Sunday, December 29, 2013


New thread.

Just got an email from the Outdoor Channel--they are working to get the live video feed online.


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Mema Jo said...

Oh My! I did the

Mema Jo said...

I opened the live feed without getting the full blown up ad playing - I did have a pic of the ad across the bottom but I just x'd it out.

Mema Jo said...


DanaMo said...

Good evening! Getting ready to sign off, but thought I would stop in and say hello.

Can't believe school here in Washington County is already closed for tomorrow. Just went back today and already a day off. We will be in school through June at this rate.

Dad is doing well. He will have some follow up appointments in the coming weeks and a CT scan to see what the cancer is doing. Hopefully, no further growth, but with all the illness he has been off his treatment.

stronghunter said...

i get shivers just looking at that cold nest. Got a fire going here. Will bought a kerosene heater and it's setting off the smoke detectors.

O hear Kathryn just arriving. She got caught in a traffic mess on I-95.

First, it was work on a pothole, then an accident. It took her three hours to travel 30 miles.

magpie said...

Good Cold Frigid Evening, Eagle Pals

Dana...Hoping for the best possible outcomes for your Dad....

I think, wise decision, regarding school closings...

All area WV schools are closed also, including my grandson in Morgan County, WV...some children have long walks to their bus stops and things like that...
I totally support this.....I hope your school year does not extended too long


magpie said...

Due to the weather conditions last night when I got off work, I brought a co-worker home who lives waaaay out Hedgesville way, to stay here....
there is a standing offer to Jewels to bunk out here too....but in all honesty, I hope she does not need to do is always better to be at one's own Home Roost, but I would be so honored to have her here :)


magpie said...

to Loretta:
I hope you get better very soon, but sometimes these ailments
DO linger for months...Megan had an ailment in the fall, and her doctor told her it could take months to fully kick away...

Prayers for your
Speedy Wellness....

Happy Birthday to Lynne2 and Janet....I didn't forget, honest!!
Hope these are special birthdays for each of you, and for a Super
Duper year to follow ! xoxox

magpie said...

We got some serious accidents in our area Sunday afternoon, Shirley, but not with too serious injuries, however other states had it worse than we did....

it is difficult to take these calls...some travelers, incuding a family traveling by car due to canceled flights in New Hampshire, and a young soldier trying to get back to his station in the Southern
Delegation gals Sharon and Sissy say...things can change on a dime....
glad precious one is home safe !!!

magpie said...

I missed the Eagle Visit, and so much more...BUT I did get some
great address labels and stickers from VFW today....I think it is time to send another donation for sure...

Sometime I will talk of some of the 911 calls we have taken in the last few days...including a very touching call from a gentleman...who was, having some kind of emergency, maybe diabetic, maybe stroke, but possibly hypothermia...I asked the ambulance crew when they arrived, if the house was cold...they said...the house was freezing....
I feel blessed to have contact with these people in distress, but is can be so very sad....

Another time....perhaps...

magpie said...

Happy Feast of the
The visit from The Wise Men, I believe....

I am happy to see some lingering outside Christmas lights....
and I am still playing Christmas sons...including one of my favorites, Josh Groban....

magpie said...

What a Nick Adventure...
let's hear it for
Gracie, and You !

Glad he is getting his vim and vigor back...

ttfn Pals...

magpie said...

Don't feel have had hot hot hot when we have had cool cool cool and pleasant...

Best Wishes to all things out your way...xoxoxo

magpie said...

Yah, you all don't see me for days and then I show up and cut loose !

I have missed shmoozing with you ALL, just been hemmed in with work and weather

Congratulations on the looking forward to the little lass....
you will have such Joy!
God Bless All, for a healthy and joyful pregnancy....

Sandi said...

Schools are closed for me tomorrow - must say, I am surprised! Oh well, we will hate making these days up in June! Glad I brought home a student's IEP - should be able to pretty much knock it out tomorrow while I'm home.

