Sunday, December 29, 2013


New thread.

Just got an email from the Outdoor Channel--they are working to get the live video feed online.


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Janet said...

Feather! THanks Steve. I shall get the others!

Janet said...

and great news! I can hardly wait to see the live cam!!!!!

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and the update on the live cam - woohoo!!!

Thanks Janet for the call over!

Things are not looking good for the Ravens!

Sandi said...

The bad news - Ravens lost. The good news - THE LIVE CAM IS UP AND RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE
Thank you JANET.

Hoda said...

Thank you SANDI
Sorry about the Ravens

Sandi said...

Hoda, it;s OK. The Ravens didn't earn the right to play in the play-offs - it is what it is. Are you feeling like yourself today??

Wow, I just love seeing the live cam working - the picture is crystal clear even though the nest is currently MT!!

Hoda said...

Oh yes SANDI I am very well health wise.
Christmas indulgences over.
Feel fantastic.
I will check back in with an update on fantastic feeling after I assemble the IKEA project.

Sandi said...

Hoda, good luck with the IKEA shelf assembly. Even when they include instructions, they're usually not very good and you still have to rely on good ol' common sense and what looks right. Glad you are feeling OK. BTW, Brian brought me back honey from Yemen - it is by far the very best honey I have ever tasted!! He also brought me a beautiful Pashmina scarf.

Hoda said...

Oh !
Lucky Lady!
Pashmina Scarf... What colour? Earthy colours?
I love them. Hand spun and goat's wool.
Picture please?
Yemeni honey is to die for.
Raw honey so much better than the other.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Oh, I saw an eagle on the still cam....Now trying the live cam....

stronghunter said...

Hmm, I am not getting anything on the live cam.

stronghunter said...

Now I don't see an eagle in the still cam, but I did. Right smack dab in the middle of the nest.

stronghunter said...

Missing Judie too. Hope to see her come knocking on our door soon. I did get a very nice e-card, too.

JudyEddy said...

YEAH STEVE thanks for the new thread
and the great INFO

HOME from work as if you didn't know LOL

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Thank you, STEVE and Thank you Outdoor Channel ! Wahoo, we have our camera. Bring it on Belle n' Shep !

Thanks to JANET for the call over---that feather looks great on you !!!!

MARGY, so happy Righty is scheduled for a revamp ! You're going to feel like a new woman once it heals and you have two good, pain free hands again.

LOLLY, Zach's Nana is a pathetic person--the old song that says "she is more to be pitied than censured" comes to mind. I'm glad you stood up to her. I remember when he called you to say that Nana does not know how to fix macaroni and cheese the way you do. He gets it !!!

HODA, thanks for all those KAYS. ☺ What painful memories we brought up for you as we've chattered about grandparents, names and such. You should write a book, girl ! Your families, both in Egypt and in the USA have provided you with a unique background. How about sharing the story with readers in those two countries and Canada ?

JudyEddy said...

live feed is up but we get the twirlly thing and then goes to message but click on the picture in the left corner and it comes back

Sandi said...

Didn't see an eagle in the nest Shirley. I'm not sure if I have sound on the live cam. Wonder how I can tell?

On my blog, I posted a photo of the scarf Brian brought back for me as a Christmas gift. I sent the photo to Hoda via email and then figured some others may want to see it. It's good to know there are some beautiful things associated with Yemen. Brian goes back on 1/10.

Rain has stopped here and the skies have cleared. Need to feed people and pets. Later!

JudyEddy said...

I have some sound on the speaker SANDI

JudyEddy said...

I put my ear to the speaker and I can hear like the hummmmmmm

JudyEddy said...

I made sure the sound was off on SWFl nest I always have the sound off my desktop because of the commercials that come with the FtMeyers nest I just may have to become a ustream member to stop them

JudyEddy said...

OK my eagle said he wanted to fly the other way LOL

JudyEddy said...

JudyEddy said...

The cam looks squished I guess use to the still cam which is more square

JudyEddy said...

Ok changed again didn't like the one hard to tell its a eagle

Kay said...

SANDI, the scarf is gorgeous--what a treasure you have in it ! How do you like to use honey ? As for me:

I eat my peas with honey,
I've done it all my life.
It does taste kind of funny,
But it keeps em' on the knife.

JUDY, your eagles are beautiful no matter which way they fly !

SHIRLEY, when are Kathryn and Hunter due back ? Prayers for their safety !

Hoda said...

IKEA shelf assembly not so good!!!
Poor quality.
Pegs are shabby
Edge has a recycle emblem that I can not figure out how to remove.
I thought they had quality stuff
Not so much!

Hoda said...

Beautiful Scarf SANDI.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the colour
Thank you for the departure date for BRIAN.
Keeping him in the Light and Prayers

Hoda said...

Never mind!
Recycle emblem is a tape!
Peels off!
Try again

Sandi said...

Hoda, sorry you're having trouble with the shelves but really, I'm not surprised. IKEA has great prices but, IMO, not great quality when it comes to furniture.

