Tuesday, October 01, 2013


The cam will be going offline due to the government shutdown.  No additional blog postings until resumption of government.



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stronghunter said...

Hi Judy--I see you're splitting with me. Good morning!

stronghunter said...

Still working on trying to get my computer to recognize my wireless mouse. I really have issues with this laptop mouse. It likes to jump around and makes me leave extra letters in the middle of words or sentences.

Rus worked on it a bit, and was going to uninstall the old mouse I no longer use. I thought I could do that, but so far haven't figured out how. I can uninstall a program, but not hardware.

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh! They are making a movie of Fifty Shades of Grey. Interesting. (I have not read the book.)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All ♥

I am excited that all 3 ostriches have hatched. I haven't opened the cam yet but pray that all 3 are doing well.

Ironical that today is a Federal Holiday and there aren't too many working feds to celebrate...

The sun is a welcomed sight here this morning ♥

grannyblt said...

Morning all.

Shirley, have you tried new batteries in the wireless mouse?

A little rainy here today--have a few errands. Hope everyone has a good day.

stronghunter said...

Have tried new batteries. :)

Mema Jo said...

All 3 are doing very well - cute little things.

Lori - Here's to your test today -
sorry you didn't have the day off!

Shirley - tell Hunter good luck on the game this evening.

Jenny is here with me this morning -
We are cleaning the house after the 5 little cyclones hit yesterday. Those 5 are such well behaved kids. Sophia found and put on her grandmother's (Kristen) white First communion dress - fit her to a tee - I sent it home with her. The boys were interested in the computer with their Pap. Was a great day.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda has changed her ID but even this morning I had another email that I had to delete - same as before


stronghunter said...

I got another one as well.

stronghunter said...

When I had to change my password, I also made it so that I have to enter the new password every day. It is annoying to have to do that, but it does keep things more secure.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's been a busy weekend, so haven't been able to keep up here.

Did see that Jo has a new GGS who arrived on her Birthday! Congrats,
and a belated Happy Birthday!!!

Guess I missed Wanda's Birthday, too--Happy Belated Birthday, Wanda!

Judie, so sorry to hear of your old computer's demise! I can highly recommend Carbonite, which can be programmed to automatically back up whatever files you wish. It's gotten me through two total computer crashes without a glitch!
Don't know what I would've done without it! You should check it out.

We went and saw two fantastic movies over the weekend--"Captain Phillips" with Tom Hanks, and "Gravity" with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. Can't compare them to each other, because "Gravity" is the most completely unique movie I think I've ever seen! Would be like comparing apples and oranges. I highly recommend both movies, but warn you that they are both intense nail-biters!! You leave feeling like you've just been rescued from a cycle in the clothes dryer! There's no relaxing during either movie! Loved both of them, though, even though they kick your butt! (Don't recommend seeing "Gravity" in 3-D!)

Shirley, hope you get to feeling better very soon. Hope Lucky is feeling better, too! Glad to hear that George is doing well on his new diet, and throwing up is pretty much a thing of the past.

Well, I need to get off this computer and head toward the other end of the house. The neighbor on our left is having some trees trimmed, and the noise is deafening! Hope they're done soon, so I can catch up here. Will check back in later! HAGD, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

Just my quick daily check in---fortunately it looks like the prayer list has not grown overnight !

Nothing but blue skies and mild temps here today----hope that's true for all of you, too !

Columbus Day gets little notice here--schools in session and only the feds, p.o., trash companies are enjoying a day off. Oh well, Happy Columbus Day All !

Love and prayers for each and every one of you !


Judie said...

Good afternoon.

JudyE, my desktop is Windows 7 and Darth's new laptop is Windows 8. We plan to attend a class on 10/26 to try to learn version 8.

Andy, have been told about Carbonite and we plan to look into that.

We are still sorting through new ways of doing things and trying to reconnect programs, etc. To say we are living a nightmare would be a complete understatement.

Hope everyone is doing well. Especially happy that Jo and baby Ian share the same birth date.

Welcome Ian to the family Lennox.

Need to try to search for and save some wildlife cams especially NCTC and bears.


Mema Jo said...

It is really a beautiful day - sunny and just a little nip in the air.
Trying to clean off the deck of the peanut shells....... Usually the squirrels grab a peanut and off they go - but today they all seemed to want to eat on the deck!

Judy I'll send an email with some links. Pick the ones you want

Mema Jo said...

Email to you Judie with links you may be wanting... If there are others, please let me know and I will find them. ♥

stronghunter said...

At football practice. Trying to get to the end of the blog.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Had a lovely day!

The sun was out about half the day.

Got to see the eagles atwork, which I now refer to as the Mccready eagles, soaring together and talking to each other over the water.

Saw some egrets feeding in the marsh. Saw a blue heron feeding along the shore...then flying over. Saw some ducks cir ling aroung...and a pelican fishing right befoore the sunset.

The high water brought iin a boatload of sand right out front.

Having breakfast fordinner! Be back in a bit.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, Comcast puts that notice up because they are negotiating with Channel 4 to be able to carry it. They have to provide local channels, but if they can't get it together with Channel 4, then they'll have to provide another one.

there is no local NBC channel down here, so Dish will provide Channel 25 from Hagerstown! probably cheaper than providing the DC NBC 4. Thought it was interesting. Don't know why it would only be on one TV though!