Lynnis posted on FB that she had bought socks to put on the donkey's ears! Smiling at that visual! :)

It turns out that Brian will be leaving on a jet plane on Wednesday evening, not Friday. I guess the sooner he gets back there, the sooner he will be home again. His next R&R will be in mid-April.

Headed for a hot bath and then a warm bed - will try to read some more of To Kill a Mockingbird before I fall asleep and then hopefully finish it tomorrow. May watch the movie tomorrow as well. I have read the book before but don't think I've ever seen the movie.

Goodnight my eagle friends - stay warm!!

magpie said...

I think you will also like the movie for To Kill A Mockingbird...
Gregory Peck...
I need to read the book also

Best Travel Wishes and Prayers for Brian


Lori O. said...

Hi everyone!

JANET & LYNNE2 hope your birthdays were more than either of you expected. Love you both!

My fellow animal lovers, I am just sick and tearful. The feral cats who live and eat here at Mom and Dad's are in for a toughest nights of their lives. There's 8 of them. I tried luring them into the heated garage and only one came close, then turned and ran away. I've built them a shelter, boxes, totes, piled with rugs and inside cat bed and straw. But after putting their wet food in their - 30 minutes later is was frozen.

Please pray, not just for these wonderful cats, but for all animals who are outside over the next few days, and for the homeless people that they will seek shelter.

Sorry to be such a bummer...I'm just so sad about these cats. Lord help them.

Love you all.

School is already cancelled for me tomorrow. I had to email my report to my instructor!

paula eagleholic said...

Lori...maybe dry food would be a better alternative when it is so cold out. Bless you for taking care of them.

Thankful I have a warm abode

paula eagleholic said...

Good to have you back Margy .

Worked late tonight..don't know if schools here are closed or not

paula eagleholic said...

Good to have you back Margy .

Worked late tonight..don't know if schools here are closed or not

Lynne2 said...

aww, Lori, I know what you mean. We have clients who have dogs that live outside and barn cats and ferals they take car of. Your babies will find a place to hunker down and they'll be OK without food for a day or two. And they may eat the frozen but Paula makes a good suggestion with using dry. But IF you can get some fresh water out that would be important. They cannot eat enough snow to hydrate.

Lynne2 said...

Margy, I bet you have some stories....don't know that I could do what you do.

Lynne2 said...

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! It was a pretty uneventful day. No one stepped up to work for me today and I had really wanted the day off. I was able to leave a little early but had to go to the DMV for license renewal.

Lynne2 said...

Steve made dinner AND a cake!

Need to get the flashlight, cell phone alarm set in case the power goes out. So far so good but I am worried about the crazy winds.

Temp currently down to 9.5

Really hoping schools will be closed tomorrow. I wouldn't want any child of mine out in this mess!

paula eagleholic said...



magpie said...

Thanks, Paula xo

You absolutely could do what I do...You have
Compassion, that is a chief ingredient needed for this job...and dedication to service..I know this, as I know how YOU feel about your "clients" and how you care for them...

yes, power went out twice here already, I have a couple of tea lights safely burning...
and talked to Lorraine my neighbor...would need to transport her out somewhere if we lose heat

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home! Presently 22 and it did not get above 32 today. Brrrr!

Worked hard today and enjoyed it. At Laurel's...cleaned bathrooms, dusted, and washed and put away two loads of clothes. Then had dinner cooking when Laurel and Joey returned home. The boys spent the day watching movies and playing games. It was a good day...but cold!

Many folks here in our area experiencing no heat and the electric grid could not keep up. Thankfully we did not loose heat. Green house is okay. Laurel has a room attached to the house where she has plants and some of them froze. Dern!

Happy Birthday Janet....and Lynne! Twinkies!

magpie said...

I have prayers going, Lori... for all wildlife, feral and otherwise,
and homeless people...please do not feel you are is a real concern...
I agree with Lynne2...that I think the feline folks will find what they need

I am relieved that YOU have a day off also

magpie said...