So Denny is trying to lose some weight, which he really NEEDS to do, probably 25 - 30 pounds worth! Today I ordered him a brand of pedometer that my tennis friend wears, called a Fitbit. It keeps track of the number of steps and the calories burned and automatically syncs to your computer to keep a running record for you.

Do any of you know how many steps we should all take each day? It doesn't matter how tall or short you are or how long or short your stride is - the number of steps is the same for everyone. No fair Google searching! Hoda, I suspect that you may know AND that you may actually take this many steps in a day.

Mema Jo said...

Just got home and very excited about the Live Cam up/running. Can't wait until I can see it in daylight!

Mema Jo said...

IKEA - isn't that where Kathryn or Hunter's bed came from and took forever to assemble -= even had some missing hardware.......

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - the scarf is elegant Love the color

Did your TV chest arrive for your
wide screen....?

paula eagleholic said...

wow live cam is wonderful.

Will have to check Sandi's fb pics. Sandi's when is the baby due?

Have to eat and get caught up on the old thread.

Looks like a book night ...nothing I want to watch on TV

Hoda said...

That would be Ikea JO!
Pegs and screws were missing here.
Told them in Vancouver. They shipped me a package.
Not impressed with quality.
Ha ha ha SANDI
SURE WAY to get me to google!
I do not know how many steps.
I do know that for every hour of sitting I must have 15 minutes if stretching and standing
Alleviates hip pain, slow blood, anxiety, depression...
Improves heart health and breathing.

I won't tell till you share!

Hoda said...

That many???
I think I do 3/4 of that on a busy pushing it day!!!
Very exciting to see if I can improve.
Nice gift to Dennis.

Sandi said...

Jo, TV console did not arrive in time for Christmas - it has now been 7 weeks since we ordered it! I am not happy about not having it but have been very happy with the store contacting us weekly to let us know it still hasn't arrived at the warehouse.

Paula, baby due date is June 22nd. Where is your house here at the beach? I know you've told me before but I forget. Near Easton?

Hoda, no telling yet! ;) That's what Denny said when I told him - THAT MANY???

paula eagleholic said...

Oh a summer baby! how nice.
Sandi's my place is in Rumbley MD..near Crisfield

My guess is 1500 STEPS.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy glad righty is getting fixed too.

So glad Ajay's parents are nice normal people ..we get along great...and have always gotten along well with my ex's family.

So far so good with Laura's family...they are good people too..they really like Michael .

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi your furniture is probably coming from overseas ..not too much furniture actually made in the USA anymore.

Lori O. said...

HODA, LOLLY and JANET, thanks for sharing your stories today. All were gripping with their emotion and almost unimaginable in many ways. My philosophy has always been that the greatest gift we can give children is love and great memories of wonderful people - great moments to remember I should say (ie, a grandmother praying, a kind father, etc). Love you all and again, thanks for being so open.

I'm so thankful today that our live cam is up and running. I checked quickly and it was dark. Will it have the same view as our still cam?

Ooops, SANDI, forgot to check your blog for the scarf picture before I started writing. Can't wait to see it.

HODA, how cool that you knew all about SANDI's scarf and the special honey.

KAY, did I miss an etiquette class and not know you're supposed to eat peas on a knife? :) I say whatever works!

My report is coming along, slowly, and more so than I would like. I'll have to do some marathon days until I go back to school.

Love you all - going to bed soon. My brain is fried and I want to get up early (3-4) and get cracking on that paper.

Lori O. said...

SANDI, I have a FitBit but my toggle cord or something quit working and I reordered the wrong part...URGH. Got frustrated. The only time I made that magical # of steps was when my Dad was in the hospital last year - I would take the long way down every hall I could find. When I was just working at the radio station, I didn't even come close to the number I should have had.

Denny will have fun with it. There's great info online that goes with it, and it's really fun if you have someone else how has a FitBit, too.

Lori O. said...

should be WHO has a FitBit, too.

Hoda said...

LORI what is truly amazing is that BRIAN is so in tune with The Yemen that he went straight to what is of the simple essence and that which is enduring and endearing of its people.
Two items that have been part of The Yemini culture and experience for thousands of years.
All interconnected to the ancient trade caravans and as far away as Persia.

Hoda said...

Pashminas are made from Pashem which is Persian for wool. Very popular in Nepal and India too.
To have a real one, which SANDI has, is an awesome gift.

Hoda said...

The IKEA project is completed.
Once I started putting pieces together it seemed logical what comes next.
Sometimes I had a thought this is what should happen.
It became obvious NOT and another way presented itself.
Glad it is done.
Tomorrow I create room in spare room for it and discard boxes...

Mema Jo said...

I read on FB that Kathryn made it home around 7:30ish. I bet Shirley is having talks with Hunter all about his trip! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to turn on a movie
I'll be checking out our cam first
thing at daybreak! Remember that my day breaks around 9am.

