Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday Part 2

Hi Folks,  We are all waiting with baited breath to see how this nesting season is going to work out.  I recently contacted the Regional Bald Eagle Coordinator for FWS, Craig Koppie,  and he sent me this message a few minutes ago:

"There could be several reasons for this issue. There could be a replacement nest they constructed during the fall and they are visiting less frequently at their usual location as you suggested. There might be a mate replacement so they are starting later due to a new pairing. Or lastly, they are the same pair and just sense a colder than normal year and are holding off a few weeks or so because of icing on the river and greater snow fall potential. I believe somehow, nature knows."

We know that these are the same two birds, so we need to figure this year's delay is caused by  a new nest or the cold weather. 

I am betting that the cold weather is impacting timing this year.  This is the coldest stretch of weather in many years.  Combine the weather with the snow and the iced up river and that's enough to delay things...

So time will tell which theory is correct.

Craig just released a cool book with Teena Gorrow called Inside a Bald Eagle's Nest.  Check it out here.


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Hoda said...

Mine mine mine

Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE

Hoda said...

Appreciate the info STEVE. Thank you both.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread and for the information, Steve. And thanks, to you as well Craig.

We will watch and learn.

Goodness, the weather forecasters are getting all excited. I guess I will need to go to the grocery store tomorrow morning. I hope something will be left for me to buy.

Mema Jo said...

Michael's update: Drs at UMMC are ok with Michael's skull - They did prescribe him a new medication and it is for the nerve pain he is experiencing. He goes back in 30 days after taking this medication. Dr's feel that the pain could be for the rest of his life since it has been 2 years since the injury. They are thinking it is the nerves and or muscles.
God will bless him I'm sure with some relief. Thanks for all your prayers and please continue ♥

JudyEddy said...

just got home and see another new thread Heading to Angie in a bit

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Hi all - home from school.

Thanks Steve for the new thread and for the info. about our eagles. My fingers are crossed that our eagles are simply smart enough to know to take their time with the egg laying this winter. Maybe after this next round of snow???

Mom had a great night's sleep last night and has been pain-free today! She is dressed, ate a small breakfast and a decent lunch, and she's playing on her Kindle Fire now.

Jo, sorry to hear that Michael's headaches continue - I hope the new meds work for him.

Waiting for news about Janet's Tom and Lori's dad.

Can't get the live feed - GRRR!

Forecast is still for wind-driven rain and lots of it here at the beach. But I saw that Candy posted on FB that NC is getting snowed on again. I don't necessarily want a snow day but I sure don't want a flood either!!

DanaMo said...

Good evening!
Belle needs to lay an egg tonight before tomorrow's impending snow! That way she can be sitting on it protecting it. Otherwise we could be waiting another whole week before the possibility of an egg.

DanaMo said...

I have the live feed Sandi.

DanaMo said...

It will be very disappointing if we don't get any eggs. Whatever will be will be...

Mema Jo said...

Steve I really thank you for contacting Craig Koppie and appreciate his response. I shared your message on our blog to the eagle sites on FB so that all of us
that watch the NCTC are aware of the facts.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

in the Live feed not Still yet flew in from the right I see feet now

JudyEddy said...

I just noticed still says 1058

Mema Jo said...

Belle is in the nest up at the noon position
She is nesting I think

Mema Jo said...

JUDY Still cam has been down all day

I reported it to Steve in an email

Sandi said...

Have the live feed running and I see Belle eating something in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Surprised we don't see some food

JUDY - I don't know how to take
Live Cam pics - Sorry ♥

Mema Jo said...

I thought she was just digging in the egg cup and shifting sticks

JudyEddy said...

I am doing pic now and they are on FB do you have a snipping tool in you accessories

JudyEddy said...

I see flugg moving at the top of screen I see two talons

Mema Jo said...

Wish I could see some tail feathers..........

I need to leave for about 1/2 hr

Keep watching my friends ♥

JudyEddy said...

I still see feetsies

JudyEddy said...

I have to head to Angie in a bit too anyone else here Bye JO I will be taking my lap top with me to her house also
waiting for Angie to call

JudyEddy said...

I see her Shadow and now head

JudyEddy said...

she is in the IEZ I see one talon and her shadow I think she is waiting for Shep

JudyEddy said...

she is in the IEZ I see one talon and her shadow I think she is waiting for Shep

JudyEddy said...

moving stick

Hoda said...

Eagle turned facing six. Saw head and beak and now part of talon on and off. Body is at 10:00-11:00

JudyEddy said...

Poof to the right saw shadow go

Hoda said...

Large bird shadow flew over the nest and the eagle who was in took off. Empty Nest

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for providing information from Craig. We all appreciate your help.

Jo, will keep my fingers crossed and hope the new med. will help reduce or eliminate Michael's pain. pain.