Lolly...that is wonderful....
how you are with your family


magpie said...

Going to end the Magpie-ing now...
with lots of love and (( HUGS ))...

Prayers for Wellness All Around,
and Serenity...Warmth, and Safety

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Judie said...

Hi all,

Dana, thinking of your Dad and hoping all will be good news.

Also thinking, as Lori mentioned, about the animals who must survive outside. So very sad.

Some good news. A former student, now a Houston detective, will be recognized as detective of the year for a case she worked. So proud of her.

Night light is on. Please everyone stay warm and safe and inside, if possible. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Schools here are closed tomorrow. I think that is a good decision. Too cold for kids to have to wait for buses.

And, it is quite possible that buses might not start. I well remember an early morning in Ohio when my principal called to say that school would be closed because they couldn't start the buses because it was so cold.

I had thought bowling would be canceled, but got a message that the bylaw that says bowling is canceled if two area school systems are closed applies to snow days only. So, Hunter will need to accompany me to the bowling alley. He said that it will kill him.

stronghunter said...

Congratulations to your former student, Judie.

stronghunter said...

I tried the suggestion of setting a timer when I let Luna out awhile ago. Set it for 10 minutes and was surprised how quickly those minutes went by.

Good suggestion that we pray for all creatures outdoors tonight, Lori.

Lynne2 said...

Poor Hunter...LOL!!!

HEY LOLLY....WHO are you calling TWINKIES???? ;)

Just took the dogs out. BRUTAL out there. 7.7 degrees now and the wind is just insane. Took them separately, under 2 minutes for Puddles, Daisy less than 30 seconds!! My face is frozen. At least the sun will be out tomorrow and by Thursday it's back into the 40s!!

OH...found a little salamander out on the patio this morning. He must have been confused by the warm night. They come out on warm spring nights to mate. He was frozen but I was hopeful. But he was already dead.

stronghunter said...

I am happily working on plans with my college friend Jeanie to get together in May for our 50th reunion. We graduated in 1964. It seems that they will have us wear golden gowns and usher in the Class of 2014.

I talked with Jeanie tonight, and suggested that we take advantage of the proximity of the North Carolina beaches while we are together, so the plans are progressing.

Nice to be thinking of a beach vacation during this cold weather.

Mema Jo said...

Judie on Fb Candy (K-teacher) had a note that said:
There is nothing better in this world than seeing a student succeed
and knowing that you helped.
You must be proud ♥

Lynne2 said...

need to get to bed, up way past my bedtime!

Thanks again for the birthday wishes!

Goodnight and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the salamander, Lynne.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥
Hope the happy birthday gals had good days ♥

Stay warm - relief is on its way

I Love Us ♥

Janet said...

Good late evening all. Its been a long day.
I slept in a little, but we had agreed to go over to Chelsea’s. Her bathtub faucet had a leak, long story short, some things got broken and Tom stepped up to fix it for them.
We arrived @ 11, ate a bite of lunch and Tom worked all day on this project. I played with and watched grandkids while they ran to the hardware store, etc. Chelsea cooked up a nice pot of chili for dinner. We finally left about 9:45 p.m. Glad to be home. Had a piece of my yummy super chocolatey bday cake…had a shower and bed time soon. I am tired.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes. It has been quite a wonderful birthday….I was glad to not do too much today, although my house needs a once over….Glad I was off of work.

it was 7 degrees when I woke up this morning and I think we made it up to about 10 today. Right now it is 4. Degrees. Yes four degrees outside.
I too worry about the outside critters….We do what we can, but this is nature’s way I suppose ….it isn’t always easy or pleasant as with the little salamander fellow (so sad)….and some of it humans contribute to without thinking….but some of it just is nature. It just is.
Tomorrow Tom and I will go to Sylvan and sign LIvvy up. Then Wed school starts again. Warms up by then though, so that’s good.
We had just a dusting of snow, not the 3 to 4 inches they initially forecast.