Saying Goodnight now and wishing you
to have SED

Janet said...

good evening to all! sooooo excited! i peeked after i read posts and the live cam is up up up up up!!!!

my step guess is 10,000.

its beena good day. i had a nap, got a few things done. Those curtains that i bought for the bed room...i had to trim a pair up to fit a window. so i have started to take the left overs and create pillow covers so i will have matching throw pillows on the bed. re-purposing!

tom had to help me a bit, but we did it!

now, relaxing. work tomorrow.

have apleasant evening all! SED

Sandi said...

Have been watching a movie on Netflix - good movie but a stupid ending. Hopping on now to say goodnight!

Janet, you've got it - 10,000 steps per day is the goal!!

Lori, slow and steady on the project! You'll get it finished in time!

Hoda, love what you said about Brian's choice of gifts!

Can't wait to open the live cam tomorrow morning and watch for our eagles! Goodnight all!

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

Just came over to post that Kathryn and Hunter got home about 7:30. I see you beat me to it.

Hunter went straight upstairs to play video games. I talked with Kathryn and admired all of their pictures. She has some very nice ones.

She mentioned something about a big fight in Jacksonville on Christmas Day. It seems that they were passing by on I-95 when that big riot happened at the movie theater there. She said that she could see the theater and lots of police presence, and was eager to continue on her way out of there.

Riot in Jacksonville

NatureNut said...

Good Evening EagleBuds. We're back in MD. After walking thru airports, have discovered I now have 2 deteriorating hips, not just one!
Glad the TX kids hadn't planned any excursions, we just enjoyed hanging out in the "Dunbar Mall" and I tried to recuperate from toothache----it disappeared Xmas AM, but Xmas PM started getting raw sore throat. Haven't had a cold in about three years, but it developed into earaches like having been in the ring w/a pro boxer! Haven't had that since elem. school! Thank goodness I packed the dentist's Habby painkiller pills.
When one ear started bleeding Sat. AM, was able to find a clinic open and got monster penicillin pills!
Other than that, everything was wonderful.
When we arrived home this evening, saw a big surprise of some decorating done in kitchen by Binky, older cat!
Pic in the NOOK!! ☺
Gotta work TU, so will be back sometime w/TX pics!
Happy, Blessed Holidays to all, prayers for Good Health, and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>()

stronghunter said...

Yes, the bed came from Ikea, Jo. Part of it is still stashed behind Hunter's bed. It works fine as a bed for Hunter, and the drawers are fine, but the part that opens out to make it a double bed or whatever has never been completed. I got weary of it just lying around and stashed it behind the bed.

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA I see they were having a dinner party in your absence LOL
so sorry about the tooth and getting sick

stronghunter said...

Well now, Binky has been a busy little kitty, Loretta. When you mentioned "redecorating," I thought of some pretty unpleasant things a cat might do. The redecorating Binky did looks pretty harmless.

Wow, glad you had your pain pills. It sounds like you could use a rest after your vacation.

JudyEddy said...

I am looking forward to maybe seeing our royal pair tomorrow I have the cam open now and MT

stronghunter said...

I am looking forward to seeing our eagles on the live cam. Thanks for all you do, Steve.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

I also thought the pictures was going to be destruction of some sort but that is too cute that they brought all the stuffies to dinner PARTY while the parents were away

JudyEddy said...

reminds me of the toystory bath tub scene

JudyEddy said...

just in case you haven't had the joy of seeing the bathtub scene Here it is what happens after the bath

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

What happens after the bath you will laugh guaranteed
one more try

stronghunter said...

That was really cute, Judy. I had not seen it before.

stronghunter said...

Wow, it has gotten late. I am going to say good night. Rest well, everyone. I will see you tomorrow. SED.

magpie said...

'Night-night, Precious Pals,
I am "tuned in" to the day's happenins' and will look forward to seeing the Live Action on the feed,
Thanks, Steve, and your co-staffers

Welcome Home to our Florida and Texas travelers.....
Sorry for the illnesses, Loretta.

Thanks for the many well wishes being sent my wand and for James the Wise Kidster.. it was a good day, indeed! :)

Prayers for
Wellness, All Around, and

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, it's Monday!

Shirley, glad Kathryn and Hunter made it home safely. She can sure drive the distance!

Loretta, your picture is hysterical! I'm thinking Binky had a great time while you were gone. Love it!

Got in touch with an old friend from high school via FB. So nice to catch up with her after 20 years. We were each others Maids of Honor at our weddings. Now she has three kids 18 - 25. Time flies.

Like all of you, I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of Belle & Shep on the live cam this morning. Woot! Woot!

Back to working on this project.


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds MT nest on the LIVE FEED

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lori and all my eagle friends!

Loretta, sorry to hear about your tooth, ear, and hip pain during your TX visit - good grief!

Paula, is everything still a go with the sale of Larry's house?

Oh my, there is an eagle in our nest!!

JudyEddy said...

.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥

Sandi said...

