Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday Part 2

Hi Folks,  We are all waiting with baited breath to see how this nesting season is going to work out.  I recently contacted the Regional Bald Eagle Coordinator for FWS, Craig Koppie,  and he sent me this message a few minutes ago:

"There could be several reasons for this issue. There could be a replacement nest they constructed during the fall and they are visiting less frequently at their usual location as you suggested. There might be a mate replacement so they are starting later due to a new pairing. Or lastly, they are the same pair and just sense a colder than normal year and are holding off a few weeks or so because of icing on the river and greater snow fall potential. I believe somehow, nature knows."

We know that these are the same two birds, so we need to figure this year's delay is caused by  a new nest or the cold weather. 

I am betting that the cold weather is impacting timing this year.  This is the coldest stretch of weather in many years.  Combine the weather with the snow and the iced up river and that's enough to delay things...

So time will tell which theory is correct.

Craig just released a cool book with Teena Gorrow called Inside a Bald Eagle's Nest.  Check it out here.


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paula eagleholic said...

Yup, just see feetsies!

Kay said...

OOOOOhhhhhh ! Didn't realize we were due for a split.

AZPatti said...

Hi, Kay!

Kay said...

So, does it look like Belle may be on the nest cup to you gals ? I had to take the dog out and misses some action.

Kay said...

Speaking of dogs, PATTI, I loved the little tour I took of your slice of Paradise. Those dogs are gorgeous ! I grew up in Tucson and lived there and in Bullhead City--love my AZ !

AZPatti said...

I don't think she's sitting, she appears to be standing on the other side. If it's Belle.....

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, she was checking it out. At this stage of the game, her presence surely gets everyone eggcited!!

AZPatti said...

Thanks, Kay! My boy, Rory, (the big brown one) passed in April. We had a really hard time (still do, but it's not quite so bad now) for a bit. But we've added two more to the family. I'll try to upload some new pics soon.

AZPatti said...

Still seeing feetsies.

Kay said...

Oh, PATTI, I'm sure you know we are animal lovers here and many of us have dogs. We've all experienced that emotional farewell when a beloved pet goes over Rainbow Bridge. So nice that you now have even more "babies" to enjoy ? Are those your macaws in the avatar ? My late husband and I had a yellow head parrot with a large, clean vocabulary. ☺ It was so tough when we had to pass him on to Stan's son Stuart. They'd grown up together so it was a natural evolution. Love birds and miss having Rico around !

JudyEddy said...

HOME FROM work and guess what


Sandi said...

Hi all - we be home and unpacked! I see talons at 12 I think. Sure hope that's not where Miss Belle is planning to park herself to lay an egg!

Saw 2 of Madeline's events - she placed 2nd in both. Messed up the beginning of the video of her free skate but got a good video of her interpretive skate. That's where, when the girls all go out on the ice for their warm up, they then play the music that they will all be skating to and it's up to them to choreograph something in about 5 minutes to go with the music. Madeline's music (and the music for about 9 other girls) was "What Does the Fox Say?" Will try to get the video uploaded to FB this evening.

Mom had an OK day. The home health care nurse will be coming to her house tomorrow afternoon to assess her situation and determine what kind of care she wants/needs. Lisa will be there as well.

Thanks everyone for all the eagle reporting today - I sure wish our pair would get serious about eggs!

Must feed dogs - TTFN!

JudyEddy said...


AZPatti said...

Kay, the two new boys bring us much joy every day! And I wish those were our/my macaws but alas, they are not. When we were in San Diego in Dec 2012, there was a gentleman who had a huge assortment of rescued birds set up in a park. He just wanted to share their story; didn't even have a donation cup set out. I was in heaven! Got to hold another kind of parrot, too, but the species escapes me at the moment. Definitely a very fond memory!

AZPatti said...

Digging in the cup again.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta run

Kay said...

SANDI, thanks for the happy report--Madeline's second place is wonderful good ! Afterall, that's Silver at the Olympics Games !

Hope the health care folks come up with some ideas for making your Mom more comfortable and safer, too ! Tough time to be alone, but very hard to give up being alone. I dread that inevitable day myself.

JudyEddy said...

I guess the twirly swirly spinney circle didn't affect my cam being up all day ODD 10 hours and counting

JudyEddy said...

