Monday, August 11, 2014


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Are you kidding me or do I really get the feather? My special dy for sure..

Thank you for the fresh new thread, Steve!

I'll alert the others......

WHoo HOo............ ♥

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE
Thank you JO

Productive morning.
JO glad it went well this morning.
Praying for tomorrow and always.

Have not heard from LOLLY yet about JACOB.

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all! Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Jo for the call over.

Jo, glad that today's treatment went smoothly.

JudyEddy said...

JO That head dress is getting nice and full of feather Your look dandy

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though we will get some rain this evening and it also calls for it tomorrow. Just starting to cloud over. Don't tell LOLLY !

JudyEddy said...

Its 78° out now been a rainy day on and off I got a inch at my house and more is coming in I hear thunder

Janet said...

tHANKS TO steve for THE nEw Thread!!! and TO Jo fOR the CAll over!

whew. sitting down and chilling for the first time in a couple of hours...yikes.

got Olivia started this a.m. went to acupuncture. When I got home, we finished up.

She was very productive. Not exactly THRILLED, but productive none the less.

The outing did happen, but was cut short by, you guessed it. yep. that stuff that falls from the skies???? yeah. but we had about 90 min chatting with other home school folks, so that was good. there was one girl who was 12 and a few 10 year olds as well, so older kiddos as well.

I think some folks likely didn't come out due to the forecast. I think had it notbeen our very first outing, I might have chosen not to go.

Home. Took miss Olivia for a new pair of tennies. Starts the school year off right, ya know. Converse. Of all things. I wore converse when I was in my early teens. Some things just don' change.

Thank you all for the words of encouragement. It felt very nice. :) *smooches*

JUDIE: hmmmm I THOUGHT I was being watched, but I was askeered it was the evil JUFIE..she who should not be named!!!! lol.

And you are right I was having a dandy time all by myself. I floated on my back (no float) and just watched the night skies...sooo lovely

Whoops Tom's home. Will check in with ya'll later. Need to greet my honey!

Mema Jo said...

The rain has come - all little critters head for the bushes & trees

Hoda said...

To keep the peace on this blog could we please not mention the R--n word???
For those of us who are broiling and getting heat stroke it might work better to say Liquid Sunshine!!! You all are just getting some liquid sunshine!!! LOL

JudyEddy said...

ROBIN WILLIAMs was found dead in his home 63 years old so sad

stronghunter said...

Very sad news about Robin Williams.

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the new Monday thread.

Congratulations on the feather Jo. Does the port have a hole? you could stick your feather in it next treatment. Be fun to see how the docs react - laughter never hurts anyone. Glad treatment went well today. Do NOT tell Lolly it is raining here.

Janet, so happy it was a productive day for Olivia. I wore P.F. Flyers - I could run faster or so the sales pitch claimed. Yes, Sandperson was there to protect and defend. Evil Jufie seems to have unfinished business on the upper West coast. Bottling liquid sunshine. Hoda, get those socks out!

Terribly sad about Robin Williams. Depression is a nasty disorder.

Hoping Jacob got some positive news.

Shirley, sorry the frig is not well. Look at the new G.E. with a holding drawer. Looks cool (pun intended).

Headed across the hall to do nothing.

Janet said...

good evening.

so very shocked and sad about Robin Williams. He was truly a comic genius of our time....I am both shocked and dismayed.

Yes, agreed. Liquid sunshine. I wish some to everyone!

I find myself tired this evening. 6 hours of sleep simply isn't enough, and yet, I had such a hard time sleeping last night. The moon was messing with me, I suppose.

I may check in later if the sandperson doesn't ambush me...

just in case...sed.

grannyblt said...

Jo, glad your treatment went well today. We all pray for good results.

So sad about Robin Williams. I'm in the minority, I'm sure, but I liked his serious acting perhaps a little more than his stand up comedy.

SED to all.

Judie said...

Going to put the Sandperson on autopilot tonight. All achy and tired so headed early to the pillows.

Night light will be on at 11pm and Sandperson will be on the way by then.

Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Yes, very, very sad about Robin Williams. What a tragedy, what a loss!! He was so amazingly talented and so genuinely funny!

Laurel and the boys left a little while ago and Skippi is sleeping. She played all afternoon.

Jacob is having the cyst/tumor removed Sept. 9. That is the day after his 10th birthday. Laurel was given the choice of in the office or surgery. Because of $, she said the office. Jacob really wants it gone! Doctor seems to think this is routine and said it could be one of several things but will not know what until he gets in there.

We had fun here afterwards. The boys played with Skippi and they really enjoyed dinner. Yea!

Skippi's paw is still very swollen and she is limping, especially in the kitchen on the tile floor. She does not want us messing with her paw and it looks raw. But, she has been licking it a lot!! See the vet in the morning!!

Lolly said...

I should say that Skippi played hard. The foot is not keeping her for playing, running and climbing.

Mema Jo said...

It is time to say

Goodnight to all ♥



I ♥ Us..

Lolly said...

Time for shut eye! Nite all! SED

Hoda said...

Good night all
Prayers and God Bless

Judie said...

Well, this is a fine kettle of fish. Sandperson forgot to sprinkle sleepy dust on me and here I am awake and not amused.

Forgot to mention yesterday that Isla has begun her migration to Africa. Hoping she arrives safely and returns to the Loch next Spring. Her boy toy was still there yesterday.

Good news about Jacob getting that cyst removed. I'm sure he will be happy.

Wishing Skippi a good checkup and an easy fix for the paw.

Off to find a book. See y'all later in the morning.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends!

Lolly, good to know that Jacob's doctor isn't worried about the cyst. The fact that he is willing to remove it in the office with just local anesthesia is a great sign. Good luck with Skippi today at the vet.

Judie, sorry that the sandperson skipped you - hope you are sleeping soundly now.

