Thursday, August 07, 2014


New thread. 

Live cam season is just about up.  I anticipate Outdoor Channel will be wrapping up for the season.  Maintenance on the cam is scheduled for August 25.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve. Another fresh thread for a lovely sunshiny morning in these parts.

Headed back to catch up.

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE for the new thread and JUDIE for the call over.


Judie said...

Good morning again.

Jo, thinking of you today. No only do you have a reliable chauffeur but a very handsome one as well.

Headed to make myself less scary then out to forage.

Wishing everyone a lovely morning.

Judie said...

Oh, doing a Margy...

Yes, a 2015 eagle season would be most appreciated.

Hi Hoda.

Janet said...

good morning to all.
Thank you,again, HODA. did not mean to make you tear up.

THANK YOU STEVE for the info and the new thead.

Congrats to JUDIE feater looks splendid. I bet JUFIE will be jealous.

Just got up. Slept In as we were up late making prunes of our tub soak followed by a pool swim to cool off my core so I didn't hot flash the night away. The hot tub is only @ 100, but it will still heat up that body core.

Have lots of piddly stuff to do today. Nothing major. For me, a lazy day.

Back to work tomorrow. I kind of miss it, glad to go back. Love my home time, love my job, do I have it made or what?

Everyone have a lovely day. Will checkin later. and btw, have I told you lately that I love you?

JudyEddy said...

checking in to check the email me box

picked up Jordyn and we went to do some school shopping but Angie forgot to give me the supply list so I only got some uniforms for her shirts and skirts

Lolly said...

Good morning! Big wishes for another year of watching the nest! Thanks, Steve to you and the crew for all that you do!

Never got around to making pesto, so that is what I will do today. We had corn on the cob last night and it was soooo good. Need to get out and get more!

Mattie's picture on fb for the first day of school is so cute!

stronghunter said...


Lovely day here. Still no sign of the dogs next door.

Hunter went back to Y Camp today. He's still coughing, but that will probably last for awhile.

Eagerly awaiting the report on the nest the 25th. Hoping that all is well.

Mema Jo said...

THANKS Steve for the info and the new
fresh thread.....

Judie - your gathering of feathers is becoming a habit! Thanks.

Just had lunch a while ago - Charlie brought some sweet corn and a delicious cake from his country travels......

I started this morning at 9:00 = got to destination as told at 9:20.
Big sign greeted you like Appreciate you Patience. So for the CT and then the MRI it took 2 hrs. Everything went went well after it got started. I am ready to put my feet up...... NEW TRICKS

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon all

Thank you for the new thread Steve.

Just returned from a club picnic. Not actually a picnic, but we call it that. The first year we had it, the weather drove us indoors, so we just have it indoors. That way no flies of rain problems. Besides, we have some elderly members that can't manage picnic tables. There was so much food left over, most people took home a filled plate for supper.

Missed seeing the last osprey fledge by about 5 minutes. I guess our juries are now spending most of their time out in the cruel world.

grannyblt said...

Flies or rain


Judie said...

Home from foraging. Went to Belvoir and saw a juvie just cruising around on air currents. So pretty.

I've heard of raining cats and dogs but raining flies is a new one. lol Dogs and cats are more fun.

Shirley, glad Hunter was able to return to camp. Also glad the dogs (owner) seems to have identified an alternate route. That is good.

Jo, happy all went smoothly today and that you had a nice lunch plus cake. Love sweet corn. Been wrapping in foil with a bit of salt and a pat of butter to cook on the grill.

I wore my feathered headdress today and was much admired by all who encountered me. Told everyone I'm a Redskins fan. lol

Going to pretend to be Jo and put my feet up. BBL

Lolly said...

Well I made 6 batches of pesto and it is in the freezer. Yea! Could make more. It ran out of olive oil. Used our own basil and our pecans. Yummy!

Presently 100.2. Sorry I looked!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Doug Hill on Ch. 7 says we're getting smoke from the Canadian wildfires. Interesting.

Still no sign of the next door dogs. In fact, no sign today of the next door people. Both cars were gone last time I was outdoors.

Having pizza tonight. It is math tutor night, and pizza makes things easy.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like you have been busy today doing all of that cooking, Lolly.

Raining flies? Sounds unpleasant. I agree with Judie that cats and dogs are more fun.

Yeah, Hunter went back to camp and left his cold with me. I have already had one summer cold this year. Not excited about another one.

Janet said...

good evening to all.

it has been a productive day...

I got the house straightened up, laundry done, completely unpacked, washed, dried, put away (that's somewhat of a miracle, all in the same day!)

livvy and I ran around, some errands. the library for some books on tennesee history, big lots, piddly stuff. we went to office max. they had this display there and if you download this app on your phone and tap it, when you look at the phone, the band members appear to walk onto the "set" and then you can have yourself photographed with the band.

of course NOONE else could see them, so she appeared to be posing completely alone like a doofus. lol. but it was fun. I guess we spent 30 min doing that.

its been a fun day with her. I've been working on a painting project and she's been working on on as well.

I made philly cheese steaks for dinner. one of Olivia's favorites. easy enough.

its been cloudy most of the day and very very humid. i'm HOPING we get some RAIN. although its not over 100 (sorry LOLLY) is plenty hot and sticky and dry.
there is a 60% chance of rain tomorrow....fingers crossed. the grass is brown and it is certainly looking like August around here.

Hope everyone has a quiet night!

hugs to all!

stronghunter said...

Really sounds like a very productive day, Janet, especially good for you and Olivia.