Probably going to cut off my old home phone number and internet, since I haven't been there to use them., Will also work on getting my Dish service moved down here too.

Hope your test went OK Lori!

Sounds like a great weekend with grandkids for Jo and Margy!

paula eagleholic said...

Doing laundry tonight and putting away things I brought from the other home! Gotta get a dresser...clothes everywhere...

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, guess you heard the leading man for 50 Shades of Grey backed out of the movie, they are looking for a new lead actor now. I haven't read the books, either.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - we are 3 splits away!

Good to hear from you Paula. You may be able to catch a yard sale or two for the dresser. Hope you have some closet space. It was pretty up here all day.

Going to watch Bones this evening
It may be there wedding day - not sure.

Andy - both of those movies sound very enjoyable - I have seen the previews of each - suspenseful I'd say.

Mema Jo said...

Going to check on the ostrich cam before I settle in for TV..

BBL tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I hope you report a win for Hunter's team...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Andy, I heard Gravity was good. Would like to see it.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Jo, been checking them out and craigslist too.

Hoda said...

Awesome Thanksgiving hike here. Walked around The Slocan Valley. Breath taking.
Bean soup and beets for my meal today. Yum.
Drying Kale with olive oil ginger applecider vinegar, nutritional yeast garlic chilly peppers and Paprika.
The flat smells heavenly. Nutritional Yeast is my substitute for dairy cheese. Yum

PAULA I so look to your bird sighting list. Very exciting. My life story tells me that every place I have lived has had its own set of challenges. Ocean bringing sand in seems to be a story there.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your approach towards life. You are awesome...gave the eagles a name too!!! Is it the name of the hospital?

EVERYONE seems to be coping well and checking in is good.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda..yes McCready is the name of the hospital. Mrs Mccready donated the land back in 1922 or so after her daughter and husband (I think) were killed in an accident and the ride to. The hospital was too far away to save them.

Hoda said...

God Bless the McCready's.
Very sad story. Made a selfless thoughtful uplifting story out of a tragic ending. Donate the land so others could be saved.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda sounds like you are getting a lot of use fcrom your dehydrator...bet it does smell good there.

I bought some more honey crisp apples this weekend at Colorfest. Also found honeycrisp appple juice!

Mema Jo said...

I am saying goodnight to all ♥
Earlier then usual but it's gonna happen

Lolly is bunked down for the night
Tomorrow's travel should have them home at Hawkwood morning hours

Everyone sleep well and dream pleasant dreams...


Lolly said...

Nite all! Have stopped for the nit 2 1/2 hours from home.

Nite! SED!

JudyEddy said...

Right behind you all

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Yes PAULA the dehydrator is getting a lot of use. I am loving it. Good way to put up food for the winter.

Goodnight All
God Bless Us All.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Time for me to say good night. Today has been a busy one. Kathryn has found out that giving subcutaneous fluids to Lucky is not quite as easy as it seemed on Saturday. She will need to work on her kitty-nursing skills a bit.

Tomorrow is my bowling day and the day of Hunter's big football game.

And, until tomorrow, I wish you all SED.

Hoda said...

Good Lord!!!
In Montana they found a 46 million year old mosquito with an extended abdomen gorged on blood. Previously they said DNA could be extracted from Dix million old fossils!!!
Excited to see what they could go with a forty six million year old female mosquito. Only females suck blood I learnt!!!
Hope not in my dreams!
I will try again.

Hoda said...

Six million not the French Dix million!!!

Lori O. said...

Good morning all!

HODA, my mouth is watering at the thought of your dried kale recipe. Sounds so yummy. And, creative, too!

JUDIE, sorry about all the computer problems you've had. I hear Windows 8 is totally different. Haven't met many who really like the changes.

SHIRLEY, and progress on the wireless mouse? Mine skips around too and I believe it's from some part of my hand accidentally touching the touch pad.

JO, sweet story at Kristen's First Communion dress and the kids. It's so nice that you really enjoy the GG's.

LOLLY are you home yet? Hope you're having a great time where ever you are.

PAULA, loved your bird listing! That's awesome!

JUDYE, enjoy your cold front and milder weather. :)

No test today, going to clinical at the LTCF. Have to leave here by 5:10 to meet the carpool and be there by 5:45. Big test tomorrow though so will be studying this afternoon and tonight.

Love you all!

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends.

Lolly, have a safe rest of your trip home this morning.

Paula, how wonderful to see those eagles almost daily. Lucky you!

Lori, enjoy your day with the old folks - Tuesdays must be a nice break from the classroom for you, yes?

Has anyone heard the latest on Dana's dad and going to Hopkins? Prayers continue for him.

Make it a great day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

sitting here watching Fl nest and one just flew in to the nest and now both

JudyEddy said...

Good luck with your test tomorrow LORI
SANDI I went to Dana FB page and there is nothing there either about her dad

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Nah, no progress on the mouse, Lori. I really miss my wireless mouse. My computer tells me I have a Microsoft mouse and that it is working properly. Nope.

Kathryn will continue to work on giving fluids to Lucky. You know you need more practice when you stab yourself before you stab the cat, and when there is liquid running all over the place instead of into the cat.