Digging in the nest at 12. Can't see a head.

JudyEddy said...

working on 12 and one I see body and tail no head

JudyEddy said...

still there in same spot

JudyEddy said...

colors on nest and EAGLE STILL there from the live feed looks like BELLE maybe looks wider

Sandi said...

Looks breezy at the nest. And here are the daytime colors! One eagle, still standing in the same spot.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

to the right

Lori O. said...

DANG, I just missed the eagles in the nest.

Thanks for the alert, SANDI & JUDYE!

Lori O. said...

Hopefully we'll get to see them this evening.

Sure hope they don't put the egg cup up at 12.

JudyEddy said...

.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥

Sandi said...


JudyEddy said...

and now moved to 12 I see a stick moving in the area

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Whichever eagle it is placed a stick at 3, then moved to 12. Now I can just barely see tail feathers.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

LORETTA, Binky's work is sooo cute ! Christmas Dinner hosted by Binky--y'all come now, ya hear ? So sorry your Texas trip was marred by illness and hope those remedies do their trick in a hurry. Pain in the hips upon taking long walks in airports---I know that syndrome well. This past summer the kids insisted I begin to get wheelchair service and save my energy for later. It's the nuts ! They take you from curb to curb, getting you checked in and through Security in no time. I tipped generously as I was so pleased with every one of my "pushers" !

LORI, LOL, yes you missed the peas on knife lesson---I'm pretty sure Emily Post herself wrote that little ditty !

SHIRLEY, good to know Kathryn and Hunter arrived home safely ! It has to be fun listening to them as they unwind from the trip !

My building was supposed to get new gutters today, but it's very cold with snow flurries. Bah humbug. Current gutters leak, overflow and huge icicles form with a freeze. Hope they can do the work before the next really bad dose of Winter arrives.

Did I mention earlier that the audio went out on my ancient TV and that the kids arrived with a nice new energy saver yesterday afternoon ? I watched the wonderful CBS show from the Kennedy Center last night and the reception/picture, etc. was great. I thought of JUDIE as she often goes to events there---wonder if she was in the audience last night ?

Wish I'd been in on the "how many steps a day" contest. I knew the answer as Julie and Hugh are avid walkers who keep track of their steps. "It isn't difficult at all to reach that number in a day, Mama." Well, Mama has a pedometer and is pleased when she attains 5,000 steps a day !

So happy Belle and Shep are beginning to work the nest and that we can now watch ! Love our old quote:

"I came for the Eagles, but I stayed for the friendships I have made !"

Time to get a little housework done. BBL

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I'm tuned in to the nest. Nice, clear view. It would be nice to see the whole nest, but I am happy we can see anything.

Lolly said...

Goodorming! I am thrilled, have the cam up but I keep getting the black swirly thingy. No amount of clicking does the trick. Have to refresh and then up it comes again. the scarf! Brian did well! And the honey must be awesome.

I know the ditty and honey and peas. My Grandpa used to quote it to amuse us children.

Soda, glad you got your shelf together. Have not heard anyone ever say a piece was easy to put together. So good job!!

Cam just lasted 10 seconds. This is not working!

Lolly said...

Last night was awesome at Michael's. We had a great time. They prepared Mexican food and we took "orders". Jack helped Michael assemble Zach's new basketball goal and after dinner we opened presents.

Now I have to tell you about my Christmas/Birthday gift!! OMG!! We have an appointment Jan. 24 for a portrait sitting WITH THE THREE GRAND BOYS!! And to get one 16 x 20 print. The studio is Kimberly Wylie, voted best portrait photographer in Dallas. This is something I never ever dreamed of having. Awesome!!!

Lolly said...

Shhhh.......the cam has worked for me for over a minute!!!!!

Lolly said...

Loretta, sorry the trip had it's problems. Certainly hope you are feeling better. Flying with ear infection is not good! I was wondering if you would get over to Llano to see the eagles. They are feeding chicks there now. Loved the decorating your kitty did. That was hysterical. Poor kitty was lonesome!

Hoda said...

Yay Yay Yay!
On the portrait of the Grands.

Mema Jo said...

Good early afternoon
I just asked the question of how to stop the spinning circular black arrow on the Live eagle cam Outdoor site. The 6 - 9:00 lower side is really scary looking as far as stability. Not sure our Royal couple can build that up.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - sorry to hear about your ills while in TX - Next time you fly take up Kay's suggestion about the wheel chair or the electric carts. There aren't too many places in the airport to just sit and catch your breath or get rid of your hip pain. Loved the pic of Blinky's dinner guests.

Mema Jo said...

Redskins Fire Coach Shanahan After 3-13 Season

Shanahan was fired after a morning meeting with owner Dan Snyder and general manager Bruce Allen at Redskins Park, a formality expected for several weeks as the losses mounted and tension rose among Shanahan, Snyder and franchise player Robert Griffin III. A news conference was expected later Monday.

Hoda said...