Watching the Redskins-Patriots preseason game. Redskins lead 20-0.

Lolly said...

Shirley, making pesto does not involve cooking. Just using my food processor. Had a yummy dinner tonight, our favorite Involtini with linguine and pesto. And, a bottle of wine! :)

Judie said...

Time for me to say goodnight. Want to try to watch the 10pm news.

Sandperson is rummaging in the hall closet, fussing about having to order more sleepy dust and how Jufie keeps playing tricks.

The night light is on. Sandperson will be on the way. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

So, Lolly, looks like a busy day of food preparation for you, even if it did not involve any cooking. :)

Mema Jo said...

Oldest daughter and hubby came here around 4:30 and prepared dinner for us. Later son and dil and gs came to visit. This evening I actually tired out and feel asleep in my recliner. NOW I am taking some meds and going to climb into bed.

Everyone take care
Goodnight to all ♥

Janet said...

late check in.

STRONGHUNTER: it was a nice day. everyone was in a good mood all day. I am thankful.

JO; how lovely your family made dinner!!! what an expression of love.

Heading to bed in a bit. sleeping in messes with my sleep schedule.

We did have some rain I am happy to report. I hope for more tomorrow.

SED my friends!!!!!

Lolly said...

Jo, iI am so impressed how your family is taking care of you! You did an amazing job raising all of those children! You go, Girl!

Jack is watching football and I have been reading. Heading to get ready for the sheets!

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Miss Jenni has become quite the early riser! Denny left the door to her crate open so, when she woke up this AM, she just popped out and her toenails started clicking on the hardwood floors. That was all it took to get Bella going. I see a nap in my afternoon future!

Tennis for me at 8am and then I need to do a lot of garden weeding - even the driveway has weeds that need pulling!

My brother's son, who is in the Army, is doing some kind of month long training at Fort Lee in VA. He messaged me on FB that he and a friend will be coming for the weekend. Haven't seen him since Mom's funeral in March.

Jo, I refuse to wait for too long at doctor's offices! They post signs that say if you miss an appt. you will be billed for it, but then they think nothing of letting a patient sit in the waiting room. Nope, I won't do it - my time is just as valuable as theirs! I have been known to walk up to the receptionist and announce that I am leaving.

Janet, loved the photos of Livvy at Office Depot! But the band looked so pale and Livvy is so tan! :)

After the visit WV, I told Lynnis I wanted to buy Freyja a mobile and an activity/music box for her crib and pack-n-play. But there were so many on that I couldn't decide. So I sent Lynnis an email gift card and told her to pick what she liked. yesterday she sent me a video of Freyja looking at herself in the mirror of her activity box and swatting at her mobile. The subject line said "highly entertained baby!"

Have agreat day all!

Janet said...

good RED FRIDAY morning all!
TGIF! Actually the start to a couple of busy weeks for me. But that's okay, I've had a lot of time to be lazy.

We did get a nice rain last night and more anticipated. I am thankful. We need it.

Back to work today. Hoping for a busy day with a/c that is now working.....

Have a great day to all!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all on this Red Friday ♥

It is slightly overcast here today.
64° this am hour and the upcoming weekend looks to be very pleasant.

Have fun on the tennis court, Sandi
Great idea of letting Lynnis pick out the mobile and is that picture here oh your blog yet?

Shirley I hope your cold leaves pronto.

Where is Judy?
Good morning to all those to follow in here today. Take care - BBL this afternoon...... ♥

grannyblt said...

Good morning all.

I have found that since I am having comments delivered by email, I tend to keep up and participate more often. I didn't like that option when I had to wade through comments on the PC or laptop. Much easier to check on phone or iPad.

I feel like flying the coop today, so I may go shopping.

HAGD everyone

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Headed out midday to get my "do" did and then do some catch up laundry.

Still hoping to hear from the feline group that they have found a foster home for Audrey and Grace.

JudyE has been MIA for a day or maybe two. I'm sure she's just busy. Also hope Margy checks in briefly.

Okay, wishing everyone a lovely morning.

Oh, Cheetah babies are really growing.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO and good morning I am hear got in late last night from the kids house and didn't have to get up early this am so I slept in somewhat and didn't want to get tied to the computer till I got a few thing done

paula eagleholic said...

Hello friends. .I know I haven't been here in a week...but I wanted you all to be the first to know...thanks for your unending love and prayers...

The good news is that Larry had his pet scan this week..the Dr just called...Larry is CANCER FREE :):):)

Judie said...

Paula, thank you so much for sharing the wonderful news. We can only imagine how happy and relieved you both are to know the past few months were worth the fight. Please give a huge Momster hug to Mr. Studmuffin.

Sandi said...

YAY, PAULA!!!! What incredibly wonderful news about Larry!! Thanks for letting us know - now, GO CELEBRATE!!!!

Jo, I can't figure out how to save the video that Lynnis sent so I can put it on my blog. Don't want to upload it to anyplace public like youtube b/c Brian and Lynnis don't want videos of Freyja floating around in cyberspace. When will you be sitting down with your docs to come up with a treatment plan for your lung?

A/C is turned off and windows are open. Now to attack some weeds! Later!

JudyEddy said...

PAULA what wonderful news
I know you all are so happy and
are doing the happy dance

grannyblt said...

Woo Hoo. Yay, wonderful news Paula!

Judie said...

Here I am home again and beauteous. Okay, so I got the "do" did.

Picked lots of cucumbers from the yard so will search for some reasonably healthy recipes - maybe cucumber soup.

Then to the laundry.


