Monday, August 04, 2014


New thread.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the lovely sunshiny Monday thread.

Need to catch up while Jo is feeding critters and sipping coffee. BB

Judie said...

Poor Hoda. You are not used to such uncomfortable heat. Hope the cooler air arrives soon.

Today will be preparing bbq meatballs for the National Night Out Against Crime potluck tomorrow night. Prepare them today and just have to warm them up tomorrow evening. Easy contribution to a potluck.

Off to finish my coffee, look through the newspaper, then head for the kitchen. Oh, may stop by a mirror to admire my new


Lolly said...

Good morning! Thanks Steve!

Judie, I am sure you look amazing I with your new feather!

Yes, sorry for Hoda! Having no AC is the pits!

Nothing on the agenda today. Maybe some errands and a little Lollypaloozing!

Had a good nights sleep. Skippi was a good kitty!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and congratulations on the feather, Judie.

Need to check the previous thread . . .

Mema Jo said...

Came back with Judie's announcement
Thank you Steve for the fresh new Monday thread.

Have you seen either of our 2 juvies around the nest tree

Today is a Jenny day
It also turns out to be a Michael and Charles day...... I am so blessed ♥

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Have fun with Jenny & Co. today, Jo.

Shirley, hope the vet visit goes well for George. Also, on the news just now, family of 5 in your area dead - murder/suicide. Very sad.

Off to the shower and then the scullery.


Hoda said...

Good morning.
Lollypaloozing will replace bike riding.
It is 8:40 AM and sucking in hot air not good for riding.
Might go for a dip in the lake after Lollypaloozing.


Looking forward to hearing from SANDI about Little Miss Frejya.

Happy BC Day everyone.
We here in British Columbia are on our August Long weekend.
1/2 of Alberta seems to be out here.

Eating watermelon, apricots and peaches for breakfast.
The good weather has some use!!!
The BC fruit is out of this world.

Yesterday Blue Berries and cherries... Oh my so sweet...

Hoda said...

100 years ago today.
The War to End All Wars
Lest We Forget.
I met people who valiantly fought on both sides in this war.
Now they are all gone!

"Died in the service if God King and Country.
Was it really worth it?"
Words of an anguished family on a soldiers tomb stone.

Hoda said...

God, King, and Country...

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY said George's appointment is at five.
Praying for both.
Trusting her decision and her knowing what is right for him.
Blessed Be both.
Check in when you can SHIRLEY.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all..oh I see it is afternoon already. Thank you for the new thread STEVE.

Judie, I am just noting your icon. Didn't know what folks were talking about until I moved to Yankee land.

Hoda, I sort of snickered at yOur comment about the wonderful fruit in BC. When I was in Ontario last year, folks raved about the fresh fruit. We stopped at a roadside market and loaded up with peaches They were picture perfect, but utterly tasteless. I know that happens sometimes. Such a disappointment. I am finishing off a bag of Ranier cherries that have been fabulous.

Hoda said...

So sorry you had a bad experience with Ontario fruit GRANNYBLT.
Do not be sickened.
I assure you the ones I am eating are delicious.
Glad you are enjoying fruit today too.

Lolly said...

Have done my Lollypaloozing, worked in the yard a bit, now to make a grosssssserie list. Jack is at the dentist, poor guy. A crown fell out Fri nite. Not fun!

I wondered about that bike ride, Hoda. It was the low 80's when in the yard, and I broke out in a sweat!

Yes, concern for Shirley and George. Seventeen, he has had a good, long life! But it still hurts to make this decision if she has to do it.

JudyEddy said...

knock knock

on lunch sign on to find a new thread


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

I wonder if JUDIE is still infront of the mirror admiring the feather in her hair...

Hoda said...

Oh dear!
Now our news is reporting the murder suicide of five people in Culpeper.
35 year old father wife and three daughters all gone.
So very sad.
I hope they are not near SHIRLEY.

Hoda said...

JUDIE mentioned this earlier the day.

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Hoda, inside stuff is best in the oppressive heat with no air conditioning.

Maybe Lynne's peaches were not tasty because they were Ontario peaches not BC peaches. lol We love Ranier cherries. Yummy and pretty, also.

Now, as for the mirror, I have attached a clamp device to my eyeglasses. The clamp holds a mirror that reflects my feather. So, I can go about my day and admire myself at the same time.

Culpepper is not far from Shirley. She drove there to teach.

Lynne, there is a story about Sheetz. Will share some day.

Meatballs cooked and ready for sauce tomorrow.

Dinner tonight = easy. Steak on the grill, salad, maybe some baked sweet potato chunks.