Sandi, good news your mom seems to be improving. No doubt being with you and Dennis is good for her.

Now for updates on our other family members.

JudyE have fun with Jordyn tonight.

Headed over to check the nest then to the scullery. Mac&Cheese with hot sausage patties tonight, a side of Cole slaw.

JudyEddy said...

I heard something faintly

JudyEddy said...

heard it again

Kay said...

Good afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

Thanks for new threads and extensive info/speculation, STEVE ! Wouldn't it be boring if this nest and it's inhabitants were never mysterious ?

Looks like I arrived moments too late--hope our birds return soon. looks like there is a nice little breeze there--I don't have sound apparently.

SANDI, so happy to hear your Mom is doing so much better today---she just needed yesterday as an adjustment period. She must feel like "Queen for the day" with all the love and attention to be had at your house !

JO, prayers continue for Michael ! Chronic pain can be so debilitating. Hoping the pain abates soon.

ANDY, what a surprise---sounds like you and Ken are making the proverbial lemonade out of the giant lemon dropped on you ! I envision the two of you enjoying retirement to the fullest!

Kay said...

JUDIE, that dinner sounds delish !

Kay said...

Turned the sound way up and can now hear an occasional crackling sound. Someone chewing on something ?

Kay said...

Heading for the kitchen---want to finish the day off in time to park in front of The Games.

Love and prayers for all !!!


Hoda said...

Nest still empty. I hear onle the volume turned up.
No chewing noises now KAY

Hoda said...

Continued Prayers for MICHAEL JO.
GRANNYBLT any news on DAVID.
Thank you SANDI for the update on your MOM. Blessed Be.
LORI any more news on your DAD?
DANA how about your parents?

grannyblt said...

I can't tell if the still cam is updating. The time is 10:58. My bird watching for today was a few minutes ago when a sharp-shinned hawk had dinner in my backyard tree--beautiful bird, but the junco didn't think so.

Kay, I think we are going to miss all of that snow this time--sure hope so.

I saw some of the breed finals via Ustream for the AKC dog show that finishes tonight. Almost missed it last night.

Sandi--good news about your Mom for today. The trip Sunday may have been a bit much for her. I hope she continues to feel well.

Jo, glad Miracle Michael is holding his own, although find it difficult when someone loved is in chronic pain, I hope his new meds do the trick to relieve it .

Will restart computer again to see if I can get a current cam picture.

Sandi said...

Both eagles are in the nest, moving sticks.

Time to fix some dinner.

Lolly said...

No eagles in the nest right now. I have been glancing at the still cam all afternoon to finally see that it is stuck on this morning. Missed the action this afternoon.

I really think I am much better this afternoon. Head is not hurting. However, I dread going to bed as that is when the coughing starts.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think they have been pretty busy at this nest. I have complete faith they will nest here again this year, just waiting for the right time.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bless Michael's heart!! :( Love and ((((HUGS))))

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for all your comments in concern for Michael. Thank you
Thank you Thank you.

NOW: my new Windows 7 Dell hard drive is here and Geek Hubby is transferring all my files and sites over from this one. Therefore: I am off until the chore is finished.
Could be Wed morning.... lol

Terrific Tues TV tonight....
I'll see ya when I see ya ♥

Lolly said...

Ice not so bad this evening. According to the news traffic was flowing. Folks need to watch for spots of ice.

Tonight's dinner...bacon, eggs, grits and pancakes a la Jubby!!

Tomorrow Laurel has inservice, so she needs assistance. Picking up the boys at school and preparing dinner. It will be an easy dinner and we will head home as dinner is complete. I really think I am going to live! Hip hip hooray!!!!☺

Mema Jo said...

I guess I will watch the Olympics

My Tues TV are all repeats

BBL maybe

Judie said...

Jo, isn't it so nice to have geeky hubbies? The more "stupid" I play the more he helps. Yippee.

Lolly, really glad you are feeling so much better. Just take it easy, please and thank you.

Looks like an MT nest. Curious, how can Belle delay laying eggs based on the weather? Seems like if eggs are ready eggs are ready. Hope she waits until the snow is gone.

Off to surf the tv channels. BBL

Oh, change of menu. Enchaladas. Okay but I prefer mac/ch with hot sausage patties.

Judie said...

Headed to the pillows early tonight.

Have given Sandperson instructions for making sure everyone and all the furcritters get restful sleep tonight.

Wishing comfort and healing for those in need.

Night light is on.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Lori, anxious to have an update on your dad...

Janet, anxious for Tom update...

Sandi, I'm so glad that your mom is with you and is doing so well! Prayers continue!

Jo, so glad Michael's Dr. is OK with things. And I pray that the nerve medications will offer relief!

Lolly, glad you are feeling better. How about some hot lemon water and sleeping in a recliner so you can be propped up?