Janet said...

good after noon to all!

fantastic news PAULA! celebrate!!!!

its been a typical Friday. busy at work. hot and humid right now. I almost got in the pool, but decided to wait til tom gets home he might like to get in prior to dinner. the school buses have no a/c of course.

we had a lovely rain shower last night. here's hoping for another this evening.

nothing too much new around here. had a biscotti and coffee for my afternoon pick me up

later gaters

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeee!!! Another day of mowing, edging, blowing, watering pots, and deadheading daisies. I am in now, showered and refreshed. Jack and I both watered and soked each other with the water hoses. That's what you do when it is 102.9!!!!!

I just want to thank our good Lord for still being capable to work outside!

Saw the news about Larry on fb. Totally awesome! Time to celebrate!

Mema Jo said...

That is the greatest news for Larry, Paula. That is what every cancer patient prays for - Clean PET Scan.
Celebrate you must! ♥

Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !!!

♫♪CELEBRATE,CELEBRATE,DANCE TO THE MUSIC♪♪♪ PAULA, so glad you and Larry heard those sweet, sweet words, "Cancer Free" !!!

Love reading about y'all---the kids, grandkids, water fun twixt a couple of big kids down in TX, pets, hairdos.....

Saw the doc in charge of my case yesterday and got a release from his care. He says a blockage could occur again since the offending scar tissue is still there, but then again it may never be an issue again. No diet or lifestyle change does any good, so "eat what you want and live life with no thought of it happening again hanging over your head". Yeah !!! Thanks for the prayers !!!

JUDIE, I got my "do" did today, too. 2 months of growth did away with my "Judy Dench", but I've got it back again now.

More energy every day---did a big Kroger restock today after the "do". So happy to be getting back to my "normal".

Love and prayers for all !!!


stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Waiting for Chinese food delivery. The cold isn't too bad, but I am just not interested in cooking.

stronghunter said...

So very happy to read Paula's wonderful news. Larry is cancer free! Definitely calls for a celebration.

stronghunter said...

Nice to see your post, Kay. Looks like a celebration is in order for you, too.

Lolly said...

I just want you all to know...I have disowned my daughter. Jack tells her "May your socks rot!" She has the nerve to call and say it is raining at her house! I mean, one time she got over 10 inches, another time over 5, and we get nothing! It has been nice knowing her for 41 years! LOL

Judie said...

Um, Lolly, you and Jack thought about packing up your house and garden and strolling over to Denton?lol

Shirley, hope you begin to feel lots better soon. Just saps all energy.

Kay, glad you are improving each day and getting back to your new ole self. Good news that you don't have to make all sorts of lifestyle changes. How's Penny?

Dinner over. Headed across the hall to watch some news. BBL

Lolly said...

That's the problem! Do not know how to pack up my garden! Also, too many friends right here. Can no leave my friends!

grannyblt said...

Gee Lolly, she seemed like a nice girl. I'll take her, and those grandsons too. LOL

stronghunter said...

Well, unfortunately, Kathryn had to get Hunter and Anthony to stand aside while our neighbor got the dogs into their back yard.

I don't know that there is anything I can say to Pam. I don't know her very well, but from things she has said, she's pretty confrontational and not likely to accept suggestions.

Lolly said...

Oh,so sorry, Shirley! You do have a problem there!

Lynne, can' t have the grand boys! But, I give you Laurel. She is nice until she phones and rubs it in that it is raining at her house!

I am going with her to the doctor Monday. Time for Jacob to return to the surgeon about the lump on the back of his neck. Laurel never brings it up to him, but a couple of times recently he has said it hurts. .??! We shall see.

stronghunter said...

Hope it goes well, Lolly.

Judie said...

Okay, Lolly. Just have it your way. Two motherless grandsons. I think you should drive and make Laurel sit in the back seat with no toys. lol Did any of the doctors mention a cyst that can be removed? Hope all will be okay.

Shirley, what a shame about the neighbor and the dogs. Hope she doesn't learn the hard way with an injury and lawsuit. I'm sure Hunter will stay clear of them.

Think I'll watch a PBS program about Poirot. BBL

Hoda said...

Please keep us posted. He is not only your Grandson, he has all of us Grandmothers rooting for him too... as to the situation with LAUREL, you can say all you want about rain or no rain, yet I think you would Say off with your head if any of us tried to adopt her and take her aweay from you ... No way would you let her go ahead and pout and act jealous but blood is definitely thicker than water...

stronghunter said...

So far the dogs haven't been vicious, just uncontrollable, but their barking and lunging is scary. I will try to reason with Pam if I get a chance, but she is interesting. She has already threatened someone from the homeowner's association because he said something that displeased her.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lolly, Jacob has a big group of grandmas looking out for him.

Lolly said...

LOL Hoda!

Can not remember the name the doctor gave to the cyst. It was a wait and see deal. We have waited, it has not gone away,so we will se what he has to say. If he wants to remove it, I am ready to say let's wait some more. Laurel and the boys are about to start school. Laurel starts next Thurs. let's get the beginning of the school year behind us!

Laurel registered Joseph Wed. He is going to a new school, a new school district. He is going to Ponder where his dad teaches. It is a much smaller school district. He can go there because of his dad. Some cute girls offered him a tour. He went with them. Then later when Laurel was buying school shirts one of the girls said to Joseph, " see you at school , Joseph". He is off for a new adventure and hope this is going to work out great!

Lolly said...

I do appreciate the prayers for Jacob!

Lolly said...

My kitty goes to the vet Tues for her second round of shots. She has now started sleeping right beside me, not on the pillow. She is sleeping cross wise ! LOL. I have to scoot closer to Jack. Heaven forbid I should disturb the pooty cat!