We did find that the chairside lamp with one of those hooks I use for hanging birdfeeders works well for an TV pole.

Will have to check out that mosquito story, Hoda.

Sounds like you are really getting settled into your new home base, Paula.

Rus said that he saw the movie Gravity, too, and that it was very good.

stronghunter said...


Interesting what you say about Comcast and that notice. I think I will have to call them and ask some questions. Channel 4 was available on the two TV's upstairs, but not downstairs. We got no Channtel 4 downstairs until sometime the next day--it's not just one program, and it happens frequently on various televisions in the house.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Heading out soon for our last couple hours to home.

Have a prayer request and will explain later. Need momster prayers for my cousin, Norm Evans. Prayers for healing and recovery.

Temp is 59 and we have had a few sprinkles. We may be traveling in rain this morn. Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Sunny day out there - Glo is having rain so get prepared for later this week. Glo always sends us her weather

Prayers Lolly and also Prayers for your safe journey home.

I also read FB of Dana's mom - nothing recorded as far as her dad being admitted to Hopkins yet. Perchance the blood clot in lung has dissolved with meds. At least I think I remember that as the reason to go down the road.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, did Hunter win his game yesterday?

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, did Hunter win his game yesterday?

Mema Jo said...

lol Shirley I won't ask you again about the game........

Mema Jo said...

Not into much today - watching the bears and the ostriches........


Lolly said...

We are home! We have unloaded,I have started the laundry and Jack has departed to get the mail and Annie. It is raining lightly, and 68. Looks like we have received about an inch of rain.

Hoda said...

Had a lovely early morning walk in the Cemetery today. The colours are stunning and beautiful scenery.
I went from there to the Rail Trail hike and again autumn is stunning.
It is an area I usually do not visit winter time as it is very steep and very snowy up there.
There are tombestones from the early 1800 hundreds.
There is a section for Nelson WWI veterans.The City provided them all with newer Head stones with the Maple Leaf and an inscription from the family. At the time some families could not afford the headstones. City Council voted for the expenditure and I think it was the right decision. LEST WE FORGET and all...
Cold here yet not unbearably so. I still have a window open during the day...wearing wool but only two layers not the three or the four yet. 35 degrees, clear blue skies and I love autumn colours.

Glad you made a safe trip LOLLY and JACK.

Hoda said...

DANA just posted that she is at John Hopkins with her Mom and Dad. PRAYERS

Sandi said...

Hi all. I just got an email from Brian. He said that everyone at the US Embassy received a letter TODAY that said the paycheck that will be deposited in the bank tomorrow will only include pay until Sept. 30th! It went on to say that he will eventually get paid the rest of the money but no one knows exactly when!!!

I emailed him back and said he should send a letter back to management stating that he is hopping on the next plane back to the states - that if he's furloughed, then he'll be furloughed in the US where he's safe and can be with his wife and family. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!

Hoda said...

So sorry SANDI!!!
Very frustrating
I still can not believe they will default.
Praying for a resolution.
Continued prayers for BRIAN'S safety and well being,

JudyEddy said...

Terrffic Tues today just got home from Angie house was suppose to eat dinner there but she had a ER the refri ice-maker decided to spring a leak New house for them didn't know where the turn off was so she had the neighbor over that tied off the line with a zip tie Carl was on call.

Off the rewind the the dvr NCIS awaits

OH both eagle were at the cell phone tower and got pic of course

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Started out the day with a big beautiful eagle landing in one of my trees...only stayed for about 30 seconds, then she was on her way.

Saw the eagles twice at work today!

Cloudy today, but the temps were decent.

Have to read back and get caught up.

JudyEddy said...

she ended up calling Linda the previous owner and found out where the turn off was also

paula eagleholic said...

It is naked cheeseburger and salad night here tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah the joys of home ownership, JudyE!

paula eagleholic said...

Geesh, Sandi, and I'll bet he was working that entire time!

Hoda, wow 35° already! We aren't even close to that yet. Interesting that the mosquito still had blood!

Shirley, Kathryn sure is brave...don't think I could do subq on my dog! Hope it helps Lucky.

No walk tonight, had to go to Lowe's to pick up my skirting. got home after dark. Looks like the water is back to near normal levels.

Lolly said...

This is about my cousin, Norm Evans.

He had a growth on his pituitary gland. It was thought to be benign and surgery was scheduled to remove it. Surgery went well however when they removed the tubes they had put in for surgery, they nicked his jugular. They then put in a stint to stop the bleeding and the stint failed to open leaving him with a blocked jugular. Don't know if he will have to have additional surgery or not. There is also the possibility of loss of eye site in his right eye.

Because of this mistake Norm has had three strokes and has lost mobility on his left side and can not keep his eyes open.

He is just a year older than me. He was at TCU the same time I was and he played football. He then played pro ball. He got three Super Bowl rings while playing for the Miami Dolphins. I recently posted a video of him being interviewed. Thank you for keeping him in prayer.


JudyEddy said...

LOLLY will be keeping #73 in my thoughts and prayers

This is a pic from today visit with my Liberty and Belle at the park they stayed for a while and one was still there when I left had to go Angie

Lolly said...

This is the last report I received.

