Tuesday, October 01, 2013


The cam will be going offline due to the government shutdown.  No additional blog postings until resumption of government.



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Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !

STEVE thanks for the new thread and the warning. I'm just testing here to see if this post goes through or not.

Mema Jo said...

This shutdown hits me where it hurts
I'll just say good morning to all ♥
I'll see most of you on FB
No need to run out of space on our blog.

Kay said...

Okay, it took. Too bad the shutdown is effecting things there at Eagle Central. Hope it doesn't last long.

LORI, glad you had that talk with the lady in charge and are feeling much better about things at school ! Hoping this is a great day in uniform !

JO, I know how painful it was to lose Mr. Marvin. May he RIP and may you be comforted in the knowledge that you provided such a warm and wonderful life for him.

LOLLY n' SHIRLEY, love the grandson stories !

SANDI, wishing Brian safe travels !

Love and prayers for all !


Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE and KAY

So sorry about the shut down.

I say like JO let us save space on the blog and post on FB.

This too shall pass!


Hoda said...

Off for an early walk with a friend.
Dr's appointment in afternoon. Routine.
Buy shoes.

Hoda said...

Sorry checking email is not taking!!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Will not post much on here as we do not want to run it too high! But, we do have to post some for our non fb friends! Love you, Margy!!! Love you, Kay!!

Quiet day today.
Going to bake to take banana nut bread to new neighbor.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning sunshines!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly has set up on FB the Messages
She can add you to the list just let her know......
It turns out to be like a chat room!

Janet said...

ADD ME!!!!!! PLEASE to fb chat!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Janet, I added you.

Judie said...

Good afternoon all.

Thank you Steve for letting us know about the blog. Much appreciated.

Been mostly absent as this is test time with assignments also coming due. Busy. New med with side-effect of sleepy.

Let's hope the children who represent us grow up quickly, very quickly and end this fiasco.

Sandperson does not work for the govt so will continue to spread sleepy dust among the bloggers.

Love and hugs to all. Until we blog again....

Lolly said...

Judie, wish you were on fb. We are over there with our private blog, messaging away!

We can come here and check on you non fb'ers!! Love you!

Lori O. said...



Hoda said...

You are on

stronghunter said...


Was at bowling when my phone started going crazy with FB messages. My teammates wanted to know what on earth was going on. I have tried to keep up, but have been running hither and yon. Have a little bit of time before Hunter's football game.

Watching a stinkbug crawl up the outside of my kitchen door. I haven't seen as many as some, but enough.

Lolly said...

KAY, MARGIE, ANDY, JUDIE....We really, really, really want you on fb. It is so easy to establish a page. You could only friend us and get on with our private chat. We love you and want you!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE and the warning

Does he mean that he will not being putting a new blog page up ?? because this is posting right??

OH home from work to find a new Thread

JudyEddy said...

and the CAMERA is still working????

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Really odd I am watching the cam on my platform player but when I tired to open the page says offline ODD I am looking at the wind blowing now on the cam You know the option below the camera for separate player that is the one I have up ODD

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Judy, the live cam page isn't working for me. It's working for you???

Just checking the box so email comments are sent to my inbox. Need to eat and then head to the grocery store.

Sandi said...

Hmmmm ... nothing is showing up in my inbox. Will try again.

JudyEddy said...

YES I have it on my lap top and desktop but the thing is it is on the separate player Remember under the cam was a blue link that said click here for a repartee player that is what I have I just posted a video and pic on FB to show all I just refreshed the page and they came back odd Spooky in a way hUH

JudyEddy said...

I lost the email portion of the FB feed I hope everyone comes back to the blog to chat and I can keep a eye on the attic since I have it I guess being its a separate player and not hooked with the OD is why I don't know Maybe Steve Chase knows I wonder if I should ask him I am dumbfounded by it But I am looking at the MT attic oh there is a small bird on the branch

DanaMo said...

While things are down here, please go vote for Warrior Canine Connection on Facebook Toyota 100 cars for Good. You have to vote for 2 organizations. The second one doesn't matter if you are voting for WCC that's what we need. I would post a link, but I never got good at that and it's been too long, but if you go to my page the link is there or if you type in Toyota 100 Cars for Good in the search you should be able to get there.

JudyEddy said...

I voted just now

JudyEddy said...

Odd I voted but it didn't show up on my newsfeed ODD

JudyEddy said...

Here is the video I took of the live feed to show that I have it Odd I did ask STEVE if he knew that was the reason the separate player option

I have the live feed is it luck or should I be skerred LOL

JudyEddy said...

I just thought of something I didn't tell you all Jordyn went up to Angie and ask if she could get a hair cut short to her shoulders Naturally Angie said are you sure and her reply it will grow back LOL It just occurred to me to see if she has enough to donate to lock of love I just left a message on Angie machine

JudyEddy said...

and my message was so long I got a beep LOL Angie posted on FB that she was in the waiting room so I called her on her cell I guess Jordyn has been complaining of her tummy bothering her so hence a check up She has good insurance also

Attic is still MT

I hope I don't loose power to loose my connection I do have the lap to in case just got to remember not exit out Also does that mean STEVE is not working????

a unwanted vaca if so

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in the attic

JudyEddy said...

naturally looks like BELLE flew in from the left OH is that N S E W anyone know???

JudyEddy said...

I think I may have figured it out being I choose the platform player and not the OD channel

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...

wow took three times to take Odd I lost my tough ok gonna go shower and tv

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say it takes a few seconds to load I noticed be patient

JudyEddy said...

took almost a min to come up just now

JudyEddy said...

but you have the cam

Mema Jo said...

