Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday Part 2

Hi Folks,  We are all waiting with baited breath to see how this nesting season is going to work out.  I recently contacted the Regional Bald Eagle Coordinator for FWS, Craig Koppie,  and he sent me this message a few minutes ago:

"There could be several reasons for this issue. There could be a replacement nest they constructed during the fall and they are visiting less frequently at their usual location as you suggested. There might be a mate replacement so they are starting later due to a new pairing. Or lastly, they are the same pair and just sense a colder than normal year and are holding off a few weeks or so because of icing on the river and greater snow fall potential. I believe somehow, nature knows."

We know that these are the same two birds, so we need to figure this year's delay is caused by  a new nest or the cold weather. 

I am betting that the cold weather is impacting timing this year.  This is the coldest stretch of weather in many years.  Combine the weather with the snow and the iced up river and that's enough to delay things...

So time will tell which theory is correct.

Craig just released a cool book with Teena Gorrow called Inside a Bald Eagle's Nest.  Check it out here.


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NCSuzan said...

Hoda, not trying to usurp your position. I agree with you as I am sure Paula does. But time is of the essence now if I understood correctly.

On another note, took my daughter 3 hours to make it home earlier today and my son-in-law four.

It is awful outside. Beautiful, but awful.

Please, everyone take care.

NCSuzan said...

WOW! was not expecting the split!

magpie said...

I see you there, Suzan....
and nice it is to See You...
what a winter, eh?

I'm going to go out and stand on the porch and listen to the silence of it all for a few minutes

((HUGS)) to you across the miles

Mema Jo said...

It is a white winter wonder land here in my valley. It started around 7:30 and is going strong.
The Peanut Pot is on the deck up close to the door and is covered by a small rug that the squirrels, should they venture out in the snow in the morning, could remove. They have done it before. I have my trusty large flashlight on the table beside me.

Suzan - do you have 02 supply if electricity goes out?

Judie said...

My apology for missing an update on Larry. I take it preparations are needed before surgery. Prayers.

Yes Jo. Snow flakes falling down here. If the predicted amount is accurate, much heavier snow is needed. Just covering the ground at this time.

Headed across the hall to read. Will check in later.

stronghunter said...

Praying for a safe ride home for Will. I called him because I hadn't heard from him. He's leaving Garrisonville now. Had to work late tonight.

He posted on FB that someone hit him before he even got out of the parking lot. Doesn't think they did any damage, but Kathryn is wondering.

magpie said...

20 degrees here and a swirly small flakey steady snowfall

magpie said...

Oh Shirley....yes, prayers for the misphap with Will's car ....and sure hope no damage...no injury

magpie said...

new word, misphap

Keep us posted....and try not to worry, impossible though, for a Mother, I know

magpie said...

snowflakes flying across the screen on the Live Feed

Hoda said...

NCSUZAN no position. Simply sharing.
In Canada we say, based on research, sugar feeds cancer cells and sugar damages other organs.
We tax all sugar products to the max and its use is discouraged. When the 1st to 5th ingredients are basically sugar it is medically not recommended here. 2,3 ingredients in boost list as corn syrup, a down right disaster, and sugar! The first ingredient is water!!'
I promise I will say no more.
My focus is putting LARRY PAULA and the dogs in the Light. Praying for the best possible outcome to this beautiful family.
Blessed Be.

magpie said...

list of school closings climbing for WV, including Sharon's county, James's, mine, and the NCTC's county,

JudyEddy said...

Home from evening at kids house
I see nest is full of snow
I just looked at my weather channel app and its says 7"to 12" of snow for the area OH MY

JudyEddy said...

Its 63° here now the squall line went through fast and the storm wasn't as bad as they thought it would be We got 1 1/2" of rain out of it which is good

Janet said...

good evening all.
Shirley, so sorry about the insurance. Grrrr. I am wondering if the attorney might be a good idea.
I agree with HODA 110%....smoothies….adding whey/protein powder is superior to any boost, ensure, or other fake chemical concoction that is sold.
No snow here. It spit some rain/drizzle…maybe some ice mixed in. but the temps have gone up…it has been colder than …. Well I dunno, but darned cold. Moisture comes and it warms up. *sigh*
It was a busy day. I am tired.
I am going to take some motrin so maybe I will sleep tonight. Feeling much better, but still some soreness.
Ya’ll in the snow…be safe, be warm. Hope everyone is okay.
Light, love, hugs and smiles!

Mema Jo said...

Most of the school systems near here have announced closings. Good thinking

I had posted this on the previous page. It's the link of the visit this evening - Deb Steyck's


Lynne2 said...

Hoda, I had no idea sugar was so heavily taxed there! there is no doubt in my mind that it is possibly the worst thing that ever happened to humans. That sad thing is that for me, it is so difficult to give up.

Have you heard of Palm coconut sugar?

NCSuzan said...

Jo, yes I have oxygen. Thank you for checking! Like you I try to be prepared. Wish I had a battery powered nebulizer machine though! Everything will be fine. Not worried.

Hoda, you are right. It is a shame that the US does not do more for our bad food products.

Sorry if I sound like bad attitude. Been a long day.

NCSuzan said...

Margy, now that the sleet is falling, outside is not as quiet. Sounds like needles falling everywhere. Wish I were a better photographer with all that is going on.

Everyone have a good night and rest well.

Lynne2 said...

oh just go ahead and take some picutres Suz....we'd love to see them!

Snowing here since about 8, coming down hard now. :(

Hoda said...

Well it has to be said:
I am so upset with how a The Harper Gov't is handling our veterans! SHAMEFUL!!
The Prime Minister chooses to not be called the Canadian Gov't!
Fine by me! He is undecidedly uncanadian!!!
Catch this: our vets are entitled to a life time pension indexed with cost of living if they served for ten years.
They get 35 thousand dollars a year as pension.
Well here is the Uncanadian part!!!
Veterans who have been wounded overseas, or who suffer from PTSD are being dismissed from the forces two, four or six months short of their ten years!!!
Why? Because they have lost a limb or because they suffer of PTSD and are no longer eligible to be deployed!!!
9th vet just committed suicide because of this policy!
This is ninth since November!!!