It is 75° out now soooo stinkin pretty out

JudyEddy said...

and that is after a lo this am of 46°

JudyEddy said...

Belle is nestled in the cup I see her chest

JudyEddy said...

she looks back and forth I can see just a small amt of white on her neck to know that

AZPatti said...

Oh, the twirly arrow again. :-(

JudyEddy said...

I got a message in my fb box from a local person that live in Largo thanking me for posting my pic and video of the cell phone tower eagle nest he has lived here all his life and didn't know it So I sent him the address to the others I know and the link to the map to find all the nest in our area

Kay said...

Hi, JUDYE, I've found that the cam will eventually reload after the "twirly-swirly-spinney circle" gets tired. I can never stand to wait it out and do a reload each time. Today the norm seems to a 30 minute run each time.

Changed avatar to Rico--I don't think I've shared him before.

AZPatti said...

Both eagles in!

JudyEddy said...

SHH mine isn't twirly at all maybe I shouldn't brag but I am amazed over 10 hours been up since I left this am and I had the darnedest time getting it on my lap top on lunch

AZPatti said...

Kay, he's beautiful!

JudyEddy said...

is the other in the IEZ I didn't see but I hear a peep from one of them

JudyEddy said...

she is making a lo noise Here it ??????? IN comming was announcing it

AZPatti said...

Shep? chowing down.

Kay said...

Thank you, PATTI ! As he says, "Pretty Bird" ! He never liked women til' I came into his life and he took to me immediately. Perhaps because he could tell I was not afraid of him.

Kay said...

Did Shep bring another fish or something in ? Looks like Belle is chowing down again !

JudyEddy said...

I love it you can hear the tearing of the food

JudyEddy said...

I opened another IE one was behind the other that may be why you saw the eagle before me

Kay said...

Now they've switched places---do I have my eagles mixed up--I can't tell.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a bad feeling that we are not going to know if she lays 1 or 10 eggs. Not going to be able to see the egg cup. :/

Kay said...

Yep, SHAR, we're in for some frustrating times, I fear.

AZPatti said...

Lost the cam completely!

AZPatti said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

looks like he is tucking her in

JudyEddy said...

I have two browser open and they are both different pic odd that one is behin d the other trying to figure which is ahead

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Don't be startled by the bright light. Just my newly cleaned teeth.

Paula, so sorry Mr. Stufmuffin is having pain. Special thoughts for you both.

Shirley, Heidi's husband's behavior is unconscionable but I believe he has saved her from a life a misery. Hope he gets an STD (:

I see two beautiful eagles in the nest. Looks like Belle is having dinner.

Drat, more snow tonight. Grrrrrr!

Okay, back to the nest.

JudyEddy said...

I figured it out the one that has been running all day is behind the new one I opened odd like seeing replay

JudyEddy said...

I have pic on fb

AZPatti said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

and I got a snip

Kay said...

"Tucking her in", eh ? HP, HP,HP !

DanaMo said...


Kay said...

Hi, JUDIE--nice bright smile you have there !

Kay said...

Hey, DANAMO, glad you're catching the action !

DanaMo said...

Guess we all saw it! Lol!
Great video of Madeline, Sandi.

DanaMo said...

I've been checking the cam more frequently. Waiting for an egg, like everyone!

JudyEddy said...

funny remember the two browser well HP happend on the other one so I got two different pic about a min behind the other

JudyEddy said...

gonna close the other out driving me nuts two different pic just gonna keep the current up the 10 hr is so behind

Sandi said...

Holy crap - an egg!!

AZPatti said...

Egg! Egg!

AZPatti said...

That was fast!!!

Kay said...

An EGG----An EGG--glory be, ad I hallucinating ?

DanaMo said...


AZPatti said...

Guess we all can't be wrong!

Judie said...

Certainly can't say that Shep needs Viagra. Doing his thing this year. She looks to be in the egg cup. Maybe tonight? Hope so as I'm cold sitting out here on this limb.

Thank you, Kay. I got a good report.

Shirley, how about if we send Jufie to visit Heidi's husband?

Kay said...

Belle went through the hatching with little or no sign of doing so ! Guess Shep was celebrating and saying lets get another on the way, now !

Sandi said...

Oatmeal creme pies all around!!! That was the fastest, calmest egg laying I have ever seen!!

