Monday, January 20, 2014


New thread.


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Kay said...

Thank you, STEVE ! You do know how we love nice new threads !!! I'm going back for the call over.

Kay said...

Another feather for me ! Wahoo !

Go back to the last thread for a good JUDYE, JO and SHIRLEY report on the evening visit with Belle and Shep !!!!

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE
Thank you KAY


Lolly said...

Wahooo! Was so ready for a new thread. Thank you, Steve, and thank you Kay for the call over.

Congrats on the new feather for your headdress! ☺

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks to you girls for the call over. Hey there Kay, Hoda and Lolly. I was on for a second earlier as JudyE gave the alarm of Facebook that there was an eagle in the nest. I had a hard time getting the live cam on, but did get to see the two of them in them in the nest before the both poofed.

carolinabeachmom said...

I am waiting for the Carolina/Virginia to come on the TV. We aren't doing to well this year, but I can't give up on them.

Skyped with Josh, Sophie, and Shelly last night. Sophie is getting so big and doing everything. I just wished they lived next door and not so far away in Florida.

Lolly, I have been seeing a lot of great pictures on Facebook that you have posted. You sure have a lovely family.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Kay, I hope the feathers that one gets for being the first on the new blog aren't taken from one of our two eagles. They need all they can get to keep those eggs warm. :)

JudyEddy said...

back home to find a fresh new thread

yes we love new threads STEVE thanks for providing one for us to fill up again

and the call over call over KAY and congrats on the new feather for your head dress

Sandi said...

Thanks steve for a new thread. almost home Bandit has been howling nonstop for the last 30 minutes give me strength!

Lolly said...

Lolly got things a movin! We have received three calls this afternoon. We have an appointment to get the trailer at 2 on Thursday.

Cold front came through this afternoon, but temp is dropping slowly. No yard work tomorrow. Then another front comes through Wed. and temps are really dropping BUT no ice, no snow! Funny thing though.....sleet south of us.

Lolly said...

Think our salesman was to blame...the guy at the Fort Worth lot new nothing about the trailer until the guy I talked to called him. They are giving us a new load leveler, not in the deal, and he did not know we are trading in our old trailer. Good grief!!

Hey, CANDI, thanks! Yes, I think we have a grand family.

Lolly said...

Knew nothing....not new nothing. LOL

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY so habby you got the ball rollin right along
GEEZE with the communication there HUH

Sandi said...

Hi all - we are home! Trust me when I say it was extremely tempting to pull off to the side of the road, open the back door, and tell Bandit to exit the vehicle! YIKES!

Lolly, good news on the trailer!

Need to unpack, then find something to eat so I will say goodnight now. Thanks again for all the prayers and positive energy for Mom. She did eat a small lunch today when we got home from the lab and I left plenty of easily fixable stuff in her refrigerator. Reminded her that, if she didn't want to end up in the hospital, she HAS to eat!

Mema Jo said...

I was here earlier and then got distracted by phone calls.

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread. Kay congrats on your feather

Sandi - Bandit must have been asking
"Are we home yet" Glad you made it

Mema Jo said...

Checking out a 9:00 movie - I may be back sooner then expected... lol

JudyEddy said...

Happy you are safe at home and I laughed at JO are we home yet ?
I am using my Christmas present for the first time I got a 2 Terabyte
My puter only has 91 GB of storage left from a 288 max GB

I have been transferring on disc but that kills my neck so this should be easier Moving (cutting) 2900 items now it says 13.2 GB but it said 12GB when it first started Do a little at a time I guess

JudyEddy said...

just realized I forgot to say SANDI for the happy you are home

BTW don't you use a thunder shirt for Bandit??

JudyEddy said...

SANDI has your mom tried the Ensure and other like it ?? if not hungry it will give her vitamins

Janet said...

Good evening to all and thank you to STEVE for the new thread! Nice surprise!!

All is well.
It’s a quiet evening.
Someone asked….Tom had a 2nd prostate biopsy this morning. He is feeling “okay”. I think the cold has kicked his hiney more than the biopsy. (just can’t remember who asked, but thank you)
Olivia had her teeth extracted. That went as planned.
A quick trip to the Arby’s to pick up milkshakes and home.
Now, having a very lazy “dinner”. Tom had some soup. Olivia had perogies and I had some bagel crisps. Knew no one would feel like eating a large meal tonight so why cook a big meal?
Michael is on his 2nd day of orientation. He’s not liking this part. He’s anxious to get out there and drive a truck. Crossing my fingers, hope he can manage and deal with it.
I am tired. Glad I have 1 and a half more days off. Time to work on taxes and a few other things….
Hope everyone has a good evening. SED to all!

Mema Jo said...

Movie doesn't start until 10 - Over at 11:30 - not too late for a retiree

Going to say goodnight to all and close puter down.

Tomorrow is Squirrel Appreciation Day
Throw some extra peanuts out there.

Everyone stay safe and warm - keep those pets inside! ♥

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Watched the news and learned that we will be getting bunches of snow, then wind and cold weather. School is already closed for Hunter, just based on the forecast. How about that, Hoda?

Not expecting any bowling tomorrow, either. More than one school already closed.

Supposed to be cold the rest of the week. This snow will stay around.

I do need to do grocery shopping tomorrow morning. Should have done it today, but the forecast was not so drastic until this evening.

magpie said...

Good Evening, Eagle Pals....
Special thoughts and prayers for Sandi's mother, AND Sandi!
and all the health care team, hope they are ON it...
Good directive, Sandi...Mother, you must eat and keep some strength going...
and for Janet's Tom and Olivia...
a one-two punch, hope they will be both feel better, and that Tom passes his biopsy test with flying colors


magpie said...

Safe Travel Wishes, Jo, for your daughter and family

Wow, this is a winter to remember!
Snow forecast ...I already have the co-worker from back in the sticks, planning on bedding down here Tuesday night, good plan...

Gosh, where does one start on a busy blogging day!

Candy: Isn't skype wonderful ???
James and his mother do this, once a week, and I am usually in on it also :)

Trip to Frostburg was a brother, what a host.....he has one of those Big
Green Egg cookers, bacon extraordinaire! And then grilled cheese and ham sandwiches on the skillet...

Then we played Sorry!

James loved the scenery to and from...especially the cut at
Sideling Hill - Me Too !!

magpie said...

My manners are deficient:

Thank you Steve, for the wonderful new late afternoon Thread!!

You notice we are so chatty now with an Active Royal Nest !

Congratulations to Blackwater with the third Eagle Egglet.....
Best wishes during any storm activity

magpie said...

We have some over-wintering
Robins here too...Love to hear that sound they make every once in a great while

Welcome to Paradise, Larry and Pepper!
You got there ahead of snowy weather, I sure do hope !

magpie said...

Prairie Dog John has spent many winters in Colorado...he was quite pleased the the Denver Broncos are headed to the Super Bowl

Winding down here in a hurry....

S'posed to be off Tuesday, cannot say that bothers me...but we can always get called in...

Happy Snow Day to Hunter,
Shirley!! Love your Bowling
Reports !

