Sandi, sorry to hear your Mom isn't doing well. My Mom was hospitalized for pleural effusion but didn't seem to have pain. I guess all situations are different.
My birding friend and I went out this afternoon despite the 7 degree weather. We wanted an up close view of a snowy owl. No snowy sightings, but we saw a flock of Sandhills cranes, eastern meadowlarks and a short eared owl also doves and crows. We didn't get out of the car and by dark it was lightly snowing again.
good evening all. JUDIE: so glad you are okay. SANDI: do you or your sister have a medical POA? That makes things easier sometimes when the tough decisions must be made…we are indeed here for you. These decisions are tough, but must be made….light and love, hugs for comfort…. Its been a busy quiet day. I had my morning massage….came home. I spent a couple hours going thru coupons, relaxing, going thru a small pile of papers…. I got Olivia from school and two hours @ sylvan. I read two continuing ed booklets and answered the quizzes…and cross stitched. Now I am home. I had made white bean soup for dinner…it started @ 8 this morning. It was good by 6:30. Yum. Now, I am tired. I fear I am catching tom’scold. Bah humbug. Calling it an early night. Light and love to all. SED
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
SANDI holding space for you and your MOM and SISTER as you experience transitions. Such a difficult spot to be. I am glad you and your sister communicate. So important.
Healing thought for KATHRYN also from the fall. It sounds unpleasant.
JUDIE hope you are resting and bruises are not too severe.
I skimmed over the blog since I need to get a shower and head to the hospital by myself this morning. Cindy will go to a Skills class at the school. Tomorrow it's switched. I go to the skills class at school. Actually today is my out rotation to the Rehab department at the hospital.
JUDIE, NO FALLING! But, you did. I'm so sorry and very happy that you are okay.
SANDI, I wonder if Lorazapam, an anti-anxiety drug would help your Mother? Maybe just let her relax a little more and take the edge off. Praying she's better today.
good morning to all. Cold and I have a cold. 21 degrees out and I am yucky. Gargling w / acv and taking zinc and l-lysine. Hoping for a quick resolution. Early bedtime again tonight I think. Hope everyone has a lovely day! Stay warm, stay safe, and no falling, please. Light, love, hugs and smiles to all
Goodorming Lori, Janet and all my eagle friends. The ACTUAL thermometer temp. here in Bethany is -3 degrees. It has NEVER been -3 degrees since we've lived here. Maybe in my entire life, I have never experienced a temp of -3 degrees!
Happy birthday, Ed!!!
Happy new trailer day, Lolly & Jack!!
Mom did not choose to stay at the hospital so, after they pumped her full of IV antibiotics and pain meds, they let her go home. They did take a CT scan before she left b/c they wanted to make sure the aneurysm was not leaking and causing the fluid that resulted in the effusion. Unfortunately, despite the fact that my sister told the ER doc NOT to tell them if the aneurysm had grown, he told them. And unfortunately, it has grown 2.6 cm in diameter since the last CT scan 16 months ago. An adult aorta is 2.5-3cm in diameter. The bulge where Mom's aneurysm is was 8.2 cm in Sept of 2012 and it's 10.8 cm now.
Mom didn't want CT scans done b/c she didn't want to know how much the thing was growing, and now she does. I haven't talked with her since she got home b/c, with the meds she was on, I figured she'd be asleep, but I will call her today. I feel so badly that she got this information, and so does Lisa. But I really think we made the right call to take her to the hospital AND to ask for the CT scan. I HATE this!
Lori, Mom has been taking some kind of antidepressant ever since she was diagnosed with this aneurysm and decided not to have it repaired. I just think there is only so much that meds can do in a situation lie this. Anyone would get depressed, and Mom has a pretty fatalistic personality to start with.
Have a good day all - grocery shopping for me today.
Would be really nice to have that other cam again, especially since we cannot see the whole nest. Being able to use both cams would be a great help. Just thinking out loud.
It looks mighty cold there this morning.
Wow, Sandi, three below! Haven't checked our temp yet, but it is cold.
Thoughts and prayers for your mother, Sandi. It is hard when the roles are switched. Many of us have been there. Good that you have your sister to help with the support.
Sandi, so very sorry for the circumstances with your mom. You and sister made the best decision.
Shirley, hoping Kathryn is recovering from her fall.
Thank you all for your thoughts. I will not be going anywhere for some time. There would be questions about domestic violence. Look as if I were in a fight. Will see if I can use some makeup.
Lori, safe travels today.
Lolly, I can hear your squeals of excitement. Have fun!
Couldn't have sung it half as well, JUDIE ! Ditto your song to Mr. ED !!
JO, what are your plans for the birthday boy ?
SANDI, continued prayers as you and Lisa go through these uncharted waters. So sad for your Mom, but her girls are doing the right things !
6° here, but Julie and Seth are due about 11:30 and taking me out for lunch and BIG jacket/coat shopping. The zipper gave out on mine and is not one that can be easily replaced. No more zippers for these old fingers---just have to find something with button or velcro closing.
Thinking of those of you who are also coping with this frigid winter and the one of you who is basking in TX sunshine and about to take possession of her dream trailer !!!
Be safe. Hope to be BBL, but if not please know I love you all and pray for you daily !!!
Thanks for b-day wishes to my hubby - I have relayed them to him!
Lolly - happy about your getting the trailer - May you have many happy & safe miles ahead of you ♥
Judie - Smart thinking to not go out in public with your facial bruises. Mr Scar ran under my feet today as I walked to the kitchen - Thought of you immediately ♥
Judie, I recall having a birthmark removed from my temple when I was in charge of our church's vacation Bible school one summer. I managed things fairly well with sunglasses. Told the doctor that I would tell everyone all about how I got my black eye if they asked.
Lucky is the one most likely to be underfoot in the kitchen, but he usually announces his arrival with several loud meows. George, on the other hand, meows loudly when I happen to step on his tail.
Our Frederick County schools were delayed 2hrs for opening. There isn't any wind chill today and the temp is around 10°. I had a good number of squirrels here this am and none were up yesterday so they were having a feast. So many varieties of song birds are at feeder. Sure hope the big hawk stays away.
Having family company this afternoon Daughter always bakes her dad an angel food cake - Her daughter is also coming with Vincent and Ian. Jenny may join us before she needs to go on to work 4-9. Hubby's b-day going to be like Janet's and continue the rest of the week with another get together for Sun. Well when you lived 76 years you deserve it!
Goodorming! -3 Yikes! Stay warm! We had 0 or -1 one time. I took a pic of the thermometer!! 38 here and dropping. Going to be cold all day and down into the teens tonight. But, I will have my trailer! My poor car will be cold. With our old trailer we could get into the garage but not with this one. It is a foot wider and has a bigger slide. Now the slide is on the other side but we have trees on that side, so we have to park it more in the center of the drive. We can deal!
Yearly check up with Dr. today. Routine, Hoda! I am just dandy!
Joseph was home sick yesterday. Do not know about today. He has Jacob's ick, but without the throwing up. Portraits are tomorrow....he can not be sick!!!