Thinking of George and Shirley. Hope George can heal.


grannyblt said...

Judie, I want a picture.

Hoda said...

Cooling down
July was the hottest month in seven years!
Enough already please God!!!
If I complain in the winter time just type in 35-42c
I will stop right away!!!

You are right JUDIE.
Nothing like BC fruit
Even though Ontario is Canada's heartland!!!
Super Wonderful BC
No magic like it!

Hoda said...

Praying SHIRLEY.
You are at the vet's now.
Thinking of you and George

Hoda said...

The Forest Fire next to our ski hill is being Whitewater Ski Resort.
A new fire started in Silverton. 100 acres so far.
Camp fire ban starts noon tomorrow.
It is a tinder box because of the heat and very little rain.
Both the above fires were lightning strikes.

Sandi said...

Hi all - we be home!

Had a wonderful weekend! On Saturday, we all drove to Waldorf, MD (about 2.5 hrs one way from Brian's & Lynnis's house) to Lynnis's grandparents' house to celebrate their 65th anniversary. BIG party! The weather cooperated and we were able to be outside all afternoon/evening. Nice event.

Yesterday, Denny and Brian worked on projects around the house and I worked on cleaning and laundry when I wasn't holding/playing with/talking to the lovely Miss Freyja.

We left WV around 11:30 this morning - the drive home was long (4 hours) but uneventful.

This was Jenni's first car trip and I was hopeful that she would be a good car rider, which she was. All 4 wiener dogs got along fine.

Working on laundry now. I think we'll have breakfast for dinner.

Jo, no photos of Freyja on FB - Brian and Lynnis are kinda funny about that so I let them post photos and then share them to my timeline.


stronghunter said...

Just wanted to say that George has passed over the Rainbow Bridge. He was a good kitty.

stronghunter said...

Thank you for all of the kind words and thoughts.

Hoda said...

You did right by him SHIRLEY.
You gave him a good life.
He was one lucky cat.
Thinking of you and praying you will hang in there.
We are here for you.
Sorry you had to make this tough decision.
Proud of you that you made it and kept him from any more suffering.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, hugs..

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, George has been with us on this blog for such a long time - He even used to type messages.
I will miss your stories about George and I know you will be looking for him every now and then in your bed or on the recliner. You did right by him - happy he is without pain.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sandi - I understand Brian and Lynnis' decision about the pictures on FB.
I'll gladly see that little one on
your blog!

Glad you didn't have a Backseat Howler on the trip - Yea for Jenna

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Hoda. It was a hard thing to do, but it would have been hard tomorrow or the day after. He was having trouble breathing. I didn't want to see him suffer for a lack of air.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo and Suzan. Thanks.

Yes,George was my first profile picture on the blog.

Lolly said...

Shirley, so very sorry!, I think Annie and George are now playing together. But just think, they lived 19 and 17 years. Very long lives for kitty cats!

About time ti start dinner.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY so sorry for your loss

grannyblt said...

So sorry Shirley. It is always a hard decision.

Judie said...

Shirley, I am so very sad for you. He will visit in the shadows for a little while to let you know he's okay. So very sorry.

stronghunter said...

I would like to think that Annie and George are playing together tonight, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night and head upstairs. SED, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Thanks again for the kind words. It has been a sad day

Judie said...

Sandperson is about to depart. Will make a special stop at Shirley's abode to make sure she is resting comfortably. Sandperson is sad.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Rest well tonight my friends
I am calling it a day

Goodnight to all ♥



Lolly said...

Well, I think I have a very particular kitty. I made a kitty tent and another kitty toy and she is ignoring them. Pooey on her! My sister sent me a link to these great ideas for kitties. Not working on Skippi!

Shirley, I really feel for you! Skippi has brought such joy to us after loosing Annie. I laugh every day, several times a day.

Night all. Need to play with her for a while. Need to tire her out before bedtime.


Hoda said...

God Bless Us All
I hope SHIRLEY is able to sleep and get some rest.
So looking forward to pictures of Miss Freyja SANDI. I followed your blog so I can get updates.

Tomorrow yoga and dragon boating...
some volunteering and I would like to try a bike ride before it gets too hot.
Electrolytes are helping a great deal.

A new fire started in the Slocan Valley tonight. I have some friends there. They are awaiting evacuation looks fierce. I would evacuate now if I was them!!!No heroics from this girl when it comes to fires...

Good night all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy and all my eagle friends. Hopping on late - have to be on a tennis court in 40 minutes.

Jenni is unhappy - no breakfast for her today b/c she has her dental surgery. Not looking forward to seeing the bill.