Prayers for Wellness, and
Safety and Joy all Around...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

magpie said...

PS Janet:
I sent that mailing address you asked for, to your email....

G'Night, my friends
(( Night-time Hugs ))

Lynne2 said...

Good evening all!

Just checking in...

Prayers for quick healing for Tom, Livvy and Sandi's mom.

Glad Larry and Pepper got to the beach before the snow, and that Sandi is back safely now too. And glad you had a great visit Margy and I hope they don't call you in so you can enjoy the snow from the safety of your home!

Robins...some overwinter depending on food supply. They will eat berries. And some of the Robins we see now are actually overwintering from much further north! We don't see them as much as they tend to go deep in the woods in winter whereas we are used to seeing them in warm weather in open areas.

Lynne2 said...

Life on the farm is kinda laid back, ain't much an old country girl like me can't hack. Early to rise, early in the sack, thank God I'm a country girl!

It's awesome here. This place has SO many birds, including a little Carolina Wren who likes to hop about the deck!

I get the biggest kick out of the pigs...PorkaDot actually SITS ON COMMAND!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Sounds like a wonderful place to live, Lynne2.

Thanks for the good wishes, Margy. I hope your day tomorrow is peaceful and quiet.

Time for me to shut down. Will need to get going to the grocery store tomorrow before things get too snowy.


Lolly said...

We have decided it is the movies tomorrow. Going to see the second Hobbit movie.

Sandi, prayers for your mom. Know that it was good for both of you to be together.

Here the wind a blowin outside. Still not really cold, 54, an down into the 30's tonight Very glad we are not getting snow and ice this time. Thursday is get the trailer and Friday we go to Dallas to the portrait studio. Should be interesting!

My eyes are watering, and I am yawning, so to bed it is.

Night all! SED

Hoda said...

Building immune system was the topic of my herbal class today.
Good yoga practice also.
Off to bed

Stay warm and safe.
God Bless Us All

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone!

Thanks for the call over KAY, and for the new thread, STEVE! That feather will look mighty nice in your cap, Kay!

WOWZA! I checked the Frederick forecast and it says you guys are getting 7 - 11" of snow today! Told Kate to park at the end of the .2 mile long driveway.

Shirley, I imagine with that much snow, things will be shut down for a few days. Bet the government uses liberal leave or closes today.

Jo, happy Squirrel Appreciate Day! I know how you love those little critters at your place. :)

Lolly, YAY, the trailer will be her Thursday! Glad you got that all settled.

Sandi, What's the latest on your Mom. Glad you told her she has to eat. How is her mental outlook?

I still have to finish my Infant Growth and Dev. project. I did get to WMart yesterday for everything I'll need to make a great presentation. Over $100 worth! Crazy for a project/presentation, right?!?! Then another $65 for color printer ink since I have to print handouts for the entire class of 24, and I have so much good info I want to share.

Margy, Happy day off! You are on the same day's off, right?

Janet, glad Tom and Olivia (and you, of course), fared so well yesterday. And you're off today, right?

Hoda, Sounds like an interesting class. What herbs did they recommend for beefing up your immune system?

Time to get ready for school. In the classroom today.

Lori O. said...

Let me just say, forgive all my typos, and that auto-correct is NOT doing it's job today. :)

Sandi said...

Goodorming everyone - big snow is coming! Schools have already announced opening on time but closing 2 hours early. Sounds like we may not get in at all tomorrow.

Stay safe everyone!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

There is snow in the nest again just a slight dusting maybe the eagles don't want to get there tootsie cold

Janet said...

Morning to all.
YES< LORI I am off today.
I bet your presentation is superb!
MAGPIE: I’ve been a bad girl on checking my mail. THANK YOU! Will write it down.
Well, the cold front came thru. Several Kentucky counties have closed school. It was 62 in my yard yesterday….today, the high is now, about 33, and going down with 40+mph winds howling. Chance of snow showers, but no accumulation here.
Tom seems okay this morning, save but for the cold kicking his tail. He could take the “good stuff” now, aka Advil cold relief. It was off limits prior to surgery due to the motrin in it (blood thinner). I kept him on benadry, which helped, but…
Olivia is grudgingly up this morning. Five more minutes mom. Nope, get up.
She is fine. Her mouth may be a little sore, but they were baby teeth and she will be fine quickly.
Both were pampered yesterday with milk shakes, soup, perogies, etc. I think they will survive.
We get the results of the biopsy on the 11th. There were suspicious areas in the last one, so, that’s why he had another biopsy. Time will tell, but am sending him lots of Reiki ….
Well, let me get moving. I need to pack Olivia’s lunch and feed the fur butts.
Later ya’ll! Smooches, light,l love and hugs!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see an eagle in the snow.

stronghunter said...

Snow has not started here. I still need to make a grocery run.

stronghunter said...

Two eagles in the snow.

stronghunter said...

Anyone else watching?

stronghunter said...

I see the snow falling on our nest and on our eagles.

stronghunter said...

I think one is in NHZ, but I still see 1/2 eagle. Now poof!!

stronghunter said...

Oh, it looks like we are going to see about 1/2 the egg cup.

stronghunter said...

I think one eagle is still there. I see what looks to be some feathers.

stronghunter said...

Posted a picture on FB.

magpie said...

Shirley! You are the Eagle Woman of the Morning !! I was up, but had other priority things to attend do....
four or five days of un-read readings!

All 55 counties in WV are closed...
a co-worker lady pal is trying to get here, we both work Wed and easier to travel from here

Good Morning, Every One !

magpie said...

Good report on Tom and Olivia, Janet....

the 11th, for results...okay, prayers a'day til then and then some...

Morning GLori
money well spent, I say, for your go Girl !!

magpie said...

My NY Naturalist pal, has finally seen a Snowy Owl...up close too..
Magnificent he says.

magpie said...

Get yourself to the store and back, pronto, Shirley!

OPM (Office of Personnel Management)
has closed government offices in DC...wise move...
not sure if it includes other Metropolitan areas as well

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

This mini-polar vortex doesn't seem too mini to me--it's cutting a wide swathe and catching many EM's in it's path.

Happy to hear you arrived home safely with your noisy Bandit, SANDI ! Anxious to hear how your Mom fared through the night and glad today is the day for her appt. with the doc.

MARGI, bless you for running an Emergency Services hostel !

SHIRLEY, thanks for being our Eagle Reporter this a.m. !

JANET, glad your patients are up and at em' today !

LORI, that is going to be one fine presentation---hope those supplies are deductible school expenses.

In addition to being Squirrel Appreciation Day, Teleflora says it's National Hug Day, so in that spirit here is one for all....


magpie said...

Hi Kay!
and always a treat to see you!

Squirrel Appreciation Day, yes...enjoy it...
fine with me as long as they
don't try to appreciate the ceiling space over my apartment !!

xo friend is nearly here...
thank goodness, I shall go shovel the walk now

grannyblt said...

GM all.

I am incensed that I got an error message when I just tried to post. A first for me.

I think I'm too far north to get all of that snow, we just had less than an inch last night, however the temps are to be very frigid for the next ten days. It is the high for the day now at 14.