Kay - look for one with 'snaps' I dislike buttons anymore - my fingers can't do them well. I have hubby to help with zippers but I can't ever get them started. Hope you find just what you want and at a good reduced price!
Update: Franklin is still weak, but he is still eating and feisty. Pipsqueak is pretty strong now, and definitely feisty! I still have hope that Franklin will make a full recovery. I took some video yesterday of the two of them having fun in a paper towel tube. I will be posting it on my FB page later, hope you all come by to check it out!
Nanny Nanny boo boo Sandy...only got to 17° at my house
Car battery...wouldn't start yesterday morning or this morning. Larry taking my car this afternoon to get a new battery, then we are going out to dinner.
Pipes under the house are fine...been heating them at night.
Water out front was frozen this morning near the shore.
Think I saw a flock of trumpeter swans out on the water
Larry watched a pair of eagles try to catch a bufflehead duck yesterday...they tried for 1/2 hour but were unsuccessful. The ducks would dive everytime the eagle swooped down :)
Jo, we have snow showers in our forecast for this afternoon. It's currently overcast and looks like it could snow. Trust me, anything that falls out of the sky today will be frozen!! We're at 25 degrees now and that's supposed to be the high.
Talked with Mom - she sounds much stronger today, even though she says she still has some discomfort. Said she got a good night's sleep. She has agreed to use a walker while she's taking the oxycodone. She is sad to know the size of her aneurysm but understands now why Lisa and I felt we needed to know what was going on in her chest.
Brian also called from Yemen while he was driving home from the Embassy after work - good to hear his voice. He will be back in the States for his next R&R on March 10th.
Good morning for it is still morning here. Drinking tea and feeling blessed.
SANDI from your MOM'S story I have a lot if respect for how you three are dealing with this. In a way the doctor had to say. Thinking law suits mentality and all! When I was in a similar situation my sister and I spoke on the phone. She asked questions and I answered what I thought were my clear understanding coming from a place of love and Light. Do not elongate the suffering. No heroic measures. No life support. It is what I would like for me. What I did not know was that my sister had me on speaker phone. Not the story line for an Egyptian culture!!! There was hurt experienced by all. Glad you three are seeing through this on the same page.
Lolly, Brian will be home from March 10 through the rest of March. Then he'll go back to Yemen til mid June and come home for Baby Girls' birth and stay in the States for 6 weeks. Then he'll go back one last time around July 20th and stay til around October 20th. Then Yemen will be DONE!
We are leaving to get the trailer. I do not remember being this excited for something in a long time. Crazy, huh? We are going to really be anxious to go on a trip!
Ya;ll make me feel “warm” with your temp readings. It is a whopping 20 degrees right now. But the sun is out….normally 20 degrees doesn’t bother me, but today feels cold.
SANDI: does your mom have a dnr or a “living” will? One or the other would be good to have I would think. Tough to think about and talk about, but some times one must….
Feeling tired today. just ate a bite and had some coffee. Gotta get the kid in a bit. Ice skating tonight to work on her performance for the 15th. Woo hoo.
I am planning on a very early night to night. Work was good but I was drowsy.
LOLLY: so excited for you! SANDI: so happy that Brian’s schedule looks so good.
Well today is michael’s last official day of orientation with western express. Tomorrow or Monday he will be hitting the road. Don’t know if I’m scared, nervous, or excited. I am truly a mix of emotions for him. Well, if I don’t check in later, you know I am denting my pillows and snoring. Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!
March 3 (CE) Regular School Day March 10 (OSE) Regular School Day March 19 (OSE) Regular School Day March 27 (OSE) Regular School Day March 28 (OSE) Regular School Day March 31 (CD) Regular School Day April 11 (OSE) Regular School Day May 27 (OSE) Regular School Day
Mercer County Wv HAS "SMARTS" The scheduled non-instructional days have been repurposed as school days.
Brrrr, SHAR and double brrrr for us in sunny, but freezing ☼hi☼ ! Currently 6°, but wind only at 3mph right now.
DELPHIA, good on you girl, those birds are thriving !
SANDI, glad your mom now agrees, "you girls done good" ☺ Can't help but say, bless her heart---prayers for her comfort abound ! So very happy to know Brian will be home in March and then again in time for his dear baby girl's debut ! Can't wait for his Yemen job to be done ! Those electric beds look nice, but the little doxie in my house balls up in her blankies and comes out feeling very warm to the touch. I do keep the house at 71° in my post menopausal dotage.
JANET, wishing Michael well as he ventures out on his own. Very exciting for him !
PAULA, neat story about Larry and the eagle n' duck drama he witnessed. In spite of the fact that I know our eagles must have an occasional duck dinner, I would have been rooting for the ducks !
Oh, HODA, what a shame about that speaker phone snafu ! Culture shock indeed.
JO, I tried some coats with snaps on, but found them harder to handle than buttons. Went to Talbot's and a couple of sporting goods stores before striking pay dirt at Macy's. Warm wool in dark grey, 3/4 length with high buttoning neckline. No hood, but I have hats/caps. This will be my winter dog walking coat. Julie took the "ski jacket" home and will device a new front line with either snaps or velcro closures---nice for rainy days. I have a nice wool dress coat in camel and will not walk Penny with it on. I'm going to be all set for all kinds of weather now. That should mean we won't have another such winter for years ! ☺
LOLLY should be in 7th Heaven about this time ! Bet she and JACK are in the driveway going over that trailer with a fine tooth comb !
LOL, JO, I wouldn't be surprised if those Texans sleep in the new trailer tonight ! Remember when you were a kid and wanted to sleep with your new Easter shoes on ? I did !
I have a cat asking for supper and I know that will start things. They all KNOW when I have fed the other pets.
Also need to start some dinner for the people.
Happy that I got the ball rolling for my homeowner's insurance policy for the coming year. This guy wants to include my car insurance in the plan. It seems that's the way things are done now. I've had State Farm for more than 30 years. Not sure how I feel about changing.
SHIRLEY, most insurance companies cut you a cheaper deal when you ensure both home and auto with them. That's the way I've done it for years, though I do shop insurance now and then hunting for a better deal. Went from years with Allstate, to AARP Hartford and now with Nationwide. Ya gotta keep ahead of the big boys at the Insurance Companies !
just got home saw the eagle in the nest of the tower got a couple of head shots Went popping tags found what I went looking for Jordyn is have a tea part Sat and Angie need tea cups and saucers got that and the sugar and creamer and also small cake plates for 15 people 10 are coming for sure so she will have xtra OK gonna go watch news and get caught up on reading
Kay, I guess I got a little frustrated about combining insurance some years ago. State Farm offered to combine my policies, but would have nothing to do with homeowners' insurance when they found out I'd had a fire. (Laundry room fire that time.)
That was back in the 1990s. Now, of course, there has been another fire. In no way my fault, but I don't know that it matters. I kept my car insurance with State Farm because I had always liked their coverage.
I have not mentioned the fire at this point because I have not been asked. I can always keep the plan I have if it becomes necessary.