Well Judy I say pop in on the blog but
DO come over and participate on FB

Thanks for finding the cam Judy

I am headed for Terrific Tues TV

I'll come over to say goodnight later.

paula eagleholic said...

I think Steve is trying to scare us....I understand about the cam...but he could give us a new thread whenever he wants.
It's his blog. Guess it's his way of protesting the shutdown.

my phone went crazy too...will have to check out the page on FB

paula eagleholic said...

My cam did come up. thamks for the link Judy

JudyEddy said...

Hey my sharing that link I hope that is ok Our way of getting back at the government

stronghunter said...

Back from the football game. Hunters's team won. Score was 40-something to zero. They ended the game early because of the lopsided score.

Grabbed a burger on the way home.

stronghunter said...

Will check the cam tomorrow. Today was very busy for me. Not a lot of time to check everything.

Janet said...

popping here and then checking fb.

busy day. i have cleaned my house. i also went downstairs and helped the kidsto (FINALLY) get their downstairs apartmnt organized. mom to the rescue! i worked almost 5 hours down there.

now i am tired. the weather was gorgeos and i wanted to be outside, but i also wanted to gt that down stairs together. ihad not done it beforenow as i didn't want to over step my boundaires. but after a few conversations with ashley, i determined she wouldn't mind my help and away i went!

i wouldn't say it was qute a lolly treatment, but it is indeed much better.

here's hoping everyone will pop in on facebook, but if not, i will certainly check in here as well. i'm on facebook a lot as well as here, so it works for me.

light love hugs and smiles to all!

Mema Jo said...

Could only make it thru 2 TV shows. I feel beat - The family get together
for Michael was great!

Goodnight to all ♥

Hoda said...

Good night
god Bless Us All.

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Not feeling well, Coming down with something, Shoot me now!!

Night all! SED!!

Lolly said...

Judy, do not know what you did, but clicked on your link and saw the Royal Palace in the dark! Great job!

paula eagleholic said...

Update on snake removal:

the guy couldn't see any snakes. Most of the insulation is down, and in the way of any snake removal. Got the name of a guy who will hopefully remove and replace the insulation...apparently he will do it with a snake in there...so we shall see. I'll try and call him tomorrow.

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

magpie said...

Good Night, Eagle Pals...

Happy Alive Day for Micheal.
Miracle Michael that is..
on the anniversary of his accident

(( HUGS ))

magpie said...

It's just about tomorrow

Hope you will feel better, Lolly
very promptly

magpie said...

Thanks for the offers to add on
to FB but I can't -

But I'll just keep you all in
my thoughts and prayers as always....

and Keeping the Positive Thoughts going

Now, to go to bed for the second time....Sandperson clobbered me
at around 6:30....
and the pile of sleepy dust
has made its second appearance,
Thanks Judie !
Take Care, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Hoda said...

Good night MARGIE.
Much love to you.

Hoda said...

Who won the Toyotas today? Did PAULA'S and DANA'S organizations get their cars?
Let me know if anyone here knows.

Lori O. said...

Good morning all!

Went back to facebook last night and the blog on there had disappeared. Don't know why? Does it go off if you shutdown?

Hope DANAMO's group won their round in the Toyota car giveaway, cars for good.

PAULA, glad you are handling the snake problem, step by step, you'll get there. Glad you're not getting frustrated.

LOLLY, prayers that you're not getting sick and feel better today. Hope you got lots of rest.

KAY, it's back to school today, regular clothing. :) And, back to tests everyday, including one this morning.

SHIRLEY, congrats to Hunter on the football victory!

SANDI, good morning! Thinking about you and your family. Prayers for peace and safety.

HODA, What's up for you today? We're having unusually warm weather for this time of year...what about you? Don't want you to have to bust out the wool socks too early. lol

JANET, did you go to the fair, or did you get to go to bed early, too? I fell asleep at 7 last night.

Okay, time to study for today's test. It's nutrition and how different groups and disease are affected by it.

Love you all...hope I can get back on FB chat when I get home.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

There was an email in my inbox from Brian - he's sitting in an airport in Munich right now. Reading it made me cry all over. He said that saying goodbye to Lynnis was the hardest thing he has ever done. I know the ache in her heart is much larger b/c, even though we love Brian just as much, we're used to not seeing him every day.

Have a great day all!

Hoda said...

Good morning gLORI!
Good luck with the tests.
The woollen socks have been busted out since September 24th!!! The boots have even come out once since then!!!
Ha ha ha !!! I am on it!!!
If you click on message icon on FB you will find the conversation. Yes it shuts down when you shut FB OFF. It is there though

Hoda said...

SANDI Very touching your post about BRIAN. Bless him and LYNNIS and of course YOU and DENNIS.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having coffee in my bed this morning. Very nice.

Janet said...

good morning

as tired as i was last night, after working 5+ hrs downstairs and also cleaning the upstairs, i couldn't sleep.it was past 11 when i finally racked out. ad the night sweats hit @ 3. sooo very sleepy again.

thats okay, i'll sleep well tonight.

have a great day!

Hoda said...

It is 36 degrees!
What are the poor plants doing outside???
Too dark to check!

JudyEddy said...


SANDI my heart breaks for you

HODA yikes on the cold weather Hey we are 74° now yesterdays high was 91 °

JudyEddy said...

and who did win the car????

JudyEddy said...