The last polar vortex found me with my nose in a BFB (big fat book 771pgs) for two days. I guess I need to check out the book shelf again--heaven forbid that I clean or something.

I have been keeping up with the blog and including all of you in my prayers. Stay safe and warm.

Judie said...

Ah, thank you Steve.

Thank you, Kay. Congrats!

As for the snowy nest, better now than in a couple of weeks.

Shirley, if you haven't ventured out you best get moving. Snow flakes fall here. Likely headed your way.

Janet, I asked about the biopsy. Hope Tom and Olivia are feeling more chipper this morning.

Margy, so happy that you had a supercalafragalistic day yesterday. Hope you don't get a phone call today.

Lolly, congratulations on getting the trailer issue resolved.

Many years ago, some law students sued GDub for tuition reimbursement for three days and won. Classes cancelled today.

Jo, when you get here - stay inside please and thank you.


Judie said...

Wow! Just in time to get a group hug and find out it is squirrel appreciation day.

magpie said...

3 eggs visible at BWE right now
and a TVulture at the platform

magpie said...

nope, eggs covered up again that quick at BWE

magpie said...

Hi Judie, and

covered up the car with a very large piece of black plastic,
AFTER sweeping off about 3-4 inches of snow

might save me some work later

but it looks totally ridiculous

magpie said...

Okay, co-worker is here,
the Inn is open,
and the kitchen ought to be
putting out some breakfast right about now

Stay Safe everyone....
ttfn xo

stronghunter said...


Got back from the store just before the snow started. Hunter went along with me. He was quite helpful, as I wanted a box of fire logs, and it is hard for me to pick them up.

Grocery store was getting crazier by the minute. In some sections, it was obvious that craziness had happened earlier. For some reason, people seemed to have wanted bottles of iced tea and orange juice.

It is snowing for real now.

stronghunter said...

The nest is blanketed in snow now.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning all you snow watchers! Our tiny flakes started blowing around about 45 min. ago. Hard to believe our county gov.t,
Schools and Parks closed in advance!!!! Almost never happens!
Didn't really feel like going anyway, but it's been so long.
Went to Geo.'town ER Sunday & they call it bronchitis, conjunctivitis, and a couple other infections. Since I don't have specialist appt. until Feb. there, they said I did the right thing. Had to fight tooth and nail to get chauffeur to go where I wanted! And I KNOW how to drive!
So glad Sandi got home & Mom we hope will be OK. Janet, glad your crew is done with procedures. Prayers for all.
Margy, good day to camp in! Glad you had great time in Frostburg!
Our squirrels are getting appreciated as always, and outside visiting kitties have been fed once so far, & think I'll move food closer to garage, under cover.
Tune in later for the continuing Saga of "We Have No Sewer"!!!!!
Has been blocked for a few days. Fubby bought a new, longer rooto-rooter, but not long enough, so searching for an extension. In case of an overflow, you can get the shop vac running in the basement toilet!!!! I hate floods!


Mema Jo said...

Good Snowy Morning to All ♥
It looks like a whirling-dervish out there. Snow really blowing mainly off of our roof. Only 2 squirrels have braved the elements and found the feeder which has a roof - they ate well and then off they went. Mostly the small song birds are here
even the Carolina wrens.
Schools are closed of course but thankfully they have already announced that No School tomorrow. At least that give parents a heads up. It is 22° but winds are 11 mph. NASTY cause it feels like 10°

Mema Jo said...

((((((((((HUGS FOR ALL))))))))))

I came for the Eagles but I stayed for the Friendships I have made

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

stronghunter said...

Posted the eagle in the snowy nest on the Momster's page. Unfortunately, I think I goofed first and posted it as a new album. I really don't know how to delete that, but I posted it within the correct album, too. Will put it on my blog as well.

Oh, I hope you get your sewer issues taken care of soon, Loretta. And I do hope you are feeling much better very soon.

Will has some kind of sore throat problem. He has been to the doctor and had a negative strep test. He said he had thrush previously, but they aren't finding that, either. They gave him medicine, but it does not seem to be helping.

stronghunter said...

Had a little trouble posting awhile ago, so I left the blog and came back. Wanted to post this morning's nest picture on my blog.

Lolly said...

Goodorming! Really slow moving today and thankful we can not work in the yard. LOL

Have already had two calls this morning concerning the trailer. Proud of myself!! One call was from the original salesman at the show. Jack said he handled the call well as he had made some major mistakes. Like he left off the paperwork that we are trading in our present trailer. He was not at work yesterday and I think he was probalbly confronted this morning by several people. It is also going to cost him as they are throwing in the load leveler. ☺

We have 43 and bright sunshine! Sorry about your snow...truly!

Gotta get a move we are going to the movies in an hour or so!

Yes, Lori! That is an expensive presentation. Hopefully deductible!

Mema Jo said...

Judie - hubby hid my boots so I am

housebound today and tomorrow

stronghunter said...

Congratulations on the trailer progress, Lolly. Good that you spoke up.

Best wishes on that presentation, Lori.

Snow is beginning to accumulate rapidly. I will put out some peanuts for the critters. They seem to be greatly appreciated by squirrels, blue jays and titmice.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I'll check out the EM album....

grannyblt said...

Gosh Loretta, you are having a time of it. Besides your medical problems--sewer woes. I think that is about the worst. When I l ived in TX we had a blocked sewer several times and it was finally diagnosed as a problem with the TAP--where our line met the city sewer line. The city was to replace their line soon and we were hoping to aleviate a costly repair when their work may solve our problem. Anyway, we had an outside clean out and when the line clogged, we would snake the garden hose towards the city line as far as it would go and turn on the water full force. It was enough to get things moving for a week or so. Fortunately, when the city did their work our problem was solved. Maybe something like that would work for you.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley it took me a while - had to go to Help to know how to delete and Untitled Album. Your pic was already
in the current album for this month but also in the new Untitled one.
All is well and I learned something
new today! ♥

Mema Jo said...

On pins and needles here - gd flying in to Baltimore from
Huntsville Alabama .
Flight wasn't cancelled - I NEED
PRAYERS for that flight and for my
Nerves..........ty ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets. It is certainly snowing heavily in Bluefield and piling up pretty fast.

Bird inventory today: White-throated sparrows, blue jays, cardinals, song sparrows, chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, mourning doves, but no partridge in a pear tree. :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Prayers for sure Mema Jo!! I love you much!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We (and by we I mean Thelma) has been feeding a stray cat that has been hanging around here. We have a dog house set up for it to sleep in and even put a heating pad in it when it got really cold. We discovered yesterday that there are 2. Both are gray and one has more white on it. So glad they have each other. They won't let us get close enough to them to pet them but they are looking healthier and healthier. I think they are probably siblings.

Judie said...

Heavy and steady snow here.

Good for Hunter helping out.

Forgot to mention earlier that I am so happy for LynneDuh enjoying the new abode and all the critters.

Good on Mr. Mema Jo hiding those boots. Prayers for safe travel/arrival for Jo's gd.