7 million dollar package!!!
Someone should have fired me with such a package!
Does he keep his benefits I wonder?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets. So glad to see our live feed online. As far as the view? It is what it is.

Got to spend a little time with Andrew over the weekend. Kelsey had to work and couldn't come. Mattie went back to Cross Lanes with Andrew until Wednesday. This will be the first New Year's since Andrew and Mattie were born that I will not be ringing in the New Year with them. :( These times they are a-changing.

Lolly said...

Yes, Sharon times are changing. This was our first Christmas at Laurel's instead of being here. I did just fine with the change. Ready to turn over some things to the younger generation. Laurel even made the dinner rolls!! She asked for the recipe when I told her I was not making them. Need to give her some pie lessons. lol Mainly making the crust. Also, turkey and dressing. Both are easy, she just has not done it!

I am about ready to give up on the cam. It does not work longer than a few minutes. What a pain!

Sandi said...

Lolly, I have had no problem with the live cam, not even yesterday when Judy said she was having trouble getting it to run. I use Mozilla - have you tried using a different browser?

Lori, how goes the project??

Judy, how is the after-Christmas rush at Walmart? Are things settling down? Vacation time coming up for you, right?

Have been scrubbing grout - kitchen, sunroom, and laundry room floors. It's a tough job (hands and knees and a scrub brush) and one that I hate doing but it needs to be done every couple of years, as dirt accumulates and turns the grout much darker, and I have the extra time this week to do it.

Headed for the grocery store - yippee! Still, I am glad to be doing this kind of stuff rather than being at school!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

One time today I had to refresh the page on the cam but otherwise it has been running just fine. I use Google Chrome.

JudyEddy said...

Hello from McDs on lunch
SANDI I work grocery and no biggy after Christmas for me BUT wow the return lines up front are terrible I am having issue with lap top loading the cam I wonder if they is still issues with it I guess we wait and see but was nice this am no issues

but yesterday it was on all night when I got up this am ran over 8 hours

JudyEddy said...

I am trying IE and Google Chrome on laptop and I keep getting Flash player not responding and beccame unresponsive and then they want me to KILL the page silly GC

JudyEddy said...

I blame the internet connection at MCD because it worked fine at home and I do have issues with it here on all links acting up

JudyEddy said...

and I get Shock wave isn't responding and asked to stop shock wave often

Lolly said...

I am using IE will have to download another server as this is the only thing I have on this new laptop. ipad is running the live cam, four minutes so far.

Lolly said...

Ipad has now been running 20 minutes. I may just use it to view the live cam.

I have put away some Christmas gifts and that is my big accomplishment for today. LOL Some days you just have to put on the brakes.

Shhhh...laptop up to 4 minutes, whoops just got the swirly thing. It just is not a go on the laptop.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm...where did our pop up player go???

Lori O. said...

Hello on this cold and windy afternoon. Same weather you're getting KAY.
Glad the roof guys aren't out in this blustery weather, but hope it gets fixed soon.

LOLLY, your portrait present is so cool - pics with an award winning photographer! How thoughtful. Are you and Jack going to be in the photo with the boys?

JO, thanks for posting the Shanahan getting fired info. Wonder who Mr. Snyder will pick next? Any rumors? Why has RG3 been upset? Keep that kid happy!

SANDI, project is moving along. Twenty questions and I'm half way done with #4, which is one of the longest questions along with #5. If I can finish #5 tonight, it's a ten part question, I'll be happy.

With that said, it's back to work for me. See I just missed the eagles again this morning by mere minutes. Hoping to catch them tonight.


paula eagleholic said...

Cam just shook

paula eagleholic said...

do we have sound?

Haven't seen anyone post that they have actually heard something on the live feed.

My sound was down here at work...couldn't tell you if the shake made a noise or not.

Sandi said...

Paula, I'm still not sure if I have sound on the live cam or not. The speakers on my laptop are pretty puny and I usually have them turned way down. Just turned them up to 100%. Didn't see the cam shake but I'm watching now to see if one or both eagles show up.

Sandi said...


paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Shep in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

We should be able to hear him walking around ...

Sandi said...

At 12, but facing toward the cam. Can't tell who it is.

paula eagleholic said...

Might have left...

Lolly said...

I saw an eagle!! I thought it was Belle, but not sure. Did not see a spot. Sitting here reading with my ipad on the arm of the chair. I like that.

Kay said...

Must have left ! Awwww, just missed it. Perhaps if I'd not had to go through Bottom Feeders I'd have been there in time. I understand, Outdoor Channel, the bills must be paid.

LOLLY, that's a great present all right ! Twill be a wonderful picture and I can't wait to see it !

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Do not like the position of the cam. Eagle could easily be at the top of the nest.

Yes, Lori, Jack and I will be in the picture with the boys. It was left up to me who would be in it and of course I wanted Jack to be in it! I get to choose the clothing as well. Right now I am thinking jeans for all of us and white collared shirts or sweaters. I am also thinking the boys in boots or all of us tennis shoes. Probably the tennis (athletic) shoes. That is natural! Wish it could also be outside but Jan 24, do not know what the weather will be. I will discuss this with the girls. I might have to buy the boys some sweaters...same for Jack and myself.

paula eagleholic said...