Sorry I know no politics!!!

Hoda said...

NCSUZAN My Respect Friend.
NO Disrespect towards you or the USA.
I love love love THE USA.
God Bless.

Yes LYNNE there are many other forms of sweeteners.


stronghunter said...

Will has made it home.

Will has made it home. That was about an hour and 15 minutes to travel 22 miles or so.

He saw one car off the road, and it is in our neighbor's yard down at the corner. Wrecker is there.

Lynne2 said...

I recently heard about it...have you had it?

Lynne2 said...

So glad Will is home. What is his assessment on the roads/

Hoda said...

Yay WILL is home.
Glad he is safe.

Yes I have tried it Lynne.
Even Nelson's Famous LEGAL Brownies use an alternate sweetener!

It is important we drop this topic for now.

stronghunter said...

Don't know--The fire cost me, but I think I'll work out the insurance issue okay, and lawyers are danged expensive. I do know some here in town, but I think I just want to get the insurance mess taken care of an move on.

It does not look like I'm going to be penalized by the other two insurance companies. I suppose the fire cost me maybe $1,000 or so including the deductible and other stuff I did not recover. I don't think that is worth a lawyer.

Judie said...

Shirley, sorry about the fender-bender for Will and hope he's now home safely.

Hoda, we all know you never intend offense to anyone on the blog. It's okay to get upset under the circumstances.

Sandperson has departed. Talk about upset. Claimed it is unfair to have to go out in what he refers to as a blizzard. Something about joining a union. Told him go ahead and good luck. He'll never find a better closet and will a union protect him from Evil Jufie.
He threw sleepy dust in my face and "stormed" out.

Restful sleep for all. May your power stay on to keep you warm.

stronghunter said...

That is very sad about the Canadian vets, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

Watching skating and getting very sleepy. Was listening so hard for Will until he got home.

stronghunter said...

Of course, Kathryn will be going to work tomorrow. At least she expects to. She will need to go in and help people get their cars fixed. But she has 4-wheel drive, and it not be night. I will still worry.

stronghunter said...

Will give the sandperson a nice cup of hot tea, Judie. And George will purr again.

stronghunter said...

I have to call it quits and say SED. Stay safe everyone.

Not to worry, Hoda. We appreciate you.

NCSuzan said...

Hoda, everything is fine. I apologize for being a little off today and maybe not as focused as I should have been. I have no issues with you or anyone at all. Please forgive my actions as I would never want to make you feel anything but peace.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the opinions. No blender here at the moment. I did see the sugar..it does have 14grams of protein. Have been fixing good meals each night. He tends not to eat during the day...at least he's been eating some cereal at times..and eats breakfast on the weekends with me.
Will bring my blender down next trip home and try some things..

I Will splurge on Friday night and get him a heart shaped pizza..loaded with meat :-)

Glad Will is home.

Jo hope the med help Michael .

paula eagleholic said...

Watched the Beatles tonight...

Snow has already changed to rain here.
Sandi.. hope your Mom has more good days.

Stay safe and warm.

SED love and hugs for all

Lolly said...

Helloooooo!! Sorry I missed chatting this evening. Had a great time in Denton.

Watching Olympics right now.

We are having great weather, hard to believe you are having so much snow. It got up to 50 today and it will be up to low 60's tomorrow. Bright sunshine, too!

I will hate opening the cam and seen snow on the nest.

Still continue to feel better, though still have a few lingering problems...cough, etc!

Luncheon to go to tomorrow and Friday maybe up to working in the yard. We shall see.

Please take care....all of you. Hope you keep your heat!

magpie said...

G'NIght Lolly.
Here's a solution to the snow on the nest: just open up the Still Cam :)
It's still nice and bright and sunny

I got back up and wanted to check to see if Will is home....I see that he is, that is a soothing thought.
Best Travel wishes for all for Thursday

magpie said...

Heart-shaped pizza,
Bomb-Diggity, Paula !


Snow is not falling as hard, well flakes are not so large...but there is still about, maybe, 2" here,
that's a soothing thought after 4 1/2 hours of snowfall

Back to the Pillows now

G'Night, G'Morning, Pals

Lolly said...

Night Margy! I giggled at your comment!

Night all! SED!!!

Mema Jo said...

I am headed towards the pillows
I have a kink in my left hip - sure don't remember doing anything strenuous to cause it... Heating pad

Everyone stay safe and off the roads

Love you all and many many prayers for all of you and your loved ones.

Goodnight ♥

Hoda said...

Goodnight all
I hope SANDI'S snow candle is doing the trick.
God Bless Us All.

Lori O. said...

Good snowy morning everyone!

I'm running behind but just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking about those of you in this storm today. Up to 17" in Frederick. Glad I'm in PA!

Off to clinical. Headed to the hospital now.


DanaMo said...

Have a good day Lori. No snow for you? Where exactly do you live now?

Home for the day, and I'm betting tomorrow as well. Wish I could have been sure, I would have tried to get south! LOL!

I measure 8 inches in my back yard around my beautiful covered pool. Megan says she has 10 out by her and she is closer to the nest than I am. I see we have no cam...wonder where the Royal couple hangs out when it snows.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Much snow here and still coming down. Kathryn made an effort to get her vehicle out of the driveway. She figures she could make it out of the driveway, but the street is no better and there is a stuck car blocking our street. Told her boss she would need to wait awhile.

Will though he might ride to his work with Kathryn, but then he looked outdoors.

We are in the 10-15 inch area. I think we are getting sleet now.

stronghunter said...

Live cam is not working.

stronghunter said...

Still cam still stuck.