Shirley, I bet it was a lonely and quiet night in your bed without your George. I'm so sorry that you had to lose him but it sounds like it was time. Hugs for you.

Janet, how was your video shoot??

Will post a few Freyja photos on my blog later today.

Have agreat day.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks to the Sandperson, I slept well last night.

It was sad to go up to the empty room. George would usually be waiting at the top of the stairs for me. But I had been so worried about him, knowing what was to come, and it was a relief to know that he is not hurting anymore. It will be okay.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is home today. No Y Camp. Lots of coughing and complaints of a sore throat. I let him have the Xbox.

I'm still concerned about the dogs next door. Not really a big deal when they come running over here when it's just us, but yesterday evening we heard them barking and I peeked out to see Pam trying to control them. It looked like someone had just passed by with a baby stroller. I heard Pam telling the dogs to sit, but I don't know if they have had any training.

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Hoda. I hope they get those fires under control quickly.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just finished my coffee and getting ready to head outside before it gets too hot! Having to water pots every other day now as it is so hot and dry!

I'll be back!

Looking forward to seeing Sandi's pictures. Understand her not putting them on fb. Michael does not like having Zach's pictures put on there. I break the rules occasionally but since he does not get on, he does not know! Lol

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Happy you were able to have a sound sleep, Shirley. I'm sure you opened your eyes looking for George.

Sandi - hope Jenna's choppers get a
good cleaning - I'm sure she doesn't understand why no breakfast.

Judi, I guess those delicious meatballs will disappear this evening. You have a tradition going on -

Robyn has safely reached her parents' home down in FL

Air quality here is in the Orange area - I do need to go out around 3pm for a dr visit - hubby will let me out at the front door.

I have lots of family b-days this month - have to send some cards.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, you best point Pam in the right direction of an Obedience Class for her dogs before they get loose and do harm to someone or something. Probably will be hard to convince her to get a shorter leash and hang on1

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Jo, take care when out today. Check in when you return home, please.

Shirley, your neighbors are taking a huge liability risk with the dogs. Glad you slept well. Hope Hunter feels better soon. No doubt the Xbox is helping.

Keep having an image of Hoda and her electrolytes - I can just imagine her glowing in the dark. lol

Sure hope the fires near Hoda can be contained very quickly.

Wishing Jenni an easy dental cleaning.

Headed across the hallway to do nothing which is what I have been doing on this side of the hallway.


stronghunter said...

The odd thing about Pam's dogs--At first, she had Penny. Penny was extremely shy and kept running away. We couldn't get her to come to us. Then they got Ellie Mae. Ellie Mae barks like crazy and pulls on the leash. Penny seems to have taken on Ellie Mae's behavior. I can't even tell them apart. I haven't seen any sign they would attack except for the barking, but I would be very upset if I did not know them, especially if I had a small child or a pet with me.

I cannot understand why they insist on trying to walk the two dogs together. And, I do not know why they keep walking the dogs around to the gate when they could just let them out the back door into the fenced yard. Pam says she can't go through the back because her daughter has those rooms and doesn't want her cats disturbed. Seems to me they have a couple of ways at least they could make things better.

These are dogs they have adopted recently. Both dogs are adults.

stronghunter said...

Jo, when they try to hang on to the leashes, the dogs sometimes pull them down.

stronghunter said...

Hunter requested three turkey sandwiches. I think his appetite is okay.

Kathryn called to say that she is planning to take Hunter to the doctor this evening. Good idea, I think.

stronghunter said...

And, Pam's family just built the fence for the dogs. Very nice privacy fence. They used the same fence builder we did.

JudyEddy said...


on lunch

SHIRLEY Hope Hunter is feeling better soon
Jordyn was sick for a few days with that nasty stuff Cryptosporidium It was even on the new that lots of kids and adults are sick with it

Sandi said...

Vet just called. Jenni has a large tumor on her jaw near one of her canines. The vet will be removing as much of it as he can (doesn't think he can get it all) and will biopsy it. He is also going to do a chest xray, plus he has to remove several molars that are decayed and finish the cleaning.

Obviously we won't know anything for sure until the biopsy results come back, but I am very sad right now.

Judie said...

Very sorry that Jenni has so many problems. Sending positive thoughts.

stronghunter said...

Sorry to hear about Jenni, Sandi.

Hunter has an appointment with the pediatrician this evening, Judy. I guess we will find out if this is what he has.

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon all.

Poor Jenni. Maybe you got her just in time. Hope for positive results.

Lolly said...

Sandi, so very sorry about Jenni's problems. Poor pooch!