Good day to catch up on more reading. BBL

Hoda said...

Good morning my friends.
Yes indeed MEMA JO
I came for the Eagles and stayed for the Friendships I made.
First JUDIE comment had me worried that JO went out!
Then gratitude to learn MR ED hid MEMA'S boots do she would not go out!!!
Yay Yay Yay.
Glad SHIRLEY is home and HUNTER helped.
Sorry about ill health posts. Prayers
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the bird count news. That the critters are venturing out to eat and that THELMA and SHAR too are helping grey cats stay warm and healthy.
LOLLY JACK glad there is some movement with the trailer. I hope you get all the things you bargained for since the original sales person was sloppy. You two are an awesome team.
LORI that IS an expensive project. I am so very proud of your creativity, your dedication and your love for learning and educating others.
I wonder if PAULA has to go to work today? Glad LARRY is there. I am not remembering his dog's name but glad that NICK has a play mate.

My little car is fixed as good as new. They washed it and shampooed it and I feel gratitude.

The bigger the flake the smaller the batch.
The smaller the flake the bigger tha batch.
Stay warm and safe..
MARGY I think you are an angel in disguise for helping out your colleague and providing shelter and food.
The Vehicle cover brought me a smile.

This is a book.
I hope it publishes

Lolly said...

Off to the movies!

Enjoying all the snow dog pictures on fb!

Loretta, so sorry about all the woes. Come back to Texas for another visit!! Quick!!!

Hoda said...

Holding Space in prayer for JO's GD.
Let us know when she lands safely.

Enjoy the movies LOLLY

Sandi said...

Hi all - got into school and, at 9am the district decided to close all schools at noon instead of 1pm. That means today doesn't count as a school day and is subject to being made up in June.

When I walked out of the building at 12:15 it was just starting to drizzle. It's currently raining. I'm sure the snow will get here but it was ridiculous to close at noon! Our superintendent hasn't made one right weather call this winter - sure hope she doesn't waste money buying lottery!

Need to read back and catch up on today's happenings - later.

Hoda said...

SANDI I shake my head about the hour difference that renders a school day subject to being made up in June!!!
Once you go in, it should be down for the count!
We don't make up snow days here. At least not that I remember. Once it is called it is called and that is because conditions are deemed too dangerous to brave the elements!

JO how are your nerves? Holding you in prayers too along with flying GD

Mema Jo said...

Nap time for all little panda gals..

Nest is getting higher and higher with the snow..
Black Water isn't getting any snow yet
Snowing and windy at the Pittsburgh nest

JudyEddy said...

on lunch at MCDS JANET WOW the 11th for the results It doesn't seem fair to wait that long I just never understood why it take so long Will be keeping you all close to heart For a good out come

Mema Jo said...

My gd is out of the air and on the land

She landed and is getting her luggage. She said the snow was not that bad there. (AL)

God is good all the time ♥

JudyEddy said...

glad she landed JO

JudyEddy said...

I LOVE IT I can hear on my laptop
PUNY speakers work great with a EAR BUD just in case you all want to try it Only $3

JudyEddy said...

watching both Fl eagle nest I love it that he zooms in so stinking cute the close up are awesome

JudyEddy said...

I think that the one eagle is half the size at the SW eagle nest so happy being feed now better and no fighting I wonder will it catch up?

stronghunter said...

Tiny snowflakes here, Hoda.

So far, we do not have half an inch, even, but snow is still falling, though not really very hard right now.

Thanks, Jo. Sorry I put the picture in the wrong place. Glad you were able to remove it.

Hoda said...

Blessed Be JO.
Glad GD is safely on land.
Yes indeed God is good all the time.

Keep checking in folks back east so I would know all is well. Text if power goes off and we can let others know.
Keeping you in the LIGHT.

Blessed Be

Hoda said...

Brace yourself them SHIRLEY.
I hope the old saying in regards snow does not apply to your part of the world.
Tiny does not bode well!!'

JANET love and Light to you and TOM as you await the results.

Hoda said...

Purdue University shooting!
One dead
One in custody
The University text messaged its students to take cover!!!

Judie said...

Shirley, looks as if your part of the world may be spared the worst. West and north in Maryland are in for lots tonight.

Weather here says Frederick, MD has about 5-7"

Young teen headed over to shovel for us. Still snowing hard but want to get the walks mostly clear. Do NOT want Darth to play macho man.

Jo, relieved that gd is safely on the ground. Is she headed to your place? Safe travels regardless. Roads are slickery.

Wonder if Lori had school today?

Hoda? Are you there? Really glad your chariot is fixed good as new. Now, no racing around town looking for brownies.

Judie said...

Will turn on the news, Hoda. Not even mid-term exam time for univ.

Hoda said...

But but but but...JUDIE, I am meeting a wonderful Gran at Packrat Annie's today and they have the MOST AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS BROWNIES!
Second best in town after the to die for co-op brownies!!!
NOW you say I can not have any??? Boohoo hooo!!!
That is the sound of a deprived Egyptian Canadian crying over no brownies.
The chariot will be parked you know!!!

NCSuzan said...

Brrrrrr.....It is becoming cold outside. Even here in the capitol city snow is forecasted. No more than 2 inches is expected to accumulate. Then winds and temps in the teens.

We definitely have nothing like you guys are to have. So please stay safe and warm.

Sandi, does your Mom have anyone she can talk with? She may be experiencing some doubts and fears and that is keeping her from paying attention to eating, etc. Just a thought.

Lori, there is no price on the education you are receiving. Do not worry about spending a little money. Shows me you are proud of what you are doing. I do understand hic cupping over the price of ink! LOL

Oops. My oxygen man is here. gotta run.

Take care everyone.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Hoda.

But then, I am sure your brownies are pure and innocent.

Good news about your granddaughter, Jo!

Oh, Hoda, those snowflakes are now blowing and drifting in the wind. Kathryn will be making her way down I-95 in about an hour. Good that she has 4-wheel drive and the smarts to know how to handle that trip.

Hoda said...

Yes yes yes on my brownies choice SHIRLEY.
I did try the Nelson style brownie in Colorado and Mass. Not frequently and I was in my twenties.
Unlike Mr Clinton I also inhaled periodically NEVER frequently. Also in my twenties.
Have been in Canada for 40 years and Do NOT touch the stuff.
Safe travels to KATHRYN

stronghunter said...

Looks like we are going to be spared as far as snow depth is concerned, but it is windy and plenty cold. I got Hunter to sweep the snow off the front and back steps, and I noticed that Will has turned on the heater in the laundry room to prevent frozen pipes.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and so far MT NEST

JudyEddy said...

WHOO WHOO I am up to 145 GB on my puter now freed up some and got lots to go


Judie said...

Nice young man has removed the worst of the snow - about 5" from the drive and sidewalk, etc. I went out with a broom and brushed the cars as best I could. Will likely be in serious muscle pain by tomorrow. Salt trucks and plows have been through.

Hoda, you may have as many brownies as you please - innocent or otherwise. Please, though, do NOT give any to Sandperson.