Lolly said...

I just have to say that I do not like not having The Queen getting on here more often. What's your problem O'Queen?

Judie said...

Be ever so careful what you ask for Lolly. The Queen has been with Jufie and only they know what mischief lies ahead.

Enjoying the Poirot program as David Suchet is explaining how he got into the character, how the music was created, etc. This Fall is the final season.

stronghunter said...

Just so you know, the Queen has been alerted. I have to do something to distract her since she is beating me in WWF.

stronghunter said...

Funny how our fur children like to sleep crosswise on the bed, Lolly. And even funnier how we accommodate them. But I guess you don't want to wake her up and get your feet attacked.

stronghunter said...

Susan has a kitty with a long fluffy tail, kind of like your Skippi. Poor Chancey has hard time if her tail gets wet because she suddenly doesn't recognize it which means that it is a scary thing. When you are Chancey and a scary thing is following you, you must run away from it.

stronghunter said...

. . . has a hard time . . .

Judie said...

The time has arrived for me to send Sandperson on the way and to close my eyes for some sleep.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

yeah! the sandperson is making rounds!!! I was thinking it was about that time.

been a lovely day. hope everyone sleeps well and peacefully.

light and love, healing and hugs to all. good night.

stronghunter said...

Good night from Fredericksburg. See you tomorrow.
SED, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

didn't say GN got home late again

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

The vet called last night. Jenni has something called acanthomatus ameloblastoma. It's benign, so it won't metastasize to other areas of her body. That's the good news. The bad news is that it will continue to grow and could eventually affect her jaw bone. Treatment options for a complete cure are surgery which would probably require removing part of her jaw and cost thousands or radiation treatments which would mean a 4 hour round trip drive to Newcastle County for each treatment and would cost thousands. We're not going to do either of those.

The other option is for the vet to periodically "debulk" it - cutting out as much as he can - as it grows. He did say he will contact the pathologist to find out if it will probably grow quickly or slowly - there is some "number" that would allow him to know that but it wasn't included in the pathology report. That's what we'll do and hope it's slow growing.

My nephew and a friend arrived last night from Fort Lee in VA. They will head to the beach today and hopefully we can go out to dinner on the boat this afternoon/evening.

Have a good day all.

Janet said...

good morning.

OH SANDI: so NOT the news you wanted. it could be worse, but still , not great news. so sorry that she will have to deal with that...and so will you. but I know you will make the best decision for her health and care long term.... (((hugs)))

Saturday. just got up. I see JUDYE was out gallivanting last night...late huh? did ya set the alarm when ya got in??? lol

no rain yesterday. still hopeful.

had a beautiful moon last night. we were outside for a bit and just did some moon the clouds cleared and showed us her beauty.

hope everyone has a lovely Saturday!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sandi, really very sorry about the diagnosis for Jenni. She is so fortunate that you have taken her into your family. Enjoy time with nephew tonight.

Routine day today. Will make some pickles (trying CarolAnne's recipe this time),

Shirley, got a mental image last night of you playing a recording of a bellowing lion - speaker directed toward neighbor's yard. That might keep the dogs in her yard. lol

Cheetah cubs are growing really fast; Black eagle cam is operating again; Baboons at Pete's Pond; AND sunshine in N. VA.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Overcast again today - but it is a pleasant temp...

Sons are here with a clean bedroom
area rug -- They are the jack of all trades!

I had a very sound sleep last evening. A little Tylenol helped. I had surgically received a POWER PORT which will be used for the Chemo meds... eliminates the need of intravenous use. I get 3 treatments and then wait 3 weeks before the next three. I haven't really mentioned all this due to just absorbing all the information. MTBR later

stronghunter said...

Thinking of you, Jo. I had a port for my chemo meds. Don't know about the power part, though. It was nice not to have to be stuck every time I went in for a treatment.

So good to know you slept soundly.

stronghunter said...

Funny image, Judie. Roaring lions. I don't know if those dogs have the sense to avoid lions.

Peaceful day here. Hunter went with Kathryn to work. Two more weeks of Y Camp. I am so pleased that he seems to be enjoying it. It is much healthier than hours of Xbox.

stronghunter said...

Regarding the dogs, I expect that the most likely person to get injured is Pam because the dogs really yank her around.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Sandi, Jenni is so fortunate to have you.

Mema Jo said...

I agree Shirley that Jenni is one lucky pooch!
Shirley - do you now own 1 dog only?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Jo, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Can understand not wanting to talk about it.

Just took a walk around the yard and now I am sweating. 93 and going up! No rain possibility in sight! Yucko!

Lolly said...

Sandi, so sorry about Jenni. Can understand the route you chose. She is lucky to have you!

Lolly said...

Sandi, so sorry about Jenni. Can understand the route you chose. She is lucky to have you!

Lolly said...

Well!!! Strange. I hit publish but it stayed in the box. Published twice. Sorry!

stronghunter said...

We have one dog and one cat. Luna the basset hound and Lucky the 20-year-old cat.

Luna is blind and Lucky is deaf, but Lucky is still very verbal. He meows a greeting when someone enters the room. Smart kitty, he is.

stronghunter said...

We know Lucky is deaf, or partially deaf, because if you walk up behind him and touch him, he is startled.

stronghunter said...

The neighbor dogs almost got into the house one day. I would be very upset if they got in here and bothered Lucky. He has Luna intimidated, but he is not equipped to handle two large, young dogs out of control.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds !!!