Well I am tired, so I am outta here for the night. Pleasant dreams to all. Thanks again! Light, love, hugs and smiles

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. Going to do what I can to keep things warm in the house.

I do remember some very cold weather in Ohio. I think it was 1978. I had a plant sitting by my front door (indoors) that froze.

They were saying that you should hold a candle by the door to see if too much draft was coming in. If the candle flickered, it meant you needed more weatherstripping. When I tried it, the draft blew the candle out. No wonder my plant froze.

That was the winter we walked over a fence and into the fields behind the house because there was so much snow.

Stay warm and stay safe. SED.

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

Kay said...

Good Morning Dear Eagle Buds and as HODA say's God Bless you all !!!

So many are dealing with this Arctic blast, caused by the Polar Vortex spilling over way beyond it's usual bounds. Here in OH thirty year records are being broken--last year that came even close was 1994--during my respite back home in AZ. Brrrrrr. I hate to think of the day ahead with poor Penny for it's to be even worse than yesterday. Like LYNNE2's dogs, she's out for seconds at a time.

LORI, I share your angst over the feral cats and all wildlife that doesn't hibernate in a nice warm hidey hole. We have such cats here--guess every place does now and then there is the large deer herd. Haven't seen a one since this cold hit hard and wonder where they huddle together to wait it out.

MARGY, God bless you for looking out for Jewels and others and bless you for the work you do. I cringe every time I must pull over for an Emergency vehicle, not because I resent the interruption, but because I know it means someone is having trouble. I've been on the receiving end of those sirens several times in this journey and know what a relief it is to see the EMT's pull up and get to work !

For once I'm not up early due to pain, but rather, due to having had plenty of sleep. I didn't take my usual nap yesterday. Penny and I fell asleep in the recliner at 6:30 last night, woke up at 8, took her out and then she went off to bed and within about 15 minutes so did I. Woke up at 3 bright eyed and bushy tailed. Bet I'll be taking a nap this afternoon !

Hope you all have the best day possible under the conditions. Be safe !


DanaMo said...

Good morning Kay and all the early birds.

I'm up at the usual time, school or no school. Wish I could take a nap, but I haven't been able to do that lately. I guess I have gotten plenty of rest over the break.

I actually am going to "watch/babysit" one of my students from last year today. Her mom mostly works from home and as you can imagine, can't get much done over the long 2 week break. Now that we are back she was trying to get things done, and boom, "snow" day. I am excited to have a 6 year old in the house. I've been planning (playing on pintrest) to find things to do with her for a couple of hours today.

College kids are still not back in class. Big issues with Aric, which I just don't have in my heart to share. I'll just say that he may not be going back to Dayton this semester. Why oh why do I have to go through this. Never though I was going to have issues with Mr. National HOnor society. I'll leave it at that, but ask for you to please pray for us especially today. Please pray for fair resolution.

Not sure what else I am going to do. I actually thought of going to school even though we are closed.
At least I can look forward to Madeline coming over.

DanaMo said...

Guess I am in the minority as far as the day off school.
I don't get it. What I see is kids sitting in cars waiting for the bus, getting into a warm bus, then getting into a warm school. Maybe there are a lot more walking to a bus stop than I realize, but not around here. I suppose in WV the stops are spread out further, and I live in a pretty nice area, but here in Hagerstown I just don't see the need.
I hope they take something else away from us instead of adding on to the end of the year. There is also talk of it being "excused" because of the state of emergency.

Sandi said...

Goodorming Kay, Dana, and all my eagle friends. 9 degrees here, feels like -14 with the wind.

Dana, I really do get the schools closing here -lots of kids walk to school, lots of rural roads that will have ice on them this AM with kids walking a distance to get to their bus stops. Hope you're right about excusing today as a state of emergency.

Something is not right with one of our heat pumps - waiting for Denny to get up to tell him. Great day for THAT to happen!