Janet said...

good morning from non snowy nashvegas.
Slept great last night! Finally! Feeling wonderful this morning. No pain. Not tired. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Celebrate!
HODA: typically, veterans are treated like c***. Even here, if the government can find a way to take something away from them, decrease their benefits, etc they will. Though it doesn’t seem as bad as what you describe, it still isn’t right. These men and women serve our country, and they should be honored, not treated poorly.
NCSUZAN: hope your day is better.
LORI: rock those clinical! We are about half way thru feb, you got this!
It is cold this morning. But we are expecting 60’s next week. Well, I’ll be able to get a bit of yard work done. How about that.
As for the sandperson, JUDIE, some cheese to go with that whine….as well as a cup of tea. Lol. Hopefully he is back in the closet, snug warm, and snuggling that bad of sleepy dust as he too rests.
Have a lovely day all! Light, love, hugs, and smiles.

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lori, Dana, Shirley, Janet and all my eagle friends. NO SNOW HERE! Lots and lots of rain and wind and more rain but no snow. Someone in the district must have gotten a little b/c schools are opening 2 hours late, but we never got one snow flake, even at the start. It's actually warmer outside now than it was when I went to bed last night.

No live feed for me today either.

Margy, thank you so much for the card. Is your hand surgery on the 17th or 21st?

Shirley, don't even get me started on insurance companies - one of the biggest scams out there!

Yesterday was a so-so day for Mom. She had a new pain, in her hip joint. I'm thinking arthritis and the storm coming. But she ate pretty well.

Have a good day all!

DanaMo said...

Glad you slept well Janet. I usually do, but woke at 4 this morning. Don't know why.Jumped on FB for a few minutes then went back to sleep.

Snow is steady.

stronghunter said...

We could send you some snow Sandi. Knee-deep here and still coming down.

grannyblt said...

GM all. No snow here for once. I live north of Pittsburgh and the white stuff was predicted to the southern edges of that area. Lori is about an hour eastish of me and may not have any either.
Glad it isn't just me not being able to get the camera.
News from son Dave is that he is slowly improving and hopes to make it home from the hospital by tomorrow. His SO got the straw that broke the back the other day. Besides D in hospital, she had had a lousy night at work and then got a call on her way home that the fire department was at their house. It turns out the fire alarm had gone off(malfunctioned) and the concerned neighbors had called it in. When she got there the dept had broken into the house to check since no one was home.
Hope everyone in the bad weather area keeps their power and stays warm.

magpie said...

"Good "12" at least of snow here in Martinsburg Morning, Eagle Pals...
Good and 12" of snow in the same
sentence, really ???

If work needs me, a deputy in a REAL four wheel drive or a military person in a Humvee will need to come get me....even with most places closed "emergencies" of all sorts still happen

Safety Wishes to All !!!

Nope, no cam views here either....
do wonder as Shirley does....where those eagles hang out in this,
and how they find food

magpie said...

thanks for the updates on David, and,
and I am sorry about the difficult evening for his S.O.

It is tough when the fire department has to break in to check, but it really is the only way to REALLY check things out....glad it was only an alarm malfunction and the "break in" damage is an easy fix


DanaMo said...

So, not sure what to do with myself...LOL! Bet there is an online seminar I could take...

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Will are still here.

I hope they stay home all day. It is not worth risking your life to go to work today. More snow is predicted for later in the day.

I think the snow has stopped here for now.

Many little birdies at my feeders. Got them filled yesterday afternoon.

I am wondering if schools will be open even the first of next week.

magpie said...

NCSuzan: Hoping today is a good one,...
yesterday I spent a good half hour asking God to take my worries and anxieties and do a better job on them than I was doing, it took a little while; I wanted to just crawl back under the covers, but...finally, I let them go, and then I did not try to take them back! I went on to my daily readings and found some inspiration that was just waiting for me to discover...
((HUGS)) xo

magpie said...

hope that hip discomfort has
taken a Hike !!!

magpie said...

I agree, Shirley...I hope "the kids" can stay home and be safe and let their dear Mother rest at ease for a change

stronghunter said...

Glad you found your inspiration, Margy. In my mind, you are among the most inspired people I know. Maybe you just needed a refill.

magpie said...

I also hope YOUR mother's hip discomfort eases up PRONTO!

Hoda, It's feeling mighty Canada-y here....Thinking of you today....
love all your nutrition talk, you could be an on-line consultant!!
I have really changed my eating habits in the last 12 months and glad of it, though there is room for improvement.

Oh Woof, thinking of Megan's greenhouse, knowing in the past how much she has to keep it cleared of heavy snowfall.....

time to pretend I might have to do something today, so off to those

need to brush snow off the Spaceship I guess, though the snow is deeper than its axles are high;
check the heat pump outside I guess, then just wait for the next shoe to drop

AND HUGS )) xoxoxo

magpie said...

Shirley, thank you...but as I often say, and not enough really:

It's the [Momster and Dadster] Company I Keep !!

Mema Jo said...

Hello! Could all of you pick up your shovels and come see me? Well I know you can't if your drifted snow is like mine - about 2 1/2 foot drift up against the back of house. I can't dare open my sliding glass door. One brave hearted squirrel has come up. The top of the feeder has blown open and is filled with snow now. I
can't tell how hard it is coming down due to the wind. Drifts and more drifts but there is a crust on the snow. And to think it will slow down or stop for a little while and then start up again. My valley has 18" - I pray everyone has kept their power as I have. Must be so thankful for that. Take care and put your shovels away.

stronghunter said...

So far, my squirrels are hunkered down in their hidey-places.

But lots of birds out there.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning folks. Have had a little bit of a challenge getting and keeping heat going. I got up at 3 to potty and the stove was completely off. Tried a couple of my tricks to get it going again. Ended up emptying the hopper of 40 pounds of pellets and getting the auger unjammed. Took about 1-1/2 hours but got it going. Then when I got up a little before 9 the fire was going out again. This time it was the bottom auger. Took the back off, jiggled the motor a little bit, vacuumed everything out. I took the stove pipe off, cleaned it out just because it really needed it. Was covered in soot. Unplugged the unit for a little bit and when we plugged it back in - voila! It worked. So I have heat again. Okay, I am officially ready for spring. We have probably 11 or 12 inches here.

magpie said...

You are a true pioneer!
Girl Power !!!
so proud of you !!

magpie said...