No school again tomorrow for Hunter. Monday of next week was supposed to be a teacher work day, and now they have decided that the work day will be tomorrow instead. That means the kids will have school on Monday.
LOL Not sleeping in the trailer, but the bed is made!
We had happy hour in the trailer and watched the news. Inside now and heating dinner. Had beans and cornbread last night and reheating! We might load more after dinner. We are nerds! Sat out there talking about what we want to do. It is so nice, with plenty of storage. Going to be fun movin in!!
Presently 28, so I am not sure about moving in. Might save that for Saturday. Just happy to have it in the driveway! Rather sad to leave the old trailer.
Glad you heard from Brian, Sandi, and that your mom is using the walker. Don't need a fall for sure.
Sorry it appears that I missed Kay!
Happy Birthday to your hubby Jo.
Someone mentioned a snowy owl. Megan posted a picture on FB of one down in DC (at least I think it was Megan.)Very cool. I would love to see one. I've only ever seen an owl close up when one was brought to school from a refuge.
We are back from the Longhorn Steak House. Delicious meal. Got 2 meals for the price of 1 lol They brought our steaks out to another table and by passed us. 5 min later Hostess cam to apologize for their error and new steaks were being prepared. Their way of making amends was to only charge for one.... Happy Birthday !
Next week there maybe snow in the top of Fl there is a bigger and colder front that will be here next week The area will have frost warning again tonight and the poor farmers will be up all night with the water sprinklers in case of freeze gonna be in lo 30s
I saw this today! I was on the service road coming home from the doctors. At first I thought I was seeing a black tire that had blown to bits. I drove through hundreds of dead birds in a small area on the road and apparently in the grass.
We did not go back out tonight. Will load some tomorrow and really do it Saturday. It is just too cold! Presently 27 and going down.......
Tomorrow an appointment to get my do done. Then we head to Dallas around 3 for the portrait session. Kind of worried. Joseph did go to school, he did play basketball tonight but he should have stayed home. Afraid his beautiful blue eyes will not sparkle tomorrow! Laurel also said her throat is starting to hurt. Oh dern....!!!
Heading to bed the house!!! Not the trailer!
Prayers for your mom, Sandi. I'm so sorry she knows... She's got a great grandbaby on the way! I hope that helps her fight a bit!
Judie, feel better.
Thinking of all of you. Stay warm. It's only going to get worse here in the east and south, esp. early next week. I don't remember a winter so cold. Terrible for the farmers in the south.
Sandi, so sorry your Mom got the information she didn't want. Can't believe those numbers. I'm so sorry. I hope and pray that she is feeling better today. God Bless you and Lisa for being such good daughters.
Kay, it is freezing here and getting worse over the next couple of days. What a brutal winter we are having! Did you find a new coat? My two warmest coats are from Land's End, and they are super warm, but they both have the most difficult zippers I've ever dealt with!
Lolly, you trailer nerd you! LOL. So happy you two love the trailer.
Paula, glad you have Larry there to help get things done when you need it. Figures the car battery would go out when it's so cold.
Excuse me, need to grab my coffee. :)
This is the big weekend that I have to finish my presentation. My third and final idea is to have Cindy play my daughter who just had my first grandchild, and I show up to meet the new baby with all these packages and use the goodies (clothes, rattles, babyfood, diapers, etc) to teach her infant growth and development. Can't wait for it to be over. Instructor says I need to cover the topic COMPLETELY and remember the time constraints, 3 - 5 minutes!!! How on earth am I supposed to thoroughly teach G & D 0 - 12 months in 3 - 5 minutes? 25% of the grade is creativity, which I think is ridiculous. Sorry. Thanks, as always, for listening to my school woes.
Love you all! Getting off to research more meds I'll need to know about for today's Meds Skills day.
Oh, phooey, I just missed you, LORI ! You've turned to your studies I see. The presentation with Cindy as daughter sounds truly inspired. That is a daunting task to get all that info crammed into such a short time, but you'll do it and it will be great ! I did find a coat--read posts around the 5:30pm time above. I've worn it outside three times as I took Penny out--so cold we only go a few steps off the deck, but I'm pleased with it. The length as opposed to the ski jacket is great for added warmth !
LOLLY, loved reading about the trailering and wishing you and the boys a wonderful photo session today.
JO, ED's birthday dinner sounds wonderful--actually makes you glad a mistake was made, huh ? You were brave to venture out into such a cold, cold night !
Hey, DANA, sorry I missed you, too !
SHIRLEY, I don't blame you a bit for your feelings about State Farm--my late sister, Karen, worked for a SF agent in Vegas for years. Great company ! I felt the same way about Allstate some 50 years, but kept hearing about the great AARP coverage and Stan, who'd also been with Allstate forever, agreed we should change. Then in the last few years they just kept jacking my fees up every year, so I did the research and found Nationwide quite suitable for both car and home. Just changed it a couple of months ago. I'll not wait so long to shop it if they do the same thing to me !
HODA, 32° is downright balmy ! Do send it southeast and soon !!!!
SANDI, closing off with thoughts and prayers for your dear Mom !!!!
Oh, yuck, just read the weather report--currently 1° with wind chill of -15°, to last til' 1pm, then slight warm up and 2-4 inches of snow. I'm picking Seth up at 11, for lunch--deciding later if we'll eat in, carry out or just scoot right back here and cook. Weather will decide for us. I'm with you SHAR, can't recall a colder winter in my years here--1966-1980 and 2007 to present. Brrrr humbug !
Goodorming Lori, Kay, and all my eagle friends. Thirteen degrees here but feels like -4. Schools reopen today but 2 hours late. I'm hoping that, since our governor declared a state of emergency for 2 days, that we may not have to make up those days.
Lori, the first 12 months of life explained in 3-5 minutes - gotta love it!! Sounds impossible, but you can handle impossible! Good luck! BTW, my new coat is from Lands End - lightest weight but warmest I've ever owned, but I'm with ya on the zipper!
Lolly, hope the portrait session doesn't have to be postponed. I can just imagine how excited you are to have that RV in your driveway!!
Jo, thanks for the beautiful ecard. I sent a reply but then found a bounce-back in my spam folder that said my reply wasn't delivered.
Hoda, as I opened my computer homepage, I saw a headline about bombings in Cairo. I hope your family is safe!
Janet, hoping you are feeling better today.
Dana, did you have school yesterday? What about today?
Nest looks cold and MT right now. Maybe soon we'll open the live feed to find an eagle always there. Fingers crossed!