Jo, hope you aren't too tired today; I know that for several friends, the day after a chemo treatment is not a great one. Any nausea? Prayers continue big time for you, my friend.

Today is a nothing day for me - I not sure what I'll get into. Showers are in the forecast for the whole day. Denny may be buying a new vehicle, even though his "old vehicle" is less than 2 years old. Long boring story that none of you need to hear. I'll know when he drives home from the dealership. What is it with men and vehicles??

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

good morning.

lol. Sandi welcome to the Neely car lot. Come on over and have a peek.

Sleepy this morning.

Sending healing thoughts and comfort for all in need....

Will catch ya later. Have a great day.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

check out google

Mema Jo said...

Good Rainy Tuesday Morning To All ♥

The heavens have just opened up and the rain is coming down. Lolly I am fondly thinking of your Hawkwood Gardens and how beautiful it would be if I could send you this rain. I know Megan is happy.

Good for Joseph on his brave response
for the cyst removal - prayers for a clean report on it.

Hoping Skippi gets her paw repaired.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - it is a mystery about new vehicles that I guess we woman don't
quite understand. If it has 4 good tires and brake & gas pedals with a steering wheel - I'll drive it! lol

Mema Jo said...

My 3rd treatment is today at noon..
Jenny is taking me - give hubby a break and let her know first hand what goes on at the Cancer center.
Then tomorrow I receive my shot to build up my white cells - I need to knock on WOOD and Thank the Lord that I have not had nausea - they give you the drip for anti-nausea and so far it is working. Thanks for asking. I haven't yet hit the fatigue plateau
but that could be weeks ahead. Breathing is holding its own. lol
That's all to report to date! Thanks for prayers and strong vibes for me to accept this condition.

Mema Jo said...

Good show on Google, Judy

JUDIE -------- I really hope you sleep in during this rainy morning. So sorry that the sandman missed you.
Jufie did it!

Mema Jo said...

MT Nest
I think they have taken a vacation
Would love to see our Royal Couple

This morning's coffee is being served in my 2006 Momster Cup.
Big Boy, Ms Inbetween and Spunky.
Oh how I loved them and the experiences they gave us at the Nest.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hope today is a good one, Jo. Funny thing about the chemo--It seemed to give me hiccups. Doctor said he never heard of that happening. Otherwise, I was spared nausea for the most point. It only happened once. I hope your treatments go as well.

Don't tell Lolly, but it is raining here. Hunter's daycamp field trip has been changed from water park to (probably) roller skating. He will enjoy that.

Might have to go up to Kathryn's work this afternoon and pick up Luna. She took Luna with her this morning because Luna has an appointment with the eye doctor in Northern VA. It seems that Luna is not happy at Kathryn's office. The appointment is for 10:30, I think.

Oh my, Judie, not fair for the sandperson to skip you of all people.

stronghunter said...

Wish I had been there for the 2006 eagle season, Jo. It seems that it was a special one.

Haven't kept up with Isla very closely this season, Judie, so I appreciate your updates. May she have a safe journey to Africa and return for another nesting season.

Judie said...

Shhhh. Shirley and Jo, don't tell Lolly that it is raining here also.

Shirley, safe travels if you need to get Luna.

Thoughts for Jo.

When I was single, one of my most favorite Sat. or Sun. things to do was get my coffee, newspaper, get back in bed, listen to the rain, and go back to sleep.

Headed back to bed with the newspaper.


stronghunter said...

If it keeps raining the way it is now, my backyard will be awash. It is literally pouring. I really hope I do not have to drive up and get Luna in this downpour.

Had an interesting experience yesterday. I saw a poop shoot go by the back window. I looked out to see a large hawk sitting on the fence. Unfortunately, it flew away when I tried to take its picture.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I remember a few weekends back in the days when I was teaching full time at the middle school and college classes at night when I would take a Saturday off and spend the whole day in bed. I would venture downstairs for food and take it right back to my bed. It didn't matter if it was raining or not, I could just sleep and sleep.

Lolly said...

Oh, good grief, everyone get rain but me!! GOOD MORNING!

Taking Skippi soon. Yea!

Jo, thanks for your report...sounding good! Love, hugs, and prayers!!!!!!

Judie said...

Ah yes Shirley. The days when we could spend time alone and asleep. I think those are called "the good ole days." I also hope you will not need to drive. Seriously heavy downpour here.

Ooops! Lolly, do NOT read the above. Hope Skippi will be okay. Babies will get into anything.


stronghunter said...

Kathryn wants me to pick Luna up at about 1:00. I told her I would try if the rain isn't too bad.

Hoda said...


I am in a farmland community called Creston.
An hour and a half away from Nelson.
Great farm breakfast.
A Nelson friend had her car towed here when she broke down. They fixed it. Not half the cost of Nelson.
Farm hand know how and practicality.
Love the people here.

stronghunter said...

Well, Lolly, I can tell you that we are getting enough rain to share. It just keeps coming.

Lolly said...

Well, please pass it this way, Shirley. Life just ain't fair!! Whine.....

My poop Skippi is staying with the vet. They are going to have to sedate her to work on two paws. Both paws are infected, the back was has a raging infection and the front one not so bad. ?????? Have no idea what is going on. They are going to clean them up, clip the hair between her claws and start her on antibiotics. Even mentioned a cone for her head. Well, that is NOT going to work!! My poor baby! She is up to 4 1/2 pounds now.

Lolly said...

Nothing on the floors she could have gotten into. All rooms are carpeted except the baths and kitchen. Mop the floors with Mr. Clean and they dry quickly. She does not get into the shower, has never been outside except for one time for 30 seconds on the patio. She does not jump to counters yet, so no access to the stove top. We have used the same brand of litter the whole time we have had her, Fresh Step. What could this be?????