I have friends who have had similar kinds of problems with the pellet stoves....

Don't you dare overdo it!
[If of course, if you can avoid it...]

Jo, I would love to come help shovel things out...don't think the
Spaceship could even get me there...

(( WARM HUGS, Gals ))

headed out to disappear in the snow for awhile now
ttfn xoxo

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Wow, SHAR, you are a heating expert--good on you--I could never have figured that all out !

Thinking of you reluctant snow bunnies out there. What a mess--stay home--stay safe !

SIL flew Columbus to Dallas Weds. a.m. and reported "it's beautiful here", enjoying the escape from our ice/snow/frigid temps. He is due home this evening, but unfortunately was booked on Dallas/Charlotte/Columbus flights. Of course, Charlotte is out. Hope he and the airline can find him another way home ! Enjoyed my one on one with Julie for dinner last night and the dogs had a great time together, too.

LYNNE1, so happy with David's progress, but sorry the SO had such an "alarming" experience !

PAULA, Larry is lucky to have a supportive, caring person at his side. Does he like peanut butter?
If he'd just eat some toast and peanut butter while you're away it might provide the protein and calories needed.

Oh, JO, wish I could pick up my snow shovel, ride it like a witch on a broom and swoop down to help dig you out ! I've tried wiggling my nose like Samantha, but it's a NO GO !

MARGY, so glad you ran across just the right piece of inspiration to get you over the hump regarding those fears and anxieties !

SANDI, your Mom and I are close in age. It's a bummer, but those arthritic pains seem inevitable. Mine roam around on an almost daily basis in cold or wet weather, settling in one joint for a spell and then moving on to another. The meds prescribed only take the edge off. My thoughts are with her !

Lolly said...

Good morning! Can not believe the snow you all are getting!! We are at 49 with bright sunshine and heading to a luncheon soon.

Megan's gh pictures are horrible! Bless her heart! She will be really happy when this winter has passed.

Sandi, glad your mom is eating well.

Jo, how is your hip this morn?

Shirley, I am with you on Margy. She is truly an inspired woman! Give it up, Margy! He is going to take care of you.

Loving all the snow pics, except for Megans. Post some, Shirley.

JudyEddy said...

I also can't get the LIVE FEED and the Still is still stuck also NOT FAIR

Mema Jo said...

I am anxious about our Royal Couple but I really don't wish to see our nest with a foot of snow and more to come. So many small birds are here on the deck that I just know our couple is doing well. Late last night
when the live feed was up it looked as though the nest were MT.

MY HIP: I truly have my cane and walker handy again this morning. Just a certain way I bend or turn it grabs me like crazy. So in order to be true to the "No Falls" rule I'll keep them close by.

Mema Jo said...

Today our Little Eaglet from many years ago turns Sweet 16 ♥

Happy Birthday Mattie Jane

Kay said...

Sweet 16, what a wonderful age ! Happy Birthday, Mattie Jane !

JO, glad you're taking all anti-fall precautions ! Hope that pain eases off pronto !!!

I've thought of MEGAN often through this dreadful winter. Thanks for sharing what you see on FB, LOLLY--not good news on MEGAN, but I like having the info.

Kay said...

JO, feel like you about our Royal Pair ! Small birds are tweeting here, too, happy as larks in spite of the cold and maybe some of them are larks. The squirrels came back out yesterday and are really happy with the current 31° here. Should get to 35° by days end. ♫♪ We're havin' a heat wave, a tropical heat wave ♪♪♪

Mema Jo said...

It is 32.8° now but feels like 22° because of the 12 mph winds.
However, I can see it melting off the car and nope we hadn't turn on the car. Tomorrow on Friday it is to be clear with no precipitation and
40° Go figure

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Mattie Jane!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn went to work with her 4-wheel drive.

Will tried. He got stuck in the street as soon as he got out of the driveway. He was not pleased when his boss fussed because he called to say he would not be able to get there. Guess she thinks she could get out (if she were not off today). Perhaps she should hop in her car and fill in for those who cannot make it.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Young Andy from around the corner has shoveled for us. So grateful. About 2 ft here at the homestead.

Jo, please take every precaution. Do NOT make me come there to deal with your misbehavior. I would have to fly on my eagle cane using shovels as propellers.

Shirley, sandperson reported how much the hot tea was enjoyed. Made the evening rounds much warmer. Glad Kathryn and Will delayed venturing out.

Kay, this seriously reminds me of a "normal" winter in OH.

Margy, hope things stay quiet enough you won't be called in today or tonight. Your faith will see you through.

Lolly, glad you're feeling better.

As always for Megan, heartfelt sympathy for the heavy snow on the greenhouse.



Kay said...

It's all relative, JUDIE ! This is the coldest, snowiest winter in 100 years for Ohio. Folks here are calling it a Michigan winter. Folks in Grand Rapids where my daughter lives are calling it an Upper Peninsula winter and goodness only knows what the U.P.er's are calling it. I imagine they're blaming it on HODA's beautiful Canada. This would have been a nice winter for an Alaskan vacation as most of that State has been warmer than the lower 48 quite often ! What's goin' on ?

stronghunter said...

Hard to believe this is colder and snowier than those winters in the late 70's, Kay. Wow!

stronghunter said...

Gotta keep the Sandperson happy, Judie.

Kay said...

We have an air quality warning today for those of us who are elderly or suffer with respiratory illnesses. First one in the winter since 2009. They it happens when certain atmospheric conditions combine with an abundance of smoke caused by wood burning fireplaces.

I know, we who were here in the late 70's thought it could never get worse, but sure enough, it can ! Schools here have been closed 8-11 days depending on the district. Ohio House and Senate looking for a way to ease the pain of having run out of snow days and expecting even more. Some areas want to add to the school day---some want to go on Saturdays---some want to go way into June---some want to give up all "teacher in service days"---no way to make everyone happy !

Judie said...

Sky is looking ominous again. Andy, my new FFF w/shovel, said he'd make another visit if we get an accumulation. Street and sidewalks are wet where snow has been shoveled.