I asked OUTdoor channel on their FB page if we have sound...we'll see if they answer.

Lolly said...

Yes, Kay, I will be able to take a picture of it and post it. It is going to be fantastic. We won't be sitting and posed...she does really candid shots. We might all be laughing!

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Lolly... we will definitely miss some activity up there. I saw a big wing go across the nest quickly like the eagle may have been leaving, that's why I posted "might have left".

Looks like the egg cup will be at the top of the screen though...would be my guess.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Paula. I really do not think we have sound. I certainly have not heard a thing!

paula eagleholic said...

Time to head home, catch ya later!

Lolly said...

I saw a shadow move over the nest much earlier.

paula eagleholic said...

I'll ask Steve also.

Lolly said...

The egg cup is at the very tip top. We are going to miss a lot! Wish we had the other cam with the whole tree!

Lolly said...

Sitting here having a cup of tea. Just call me Hoda! ☺

Kay said...

SHAR said it earlier, it is what it is. We'll just have to cope with it. I have the sound turned up as far as it'll go---not a peep to be heard. You know there are sounds around there all the time--other birds, geese honking, train whistles, vehicles....Hope we do get sound for the calls Belle and Shep put out for each other are part and parcel of the enjoyment to be had by we humans !

Sandi said...

I don't think we have sound and also agree that the egg cup may be right up at the very top of the nest where we will have only a partial view of the goings-on. Disappointing but I guess it is what it is.

Just got a phone call that our new TV console will be in the warehouse by next Tuesday. Then we will have to wait til the next time they have a truck coming to the Bethany area, which could be another week.

Paula, according to the Riverside website, much of their furniture is made in Arkansas, but the site also says they outsource some to other countries. I just want it in my living room regardless of where it was made!

Lolly said...

I refreshed the cam on my laptop and it has been running for 8 and a half minutes, make that 9. ☺ Why now and not earlier?

Sandi said...

Color is gone from the nest and I think so is our eagle!

Time to feed people and pets! Later!

Lolly said...

Wow, I have had the cam up now for over 22 minutes. Wonder why? And not earlier?

Yes, dark at the nest now. I was so excited to see the eagle. Just saw the head, then it backed up and only saw a foot.

Lolly said...

I am getting music. Over the cam?

JudyEddy said...

hello home from work sittin here with speaker on EAR i can on occasion here something I can here some talking faint but there now. Someone else please put your speaker to your ear also

JudyEddy said...

i have music now also with it to my ear faint

JudyEddy said...

OK tomorrow someone needs to go to the nest and YELL to see if we hear you LOL but doesn't it sound like a good plan LOL

JudyEddy said...

could the people that live there have their radio on
Or maybe its just crossed wires somewhere

JudyEddy said...

so habby someone else hears something
i only hear when up to ear

Sandi said...

Judy, I don't hear a thing - no music, no talking - nada!! Even with my ear touching my laptop speaker. Could just be me with the sound problem ...

JudyEddy said...

I can't hear anything on my LAP TOP only on DESK top I think because of the speakers and LOLLY heard music also

JudyEddy said...

I also hear the speaker Hard to explain what it should like but its a noise speakers tend to make we had it last year the same noise i remember
right now i don't hear anything just the rumble i guess you can call it the speaker noise If some one was looking in my window they would think I am odd with speaker on ear LOL But we know I am odd LOL

JudyEddy said...

NICE my elec bill this month is $73 used 516 KWH SWEET

Mema Jo said...

Good early evening - sure is dark out there. My cam runs find - if it times out there is a pic I just click on and it returns. This evening I didn't have that Spinning Arrow like I did earlier. We used to have a leaf to look at to be sure the cam was running - I can't find any thing to look at for movement

JudyEddy said...

HI JO are you able to hear sound if you put your desktop speaker to your hear like LOLLY and Myself

I just see waves of movement from the night view now like last year

Mema Jo said...

I have 2 favorite shows tonight BUT they are both at 9:00 :(

Debi has a pic on FB of Eagle Cam site - Belle in center of nest and sure looks like it will be the egg cup. I am hoping that is where things will be happening - Like Sharon says about the nest view - It is what it is ♥
I am just praying our nest stays up there - thinking of heavy snows and high winds.

JudyEddy said...

I also notice PAULA that the separate player was no longer there I use to use that all the time such a clean looking screen nothing on top or bottom just like a frame

Mema Jo said...

Those crazy ads of course have sound
I haven't heard any sound like you and Lolly are discussing - Listen for
the train whistle later... that would prove your point!

JudyEddy said...

JO what cam page?? I went to the Live Eagle Cam FB but no pic there

JudyEddy said...

what time is the train running That way I can listen and keep TV down

JudyEddy said...