Lolly said...

LOL Just saw where I said poop kitty. roflmbo That was supposed to be poor kitty.

JudyEddy said...


on lunch

as if you didn't figure that out

LOLLY so sorry about the overnight stay for poop kitty LOL

JudyEddy said...

Hey got ato ask a silly question

Does the school in you all area do cursive writing IT was mentioned on the news that TN is starting to teach it next year for 2nd graders I never knew they stopped teaching to write

I will ask some parents here when I get a chance just thought was odd
How do they teach them to sign their names if they don't teach it

SIS tey mentioned TN

Judie said...

It's okay Lolly. Bet your poor kitty is feeling kinda poopy right now. Thank goodness you got quick treatment for her. Keep us posted.

Hope Shirley is home. Still raining fleas around here.

Okay, now to do a bit of laundry. Think I might make taco salad for dinner. Easy and tasty.

Hoda, what are you doing in Creston? Are you allowed to leave Nelson?

Hi JudyE.

JudyEddy said...

Cute little puppy attacking a weed sostinkin cute worth a look see

JudyEddy said...

did you get a afternoon nap in JUDIE

Judie said...

Dozed off for about 30 minutes around 8am. Hopefully will sleep through tonight. Very rare for me to be awake all night. Must have offended Evil Jufie. Thanks for asking.

Wonder how Neely U. is progressing today?

Sheesh, still pouring here. Wish we could share with Lolly.


stronghunter said...


Yes I am home, and no I did not make it all the way to Kathryn's work. I got just a little north of Fredericksburg--Just across the Rappahannock, actually, when I decided I'd had it.

I had already decided not to get on I-95 because I wanted to be able to get off the road if the rain was too hard for me to keep driving. When Route 1 got so flooded I was worried about driving through the water, I pulled into a neighborhood and called Kathryn. She said that she and Luna were just chilling in a flooded office, and that she agreed that I should go home.

It stopped raining as I was headed home, and now the sun is shining, at least for the moment. I am not sure there isn't more rain coming. I am going to go take a nice bath and wash my hair. Did not have time for that this morning.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lolly, sorry about your kitty. Hope her paws heal quickly and that she doesn't have to wear a cone. Those things are tough for a critter.

I did hear some birds chirping outdoors. I think they are happy the rain has stopped, too.

I watched a bird at my birdbath yesterday. It was having a blast. At first, it took a few drinks, then it stuck its head in, then it just jumped in and fluttered all around. The birdbath should have plenty of fresh water now.

stronghunter said...

Glad you got a little nap, Judie.

Judie said...

Glad you're home safe Shirley. Enjoy your "Shirley" time.

Okay, headed back to my book. BBL

Judie said...

Doing a Margy...think I'll shut down this computer for a while. Really storming.

Mema Jo said...

Treatment today went well - only 1 hr's worth. Dr. did sit down with hubby, Jenny and me. The good word is that it has not spread - the MRI of the head shows everything Normal.
If anything (he won't be able to be sure until the next CT) but from the 1st treatment the size just may have shrunk somewhat. That was the news of the day! Perhaps this is going to be beatable! Prayer power is amazing.

stronghunter said...

Cursive writing is a thing of the past in most schools, Judy. Problem is that the kids can't read it, either.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Awesome news Mema Jo. What kind of chemo are they giving you?


grannyblt said...

Wonderful, wonderful hopeful news Jo. Prayers continue!

Judie said...

Hi Jo. Doctor's words are indeed positive. Yes it is beatable and momster prayers are a formidable force for positive outcomes.

JudyE, children do not learn cursive writing because writing is out of date -- they sign their names by tapping keys on an electronic device. An offshoot is that young people no longer know how to write even the most basic sentences or spell ordinary everyday words. Had in my course syllabus that papers written containing electronic shorthand would not be read - automatic zero. It's all electronic shorthand now. Sad. Truly sad.

Back to my book.

Judie said...

Rain has moved on for now (maybe headed for Dallas). Sky is lighter but I think more of the wet stuff will return later.

Sandi said...

Hi all - lazy day here.

The rain finally arrived about an hour and a half ago after a day of gray and cloudy. Photos on FB from the BWI airport long term parking lot show water covering the tires of the vehicles! I'm hoping we don't get THAT kind of rain!

Jo, what incredibly wonderful and encouraging news - and so soon! I will keep the prayers comin'!!

Judy, Judie is correct that cursive writing is considered obsolete b/c of electronic devices. Another big reason why it isn't taught is b/c there is no time in the school day for it once teachers have to start preparing kids for passing state tests.

In my district, teachers teach cursive in 2nd and 3rd grades but, by 4th and 5th grades, there's too much time spent "teaching to the test" to have any time to reinforce cursive.

The end result, as Shirley said, is that kids can't write in cursive, nor can they read it when someone else writes in it. The same is true with drilling basic math facts - too much "math curriculum" to cover for "the test" and not enough time for drilling the basics. If parents don't do the drilling at home, teachers just give kids calculators. Hence, we have some kids in 8th grade who have to use a calculator or their fingers to figure out 6X4!

Very sad, and one of the reasons that the next 2 years can't go by fast enough for me!!

Lolly, sorry to hear about Skippi's paws - don't drive yourself crazy trying to figure out the cause, just be happy that it's being treated.

Kay, sorry to hear about you needing a new AC unit. I think my mom felt the same way about her last condo - that she might have been better off just renting rather than buying. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 - we make the best decisions we can at the time, right??

Shar, forgot to say congrats to Andrew on the start of his new career. May he love teaching as much as I did 30 years ago! And may he work with students who don't need to use their fingers to calculate 6X4!!! :)

Worked on Mom's estate paperwork but I can't file the final report with the Register of Wills office until 11/16 at the earliest. It's hard to believe that she has been gone almost 5 months already.