Norm suffered 3 strokes from the mistake. Has good strength and complete control on his right side. Cannot lift left arm or leg, yet can wiggle toes and fingers. Bobbe relayed that he cannot keep his eyes open and that Docs will be giving him more morphine tonight to stop pain. Physical and occupational therapists came by today, and he will be moved out of critical care tomorrow and as soon as possible...maybe tomorrow...rehab will begin.

JudyEddy said...

I am looking at a new camera at work Just it won't fit in a pocket
it's a 40X zoom where this one is a 24x Some one suggested a fanny pack LOL Angie said she can see me bringing the fad back
I could just carry it in my purse like I do this one now instead of leaving in my truck at work I put in my locker in purse Makes it handy My boss teases me I have a better camera that phone camera I only have a trac phone

Lolly said...

Interview with Norm

Thanks, Judy. Just want all of you to know who I am asking prayer for. His whole life he has dedicated to bringing others to Christ.

Janet said...

Good evening to all…

LOLLY: holding your loved one in light and love…
HODA: that is amazing about the mosquito!!!!! That got an out loud WOW! From me.
SANDI: so very frustrating! So sorry. This nonsense has to stop….. it is so very childish and really beyond words mind numbingly stupid!!!!
I have been really busy the last couple of days.
Let’s see: Sunday I made Brunswick Stew for dinner. Tom , Michael, and I loved it. The others, not so much.
We won 2 out of 3 games at bowling and over all…. Wooo hoo!!!!
Then on to Monday. Chels brought Lorelei over and that didn’t go well. Chelsea and Chris had 2 soft ball games to play. Lorelei, who is used to being with mommy, period…just mommy was not delighted to be left. She cried for 3 hours. The only time she stopped was to eat. I had to tell Chels to come get her after the 2nd game. I could just imagine that poor baby waking up in the night expecting mommy and getting me…no one one would sleep. No reason on this earth to make that poor baby so upset!
And my daughter, so my daughter, decided to slide into 3rd base last night and went tail over teakettle…. Tore up her knees, her elbows…. She gave it her all. I give her that!
Today, my day off. Ha ha.
I did sleep in as it was midnight before I got to bed.
Got the boat covered, finally. Figured out that the tree over it was seeping sap onto it. It was all sticky again, even though I just cleaned it 2 days ago. So Tom took the chain saw and took down a bunch of limbs. That should fix that problem! Once the boat was clean, again, we covered it for the winter.
Then we noticed Tom’s truck, which sits next to the boat, was also covered in sap and grime. SOOO we washed the truck.
Tom has just about completed the steps around back. We built the gate to keep the dogs in the back yard, not on the back deck. Hasn’t worked. I believe Scout may have some kangaroo in her as she leaps over a gate like a deer.
Soooo, continued work on that.
Now, I am tired. Time to relax a bit and then catch some sleep. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!

magpie said...

Prayers for your cousin, Norm Evans,Lolly....I am so sorry to read about this....and hope for all possible good outcomes...

Welcome Home to Hawkwood Gardens

Good Evening,Eagle Pals


Hoda said...

Stopping by to say good night
God Bless Us All

magpie said...

Shirley....a niece suggested I could use a regular keyboard on this laptop, I might try for that....
and the laptop mouse,I have had
all the problems you mention too...
letters showing up in the middle of
a word I have already typed

Too tired tonight to say much more...
But Hope everyone with aches, pains,
scrapes and bruises will be A-OK,
including prayers for
DanaMo's parents...

Paula...you well deserve all the
Eagle sighings....love your naming of the McReady Eagles!

magpie said...

I hope I spelled McCready correctly,
and that would be Sightings,not sighings

Good Night, Eagle Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Jo, the game was tonight. It was not a pretty picture. I think the score was 35-0 or something close to that. This is the only team that has beaten our guys, and as far as I know, our team has done better than any other team against them. I am not sure how they got such a strong team together.

Sandi, so sorry about Brian's situation. Very unfair, and hope things get straightened out soon.

Prayers for Norm, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

It was hard to watch our guys get so badly beaten, and it was even harder to listen to one of the fathers yelling insults.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Margy, the laptop mouse is hard enough to manage when I am typing regular stuff. It's also making me crazy when I to play word games.

stronghunter said...

When I try to play word games. This is such a mess.

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night. Prayers and good wishes, especially for Lolly's cousin and for Dana's father.

Mema Jo said...

Time for to close down for the day
Tomorrow I am visiting the new baby

Sandi - Your suggestion to Brian was
great - I am hearing about how things are and it isn't pretty.
I'll let you know for sure if I don't get my Social Security check.
I may even visit Wanda's SK for a meal -IF I can bum a ride from someone going in that direction.

Mema Jo said...

Everyone take care and do the best you can and help others when the chance arises.

I ♥ Us

Tomorrow watch those 3 little ostriches and check in on the Critter Cams and see those bear cubs play.

Hoda said...

I cried!
Praise God it will not come to that!

Good reminder thank you for your last post

Lori O. said...

Good Wednesday - HUMP DAY - morning everyone!

HODA, glad you continue to enjoy nature and exercise in the cooler weather. Love walking through old cemeteries.

LOLLY, prayers for your cousin, Norm. What a dreadful situation.

SANDI, hoping Brian takes your advice if it comes to that. Hoping it will all be settled soon.