OH MY just on the new a 2 yr old boy in China is in the hospital give birth or sort to his twin I guess he absorbed his twin. his tummy was getting big and he couldn't breath so his parents took him to hospital and that is were they saw it was taking up most of the boys stomach

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY hope you are better today

glo said...

Good morning all. Make it a good day. There are lots of wildlife cams to enjoy. Sorry that cam won't come up today as we all know it did come up yesterday. Blogger is not being shutdown by the gov't. Keep the faith.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Still not feeling the greatest...head hurts (you know the sick feeling) and my throat is raw. I will survive!

Sandi, (((hugs))) Feel your pain!

Margy, will be so HAPPY when you are back with us more often. Love you!!!

Out to water plants.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

The link for the cam - Shirley got a very weird connection this morning -
She is scanning her system - I have deleted the links Judy found
Keep me advised if anyone really gets the cam up Shirley should be over in a few.........

Lolly you don't connect how you are feeling with just receiving your 2 shots - right?

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - My heart goes out to all of you - I don't like good byes - they
are so bitter sweet. Will you be visiting in WV more often while Brian is gone? ♥

Mema Jo said...

Remember to look at the October Birthday calendar on Eaglet Momsters

There are a lot of days of celebrations for our members......

If any of you want to remember Norma Long - her address is listed. Just open her name.........

Mema Jo said...

Judy please let us know what happens when you open your cam link.

I cannot post any comment under yours on our original cam link for users to use caution.........

Waiting to hear from you....

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Have been very busy doing housework and yard work the last couple of days.

Hoping that this posts!

Jo, so very sorry to hear of Mr. Marvin's trip across the Rainbow Bridge. (((HUGE HUGS))) for you!
You certainly gave him a wonderful life.

It's cloudy and cool here this morning! Some chance of sprinkles, too.

Wishing everyone a good day. Must go feed Miss Emma--we both slept in late this morning!

Will check in later this afternoon.
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

Who controls Air Traffic Controllers in the USA? Are planes still flying?

Lolly said...

Not sure about the controllers, Hoda, but yes, planes are still flying so guess the controllers are still at work. That would really shut down the USA.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Will hold my posts at one a day til' we know more, but enjoyed reading all your posts ! (I do agree with Paula in not understanding why the shutdown effects this blog--the cam, yes, but the blog ????)

SANDI, you tugged at my heartstrings as I do so know what it means to see a son off for a while. Prayers !!!!!

Sorry, LOLLY, I appreciate your love and good thoughts, but like MARGY, I just can't see my way clear to signing up for FB.

Love and prayers for all !!!!!!!


Mema Jo said...

Kay - not to worry - I am on FB and on Blog - Not one blogger will be left behind..... That sounds familiar ♥

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon everyone!

SANDI, big hugs. I feel so bad for you. I can't imagine how hard it must be. Very kind of you to be so compassionate about Lynnis.

KAY, will never let you go, so I'll just hop over to FB every now and then and keep my posts here. It is nice to know we have another option. Still, strange.

JANET, hope you get some sleep tonight.

Good news - I got a 92 on today's test! YAY. Must go now and see what's up on FB then to study.

Love you ALL!!!!

stronghunter said...

Hoda, Air traffic controllers are essential workers. They are on the job. CNN says so.

stronghunter said...

FYI--Conduit is a browser hijacker, so not exactly a virus. As far as I know I have gotten rid of it with Will's help.

stronghunter said...

It was Conduit that hijacked my browser. I knew instantly because it has happened to me before.

Sandi said...

Hi all - good day at school! It's so nice to be able to say that I like my kids!!! :)

Checked my email from school to find another from Brian that he was in Turkey @ 9am. I suspect he has arrived in Yemen by now.

Jo, Lynnis knows to call us if she needs anything but her family is only about an hour and a half away and she is very close to her mom and her sister. She is a very independent young lady - she'll be fine, but I know she'll still miss Brian a lot.

Lori, 92!!?? You go, girl!!

I cannot get the cam page to load today, though it loaded last night when I used Judy's link.

Temps are in the 80s today here - back to summertime!

Mema Jo said...

Don't try to open links Judy gave us last night

Right Shirley ?

PA Nana said...

Hello everyone. Weather is on a seesaw and our politicians are not playing nice in the sandbox.

Will not clog the blog but know I'm on the sideline praying for everyone in need.

God bless.

stronghunter said...

Right, Jo. I can't think of anything else I did to cause the problem I got.

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOOO home from work Its my weeknd party party at my house LOL Just kidding

and I think the Government found out about the link that worked It was working fine this am and now is gone Now I can't get it WTH

JudyEddy said...

I always watch the cam with the platform player and now very sad no eagle Oh well will watch the Fl eagle I guess I wonder why it worked and now doesn't maybe the government found out LOL

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I have never heard of it (Conduit)

JudyEddy said...

Great news LORI we are all proud of you I wonder why the cam isn't working Maybe someone went to the tree and disconnected it I thought maybe the OC wasn't broadcasting it but when it worked on the platform player it did I will never understand I wonder if STEVE CHASE would know why it did work until today OK gonna head out for a bit

JudyEddy said...

JO I have been using that platform player all the time it is posted under the OD page under the cam page Its is all I watch and I have had no issue with it

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Judy, please don't get upset. I don't know what happened, but I got the virus this morning when I connected with your link. Not sure how that happened. Just don't want anyone to have a problem.

Sandi said...