Denny didn't go to the Ford dealership - I convinced him that replacing his not quite 2-year old van with a brand new SUV at about $43K while I am driving an almost 13 year old Jeep was not a wise use of our money. The van was bought when he was still working in the field and needed to carry tools to jobs. Now that he is only doing "sales/office/paperwork stuff", he feels he no longer needs a van.

We did sign a contract today for a landscape company to install pavers on the sides of both driveways with a border of edge stone around the gardens. Work should start just after Labor Day. We also got a price to reface the fronts of the kitchen cabinets to give them an updated look since they're 20 years old.

OK, enough rambling. Time to fix food for people and pets.


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Looks like someone needed a 6ft ladder more that I did I was going to clean out my gutters and lo and behold no ladder outside Its gone they didn't take the 12 footer but that is to much to drag around

Lolly said...

Back from the vet and with empty pockets! Poor baby! They clipped the hair away, cleaned her paws, applied topical med and gave her antibiotics. We are now twice a day giving her antibiotics, pain medicine, and applying topical med. Every other day we are washing her paws. She has a soft cone on and of course she does not like it but she may get used to it. Poor poor baby is trying to get it off.

Lolly said...

Jo, that sounds like good news! Stepping up the prayers!! Yes, you can beat this!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, forgot...had to buy new kitty litter. Yesterday's News is the litter. Made of recycled newspaper and dust free. Jack says it looks like our fish food. LOL

Lolly said...

Trying to think positive that we can cure this and it will NOT come back.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI it was on our news with all the floods up north in you alls area

Our area was pretty dry today but just 10 miles north and the whole top of the state got the R word
and they got 7" of it

stronghunter said...

TORNARO WARNING not far from here.

stronghunter said...

Looks like the tornado warning has been cancelled, but there are flash flood warnings all around here. Be careful out there, folks.

JudyEddy said...

We've all seen images of extreme weather from space. But none of those could prepare us for this video just released by NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio. Using real data, this simulation's volume-rendered clouds depict seven days in 2005 when a category-4 typhoon developed off the coast of China.

JudyEddy said...

The above link is the coolest video I have seen from NASA makes sure you put on full screen Amazing

Janet said...

good evening all.

JUDYE: no cursive isn't really stressed, and SANDI is right, neither are things like spelling and math facts. (These are things we are reinforcing @ Neely U...) although, Olivia can write in cursive.

Thing is, and this baffles me! While many schools are now incorporating computers in school, which is fine, NOONE is teaching the kids to TYPE PROPERLY!!! So one of the things Olivia will be learning (with the new lap top that arrive dtoday) is proper finger placement on the keys.

Although I HATED it, mom made me take a typing course in high school took one in college as well....(hated that too), BUT I am very glad to know to type. I used to be able to do 90+ wpm. not as fast any more, but still fairly speedy.

Speaking of Neely U (aka Borg U)
it is going well. We did our four hours today and rather enjoyed it.

I wanted to get her online on this computer, but long story short, the password for the WIFI is misplaced. So Tom is supposed to call AT&T tomorrow and figure THAT problem out.

LOLLY: so sorry miss Skippi has to go thru this ordeal. Why the change in litter?

JO: am so glad you are doing okay. I pray that this continues.

My neighbor has had some news...not of the good kind. You all know my neighbor, Peggy, who is 75. Well, docs are thinking se may have colorectal cancer...waiting on the doc 's phone call to see what tests they want to run next.....she's pretty stressed.

I went over this evening and just visited with her and chatted.

Very very selfishly, I hope they are wrong I know how difficult it was going thru this with Mom....and in someways, she's adopted me. If they are right, this is going to be really tough.

Already dealing with Chris. She gets the news of her CAT scan tomorrow, and what the next step is given her cancer is growing at this point. Probably chemo.

So I'm feeling kind of tired this evening....must spend some time sending light, love and healing..comfort and blessings for all folks in on the blog, and other wise...

Good night all. Blessed Be.

Judie said...

Evenin' all.

Well, one loss after another. Lauren Bacall has died.

Lolly, hope Skippi will be all better quickly. Yes, the dustless paper is a good substitute for healing paws.

Wishing o a quiet and restorative sleep tonight.

Sandperson is packing up and, at my insistence, has already tossed sleepy dust in my eyes.

Night light is on. Sandperson is preparing to depart. Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

oops let me explan BORG U.

SOOOOOO....Tom and I like Star Trek.

Hence the kids call me Moogie, which is a Ferengie mom.

Well, yesterday, we were discussing something regarding home schooling, being silly about whatever it was. Olivia laid her head on her arms and just shook her head and I said " resistance is futile, you will be assimilated into the knowledge!" Aka we are at Borg University. lol. Funny for the day.

OHHHHH, and I have to share this one with you.

One of my regular clients came in today. She is in her early 60's been a nurse for 30+ years, wonderful lady.

And she had not one but TWO black eyes and a huge knot on her forehead! WHAT IN THE WORLD????

Now, mind you she works in a local prison infirmary. I feared the worst.

Well, two nights ago, she turned off her lights, turned off her tv and tripped over her Labrador retriever, falling head first into a water cooler!!!!

Yanno, anyone else I would have sat down and really grilled them about abusive relationships, etc, but I believe this one.

They say you draw those to you who are vibrating on the same frequency, alike, basically. Remember, I had a dog step in my eye and scratch my corena a year or 18 months ago Some stories are just too wild to make up. This would be one.

Good night all.

stronghunter said...

Borg University--Love it, Janet.

Prayers and good wishes for your neighbor.

Will have to check out the NASA video, Judy.

Kathryn and Luna came home from her office wet and tired. Kathryn said they both got soaked twice. She went up to her room and changed into dry clothes.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to head upstairs for the night. See you tomorrow.