My kitty is sleeping more. Guess she is growing!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - Jenna will pull through this I pray. Thank goodness she had this
vet's visit... and hopefully the tumor sill be benign. You may need to get the baby food out!

Just be thankful that you and Denny
have given her so much love - she must not have been in pain at least judging from her actions.

Best of everything!

Mema Jo said...

Has anyone watched "Little G" ? She is an orphaned baby rhino who's mother was killed in May by poachers for her horn.

She is taking a nap and took her a while to get settled ........

Mema Jo said...

It is the same as the 4 baby cheetah
cubs with the mother. Their eyes are opening. Right now it is sleep, eat, sleep and eat. Soon they sill be playing and that will be very cute to watch.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Haven't been here because it gets so doggone hot in the bedroom where our computer is located. It's been much like Hoda's weather here. Seems less humid today, though, so I'm hopeful.

Shirley, I'm so sad to read that George has passed over Rainbow Bridge! My heart breaks for you.
Sounds like he was in pretty bad shape though, and you saved him from a lot of suffering. You certainly gave him a good life! He was quite the character, and I will really miss him. ((HUGS))!!
Hope that Hunter will feel better very soon!

Sandi, saying prayers for Jenni!
Hoping that she will get through this O.K., and be with you for a very long time.

Well, have some bills to pay online, so better get busy with that.

Hoda, hang in there with the awful hot weather! Indoor activities are a good idea. Stay hydrated, and take it easier than usual.

Have a good day, everyone. I ♥ us!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and I noticed LIVE FEED is down Still is working

Sandi said...

Hi all! Got some encouraging news from the vet. Jenni's chest xrays were clear and he said the tissue around the part of the "mass: that he removed for the biopsy looked healthy. He is cautiously optimistic that the tumor is benign though we won't know for sure for 5-7 days when the biopsy results come back.

In the meantime, Jenni is home and resting. She had to have 2 molars removed in addition to the cleaning, so she has stitches on both sides of her mouth at the top and more stitches on the inside of her lower jaw where he took the tissue for the biopsy. He said the nerves were exposed where the 2 molars were which had to be causing her pain. Her teeth are now shiny and white and her bad breath is gone.

The vet bill was hefty - thank goodness for Care Credit which gives me 6 months same as cash to pay it off.

On another note, I posted 2 photos of Miss Freyja on my blog.

Off to fix food for people and pets. Jo, good idea on the baby food. If Jenni can't handle the home made stuff she normally eats, I'll give it a try for a few days.

JudyEddy said...

This am when I was leaving for work going to the carport on the side of the house I was looking up at my tall Norfolk island pine tree seeing how many pine cones are left to be destroyed by the silly squirrels and guess what A hawk flew from the top of the tree I was just out with Ken my neighbor and I have a nest up in the top to cool that I have a hawk nest in that tree now I need to keep a better eye on the tree

Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !!!

Returned from MI yesterday evening, had a taco dinner at Julie's and took possession of dear Penny. She was there for a full month and was happy, but is clearly thrilled to back in her own digs !

The trip to MI was great, paced perfectly for me with lots of good company, scrumptious meals, sightseeing and winding up with a day at the Lake Michigan shore on Sunday. Seth and I had a marvelous time from start to finish !

Here's something y'all might be interested in, especially MARGY.

Meteor Shower

SHIRLEY, my heart aches for you, but the up side is that George lived a long and happy life in your household !

SANDI, can't wait to see the latest Freyja pics. Sorry Jenni is going through such an ordeal, but glad you've been acting quickly to get her in prime condition. Here's hoping the biopsy comes back negative.

HODA, hope the temps continue to drop. There are folks in these parts who live without A/C and I don't know how they can stand it ! Up in BC you should never need it, but weather changes are occurring at a very fast rate nowadays.

Will have to read back beyond this thread for more details on your lives....

Love and prayers for all !!!


JudyEddy said...

Welcome home KAY

Mema Jo said...

Ditto Judy - still cam up & live cam down.

I smell meatballs being served, Judie

Welcome home Kay and I am very happy that you had an enjoyable trip to MI

Need to hear from Janet soon - lots
of photos on FB - she should have had a blast!

Sandi - the pictures are beautiful of that little gal.
Very encouraged about Jenni's condition.

Judy - my hawk is always at the very top of the tree....

Mema Jo said...

Kay - Happy to hear that Penny
is content to be in her own digs!

Judie said...

Guess we need to anticipate Shirley being more absent than present. New scrabble dictionary out today. lol

Welcome home Kay. So glad you and Seth had such a nice trip. Can only imagine Penny's happiness to be home with you.