Lynne2 said...

Great update Steve, thank you so much!

Judie, I think the key to Steve's bet is that long cold stretch in general. Most winters here have cold spells then warmer spells. We have just had way colder than normal temps for these parts all along. I guess that difference could cause them to act accordingly so the eggs have the best chance. In a normal winter, with cold spells AND warm spells, it would be business as usual.
Does that make sense?

Judie said...

My curiosity is that when a human baby is ready to be born it does not wait for anything. So, how does an eagle know, or have the ability, to delay egg laying based on weather conditions. Just a curiosity thought.

Goodnight again. Restful sleep for all. Headed for the pillows.

stronghunter said...

I have been wondering the same thing about the eagles and eggs, Judie. But maybe we are about to learn something new.

Jo, so nice to know that Michael is recovering.

stronghunter said...

About to wind things down here. Lugers are racing down the hill on Olympics. Gracious me, such a way to compete.

magpie said...

How about, Steve announces a new thread ever so discreetly...
he deserves a whole headdress of feathers for this, and his
informative post as well

Thanks Steve !!!

Good Late Evening, Eagle Pals


Lynne2 said...

well, it the WHOLE process, I think, that gets slowed down due to early and prolonged cold temps. The later appearance of the pair, later nestoration, later HP, then later eggs. Eggs that would hatch later, closer to winter's end, when the river isn't so frozen, food is more available. The females, I'm pretty sure, store sperm. Not sure how that plays into things, but it must.

In contrast, a few years ago we had that very mild winter. That year, the bluebirds in my yard staked out nest boxes earlier, built nests earlier and had the first clutch earlier, resulting in 3 clutches instead of the normal 2.

Nature is an amazing thing...

magpie said...

don't know much about birthing babies or laying eggs, but I think Shep and Belle have this one!

Good to read the update on Michael, Jo....
hoping 30 days with a new medicine,
makes for a comfortable difference

magpie said...

Good to see Lolly, that you seem to feeling better and announcing to our joy THAT YOU WILL LIVE...!!

magpie said...

speaking of geeky things...
I have a rental car this week,
Blazer is at the Body Shop regarding a rear-end collision for which it was a victim on Jan 24th...

I could use a geek to navigate this spaceship: a 2014 Ford Escape...so many electronics...including heated seats, remote start, it should have come with a handsome hunk of a driver !
Told them I needed SUV not a little economy car...because...of where I work and that I am ON CALL, and mus get to work no matter the weather
Offender's insurance company will pick up most of the tab $$4$

magpie said...

Hi LynneDuh,....um, you can drop the DUH any old time, you are NOT
DUH-y, but spot on, my friend

( HUGS ))

YAY on the awewome bowling report, Shirley! sounds like the pin and scoring snafu got a fix

Sandi: know you are in bed...but, glad your Mother seems to be settling in...getting dressed is a
Big Plus...shows an interest, in, just Being One with the Day !
(( HUGS All Around for you all ))

stronghunter said...

Well, Kathryn was going to take my car to work tomorrow so that the shop up there that worked on my car after the last time I got rear-ended could fix a botched paint job.

The paint turned out to be substandard and is flaking off--clearcoat failure, Kathryn said. The accident was years ago--but it's covered by warranty.

However, she might just need her 4-wheel drive to come home tomorrow evening. So, we're rescheduling. The work will be done by the shop where she used to work. She has friends there, so it's good.

magpie said...

I would have gone there too, Shirley, but it is a wee bit far away...

magpie said...

I'm applying my Serenity tactics to this upcoming storm....

Whatever will be, will be....
I didn't cause it, I cannot change it, and I sure can't control it!

I have some running around to do on Friday, pre-surgery pre-hospital testing and such....so, this Escape better get me where I need to go, IF everyone is where THEY need to go,
in Winchester Va

magpie said...

Feel bad for the
Carolinas and Georgia....etc and so on and so forth for other states....
serious icy mix is no match for a human !

stronghunter said...

Didn't know about your rear-end accident, Margy, or forgot if I did know.

Sounds like a nice rental you're driving.

magpie said...

sorry Dallas seems to have gotten it bad...hope all your family there is OK

Safe Travel Wishes for your fun trip to Denton Wednesday

stronghunter said...

We have a state of emergency in Virginia and Maryland already.

I followed a truck putting down treatment on the streets this afternoon. Spraying some type of liquid.

Florists are preparing for a tough Valentine's Day. Rushing to get out there early.

magpie said...

You didn't miss it, Shirley.....I never mentioned it....so much more serious concerns amongst us going on

I'm fine...just getting a little extra therapy for a wee bit of additional discomfort related to the wreck.
I was 1/10 mi from home, stopped, to turn onto my Pendleton Drive.

stronghunter said...