Just an FYI - when I got home from school today, I used the link that Judy sent for the cam. The advertisement played but then I got the message that the cam wasn't available. Since then, I have seen no evidence of a virus or of anything hacking my browser.

stronghunter said...

I just went back and looked at my history this morning.

At 9:47 I went to the Outdoor Channel and to the Outdoor Channel Platform. Also at 9:47 there was a free download recommendation. It must have come in somehow on that link, and I must have clicked on it. It looks like I am the only one who got it, so maybe I am the only one who clicked on that download. Please be careful. It really looks like that is what happened.

stronghunter said...

I try to be careful, but dang it, I got that same Conduit hijacker once before. It seems to attach itself to something that looks very legitimate. My virus protection warned me that something was wrong, but it got in anyway. I would not have agreed to a download after a warning from my virus protection.

stronghunter said...

Anyway, I have gotten rid of it.

grannyblt said...

Judy. No one blames you. It was a problem when Shirley tried to open the cam. I got the cam early this morning around dawn. I closed it because there was no one home but couldn't get back an hour later. I checked my Norton but nothing showed up.

Mema Jo said...

Judy No one blamed you - I just referred to the link as Judy's so that everyone would know about it.... I wanted you to try it when you got home from work and let us know if it was still an ok link - Please don't take offense because no one even inferred that you gave us a virus. We know better then that.....

magpie said...

Seems like it has all been explained very carefully and kindly as we usually if not always do here....

Computer problems can be real bugaboos so caution is always
pretty helpful....especially early alerts...we'll get through all this

JudyE, you are just a whiz about a lot of things....and always there with a helping hand....

Good Evening, Eagle Pals

glad to hear that Brian is checking in Sandi....(( HUGS ABOUND)

Nice grade, Lori...of course!
I like this topic about nutrition and diseases...near and dear to our hearts for sure !

magpie said...

I am thinking that Steve meant HE would not be making blog posts and
probably no new threads....
I, too, will be very skimpy with my
posts...no excessive Magpie-ing allowed right now !

Lovins' and Hugs to all...

nice seeing Glo and grannyblt and
Andy today too, as well as our
"regulars" :)

xoxo ttfn

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

JudyEddy said...

I just love the second cam at Fl nest of the view of the tree
The call the top of the tree on the roof I told them we say in the attic
both were in the nest and attic this evening I love how clear the new cam is of the tree

JudyEddy said...

I also will not tie up the blog the day is done and so am I

JudyEddy said...

ok one more post for got to add

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

silly me LOL ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judy. Rest well.

Margy is right. You are so good at finding interesting things out there and sharing them with us.

I have sent a message to the Outdoor Channel to see if they know what might have happened.

magpie said...

from our local newspaper...news which most of you already know...

"The NCTC website redirects users to the Department of the Interior home page. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service contingency plan states the NCTC will be closed, with all classes and training canceled and students and staff sent home. The Department of the Interior will oversee public lands and natural resources during the shutdown.'

also other agencies in our area
including the 167th Air National Guard...
and or course, nationwide are affected...

magpie said...

weather-wise I guess we have
Indian Summer upon us, hereabouts

G'Night, Precious Pals


stronghunter said...

Indian Summer. It does look that way, Margy.

JudyEddy said...

INDIAN SUMMER ---- HOT summer here LOL Just popping in 81° at this time of night feels like 85° Humidity 72% and Dewpoint 71° I did a boo boo I drank TEA from MCDonalds I have a caffeine BUZZZ ZZZ
OH well I can sleep in LOL

JOI just upload more pic to the album the date shows 9-30 didn't see another album FYI

Lolly said...

Heading to bed, Falling asleep in my chair. Night all! SED!!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all
Talk with you tomorrow ♥

Hoda said...

Good night

God Bless Us all

Lori O. said...

Good Thursday Morning, everyone!

Hope this govt shutdown resolves soon and they get over themselves and the partisan bickering! Kate told me last night that she may have to take all of next week off. She works for a govt contractor.

Wanted to let everyone know that my med change is going very well. I'm so thrilled that my doctor put it all together to make it easier and it's working!

Test this morning on caring for the elderly and all their disease processes. Hope to do well. MTBR.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Love and Big HUGS for everyone.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Lori, glad to hear the meds change is going smoothly - one day at a time! Remember Janet's advice - BELIEVE!


Lolly, hope you are feeling better today!

Long day for me - school, then the first home football game, then parent conference night til 8pm. I probably won't get on the blog again til tomorrow morning.

Make it a great day all!

Janet said...

Good morning. We have made it to Thursday yet again.
LORI: congrats on the 92 yesterday!
Hope everyone is doing well. Samd stuf diff day here. I tried to have a chill day yestrday, but that didn't exactly work out. However, I slept better last night, so that is good.

I feel better this morning.

Nothing much going on. Ashley (michael's gal) was busythe last day or so organizing her clothes, etc after I had the clean fest down there on Tuesday and got her those garment racks. LOVE IT.

Everyone,hve a lovely day!

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...

Happy Birthday to Jewels !!
Hope this is a Splendid Day...
with a GREAT Year to follow...
Love you Bunches !! xoxox

Best Wishes to all for a
Great Day....


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Happy birthday, Carolyn! Please enjoy your day.

I have things to do and places to go. . . maybe bowling practice in a bit. See you all later.

grannyblt said...