Sandi, relieved that Jenni may be fixable. Very optimistic.

Jo, I did not go to the potluck tonight. Just seem very tired and unsociable. However, Darth returned with an empty dish. Have watched Little G. So sad. Would love to pull the switch on all poachers. The cheetah cubs are becoming busy.

Hi JudyE and Andy.

Judie said...

Thank you Sandi. Freyja is just lovely.

Janet said...

good evening to all! yes, lots of pix on facebook...and for you all not on facebook, I posted them on my blog

I drove to Gatlinburg on Sunday. It was a beautiful drive out down on the mazda...the hotel wasn't awful, but they were reconstructing part of it, so the hot tub and pool were closed. it was clean and plenty big, but the internet service was nil! phone service was almost as bad.

Monday's shoot was incredible. it was a 12+ hour day. we finished up the entire shoot in one day. it was a blast hanging out with my buds all day!!!!

the fire dancer, who arrived in the evening, was absolutely incredible beyond words.

the video will be out the end of the month via you tube. Danny is hoping that the publishers for the book, THE LONG BLACK CURL will pick up the video to promote the book. I'm sure Alex (author) will encourage this.

When it becomes available I will let you know.

Unfortunately, I developed a nasty headache while I was there. It was hard to drive back to the hotel last night, the lights from oncoming traffic just caused pain. By the time I got back to the hotel, my eyes were tearing up.

I ate, took a shower, and went to sleep.

Thankfully I woke this morning with no headache. I drove home, another beautiful sunny top down kind of day!

It is lovely to be home. I was missed.

STRONGHUTNER: dearest friend, my love and hugs out to you as you made such a terrible and courageous decision....which was the best decision its sounds for your sweet George.

HODA: hope you have cooled down..

SANDI: so happy you had a lovely visit with your gd.

Tom starts back to work starts! Olivia and I will spend tomorrow and Thurs getting her stuff together so we can start on Monday.

I joined the Farm School which is an umbrella school. And, I have many resources via other homeschool parents. We are ready to rock it.

All righty, so check out the pix, let me know what you think.

Light and love, hugs and smiles to all. I missed you.

Judie said...

Janet, pictures are really interesting. Looks like you all had a terrific time together.

Keep us posted on Olivia and school stuff.

Judie said...

Still feeling a bit wonky so Sandperson has sprinkled sleepy dust in my eyes and promises to leave on time to visit the momsters/dadsters.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

Come on sandperson!!!! Sprinkle away!!!!!!

JUDIE: we had a great time, but everyone was wiped out by the time we were done.

I will gladly answer any questions anyone may have about home schooling at any time. I know years ago there wasn't much in the way of help and support and I'm sure it was much more difficult than it is now. But with umbrella schools and such, things are very different than years ago.

Good night all

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Been one of those days when I did not accomplish much and left me feeling at loose ends.

Some folks got rain tonight but it certainly was not us! Sigh......

Nite all! SED!

Mema Jo said...

Saying Goodnight to all ♥

I am rather late but I think I beat Hoda

Rest well - SED

Nite ♥

Hoda said...

You most certainly did JO and what were you doing up sooooo late?
SANDI keep us posted on JENNI.
Love your GD

JANET welcome back. Headaches are no fun.
Sending you and Olivia positive energy, love and Light for the start of the new school year.
We have got your back and extend support.

Yoga and Dragon Boating and volunteering on my agenda today. Good day.
I had to give up cycling. Too hot!

Good night
God Bless Us All

I hope PAULA made a safe journey to Paradise.

Thai Foot Massage
Dragon Boating
Race meeting

Looking forward to the day.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Janet, welcome home after your exciting weekend! Best of luck to you and Olivia as you both start your new education venture.

Judie, I hope you're feeling better today - sorry you missed the neighborhood event last night.

Jenni ate nothing last night when she came home. She did eat most of her breakfast this AM and took both pills hidden in peanut butter. We have reassembled her crate as she seems to feel more comfortable in there - Bella can't pester her. She was restless in our room last night at bedtime - probably b/c her mouth hurts - so we brought her downstairs and put her in the sunroom and she curled up in her crate and stayed there all night. She didn't seem unhappy that we were upstairs and she was downstairs all alone.

Tennis for me at 8am then going to the beach with friends (the group is called WOW - Women on Wednesdays - and we meet every Wednesday on the beach.

The Jeep dealership called on Monday - they are going to come to the house this morning to pick up the Jeep, take it in for the recall repair and to fix the brake light lens, then return it to me this afternoon at no charge. I like that!