JO, thoughts and prayers are with you---I'm so glad you have the "port" to simplify things.

SANDI, Jenni has landed in the right household for her special needs ! Blessings on you and Denny for taking care of the dear little doxy !

JUDIE, you asked how Penny is these days and she's a very happy little girl. Julie and the guys got her weight down to an ideal 13.9 from 15.6. My challenge is to give her the kind of exercise she needs in order to maintain.

Big blow this a.m. due to my 10 year old A/C taking it's final gasp. Monday a new, energy efficient and properly installed unit will become mine. The condo conversion company took what are now evident short cuts. Arrrrggghh! Could kick myself for thinking I had to own my own place when coming back to this city. Due to the recession I'd have been far better off living in a rental for the duration. Hindsight is always better than foresight. I have a friend down the street who is probably ten years older than I and lives in the old home she and her husband bought in 1965---no A/C and yet she never complains ! I need to think about becoming a non-complainer !

SHIRLEY, hoping you, Hunter, Kathryn et al are able to steer clear of Pam's dogs ! Not to be trusted !

And "Hey" to the rest of this days bloggers, JANET, JUDYE, LOLLY... I enjoy reading your comments always.

Seth will be here this evening for our last Sat/Sun before he heads to Otterbein U.. Hope his Sophomore year is as grand as the last !

Love and Prayers for all !


JudyEddy said...


home from work

now to figure out what I am gonna eat

Hope everyone days was super duper

Janet said...

good evening to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was a short day at work. I had 4 out of the 5 hours booked. My boss looked at me and said if you like we'll move this prospect to this other therapist and you can head out if you want to. I said, i'd rather have a massage...and so I did. my shoulders, arms, hands and wrists were thankful. acupuncture is Monday.

I came home

Michael has gone to the Titans game down town.


it has been raining off and on. Nice gentle showers.

Ok, tell LOLLY she can look again. I can't have her disowning me, lol.

We have a nice quiet night on hand I think. Play on here, read some, maybe take a soak. Get ready for another day tomorrow.

I'll check in later!

Judie said...

Seems everyone is cruising along at a peaceful pace. Well, of course, there is Hoda to be heard from and goodness only knows what she's been into today.

Kay, hope you and Seth enjoyed the evening together.

Sandperson woke me from my tv induced coma to say he is almost ready to depart.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Prayers JO.
Love and Light to you.

JUDIE a full day!
So tired of the heat it gets in the way.

Dragon boated
Light Lunch with a friend
Bicycle the Slocan Valley
( fires are raging up there on their ridges)
Art shows tour.
Pottery, paintings, blowing glass, metal works...
several towns in the region have them. Impossible to go to all the galleries.
Will continue tomorrow.
Supper at home.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all

Really sleepy - SED and AOYP

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Sounds like a pretty quiet Saturday for most - same here. We did take my nephew and his friend out to dinner on the boat.

It has been interesting talking to Jake and Julian about the military. Both of them spent time fighting in Iraq and training their soldiers to defend themselves, and now Iraq is falling apart again. Very disheartening for them to see.

Today Denny and I are volunteering for the morning at the Special Olympics camp nearby. Not sure what time Jake and Julian will be leaving this afternoon.

Prayers for Jo as you start your chemo treatments - what day of the week? Do you start this week?

Have agreat day.

Hoda said...

Good morning SANDI
Loud boom!
Wakes me up
Power goes off
Been off for over an hour.
Candles are lit.

Good question SANDI for JO...when do you start?

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Janet said...

good morning to all. quiet morning here. work 12 to 6 today.

good grief HODA: you packed enough into yesterday to count for today. breathe woman!

yes, JO, in quiring minds want to know.

coffee time. then feed the fur babies.

hugs and love to all. enjoy your day!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Hoda, what caused the boom and power outage? And do not mention Jufie - he is not in Nelson.

Sandi, so nice you all enjoyed dinner of the boat. So relaxing.

Hi to Janet and JudyE.

Headed to the farmer's market this morning.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning to all ♥
No plans for today except watching my critters and relaxing - No company planning to visit.. Well Jenny just called and will be here around 5:00 after work. lol

Thanking all of you for your prayers and thoughts during this trying time... I prefer to update 'after-the-fact' rather then lay out my schedule... things sometimes change.... I had the first chemo and did not have any adverse reaction. That is good!
I am comfortable - that is good!

This morning's breakfast was soooo good - banana, cantaloupe, muffin and scrambled egg with cheese. My hubby is the bestest ever ♥

grannyblt said...

Good morning all

Yes, Hoda, do tell. Was it something the fire caused? Hope things are back to normal.

Hoping all have a wonderful day

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, It is good to hear that Hunter has more weeks of camp..
and especially that he is enjoying it. Idle time (on X box) is not all that good! I'm sure he is making new
friends also.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yep...disown anyone who talks about receiving free water from the sky.

About to eat breakfast and head to church.

Have some concern here. Noticed Skippi limping yesterday. One of her back paws is swollen. ???? She does not go outside, have no idea what is going on. She has an appointment with the vet Tues am but will probably call and see if we can get in tomorrow morning. Going with Laurel in the afternoon to the doctor. The pads of her paw are pickish and swollen. Poor baby! She is still very playful and sometimes running. I also see her working on that paw. However, she is the "groominest" cat ever! Any ideas?

Jo, so glad you are doing well after the first chemo. Keep it up! Love you!

See you all later!

Hoda said...

Good morning again.

I have no idea what caused the loud boom that woke me.