Shirley, Hunter is being so sweet and helpful. Very nice. Thoughtful of Will to think of the heater.

Safe drive home for Kathryn.

Homemade pizza tonight. Off to the scullery.

JudyEddy said...

Hate to say it but I am ENJOYING all the pretty SNOW pic and video that are being put on Facebook Dana dogs sure do love the snow
Pretty to look at but not to be in
We were in the 70s today and cold front is moving in now with on and off Rain

JudyEddy said...

stopped at the cell phone tower again and yep one was there I can't wait to find out how many eaglets are in the nest

I got some pic and a funny one of her ruffling feathers but with me doing my Terabyte transferring will have to wait darn it

JudyEddy said...

Snow is coming down at the nest again so happy no eggs in the nest now

Lolly said...

Home from the movie and we had a totally private viewing. LOL We had our choice of seats and could talk out loud if we desired.

Jack is building a fire. Great...we have not had one recently. Got up to 51 today and sunny.

Just watching the weather. Artic front coming our way and temp is going to drop. However, possible snow will be south of us. LOL

Sandi said...

Talked with Mom - she did make it to her doctor's appt this morning. The pleural effusion is no worse, but also no better. The doctor said it's small and doesn't warrant the discomfort and hospital stay of having it drained. He has ordered a different antibiotic b/c he believes it is being caused by a bacterial infection. He also gave her pain meds that she can take at bedtime.

Loretta, so sorry to hear that you are still not feeling better! Boy, this illness has really hung around for you!

Jo, glad to hear your granddaughter's flight landed safely!

Janet, I will keep Tom in my prayers that the biopsy results are good.

Margy, enjoy your sleepover friend - sounds like fun!!

Lori, how goes the project?? When is it due?

It finally turned to snow here but, instead of 5-10 inches, I think we have about .5" on the ground right now. Wouldn't you love to have a job where you can be wrong half the time and still get paid??

OK, back to school work - it looks like schools will be open here tomorrow, unless something changes drastically in the next couple of hours!

Stay safe and warm!

Janet said...

Good evening to all!
JUDIE: thank you for prompting my squirrely brain!
Everyone has been fine today. Tom went to work and Olivia went to school!
It has been an extremely productive day for me! After I got Olivia off to school, I ran to the grocery, bought stamps and dropped the ice skating forms in the postal mail box (I don’t like to put anything with a check in it in my mail box). Then home, to straighten up and spend about 3 hours straight working on taxes.
The good news is, all but one or two things are done. I have a couple of number I have to double check and wait on the last 2 w-2’s. woo hoo for me!
I did a lot of cleaning out, like desk and such today as well. A bit of organizing and cleaning.
It has flurried off and on all day and gotten colder and colder. It is now 21. Not going to get above 30 again til the weekend. Metro wants school busses started @ 4:30 am. To make sure that they start. Tom plugged his block heater in to keep the engine warm(er).
LOLLY: good for you. Stay on them! I hope that trailer arrives soon!
JUDYE: as for the results. Yeah, I know. I just put it out of my head and focus only on health and well being for him. I Reiki-ed his side of the bed, and him…. For comfort. For healing. For wellness.
Thank you ALL for your continued light and love for Tom and for Olivia.
HODA: so glad your car is repaired AND cleaned! And now…I want a brownie, doggoneit!
Everyone is inside and warm…..dinner and dishes are done. Taco salads tonight.
Hope everyone has a great evening. Stay warm and safe. Stay home if you can, especially in the snowy areas.

JudyEddy said...

OH MY I LOVE TI this picture I got today I was so pleased it turned out Was a windy day today when I went to visit the cell phone nest

Mema Jo said...

good evening to all ♥
Just finished watching Jeopardy - It was a good one as all 3 gals had high scores.

Not sure what to do until 10pm when another favorite comes on.

Hoping a snow plow comes around the circle soon. No, I'm not going anywhere. The youngster next door came over and shoveled our front and side porch. Ed handed him some money but his Dad said No - he is working for his boy scout badge.
Ed gave it to him after all Badges cost money.


paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Snowy here in Paradise, we are only supposed to get an inch or so...

Larry is here with Pepper, he arrived yesterday. His leg is doing much better, just about back to normal. Thank you all of you for your care and concern!

Not caught up here at all!

paula eagleholic said...

I See BWE has 3 eggs! How wonderful.

I haven't been able to check on the 2 nests here within the last 2 weeks, I am curious to see whether either nest is incubating.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, my county and the surrounding Maryland counties all CLOSED for School today....the snow started at 4pm. Go figure. Guess they think the forecast is set in stone. The Delaware schools closed early instead of cancelling for the day.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad Sandi's Mom seems to be doing a little better.

Lolly said...

Paula, very good about Larry's leg.

Have been watching some TV and enjoying our fire. Quite chily but nice tomorrow and then the Artic front comes in sometime tomorrow afternoon or evening.

Judie said...

Time to head to the pillows.

Sandperson is about to depart. Grumbling about the freaking freezing weather. Told him to just take some extra time at Lolly's fireplace then head to Hoda's for some brownies.

Nightlight is on. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Finished my Hallmark Movie ♥

Goodnight to all ♥

Nite ♥

Lolly said...

Yes, time to head to the pillows.

Sandperson sat in front of the fire for a while then mumbled something about brownies and headed out the door....without spreading his sand! That, dear friends, is why I am still up!

So, I dearly hope I have no trouble falling asleep.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Well what can I do?
What can I say?
While waiting for the sandman who stopped way too long infront of a Texas fire, I finished the brownie I bought today. Delicious Mocha Brownie!!!
The only trouble is he won't leave any dust here either because he won't find a brownie!!!
Eeeeeee Gads and I have Mocha and sugar in me!!!
It will be one looooooooooong night!!!

Hoda said...

( wishful thinking on my part)
(Toss Turn toss turn)

God Bless Us All

Lori O. said...

Good Morning!

We had school yesterday, full day, but there's a two hour delay this morning. I got the call last night about the delay and the instructor said you can still come in earlier to practice IV's and drawing blood since we'll be skills tested on that today. Don't know what we're going to do. Wish they would just cancel. The cat's water bowl freezes in about an hour.

It's -5 here now and -19 with the wind chill.

Sharon and Thelma, I'm so happy you two are taking care of the young feral cats. They surely appreciate what you're doing for them. And, I do too!

Sandi, Glad your Mom got some new meds. That's the right call since the others didn't seem to be working. I hope she's dealing well with this mentally. Sometimes the elderly will act like it's not a big deal, but when the doc comes in or I take their vitals, they'll turn to me looking frightened and ask, "Am I okay?" It happens almost every time which tells me they are scared.

Kay, you're right. Nothing MINI about this weather system. It is dern cold out there. Happy to say I have two cats in the heated garage again! They don't even want to come out in the daytime.

Sorry to cut this short, but I need to review my IV meds and hookups info. Next month, I'll be halfway through school!

Love you all. Stay warm and be safe.

Remember, NO Falling!

Lori O. said...