GM eagle watches. I guess we can watch eagles in FL for a while.
Thinking of all of you while I go off to another of my 'la de dah' luncheons. Well maybe it is just la de as the club members are preparing and serving the food. At least I wasn't on that committee this time.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sandi, elementary schools in Denton are closing at noon this week so teachers can schedule conferences. Jacob has been walking to Laurel's school and living under her desk. He has a nest there. LOL Does homework, watches movies with ipad and even takes a nap. Today Laurel has a meeting so I am picking him up.

Lori, I am feeling better. Laurel has the same thing. Think we caught it from my sister when she was here. Laurel may be a little worse off having to continue teaching while I have just been taking it easy.

Lolly said...

Happy Birthday, Carolyn!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Praying for a good day for all of us

JudyE I extended the album's date to the end of Oct. Thanks for recording all of your photos.

Mema Jo said...

Happy BIRTHDAY TO A VERY SPECIAL GAL! Sure hope your day goes well and all good things happen for you - Not just today but the whole year ahead. Carolyn aka Jewels, I love you - Momma Jo

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning almost afternoon eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........


Mema Jo said...

I want to thank you for the prayers and warm thoughts you have for Michael. We celebrated his 1 yr of life on Oct 1. On Oct 2 Michael did have a seizure and his brother was with him. His dad went to them and they took Michael to the ER. He was released mid afternoon and came here to stay the night at our home. He has his own dwelling with 2 other men but I was relieved he stayed over here. I am just asking you to place in your daily prayers/thoughts. Thank you and God Bless You ♥

JudyEddy said...

You can count on me JO ♥

JudyEddy said...

Headin out for a bit
Angie emailed me that she wanted me to pick up Jordyn being she has a 330 MRI and didn't know how long it would take and Carl was going to his Aunts to fix her air
BUT I just now got a call from Angie that Carl will be picking her up Sure wish they would make up their minds I could have been gone instead of thinking I would be picking her up and not going to get any xtra Jordyn time also

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds ! One thing that will never shut down is my love and admiration for all of you !

♫♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, DEAR CAROLYN AKA JEWELS ♪♪♪ We all love you dearly !

LORI, good on you, girl ! A 92 on the test and the med change going well ! Your positive attitude is proving to be your best ally !

JO, we're on IT for Michael !

Love and prayers for all---see you tomorrow !


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy and all other who are keeping Michael in their mind/prayers

I am taking a break........ maybe even feet up break.


JudyEddy said...

both eagles are in at the Fl cam and I love the zoom on the cam and that someone is operating it is cool

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
All's quiet here on the Western front.
Lolly, glad you feel better, and I hope Laurel does, too. Jacob's "nest" under his Mom's desk makes me smile!
Jo, Michael is in my prayers, as always.
Lori, fantastic test score! You go, girl!
Will sign off now, so I don't use up too much room here. You are all on my mind, in my heart, and in my prayers! I ♥ us!!!

Lori O. said...



Big Birthday Hugs!

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon everyone!

SANDI, yep, you have one busy day. Rest up and we'll see you in the morning.

KAY, How are you? You going to get any Seth time this weekend? Hope you're getting the unbelievably nice weather like we're having here.

JO, prayers for Michael. Please give him a hug for me. I still feel so bad for you about Marvin.

SHIRLEY, did you have a bowling practice?

LOLLY, love your stories about Jacob in his little under the desk nest. How cozy. Hope you're feeling better. I'm just getting over a cold and cough now. Hate feeling puny.

JUDYE, sorry you lost your Jordyn time today. Hope it was an otherwise nice day off for you.

JANET, hope you will get your chill day soon, and more sleep. :)

MARGY, I miss all your Mag-pie-ing. Can't wear red tomorrow since it's another uniform day for my big skills test, which I need to go study for.

Had a test this morning but didn't get it back today. Think I did well. Tomorrow is the big skills test all day. Hope I pass. There's so many girls who are currently Certified Nurses Aids in the class, but I have absolutely no experience, and I must say that real patients are much scarier than fake patients that we practice on. LOL, but true. Time to get back at it if I hope to do well tomorrow.

Can't wait until the blog returns to normal.

I LOVE you all!!!

NCSuzan said...

Jewels, Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope you do something just for yourself today!

Lori, I am jealous of your brain power! Keep up the good work.

And Jo, try not to worry too much. Stress and anxiety make it harder to breathe. Will continue to lift Michael up.

NatureNut said...

Good Grief, didn't know if comments were working, or not.

At 6 pm there should be a news conference about the car chase of lady and baby in car who tried to get in White House. She then drove up to Capitol, was shot to death and baby is at Children's Hospital w/bullet wounds.
God Bless the World and help end this violenece

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAROLYN ♪♫ Hope it was a truly special day for you.

Well, another afternoon of excitement here in the Nation's Capitol. Being the generous person I am, I would be so happy to share these people with some other city. Oh, ha ha, bet you thought I was talking about congresspersons. Uh, hard to tell the difference, I guess.

Jo, very sorry about Michael's seizure. Please know he is in my prayers as is all the family.

Off to the scullery. Have a nice evening. Sandperson is napping before departure.

Hoda said...

Good afternoon all.
Sorry to hear about the events in DC
Way too many people are under a great deal of pressure with no way out. Makes for unpredictable Behaviour!!!

Had a terrific bike ride. Cold 39 degrees but a beautiful ride with the sun out!!! Bliss!!!

I am in for the fall and winter season. I bought my Cod Liver Oil Omega 3 today and Deep Immune herbal tincture to deal with colds and flues.
Ready I am!!!

Proud of you LORI. You are the best.

Mema Jo said...

Just checking in - Watched a TV show
Pretty good.... I love the "Touched by an Angel" and I have 3 in a row.
Nothing else looks good to me.