JO of course you have the bestest hubby ever.
Sounds like a terrific breakfast.
I respect your decision to tell is after the fact.
Yes things do change stay flexible.
Praying for healing and endurance.

JudyEddy said...


on lunch

as if you didn't know

JO good to hear that you had no reaction to the first treatment

and we respect your decision to telling

SOO mad at Walmart changing our dress code again
collar shirts only to be worn after Sep 29 I have so many nice pull over blouses shirts with no collars now I have to go buy more I just dont think that is fair I have a whole closet full that I have bought over the years and now will not be able to wear I wish we could fight it but I guess not

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I certainly hope that Skippi checks out ok at the vet - I just hope it is something very simple with a simple remedy.

Sandi I hope Jenni is having a good day.

Penny and Emma are thriving from all reports.........

Not sure if I need another cat yet or not... lol

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Haven't been here much lately, so guess I'd better update.

Paula, so very glad to hear that Larry is cancer-free!!! God is SOOO good!!!

We went to Laguna Beach to Art-A-Fair on Friday. SIL Marq's Mom is involved with that--has a booth, and is involved in the marketing, etc. She also has a watercolor class on Sundays. Her watercolor paintings are awesome!! What talent! It was good to see her again. We don't get together very often, because we're both pretty busy. Marq's dad is doing fairly well. (He had a heart attack several years ago, with some fairly serious heart damage. He was in Las Vegas, and drove all the way home to Anaheim to see his regular doctor! It's a miracle he pulled through that!) His doctor says his heart is in reasonably good shape, but recently he has developed a thing called Sarcoidosis. It's a disease that causes tiny clumps of inflammatory cells in different areas of the body. His are mostly in his lungs, and he needs to get his eyes checked out too. It causes shortness of breath. It's non-cancerous, and the cause is unknown. He can't receive much treatment for it because it would not be compatible with some of his current medications. He has good days, and some not-so-good days. Prayers would be much appreciated! I know it's rough for him, since he used to be SO active, and has had to drastically limit his activities.

Jo, I'm glad to hear that you have made it through the first chemo treatment without any problems. Prayers continue for you, without ceasing! ((HUGS))!!

Well, it's still hot here, though not quite as humid the last few days. Hoda, hope things get better for you, pronto! About all we can do is park in front of a fan, and perservere!

Lolly, hope Skippi's paw isn't anything serious! Good that you have a vet appt. for her. It helps narrow down a diagnosis that she is an indoor kitty.

Sandi, it's a good thing that what Jenni has isn't malignant, but I do hope a solution can be found that won't be too complicated. Sure am glad that she found you and Denny! I know you'll find the right answer for her.

I'm going to have to get to work and give Emma a haircut. Her hair grows SO fast, and it's not getting much cooler. She needs another summer haircut! It will grow back in time for the winter weather, at least.

Hope you're all having a nice day today! Will try to get back here later, but Emma's haircut may come first. Have a great evening! I ♥ us!!!!

Lolly said...

Corn on the cob and stuffed portabella mushrooms tonight. Feeling quite full!

Skippi has been very playful today. Instead of calling the vet inthe morning we are going to wait for our Tues appointment.

stronghunter said...

Good to know that the chemo treatment went well, Jo. May all of the treatments be as problem-free.

Hope that Skippi is just fine, Lolly. Maybe it was just something temporary.

Geesh, Judy. Too bad about the new dress code at Walmart. I can understand how you feel when you have a closet full of collarless shirts. Kathryn has to wear company shirts with khaki pants. They ordered the shirts, but, as I recall, she had to pay 1/2 the cost, and they were expensive.

JudyEddy said...

anyone see the super moon not me cloudy from the R--- we had

stronghunter said...

Hunter Story:

Hunter told Kathryn that he thought they should get me another kitty, an especially fuzzy one that likes to be snuggled. He thought maybe it should be an adult cat, or maybe one young enough to play with him.

I am touched. Kathryn did tell him that maybe they shouldn't just come home with a cat for me. I really do appreciate that they didn't go get me a kitty. We have two pets as it is, and that is okay. I'm not ready for another kitty right now.

JudyEddy said...

didn't want to upset LOLLY with the R we get daily LOL

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Watch it, Judy! I know what you are talking about.

stronghunter said...

It's been a quiet day. I spent most of it reading a book--Cold Fire by Dean Koontz. Kathryn took care of the grocery shopping and cooking this evening. Very nice indeed.

Lolly said...

Shirley, can understand not being ready for a kitty. But, just today I told myself I should never ever hesitate to get a kitty. Skippi has been such a joy! I have laughed so much and it is so wonderful to watch Jack with her. However, we were completely petless!

stronghunter said...

Andy, that Emma has one special momma. Homemade dog food and haircuts when the weather is hot.
We can always hope that cool weather will arrive in September--well, cooler, anyway.

grannyblt said...

The good thing about wearing a uniform is that there is no wardrobe decision every morning.

My cat had a limp for several weeks. The Vet could find no reason. He just as suddenly started using that foot again. He could run just as fast on three legs.

SED to all

stronghunter said...

That's the thing, Lolly. We still have pets. We actually were a bit overloaded when there were two cats and two dogs.

However, I do remember when Susan came to stay with me and brought her three cats. So for awhile, we had 4 cats. There was Chancey who would attack any foot sticking out from under the covers and Max who would come into the room meowing and dragging a cat toy he wanted dangled in front of him. Yes, one of those things on a pole. He brought it pole and all, meowing all along the way.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to wish everyone SED and say good night.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥

I indulged in an ice cream cone this evening. First in quite a few days.
I also had Tacos for my dinner...