Have agreat day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Great news SANDI on the car

JANET so happy you had a grand ole time

JudyEddy said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all
Getting ready to turn on the coffee pot.. I haven't stuck my nose outside yet to see what critters are waiting...

Eye appointment this morning for me.

Everyone have a great day and I will check in this afternoon... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Happy Big 50 Birthday, Robyn

Enjoy your day as you visit down in FL ...

Celebrate YOU

Mema Jo said...

Still cam up but Live feed still down

Janet said...

good morning to all!

Tom and the big yellow bus is off and rolling. I have just gotten up. Nice to wake up in my own bed!

Thank you for offering support for this venture. It is nice to know, given that I know you all are against my choice. Please understand, this is something I have never thought I would do. I've always been an advocate of public schools, but sometimes, for whatever reason, it doesn't work.

My buds from VA BEACH have told me,after seeing Olivia's test results, she would qualify for assistance in the VA Bch school system. Here, she does not.

And I feel no one knows my child better than me...and I have many resources available. So thank you, again, for your support. It truly means the world to me.

Errands today. Much time to be spent prepping. Planning some pool time too!!!!

Everyone have a wonderful day!


Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBYN ♪♫♪♫ Have a wonderful day to begin another happy year.

Janet, I'm confused. I don't recall that we are all against home schooling. Speaking for myself, I just do not know how it works. You know you have our complete support.

Sandi, I'm sure Jenni was just going through recovery and a whole mouth full of discomfort and wanted to be alone. So glad the car will be repaired today.

Jo, have a good eye checkup.

Woke up with a headache this morning. Not much on the agenda. New spectacles are ready for pickup - maybe later on.


Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

My delete. Blogger cop got me.

Have a wonderful morning everyone.

Hoda said...

Good morning


JANET not against!
Way back you asked for input
I gave my thoughts and concerns.
You are doing this with open eyes.
With our love and support.
We have got your back.

Mema Jo said...

I had gone to the Retina Specialist
Left eye is dilated for now - I did get that third shot and things are
looking great.

Now o relax a little and plan some lunch before another Dr appointment.
It seems like it is a never ending
schedule for me.

BBL this afternoon ♥

Mema Jo said...

We are having a steady downpour of beautiful RAIN....... I said go to Lolly's gardens - but you know Mother Nature has a mind of her own.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Had an interesting start to the day. We slept late and in the process of getting up the doorbell rang. It was our neighbor from behind us. He had to drive around as it is not a city block! Four of their chickens were in our yard! Momma and 4 youngsters. Lol. They did not want to be caught. Luckily they stayed by the back fence running along the fence in the flower bed. They eventually ran behind the firewood pile, they closed off the ends, bent over and picked them up. It was hilarious to watch.

Last night Skippi decided to be an armpit kitty instead of a pillow kitty. She slept on my arm, her warm little body close to my chin. I am too old to sleep that way. Lol. My shoulder started hurting. I have to shift positions. She loves us! :)

Today going to make pesto to freeze. Our basil is at its peak and we have lots of it!

Sandi said...

Shirley, I've been thinking about your neighbor's dogs. In the fall of 2012, our neighbors got 2 lab mix puppies that were brothers. They grew to be big and rambunctious but friendly.

Then the older daughter spent last winter in Costa Rica with her boyfriend and took one of the dogs - Tank - with her. That left Dewey in the house with Ann and Ken and their younger daughter as an only dog for several months.

When Tank returned to the house in the spring, both dogs became more and more aggressive. Eventually Dewey went after and attacked another neighbor's little Westie (she survived but had some injuries). Ann and Ken tried to find another home for Dewey but no one wanted a dog that had attacked another dog, and no rescue groups or animal shelters would take a dog that had shown signs of aggression.

Eventually, Ann and Ken had Dewey put down b/c he was untrustworthy behavior-wise and would no longer come when he got out of the yard and was called to come home. As soon as Dewey was gone, Tank became much calmer and much friendlier.

Dog dynamics and that dominant-submissive thing with 2 dogs in the same home. I hope the situation with your neighbor's dogs doesn't have an unhappy ending but everyone (people and pets) around them had better be careful!

OK, off to the beach for a few hours!

JudyEddy said...

Sis I also agree we are behind you 100% don;t know where you got the idea we were against it

LOLLY luck armpit sleeper I use to have a cat that wanted to sleep in between the legs hard to turn over that way and its so nice to be loved

JO STEVE had mentioned that in Aug they will be working on the can I wonder if that is why the cam is down just a thought

Hoda said...