BBL to say goodnight

Mema Jo said...

Message from Dana on FB
Dad is in the (Hagerstown) hospital. He has blood in his right lung. Have been waiting to meet with the doctor to find out what the plan is, but still haven't seen him.
He has been there since Saturday night and only found out what the problem is yesterday. I'm running out of patience! Not happy at all.

Prayers Requested ♥

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight too all my invisible friends ♥
lol I know you are or will be here by the mornings light.

Everyone have a good Red Friday day♥
Yes Lori you are excused & pray you ace that test!
Don't forget to say your prayers ♥

I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Prayers for Dana's father and her peace of mind.
Good night
God Bless us all

Lolly said...

It was a fun day. Bought Jacob 3 pairs of jeans. Now that was not fun as we really had to search to find some that fit!! Then bought some groceries. Took them home, put them up, folded two dryer loads of clothes and put them up, got dinner in the oven and while it cooked graded papers. After dinner Laurel and I went back to the grocery store to get more items. Home at about 9:15.

I do believe I am pooped!! Laurel was feeling lousy, I am okay, still a little head achey.

Night all! SED!!

Lori O. said...

Good RED FRIDAY morning everyone!

Sorry to hear about DANAMO's Dad. Prayers for him and the family. Hospitals can be very frustrating.

LOLLY, what a beautiful mother you are to help Laurel out so much the way you always do.

MARGY, thanks for excusing me from wearing red today. lol. I'll let you know how I did on the skills test when I get home.

NCSUZAN, so nice to see you! How are you feeling these days? I think of you often and wonder how you're doing.

SANDI, hope you got lots of rest last night after your ultra busy day yesterday. It's Friday!

I'll spend the weekend studying for a cardiology test coming up next week. Have to know all the parts of the heart, how the blood flows through it, heart diseases and everything about blood and what's in it. More than one would imagine! Test isn't until Wednesday. YAY, some real time to study!

Wishing you all a beautiful day.

I love us!

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Dana, I will be praying big time for your dad that the docs can resolve the issue with the blood in his lung and discover the reason for it.

Jo, I'm sorry to hear about Michael's seizure - I will keep him in my prayers as well.

Lori, good luck on today's skills test.

I am exhausted after the 13 hour day yesterday. No kids today - teacher inservice - so I got to sleep a little longer. Hope I don't fall asleep in my meetings.

Another day in the 80s here - wearing my flip flops to school today. Make it a good one.

Janet said...

good morning my friends.

keeping michael and danmo's dad close in my heart for comfort and healing....

light and love to all.

woking today of course. doing some extra work tomorrow. there is a bicyle ride fund raiser for MS tomorrow in lynchburg TN and i have been asked,a well as a couple of others to provide massage for he bikders. it is a paid event. since it is about 90 min from myhouse, that is good.

so i will be busy.

have a great day everyone!

magpie said...

Good Red Friday Morning, Eagle Pals....

Jo, am sorry about Michael's seizure,
but grateful to read he was with family before and after the hospital visit....Prayers, Yes, of course....

and prayers also for DanaMo's father....
hope the medical teams can take care of this problem in the lung right away

and for all our other needs amongst us - Prayers and Hugs

Lori....Yes, you have blanket
approval to not wear red because it is not always an option...
We know you THINK RED on Fridays

God Bless Our Military, Every Day

Best Wishes to Everyone
for a Very Good Day...
worktime looms for me

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Hoda said...

Good morning all
27 and Heavy Frost here this morning.
Colorado gets the prize. Near Estes Park they have a one inch accumulation of snow!
They win the prize.

Headed out to yoga this morning.
Then volunteer with the Eco Society.

Prayers for healing resolution and peace

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all ♥
The leaves are really starting to turn - in fact my Dogwoods are dropping their leaves. I only dislike the darkness coming in around 7 pm and at the end of the month we will turn the clocks back and 6 pm will be dark. Yes, it does make the evenings seem longer but I like my days to be lighter longer.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Dana's dad - no news yet.
Thanks for Michael pryers - he has to take it one day at a time. Then he gives praise to the higher being for that day! We all should do that in our own lives.

No special plans for the day
Jenny may come over this afternoon

Off to get my day started.... ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

Mema Jo said...

Dana FB 5 hrs ago

Dana Hagelberg Hilmoe Not a lot! We still don't know anything. He (DR) is coming back this morning. I am hoping that we are going to make a decision to go down the road to Hopkins. I will keep everyone posted. Apparently, this is an unusual case (surprise, surprise, everything with my dad has been so far). Looks like we need an Interventional Pulmonologist. That is all we got from the conversation. Mom was at my house at 5:00 am and is hoping the doctor comes back at 7:00.

Prayers Please ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time BBL

Judie said...

Wishing Lori yet another successful test today.

Also wishing for a quick resolution for Dana's dad. Prayers.

JudyEddy said...

Gotta tell you a Jordyn story Not to many people on blog today :-(
Every day when Jordyn gets out of school we ask What did you learn today and of course the reply Nothing Or I don't remember Well angie told her to remember just one thing and she ask her when she picked her up she said We colored a picture Now Angie knows they do more that color but didn't ask again she went into Jordyn backpack when they got home and there was a necklace for Jordyn being Star Student of the day Stayed on purple all day Now Angie told Jordyn this is what you should have shared with us LOL

JudyEddy said...