JANET, what a good grandma you are taking care of Loreli and her being so upset. Love Brunswick Stew!

PAULA, I continue to be envious of your eagle sightings. You are one lucky lady. :)

JUDYE, this is your Friday - YAY!

MARGIE, so good to see you online. Big hugs!

JO, did you get to go to the SK? I miss Wanda, too.

Time to go and get some studying in on the Endocrine System before the test this morning.

Have a beautiful day everyone!

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends.

Lolly, I sure will keep your cousin Norm in my prayers - what a horrible mistake!

Shirley, sorry about that big football loss last night for Hunter. There will be other victories.

Jo, I didn't know SS checks were in jeopardy! Brian will stay where he is and continue to do his job b/c that's the "right" thing to do. He said he worked 70 hours last week b/c he's still getting up to speed with the new job, and to think he won't see any money from that in his paycheck just infuriates me!!

Prayers continue for Dana's dad and for Michael.

Have a great day all!

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Happy National Boss's Day....

Treat your boss extra special today and heap on the appreciation....
And that Boss just might be YOU :)
or someone in the family....it does not HAVE to be at the "workplace"

Best Wishes to Every One...for a Very Good Day

Keeping all the up and down things
amongst us here, close to my heart and in my prayers
and positive thoughts

xoxox (( All Day Hugs ))

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

one adult in the Fl nest doing nestoration

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having my coffee in bed this morning.

Jo, I know what you mean about the Social Security check. I usually pay a little extra on my mortgage each month, but I didn't the past couple of months--just in case I need that money.

stronghunter said...

Oh yes, there will be other football victories for Hunter. And in another year, some of those kids from that team might be his teammates.

stronghunter said...

Need to get in touch with my brother Jim in Colorado. I expect he's been off work all of this time. I hope the shutdown hasn't messed up any of his experiments.

stronghunter said...

Jo, I keep thinking that those guys in Washington are afraid of us old people and won't cut off Social Security. I guess we are about to find out.

Janet said...

good morning.

i see our children in charge (aka the government) are still up to their antics. (sigh) grrrr.

2 30 min massages this morning, then working on fun stuff today. having a fall fest at work on friday . painting my pumpkin today. livvy painted one for me as well. i shallpost pix later

everyone have a great day!

light and love to all!

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

sorry. computer hiccuppd. my deletes. :{

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Soon I am heading out to go hold baby Ian - I am very excited to meet him..

I will bbl and let you know how the visit went.

Prayers for all whatever the need is.
Lolly I hope you get some encouraging news = I pray Dana's dad also get the treatment he needs
Thanks for your prayers for Michael.

I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

Give Ian a kiss for us, Jo.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Fell asleep last night, did not say good night, did not shut down the computer. I was pooped! Slept long and feel great! No new word on Norman so far today. There are 15 of us cousins on my maternal side of the family. We were all raised together and very close. We are getting daily messages from Bobbe, his wife. Norman and I were especially close. He started dating Bobbe in high school and when they would have a disagreement we would go out together and talk. Then we went to college together. He was a year ahead of me. Saw him last a year ago in May.

We had an inch of rain while gone, actually a little over an inch and we have received an inch and a half since home. Wahoooo! It is also 56. :)

Going to clean the inside of the trailer today but will have to wait until tomorrow to work on the outside.

Hoda said...

God Bless BRIAN... The Right Thing To Do.
Yep your kid for sure SANDI.

Hugs to IAN JO

GOOD LUCK with the Exam LORI

LOLLY praying for NORM

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!!

Checking in between rainstorms---also taking Penny out in the lulls as well. Most rain to end by nightfall and temps to plummet by 20 degrees, too ! Started the day off with a sweater and will wind it up in a jacket.

Prayers for LOLLY's Norm, JO's Michael and SANDI's Brian. Of course, that's with prayers for all at the same time !

JO, how sweet it is to picture you with Ian in your arms ! You are so blessed in having some "greats" to brighten your days !

Love you all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in quickly to say good morning/afternoon.

We have high winds here again--since yesterday. (It figures--the gardener got all the leaves cleaned up, and now there are more!) Supposed to quiet down late this afternoon.

Sure do hope and pray that we get our SS checks!!! If not, it means big trouble!

Saying prayers for everyone, but especially for Dana's Dad, Miracle Michael, Norm Evans, and for Sandi's Brian.

Need to run and get busy. Have a couple more laundry loads to finish. Hope everyone is having a good day! Will try to check in later tonight, but keep finding myself falling asleep in front of the TV. Oh--almost forgot--Emma says "WOOF!!!" to everyone! I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...

I got my Soc Sec check - It went into my account on schedule!

stronghunter said...

I think it is going to be okay, Jo. Things seem to be getting straightened out--at least until January.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon, Dear Eagle Buds. Finally crawling out from under my rock this week. Had my skin CA surgery on side of my nose last Monday and had to hibernate a couple days with ice bag. Got stitches out this Monday and what started as a little bit larger than a pinhead became 1/2 a football field! That's the shape, not size, LOL. They made a rectangular flap, removed 3 layers (one at a time to inspect) and then stitches,so that meant 4 sets of injections in the face! I was ready to karate chop that needle lady if I saw her again! If there's a next time I'll beg for anesthesia, NOT the Mohs procedure!
All my bad stuff is gone, so this is not a big deal.