Lynne--good thinking. You make sense regarding the eagles and the eggs.

magpie said...

Those pre-bad weather "Strips" is something new here this year too Shirley!

I have, for the first time, ever,
tulip and daffydil bulbs in the ground here! Wondering how they will come along

Lynne2 said...

EVERYTHING is important Margy! I hope you didn't get hurt!

Geez, I didn't even think about the hit the flower industry will take...going to be tough getting those flowers delivered, let alone getting employees in to arrange them, and drivers to deliver.

magpie said...

Those "Little Debbie" ads, with the former and present "consumers...."
really should include some Oatmeal Creme Pies these days!

stronghunter said...

Goodness, Margy. You need to tell us about these things. It is nice to receive Momster love.

Lynne2 said...

that's right Shirley...you tell her!

stronghunter said...

I've had some bulbs sticking their leaves barely above ground for some while, but they seem to be on hold for now. Maybe like eagle eggs.

Guess they're about to get buried.

magpie said...

guess I should stop magpie-ing
ad infinitum before it gets to be
ad nauseum !

Miss shmoozing with everyone, including from work which used to be quite possible and is now nearly IMpossible..I can see the Still Cam, but not much today !
I saw the stalled image...hope it clears up soon, and thanks to JO for sending the message to Steve

Thanks, Lynne....
I hope your new "digs" is just to your liking!

Well, Good Night, Precious Pals...
Prayers for
Wellness, Amonst us ALL

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

Lynne2 said...

I sent my SIL a message on FB earlier, she is northeast of Atlanta. Haven't heard back...hope the power isn't out already!

Margy, the flowers will pop up in no time!

Poor Steve, he'll be at work most of the day tomorrow and then home in time to spend the night keeping the driveway here clear. it's a quarter mile, up hill and back down.

stronghunter said...

One big issue with the flower people--

Lots of flowers get delivered to schools. If the schools are closed, that is going to complicate things.

Gotta be a lot easier to take 20 bouquets to the schoolhouse than to take them to 20 different addresses, and they might not even have those other addresses.

magpie said...

Thanks, my friends...It was kind of freaky, I did take an ambulance ride, as a precaution... first time ever, though I WAS on the back of an ambulance quite often...

Really, it's fine...I felt it was a good decision just to wait and mention it kind of low-key-like

My Positive Thoughts and
Energies are sent to all who REALLY need them so very much more...
Trust me !

G'Night, now....xoxo (( HUGS ))

magpie said...

Go Snow-Plowing Handsome Steve,
Go !

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, didn't think of that either. about school deliveries.

I don't think I'll be going to my REAL job Thursday. But I'll be on kennel detail here as I am quite sure the staff isn't going to get here!

Lynne2 said...

I'm heading for the shower and bed. Should have done so earlier!

Hope to see updates from Lori and Janet tomorrow...

stronghunter said...

"Some snow" in Atlanta area, they're saying.

Lynne2 said...

hopefully I'll have some time to check in tomorrow. have some errands to run, then meeting a transport of 6 dogs from the rescue here tomorrow, from a serious neglect situation.

I really hope the electric stays on! We have a gas stove, so we can at least heat food up. There is a generator for the kennels but I don't know if it extends up here to us or not. But we have water, and all other essentials just in case.

stronghunter said...

I'm quitting for the night, too. Sleepy.

I will make a grocery run tomorrow morning. Kathryn picked up a couple of things this evening, but I want to be sure we're ready.

Lynne2 said...

Charleen, SIL, volunteers at a shelter. Maybe she is there making preparations.

Well, good night everyone, see you on the morrow!

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

Remember my accident two years ago? I got my first ride in an ambulance, on a back board, strapped down. I cried the whole time, or should I say tears rolled from my eyes. I do not have even a clue what that ambulance looked like.

No sleeping on my recliner unless I move it to another room. Annie is shut in the utility room at night because she cries so much at night, I would be too close to her. Poor baby! Not in pain, senility!!!

Lolly said...

We had a little ice, not too bad. The terrible thing is an off duty fireman stopped to check on an accident and the guy in the accident. Another car came along, went sliding hit the first car and then the fireman who then fell 40 ft. off the bridge. Very sad. They were unable to save him.

Time to shower and head to bed. I just want to have a good nights sleep. No coughing spells. I am getting sore from coughing.

Anxious to hear from family in the Atlanta area. Guess they will all have a day at home tomorrow.

Night all!

Hoda said...

God Bless us all

MARGY I am upset with you that you did not tell us about the accident nor the ambulance ride.
You also spoke of surgery!!!
Is this accident related?
Is it your hand.

DANA'S parent

Hoda said...

On not in...

Kay said...

Good Early Morning, Eagle Buds !!!