Still no views of our nest. Derek and Savannah are in snow. Deer reports indicate all are well. I think hearings for the NBC begin next week regarding a law to protect collared research bears.

Shirley, hope the roads are clear for Kathryn to return from work and I agree that Will's supervisor should do what she asks of the employees = good management strategy.

Well, back to my book.

Mema Jo said...

Most of the neighborhood residents here in our circle have used shovels and snow blowers for about 2-3 hrs. All of our driveways and the entrance to our driveways and in front of our mailboxes are cleared.
Now all we need is the Hot Dog Snowplow driver to come up the wrong way and all of these efforts will have been fruitless....

I see the flurries starting from the tail end of the storm. HELP
I need comfort food !

Mema Jo said...

Remember tomorrow

NCSuzan said...

Margy, thank you for those wise words. I am on a Prednisone regimen and that drug gives weird side effects! Feelings of anxiety, no sleep and the shakes, just to name a few. So I am watching the snow and the bird feeders today and until I feel "normal" again! Thank you for reaching out.

magpie said...

Sho "Nuff, Suzan, me and others....
just wish we weren't so derned far apart in miles from each other !!

NO calls from work yet but I cleared the car and shoveled a rectangle around it, then very nice reliable AND handsome snow plow driver took car of the parking lot and the street, and "old" pal but not so old, from fire department days

Jo, sounds like you got some Mighty Snow Angels in YOUR neighborhood !!

Thanks, pals, for all your kind words....xoxox

magpie said...

I can picture Megan's greenhouse from your posts...saw a few in 2010 from THE February storm

Kay, Shirley, Judie...your tales of
Midwestern Winters is quite, chilling :)

Okay, I am working on Judie's FFF...
Friendly Fine Fellow ?? the pal who shoveled for you....
how am I doin' ?

magpie said...

Boy I was kind of smart...took Friday as a sick day to get to these pre-op appointments in Winchester, going to make some calls and check on all that...and find out if I need to fast after midnight !!!

Oh gosh, I so miserably far behind on some really important things:

Happy 16th Birthdfay to our very own, our very lovely, and lovable, Mattie Jane !! No matter if it is Sweet 16 or any other year, You have a Lock on
Sweetness ! xoxox

magpie said...

Kay, I have a nephew in Port Huron Michigan, and a niece in Toledo...
Wowser! Nephew was in Sault Ste Marie for awhile, then Laredo, talk about extremes !!!

Glad you and Julie had that one on one, hope son in law - Hugh? - makes it home for Valentine's Day !!

Judie said...

Sort of Margy. BFF is the current younguns term for Best Friend Forever. You are certainly one of my original BFFs.

Okay, since I had to revise the dinner menu a few nights ago, tonight is mac/cheese and hot sausage patties. Southern comfort food. No, I do NOT want to hear about the consequences. I NEED COMFORT FOOD.!

Judie said...

Oh, I see. Made a typo. FFF should be BFF. Duh.

magpie said...

Gotcha on that one, Judie, BFF, but however, well, um, I didn't want to mention this, but you had "FFF" in your post!

Some Law and Order program coming up
daggone it I cannot find Cold Case on Fridays or any other day anymore!

Mema Jo said...


magpie said...

One post ahead of me you are Judie...
I LOVE the sound of your dinner menu, oh tgo live close enough to
"drop in" around suppertime

Tuna fish salad on toast, and Tomato Soup for me :)

last night it was Grilled Cheese Sammich and Tomato Soup!

Back to the crime show

Lovins' to all, hope travels if they have to be made are going OK

neither doctor's office answered, sure they are closed for Inclement weather, will have to go on-line
to check fasting regs for what I am written for


stronghunter said...

Have to say that adding onto the school day, going to school on Saturdays, or extending long into the summer are all problematic. Kids really tune out.

stronghunter said...

Snowing again here.

Judie said...

Margy, just hop on your eagle cane and come on over.

Shirley, snowing again here, also.

I am weary of the weather but realized this morning I am so grateful I do not have to go out in all this mess. Also grateful we have been fortunate to have power.

Need to get in touch with Wanda. Seriously need a GG update.


stronghunter said...

Kathryn made it home. She went in late and came home early. She and Will are planning to travel together tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

It is snowing big time here.

My birdbath heater has stopped working. I think the outlet might be malfunctioning.

DanaMo said...

School closed again tomorrow.

DanaMo said...

Glad you have good neighbors Jo. Monte did the same here. Cleared the mailboxes and sides of the roads and foot of the driveways of several neighbors.

Mema Jo said...

I guess once they get all bundled up and start moving the snow they figure they may as well keep going.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - thanks for letting me know that Kathryn made it home safely.
Good she will have a traveling brother tomorrow... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Both cams are still down - I checked them and was very doubtful they would be up.

Lolly said...

Gee....I hate to get on here. No snow to report. 68 and bright sunshine, a beautiful day! Had fun at the luncheon, 15 ladies and we have fun! Talked too much, sound like a frog now. Uh oh!

Wish I felt like working in the yard. Maybe tomorrow.

When I got home, there on the table was flowers with a note that said "WYBMV?" I shouted "Yes", but he was out in his shop. When he did come in, I told him and got a nice kiss, too!

Tomorrow we will cook a special dinner, I plan to make him a pie. Shhh....he does not know yet. Lemon meringue, his favorite. Saturday we are going to a banquet at church that the men are giving for the ladies. They are such nuts, will come home with a hurting face from laughing so much.

JudyEddy said...

according to Fox 13 49 states have snow Yep even Hawaii on the mountains Only Fl has no snow We are a little chilly 56° now but gonna get back to 80's in the next couple of days Been enjoying all the snow pic on facebook and happy I don't have to deal with it

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and I watched a driver struggle to get his car up the hill. You might not think this street goes uphill, but it does.

Eventually they put something under the front wheels (floor mats?) and one guy pushed and they finally started moving.

magpie said...

it is unique....just as YOU are, that your home state stands alone amongst the 50, No Snow!