I see prayers are in order for Lolly's cousin, Norm. I can't believe what's happened! And prayers for Dana's Dad, Michael, and all others in need. Best Wishes for Sandi's Brian.
I won't stay on the soapbox, but there MUST be a few people in this country with above average IQ's that could fix things!!!???Plz HELP

Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY'S to all who celebrated in the past 2 weeks.
And, Congrats to Jo on a grandchild w/same B'Day!

Paula, I love your nature reports as they are now few and far between everywhere else.Sounds like you really are in Paradise! ☺ I hate to see winter so soon, but can't wait for some leaves to fall and reveal our eagle nest!
Lori, keep up the good work! You are an inspiration to all.
Margy, good luck w/your 'puter. I'm pretty lost w/out a mouse!

Hoda said...

So happy to read SS cheques were deposited.
God Bless The United States Of America.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work Gonna head out in a bit to the cell phone tower to get my eagle fix for the day

SHIRLEY is a lady of lesiure having her coffee in bed LOL

JO get to have a breath of baby I love the smell of babies I use to love Everyone loves Raymond when the grandfather would smell their heads Oh the smell of youth he would say Nothing better that a baby smell Most of the time LOL

BRR all you peeps with the cold weather right now its 81° Lo tonight is gonna be 71° like that all week but we are getting another cold front on Wed with some rain 83° will be the high and 62° lo for Thu am NICE Fri hi willl be 76° even nicer for Fl

Hey in 1995 didn't we go through the same thing with the Government ?? does anyone remember how long??
I am sure something will be done for the SSN checks and all after all they opened some of the parks
and the SSN is more important than than JMHO

Hoda said...

Canadian news reports a deal is done. Opposition is there but won't block it. President wil be forced to veto the opposition. Bill will be signed into law. The world is breathing easier after a collective sigh of relief.

JudyEddy said...

Deal is done but not signed and only temp till Jan and Feb and then as to do again and Good back pay for all

Hoda said...

Again Dec 16- January 6
Bill Clinton President

JudyEddy said...

A TEMP FIX but a fix and here we will go again the first of the year

JudyEddy said...

Ok heading out to the cell phone towers gonna go to both

Hoda said...

1995-1996 furlough was not tied down to a debt ceiling crisis. Neither will it be in February.
Same thing but different!
Don't want that to become the new norm.

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say that Angie is having a House Warming party at the end of next month she wanted everything done and its pretty much all done
she is having a housewarming and bring a bottle to fill our new bar either mixers, wine, beer or booze your choice Our liquor dept and wine dpt had new modular done this week and I marked down a bunch of bottles and so far have bought 8 bottles 5 wine and 3 booze and mostly was cheap I will mark more down on Sat and if any left will buy more I am going to make up a basket Big surprise for her The wine as $2 each not bad and the booze 10 each and they were 32

Hoda said...

Mrs Hagelberg posted that her husbands surgery is this Friday. Prayers for DANA's father.

Hoda said...

Wishing STEVE and all the others who have been furloughed well as they make their way back to work
Blessed Be

Hoda said...

House passed the bill!!!
It is off to work you go!

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for all ♥
Had a beautiful day with granddaughter and her family. Vincent was so sociable - probably because I was in his house. Baby Ian
took my breath away - such a perfect little guy - Eyes wide open and you could tell that he recognized his mother's voice. I love babies - new life starting ♥

Mema Jo said...

Going to say goodnight to all ♥

Lolly said...

Good report on your baby visit, Jo. Had two meetings at church tonight with an hour between the two meetings so did a lot of catch up visiting.

Think I am going to read for a while. Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

God Bless Us All

stronghunter said...

Back from playing bridge with my dollar. When you come in last, you get your dollar back.

We had a lot of fun and laughter.

stronghunter said...

So happy to see the government is just about back in business.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone!

Sorry I haven't been checking in in the afternoon/evening these past few days...just too busy with school work to slow down and do anything else.

HODA, thanks for relaying the message that Dana's dad will be getting his surgery tomorrow.

SANDI, prayers that Brian stays safe and the government resolves its issues pronto!

JUDYE, happy days off for you. Enjoy your free time.

Going to clinical at the LTCF this morning. Was supposed to be next Tuesday, but they switched days on us to fit the fill=in instructor's schedule. Didn't get yesterdays test back so nothing to report there, yet.

Love you all! Stay safe and dry.

Lori O. said...


Just read that GOVERNMENT IS OPEN AGAIN... for a while, until January.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends. It's "almost Friday."

Glad to hear that the idiots in Washington finally reached a temporary compromise they could live with. The drama can settle down now for a few months!

Jo, loved hearing about your visit with Vincent and baby Ian!

Glad to hear that Dana's dad will finally get into Hopkins to get this lung thing resolved. Prayers continue for him, for Lolly's cousin, and for Michael.

Have a great day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having my morning coffee in bed again. I had stopped using the coffeemaker in my bedroom for awhile. It's very nice to make coffee and get back in bed with it.

Five mile back-up on I-95 this morning. Such fun for commuters.