5 degrees right now. Brrrrrr. Below freezing all day, wind chills between 10 and 15 this afternoon. It is warmer in Alaska than it is here today! oops! I am so tired this morning. It is going to be a coffee coffee coffee kind of day. Half tempted to stay home, but going to try to push thru. Michael came upstairs about 9 last night when Ashley went into work. He is excited and scared. Reality was hitting him hard last night. Leaving home for the first time is painful. Asking for comforting thoughts and energies for him He hits the road this morning @ 8. All he knows is they are heading west and be home likely in a couple of weeks. I reminded him about texts, phone calls, and just keep it together. We will be well and we have ashley’s back…. Don’t know if I made it easier or worse. I feel like once he gets in the truck and is on his way, although there will be home sickness, etc, I think he will be okay. I keep reminding him, it isn’t 6+ months like tom used to do. It isn’t forever. Just a couple weeks, then home again. And get thru this year and you can have your choice of local jobs. He has to get this over the road experience before anyone will hire him for a local only job. That stinks and makes no sense to me…but it is what it is. All righty, need to ge the critters fed, the kiddo up….seriously considering staying home. I had a difficult time staying awake yesterday and am thinking yeah, it might be better to stay home and curl back up in my bed today. LOLLY: so glad the camper arrived! I know you are delighted LORI: study on girl! Don’t forget a little down time this weekend. Hmmm. Ashley just got home from work. Part of me wants to go downstairs and hug Michael again, and part of me knows that will just make things more difficult for him. Will refrain unless he comes upstairs….. Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!
My face could be used as a poster picture for domestic violence. Darth says he hopes the cops don't show up for some reason. Swollen and purple and a black eye.
Lolly, y'all have safe travels. Hope all the plans go smoothly. Maybe the cold got the birds?
Lori, cool idea for the presentation. Suggestion: practice, practice, practice until you can get the information as close to the time limit as possible.
Janet, Michael will be fine. Hope "they" means he will be with an experienced driver. He'll be just fine.
Spent quite awhile sipping coffee and watching the wildlife in my backyard. The squirrels are getting feisty and chasing each other through the snow. They are also burying peanuts in the snow. Funny to watch them find just the right spot to put that peanut.
Oh, wow, Judie. You really did a job on yourself. Hope you do not have to go teach a class or anything for awhile.
I agree with Judie, Janet. Michael will be fine.
That is a short time to get so much information into your report, Lori, but with your broadcasting background, you should do a beautiful job. I remember assigning my college students 10-minute reports and then having to explain how to stretch a presentation. You are going to be tightening. I'm sure you know how to do that.
Another day at home for Hunter. That kid is eating everything in sight. When I went down this morning, he told me that he had something in the oven. That's a first for him, but he seemed to take care of it just fine. (His mom had showed him how last night.)
I spent about $200 at the grocery store on Tuesday and really need to make another trip today. Yikes!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 314 of 314I am going to comment.....I love splits....wheeeeeee!
Sandi, sorry to hear your Mom isn't doing well. My Mom was hospitalized for pleural effusion but didn't seem to have pain. I guess all situations are different.
My birding friend and I went out this afternoon despite the 7 degree weather. We wanted an up close view of a snowy owl. No snowy sightings, but we saw a flock of Sandhills cranes, eastern meadowlarks and a short eared owl also doves and crows. We didn't get out of the car and by dark it was lightly snowing again.
Hello on this side.
Sounds like a good birding trip, grannyblt...I do hope you get to see another Snowy Owl or two before the season ends
am very sorry to hear of your fall
and I hope you are or will be OK...
same as for Kathryn, Shirley...
sorry to hear of these things
an inside and an outside fall....
big tough day for your mother and your family...
Still have you all in my prayers
for wellness and relief, quickly
Happy Birthday a day in advance, to Ed, Jo,
Know it will be a nice day whether you get to out for dinner, or stay in
(( HUGS ))
Schools all closed up like clams hereabouts too
I wish the best of the evening to all of you....
time to saw some logs soon
Prayers for Wellness and Warmth
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo
The streets in our neighborhood are awful--or so Kathryn tells me. I have not ventured beyond this one, and I can say that it is very icy.
good evening all.
JUDIE: so glad you are okay.
SANDI: do you or your sister have a medical POA? That makes things easier sometimes when the tough decisions must be made…we are indeed here for you. These decisions are tough, but must be made….light and love, hugs for comfort….
Its been a busy quiet day.
I had my morning massage….came home. I spent a couple hours going thru coupons, relaxing, going thru a small pile of papers….
I got Olivia from school and two hours @ sylvan. I read two continuing ed booklets and answered the quizzes…and cross stitched.
Now I am home. I had made white bean soup for dinner…it started @ 8 this morning. It was good by 6:30. Yum.
Now, I am tired. I fear I am catching tom’scold. Bah humbug. Calling it an early night. Light and love to all. SED
Good night, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.
God bless.
Sed love and hugs for all
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
SANDI holding space for you and your MOM and SISTER as you experience transitions. Such a difficult spot to be.
I am glad you and your sister communicate.
So important.
Healing thought for KATHRYN also from the fall.
It sounds unpleasant.
JUDIE hope you are resting and bruises are not too severe.
Goodnight all
God Bless Us All
Getting on to say good night. Enjoyed watching our eagles make snow angels on the cam this evening.
Dr. appointment at 10:30 trailer at 2:00. Wahoooooo! Colder but bringing the trailer home to load it and really get acquainted.
Friday is portrait day in Dallas with kiddos. Kind of nervous about that!
This weekend will not be busy and the weather nice! Yea!
Night all! SED! Prayers!
LOLLY Dr's appointment?
Routine I hope.
Exciting about the trailer.
Good Thursday morning!
I skimmed over the blog since I need to get a shower and head to the hospital by myself this morning. Cindy will go to a Skills class at the school. Tomorrow it's switched. I go to the skills class at school. Actually today is my out rotation to the Rehab department at the hospital.
JUDIE, NO FALLING! But, you did. I'm so sorry and very happy that you are okay.
SANDI, I wonder if Lorazapam, an anti-anxiety drug would help your Mother? Maybe just let her relax a little more and take the edge off.
Praying she's better today.
OK, off to get ready for school
I love you ALL!
good morning to all.
Cold and I have a cold. 21 degrees out and I am yucky. Gargling w / acv and taking zinc and l-lysine. Hoping for a quick resolution. Early bedtime again tonight I think.
Hope everyone has a lovely day! Stay warm, stay safe, and no falling, please.
Light, love, hugs and smiles to all
Goodorming Lori, Janet and all my eagle friends. The ACTUAL thermometer temp. here in Bethany is -3 degrees. It has NEVER been -3 degrees since we've lived here. Maybe in my entire life, I have never experienced a temp of -3 degrees!
Happy birthday, Ed!!!
Happy new trailer day, Lolly & Jack!!
Mom did not choose to stay at the hospital so, after they pumped her full of IV antibiotics and pain meds, they let her go home. They did take a CT scan before she left b/c they wanted to make sure the aneurysm was not leaking and causing the fluid that resulted in the effusion. Unfortunately, despite the fact that my sister told the ER doc NOT to tell them if the aneurysm had grown, he told them. And unfortunately, it has grown 2.6 cm in diameter since the last CT scan 16 months ago. An adult aorta is 2.5-3cm in diameter. The bulge where Mom's aneurysm is was 8.2 cm in Sept of 2012 and it's 10.8 cm now.