Hoping I might catch gLORI here with an update on her dear Dad. Praying for him as well as JO's Michael, JANET's Tom, DANA's parents, LYNNE1's David....the list goes on...

Dear LOW KEY MARGY, we are so glad you're Aok. Holding you in thoughts and prayers as you get post accident therapy and prepare for the carpel tunnel surgery. Is that on the 17th ?

LOLLY, glad you're almost in the pink again---well enough to help Laurel with the boys and dinner--that's great. SIL headed for Dallas today, if flight not canceled. Just a business 1 night and most of 2 days in the city.

Tonight Julie is bringing pizza over to go with my salad and a little wine. We'll dine with our sweet pooches sitting by with envious looks on their faces !

0° here right now--wind chill factor unknown by me, but it's soooo cold ! Hope it warms just a tad before Penny rises between 7 and 8.

Thinking of all of you in the path of the latest winter assault ! Be safe, keep warm !


Lori O. said...

Good morning!

KAY, you're up early. Hope everything is okay. We're not getting much if any of that big storm either! YAY!

My Dad went to the Dr. yesterday who thinks he possibly has vertigo, but I don't think so, because he doesn't experience nausea. Dr. gave him some meds and said to call him if he isn't better in 48 hours and he'll send him for an MRI. I'll keep you posted.

So sorry for those of you who will me impacted by this latest snow mega storm. Geez, enough of the snow already! I sent Kate her forecast this morning and it's calling for a min. of 7" and up to 16" from tonight and tomorrow. Glad you won't be getting the ice that's forecast in the South.

JANET, will you be getting any of the ice, there?

Another presentation in class today - this one on Elderly Nutrition.

I checked out that book link for Craig Koppi's Eagle Nest book and it looks great. Would love to get a copy!

Love you all. Please stay safe. Prayers for Sandi's Mom, Miracle Michael and all in need.


Sandi said...

Goodorming Kay, Lori, and all my eagle friends.

Can't get the live feed this morning so I have no news about the nest.

Lori, I hope vertigo it is for your dad - that's not too serious.

Lolly, feel better!

Margy, sorry to hear about the accident and I agree, you should have shared that "little tidbit" with us.

Lynne, I know Steve will be busy today and tonight and tomorrow but that should be a good feeling for him - to be so needed!

Forecast is still calling for just lots of rain and wind here. I would really like a day off to be home with Mom. Will light my snow candle again today.

Have a good one - prayers for all of our needs.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

I can't get the LIVE FEED

JudyEddy said...

OH MY 43 comments since I went to bed after I got home

stronghunter said...

No cams visible here.

stronghunter said...

Well, the still cam is, but it is stuck on Feb. 10.

Janet said...

good morning to one and all. Mid week again.
GREAT NEWS to start! Tom’s biopsy results were perfect. No signs of anything wrong anywhere!!!! We are both thankful and relieved.
JO: hoping that Michael finds relief…..hard to see our children in pain.
MAGPIE: sending hugs, love and healing! Feel better! Accidents, even minor ones can be serious!
Its been a busy week. We either have sylvan or ice skating every afternoon. It is Wednesday and I am about wiped out already.
Going to the chiropractor after my morning massage. Hoping I can manage my morning massage. My left shoulder is being a pain in the, well, shoulder, yet again. I was hoping to get in yesterday, but doc isn’t in Tuesday afternoons. So I am heading that way this morning.
I have a ton of things I need to do/catch up on. Can’t seem to get there. Of course, if I stayed home long enough, that might actually happen. Lol.
Anticipating a dusting of snow today. We shall see. Everything is going south and east of us.
Light and love, healing, hugs and smiles to all!

stronghunter said...

Thank goodness, Janet. Such good news for Tom and for you and your family.

Margy, I am thinking the upcoming surgery is for your other carpal tunnel problems. That is what I remember is scheduled. Please keep us updated. It does us good to share the love with you.

stronghunter said...

Really need to get going here. I picture the grocery store as a place of madness. I would rather stay home. Would like to hide under the covers and just ignore the whole thing.

grannyblt said...

GM all. So happy for a sunny day. However it is really bitterly cold -1'
As all have said, no cam. The Pittsburgh nest was MT too, but at least that camera is working today.

Lori, I was wondering if your Dad's situation is caused by an inner ear problem? I've know people who go to the Dr and are given some exercises or procedures to get their crystals(??) where they shoould be. I know I am not saying that correctly, but they have to do a "lean to the left, lean to the right, stand up sit down" type of thing. Just a thought.

magpie said...

Exactly what I was going to post, grannyblt!

I have had vertigo twice, and that little procedure worked like a charm....Hope Lori can check into this.....
probably can even get to some
on-line illustrations...
I never had the nausea either, just the dizziness on one side...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Wonderful Janet, about Tom!!!
Bravo !! Clap Clap Clap !!


magpie said...