I still like my idea of you locals going out there and yelling Remember we could hear you all at the one nest visit

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

It totally disgusts me when I go to Yahoo Eaglet_Momsters site and I have to sign in - But first I need to sign out and then I can't get back to the sign in page!

Anyone else?
If you know a simple solution let me know....

I am just printing off Jan 2014 calendar...........

JudyEddy said...

JO I have to sign in each time I go to YAHOO it is a PIA there isn't a box to check to keep you logged in also

JudyEddy said...

JO do you have Windows calendar You can export the file to your computer calendar that is what I did that way I don't need to log in to see it I only log in to put in pic in album

JudyEddy said...

i hear something on the cam rustling

JudyEddy said...

and a peep of sort anyone here to hear it but me ?????????????????????????

Mema Jo said...

FB Eagle Cam
Very first pic on the left side Judy

Belle digging in her nestbowl. posted by Debi

JudyEddy said...

Yep and I recorded it I hear peeps

JudyEddy said...

I am uploading the video

WE HAVE SOUND I wonder what is making the noise what kind of bird ??

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

eagle chirp

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

thank you Judy i heard the bird chirping on your video

magpie said...

I don't have sound, yet
Maybe another time or if I update
something or other

I do see a Great Horned Owl at the
Blackwater Osprey Platform

I got called in to work today.

Good Evening, Eagle Pals

I hope this finds everyone Well.


magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Well sorry My post was not THAT important to repeat itself twice

I don't know the bird sound, Judy,
sounds like a little songbird, warbler maybe

magpie said...

And I don't have a trash can, so we are all stuck with that post 3 times !

Best Wishes for a Good Evening, to All

xo ttfn

magpie said...

oh lovely
I found the trash can


JudyEddy said...

on the same link MARGY I just put the short video of OUR EAGLE calling out at 730 I just posted it to the same blog as the bird if you want to hear our eagle that applies to all

magpie said...

OK, thanks JudyE

JudyEddy said...

I just now have to remember to turn off the volume to the puter when I go to bed or I just may be waken with a Eagle call in the middle of the night like earlier was doing laundry Startling noise if you are ready for it LOL made me jump
That little bird makes noises every now and then Sharing the tree with our eagles

Lori O. said...

Darn, I was hoping to see Margy's owl she mentioned on the BW Osprey cam, but it's gone.

I'm trying to get the it-is-what-it-is attitude, may take awhile. :)

Happy so many of you saw Belle tonight and some of you are getting sound. Sunset just passed me by and before I knew it it was dark.

I'm up to 21 pages on my report. I'll get to the long question #5 tomorrow. I just want this thing done.

Love you all - bedtime very soon so I can rise and shine early tomorrow.


Hoda said...

Very good day here.
Lots of snow.
The clearing crews are out and about.
Also many sirens happening.
I am staying put tonight.
Roads are icy and New year's celebrations seemed underway when I ventured out today.Lots of cheer it seems like...
Avoid it all has been my plan for the past ten years.

Thank you for a Eagle and bird call recordings JUDYE.
Glad to know they are hanging around the nest at night.

Janet said...

Clap Clap Clap for me!!!! Yeah I won the step the guess contest!!!!

LOL> Sandi, I think I learned that back in weight watchers....not sure, but I swagged what I remembered. :)

I used to use a pedometer, but not even sure whereit is now.

So how is everyone today! Sounds like lots of eagle sightings already! woo hoo!

I worked today. It was colder today, in the 30's. And very very gray. I was glad to be inside.

Olivia had an orthodontist appt this afternoon. Probably braces in a year. With sylvan learning center ($$$$$) on the horizon, I'd like to put the braces off til that is done.

She likes the orthodonist because they give ice cream after the visit. Nice ice cream too! Schwans brand.

Let's see next, she gets to have 4 teeth (baby) pulled. Whoopppeee


I'm justin a silly mood. I've been busy this afternoon, doing a little straightening, cleaning etc.

I think now that the dryer has gone off and I have fresh clean jammies (my favorite ones) to put on, and nice fresh clean linens on the bed....I shall take a shower and then, in a bit have a date night with my

Hope everyone has a pleasant evening! Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

Sandi said...

Watched another movie on Netflix - this one was stupid all the way through, not just the ending. Good thing this Netflix subscription isn't costing us anything - I'd hate to be spending money to watch lousy movies!

Judy, it sure sounds like you have sound! You didn't have another live cam from somewhere else running at the same time, did you? Just checking b/c it seems strange that you would hear a bird chirping in the WV nest tree at 7:30pm.

OK, gonna hop in the tub and then hop into bed! Didn't get to the grocery store today so I want to do that early tomorrow. Goodnight all!

Lolly said...

Looks like we are going to have plans for tomorrow night. Michael called and he is trying to get 5 tickets to the STARS hockey game tomorrow night. He usually goes on the firm's tickets. Waiting to hear from him. We will probably be on the way home or home at midnight. We usually stay home but Jack is a real STARS fan.