SED, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Right behind ya Shirley

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

calling it a day
took a nap earlier but still feel like I can close my eyes and sleep.
Thank goodness for our sandman.

Goodnight to all

Hoda said...

Very good Dragon Boat paddle.
Very enjoyable day in Creston, bird sanctuary farms green house and flower shop visit. Also to a store that sells non chemical house cleaning products.
I love the berries and the produce I got.
Yum yum. Visited with friends and returned to Nelson in time to Dragon Boat.
Liquid Sunshine in Creston, five degrees cooler than Nelson!!! Wore a coat!!!
Also liquid sunshine when we were on the lake...
Felt Great!!!

Thank you JO for your news.
Praying Precious Lady.

Good Night
God Bless

Lolly said...

Skippi slept some this evening. After 10 we had to give her to oral meds and put some on her paw. Well, that was interesting. Need a kitty straight jacket. A towel worked but it was a struggle. Now she is tearing around the house like a mad cat, playing with everything in sight. Dreading bathing her paws on Thursday!

Calling the vet tomorrow to probably get a stiff cone. She can reach her paws to lick them. Jack wanted to improvise but I was hesitant. Do not want her to hurt herself.

Heading to bed soon.

Night all! SED!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Boy, did it rain here last night - sorry Lolly! Skies are trying to clear and the sun is supposed to reappear this afternoon.

Lolly, hope Skippi heals quickly - it sounds like her sore paws aren't keeping her from acting like a kitten.

Tennis at 8am IF the courts are playable.

Prayers continue for Jo.

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Happy Hump Day

Janet said...

good morning all. mid week yet again. my day to sleep til 7. it is nice.

weather looks beautiful. it is 64 out there, sunny. I will poke my head out shortly and check it out.

hope everyone has a great day. :)

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sunshine here this morning.

Happy tennis, Sandi.

Like the name Borg U. Any comments from Olivia on the home school arrangement?

Yes, some stories can't be imaginary. Tripped over Audrey and Grace and looked as if I were a extra in Texas Chainsaw.

Happy Kathryn and Luna had no mishaps other than rain getting home.

Hoda, glad you had a lovely day yesterday.

Lolly, happy that Skippi bounced back so quickly.

Off to look for trouble. Wishing everyone a wonderful morning.

Mema Jo said...

Good Wednesday morning to all the Early birds on here. ♥
Today I have a grandson who turns 24 yrs old and tomorrow I have my oldest granddaughter turning 36. Grandchildren mind you! What a blessing all 12 of them are!

Today I have a hair appointment but not sure what is to be done... I have my hair extra short in anticipation of maybe losing it in a week or two. I have a short wig but still am trying to find some type of hat or scarf to use when I go out. Any ideas......?

Mema Jo said...

I always check out the Still Cam - This morning I thought I saw a juvie but it was just a shadow. :(

Mema Jo said...

The baby cheetahs are on the move
Really adorable

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Beauteous sunny day here. Took Hunter to Y Camp and then stopped by the library. He enjoyed skating yesterday. Swimming is on the schedule for today.

grannyblt said...

Jo, when I went with my DH when he had chemo there was one woman who wore a girlish baseball type cap decorated with flowers, I think. Another woman wore a stylish stocking cap , cotton probably, that was also very feminine looking. They kept their heads warm and looked better to me than those turbans that scream the c word.

grannyblt said...

On my quest to get rid of things, I cleaned out a closet yesterday and found a bunch of my Dad's Army patches and medals. My brother didn't want them, so my son jumped at the chance. My dad was a career Army officer and was buried in his dress blues, but his greens were still in a garment bag in the basement. When I opened it this morning, I was greeted by that awful mildew smell. The leather in his hat and belt had invaded. He died over 40 years ago at the young age of 49, and I guess that uniform had been in that bag for a very long time. I'm not sure what the lesson here is, except if you want to hold on to some things, take care of them.

Hoda said...

I agree about simple head dress.
Keep it cool
Keep it simple.
Very fashionable to wear a cotton or light wool cap rolled up at the rim.
Wig and hat could be too much
Turbans are out.

Mema Jo said...

That is so true Lynne
40 years is a very long time but when you saw it I bet memories came flooding at you! ♥

Hoda said...

A 20 something kid from Cranbrooke went missing in Nelson in 2004.
An American tourist was hiking on the ridge behind my flat. He found his remains.
The American chap was very well equipped with GPS, video making equipment and from the ridge connected to RCMP.
They flew in to recover the body.
The American chap was I assuming and humble.
He refused a ride out and went o his way.

Hoda said...

Unassuming and humble
Is what I thought I typed.

Judie said...

Afternoon all.

Jo, I think a baseball cap would be adorable on you. Also, a rolled knit cap but somehow a baseball cap seems more "Jo."

Well, I also cleaned out a closet two weeks ago. Several gowns were looking not so good - color completely faded. No matter. Will never be that size again.

Shirley, really glad Hunter is enjoying camp activities.

Hoda, it will be so comforting to the family of the young man who died and to the family of the humble young man who wanted no attention.

Back to doing very little.

JudyEddy said...

Hello on luch

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeee! Went outside early to avoid the heat. Have a call into the vet. She is not limping now, we think the swelling is down. She is extremely playful . She did not complain as much when we applied the meds this morning. However, the cone really is not stopping her from licking her paws. It makes it more difficult, maybe keeps her from doing it as much. So, waiting to hear what he has to say. She slept well last night.

JudyEddy said...

Great news on her meds must be helping with the swelling LOLLY

Judie said...

Lolly, so happy the vet is no longer limping. lol

Seriously, does seem as if Skippi is improving and hope that continues.

Headed to put my feet up and finish the paper.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I was worried about the vet, too, Judie.