Wishing, belatedly a few days behind....that Andrea's Ken will find his retirement to be
better than wonderful, but am sorry that his long-standing job came to such an abrupt end.
Unpatriotic, is what I feel when employers do these kinds of things

(( HUGS, Andy and Ken ))
and also to Ken's work-mate Chuck

AND congratulations also Andy...to the
Cheerleading Star in your family..
grandaughter, or great-grand, sorry, I couldn't remember for sure

magpie said...

Yes, one and all, the surgery is for carpal tunnel for my other hand, my right (and dominant) hand...need to some
left-handed routines to get ready.
It is supposed to be on Feb 21 -
weather willing !!!

magpie said...

I appreciate all the well-wishes, really I do...and don't scold me too hard...about not speaking of my little accident before...really, think about what we
have been powering up our prayers for
amongst us....and I really pretty much think "the Momsters and Dadsters" are inherently in all those daily prayers....I know I feel them :)

magpie said...

I have long term degenerative disc problems, and osteoporosis, and
arthritis...So...I always promised myself that if I was in an accident, I would go by ambulance to the ER, if it seemed wise to do so...and it was

No broken bones...just a little musculo-skeletal iritation, all will be well, I am in the good hands and care of my good ol' Chiropractic Team, and home physical therapy

xoxo Busy day before the snowstorm for me....


magpie said...

Oh yes, Valentine deliveries could surely be running into snags in the next few days...
and consider the Singing Valentines too...hope those folks have some Four Wheel Drives, and directions, mapquest and GPS !!

okay, time to shuffle along away from here

Special thoughts for Paula's Larry and Paula of course, in the days to come....
and for all our many special needs and concerns amongst us ALL.

Judie said...

Good mid-morning to all.

Margy, thinking of you and the upcoming surgery. As you always do, you'll come through with flying fingers.

Lori, I do hope that whatever the cause of the vertigo, that it will soon be an event of the past.

Janet, great news about Tom. I cannot imagine how relieved you all are.

Shirley, foraging yesterday was tiring. Hope you get all you need quickly and get back home. Forecast suggests you'll get more than we do up here.

Did I miss an update from Paula?

Cannot get either cam this morning.

My thoughts are with you all. Stay safe and warm.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all - Running a little late today.

Janet you and Tom need to go out to celebrate his test results. Wow - it is so wonderful to let go of all those thoughts and worries you had.

Incidentally I love to watch the figure skating from the Olympics - Has Olivia been able to watch - some really new routines!

Mema Jo said...

Just got the LIVE FEED


Still cam is still frozen on yesterday

Mema Jo said...

Nest is MT

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds, at least if I don't get too gabby and run into the afternoon !

LORI, thinking of your dad with hopes the med works and the problem resolves quickly ! Elderly nutrition, eh ? Send me any info you think I need, cause I'm there ! No nothing wrong---another of those nights when I fell asleep watching the Games and used up about 4 hours of my 7 or 8 in the recliner. Then I wake up rarin' to go way too early. Bah humbug.

JANET, news on Tom is cause for celebration. What relief you two must feel ! Yeah !

MARGY, thanks for the Righty surgery date--I thought it was the 17th, but realize now that is the day to honor our Presidents ! Prayers will be with you all the way !

Kay said...

SANDI, here's hoping your Mom has another good day ! I'm betting the good nutrition you're providing will have a positive effect for her. It's so hard to satisfy all the daily recommended requirements when cooking for one. I try, but know I fall short at times. Hope the multivitamin I take helps. I know there is a recent report panning their worth, but I take them anyway.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Hugs MARGY! For some reason feel like we have not chatted much. Love you!

Had a great night! Not much coughing....I am on the mend!!!

We are finally above freezing. Right now 39!! Heading up into the 40's and we see 60's and 70's in the week ahead. Wahoooooo!

Yep, gonna get me some boys this afternoon!

Lolly said...

Have the live feed up and there is more hissing sound. ???? Yes, hear the wind, so there is more sound!!!

Lolly said...

Want to hear an eagle fly in!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update Steve . I think the cold weather and frozen river are the delay glad we don't have eggs at the moment.

paula eagleholic said...

My river is starting to freeze over again . Hate to see this snow tonight and tomorrow .

Larry surgery is next week on Friday .

magpie said...

Thank You Paula...you are very dear to us...and we appreciate your time to give us updates....

As Eagle-Eyed
Sharon says:
We Will Love You [Both] Through
This ! xoxox

ttfn xo

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Craigs book was in the newspapers down here

Janet said...