Oh, I too, like Judie... have had Wanda and Gene and GG on my mind lately....and missing those GG and Jayden tales...wondering how they are all getting along with this Winter Weather which has been non-stop pretty much....

Hope all is well....warm, and healthy amongst them and all the family

magpie said...

Okay now.
Full Moon, "goes full" at 6:53
Friday night, Eastern time, just about one hour after sunset hereabouts....

Guess this could be called the
Sweethearts Moon or the Heart Moon...
though I have not checked yet for the Official Full Moon name

Hope we get to see it!

magpie said...

one of the names is
Who'd have guessed THAT One !

Also, Native Americans named it the Hunger Moon, and the Bone Moon...because it was so hard to find food this time of year

magpie said...

Oh dear, Blackwater EAgle cam has returned to its "default" view after a power interruption...they are hoping to get it fixed on Friday...

they sure NEED to be able to watch possible hatchings in the near days
to come

Hoda said...

Very happy no one reported falling on ice and it is already 7:25 in the evening.
Enjoy the comfort foods. They are the best on cold nights.
Good day here.
Been to yoga and a few meetings.
Headed out to yoga and a pot luck supper, the yoga challenge finishes today and the group which participated will share a meal.
Am looking forward to it.

Yes I think of WANDA and her family.
I think of a baby due to arrive this year.
I send prayers and Light.

Glad your day is good LOLLY. JACK is sweet.

See you all tomorrow.

magpie said...

Hoda, Phooey, I missed you...
Well, Enjoy your evening....

Nope, no falls, at least....that anyone is owning up to !!
Thank Goodness!!

magpie said...

Well, pals..time to roll up the ol' computer for another day

Doesn't look like I have to fast for the bloodwork and UA I have Friday,

Prayers for Wellness All Around, and
especially for Safety too!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

magpie said...


Hope lighting the White Candle translates into a day off Friday!

My brother in law will find out tomorrow, possibly, if his aneurysm is operable....he has some time ahead of him also in Re-Hab to get his strength and, hopefully, his appetite back....

G-night, now

Lolly said...

Prayers for your brother in law, Margy!

Laurel is at Joseph's basketball game. She texts me the score. At 1 minute to go they were behind 33-30, but they won!!!!! 34-33!!! So happy for them!!!! This team beat them bad last time, but one boy was not there and Joseph was playing sick.

stronghunter said...

Congratulations to Joseph and his team, Lolly.

I'm very sleepy, so I will say goodnight to everyone.

SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Coming on to tell all of you
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams..

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and also
Red Friday.

Saying prayers for all of you and your loved ones.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all. Comfort food here tonight too. Mac n cheese and peas :-)

Larry is excited. for pizza tomorrow. Night. Going to get a movie too.

Snow blowing sideways here tonight .

Appreciate the prayers..but please no mention on FB .

Watching skating on the Olympics tonight Appreciate

NatureNut said...

I started reading back almost an hour ago and haven't finished all of today.
Was busy around here all day & first time online. This AM, we measured about 7", by afternoon some had melted, such as top of deck railings, most of the wooden porch/deck by side (dining room) door that we use constantly. I shoveled a path to the animal food/water bowls near the garage. Fubby shoveled some & messed up his back---sciatic. That hasn't happened for ages! Around 3:30 it started to sleet, so I went out and I did some more minor shoveling (small paths) of front porch, sidewalk. Had all those spots perfectly clean, but by the time I finished, flakes were falling, too! TV weather said this later PM snow would be 1"-3" ! WRONG! I haven't downloaded pictures, yet & now that it's stopped will try to go out and get some more or at least measure! This batch was so wet & heavy it stayed on the trees, but wind is blowing it off.
I have a humongous list of notes to reply to Comments on here & will do so ASAP. Hope there's no work tomorrow.
I will return, but SED to all, Prayers for Good Health for Larry, Lori's Dad, Margy's BIL, Miracle Michael and everyone in need.
So glad to read Janet's Tom is OK, Lolly is FINALLY feeling better and hope Sandi's Mom is still feeling that way.
And Ms. Magpie, how can you keep auto accident just a quiet thing???? I feel so guilty whining about my minor hearing loss.
Shirley, glad Will got home OK the other night and none of your gang had to go out today. And I hate what your insurance is doing!
Good luck on switching.
BBL or early Fri. AM
Happy Valentine's Day to ALL in about 15 minutes. Love to Everyone
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Watching the Olympics, but will be hitting the pillow soon.

Stay warm....hope the snow melts fast!


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. TGIF and Happy Valentines Day!

We will be driving to Baltimore today to take Mom home and to celebrate Madeline's birthday this weekend. Hope we don't get stuck driving into about 15" of snow.

Prayers for Larry, Lori's dad, Dana's dad, Margy's brother-in-law, and Michael.

Will check in this evening from Mom's - if I don't, send AAA to search for a brown Jeep Liberty with 3 adults and 2 dogs in it! :)

DanaMo said...

Good morning.
We are still in the dark with Belle and Shep. so disappointing. Guess the cam couldn't handle the storm.

Another snow day for me. Not even sure what to get into today. Talk about a long weekend.

We still have Monday off and Tuesday is a Professional day, but I have to go to jury duty. I wonder if I will get picked. It was canceled this week. Looks like it will be a short run for me.

DanaMo said...

Safe travels, Sandi.

Dad has an appointment coming up. We are sure they will do a CT scan, but in the meantime looks like mom and dad are planning to go on a cruise with another couple they have been lifelong friends with. They are going to call in today and see what Dr. Mac says, but he is one of those doctors that says, go live, have fun! Really glad they are going. They need it after everything.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Maybe more snow tonight? Goodness.

stronghunter said...

Hope your parents have a blast on their cruise, Dana.

Janet said...