There are various kinds of cat restraints available out there. Not sure if it would be as difficult to get the cat into one of those things as it is to do the cat maintenance without it. I looked at them when Lucky tried to take a hunk out of my leg when we were giving him fluids.

stronghunter said...

But then the vet is playful, so all is well. I think.

Judie said...

Uh oh, Shirley. We are really going to be in Lolly's cat litter now.

I too am glad the vet is playful. lol

Lolly said...

All right! All right! The vet is a he! LOL

Jack talked with the vet and the cone is now off. HE said she was a pretty smart kitty to get around the cone so fast. Tomorrow we leave the "shampoo" on for ten minutes. They will do it if we can not. Oh, dear, not looking forward to the washing of the paws.

Mema Jo said...

What is the name of that Vet? Sounds like a winner for Skippi - good luck with the bath - perhaps she will love the water - dome cats do!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned - blood work to check out red & white cells and your platelets count. Then I received shot to build up the white cells.
I got the shot in my tummy rather then my arm where you can't even feel it. So happy she gave me the option. I do go back again next Wed for another blood test - they really keep a record on ya.
I stopped at CVS to get my cards needed for the rest of this month.

Lolly said...

Bless you , Jo! You keep up this great attitude! Love you!

JudyEddy said...

WOW lots going on someone is playing with the vet who is no longer limping I wonder if the vets wife approves LOL

Janet said...

good evening all. another day...whew!

so this must be injured client head week for me.

went to my private client's house this morning...and SHE was stung 3x yesterday IN THE HEAD by a yellow jacket!


work was good.

came home, livvy and I did school.

tom got the computer code and now her computer is online. she is pleased.

just got back from petsmart. dogfood. cat food. flea stuff. (advantix). bank account has less $$$$

I am tired again tonight, so I will cut this short. needing some of that pep that Skippi and the vet have....

good night to all. SED.

Lolly said...

Skippi's collar is back on. After taking it off we decided she was licking her paw more with it off. Maybe the collar or cone is a distraction.

Laurel goes back to school tomorrow. She has been going all week, but tomorrow is official. Today she was not working in her room but volunteering to take student ID pictures. Bless her! Wishing her a great year!

Have I mentioned that we have an armadillo back? He has a huge hole in my north garden and and he keeps digging a hole right beside the stream. I keep filling it in and he digs it back, uprooting some of my castiron plants. Grrrr! He is mostly digging in mulch, has dug up a few plants, but has left the lawn alone. Jack may be hunting soon.

Going to put my nose in a book. Night all! SED

Judie said...

Sandperson just informed me that he is packed and ready to depart.

Jo, glad the needle didn't hurt and sending positive thoughts for blood work results. My apology for forgetting earlier to wish your grandson and granddaughter happy birthdays. Hope both will have special days.

Going to watch some news and then head to the pillows.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Hello just got home a few min ago Angie had called and asked if I could come over to watch Jordyn so that Carl could drive her to the dr
She has been getting dizzy and started throwing up She has Labyrinthitis is irritation and swelling of the inner ear. It can cause vertigo
She got a shot and some meds to take

JudyEddy said...

she isn't positive if she is going to work tomorrow
Jordyn is spending the night tomorrow night with me so we can go to Weeki Wachee to see the mermaids being this is the last full day I will have her school starts next week Open house is tomorrow at 445 I am going also

JudyEddy said...

When I got home The book that I made Jordyn 206 pages 8x10 was at my door leaning against the door and the screen door wasn't closed Silly Fex x guy didn't close it I guess
The book is awesome I can't wait to see her when I give it to her
Don't know if anyone viewed it when I posted the link here and FB or not but I think its to cool

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Judy, those books you make of all those memories are really cool and quite the keepsake. Good you did that for Jordyn.

Mema Jo said...

I sorta snoozed most of this evening. Nothing on TV and I don't have a good book. I think it is my body telling me to rest.

Now it is time for my

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, Jo.

SED, everyone.

Sleepy tonight.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Beautiful cool morning here - have turned the AC off. The forecast calls for sun and a high of 79!

Judy, glad the book arrived for Jordyn - she will LOVE it! What a wonderful thing for her to have to remember her big trip to Cancun!

Nail appointment at 9am, then lunch with tennis friends at a local place we all love, then probably dinner out on the boat since today is our 38th anniversary. How time flies!

Prayers continue for Jo.

Have agreat day all.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all.

Happy Anniversary to Sandi and Denny

Janet said...

good morning to all.


I am off of work today. trying to wake up, I was sleeping hard....

I notice that the tanker truck explosion made GMA (good morning America). Yes, that was right down the street from us. We are the 6400 block and that happened on the 6100 block. Tom and Livvy head the explosion. It looked pretty bad. We checked it out on the news. Thankfully no one was hurt.

I am not sure what happened. What I read was the guy took a corner too fast. But I really don't know.

Looks to be a gorgeous day out there. Looking forward to it. I have 3 days of classes ahead, learning cranio--sacral therapy. NOT looking forward to being in class all day. For some reason, even though I have been wanting to learn this technique, I am not excited about this class. hmmmmm

Everyone have a good day. More later when I wake up.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

It is only 58° and should only go up in the high 70's today. That suits me to a "T".

Critters are up and running around on the deck - I guess they ate all the peanuts and seeds.

Today I have eye dr. appointment - I need new lenses for sure for close up.

Mema Jo said...

Janet, maybe once you get to the class your interest will come back!

Scary about the tanker - glad you all were not in harm's way

Mema Jo said...






Mema Jo said...

Judy I hope the medicine helps Angie - that has to be an awful feeling.
Maybe she will stay home and rest.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds



│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

JudyEddy said...

Angie sent me a email she is at home didn't go to work so that means Jordyn didn't go to camp on her last day so I will pick her up at her house instead of camp

Hoda said...

