armadillo until the next morning. Jack is NOT a hunter and does not like killing any animal. Heck, he even felt bad the first time he trapped and killed a mole!

Being lazy today. Maybe I should get moving! Jack did patrol the yard and say there were no armadillo diggings. Yea! So, apparently there was only one. Hope so!

Lolly said...

Jo, so happy you are feeling good and happy to be going to the baby shower. Enjoy the day!!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Wahoo, SANDI, what great solution you and Denny have come up with. Getting through this year will be easier since you know there are rosier days ahead!

SHIRLEY, good luck with your washer decision---twixt that fine neighbor and we Momster's you have a lot of experienced input to guide you. Hope Hunter will feel better about the accident and better able to cope with his peers on the bus as every day goes by.

JO, what a wonderful way to spend your Saturday! A lucky little boy is on his way and being properly feted today!

All's well and swell with Lee's visit. Julie is having an autumn dinner for us tonight w/butternut squash soup, salad, bread....

Love and prayers for all !!!!


JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch and seems all are having a good day
Have fun at the baby shower JO do you all play those silly games LOL diapers with candy bar melted and have to guess the candy bar

SANDI glad you found a solution to your happiness and that is all that counts

grannyblt said...

Evening all.

Shirley, I don't know if you have gotten a washer yet. The new one I got in March is a top loader that is one of those water saver models that doesn't have an agitator. The stops and starts while it calculates water needed was strange to become accustomed to, but the clothes are clean. I think several manufacturers make that type now.

Jo, glad you are feeling well. Hope the baby shower was fun.

Good news for Kay having a nice family time, Sandi with a good plan, and Lolly for a dead varmint .

grannyblt said...

And I forgot to check box for email

JudyEddy said...

HODA wanted to chime in on the gun shooting
When we lived in Ohio in the country we would have target practice in our yard
when we moved to Fl my X took his rifle outside behind the apt we lived in to see if it was shooting good because he just gotten it back from repairs Well the next thing we knew that there was a officer knocking on our door In Fl they don't allow that That is why there are shooting ranges he was told There is a funny thing to the story Tom had a housecoat plaid and the person that called said that there was a old lady outside and it was Tom.
So it all depends on city living or country living

JudyEddy said...

.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

Great day here.
Updated phone to 8 and am practicing.
I can write on the screen instead of type.
It reads my sentence and tells me what comes next!!!
I do not like either of these two options!!!

Beautiful here
Loved reading your posts.
Blessed Be.

Will I be able to hold off till October before I turn on the heat?
I hope so.

Good night and God Bless

Mema Jo said...

Coming in to say that the Baby Shower was a lot of fun - such great baby boy gifts of clothing and then lots of the accessories like car seat, bath tub, pack and play and many others. Great afternoon.

Goodnight to all
Prayers for all and thanks for all my prayers for healing.


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

One of my REAL BFFs - we have been friends since 3rd grade - came for a visit yesterday. It was so nice catching up! Then Denny and I worked outside cutting back shrubs that have grown way too large. Hoping to do more trimming in the gardens today so we can make just one trip to the dump.

I got no school work done yesterday so I will be starting on that 2nd IEP as soon as I'm finished posting here and checking out FB.

Happy birthday, Delphia in case you check in here today!

Prayers for the needs on the blog, especially for Jo and her upcoming cyberknife surgery, for Andrew to get that band teacher job, for Janet's friend going through chemo, for Hunter's friend Anthony and for dear sweet Hunter that the kids on the bus leave him alone, and for Shar to get relief from her hip pain.

It's good to hear that our eagles are showing up at the nest every day, even for a short visit. I didn't see any hummingbirds at my 3 feeders yesterday - wondering if they have departed.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

We have an eagle in our nest!

Sandi said...

Now both eagles in the nest! :)

Sandi said...

Cam refreshed and both are gone!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

thanks for reporting eagle in nest SANDI I saw them yesterday at 7 I think they were just late yesterday
I did get a pic yesterday

JudyEddy said...

I see pic on fb from the Eagle cam page also of this am visit

JudyEddy said...


***Sending birthday wishes your way***

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning to all ♥

Thanks for the eagle alert Sandi and thanks Judy for all the new pics in our album

No special plans for today - Like Sandi and Denny my hubby has the hedge trimmer ready to go. All the scrubs have sprouted to the heavens.

Hoping everyone has a pleasant relaxing day.


Mema Jo said...

A special greeting for a

Happy Birthday

to our very own Bird Girl

Enjoy your day and have a fantastic

year ahead

Lolly said...

Good morning! As usual, heading to church! Nothing on the agenda today. Maybe I should stay indoors and clean. It has been going down hill!

Miss our Margy! Time for her to show up! Love you, Margy! We miss you!

Glad you enjoyed the shower, Jo! Love baby showers! Lol. Love babies!

Going to be a busy week. Skippi is scheduled for her surgery and Jacob gets the little tumor removed. Jacob's surgery is Friday and they are going to spend the night her that night. Think I will get out and get him a little gift! Friday night we will be nursing cat and grandson. LOL

Gotta run!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!
Dropping in quickly to apologize for not saying goodnight last night! Miss Emma was firmly planted in my lap (my 45 pound "paper weight"!), and I didn't have the heart to make her budge. She was sleeping so sweetly!

BIRD GIRL!! Hope it's a spectacular day for you!