Good afternoon all.
Just touching base for a moment. I need to get moving, although, truth be told, I’d rather have a nap.
I went and had kesley work on the painful areas this morning. As expected found some trigger points and a lot of very tight, tense muscles. Then I ventured down the road to my chiropractor and in addition to my “normal” subluxations, I had a rib out. Go figure.
Between all that and the motrin, feeling pretty okay right now. Tired. A good night sleep tonight will remedy that. But for now, some coffee and motivation….
It was starting to spit snow down in Williamson county (where the chiropractor is), but that is south of here. Nothing here.
Everyone have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

My live feed ran well over an hour - arrow came on - can't get it to refresh and come back for me.
Will keep trying.

Hi Paula - At least you will be getting less snow down there rather then up in Emmitsburg ♥ Glad you are taking such good care of Larry.

JudyEddy said...

ok not fail I can't get the LIVE FEED

JudyEddy said...

ok not fair I can't get the LIVE FEED

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

still trying to load live feed and no LUCK at all on IE or google chrome get a black screen and then goes to gray screen DRat ANYWAY

JudyEddy said...

I guess I will watch both Fl cams since the live feed refuses to work for me

JudyEddy said...

boy those two in the NE Fl nest have grown they are wingersizing now almost taking off

Mema Jo said...

Judy -

I did a cold boot and my live feed came on

JudyEddy said...

thanks JO I just logged off and back on and it came one and yeah I can hear better than before I hear the wind even with my puny speakers

JudyEddy said...

and I had to re sign back on the google and I never signed out

stronghunter said...

Live feed came up for me. Nest looks empty.

Not snowing there yet.

Kay said...

I'm getting the live cam, too. Very windy, sounds ominous !

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and so nice to hear the wind on the CAM yeah yeah

JudyEddy said...

MT nest

JudyEddy said...

its 71° out now and raining and stormy and windy this cold front is comin in with a ROAR

stronghunter said...

Heard that you all were supposed to get stormy weather, Judy. Stay safe down there.

JudyEddy said...

it is thundering big time now and raining When I left work at 4 it looked like it was night time so dark out They are gonna close the Skyway bridge because of the winds
In affect till 11pm bummer wanted to drive to Angie Will play it by ear I guess for the drive over big line is coming in from gulf

JudyEddy said...

OH i just love the wind sound coming from the speakers I am sort of glad the cam broke because the sound got fixed in the process HUH

JudyEddy said...

I think I will go to lap top and power the desktop down just don't like typing on the little keyboard

JudyEddy said...

odd it took me at least 50 trys to get lap top to get the live feed persistence pays off

JudyEddy said...

i kept getting a message about unable to find DNS connection what ever that is

JudyEddy said...

I just don't have a snipping tool with this lap top It is a Window Starter 7 and it doesn't come with it so I left the desktop up just in case someone shows up and I can do picture on it

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Did a quick errand. Now back to an MT nest.

Darth's meeting has been cancelled so must soon head to the scullery.

If I don't return tonight or tomorrow, we will likely be without power. Above ground transformers around here tend to be temperamental and disrespectful in storms.

Will make sure the sandperson is dressed in layers and gets out on time.

Stay safe and warm! Be careful if you have to go out anywhere.

stronghunter said...

Sitting here on hold waiting for my insurance people. Have to make a decision very soon on what policy I am going to take.

stronghunter said...

State Farm still says that they will not cover my homeowner's policy because I had a claim less than three years ago. They said I should have had my claim paid by my neighbor's policy because the fire started at their house.

But at the time, all of the insurance people said that was not a possibility. They said homeowner's policies do not work that way. Since my insurance paid, it is a claim against me. So I get shafted every which way. I am so angry.

Mema Jo said...

I have the live feed up - no one reports seeing either of the Royal Couple today. I guess we have 2
smart birds. Just wish I could put a tarp over the nest for them....

stronghunter said...

Both Will and Kathryn have State Farm on their cars, and they get discounts because we all live together, so this will affect them as well. Maybe.

Anyway, we've gotten all of the firewood in the house and have some store-bought firelogs, and lots of food.

And I have two other insurance companies I can choose from, so it will work out. Just frustrating.

JudyEddy said...

been waiting hoping they would do their normal evening visit but so far no go and boy oh boy I had issues getting the Live feed up on the desk top also but got it up now Not so windy at nest don't hear it like it was earlier

stronghunter said...

Been in touch with a friend in the Raleigh area where all the Atlanta-type mess is happening. They are hunkered down at home.

stronghunter said...

CNN says snow is almost to Fredericksburg. :)

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

see feetsie now

JudyEddy said...

now head

stronghunter said...

EAGLE ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Eagle alert

Came into the nest up at 12 position

Then disappear in the NHZ

JudyEddy said...

only see body now and a talon

Mema Jo said...

Do you still see feet

JudyEddy said...

see tail now

JudyEddy said...

both working on cup or above cup

JudyEddy said...

two tail are showing and half a body

Judie said...