I too have thought a lot about animals who live outside. Lynnis posted on FB that she had bought socks to put on her donkey's ears! She put heat lamps in the chicken house and the donkey's barn and the pigs have heated pads inside their houses that are activated by their weight on them.

I sure hope this arctic blast doesn't stick around long! Have a great day all - stay warm!

magpie said...

Good Zero Temperature Martinsburg
WV Day to everyone...

53 of the 55 WV counties are closed today, Mineral (Keyser) and Hancock
(tippy top of the Northern Panhandle
do not show that they are closed

Dana enjoy your day with your former student....a Play Day for the two of you, and
I will surely pray for whatever situation is going on with Aric...
(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

Oh wishes with that heat pump repair...good that you have a second one...
when I lived in The Big House, there were two, one for upper level, one for the lower level...
Now I could have put up a LOT of people there if the need had occurred

Best Wishes to All....for a Good Day, whatever is on your dance cards


magpie said...

I do not see anything going on at the Royal Sycamore Nest .. yet
but I just started watching

Sandi said...

I seem to recall Glo saying last winter that, when it's really cold, eagles (this is probably true of all birds) spend much of their time perched to conserve their body heat; they only fly when they need food for energy. She said that's why it's important not to scare a bird into flying unnecessarily. I'm sure our eagles are focusing on finding food and staying warm today - both things they are very good at.

Dana, I'm sorry that things are not going well with Aric and college. When Kevin quit school in his final semester (which he didn't tell us until December when he had to admit that there was no need for us to get hotel in Winchester to attend his graduation), I was so angry and disappointed. That was 8 years ago. Today, I'm not angry anymore but, to be honest, I'm still disappointed.

I don't think Kevin knew, at age 18, what he wanted, so he agreed to go along with what Denny and I wanted, which was for him to get a college degree. Eventually, he decided the degree wasn't important and it no longer mattered what we wanted. I guess the degree has never become important enough to him b/c he never went back to school and finished. Maybe some day he will (that's still my hope), maybe not. In the meantime, he's working and seems happy, though he's still living at home with us.

I'll pray for insight for Aric to help him figure out what's right for him, and for strength for you and Monte as he figures it out. I know exactly how you're feeling - been there, done that - and it isn't easy. I know that Kay and her family are going through the same thing with Kay's grandson (sorry, I can't recall his name - Connor maybe?)

Lori O. said...

Good freezing morning everyone!

Wind chill here in PA now is -35.

I fed the cats and a huge tom cat actually let me pick him up then jumped out of my arms. Put out hot water for them to warm up. Tested with me own tongue and it was perfect "warming soup" temp.

Lynne2, I've been taking out hot water (hot enough to warm them, not too hot to drink) every 2 hours.

Interesting, the dry cat food freezes, too. There's a lot of moisture in it and it turns very hard and frozen.

Sandi, hope your heat pump gets fixed today.

KAY, you be very careful going outside. Bundle up big time and wear your ice grippers. Everything is frozen out there & you can't stay out long. Warm gloves are mandatory.

I've made the mistake of going out to take care of the cats without gloves and fingers are numb and stinging in less than a minute!

Praying everyone takes good care of themselves, and stays warm, along with warmth for all wildlife and pets that are outdoors, AND homeless people who are mentally impaired and don't know to get in from the cold.

Kay said...

Arrrrgggghhh. I just lost a long and profoundly important message--server not available. What ?

Janet said...

Hey ya'll, Lynne and I got a belated birthay gift; IT INVOLVES US ALL! A NEW THREAD A NEW THREAD A NEW THREAD Come over come over come over!

Lori O. said...

Forgot to say NO school today. They cancelled late last night!

I'm home working on some homework from yesterday when I had my first two isolation patients.

DANA, Prayers for your family as you're going through a difficult time with Aric and schooling. Sorry you have to endure this, again.

Sandi, thanks for the reminder about Glo's comment last year. Makes sense.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori!

Kay, don'tcha just hate when that happens with our blog posts??? I'm thinking your grandson who dropped out of college is Carson, not Conner. Maybe both names are wrong, but I know there's a grandson who doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up!