Will it ever end?
Monday is 96.8 degrees!
Enough Already!!!

Hoda said...

I see were JANET got the idea that we were against homeschooling.
I for one was very blunt with my answers and opinions.
I was opening the conversation for clear thinking and potential problems.
Once JANET made the decision to go ahead I became supportive of the decision.
I do not want us to negate her perceptions and understanding.
It was an open discussion.
YOU HAVE OUR SUPPORT JANET is the conclusion.

Hoda said...

Not were

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Love and hugs to Shirley. :(

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Thanks again for all of the hugs and kind words about my George. I appreciate them greatly.

Janet, I understand your decision to homeschool Olivia, and I know it was not an easy decision. With the Internet and all of the support groups out there and your dedication to this project, I think you will be successful. Olivia is fortunate to have so much love and support. You have my best wishes. Keep us posted.

Interestingly, I have not seen the dogs next door for a couple of days. I hope they have found a good solution to the behavior problems. Maybe they are using the back door. Maybe they have found another home for one or both of then.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn took Hunter to the doctor yesterday, and it seems he just has a summer cold. This kid is just never sick. He's home from the Y Camp again today. I made him do his math homework before I let him have the Xbox. Tutor comes tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Thunder and rain here this afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - I think IF they are working on the cAM then both CAMS, ESPECIALLY THE STILL CAM AT NCTC, WOULD BE DOWN.
I think Steve would let us know when this is to be done.

Lolly said...

Got you beat, Hoda! 99.7 here! Ugh!

We just got the trailer from the dealer where they were supposed to make minor repairs. They have had it since June 30. One insulation strip was glued on and they caulked a strip around the shower. Two other minor problems with wires they could not get to not perform. Do not like this dealership. Also, we called them yesterday, they never called us ! Grrr!

Well,that killed the day!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - sure hard to deal with that kind of workmanship - not my style.
Thanks for the beautiful card I received!

Mema Jo said...

Well tomorrow I will try again to purchase the Farmer's Market postage stamps. It is the 7th and I know my Postmistress is holding some in my name.

Mema Jo said...

Janet my gd has 5 young children. She is one great Home Schooler Teacher. Her 2 oldest sons (10 and 11) receive exceptional reviews from
the area supervisor.

I don't think you need to say anything to convince us that YOU and OLIVIA will do well. The materials are out there and there are supporters that can help with certain subjects. Best of everything this School Year....♥

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and its 93° with the heat index of 101° yuk yuk yuk

Lolly said...

Hoda, received an email from you again that said "Hi, Lolly" with a link. Not going there! Have received emails like this from you before and others on the blog. Anyone else receiving these?

JudyEddy said...

DEB posted this on FB

"Great news,,off off the press...the crane is booked for August 25 for cam maintenance!! WooHOO "

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY the last email I got that was suspicious was from Shirley about a week ago others also got it I think it Yahoo mail somehow I don't go on that site haven't in months and so far no one has gotten from me

Sandi said...

Jo, how did this afternoon's doctor appointment go? Do you have a plan of action yet?

Janet, though I'm not a fan of home schooling, I'm a huge fan of parents being advocates for their children and that's what you're doing. The public school system failed to provide Livvy with what she needs. Your choices were to leave her in a system where you knew she would continue to struggle or to do something different. You chose to do something different, something that will be better for your child, and I'm behind you 100% for that!

Forecast is calling for some thunderstorms followed by air that is a little cooler and a lot dryer tomorrow and Friday. :)

Jenni wolfed down all of her dinner - she must be feeling better. I came home from the beach to find both dogs curled up in one bed inside Jenni's crate - how great is that??

See you all in the early AM.

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Last suspicious email was from Shirley last week. Non from Hoda so whoever is imitating her must be greatly afeared of the Evil Juffie.

Sandi, so glad Jenni is better and doggy bonding is going on. Heartwarming.

Shirley, happy to know that Hunter is not seriously ill. Yes, homework before Xbox.

JudyE, you are most welcome to keep the 90+ weather down your way.

Off to put my feet up for a few.

Hoda said...

Is it the gmail account?
This is the first I have heard of this.

JudyEddy said...

Its cooling off 89° heat index 98° at 730

Judie said...

Hi all,

Going to finish the last few chapters of a mystery (not the mentally challenging type) then head for the pillows.