Shirley, so sorry about the insurance issue. Wonder if an attorney (not previously known to you) could explain the why and wherefore or if you have recourse.

Yes, snow is clearly headed your way.

Still no sign of the eagles.

Okay, off to the scullery.

JudyEddy said...

I can hear them

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

heard them good

Mema Jo said...

JUDIE Both eagles are in the nest

JudyEddy said...

both still working on cup moving flugg

Judie said...

Thanks Jo.

Both working diligently - one on the crib rail the other digging in the cup. If she's going to lay eggs, I hope she gets it done and gets them covered quickly.

JudyEddy said...

Did you hear the HP

JudyEddy said...

still see her at top

paula eagleholic said...

Yay eagles. and hp. waiting for my Chinese carryout

JudyEddy said...

Pic are on FB doing snips I like the still better than snips because when I do the snip it covers up the live feed so I now have two open LOL to watch and snip

JudyEddy said...

she is in cup area

JudyEddy said...

I don't see her now

JudyEddy said...

I don't see her now

JudyEddy said...

nite lite on

JudyEddy said...

hheadin to Angie for a bit

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I am waiting on my Panera's soup lol

I do think they are gone...
Cam still running and I'll watch a while longer for a white feathered head or tail...........

paula eagleholic said...

Lori..what do you think of the drink boost. like ensure but heartier . Larry has started drinking it to put on some weight

At times his mouth is sore

paula eagleholic said...

Janet..great news on tom

Glad Lolly is feeling better.

Yes glad i am in the lesser snowball area.

Margy ..hoping for a quick recovery from your upcoming surgery is.

paula eagleholic said...

Love you all..thanks for the prayers

Hoda said...

PAULA doubling prayers for LARRY AND HIS MEDICAL TEAM.
I am sure you two will go through this and come out the other side stronger and healthier. Blessed Be

Mema Jo said...

You may be able to open this from
Deb Steyck


Hoda said...

OK here I come again with my opinion!
Boost and Ensure are HIGH in corn syrup and sugars!
To put on wheight we need high protein to heal cells and boost immune system.
WHEY POWDER, is high protein powder.
You will find it in health good store.
They also have something called Meal Replacement that could be used.
PAULA juice vegetables for LARRY and put Whey Powder in it...
That would be the way I would go!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Judie

Any snow yet down your way?

I know Candy in NC has her share ♥

Lynne2 said...

evening all...in waiting mode for the storm.

Paula, I have to agree with Hoda. REAL foods blended in to smoothies or juices would be better for Larry's overall health.

Shirley, how frustrating dealing with Statefarm!!! I hope you can come to some decision soon...

Mema Jo said...

Time for Jeopardy


magpie said...

Well, the suspense is over here in Martinsburg...

Phoooey....it's a'snowin' big time

Good Evening Eagle Pals

SPLIT a'comin' along soon

stronghunter said...

Has been snowing awhile now. Kathryn is home. Will is not. Not sure where he was working today. He works at a number of different stores.

magpie said...

Paula..shop around...am sure the best calorie booster is out there,
and a good nutritionist - natural-style...with some of those suggestions that Hoda offers....
should team up...but if you have a shortage of time, well, do the best you can in the meantime...

Sometimes you have to choose one benefit over a disadvanage on the short term

Sure wish I knew more about these things..how about loading up
the internet with some questions

Rodale - Prevention Magazine folks, might have some good suggestions too...
God Love Ya', both !

stronghunter said...

Every snowflake is sticking since it has been so cold.

magpie said...

I am going to use a phrase I don't like to use:

That Sucks! about your insurance situation...I agree with Judie...
find someone trusted, that you can
search for some recourse....
dagonnit !!! I am so sorry
to read of this additional angst
on top of the misery from when the fire occurred....

stronghunter said...

Took some pushing for me to get Hunter to bring in the remaining firewood from the backyard. One problem--some of it was frozen to the ground. A pickaxe fixed that.

We have some logs stashed in the basement.

magpie said...

I'm not running up the posts tonight, just want to say:

Good Safe Evening, Every One...and the next days to follow....

PAX, an interesting name for this monster...not exactly PEACEFUL...

a group of middle school children, in upstate New York I think, came up with some really awesome names, though....very fascinating
The Weather Channel had a little contest and this school group had won

some astronomical, and mythological names

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals....

Prayers for Wellness, Serenity, Comfort, and an unending supply of Power! to keep you warm and informed

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

stronghunter said...

Didn't know that about how the winter storms got their names, Margy. Interesting.

NCSuzan said...

Paula, after I came off life support that is what the doctor's gave me, Boost. Yes, high in sugar but right now Larry needs to gain weight in order to be strong for surgery. I also had Carnation instant breakfast once I came home......chocolate!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1133   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...