Just talked to Cindy the carpooler and we're going in at normal time this morning to practice IV's since she was sick yesterday and missed the practice. So, no delay for me. Hope the roads aren't icy...I know the snow on the 1.5 mile driveway is very crunchy.

DanaMo said...

Serious cold out there!!
No school again for me. Talk about a long weekend. Who knows how they are going to have us make up these days! We are over our snow limit and it's only Jan. 22!

Good morning. The nest is empty and snow covered. Poor Belle and Shep. How are they ever going to get the house ready for babies?

Have a good day Lori. Be careful on the roads.

DanaMo said...

Sandi-glad your mom doesn't have to have the procedure for the pleural effusion. Dad had to have it when he was in the hospital last time. They got 2.5 liters!!! I hope the medication does the trick for her.

Glad Larry's leg is better.

...still reading back...

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lori, Dana, and all my eagle friends. 9 degrees outside with a wind chill of -11. It really snowed last night and was still snowing and blowing when I got up at 3am for a bathroom break. The school closing announcement came last night so I knew I didn't have to get up early. I really can't tell exactly how much snow we got b/c it's so blown and drifted but I'd say only about 3-4".

Dana, we don't get snow days built in - they all get tacked onto the end! My grandbaby is due June 22nd and schools may still be in session! Good grief!! How is your dad doing - is he getting chemo again? Are tests due soon? Sorry, I've lost track.

Lori, travel safely this morning! Good luck on today's tests!

Nest is MT and snowy. Blackwater has snow in the nest as well but not too much. It makes me cold looking at Lady Blackwater sitting on those eggs but I know she is well-equipped for it.

Lori, I do think Mom is scared but not about the effusion. She knows she's got this aneurysm that's growing and it WILL burst and kill her. None of us, including the doctor, know if the aneurysm is pressing on anything that might contribute to causing the effusion. Mom, Lisa, and I agree that we don't want any tests run that will tell us anything about how much it has grown - what would be the point in knowing that since there isn't a damn thing that can be done to fix it? But whenever she has a pain or gets sick, we all wonder. So it's a scary thing to live with and there's no medicine for that kind of fear.

OK, need tea and breakfast - will be checking in on and off. Speaking of off, I wonder how long we'll be off - nothing is going to melt with these temps and even the salt on the road is ineffective when it's this cold. Lots of small towns down here with no snow removal equipment.

Stay safe and warm today everyone!

JudyEddy said...


MT Snowy nest

Sandi said...

Shepherdstown weather says 3 degrees with a feels like of -13. I check the weather in the nest area frequently b/c Lynnis is living nearby in Ranson by herself. I hope she and the animals are OK. Our eagles will be conserving their energy today to keep warm so we may not see them in the nest.

Janet said...

Good morning to all.
SANDI: what a terrible fact to have to live with! i wish I had words of wisdom/assistance for this (sure we all do)…..but so glad your mom has you to help her thru this….
Doggone it, I feel tom’s cold coming on. Going to take my goodies to try to head it off and shorten it. Grrrrrr.
Cold outside, just like the rest of you. 14 at the moment. Snow showers again this weekend. No accumulation though.
Wednesday again. Hump day. Mid week. Half way thru. My days off went very quickly. I have one massage this morning and off the rest of the week. I think I shall chill out today. Take Olivia to sylvan this afternoon, but chilling out sounds great.
Light, love, hugs and smiles to all. Stay warm and stay safe. No falling !

Janet said...

oops meant to say off TO the rest of the week, massage envy thurs and fri and a reiki session on sat. i've been off. hmmmm brain must still be asleep. more coffeeeeeeeeeee

DanaMo said...

Oh Sandi it's hard knowing that someone we love is living with something that is eventually going to take their life.
At this point we don't know what is going on with dad's cancer. When he got that infection so many things happened. It was a blood (staph) infection that apparently started in his port. That put him in tremendous pain which caused him not to move. He was on IV antibiotics for 6 weeks, during which time he filled with fluid and had to go back to the main hospital (he was in rehab hospital to get the IV antibiotics around the clock every 4 hours). He had the plueral effusion and a blood clot. Once all that was taken care of he was back to the rehab hospital and was discharged on New Year's Day. He is finally getting back to "normal". He is using the walker and doing really well. He is making his rounds with his doctors, but the oncologist is waiting for the all clear from all the other stuff because addressing the cancer. Once everything is cleared they will do the CT to see what is going on with it. In the meantime he is gaining strength and they are starting to plan to go on a cruise. He may not start any kind of chemo until after that if they are able to go on the trip.
Sorry....that got long, but that is the update.

I refuse to go to school after the 13th of June. I go on the mission trip with the HS and leave on the 15th. It is paid for and I am counted on, so I better be able to graduate my kinders on the 13th! Come Hell or high water!

Stay inside if you can today all, it is awful out there!

DanaMo said...

The nest looks really cool right now with the sun breaking through.

JudyEddy said...

just on the new did you know this is National Thrift Week Have you ever heard of it Me NOT

It started with Ben Franklin

JudyEddy said...

YEP pretty in the sun and pinkish

JudyEddy said...

still moving pictures in puter I am up to 189 GB free now really doing good but then I have all the pic that I have on disc to put on the Terabyte

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Sunny, cold, and windy here this morning.

I see some prints on the snow on the nest, but they look too small for eagle prints.

Went downstairs to check the front door last night and found it unlocked. I had locked it earlier, so I was confused. Just as I was about to lock it again, I noticed taillights burning on Will's car.

For some reason, he had decided to go out and clean his car and shovel the walk. Good thing I didn't lock him out.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your mother, Sandi and for your father, Dana.

I, too, am wondering how much longer schools will be closed with all of this cold weather. Snow is not all that deep here, though.

Kathryn is expecting to be very busy today. This is the kind of weather that brings business for the company. But it means someone has had an unhappy experience.

She worked late last night helping a man get a rental car so he could go home after having his car wrecked on the express lanes of I-95. The express lanes were closed soon after, as they were quite dangerous.

The rental car company office she uses had closed, but she got on FB and contacted a manager who got info to an open branch who got a car to the customer.

As she was headed home, someone went speeding by her and spun out on the regular part of I-95. It is not a good time to go speeding down the highway.

stronghunter said...

Judy, that windblown eagle is amazing.

stronghunter said...

Hope Lori and her car-pool buddy got safely to school this cold this morning.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

6° here and much lower with wind chill. I'm heading out for lunch at Piada's with a friend. All the neighbors seem to be coming and going okay and once I go the 3 blocks to the main street it will be smooth sailing. Need some things and a prescription at Kroger so will do that while out, too. This frigid weather is expected to last well into next month so life must go on !

LORI, trusting you gals made it safely to the school and will be praying for your safe return.

SANDI and DANA, mega prayers for your dear parents and for you gals and your sibs as you manage the uncertainty before you.

Oooooh, just heard a big boom in the distance---that's scary.

Have a good, safe day all !


Lolly said...

Goodorming! 46 and sunny here! Your weather reports are making me feel cold! Those of you going out, remember to check back in. Be careful!