AZPatti said...

Eagle-Eyed Shar, looks like we'll be able to see the eggs.

JudyEddy said...

I see a egg I think

Kay said...

The nest cup is just within our view ! We'll be able to see them turning it/them and doing their switches, too ! Yeah !!!!!

AZPatti said...

Kay, I've put a picture of the two boys up on my blog, along with a snippet on how they came to us.

DanaMo said...

And snow due in tonight, 2-4.

magpie said...

Yes, me too, see egg.
Yes, get out those oatmeal creme pies

Congratulations, Belle and Shep

Am pretty sure, that someone will or already has, alerted Steve ?

Hallelujah !


Kay said...

So, we have to consider this:

SANDI said...

Holy crap - an egg!!

Monday, February 17, 2014 5:56:00 PM

Since that's the first reported sighting. Good on you, SANDI

Kay said...

PATTI, thanks for sharing those adorable rescue dogs. I'm not familiar with that breed---will do some research !

Belle is turning the egg already !

AZPatti said...

Rolled the egg out of the way of more digging.

Sandi said...

Pardon my language everyone!! I was just sitting here munching on a bowl of Cheerios (great dinner) and suddenly Belle stood up and I saw something white under her. Couldn't believe my eyes and my first thought was HOLY CRAP! :)

At least, as some have said, we know we'll be able to see the eggs! YAY!

Glad so many were here to see the big event!

magpie said...

Righto, Sandi! Nice call...
glad it was YOU that announced this first...
xoxo :)

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


AZPatti said...

Kay, most folks aren't familiar with Leonbergers. But once you've met one, you really want to keep them in your life. They are beautiful dogs. Well, all dogs are beautiful but.....

DanaMo said...

Hi Patti. I met a Leo puppy once who was just adorable. Great story. So glad they both found you.

I think I said the same thing Sandi. I wasn't sure I could believe my eyes. I had just finished typing that we are all waiting for an egg! Lol!

Kay said...

PATTI, thanks for the good background report on the acquisition of the pooches. Happy to be able to pinpoint your beautiful AZ location, too !

AZPatti said...

Do we still have a nite lite?

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

I'm sure we're all sharing the same sense of relief. NIGHT LIGHT ON ! Now I can relax and stir up some grub ! BBL

AZPatti said...

Thanks, Dana! We're glad, too. Well, Zena was taken by Bub pretty quickly. Jack was a different story. She's warming up, little by little. And there's the nite lite.

AZPatti said...

First egg on President's Day. Mighty fitting, I'd say.

Mema Jo said...

I enjoyed my steak dinner BUT nothing is more enjoyable then our very 1st egg - Congratulations Belle and Shep

Whoo Hoo WHoo Hoo

Kay said...

Oh, yes, PATTI, the Night Light just came on. We'll be able to check on our dear eagles and their egglets, night and day ! Crossing my fingers that the cam performs well throughout the next few months !

Judie said...

Congrats Sandi.

So grateful we will be able to see what is happening in the egg cup. What an incredibly fast gal Belle is.

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Just did a quick read. How exciting! An egg! H have not seen it yet, but I see Belle there doing her thing.

I think Judie just read right over the egg reports.

Yeah, maybe Jufie could show the errant husband a thing or two.

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Oh, Judie knows! Happy dance time!!

WVJerry said...

Tried to post I saw an egg a few minutes ago. Couldn't get it done. I would like to get the Cam to work better for me now.

Mema Jo said...


So thankful of so many that are here.
I'm sure word will travel fast.
Here we are just getting our first egg and BWE are just getting ready for their first hatch.

AZPatti said...

Thanks, Jo! I love your avatar. That little bird is one that I sure miss seeing. Supposedly, they are here in AZ but I've not seen one in all our almost 20 years here.

stronghunter said...

Fortunately, Heidi has a job and the house is hers. She bought a house before she went to the Dominican Republic. His name is not on the deed.

Sandi said...

I thought the same thing, Jo - our wait is just beginning and Blackwater's may be ending in the next day or so.

OK, now I HAVE to get some accounting work done for Denny's business! I'll see you all in the AM - with the forecast for more snow tonight, I bet Belle will start incubating right away rather than waiting for another egg.

Congrats to everyone! Goodnight!

JudyEddy said...

she is up again

AZPatti said...