Watched some TV - nothing spectacular
The one we watched is To Be Continued
next Sunday.

Shirley your Hunter story is very touching - a very considerate and loving thought from your grandson.

Mema Jo said...

Saying Goodnight



I ♥ Us

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

Shirley, very sweet side of Hunter emerged. Put that one in your favorite memory file.

Hi Andy. Wishing the best for Marq's dad. Happy you enjoyed the art fair.

Real bummer of a requirement JudyE. I do think companies that make these requirements are seriously lacking in appreciation of their employees circumstances.

Lolly, I'm sure you have checked Skippi's nails. Could one have gotten snaggled.

And Jo, thank you for the update. All in good time as you see fit. Glad you had no difficulty with the first treatment and that you are enjoying some food - especially the ice cream.

Judie said...

Sandperson has departed and will be visiting you all soon. Plans to let Hoda know that cooler weather must be on the way as he saw leaves dropping from our trees today.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

late evening. not sleepy, heading out for a soak. then a swim I think. tom is asleep. livvy is asleep. where oh where is the sandperson? where oh where could he be???????

Good night all!

Lolly said...

Jack was just playing with Skippi and one of those toys, Shirley! A friend at church suggested a spider bite on the paw. Hope not! Not in my house! Lol

Going to put my nose in my kindle for a while!

Nite all! SED!

Janet said...

well, soaked and floated, in the tub and the pool, all by the light of the silvery moon....

thinking the sandperson may be lurking, that or the melatonin is kicking in...

sweet dreams to all!

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - we had a BEAUTIFUL full moon here last night.

Jo, glad that you are tolerating the chemo well so far - I hope and pray that continues.

Lolly, hope Skippi is doing better today.

Hoda, have you read The Boys in the Boat? It's a true story about the University of Washington crew team that competed in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. I think of you and your dragon boat ladies when the author is describing the rowing training and the competitions. I am enjoying it.

Shirley, it was so thoughtful of Hunter to consider that you may need a fluffy kitty to cuddle with. What a sweet, considerate young man he is!

Special Olympics morning was good - I helped the young adults with crafts (decorating a canvas bag, decorating a can with seashells, and making a Hawaiian lei for last night's dance). Denny helped with archery.

My nephew and his friend stayed til mid afternoon, then headed back to Fort Lee in VA.

Brian starts with his new department today - learning everything there is to know about Mexico and will start his Spanish tutoring.

Tennis for me at 8am - nothing else on the agenda.

Jenni's mouth is healing well - yesterday I started brushing her teeth again very gently. But she wouldn't let me open her mouth to look at the tumor on her lower gum.

When I emailed the rescue lady about Jenni's dental surgery, she emailed back that she had a foster dog who had the same kind of tumor. The people who adopted him opted for no radical surgery since he was 12 years old - the regular vet removed as much of it as he could, and it has never regrown. That was 4 years ago. Just goes to show that every situation is different.

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Happy MONDAY to all

JudyEddy said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥…………….........

Janet said...

good morning and happy Monday! ring a ding ding, the school bells go off here at Neely U in 90 min.

our first outing with other homeschoolers appears to be a bust, it is cloudy with R moving in. R will cancel this outdoor activity. oh well....I suspected as much when I looked at the weather yesterday.

it WAS a beautiful moon last night. I was watching as wispy clouds were moving in, indicating, of course, this cloud bank w have this morning wasn't far behind.

I have a question, and I truly do not know the answer so please pardon my lack of knowledge, but LOLLY: is Texas always so dry? I know it is a large state with a variety of weather, but in general????

everyone, have a lovely day!

Janet said...


Hoda said...

Good morning.
Beautiful morning here.
Glad JENNI is improving SANDI.

Happy Birthday DANA


NEELY U is now in session!
Rock it you two!

Dragon Boating
My activities for today.

Another uncivilized 96.8 today!
Cool in the morning though.
Turned the fan off.
No bicycling for me in this temperature.
It is the week before the races so I was hoping to up the cycling, but not!!! I would get a stroke in this heat I am sure!!! Staying hydrated is also an issue.
Eating figs to keep my minerals up.

Enjoy the day.
Happy Monday everyone.
Missing SHAR

Hoda said...

SHAR's ANDREW'S first day of teaching math!
Best Wishes ANDREW.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Janet, yes Texas is large and east Texas is not as dry. Texas is not always this dry. We are in the third year of a severe drought, I remember complaining on the blog when my back yard was a bog. I'll never complain if that happens again. 41 years ago we moved to this house on Aug 1. There had been a lot of rain and we had humongous Mosquitos! Just hoping we eventually get out of this drought and it is not a global warming thing. Cities running out of water is serious! Oh, when we put in our ponds about 12 years ago they had difficulty in the summer to get the job done because when they dug the holes filled with water. Sigh......

Jack has already gone out to water. I wanted to finish my coffee first.