Janet said...

good morning.

rainy cool morning here 57 now with a high of 65 today. fall like cooler temps coming shortly.

hope everyone has a greatday!

light, love, hugs, and smiles for all! happy thursday!

Mema Jo said...

G M - perhaps tomorrow we may get a fresh new thread. So proud as to how we have handled this one. At least we have discovered that we don't need to lose contact with each other in times of disaster. I am relieved this shut down is over but I am certainly not looking forward to going through the same events in another few months.

Mema Jo said...

I am waiting for my gd to post some of the many many pictures she took yesterday. I'll have them on FB and try to email them to our non-FB users. I am speaking of Judie, Kay and Margy and Loretta. Can you all think of any others?

Mema Jo said...

I check in on the Ostrich cam - sorta like I had always put up our eagle cam... They are adorable and fun to watch. BTW I guess we best be checking periodically on our cam being returned.
HOLLER if you find our cam up/;running.

Mema Jo said...

I have an exciting lunch date.... Helen aka Mits, Robyn and Tori her daughter. Tori has knitted an Owl Hat for Ian. The Owl theme is in the boys bedroom. Can't wait to see it and more importantly can't wait to see my friends.

Going to check our cam and FB

BBL this afternoon....... ♥

Hoda said...

Good Morning
Enjoy the day
Snow tires go on today for the season.
No snow in town yet though.
Yoga and errands today
Might need to make more Kale Chips!!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Will be glad when we can have a new thread. It is nice though to chat with Megan and Bev on fb. Shall we continue with both?

Jack is having lunch out today with friend and then we will work on the outside of the trailer. Will be glad to have it out of the driveway.

Nothing new on Norm so far today. Bobbe did explain that it was a miracle that Norm did not die after the nicking of his jugular. The whole situation was explained to them this morning.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

YEAH pat myself on my back I successfully got my desk and my computer together

JudyEddy said...

and as JO suggested I tried the cam No luck with the still or the live feed
but I do have the Platform player up but there is a problem with it It has been moved only see half of the tree I took a snip of it and posted on facebook If the eagle were in the attic we wouldn't be able to see them that part of the tree isn't in the view of the camera only the left side of the tree :-(

JudyEddy said...

I just noticed YES YOU can see the branch that the sit on YEAH we will be able to see them tonight but not me I will be at Angies picking Jordyn up at school and going for dinner

JudyEddy said...

here is a snip you can see the branch is just at the edge of the frame of the camera but we will be able to see them

JudyEddy said...

I can hardly keep up with the blog and will not be participating in the chat as I haven't in the past The blog is good enough and its HOME to me
I am loving my desk so much more room that that rattan hutch I had Now I just need to find it a good home gonna post pic on fb Free to good home. maybe someone at work may want it I have over 100 peeps from work on fb maybe I can get a taker for it
ok gonna get busy so I am ready when its time to get Jordyn this wasn't planed for today last minute

Mema Jo said...

I enjoy all 3 forms of our Momster/Dadster Communications I know
it seem hectic to some and perhaps unnecessary but I will continue with all 3 to say GM and GN and let others know what I am doing for the day and to find out how everyone is getting along.

So my answer, Lolly is for each one to choose how to communicate - They will always find me somewhere......

Janet said...

good afternoon all! bright, sunny, and cooler outside! lovely day!

challenging day at work; 2 clients came in sick, had to send them home. hmmmmmmm.....

been a good day over all. we are having a fall festival/potluck @ work tomorrow! :) should be fun

hope everyone has a great evening. ice skating shortly!

stronghunter said...

I will touch base on all three means of communication. I like being in touch with those who prefer to stay on the blog and those who prefer to stay on FB.

stronghunter said...

Time to remind Hunter to get ready for football practice.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda says she can't bet on the blog. This is a test.

magpie said...

Good Afternoon
Eagle Pals...
the rain storms brought some
power outages...out Mountain Lake
Road, Jo....hope Melissa and
the Family have power...

Happy to read of your luncheon date
and all the happy Ian things too, Jo

Everyone Else...
It's just blog for me,
and a few emails
and some snail mails
and a lot of Positive Thoughts
in the breezes


paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all

Weather mixture here today. Sun clouds sprinkles...but warm

Larry is here til Friday.

Mema Jo said...

I got on the blog, Hoda......

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula - glad you have company at your Paradise. We are getting showers off and on and early this morning it was really foggy. I bet you will need to deal with fog like Sandi has for delayed school starts.

magpie said...

Won't it be fun when a New Thread
DOES arrive...wonder who will be the one to discover it when it happens!

I bet Steve has piles and piles or work to attend to in the days to come...

Okay well,
Hello Eagle Pals,
And Good Night...at least for now...


God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

magpie said...

Hunter's Moon....
full Moon for this month..
Friday, Oct 18...7:38 pm Eastern Time

Shirley...be sure to let your
Grandson know about this one...

magpie said...

and it's some kind of penumbral
Eclipse but my Astronomy
Magazine mentions nothing else about this ! Harrumph !

but Google offers this:

" penumbral lunar eclipse -- so called because only the incomplete outer portion of the Earth's shadow, or penumbra, falls across the moon -- is expected to reach its deepest point at 7:50 p.m. ET on Friday, Oct. 18.