Happy Anniversary SANDI and DENNY.

61 degrees.
It speaks of rain!

Yoga and volunteering today.
Had our last practice before the race last evening.
Will travel to Vernon on Friday.

It is all good. It is always all good.

Have a terrific day

Lolly said...

Good morning! Happy anniversary to Sandi and Denny! Have a great day!

We accomplished bathing the paws. Had to leave the shampoo on for 5 to 10 min. So, for 6 min I walked around the house with Skippi wrapped in a towel. Felt like I was walking a baby!

Going to a luncheon today. Need to get ready! See you later.

Mema Jo said...

Researchers at the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick are planning a study on an experimental drug that was given to two American aid workers to treat the Ebola virus

Sure hope it is successful research

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

JO, so happy w/all your health reports and continuing to pray, pray, pray !!!

SANDI, congrats to you and Denny! 38 years of wedded bliss---quite the example for your dear sons!

LOLLY, glad little miz Skippi is responding well to treatment for her ailing paws!

HODA, so happy for you---temps that are refreshing at last!

JUDYE, enjoy your Jordyn time!

JANET, I thought of your family when I saw the tanker news and said a little prayer. Thank God it was not any closer to you!

JO, you are spot on re:the Ebola research---that horrible disease is only a plane ride away from any one of us in this small world we now live in.

Dear little Penny came up with fleas this week---got a $10 pill called Caspar which kills the pests within 2-12 hours as well as the new Nexgard med, a morsel to be given once a month, like Heartgard. She's now flea free and her bedding and everything washable she's come in contact with has been washed. I have only an area rug in the living room, with hardwood and tile flooring elsewhere. Here's hoping vacuuming has taken care of the rug and any fleas that might lurk there. Malcolm doesn't have fleas and Penny is not in contact with other dogs. So she came upon them in the grass on a walk we're guessing. The vet says they are ever present in any neighborhood, but Penny will be protected now.

The new A/C is great ! About 6 different techs told me to run the fan non-stop during the A/C season, allowing it to take advantage of the cool basement air. Waiting to see what happens to the A/C bill, though this is such a cool August I may not have anything to go on for a while.

Love and prayers for all !!!


Judie said...

Good afternoon.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO SANDI AND DENNY. Hope the day has been extra-special for you both.

JudyE, the book will be a wonderful treasure for Jordyn. Hope Angie has a quick recovery

Janet, bet interest will return when you are in class.

Hoda, put your socks away. Nice weather has returned to Nelson. Good luck with the race.

Lolly, good thing Skippi likes to be held.

Kay, sorry about Penny acquiring those nasty critters but glad they've skedaddled. So glad you have the new A/C. Late summer in your area can still be very uncomfortable.

Thank you Jo for the Ft. Detrick information. As Kay says, only a plane ride away.

Been in the scullery all day. Washing fruit, snapping beans, etc. Now to put my feet up. BBL

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO SANDI & DENNY!!! Hope your special day is just spectacular!!!

Jo, I'm thrilled to hear your good report from the doctor! Prayers continue for you from this roost! We WILL pray you through this! God is SOOO good!

Judy, I hope Angie feels better pronto! Vertigo is awful. Ken gets it every once in a while.

Lolly, I'm happy that Skippi is doing so much better! Sounds like she's on the mend.

I was saddened too to hear about Robin Williams. I saw a quotation from him on the internet that absolutely gave me chills when I read it:

"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up alone; it's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone."
--Robin Williams

Depression is a horrible disease, and I'm just so sorry that such a comedy genius had to feel so sad and hopeless as to end his life. Prayers for his family and friends!

It's been slightly better here, but no rain. Supposed to gradually warm up to 87 by next Wednesday, from today's 84. With 2 fans going full blast in the living room, we're surviving. Can't complain--it could be worse!

Well, will try to get back here after dinner tonight. Have a good evening, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

Lolly said...

Home! Enjoyed the lunch and the company! Just now sat on the floor and played with Skippi. Took her cone off to give het a break. She is so busy playing that she is not licking.

Actually, Judie, she would much rather get down than be swaddled like a newborn, but she takes it fairly well.

Janet said...

good evening to all. what a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not that it has been bad, but just getting use to the new routine..i'm a Capricorn and I like things steady as she goes......even when I plan the change, and approve of said change, still find it difficult.

livvy has been a gem this week. started her typing class today . we've accomplished a lot. there is a learning curve for me, how much work does she need to be busy for 2 hours at a shot? its interesting to find what interests her....

Chelsea and Lorelei stopped by for a short bit. Miss Lorelei was being her usual stinker butt self, lol. She's growing up so fast.

Livvy and I got a lot done today the afternoon.

This morning I ran to the vet, I needed to get Sable's meds and I made an apt to take Michael's cat to the vet. He has had her about 20 months and I gave him an ultimatum last week, either YOU take her down to a vet of your choice and have her spayed or I will and you WILL pay me back.

Well, he tired the less expensive places, but he couldn't use those services because he isn't on I have an apt with Dr. K on Monday to get her checked over, then, will have her surgery done later in the week. The poor thing is in heat soooo often. Thankfully she is an indoor kitty, but kind of tired of seeing the back end of her all the time!

3 out of 4 dogs got a bath today. I just didn't feel like hauling the Doberman into the bathtub tonight. I am tired, and, since mid afternoon I've dropped and broken 1. my favorite tea glass. 2. the weedeater...don't want to chance breaking the dobie.

Pool is clean. Spent a bit of time in it.

Talked to Chris last night. I couldn't really say it quite yet this moring, but her mediport goes in next week and chemo begins. The tumor grew from .9cm in Dec (post surgery) to 2.9 last month and last week was up to 4cm. Right now, they are saying chemo every 3 weeks for the next 2 years.