A quick loving good morning to one and all.
Livvy has no school today or Monday, so a four day weekend for her.
Its been a busy week. Tonight is no less busy. Oldest wants to meet up @ hooters for wings. I have to bling olivia’s costume for tomorrow. Olivia and I have 3:30 hair appointments. Do I know how to pack a bunch of stuff into one day or what?
Tomorrow is the competition. We have to be at the ice rink @ 9, so up by 7. Wow. She did great on her final rehearsal last night. Of course, I cheered…loudly. If I could have run out on the ice, grabbed her and squeezed her I would have. Lol. I told Polly, her coach, I need to learn to skate well enough jus t to run out there and hug her, and Polly said, okay. Yeah, thinking back, no. I ‘ll just cheer from the sides. She’ll skate away from me to tease me.
And then I might break the “no fall” rule.
Even my buddy, the male coach, Robert said he won’t be watching Olivia but watching me because he knows I’m gonna (His words) “spas out”. Lol. Okay so I don’t hide my excitement well.
Gotta get ready for work.
Just wanted to say>>>> I hope each of you know I love you and hold a special place in my heart and soul for you. You have become part of my life and my family and I am thankful every day that JUDYE invited me in. Blessings, light, and love to each of you. Happy Valentines day!

DanaMo said...

Calling for 2-4 more tonight. Come on!!!!!

DanaMo said...

That's okay Janet. I don't hide my excitement well either. She will always remember that you were her greatest cheerleader!! :) Have fun. Sounds like a busy day.

magpie said...

Happy RED Friday AND Happy Valentine's Day, Friends...

God Bless Our Military...May they know we Love and Honor them, Every Day

Lolly: How exciting, what a cliffhanger and nailbiter, Joseph's team's win! Bravo!

Lori, oh a Cruise, how Dear!
Where to, And When?? Love the doctor's attitude, hope he clears your Father to go !!

Janet: Wow, I'll say excitement!
Best Wishes on a Super Duper Competition on Saturday....

xo Good Morning !!!

magpie said...

Lowreeda, good to SEE You, wow, what a shoveling workhorse you are !
Sorry Fubby got some sciatica problem too, hope there is quick relief for that

magpie said...

DanaMo...am sure you will find something good to do today, not much running opportunity in this weather, eh??

Wishing you and all your family,
a loving Valentine's Day...thinking of your kids often too, with their many diverse activities

magpie said...

Time to shuffle along, have the day off to get some medical pre-testing done...at least ONE of the places in Winchester is open, and I think the other will be too, and today I think is the day to return the Spaceship
(2014 Ford Escape) and get my old fashioned 2001 Blazer back...

Sandi and all: Safe Traveling wishes for all

xo ttfn xo

magpie said...

Happy Valentine's Day to Belle and Shep xo

They've been rehearsing and practicing some loving behaviours

Lori O. said...

Hello my big ♥ed friends!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Can't believe all this snow. It's still snowing here. Kate had some neighbors come over and snow blow the driveway.

JANET, so excited to see how Livvy does. I sure hope you will video it for us.

DanaMO, that's a great doc who tells your parents to go have fun. Sounds like he has a great heart.

I'm off from school and clinical today and Monday; however, I have to go to the hospital today to get all the lab data for my patient that I'll be using for my next case study. Hoping I can condense some on this one and it won't be 36 pages!

So glad you're all safe.


Mema Jo said...

♥ ♥ ♥ Happy Valentines Day ♥ ♥ ♥

Janet you voiced my feeling toward all my friends on here perfectly. I
am so thankful to hold you all in my heart ♥

I am excited to think about Olivia
I know you will send video on line to us.

Loretta it is so good to hear from you! Don't let Frank near the shovel and for heavens sake you take it easy.

Safe journey back to Baltimore Sandi. Don't forget to pack the "Doggie Diapers"

Mema Jo said...

Dana - I agree with your dad's dr..
Certainly hope then enjoy the cruise.

Lori - Thankful Kate has such caring neighbors - we were gifted with help
from about 4 neighbors' doing good deeds ♥

Margy I hope all goes well today in all your errands for good health ♥

Lolly - Joseph's game was a "sit on the edge of your seat" game. Happy that Laurel was there with him. It sure was a boost for the team.

JudyEddy said...

I see cam is up and running

JudyEddy said...

sitting in the snow I see tail and half a body

JudyEddy said...

both in

JudyEddy said...

keep getting error when I rty to post pic on FB

JudyEddy said...

sure is windy and keep getting spinning arrow

JudyEddy said...

one poof

stronghunter said...

Hi Judy,

I think I see an eagle.

Yes, I had a problem on FB, too. Could not post a comment. Maybe everyone is trying to post for Valentine's Day.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - sorry your birdbath heated is down - I bet all the birds are too. I have lots and lots of squirrels on my snow drifted deck. The peanut pot went back out earlier and boy were they happy.

stronghunter said...

Our street is plowed!

Will and Kathryn left in separate cars.

stronghunter said...

There look to be some squirrel tracks in my backyard. I need to put some more peanuts out there.

JudyEddy said...

don't see the other one or anyone in the nest now

JudyEddy said...

the spinning circle is worse that it has ever been JMHO

stronghunter said...

Well, I tried to full-screen the nest and now I have a blank screen.

stronghunter said...

Okay, now it is back and what I thought was an eagle is gone.

stronghunter said...

I am hearing the wind and getting lots of spinning arrows.

JudyEddy said...

had to turn sound down toooo loud windy

JudyEddy said...

When I refreshed on browser I lost the cam but it cam up the second refresh I have two open this way trying to get pic when one freezes up I use the other

DanaMo said...

I have the cam, but no eagles now.
Caribbean cruise, not sure which islands. They were able to get an appointment this morning so I will help them book flights this afternoon if he indeed gives the green light.

No running Margy and I have a half marathon in April. Hoping this is the end of the bad weather and I can get back to it next week. I have the race one weekend and then Monte and I go to Puerto Rico the next weekend for spring break.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Sunshine and blue sky here. More snow predicted, however.

Will try to backtrack and catch up today.

MT nest when I last checked.


Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the photos on FB of our Royal Couple, Judy. I posted all 3 pics - especially the one you didn't see on my page. I also put them on Eagle Peeps and Eagle Cam and made a live feed comment - all with credit to your eagle eye. ♥
I haven't had the spinning arrow yet....