I think it's especially hard for someone like me, who can never remember a time when I didn't want to be a teacher, to understand kids who aren't there yet at age 18. But, when I write IEPs for my 8th graders, I have to ask them what pathway they want to take in high school (it's like picking a major in college but, in DE, kids have to choose a pathway in high school, even though there may not be a pathway that matches what they think they want to do). Most of my 8th graders have no idea what they want to do after high school. I think it's really not that uncommon that even high school seniors still don't know what they want to do with their lives.

Kay said...

Thank you, gLORI ! I'm so bundled up when I go out, warm stocking cap, hood up on big warm winter jacket, turtle neck sweated with neck turned up, sweats, heavy knee socks, warm gloes and the boots just like you mentioned ! Penny gladly lets me put her sweater on, but that's about all the protection she has. We were literally out there for just seconds at 7 and she peed. After breakfast she fussed to go out, but balked when the door opened to the extreme cold. I coaxed her on out, but she did not poop and wanted back in pronto. Poor baby.

I imagine the cats will munch around on the dry food even if a bit cold and crunchy. Cats are very resourceful.

Are you on a "snow day", too ?

Kay said...

SANDI, that is one of the things I wrote about---it's Cooper---you were closing in on it ! And, I said your experience with Kevin is a good thing to pass on to DANA....

DANA, I pray that things work out for Aric in a way that pleases you and Monte. It's grand to hear how well your dad is doing and to think of you enjoying a Play Day. Is Annemarie's school in session ?

SANDI, does Lynnis have help out there in the country ? She's so small and so delightfully pregnant--hope she won't overdo.

Kay said...

Scratching my brain to remember all I wrote in the lost're all lucky as it's forcing me to do a Reader's Digest version.

SANDI, I've heard that about Eagles and the cold, too. Maybe from Gloria as you say. Bottom line, "let sleeping dogs lie", "never scare an Eagle into flight" and "never, ever, disturb a sleeping baby" ! The latter should apply to grandparents, too. Seth can't stand it when I doze off while watching a movie or TV show. Grandmothers need to conserve energy, too, don't they ?

DanaMo said...

Unfortunately, this is the second time on this rodeo. Remember, Andrew did the same thing. Granted, Andrew is now finishing his AA degree with all A's, but I still feel like I am going to have to push him to go all the way.
Aric's situation is just a little different. He has been trying to get out of Civil Engineering, but kept getting discouraged by the head of the department. So he failed 2/4 classes this semester giving him a less than 1 GPA for the semester. He is being dismissed, even though his overall GPA is not that low, and prior to this semester was a 3.1. He was in the process of changing majors. Apparently, UD doesn't care. Because he has below a 1 for this semester they are dismissing probation, no nothing. No consideration at all. Several emails flying. His stuff is still in Dayton. Didn't get word until Friday via email, which he didn't read until Saturday. It is a big mess. Got a cert. letter yesterday, but lets face it, they are giving him 1 week notice!!!! How fair is that? And they tell him he can go to another school. Well how the hell is he supposed to arrange that in such short notice. And after attending another school he can reapply to the engineering school...hello...he doesn't want to be in engineering, yet he is being dismissed from the whole school.
Any advice appreciate, but I feel so disappointed at first at him, but now furious with the school and how this is being handled. He even asked his advisor if he should withdraw from all classes last semester so this wouldn't happen and he was told no. That advisor is willing to stand up for him, but he is saying he dowsn't have the power to do much other than vouche for aric.
Sorry...that got long and I said I wasn't going to talk about it. Guess I needed to vent.

DanaMo said...

AND (if I may) I have to wonder if the #$%^&* basketball players are treated the same way1!!!

magpie said...




JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds I hope each and everyone has a productive day

I can join you all in the land of cold last night was in 30s and the hi today will we 43 brrr don't like it but just wait a day of so and will be back in the 80s

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...