Unlike total eclipses, in which Earth's umbra -- the central region of its shadow -- darkens the moon entirely, a penumbral lunar eclipse involves only a slight dimming. Skywatchers should expect to see a much more subtle sight -- with a shadow on the lower half of the full moon --

Happy Moon-Watching on Friday! do a little happy howling!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


stronghunter said...

Love your astronomy lessons, Margy.

Hope we'll find that new thread tomorrow.

SED, everyone.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
Have a nature tidbit of something a little different~~~~have been seeing a couple bats zipping through the backyard after sundown!
And that's all, folks!!! They might be practicing for Halloween!

Talked to daughter and they HAD rain in Austin area for about a week! They moved themselves into new house a weekend ago and workmen are almost done repairing some flaws here and there.When they brought kitties there, the poor little female ran into her litter box (has a cover). They are better now and the big boy lives and fills a bathroom sink!
Time to go, so Good Health Prayers for all in need and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

NatureNut said...

P.S. Thx Margy for the Moon info!
I'll be watching.

Hoda said...

Well that was odd!
I could not get past March 8th I thought it was
Page shut itself down and took me to March.

Laughed and went on about my day.

Goodnight all
God Bless Us All

JudyEddy said...

Home from Angie had a nice evening
Oh today JOrdyn and I saw a eagle flying over the area of Largo Playworld white tail and all now I wonder if there is a nest in the area there will have to check out the map I have see if there is one

JudyEddy said...

the still cam today had a old date on it but now its has raimbow strips on it and the correct date and time but with the words Osprey-230 and more writing on it

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to call it a day and will
say Goodnight to all ♥

SED & SOD & Aoyp

Wishes for you to have restful sleep
and pleasant dreams...

I ♥ US

Hoda said...

What is SOD?

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening!

Have been busy today sweeping up leaves since the winds have stopped. Got a little more laundry done. Called and scheduled a visit from the exterminator guy tomorrow.
Think we have caught one or two rats in the traps! Can get a whiff of something in a couple of places.
Hope the problem will be solved! We haven't heard any more rustling in the attic in the last couple of days.

Need to contact DirecTV. Got an e-mail from them saying that one or more of our receivers is too old, and soon will stop working. They need to send a replacement receiver to us so we don't lose our TV reception. Has anyone else had to do this? I don't think they send anyone out to do the switch; they expect us to do it ourselves. That ought to be fun, considering that the wires behind our entertainment center look like a plate of spaghetti!

Saying prayers for Dana's Dad for tomorrow. Ditto for Miracle Michael and for Norm Evans. Can't forget Sandi's Brian, or Mema Jo's Baby Ian, either. Jo, I bet that baby boy is habit-forming!

Well, think I'd better get going. Need to clean the bathtub, and want to try a new recipe for cleaning tubs, tile, and showers. If it works, I'll share it here. Sounds good, since it's natural, and shouldn't bother Emma.

Good to see Margy here! Miss you!
Nice to see Loretta, too!

Have SED, everyone! Goodnight and God bless. I ♥ us!! (The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled.) See you tomorrow, on Red Friday.

JudyEddy said...

HODA Sweet Ostrich Dreams SOD

JudyEddy said...

You can see the nest tree really good tonight I guess the moon is helping with that

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE

Lori O. said...

Good Red Friday morning everyone!

Thought we would have a new thread by now. Oh well, we did great making this one last for so long!

So glad it's finally Friday.

Prayers for DanaMo's Dad, Lolly's cousin, Norm, and Miracle Michael.

Test today on bowel and bladder elimination - exciting stuff. LOL

Got an 88 on the gastrointestinal test the other day, even when I was studying for the upcoming Endocrine system test. Duh!

Love all of you! Enjoy your Friday!

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends! TGIF!

Prayers for Dana's dad today that the doctors can find the source of the blood in his lung AND a solution.

Good luck on yet another test today, Lori! You are really rocking this latest endeavor, even though it's a tough one - you can do this!!

Margy, hope I can see that full moon and partial eclipse tonight - it's been pretty cloudy the past few evenings. Thanks for the info.

Have a great day all!

magpie said...

Good RED Friday Morning, Precious Pals....

Very Best Wishes and Positive Prayers for DanaMo's father and all the family and the Health Care Team today...

And to all....a Very Good Day...
Watch for that Full Moon tonight...
Sandi: Hope your skies clear as they seem to be doing here....

Lori: Oh boy, sounds fun, your test today...good stuff to know LOTS about...those topics sure
"keep us going" :)

Worktime looms....already ???
How did that happen!

Best Wishes for a Very Very Good Day...and Prayers for all our many many needs

SHARON: I miss you and Love you Too, my friend !

God Bless Our Military...
Every Day

xoxox "See Ya' Later "

Good to see and read about the doins' amongst us....especially the good stuff !


magpie said...

whoops: Shirley, I am sure you can relate...my mouse moved me around on that last post...

I meant to type: Good to read of the doins' amongst us, especially the GOOD Stuff...

Squirrelly mouse !


Janet said...

quick good morning. 45 degrees here.... feels chilly as it is foggy as well.

busy day ahead. trying to wake up.

good work LORI!
continued light and love for DANAMO and family]

love and hugs to all

Hoda said...

Good morning
Enjoy this opportunity
Here we go!

stronghunter said...

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...