Mema Jo said...

Dana, I am sure you are even more excited about Spring Break and your trip to Puerto Rico then you are about opening your pool! ♥

JudyEddy said...

Happy Valentine Day to all my eagle buds

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JudyEddy said...

spinning arrow as stopped for me also for now but wow the tree is sure a rocking in that wind

Mema Jo said...

Today is my daughter, Jenny's, 10th wedding anniversary. One of my friends also wed on Valentine's day 35 years ago. Very romantic - decorations for the tables at the reception were so easy because of this sweethearts' holiday.


stronghunter said...

Happy Valentine's Day from Fredericksburg!

Kay said...

H♥ppy V♥lentine's D♥y, E♥gle Buds !!!!

DANAMO, cruising the Caribbean for your parents and a Spring break in Puerto Rico for you and Monte ? Sounds devine ! Hope your Dad's doc gives the go ahead !

JUDIE and MARGY, I think FFF is a fine descriptor for the two of you. FAST FRIENDS FOREVER !

LOLLY, hurray for Joseph and his team---they are learning, ya win some, ya lose some, but winning is certainly the sweeter of the two !

Happy to learn most of you are getting shoveled out---it's always grand to see people come together when help with ice and snow is needed ! Faith in humanity restored !

I echo the need for a Wanda and GG fix ! I hope GG is staying inside and not trying to put something over on the family by going to the mailbox. I remember her doing that a couple of years ago, but telltale footprints in the snow gave her away ! ☺

SANDI, thinking of you, Denny, your Mom and the dogs as you wend your way toward Baltimore. Happy Birthday to your sweet niece, Madeline !

LORI, good luck with your condensation---a, er, you know what I mean !

JANET, we all owe JUDYE a debt of gratitude for bringing you our way. How special it is to have sister teams with us--the two of you, SHAR and SISSIE !

Good RED FRIDAY and a shout out to our men and women in the Military. This is a good date to remember they way they wholeheartedly protect our freedoms !


Mema Jo said...

Nest Update 02/14/14:
We got our cam reset after the power blip, and the eagles seem to be doing well. We know we still have the occasional blue screen/dark image issue, and we continue to work on finding what is causing that problem.

A reminder that hatching could start around February 17

Mema Jo said...

BWE is going to be hatching bobbleheads and we still don't have eggs. Going to be a very late season for us.

Lolly said...

♥♥♥♥Happy Valentine's Day♥♥♥♥

And, Good morning! Oh boy, did we sleep late this morning. Love my comfy bed!!!!

Already up to 66 and sunshiney! Going to do some housecleaning today and have a pie to bake!

Dana, that is awesome that your parents are going on a cruise with friends! Go for it and enjoy!

Still so very hard to imagine all the snow most of you have while our weather is so pleasant. It is windy though, hear my chimes a singing! ☺

Lolly said...

I fully expected to see more snow in the nest than is there. Ok, time to bring fresh flugg and get this show on the road!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

click on the hearts they talk

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just wanted to let you know that my heat is running again for now. I switched the motors around in it and so far, so good. Been an aggravating couple of days but all is well now. Love and ((((HUGS))))

Kay said...

Hurray, SHAR !!! Our warm wishes have been with you !!! May we have an update on THELMA and SISSY ? I think it's been a long time since either of them has checked in here.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

POOF one

JudyEddy said...

and we are back

JudyEddy said...

poof one out the back

JudyEddy said...

spinning circle

JudyEddy said...

don't see at all must have poofed in between spinning

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Both are doing okay. Thelma doesn't have a computer right now and she finds it hard to navigate the blog on her phone. She did have an aunt to pass away yesterday so she and the family could use your prayers.

Sissy is doing good. Chomping at the bit, ready to get the camper unwinterized. Now if winter would just go away. :)

Kay said...

Thank you, SHAR ! My thoughts and prayers are with Thelma and family. Give her a big hug for me--I know it's so hard to lose a dear aunt ! I look forward to the day when SISSIE can unwinterize the camper. That will mean we're all enjoying Spring weather !!! ☺

stronghunter said...

Happy anniversary, Jenny.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We have eagles doing nestorations.

Kay said...

JUDYE, neat Valentine in your post of 11:34 a.m. ! Thank you !!!!

JO, Congrats to Jenny and hubby and also to your friends who are celebrating 35 years together on this special day !

Kay said...

I see a footsie, but that's all !

Kay said...

Ah, a little action. Poof Belle and now Shep moving a little flugg around. Happy Valentine's Day you two !

Lolly said...

I just sat down, refreshed and see an eagle in the nest. Goody goody!!!

Lolly said...

Snow on the nest has really melted since I looked in earlier!

Pie is made and in the refrig. Jack has been outside the whole time and it will be a surprise! Yea!

Lolly said...

Oh, I just heard an eagle chirp. Cool! First time I have actually heard them.

Lolly said...

Second eagle flew in with a meal I think. That was the reason for chirping. I should say...first time I have heard them this year!

Lolly said...

Belle is chowing down. Now we just need fresh new flugg.

Lolly said...

Just got a pic. I will put it in the album.

Lolly said...

Belle is now working on the egg cup.

Lolly said...

Added photo, came back and see footsie in nest, but that is all.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see that foot, too, Lolly!

stronghunter said...

Need to go put a chicken in the oven. I didn't last night and ended up fixing scrambled eggs, bacon, and grits.

stronghunter said...

I have some potatoes that need peeling as well.

Hoda said...

JO says due to her new Windows 7 she is stuck and not able to get on Blog!
She has to set up a new account.
Wanted us all to know
Posted on Momster Chat on FB

Hoda said...

" With my windows 7 I am stuck getting into out blog due to account name and password. Need to set up a new account"

The above is JO's exact words

stronghunter said...

Lovely view. I believe that is Belle.

Kay said...

What a nice long visit ! Lovely with the evening sun bathing those feathers ! Let's slide on over to 400 !

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...