No falling! Ha! I tripped and fell while blowing leaves last week. Went down in a very soft flowerbed...missing a large boulder and a stump. No bruise, no harm!

Have a Jacob story! Laurel and boys went on a hike Monday. They were on a trail beside a stream. The boys were exploring the stream. Joseph went to the right, Jacob to the left and around a corner. He came back and told his mom there were some people. Laurel looked, and there was a young couple, probably university students. Boys played for a while and Jacob started back around the curve. He came back "We better not go that way, they need privacy." "Why" Laurel asked. "Because they are having a private moment", he said. Laurel became a little concerned. "What do you mean?" she asked. "They are wrapped up in each other." he said. All was well...just kissing. But, we loved his "They are having a private moment."

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
I've been reading earlier comments and hope everyone stays warm and inside - Lori praying you made it to school safely with Cindy.
Shirley - I am glad Will made back into the house of unlocked door.
That would have created a loud banging on the door had you locked it

Hubby did snow blower on deck and fed our squirrels and birds. There is a large bluejay there now picking over the peanuts! He picks up a lot and then makes his choice of the largest one. The squirrels are not active yet.. lots of deep snow to cover from the back yard up to the deck.

Sun is shinning but temps are 5° but feels like -8° with winds at 9mph. We report 8-9" in Frederick County.

Lolly said...

Nothing much on the agenda for today. Some errands to run. Tomorrow will be busy as I have a morning dr. appointment, yearly check up. At 2 is the appointment to take our old trailer in, go over the new trailer with the dealer, hitch up and bring it home. Exciting! It will be cold but we will turn on the heat in the trailer and start loading it up! Yea!

Have company coming a week from Friday but I think we will be taking off for somewhere to have a short trip with the trailer. Our plan now is to take off in March for several weeks for the west coast! Have another trip here in Texas planned for early April. Colorado in June! Going to be busy!!

Mema Jo said...

Kay - enjoy your lunch date today.
Like you say - at times you just can't wait for warmer weather to be here. Bundle up ♥

Dana - Sandi Parents are so special in their older years and it
can't be taken for granted concerning
their being there each new day. At 74 I always thank the good Lord when he lets me have another new day. My prayers for them and also for you and your families will continue. I pray for your faith to keep you strong. ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Have cam up. Like seeing the sun on the nest. Glad we do not have an eagle sitting in the snow.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - check out BWE Snow not bad there and I'm sure the Lord and Lady have their 3 eggs nice and warm

Lolly said...

Well said, Jo. Parents are special in their older years. Enjoyed mother so much until she left us at 90. Lost my daddy when he was 58. Way, way, too soon.

Time for me to start moving.

Have a good day! Stay warm!

Lolly said...

Will go check BW, Jo!

Lolly said...

See what you mean. Yes, bet those eggs are cozy. Like the sunshine!

Lolly said...

What I truly hate is when there is no sunshine and snow on the eagles back. That just worries me when that happens! I think FL and TX eagles are smart. LOL

Lolly said...

Llano, TX Eagles 2014

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my precious eagle budlets. It is a balmy 8° in Nature's Air Conditioned City. I had to scrape snow off the banister and under the bird feeders so they would have a place to land to eat.

stronghunter said...

Nice pictures of those Texas eagles, Lolly.

Bird count here: juncos, brown creepers, a chickadee, a red bellied woodpecker, and now I hear a blue jay.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Sandi and Dana, sending positive thoughts and prayers for your parents.

Four Bambies in the back yard this morning. Amazed that four males would be traveling/eating together.

Staying in today. Nothing necessary to be done. Just pleased we have not lost power.

Violated the "no falling" rule last night. Went into the kitchen and Gracie ran in front of my feet. Nothing close to catch myself. Fell face first and scraped skin off several places. Face is messed up. Another reason not to go out. Looking scary but feel fine.

Think I'll have an English muffin for lunch. BBL

stronghunter said...

Glad that you are okay, Judie. Hope that Gracie is okay as well.

I have had plenty of close calls with cats in the kitchen. They suddenly appear in front of you.

Hoda said...

Glad you are OK JUDIE. Sorry about the fall.
Good morning.
Wished news of shootings in universities would stop.
This time Norman Oklahoma campus.

Stay safe.
Those who went out on winter roads please check in when you return.

Love and Light to all.

Sandi said...

I have been on the phone with Mom and Lisa all morning. Mom was in terrible pain last night and got very little sleep. That shouldn't have been the case since she now has prescription pain meds to take. Mom's internist is out of town as of today so Lisa called Mom's vascular doctor. Mom hasn't been seen by him since she went to the Cleveland Clinic and decided not to have her aneurysm repaired. His feeling was, since she's not getting it fixed, what's the point in seeing her every 6 months and ordering a CT scan so he can tell Mom how much her aneurysm has grown.

Anyway, the vascular doc confirmed what Lisa and I are beginning to think more and more - that Mom's abdomen and back pain, coughing, and hoarseness are being caused not by the effusion but by her aneurysm growing and pressing on nerves, or possibly that it has started to leak. He recommended taking her to the hospital.

So that is the current plan. Mom is very unhappy with me for conspiring against her with Lisa and even more unhappy with Lisa, who she feels is bullying her into doing something she doesn't want to do. It's times like this when I wish I lived closer to both of them and could help out more. For now, I am sitting tight.

I have not left the house - I can't seem to get warm inside, much less outside! We have both heat pumps and both gas fireplaces running and I have a little space heater blowing on my feet here at my desk.

Sorry Judie, to hear about your fall. I take it that Grace is just fine and wonders how you can be so blind as to not see her and so clumsy as to trip and fall on your face.

stronghunter said...

Took Luna for a very short walk. I got really cold and came back. Hunter was not impressed when I asked him to walk the dog. He said that it's "too snowy." Poor kid.

It is 18 degrees and a frigid breeze is blowing. I found a neighbor sprinkling ice melt on his walk. He was searching for more when I passed back by. Other than that, the street is quiet.

stronghunter said...

Hoping that your mother will have relief from her pain, Sandi. It does sound like the hospital is the best place for her.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn took a nasty fall in the lot behind her shop a couple of days ago. She came home sore and unhappy. She said no one knew she fell, and that worries me. She has assured me that if she'd not returned quickly, Mark, the manager, would have been looking for her.

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work early and its chilly out
JUDIE so sorry about the fall I heard rumors that JUFIE did it LOL

SANDI so sorry about your moms pain and parents take on the role as a child as we get older and sometime you gotta be the bad guy I hope she get relief soon What kind of pain meds is she on Odd that they did help

JudyEddy said...

nest is MT and looks so full of snow

Mema Jo said...

I am thankful to hear there are no broken bones Judie! I have to be careful also because Mr Scar wants to be first before me - I have had some near-miss falls.

I had heard on FB from Kathryn that she had a swollen knee and scraped palm of her hand. I assumed that it was a fall.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - wise decision for now to have mom checked at the hospital.
You may need an ambulance for transport... It may be too much for Lisa to handle.
I have a feeling she will want to come back home when they stabilize her and diminish that pain with meds. Best of luck and don't hesitate to do what you and Lisa feel
is best.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if someone has been in the nest I see tracks of sort in the lower end of the nest also in the NHZ you can see it mussed up

JudyEddy said...

if a deer crossed under the cam they would be so easy to see with all the snow

JudyEddy said...