Mom didn't want CT scans done b/c she didn't want to know how much the thing was growing, and now she does. I haven't talked with her since she got home b/c, with the meds she was on, I figured she'd be asleep, but I will call her today. I feel so badly that she got this information, and so does Lisa. But I really think we made the right call to take her to the hospital AND to ask for the CT scan. I HATE this!
Lori, Mom has been taking some kind of antidepressant ever since she was diagnosed with this aneurysm and decided not to have it repaired. I just think there is only so much that meds can do in a situation lie this. Anyone would get depressed, and Mom has a pretty fatalistic personality to start with.
Have a good day all - grocery shopping for me today.
Lost the live feed and, by the time I refreshed, the eagle was gone or in the NHZ.
I think the nest is MT - maybe went to get more flugg and will be back?
Good morning,
The nest looks to be empty.
Would be really nice to have that other cam again, especially since we cannot see the whole nest. Being able to use both cams would be a great help. Just thinking out loud.
It looks mighty cold there this morning.
Wow, Sandi, three below! Haven't checked our temp yet, but it is cold.
Thoughts and prayers for your mother, Sandi. It is hard when the roles are switched. Many of us have been there. Good that you have your sister to help with the support.
Six degrees here. I see that it is 4 in Shepherdstown--according to the weather channel.
Good morning.
Sandi, so very sorry for the circumstances with your mom. You and sister made the best decision.
Shirley, hoping Kathryn is recovering from her fall.
Thank you all for your thoughts. I will not be going anywhere for some time. There would be questions about domestic violence. Look as if I were in a fight. Will see if I can use some makeup.
Lori, safe travels today.
Lolly, I can hear your squeals of excitement. Have fun!
More coffee and the newspaper. BBL
Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!
Couldn't have sung it half as well, JUDIE ! Ditto your song to Mr. ED !!
JO, what are your plans for the birthday boy ?
SANDI, continued prayers as you and Lisa go through these uncharted waters. So sad for your Mom, but her girls are doing the right things !
6° here, but Julie and Seth are due about 11:30 and taking me out for lunch and BIG jacket/coat shopping. The zipper gave out on mine and is not one that can be easily replaced. No more zippers for these old fingers---just have to find something with button or velcro closing.
Thinking of those of you who are also coping with this frigid winter and the one of you who is basking in TX sunshine and about to take possession of her dream trailer !!!
Be safe. Hope to be BBL, but if not please know I love you all and pray for you daily !!!
Good 'very cold' morning to all ♥
Thanks for b-day wishes to my hubby - I have relayed them to him!
Lolly - happy about your getting the trailer - May you have many happy &
safe miles ahead of you ♥
Judie - Smart thinking to not go out in public with your facial bruises. Mr Scar ran under my feet today as I walked to the kitchen - Thought of you immediately ♥
Happy birthday, Ed!!!
Judie, I recall having a birthmark removed from my temple when I was in charge of our church's vacation Bible school one summer. I managed things fairly well with sunglasses. Told the doctor that I would tell everyone all about how I got my black eye if they asked.
Lucky is the one most likely to be underfoot in the kitchen, but he usually announces his arrival with several loud meows. George, on the other hand, meows loudly when I happen to step on his tail.
Our Frederick County schools were delayed 2hrs for opening. There isn't any wind chill today and the temp is around 10°. I had a good number of squirrels here this am and none were up yesterday so they were having a feast. So many varieties of song birds are at feeder. Sure hope the big hawk stays away.
Hope you find a jacket or coat to your liking, Kay. I looked at some coats and jackets before Christmas, but didn't find one I wanted.
I am wearing a wool coat that I've had for many years. It is perfectly fine.
Having family company this afternoon
Daughter always bakes her dad an
angel food cake - Her daughter is also coming with Vincent and Ian.
Jenny may join us before she needs to
go on to work 4-9. Hubby's b-day going to be like Janet's and continue the rest of the week with another get together for Sun. Well when you lived 76 years you deserve it!
Oh, yes, Jo, the hawk needs to leave the little birds alone.
Schools here are closed again today, Jo. I think they may be closed again tomorrow.
Goodorming! -3 Yikes! Stay warm! We had 0 or -1 one time. I took a pic of the thermometer!!
38 here and dropping. Going to be cold all day and down into the teens tonight. But, I will have my trailer! My poor car will be cold. With our old trailer we could get into the garage but not with this one. It is a foot wider and has a bigger slide. Now the slide is on the other side but we have trees on that side, so we have to park it more in the center of the drive. We can deal!
Yearly check up with Dr. today. Routine, Hoda! I am just dandy!
Joseph was home sick yesterday. Do not know about today. He has Jacob's ick, but without the throwing up. Portraits are tomorrow....he can not be sick!!!
Kay - look for one with 'snaps' I dislike buttons anymore - my fingers can't do them well. I have hubby to help with zippers but I can't ever get them started. Hope you find just what you want and at a good reduced price!
I like that "Mr. Jo"!
Yes, ♪♫♪ Happy Birthday, Mr. Jo! ♪♫♪ Enjoy your family!
39 when we got up, 37 now and my wind chimes are singing!
Time to start getting ready to leave for my appointment.
Oh....I love wind chimes! I have approx. 9 of different styles on the patio. I love to listen to them when it windy like today. ☺
Finally, I can see the flugg looking fluggy. It has dried out.
We had wind chimes when we first moved here. As I recall, it was a housewarming gift. I did enjoy them.
Forecast now showing snow showers for Feb. 1.
Shirley that is a pretty far off forecast for Feb 1...
Did it show anything for next week?
Sure are going to need a lot more flugg and some sunshine before it is time for eggs -
BWE seems to be doing ok
TVulture on the Osprey platform
Must head over to see what is going on with my FB friends..
Returning this afternoon after company leaves
Hello everyone!
GRANNYBLT: What a great day of birding!
Update: Franklin is still weak, but he is still eating and feisty. Pipsqueak is pretty strong now, and definitely feisty! I still have hope that Franklin will make a full recovery. I took some video yesterday of the two of them having fun in a paper towel tube. I will be posting it on my FB page later, hope you all come by to check it out!
facebook dot com/ BirdGirlofAZ
Many positive thoughts to all who need them!
As always, I remain,
Your very own
Bird Girl
Good afternoon eagle buds I see we had a eagle visit thank for the report of it SANDI and SHIRLEY I wasn't gonna get up early on my day off
ED ♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫
JO make sure you give him a BD spanking and hugs from all of us
Nanny Nanny boo boo Sandy...only got to 17° at my house
Car battery...wouldn't start yesterday morning or this morning. Larry taking my car this afternoon to get a new battery, then we are going out to dinner.
Pipes under the house are fine...been heating them at night.
Water out front was frozen this morning near the shore.
Think I saw a flock of trumpeter swans out on the water
Larry watched a pair of eagles try to catch a bufflehead duck yesterday...they tried for 1/2 hour but were unsuccessful. The ducks would dive everytime the eagle swooped down :)
Happy Birthday Mr Jo!!