Going to put my nose back in a book. Finished one and now on to second book.

JudyEddy said...

NO SANDI I only have our cam up and the NEFL and it has no sound at all
I gave up on the SW one it has sound but the commercial come on and scare the poo out of me so I don't watch it

JudyEddy said...

or I should say I have never heard sound from the other camera

JudyEddy said...

ODD when I put the speaker to my ear I can hear faint talking OK anyone else out there willing to put the speaker to your ear not lap top I can't hear it on mine

I signed out the other nest just to see

JudyEddy said...

I have asked GLO about sound on the other camera on the facebook eagleblog email thingy Maybe that is what I thought was our nest but like I said I never noticed sound on the other maybe because I kept the puter muted because of the commercials that the Ft Meyers nest does I only have our cam on now
and yep I still hear faint music when I press my ear to speaker
LOLLY do you still hear it? and was it on desktop? because I can't hear it on mine only desktop

JudyEddy said...

also there is no volume thingy on the other NEFL cam that is why I assumed all other nest has control but when the commercials come on it overrides it Trust me I have tried LOL OK gonna go see what I can find on DVR to watch that I need to get caught up on NCIS is one I haven't caught up with

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals...
I'm done for the day.
We'll be Splitting before you know it, keep alert!

Lori, Best Wishes with all things
and, that GHO seems to visit the BWO platform pretty often, maybe you will get to see it yet

Prayers for Wellness, Safe Travels, and Serenity...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

JudyEddy said...

I just turned on the NEFL cam and the sound did go louder on my speaker
I was a BAD GIRL I misspoke about the sound or the eagle call and bird NOT the music and talking (Lolly also heard music) so I am deleting the video and the FB post I am a bad girl I will write 100 times LOL

stronghunter said...

Watching Castle. Going to say good night. SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

JudyEddy said...

so mad at myself about the thinking I was hearing something from the cam and when Lolly said she heard music I thought for sure Well I was wrong Ah fiddle sticks I guess we will just wait and see if you all get a answer from those who asked if we had sound this year I jumped the gun I guess
This was just on the news at a mall some white powder was found sprinkled around it So naturally they closed the mall and call in he hazmat team Well turned out to be the ashes of a girl a boyfriend was spreading her ashes around the mall the place she loved Some people

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Late evening now and I am off to the pillows with SED and AOYP

Everyone take care and God Bless you and yours ♥

Lolly said...

Getting on to say goodnight.

I did hear music very faintly on my laptop and I did not have any other cam up.???????

Night all! Happy New Year's Eve! Love and hugs for all!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Well, I've been MIA again! AT&T had to come out and fix the wires to our land line phone, and it took them 2 days! They couldn't figure out exactly where the problem was at first, but today a different guy came out, and he figured it out. Nice to be back here, and to have the phone working again.

I'm not caught up here yet, but did see that Dana's Dad got to spend some time at home on Christmas! YAY!!! Happy Belated Anniversary to Lynne and Steve, too!

Tomorrow we're spending part of the day with my Sis-in-law, and going to a movie. Will report on it later.

I'm really tired tonight, but wanted to let you know I'm OK. Wishing everyone a restful night's sleep, with SED. God bless, and goodnight.

Kay said...

Good Early Morning Eagle Buds !!!

I have ten minutes to myself before Penny wins her freedom from the crate. She loves it there, all burrowed into her velour throw, but I keep her on a schedule for my own benefit. Up at 7 and to bed by 8. She usually heads to the crate herself between 7 and 8. What a gem she is !

Hoping to see our eagles this morning ! And hoping you all have a great Last Day of 2013.

LORI, take an occasional break from that report writing--you know the old adage about all work and no play !!! {{{{{{{LORI}}}}}}}}}


Kay said...

Good Early Morning Eagle Buds !!!

I have ten minutes to myself before Penny wins her freedom from the crate. She loves it there, all burrowed into her velour throw, but I keep her on a schedule for my own benefit. Up at 7 and to bed by 8. She usually heads to the crate herself between 7 and 8. What a gem she is !

Hoping to see our eagles this morning ! And hoping you all have a great Last Day of 2013.

LORI, take an occasional break from that report writing--you know the old adage about all work and no play !!! {{{{{{{LORI}}}}}}}}}


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle BUDS

Sandi said...

Goodorming Kay, Judy, and all my eagle friends. Happy New Year's Eve!

Judy, don't beat yourself up over the sound at our nest mistake.

Lori, do you have all of this week off or do you start back to school on Thursday?

Andy, glad you are back with us again! Many folks have given up their land lines but, like you, we still have ours.

Hoping to see an eagle - or part of one - this morning before I head out to the grocery store. Have a great day all.

Janet said...

good morning all! make it a teriffic tuesday! light and love to all!

JudyEddy said...

my cam has been up and running all night 10 hours now

JudyEddy said...

check out GOOGLE today for the New Year

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 863   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...