LORI congrats on the good score and hope all the ones in the future will be as good
DANAMO keeping you close to heart till you get word on your Dad

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Have collected the daily prayer requests and, of course, renewing efforts on behalf of DANAMO's dear dad. Thank you JO for relaying the FB messages !

LORI, I don't think Seth will be home this weekend, but then today is his dad's birthday so I may be wrong.

Love and mega prayers for all !!!!!


Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Mowed this morning and now heading to storage to get the trailer. Time to start loading up and I need to get to the grosssserie store. We will work on this for the rest of the day and some in the morning, but then we leave for Shreveport late morning. Going for a wedding and will be home Sunday by noon. Then hard work to get ready to leave by Tues. AM.

Hoda said...

Very good yoga class.
Very good bunteer opportunity with Eco-Society.
Beautiful sunny crisp day here.
Love it.

Mema Jo said...

Closing down for the day
Great pizza and good family gathering tonight!

Great grand daughter Samantha has her first middle school dance this evening - she and 2 of her girlfriends got a ride to the dance in Patrick's Camaro. I just know they will have a fun giggly time.

Mema Jo said...

Hoping that all of you had good days
Praying for Dana's dad ♥

Goodnight to all
God bless you and keep His arms around you

I love us ♥

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Eagle Pals...

Keeping those prayers going..
and I sure like both Michael's
AND Jo's outlook on things...
One day at a time, and gratefulness for another day on the Planet with family and friends.

Hoping and praying for good reports and progress for DanaMo's father

And for all our Wellness and Daily things...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night. Hoping that our government and our blog will be back to normal soon.

SED, everyone.

magpie said...

PS: Congratulations, JudyE,
on your granddaughter's being
Star Student of the Day !!!

Bravo, Clap Clap Clap !!

G'Night again, my friends

Lolly said...

My turn to say good night. Bug is hanging on...not too energetic tonight. Laurel has chest congestion, sinus infection and cough, so she is worse off than me. Poor Laurel. Well, hope she can get some rest this weekend.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Good report JUDYE on JORDYN. Bravo.

LOLLY sorry you and LAUREL are still dealing with the bug.

Prayers for DANA'S father.
Prayers for Michael.

God Bless Us all

PA Nana said...

Stopping by for a few shorts. Lori, you are doing great with your studies. Continued success.

Dana & Jo prayers for each of your family member in. Need

Shirley, love your Hunter $ football stories. Hope bowling ball is going right down the lane for a strike

Andy, hoping your weather is calming down so you and Emma can enjoy time outside

Judie, keep That sandman happy. Maybe he'd like a piece of cake or pie before he begins his trips.
Hope you wannabe students appreciate you.

Now, I promised not to be too chatty, so I'll leave room for the others.

Have a restful sleep and get up refreshed in the morning

Getting sleepy now. Guess I'll say my prayers for all and get snuggled in my recliner for the night.

Good night dear friends and God bless you.

magpie said...

Good Saturday Morning, Eagle Pals...

Oh Lolly, sorry for the illness with Laurel, and you! Sure hope
Wellness Starts to Swell very soon

Best Wishes for everyone, to have a very good day

worktime looms...

xox ttfn

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning my eagle friends! 68 degrees here already and going back up into the 80s again today. Indian summer for sure - I am trying not to turn the AC back on!

Prayers for Dana's dad that his doctors have figured out the source of the bleeding in his lung and a solution to the problem.

Prayers too for Miracle Michael as he continues to deal with the headaches and seizures.

Lori, how did yesterday's skills test go?

OK, I have a check book that I have been putting off balancing - Denny's business one. I don't know how a man can be so successful in business yet screw up his checkbook EVERY single month!

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
A balmy 39 degrees. Will go up to 60!!!

LORI how were your results yesterday.
So proud of you. A highlight of my day to hear about your results.

Prayers continue

PAULA has not been on for a long time. Hope all is well. Snake Saga had to hire someone to remove things before snake guy could remove snake? Will you have to re insulate ?

Janet said...

good saturday morning all!

i am heading to lynchburg tn in a bit to do massage work. there is a bicycle event with proceeds going to the multiple sclerosis foundation. we will provide massage for those bike riders as they finish. is about 90 min from my house, soa little bit of a drive.

keeping all close in my heart and thought, light and love, healing and comfort to all.

have a great day!

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone! Happy weekend.

Sorry I didn't get on last night. I had an exhausting day at school then came home and worked on a 6 page medical terminology assignment that's due Monday.

I passed the skills test, though like I told Kate, not all of it was pretty. It was a pass or fail thing, so I'm thrilled with passing.

Wishing everyone a great weekend!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Kathryn and Hunter are getting ready to head off to the River House. Looks like a nice day outdoors. They should have fun.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Need to start getting ready to depart for Shreveport and the wedding tonight. Son of a good friend is getting married. Should be fun as a number of us long time friends will be there.

Wish I felt better, but my biggest fear is we will head out on our trip Tuesday and Jack will get this bug. No kissing here!! :(

Mema Jo said...

gm to all ♥

Good work again, Lori. Sorry you will be studying most of the weekend. Perhaps you can sit outside to do your work.

Sandi - I have my AC on mainly due to the stink bugs creeping in open doors and windows :(

Lolly, enjoy the beautiful wedding and sure hope you feel better soon. I also hope Laurel can shake whatever she has and that the rest of the family doesn't come down with it.

PANana - I love my recliner also. Did we ever in our wildest dreams believe we would become Recliner Sleepers? lol

Mema Jo said...

Dana is still very adamant about the dr her dad has - doesn't see him or have reports from him as to what is being done. My prayers with all of yours should be very helpful.