Sandi, glad you and your sister have agreed on a plan for your Mom. Sorry the Dr didn't listen!
Anyone else getting SNOW - Michael just called and said it is snowing hard down in Frederick...... :(
My car battery is dead also but since I am not going anywhere soon I can wait for a new battery when this snow clears...... 80 some more days or so.
Suzanne Hall is on FB now ♥
Jo, we have snow showers in our forecast for this afternoon. It's currently overcast and looks like it could snow. Trust me, anything that falls out of the sky today will be frozen!! We're at 25 degrees now and that's supposed to be the high.
Talked with Mom - she sounds much stronger today, even though she says she still has some discomfort. Said she got a good night's sleep. She has agreed to use a walker while she's taking the oxycodone. She is sad to know the size of her aneurysm but understands now why Lisa and I felt we needed to know what was going on in her chest.
Brian also called from Yemen while he was driving home from the Embassy after work - good to hear his voice. He will be back in the States for his next R&R on March 10th.
Home from doctor. All is well, except he walked in and said, "You're pregnant!" roflmbo That would be a miracle in so many ways!!!
Now we sit around for a while before we go get our trailer. 34 and with the is cold!!!
So, now we start counting the days until Brian is home for r&r. When will he be completely through with his job there?
Glad he called and very happy your mom got a good nights sleep. God bless her!
They are now saying flurries for us. That is okay!
Good morning for it is still morning here.
Drinking tea and feeling blessed.
SANDI from your MOM'S story I have a lot if respect for how you three are dealing with this. In a way the doctor had to say. Thinking law suits mentality and all!
When I was in a similar situation my sister and I spoke on the phone. She asked questions and I answered what I thought were my clear understanding coming from a place of love and Light. Do not elongate the suffering. No heroic measures. No life support.
It is what I would like for me.
What I did not know was that my sister had me on speaker phone. Not the story line for an Egyptian culture!!! There was hurt experienced by all.
Glad you three are seeing through this on the same page.
Lolly, Brian will be home from March 10 through the rest of March. Then he'll go back to Yemen til mid June and come home for Baby Girls' birth and stay in the States for 6 weeks. Then he'll go back one last time around July 20th and stay til around October 20th. Then Yemen will be DONE!
So sorry he has to go back after the birth of his daughter, but thankful he will be here for it.
We are leaving to get the trailer. I do not remember being this excited for something in a long time. Crazy, huh? We are going to really be anxious to go on a trip!
March 10 is good.
Even better October date and breaks in between.
We can do October... 9 months! We can do this!
Thanks Hoda, it tickles me that you are so happy for Brian! :)
Lolly, can't wait to hear that the new trailer is in your driveway!!
I just ordered 2 heated dog beds for Bandit and Bella. Lynnis sent me the link - she recently bought them for her 2 doxies. Good price, I think.
Here's the link. Hope this works, it's been such a long time since I did a clickable link.
heated dog or cat bed
good afternoon to all.
Ya;ll make me feel “warm” with your temp readings. It is a whopping 20 degrees right now. But the sun is out….normally 20 degrees doesn’t bother me, but today feels cold.
SANDI: does your mom have a dnr or a “living” will? One or the other would be good to have I would think. Tough to think about and talk about, but some times one must….
Feeling tired today. just ate a bite and had some coffee. Gotta get the kid in a bit. Ice skating tonight to work on her performance for the 15th. Woo hoo.
I am planning on a very early night to night. Work was good but I was drowsy.
LOLLY: so excited for you!
SANDI: so happy that Brian’s schedule looks so good.
Well today is michael’s last official day of orientation with western express. Tomorrow or Monday he will be hitting the road. Don’t know if I’m scared, nervous, or excited. I am truly a mix of emotions for him.
Well, if I don’t check in later, you know I am denting my pillows and snoring.
Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!
ooopssss Happy Birthday to Mr. Jo! ((((hugs))))
It is a balmy 11° in Bluefield with wind chill at -4°.
March 3 (CE) Regular School Day
March 10 (OSE) Regular School Day
March 19 (OSE) Regular School Day
March 27 (OSE) Regular School Day
March 28 (OSE) Regular School Day
March 31 (CD) Regular School Day
April 11 (OSE) Regular School Day
May 27 (OSE) Regular School Day
Mercer County Wv HAS "SMARTS"
The scheduled non-instructional days have been repurposed as school days.
Brrrr, SHAR and double brrrr for us in sunny, but freezing ☼hi☼ ! Currently 6°, but wind only at 3mph right now.
DELPHIA, good on you girl, those birds are thriving !
SANDI, glad your mom now agrees, "you girls done good" ☺ Can't help but say, bless her heart---prayers for her comfort abound ! So very happy to know Brian will be home in March and then again in time for his dear baby girl's debut ! Can't wait for his Yemen job to be done ! Those electric beds look nice, but the little doxie in my house balls up in her blankies and comes out feeling very warm to the touch. I do keep the house at 71° in my post menopausal dotage.
JANET, wishing Michael well as he ventures out on his own. Very exciting for him !
PAULA, neat story about Larry and the eagle n' duck drama he witnessed. In spite of the fact that I know our eagles must have an occasional duck dinner, I would have been rooting for the ducks !
Oh, HODA, what a shame about that speaker phone snafu ! Culture shock indeed.
JO, I tried some coats with snaps on, but found them harder to handle than buttons. Went to Talbot's and a couple of sporting goods stores before striking pay dirt at Macy's. Warm wool in dark grey, 3/4 length with high buttoning neckline. No hood, but I have hats/caps. This will be my winter dog walking coat. Julie took the "ski jacket" home and will device a new front line with either snaps or velcro closures---nice for rainy days. I have a nice wool dress coat in camel and will not walk Penny with it on. I'm going to be all set for all kinds of weather now. That should mean we won't have another such winter for years ! ☺
LOLLY should be in 7th Heaven about this time ! Bet she and JACK are in the driveway going over that trailer with a fine tooth comb !
Do you think Lolly and Jack will sleep out in their new trailer tonight?
Hubby and I are going out for
his b-day dinner.... ♥
I misspoke when I said the new coat is wool---it is:
Shell: 92% Polyester, 7% Viscose and 1% Spandex.
Lining: 100% Polyester
It is by Style&Co, made in China, of course and feels like wool to the touch.
LOL, JO, I wouldn't be surprised if those Texans sleep in the new trailer tonight ! Remember when you were a kid and wanted to sleep with your new Easter shoes on ? I did !
Looking at the nest, but not seeing any eagles.
I have a cat asking for supper and I know that will start things. They all KNOW when I have fed the other pets.
Also need to start some dinner for the people.
Happy that I got the ball rolling for my homeowner's insurance policy for the coming year. This guy wants to include my car insurance in the plan. It seems that's the way things are done now. I've had State Farm for more than 30 years. Not sure how I feel about changing.
Need to respond to the meows.
SHIRLEY, most insurance companies cut you a cheaper deal when you ensure both home and auto with them. That's the way I've done it for years, though I do shop insurance now and then hunting for a better deal. Went from years with Allstate, to AARP Hartford and now with Nationwide. Ya gotta keep ahead of the big boys at the Insurance Companies !