Meet Laurel in Fort Worth this afternoon fat the hospital for Jacob's appointment. They are then following me home and staying for dinner. North Fort Worth traffic is awful in the afternoons and she would be hitting it! She will head home after dinner.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good Monday morning to you, my eagle budlets. Andrew is teaching for the first time today. I can't quite find the words to say how I feel. To think of all the lives he will be able to have a positive impact on, to think of the awesome man he has become, and remember my little baby boy. He has 153 students and each student will have 4 books for this Math 2 class. He seems really confident in this, which blows my mind. This has all been such a whirlwind. He had applied to be a substitute teacher in Kanawha and Putnam County Schools so he could get his foot in the door. This job did not come from that application. When he was student teaching at St. Albans High School, he did some kind of presentation to the class in an iPad and the principal of Riverside High School saw it. The original math teacher that had been at Riverside since the school was opened had to take an early retirement last year and so they had to get a permanent substitute. I think they believed he would stay in that position this year also. However, with a week left before school, that teacher backed out and they were in a pickle. The principal remembered Andrew and came to him. So after 5-1/2 years of working at Staples and going to school, his career officially begins. I really didn't mean to write a book but wanted to share this with you all.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We have a cat that was found under T-Bird's car a week ago this past Friday. We had considered keeping it and then decided to take it to a friend in Bedford. Well then, T-Bird decided she wanted to give it a try. So Saturday night she put Lilyun and "No Name Cat" in her bedroom together. I was in my room and heard the fighting squalls of these 2 cats. Today my friend Angel is going to drive T-Bird part of the way to meet the lady to give her the cat. Way too much here to try to deal with 2 cats fighting.

stronghunter said...

Hi Sharon,

So happy for Andrew!! And for you as well. I can feel your pride.

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle friends.

Sharon, I wish the very best for Andrew.

I saw that pretty kitty on FB. Too bad it didn't work out.

Busy day today with Dana's birthdat, Janet first day of homeschooling,and all of the various things you all are up to.

Make it a good one. P

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday morning to all ♥
Sharon I am so glad God put Andrew at the right place at the right time.
He will do so well! Proud for you, Momma.

Today is a chemo day - praying no reactions just like the first time.
Thanks for your prayers and thoughts.

Janet - give you credit on doing the home schooling... Have a very worthwhile day with Olivia.

Mema Jo said...





Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, what kind of chemo do they have you on?

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANA ♪♫ Wishing you a very special day.

Janet, sorry the get together didn't work out.

Lolly, wishing for good news with Jacob this afternoon. As for Skippi having a spider bite, no way in this life would a spider survive your Lollypaloozing. Just like kids, kittens play and get ouchies.

Hoda, some leaves are falling from trees here so cooler weather must surely be on the way. Hang in there girlfriend. Oh, maybe placing a pair of socks and sandals near the door would help chase the heat away.

Janet, congratulations on the opening of Neely University. Can the outing be rescheduled? Hope the first day is spectacular. Oh, sandperson was lurking because you seemed to be enjoying the pool so much.

Sandi, glad you had a nice weekend and I hope Jenni will have the same outcome that the growth will not come back.

Judie said...

Sharon, wishing Andrew the best of teaching. Some of us teachers secretly admit to sometimes feeling like imposters. Young people think we know everything yet we know we are so vulnerable to the probing questions. My first classroom experience, I was stunned to see college students actually writing down what I was saying and thinking -- they think I know what I'm talking about. Scary. Sometimes frustrating and almost always rewarding.

All the best to Andrew.

Judie said...

Jo, thinking of you and holding you in my heart. May the treatment go smoothly and without unpleasantness.

Hoda said...

Prayer Circle for our JACOB...
May it all be something that LAUREL and LOLLY and their family can deal with, and that leaves JACOB healthy and strong. Blessed Be JACOB, Blessed Be son...

JudyEddy said...

On lunch
Keeping JO in my heart and thoughts as she goes through her treatment today

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds !!!

Coming to you today from cool home. Reeling over the 5 grand needed to replace the A/C and bring some of the existing duct work and piping up to code, but....

JO, holding you close in thought and prayer !

LOLLY, here's hoping the docs have a good solution for dear Jacob---prayers and more prayers !

SHAR, we all revel with you over Andrew's successes. You are to be commended for raising such a fine son ! Nice of you and THELMA to find a good home for the wandering kitty.

DANA, ♪♥♥♪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ♪♥♥♪ and many more !

JANET, wishing Neely U great success in this first year and beyond !

SANDI, here's hoping that Jenni's growth responds the way the dog's did !

SHIRLEY, I agree with the other posts re:Hunter's sweet concerns for his grandmother ! Speaking from experience the grandmother/grandson relationship is unbelievably special !

Well, tonight is fasting time for me as I have my three month check up with my primary doc tomorrow. I'm anxious to see the lab results which follow my hospital stay so closely. While there my blood pressure was sky high much of the time and potassium level too low. They were able to administer the right stuff through the IV and I'm hoping that was all just a function of the seriousness of my malady.

Love and prayers for all !!!


Mema Jo said...

I am now home and my treatment went
very well.. With this port the hook up without the intravenous is great.
It lasted one and a half hrs. We also left the hook up in the port because of going back tomorrow.
Very convenient. Now for the feet
up ! BBL

stronghunter said...

Amused by how stunned you were to see students writing down what you were saying, Judie. I understand completely how you felt. I've been there.

stronghunter said...


Glad to see that the treatment went well. It is very nice not to have to get the IV every time. Hope you have a good and restful afternoon.

stronghunter said...

I am afraid a new refrigerator is in my future. I went into the kitchen to see things around the refrigerator disturbed. When I asked Will about it, he said it was leaking so badly that water was dripping into the basement.

And, very oddly, it is producing BLACK ice cubes. Might be that the whole problem is in the ice maker, but the last time I asked about the price of one, it would cost more that what the refrigerator is worth.

Never have been entirely with this refrigerator anyway, and it is about 20 years old.

stronghunter said...

Never been entirely happy with the refrigerator, I mean. It hasn't ever seemed as cold as it should be. It's just a basic refrigerator. Nothing fancy.

Mema Jo said...


New Afternoon Monday thread

Come on over

New Thread

New Thread


3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...