That's wonderful, Shirley. Include me in the thinks-he's-a-scoundrel group.

Lolly said...

WOW! I just came in from working in the yard! Double wow! Just saw the egg and an egg roll. Oh, this is so eggciting! Happy happy day!

Mema Jo said...

Oh Yes - I suppose we'll need to consider calling our 1st egg PRES

Hoda said...

Congratulations all!

SANDI???!!! Priceless way to announce it!!! You get the PRIZE!!!

JO will you let STEVE know?

JudyEddy said...

you all the pic are on FB if you want to share go for it I have lots I put of course on the EM album and the momster fb page and on Steve page

JudyEddy said...

now I am stepping away

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


AZPatti said...

She was up, working on the crib rails for a bit but now seems to be settling back in.

JudyEddy said...

Here is Deb AS video of it

Thanks Deb for the video for the ones that missed it

JudyEddy said...

DEB S is what that was suppose to say fast finger eddy and she is up to another roll

Lolly said...

How eggciting and Sandi, loved loved your announcement. Guess I missed the action by half an hour. We had a beautiful day. Do not know the high temp but it is presently 68. Did a lot of yard work and plan on doing more tomorrow. Have a lot to do if we are leaving in two weeks and be gone a month!!!

Lolly said...

Hoda texted me just as I sat down and started reading the blog. However, I saw Belle in the nest. Would you believe my cam has been running 6 1/2 hours!!!!!!

grannyblt said...

Yippee ! The first egg. Had cam on but was texting son, who is still in hospital btw. Keep ggbert warm tonight Belle snow on the way.

stronghunter said...

Time to go fix some dinner.


Nice to see Belle incubating.

AZPatti said...

Egg roll.

JudyEddy said...

Egg Turning:
The eggs are rolled over by either parent about every hour to 2 hours during the incubation period. The purpose of this roll is to make sure that the lighter yolk does not rise to the egg surface and the delicate blood vessels that cover the yolk touch and stick to the shell surface, killing the developing chick.

AZPatti said...

Did she roll the egg up out out the cup to rearrange flugg?

Mema Jo said...

Lynne Is David home and doing well?

Kay said...

JO, LYNNE1 says David is still in the hospital.

LYNNE, an update on your dear son, please ! Prayers continuing !

LYNNEDUH, LINDA, LORI....where are you---we have EGGcitement !

WVJerry said...

Think I just saw my second egg roll. I can only get Cam to run about two minutes at a time. I also want to add my congrats to Sandi for seeing egg first. Now just have to watch for some snow tonight.

JudyEddy said...

Belle just tucked in see her white head

JudyEddy said...

LORI made a comment on one of my pic on facebook

JudyEddy said...

Jerry try another browser IE or google or firefox I use google chrome and my cam was up for over 10 hr today but was behind so I loaded two browsers get different pic on them to they aren't in sync

JudyEddy said...

I have had three up for over a hour now

JudyEddy said...

this is another video of Belle from Deb S
this is the laying part I think the other was a peak at the egg I haven't watch since I was there when it happened I told her I posted the video here and she said she had two more uploading of the event this is one

JudyEddy said...

I sent Steve the link to the video of the laying and he just acknowledge it

JudyEddy said...

the last video is of the egg laying 554 was the time and the other is peek of egg

Mema Jo said...

kay Lori saw Judy's pic on FB and made a comment

WVJerry said...

Thanks Judy. I use Chrome and recently Firefox. When I use Firefox - it won't let me post on Blog because of a cookie problem - I follow directions and it still doesn't work. Maybe your connection is better then mine. I'll keep trying to get it to work. I'm just gld I can see it what I can now. Usually just by reading everyone's posts I can get a pretty good picture in my mind. Thanks again.

Kay said...



Kay said...

I'm not just whistlin' Dixie y'all. We had a shiny new thread !!!


Kay said...


stronghunter said...

I'm back. Spent some time watching a movie with Kathryn. She has now come upstairs. She's feeling awful tonight. I think Hunter has given her his cold. I am hoping I've lived long enough to have developed an immunity to those particular cold viruses, but who knows?

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see.

Going to the

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6/12/24 1

 She doesexist! LOL. What a nice surprise to see Bella on the lop morning when I awoke. And got a few minutes of her in the nest m Boys he l...