It made me heart sick.

JO, I pray she can keep as positive of an outlook as you do. You, dear lady, are an inspiration.

I hope I get "into " this class. I've been fussing around, making Brunswick stew in the a.m. so we have dinner without Tom or me having to really cook tomorrow night.

I will have to leave the house about 6:45 to pick up a colleague who is going with me to the same class. Class starts @ 8:15 and ends at 5:15.

JUDYE: hope you had some great Jordyn time!

LOLLY: so glad Skippi is doing much better.

KAY: thank you. I didn't know it had even happened (the tanker) til we saw the news last night and then they told me oh yeah, we heard the blast. YIKES

Regarding Robin Williams, I glanced briefly at AOL headlines and saw something about him having Parkinson's disease???? Anyone else hear that one?????

Everyone have a lovely evening and a great tomorrow. Love and hugs to all. SED

Judie said...

It is time for me to to prod Sandperson into action.

Janet, so sorry for all the troubles and concerns. May all these issues resolve quickly.

Hi Andy.

Looking for Jo and Hoda and Shirley and lots of others.

The night light is on. Sandperson is departing. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

After dinner tonight Jack and I walked around the yard. Then I spotted a snake. Yucko! He was long, maybe 4 ft and very slender. He did not know what kind. I urged Jack to shoo him put of our yard lol. Well, the silly snake traveled 15 ft very fast and climbed a pecan tree very fast! I may never walk under that tree ever again. Shudder!!!

Jack did hunt for armadillos last night but no luck. However, when I went down for the paper there was a dead armadillo in our front yard right by the road. Hope it was "our" armadillo!

Laurel had a great day. Love her positive attitude!

Not sure about Skippi, but we think we see an improvement.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Sandman

Goodnight friends ♥

Hoda said...

Oh thank you all for posting.
I went to yoga.
I did volunteer work.
I am a bit anxious about travelling tomorrow to go to the races on Saturday.
It is all good.
A team member lost her father so she will not be with us.
Wrote letters and such to make sure we are supporting her.

JANET sorry about your friend's prognosis.
Yes Robin Williams has had Parkinson's for three years prior to his death. God Rest His Soul.
It is not a nice disease, as diseases go.

Good night
God Bless

grannyblt said...

Good evening friends.

Lolly, I watched someone's video on FB today that showed a den of rattlesnakes. Eeek! I don't blame you about the pecan tree.

Need a big dose of the sand person. My birding friend and I are going to Lake Erie in Ohio to look for shorebirds tomorrow. I am driving and we hope to be on the road by 630 and my eyes are wide open!

SED to all

Judie said...

Good grief. Sandperson just roused me from my pre-slumber slumber to say that SOME of us are being resistant to the effects of sleepy dust.

So, Lynne, have a wonderful time birding around lake Erie. Hope you see some fun birds.

Hoda, have no anxiety. Evil Jufie will be nearby to protect you from any nasties. I'm sorry about your team member's father. Comfort for her.

Speaking of nasties, snakes are one of God's creatures but a creation I can live quite happily without.

♪♫ It's armadillo time. It's armadillo time ♪♫ Howdy boys and girls. It's armadillo time and Princess Summer Fall Winter Spring is on high alert. lol

Okay, I really am going back to sleep now. See y'all in the morning.

Lolly said...

Safe travels Lynne and Hoda! Good luck with the racing Hoda!!

Time to say good night! Prayers for Our Jo!

God bless and SED

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Janet, so sorry about the news that your friend's cancer is growing. Prayers for her that the chemo will work to stop it in its tracks.

Lynne, hope you slept soundly! Safe travels and happy birdwatching today!

Judy, how did Jordyn like the book? I can just imagine her smile as she looked through it!

We got some good news from the vet yesterday. The pathology report for her tumor came in and the "mitotic index" is 1. This index measures how fast the cells in the tumor are multiplying and the lower the number, the more slowly the cells grow. 1 is as low as it gets! Big relief!

Tennis for me at 8am, and then volunteering at the library used book sale this afternoon. It's supposed to be another gorgeous day weather-wise here in Bethany.

Prayers continue for our Jo.

Have agreat day all!

NatureNut said...

Hello, Beloved Buds! Got 'puter fixed----was on phone/chat with techies the other night for about 7 hours! Elbow has been sore. Dr. said it was "Tennis Elbow", but we know it's probably "Computer Mouse" elbow! Can't play much with photos or cards!

So Happy to read that Jo's treatments are going well~~~~prayers every day!
Sandi, the tiny grandchild is so special. Hope your dog recovers quickly.
Same message for Lolly's new cat. We're try to catch and cage one of the outside yearling cats, BW. He's very boney and weak, but fights going in a cage.
Shirley, so sorry about George, but he had a wonderful life w/you and is over the Rainbow Bridge with Annie.

I'm also finally here because I acquired some really wild Tuesday rain pictures! Most at Park and one on the road home! Amazing!! Enjoy! Gotta shuffle off to work.☺

Mema Jo said...

Such a cool and crisp Red Friday morning it is.; House is opened wide but I could use some warm sunshine.

Loretta - you are a No Fear person as far as getting out of the park through that River! I loved all of your pictures - I have missed them so I am glad you got your puter fixed.

I go to the retina eye dr today - Everything should be given a thumbs up as far as any fluid still there from the cataract removal. Little by little my body is healing - lol

Mema Jo said...

Baby cheetah cubs are starting to show their spots and really moving around..........

magpie said...

Good Glorious RED Friday Morning, my Eagle Pals!

Here you go: Steve has blessed us with a Brank New Spanking Fresh Friday thread

xoxox ☺ ♥

magpie said...

pls forgive : BRANK = BRAND

got a whale of a keyboard wonky going on


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...