I drove by the cell tower on the way home from work and no eagle Will go up there in a bit to see if they are there like every evening on the way home To early today when I went So hard to see in the nest I want to rent a helicopter and do a fly over

JudyEddy said...

Well I sucessfully transferred all the pictures in my puter now I have 201 GB left from 288gb big difference in two days Now I got to do the disc Trying to figure out if I can do from the dis to the TB or may have to download in puter Will check that out

JudyEddy said...

successfully was what I wanted to spell

Judie said...

Thank you all for the "we've been there" support. Yes, Grace is fine. Scattered when I went down. Very odd, of course, because I seem to remember a vision of Jufie. Hmmmm.

Sandi, from experience, sometimes we have to become the parent and make the tough decisions. Hospital is best until the pain is eliminated and mom is stable. We are here for you.

Looks as if some eagle feetsies might have been in the nest.

Hope to hear from Lori soon that she's home safe.

Darth's meeting tonight was cancelled. Need to seek dinner inspiration.


JudyEddy said...

Just as I thought JUDIE you thought you saw Jufie I bet she either pushed you or threw the cat in front of you LOL need to get some detectives on it pronto and I also thought someone had been in the nest seeing the indentations in the nest
Just started my 2nd disc since I got home I can copy right from disc to the 2 Terabyte was easier from computer could do lots at a time and with disc one at a time but will have to do it I have 50 disc of Jordyn to put on and all my vacation disc Wow got my work cut out for me one disc at a time

wanted to head out to the nest but want to see if our pair show up also which to do

Lolly said...

Judie, so very sorry for your fall. When I cook at Laurel's I have to chase dogs out of the kitchen. One of these days Bosco is going to make me fall. He is so big and gets right behind you.

Sandi, yes, your mom belongs in the hospital. Prayers for her. What a terrible thing to live with. What was her reasoning in not getting the aneurysm repaired. I am sure that there is a good reason.

Jack and I just went for a real walk. (Not with the DVD in front of the TV) It was 64 when we headed out and now 62. Think that the front is not here yet.
Really a great day for a walk.

JudyEddy said...

I just heard geese long time

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Lolly said...


JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in nest

Lolly said...

I am now habby. They brought flugg!!!

Lolly said...

They are certainly leaving their mark in the snow!

Poof 1!

stronghunter said...

One poofed. I think it was Shep. Other still there.

stronghunter said...

Poof 2.

Lolly said...

I think the made a snow angel!

stronghunter said...

Looks like a snow angel to me!

stronghunter said...

Winter Storm Watch for Texas

Batten down the hatches, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Is that dark blob the flugg they brought in?

Kay said...

Back from a delightful lunch with Doris, a friend of some 47 years. She and hubby leave on the 31st for their annual 6 weeks in the Florida Panhandle---lucky ducks !

Not liking all the talk of falling one bit, but am so glad no one is reporting broken bones ! That is the worst and must not be allowed !

SANDI, it's so hard for we "old" moms to give up decision making and rely on our children---but you and Lisa absolutely must do what you feel is best for your Mom---she can't think rationally through the pain and will thank you girls later for doing all you could to make her comfortable. I hope you can take comfort in the warm embrace of your Momster friends !

Oh, LOLLY, a walk in the great outdoors---sounds soooo good ! Love the Jacob story. He's a wise boy ! Glad you and JACK are having fun planning trips with the new trailer !

Sandi said...

Lisa has been updating me via text on her "adventure" at the hospital with Mom. The ER doc ordered xrays that show some pneumonia in addition to the pleural effusion. I guess the pneumonia wasn't present on Monday when I took her for xrays. She is still in the ER awaiting a CT scan, then they will decide if she is to be admitted. In the meantime, they have her on IV antibiotics and they have given her oxycodone - bringin' in the big gun pain meds!

Lolly, this is Mom's 3rd aortic aneurysm. The first 2 she had repaired - one with open chest surgery and the other with stenting. This aneurysm is in the area of the aorta in between the other two repairs. She flew to the Cleveland Clinic a little over a year ago and talked with a surgeon who said she could do the repair but the chances of Mom being paralyzed and spending the rest of her life in a wheelchair were about 75-80%. And that was if she even survived the anesthesia and the surgery. When Lisa asked the surgeon what she would do if it was her mother, the surgeon said she would not put her mother through it. So Mom opted to live with the aneurysm, knowing it will eventually get so large that it bursts and kills her. That could happen in 10 days or 10 weeks or 10 months or even 10 years, but it will happen. Lisa and I respect and accept her decision.

Just heard from a teacher friend on FB that our school district is closed AGAIN tomorrow!! UGGHH!!!

Kay said...

So pleased with the brief visit with Belle n' Shep !

Time for dinner, the news and the search for something entertaining on TV...

Love and Prayers for all !


stronghunter said...

No school for Hunter tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Kay - I found on the Hallmark channel 157 a Tom Selleck movie
12 Mile Road 9-11:00

I was going to take Hubby out to eat because tomorrow is his b-day. But we both said it was to dern cold to
go out after the sun goes down. We are going to make a freeze date (rain date) .

Mema Jo said...

I am heading in to TV Jeopardy
Then I'll catch my movie

Judy - Do what you can to rid your house of Jufie... ♥

I may get stuck watching TV and not make it back later tonight. Being that it could happen I will bid you a warm bed and sound sleep.

Goodnight to all ♥

Lolly said...

Sandi, thank you so much for the explanation. Just knew it was something like that. Prayers are with all of you.

My mother celebrated her 90th birthday in April 2006. We visited her in late July on the way to the beach. Had a wonderful dinner with her downstairs at her senior retirement living. The next day she went down for breakfast but when we saw her in the morning she said she could not go down for lunch. (She walked with a walker and was very alert and clear.) Called my brother and he and his son( the chiropractor) went to see her. Blaine, my nephew, talked her into going to the hospital. They admitted her and we came back from the beach. Her blood count was very low. After much testing it was determined she had a form of leukemia and would continue to need to have blood transfusions ever so often. Immediately she started being very confused and having delusions. Doctors advised (if it was their mother) to just make her comfortable. We had her moved to a nursing home with hospice care. She was gone in a month. We lived that month in our trailer. As she lived 500 miles from us. This is part of the reason we hate August. She was in a private room in a nursing home and we did not leave her alone one minute. The three couples of us took shifts being with her. Do what you can to make her comfortable, hate that she is having pain. (((hugs)))

Lolly said...

Shirley, yes, expecting winter to return tonight, however....the snow and sleet is expected south of us. Isn't that wild!!!! We are in the clear!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody. I have bought more kerosene for the heater in the basement. It keeps my floors warmer and keeps the water from freezing. Bought wood pellets for the heat upstairs. I love snow but I am getting ready for spring to get here. This is a lot of hard work. :)

magpie said...


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...