Janet - That is a wonderful thing you are doing for the MS bikers. I have a young man that I sponsor and he has MS but just keeps pedaling
I pray for a cure....

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - are you going to practice on your John Deere today! You will have peace and quiet for the weekend
with Kathryn and Hunter at the River House. Maybe they will bring some fresh fish home - cleaned of course.

Mema Jo said...

Michael just called from his place
I stay on pins and needles until I hear his voice and know he is ok and made it through the night.
That is a mother's curse but I sure
perk up when he says Hello - how you doing ♥

stronghunter said...

So glad you heard from Michael, Jo.

Don't know about the John Deere, Jo. Kind of leaving it to Will.

Lynne2 said...

Hello all!

Prayers for Dana's dad and for Michael. And for Laurel and Lolly.

Prayers, too for Brian.

BIG pats on the back for Lori and Jordyn! And glad the med change is going better now Lori!

Judie, I was thinking that awful situation in DC...do you think she committed suicide by police? So sad. I hope the baby will be OK...

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Kudos to JANET for the MS massage services ! I lost a dear, dear aunt to the disease and now have a neighbor who suffers with it. Oh, how I pray for a cure !

Kudos also go to LORI for a job well done ! You are going to be the bestest nurse ever !

JO, prayers continue for Miracle Michael !

Stink bugs have finally invaded here. Have to be very careful opening and closing the back door as they'd sure like to get in. Our newspaper featured the pests in a front page article today. Seems they've been in these parts since 09', but this year is the first most of us have seen of them. Ugh ! Something I never wanted to have in common with youse guys ! ☺

Seth came home for Hugh's birthday last night and will be over this evening for our usual routine. Yeah ! I do want him to stay on campus for a lot of the weekend doings, but at the same time am so happy when he comes home ! He says he tells friends he has two homes and two dogs and I'm glad he feels that way !

Prayers continuing for DANA's dad, SANDI's son and for our lovely LOLLY and her Laurel, too !

Love and prayers for all Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters !!!


Kay said...

Just edited my profile with an avatar showing the beautiful Fall arrangement of edible fruit I received in September of 2011. I was in the hospital with a horrible abscess on a kidney and one of you sent this delectable basket to cheer me up. I've never learned who that Angel is, but I love looking at the picture and remembering the love it conveyed ! Thank you again, whoever you are ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Helloooo Home from work as if you couldn't tell from this post LOL

Congrats LORI on the passing mark We all know you can do it

Sis so good of you to do the massaging for the bike riders

Yeah KAY had Seth time Cool Beans
and I do love the avatar

JudyEddy said...

I will trade temp with anyone Its hot here FEELS like 96° now at 530

JudyEddy said...

Angie had Jordyn hair cut today Donated I think it was 11" for the Locks Of Love foundation

JudyEddy said...

This is a picture of her now

JudyEddy said...

I am watching the Fl eagle cam and there is one adult in the attic or on the roof as they say

JudyEddy said...

Harriett or Ozzie just hopped in the nest

JudyEddy said...

I guess maybe there isn't someone always at the cam to zoom from what I can see Maybe???

JudyEddy said...

Did I tell you that there is a way to tell the two apart on Harriett she has a little heart shape on her back of her head and Ozzie has a white spot in the brown featehrs on his back They posted picture the other day and had arrow point to them
That is Ozzie in the nest and he just jumped to the edge of the nest you can see him in the other cam I could tell it was him also because of the beak

JudyEddy said...

just flew in front of the cam that was so cool and landed on the top of the cam I sure wish I could have snipped it

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Dropping in with a quick update from this neck of the woods. We have some Santa Ana winds blowing here, so there are leaves just EVERYWHERE outside. The winds are supposed to die out sometime tomorrow; meanwhile we have strong rip tides and elevated surf at the beaches, a wind advisory until noon Sunday, and a Red Flag fire warning until 6 pm Sunday due to low humidity & strong gusty winds. Temps here are high 80s to low 90s.

Aargh! I was watching TV late last night, when a half-grown roof rat dropped from our recessed lighting shelf to the floor in the living room (3 feet from my chair!), and ran under the desk. Had to quickly grab Emma's collar and take her back to the bedroom to her crate.
Lost track of the young rat meanwhile, but early this morning it was on the entertainment center just underneath the flat screen TV!
Called the exterminators as soon as they opened, and the guy came out and set several traps (where Emma can't get them!) and covered several holes under our eaves where the stinkers got back in the attic. I'm sure at least 2 got in.
We'll see what happens! MTBR....
Guess we'll have to bite the bullet and get all 3 of our HUMUNGOUS ficus trees trimmed drastically. Must call for several bids on Monday. Don't want a tree limb dropping in on us as well! The winds were gusting to 60 mph at times last night--kinda unnerving, but praying for God's protection.

Have added more of us to the prayer list--got it covered! Hugs for all! Hope everyone has a less crazy weekend than ours has started out to be! (Feel much better now that rat traps are in place, though.) Hope those on the sick list feel MUCH BETTER, PRONTO! Will be back later with an update on our situation. I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

The Fl eagle had eagle porn this am Eaglets in the making here

JudyEddy said...

I tried to type in Eagle Porn on their chat and it came up and told me is was inappropriate language LOL so I just post Eagle P--N

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all!

Not MIA..just spending some time with my Larry. He came to Paradise for a couple of days...now I am in Rehoboth for the weekend. Willhave to catch up later....

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 768   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...