Sandperson will be packing a satchel and leaving for his usual rounds.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

Good evening all.
Wow. I misread all of you. My sincere apologies. When I asked for input, I did understand that there are many points to consider, and each of you raised a valid point….but when reading I interpreted that no one who had commented approved of the idea. So again, I apologize. That is why I have refrained from talking about it. I didn’t want to cause any disruption on this blog. Everyone here is so sweet and loving and kind, I didn’t want to be the one to disrupt that ….
So THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for clearing that up for me. I appreciate your support more than words can say.
And yes, it has not been an easy decision because in my hands, our hands, we now hold her educational future…and her future , period. But no, the schools were not able to help her. The only one she has responded to was my method of teaching. And when I would have to completely re-teach lessons @ 7/8 at night, every night, so she would comprehend what she needed to know….heck NOONE wants to do that! If I have to do that, I may as well take matters into my own hands.
I have joined what is called an Umbrella School. It is The Farm School. You can google it if you want to read about it. But by doing this, we are not “technically” home schoolers, but students of the farm school. Our home is a satellite campus. And they do offer a path to a diploma.
I am on several facebook groups for homeschoolers and a meet up group as well. On the 28th we are going to a frog dissection class. Our science this year is basic biology and health, as I think they go hand in hand….
Olivia needs a lot of basics. The books I have purchased relate to that. I have also ordered her a lap top so we can do online stuff. I have quite a few resources handy.
Thank you again, my friends your support truly means the world to me.
I have had a productive day, ran errands this morning and cleaned my pool this afternoon. Grandkids came over for a last Wednesday swim. Today was a half day of public school. They are off tomorrow and return on Friday.
Metro is doing something I think is good now. They are providing FREE breakfast and lunch for ALL students. Its kind of sad that we have enough students that need it, and possibly don’t qualify that we have to do this….but I am glad they are doing it. And school lunches sure aren’t what they used to be. They have three or four choices per day, to include salad or vegetarian meal, peanut butter & jelly, or choice of two hot entrees. Unlimited fruits and veggies.

It was hot today, but the pool was nice. We grilled chicken and corn on the cob. Chelsea made this lovely potato salad and mac n cheese.
Tomorrow is my last day off. I go back to work on Friday and work the weekend as well. Making up time for some of my time off this week.
Will check in later. Hugs and love to all! Smooches!

JudyEddy said...

Hey SIS here in FL they even provide free breakfast to the kids There is a area where they go get the meals

Mema Jo said...

Remember - Eagle Cam

Thank you for your support and participation. EagleCam is offline until the 2014 Winter Nesting Season. Please return in late January 2014 to watch the eagles once again.

How about returning late January 2015

Mema Jo said...

I am very anxious to see what the
cam maintenance on August 25 will encounter.....MTBR

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥



Sleepy time..... tomorrow is MRI and CT - Woopy Do .. no rest for the weary......... lol

I love us ♥

Janet said...

good night to all...JO what is woopy do?

stronghunter said...


Time for me to close up the laptop and head upstairs.

SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

JANET I think JO was being sarcastic.She is tired of medical appointments...she has two tomorrow and Woopy Do is like saying Yay in a sarcastic tone...oh yay, twirl finger up towards fun at all...

I teared up on your post about clearing up the air. You are a dear woman full of LIGHT and GRACE...Thank you for being you...
I will say it again: We are ALL here for you and WE SUPPORT YOU AND BACK YOUR DECISIONS...
Blessed Be Friend of The Light...

Hoda said...


Sorry for the caps. I wanted to get your attention.
Thank You

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night.

Hoda, deleted the message. Will look for it tomorrow to see if I can tell which mail service. We have received similar messages before from you and others. One was Paula, I think! They all were momsters making me think it is the momster email.

Can't wait to see where Skippi sleeps tonight. Whoopy do!

Love you Jo!

Night all....prayers for Jo, and please remember Flo, my cousins wife.


Hoda said...

Good night all
God Bless

JO surrounding you with prayers tomorrow.
We will go through this together.
Blessed Be.
Let us know as soon as you know.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

So, the live cam has been turned off - another eagle season over. I'm not much for watching the still cam.

Jo, I'll be sending prayers and positive energy your way, today and every day.

No tennis for me this morning. The grocery store beckons - woopy do!! Didn't feel cool enough when I took the dogs outside to open the house up.

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

getting ready to go get Jordyn only two more weeks before school

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

No humidity out there this am hour...
Hope it stays that way...

Shirley - love seeing Georg's picture
Glad Pam's dogs next door found a new way to the back yard...

I "Woopy do'd" the fact that I have had appointments every day this week including today and tomorrow. Good thing I have such a reliable chauffeur.

Oldest daughter visiting this evening and bring me some fresh garden tomatoes.

Judie said...

Okay, Steve has provided us with a fresh Thursday thread.\

Y'all come on over.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...