SHEP is in the nest, can only see his bottom half.
POOF ! He rooted around very briefly. The nest looks cold and uninviting !
One of them is back and rooting in what looks to be the nest cup.
Sorry all!
It is 32 degrees here.
Honestly it feels like spring!
No ice to slip on opportunities now.
I have not used my hiking poles for a week!!!
SANDI those dogs are lucky.
Good on you.
Pictures LOLLY pictures.
Hope JOSEPH is healed enough for pictures tomorrow.
Did you coordinate the white tops like you wanted?
Mtg with Yoga Festival organizers to sign up some contracts. Nervous about committing money as not much is coming in so far!
Be careful JO and Mr JO
Sounds very windy there ! Brrrrr.
Two of them for a little bit and POOF one !
POOF ! Sounds like one or both are up above and near the cam/mike now.
Guess that's it for this evening---at least it is for me---just in time for me to start my evening routine.
Hoping we hear from both LORI and LOLLY by the time I check back in tomorrow !
SED, y'all !
just got home saw the eagle in the nest of the tower got a couple of head shots Went popping tags found what I went looking for Jordyn is have a tea part Sat and Angie need tea cups and saucers got that and the sugar and creamer and also small cake plates for 15 people 10 are coming for sure so she will have xtra OK gonna go watch news and get caught up on reading
Kay, I guess I got a little frustrated about combining insurance some years ago. State Farm offered to combine my policies, but would have nothing to do with homeowners' insurance when they found out I'd had a fire. (Laundry room fire that time.)
That was back in the 1990s. Now, of course, there has been another fire. In no way my fault, but I don't know that it matters. I kept my car insurance with State Farm because I had always liked their coverage.
I have not mentioned the fire at this point because I have not been asked. I can always keep the plan I have if it becomes necessary.
Hoda, one of my Scrabble friends lives in BC. He said he was out golfing the other day. He's in Vancouver. Kind of surprised that he could be golfing.
No school again tomorrow for Hunter. Monday of next week was supposed to be a teacher work day, and now they have decided that the work day will be tomorrow instead. That means the kids will have school on Monday.
Sorry I didn't check in today.
Good evening!
LOL Not sleeping in the trailer, but the bed is made!
We had happy hour in the trailer and watched the news. Inside now and heating dinner. Had beans and cornbread last night and reheating! We might load more after dinner. We are nerds! Sat out there talking about what we want to do. It is so nice, with plenty of storage. Going to be fun movin in!!
Presently 28, so I am not sure about moving in. Might save that for Saturday. Just happy to have it in the driveway! Rather sad to leave the old trailer.
Glad you heard from Brian, Sandi, and that your mom is using the walker. Don't need a fall for sure.
Sorry it appears that I missed Kay!
Happy Birthday to your hubby Jo.
Someone mentioned a snowy owl. Megan posted a picture on FB of one down in DC (at least I think it was Megan.)Very cool. I would love to see one. I've only ever seen an owl close up when one was brought to school from a refuge.
We are back from the Longhorn Steak House. Delicious meal. Got 2 meals for the price of 1 lol They brought our steaks out to another table and by passed us. 5 min later Hostess cam to apologize for their error and new steaks were being prepared. Their way of making amends was to only charge for one....
Happy Birthday !
Sounds like a great way to celebrate Ed's birthday, Jo.
Doug Hill on Ch. 7 is now hinting at snow for Saturday.
Next week there maybe snow in the top of Fl there is a bigger and colder front that will be here next week
The area will have frost warning again tonight and the poor farmers will be up all night with the water sprinklers in case of freeze gonna be in lo 30s
Good that you are able to get out in the weather and enjoy his BDay JO
Quick pre-bedtime visit.
Sandi, very nice that Brian's R&R timing is so good. I know you all are pleased.
Jo, how cool to get two-fer-one on Mr. Jo's birthday. Happy you two had a nice dinner together.
Congrats to Lolly and Jack.
Sandperson is doing some serious grumbling about going out in the cold. Told him to take an extra blanket and move quickly.
Night light is on. Sandperson on the way. Restful sleep for all.
Back again to say Goodnight to all ♥
Hubby said thanks for all the good wishes - I read them all to him.
It is 7° with some wind tonight
Tomorrow it may go back to double digits like 21° Wow - heat wave
SED and AOYP and Love to all ♥
Hundreds of dead birds in my town!
I saw this today! I was on the service road coming home from the doctors. At first I thought I was seeing a black tire that had blown to bits. I drove through hundreds of dead birds in a small area on the road and apparently in the grass.
We did not go back out tonight. Will load some tomorrow and really do it Saturday. It is just too cold! Presently 27 and going down.......
Tomorrow an appointment to get my do done. Then we head to Dallas around 3 for the portrait session. Kind of worried. Joseph did go to school, he did play basketball tonight but he should have stayed home. Afraid his beautiful blue eyes will not sparkle tomorrow! Laurel also said her throat is starting to hurt. Oh dern....!!!
Heading to bed the house!!! Not the trailer!
Night all! SED!!
hi all, just checking in...
Happy Birthday to Ed!
Prayers for your mom, Sandi. I'm so sorry she knows...
She's got a great grandbaby on the way! I hope that helps her fight a bit!
Judie, feel better.
Thinking of all of you. Stay warm. It's only going to get worse here in the east and south, esp. early next week. I don't remember a winter so cold. Terrible for the farmers in the south.
Good night, everyone. Rest well. SED.
Good night all
Healing prayers for JUDIE.
Sounds like a good supper JO.
Healing prayers for JANET
Exciting about the eagles and the ducks LARRY saw.
God Bless Us All
Hi there everyone!
Sandi, so sorry your Mom got the information she didn't want. Can't believe those numbers. I'm so sorry. I hope and pray that she is feeling better today. God Bless you and Lisa for being such good daughters.
Kay, it is freezing here and getting worse over the next couple of days. What a brutal winter we are having! Did you find a new coat? My two warmest coats are from Land's End, and they are super warm, but they both have the most difficult zippers I've ever dealt with!
Lolly, you trailer nerd you! LOL.
So happy you two love the trailer.
Paula, glad you have Larry there to help get things done when you need it. Figures the car battery would go out when it's so cold.
Excuse me, need to grab my coffee. :)
This is the big weekend that I have to finish my presentation. My third and final idea is to have Cindy play my daughter who just had my first grandchild, and I show up to meet the new baby with all these packages and use the goodies (clothes, rattles, babyfood, diapers, etc) to teach her infant growth and development.
Can't wait for it to be over. Instructor says I need to cover the topic COMPLETELY and remember the time constraints, 3 - 5 minutes!!! How on earth am I supposed to thoroughly teach G & D 0 - 12 months in 3 - 5 minutes? 25% of the grade is creativity, which I think is ridiculous. Sorry. Thanks, as always, for listening to my school woes.
Love you all! Getting off to research more meds I'll need to know about for today's Meds Skills day.