Shirley, prayers that you'll find the perfect washer for your needs!
(If there's nothing good on TV, Ken & I do a load of laundry and have fun watching ours figure out how much water is needed for the size of the load! It puts in some water, then "squishes" the wash around a bit, then adds a little more water, "squishes" some more, and keeps doing this process just until the clothes are able to move around freely in the drum. The thing literally seems to have a mind of its own!) LOL--laundry day is actually kinda fun!

Prayers for Jo's cyberknife surgery. Love you! (Hugs)!!...also for Hunter & Anthony, Andrew's possible band teacher job, Shar's hip pain, Janet's friend going through chemo, Jacob's tumor surgery, and Skippi's spay surgery.
Have a great Sunday, everyone!
I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Missed seeing the most recent eagle vist. Will have to try again.

Susan came down last night, and we took Kathryn and Hunter out to dinner to celebrate Kathryn's birthday, which is tomorrow. Didn't have Will and Rus, so we need to try for another gathering. Rus has a birthday on Oct. 8, so maybe then. So hard to get everyone here at the same time.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for all of the prayers and kind thoughts.

Janet said...

good morning to all. just got up. feeling wiped out between the busy week and the cold. no plans for today. I planned it that way. does that mean I acutally HAVE a plan which is no plan?

worked yesterday, which was great. boogied home.....we left literally with in minutes for Kentucky. one of tom's friends was getting married and it is about a 2 hour drive up there...if you know where you are going. and, we did not.

the gps went on strike, and I didn't bring my phone nor the back up gps. normally I would, but I literally came home, it the bathroom and tossed on a skirt and shirt, grabbed purse and make up and jumped in the car.

well, we made it there for the wedding pix. but james was still glad to see tom we hung out a short bit for the festivities....and snce we had not eaten dinner, and it was now 7 p.m. we were on our way. we were in Tompkinsville, ky....and so figured our way out to glascow and then bowling green (thank goodness tom has a sense of direction!)

we were home about 10 and in the bed.


its a hot sticky icky day here. last day of summer. I plan to read, play on the computer, cross stitch and nap. I am wiped out today.

SANDI: making such a decision lifts that stress and lightens the load. blessed be.

HODA: people in TN, if they live outside the city also target practice in their yards. Here, where I live, we are very much in the city so if you were to hear gun fire, it is cause for alarm. Normally we do not.

JUDIE: that's the beauty of this group. We can all give an opinion and its valid. Everyone honors your opinion. (((hugs)))

Everyone have a great day. Going to sit here and be lazy!

love love love you all

stronghunter said...

Really missing Margy!

stronghunter said...

Going to head over to the bowling alley soon.

Sandi said...

2 IEPs FINISHED and my butt is sore from sitting in one spot since 7AM! I am still in my jammies b/c I was determined NOT to get up until this chore was D-O-N-E!! Have not even brushed my teeth yet and it's afternoon!!

The sun has come out - time to get dressed and get outside in the fresh air to do some more trimming!

I still have some more school work to do this evening to modify an English assignment for my kids for tomorrow. I'll get to that after dinner. If my principal shows up in my room tomorow to remind/reprimand/criticize me for missing a deadline for some stupid paperwork thing he is requiring, you just may hear about me on the evening news - Delaware teacher arrested for assaulting principal!! :)


JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch haven't read back gonna do now

JudyEddy said...

The kids the the flavor fun today looks like they had a blast 3 miles One of Jordyn friends went also Angie put two pic on my porfile on FB

JudyEddy said...

that should have been flavor RUN

Mema Jo said...

Trying to get the still cam up;/running
Not having any success

Does anyone have the still cam up?

Hoda said...

Last day of summer.
I am at the beach.
Don't have the cam up JO.
Saw an eagle. First flying, then fishing, now eating.
Only two families out here on this large beach...
School starts tomorrow for BC kids.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda it is a beautiful beach day here and I'm not sure just where
Megan is but she has had beach scenes on FB.

Time for thinking about dinner...


stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Delphia.

Anthony has been discharged from the hospital!

stronghunter said...

Went shopping for a washer today, and learned stuff. Sounds like it isn't going to cost as much as I feared.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday, Delphia! Hope all your wishes come true.

Still cannot access the still cam. Heck, can not even access the website!

Shirley, glad your shopping is turning out positive for washing machines and great news about Anthony being discharged from the hospital.

Sandi, it is great that you have made such a positive decision for your future. How are you liking the new vehicle?

Hope everyone else is fine and enjoying this last weekend of summer.

Have a great evening.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Looks like GW is delayed

JudyEddy said...

While I am waiting I am watching Resurrection

JudyEddy said...

so happy have dvr will have to watch GW tomorrow eyelids getting heavy

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

I have successfully navigated my plans for the day. Nothing.
good night all!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥


Prayers for all our needs... ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Another work week begins, but i have a smile on my face. Will be sharing my new plans with my department chair this morning before she hears via the grapevine. :)

Prayers for all - good to hear that Anthony is home. Have agreat day.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

no eagle in nest when I came on

JudyEddy said...

but eagle cam has pictures from them 15 min ago

Janet said...

good morning all. its Monday. sun is out. everyone, have awonderful day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Pretty fall day here this morning.

Mema Jo said...


Whoo Hoo

It is a new week and a new Monday
thread is awaiting your comments




3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...