Big ((((HUGS)))) all around.
Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!
Oh, phooey, I just missed you, LORI ! You've turned to your studies I see. The presentation with Cindy as daughter sounds truly inspired. That is a daunting task to get all that info crammed into such a short time, but you'll do it and it will be great ! I did find a coat--read posts around the 5:30pm time above. I've worn it outside three times as I took Penny out--so cold we only go a few steps off the deck, but I'm pleased with it. The length as opposed to the ski jacket is great for added warmth !
LOLLY, loved reading about the trailering and wishing you and the boys a wonderful photo session today.
JO, ED's birthday dinner sounds wonderful--actually makes you glad a mistake was made, huh ? You were brave to venture out into such a cold, cold night !
Hey, DANA, sorry I missed you, too !
SHIRLEY, I don't blame you a bit for your feelings about State Farm--my late sister, Karen, worked for a SF agent in Vegas for years. Great company ! I felt the same way about Allstate some 50 years, but kept hearing about the great AARP coverage and Stan, who'd also been with Allstate forever, agreed we should change. Then in the last few years they just kept jacking my fees up every year, so I did the research and found Nationwide quite suitable for both car and home. Just changed it a couple of months ago. I'll not wait so long to shop it if they do the same thing to me !
HODA, 32° is downright balmy ! Do send it southeast and soon !!!!
SANDI, closing off with thoughts and prayers for your dear Mom !!!!
Oh, yuck, just read the weather report--currently 1° with wind chill of -15°, to last til' 1pm, then slight warm up and 2-4 inches of snow. I'm picking Seth up at 11, for lunch--deciding later if we'll eat in, carry out or just scoot right back here and cook. Weather will decide for us. I'm with you SHAR, can't recall a colder winter in my years here--1966-1980 and 2007 to present. Brrrr humbug !
Goodorming Lori, Kay, and all my eagle friends. Thirteen degrees here but feels like -4. Schools reopen today but 2 hours late. I'm hoping that, since our governor declared a state of emergency for 2 days, that we may not have to make up those days.
Lori, the first 12 months of life explained in 3-5 minutes - gotta love it!! Sounds impossible, but you can handle impossible! Good luck! BTW, my new coat is from Lands End - lightest weight but warmest I've ever owned, but I'm with ya on the zipper!
Lolly, hope the portrait session doesn't have to be postponed. I can just imagine how excited you are to have that RV in your driveway!!
Jo, thanks for the beautiful ecard. I sent a reply but then found a bounce-back in my spam folder that said my reply wasn't delivered.
Hoda, as I opened my computer homepage, I saw a headline about bombings in Cairo. I hope your family is safe!
Janet, hoping you are feeling better today.
Dana, did you have school yesterday? What about today?
Nest looks cold and MT right now. Maybe soon we'll open the live feed to find an eagle always there. Fingers crossed!
Stay warm everybody!! BRRRR!
Good morning. Up late this morning and no delay! LOL! I could have used some extra time this morning!
good morning.
5 degrees right now. Brrrrrr. Below freezing all day, wind chills between 10 and 15 this afternoon. It is warmer in Alaska than it is here today! oops!
I am so tired this morning. It is going to be a coffee coffee coffee kind of day. Half tempted to stay home, but going to try to push thru.
Michael came upstairs about 9 last night when Ashley went into work. He is excited and scared. Reality was hitting him hard last night. Leaving home for the first time is painful. Asking for comforting thoughts and energies for him
He hits the road this morning @ 8. All he knows is they are heading west and be home likely in a couple of weeks.
I reminded him about texts, phone calls, and just keep it together. We will be well and we have ashley’s back….
Don’t know if I made it easier or worse.
I feel like once he gets in the truck and is on his way, although there will be home sickness, etc, I think he will be okay.
I keep reminding him, it isn’t 6+ months like tom used to do. It isn’t forever. Just a couple weeks, then home again. And get thru this year and you can have your choice of local jobs. He has to get this over the road experience before anyone will hire him for a local only job. That stinks and makes no sense to me…but it is what it is.
All righty, need to ge the critters fed, the kiddo up….seriously considering staying home. I had a difficult time staying awake yesterday and am thinking yeah, it might be better to stay home and curl back up in my bed today.
LOLLY: so glad the camper arrived! I know you are delighted
LORI: study on girl! Don’t forget a little down time this weekend.
Hmmm. Ashley just got home from work. Part of me wants to go downstairs and hug Michael again, and part of me knows that will just make things more difficult for him. Will refrain unless he comes upstairs…..
Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!
Good morning all.
Thank you SANDI. It will get worst before it gets better.
Bombs are now a fact of life in Egypt I am sad to say.
Awesome idea LORI. Cheering you on.
I like the talk of warm coats.
JANET prayers for your son as he heads out and for his MAMA too.
How is the pool faring in this cold weather.
DANA I laughed. You complained about days off and this morning no delays but could have used a delay!!!
Stay warm and safe everyone.
Good morning to all ♥
Be back as soon as I get my coffee and read your comments ♥
Good morning.
Like Jo, I'm headed for coffee.
My face could be used as a poster picture for domestic violence. Darth says he hopes the cops don't show up for some reason. Swollen and purple and a black eye.
Lolly, y'all have safe travels. Hope all the plans go smoothly. Maybe the cold got the birds?
Lori, cool idea for the presentation. Suggestion: practice, practice, practice until you can get the information as close to the time limit as possible.
Janet, Michael will be fine. Hope "they" means he will be with an experienced driver. He'll be just fine.
If possible, stay inside. Stay warm.
Good morning,
Spent quite awhile sipping coffee and watching the wildlife in my backyard. The squirrels are getting feisty and chasing each other through the snow. They are also burying peanuts in the snow. Funny to watch them find just the right spot to put that peanut.
Oh, wow, Judie. You really did a job on yourself. Hope you do not have to go teach a class or anything for awhile.
I agree with Judie, Janet. Michael will be fine.
That is a short time to get so much information into your report, Lori, but with your broadcasting background, you should do a beautiful job. I remember assigning my college students 10-minute reports and then having to explain how to stretch a presentation. You are going to be tightening. I'm sure you know how to do that.
Another day at home for Hunter. That kid is eating everything in sight. When I went down this morning, he told me that he had something in the oven. That's a first for him, but he seemed to take care of it just fine. (His mom had showed him how last night.)
I spent about $200 at the grocery store on Tuesday and really need to make another trip today. Yikes!
Okay, I am getting worried.
Hunter was in his room making odd noises. I asked him what he was doing, and he said his mom told him to clean his dresser, so he's doing it.
AND . . . he just asked me where the vacuum is.
Is this what a week of being at home watching TV has done to him??
.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.
.♥ ♥♥♥ to ♥♥♥ ♥.
.♥♥♥NEW THREAD♥♥♥.
All right--
She said she might allow him to play his Xbox if he does his chores. And, he has to send pictures to prove he has gotten things done.
She just called to see what chores I might want to add to the list.
Going to the NEW THREAD!!!!!
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