Tuesday, October 01, 2013


The cam will be going offline due to the government shutdown.  No additional blog postings until resumption of government.



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paula eagleholic said...

Split is coming...........wheeeeeeeee

Oh and another good week at work...loving the new job :-)

JudyEddy said...

Hello Paula so happy you are getting Larry time in paradise

JudyEddy said...

647 days till I cam retire Which sounds better that or 1yr and 9mths

JudyEddy said...

ok gonna say SYL since everyone is vamoosed

paula eagleholic said...

647 days soounds great Judy

stronghunter said...

Oh good grief! We have inappropriate eagle porn and half-grown rats dropping in.

stronghunter said...

On a serious note--there have been US military strikes in Somalia and Libya.

stronghunter said...

Trying to keep up with the news.

stronghunter said...

You seem to stay so calm through those odd critter happenings, Andy. I would be most uncalm if a rat--half-grown or full-grown dropped into the room with me.

Hoda said...

Yay PAULA is here! Hi LARRY!

SHIRLEY Canadian news says the Navy Seals killed the leader of El Shabbab in Somalia and captured the guy who bombed the US embassy in 1998. No USA casualties and the troops are back out.
What are you hearing there.

Janet said...

good evening all. a very tired lmt here.

we had about a dozen therapists show up....but over half were students..so very green and took lots of breaks. when we started, my friend theresa and worked side by side, even giving a few four handed massage....and we didn't take a break. i guess in four hours we massaged close to 20 people each.....

then the drive home.

tom just arrived with pizza. i have showered, sittinng on a heating pad....

am tired. calling it a night! SED

stronghunter said...


Hoda said...

Thanks SHIRLEY. It is confirmed by El Shabab that the Seals killed their leader. Wise decision on their part not to engage in a fire fight.
The USA still has to settle the score on the Black Hawk!
You will I am sure of it.

Hoda said...

Yay retroactive pay to all those who have been furloughed!
Bill passed.
The a Pentagon is calling all their people in based on their interpretation of pay our troops act
Good news

stronghunter said...

You do very well at staying on top of the news, Hoda.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals....
hmmm, my Germany nephew is a SEAL, he no longer goes out on missions but I bet he knows a LOT about what you speak of, Shirley.....
and Hoda...

wonderful avatar,Lynne2!
and also JudyE...
Bravo, Yay, Kudos and Hugs for Jordyn on the Locks for Love Haircut..that is dear !

magpie said...

and to you also, Janet....you and your partner on your heartfelt cause today...
I had a massage the other day,
my masseuse said my body is "on fire" -
I have some significant musculo-skeletal things going on these days...

Good, Jo...your call from Michael!

magpie said...

Stink Bug Story:

sting bug has been in the ceiling lights for a few days at work....
today he dropped onto a co-worker's
work station with a BIG dust bunny atop of it...like a wiggly dust bunny with legs...she shrieked and almost fell out of her chair, just the surprise of it....
Supervisor Fellow took care of the

it was all in all, rather hilarious, and a sight to see

stronghunter said...

My son works for a government contractor. He is considered essential. I guess they need to stay on top of computer issues. It is good to know he will be paid.

My brother works for the Department of Agriculture. I expect he is not going to work right now. I did send him one text message, but I haven't gotten a response. He does not have Internet at home, so I have not sent him text messages or anything on FB.

Wonder if this will inspire him to get Internet? But they don't have cable TV, either. They said they cut that off because their son watched too much TV instead of studying, but he is 33 years old now! I am sure he has his own cable TV and Internet connections.

Hoda said...

Thank you SHIRLEY.

Would like to hear how the day went for DANA'S Dad

magpie said...

Keep on doing what you are doing, Paula...sounds Perfect :)

Lori...Bravo once again...
passing is Boss ! and practice
surely makes perfect. You might be using oranges to practice giving shots....I did, it was funny...


magpie said...

Dreamy Kay, your Seth Tales....

stronghunter said...

Stink Bug Story:

One of Hunter's friends came downstairs and asked if I would come get the stinkbug in Hunter's room. He said that Hunter was afraid of it.

I went upstairs and Hunter was very engaged in an Xbox game. The stink bug was crawling on the blinds. I removed it and things progressed from there.

I know very well that Hunter is not afraid of stink bugs. I am sure he was too involved in the game to bother with the bug. However, I suspect the friend might have been a little afraid. Maybe.

magpie said...

Good to SEE You, Eagle Pals....

I saw Jewels at shift change as I worked until 6 - she looks
as Gorgeous as ever !

got to run along now...

ttfn xoxo
Back later to say Good Night when it is time

(( HUGS ))

stronghunter said...

But this was not the same friend who thought George might eat him. Nor was it the friend who was setting a trap for Bigfoot.

JudyEddy said...

Here is a picture of Jordyn with her ponytail in hand and Janet who cut her hair She is a friend also of Angies with a dau a Jordyn age

Jordyn getting her hair cut notice how happy she looks with the results

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I have been there with the rat in the house The cat I use to have I took in was a stray brought me live rats and other critters all the time One day I had trapped it under the couch and is was there when I got home I sat up traps on both ends of the couch and picked up the back end where I knew he would come out and sure enough snapped that little sucker EW makes me shudder

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening to All ♥

6 hrs ago Dana said - Finally seems like we are making some headway. Hopefully, we will know something this evening
Hopefully all our prayers for Dana and her dad and mom are being answered.

Paula - it sure sounds like this change you have gone through is proving to be the best you could have wished to have ♥

Mema Jo said...

Judy - Jordyn's hair is very cute.
Do any of her schoolmates also have short hair?

Andy - I would really be ready to move out if a rat fell in front of me! You are one brave lady with all the varmints you have gone through.
So glad you save Emma lickety-split.

Mema Jo said...

I think I can hear the door knob rattling down at Judie's........ Yep! there is the Sandman peeking out to see whether he needs a hat and gloves or not in order to go to Hoda's.
I am signing off so I can be one
step ahead........

Good night to all ♥
I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Oh yes JO definitely hat and gloves. Long underwear season is upon us!!!

Good night

God Bless


stronghunter said...

Sandperson passed by here. Said he was all itchy from wearing wool undies. Jufie switched the comfy cotton ones for the woolies.

He was flinging the sleepy dust all about while scratching. So I am saying good night. See you all tomorrow. SED.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Dropping in quickly to say goodnight before the Sandperson gets here. It's pretty warm here tonight, so he'll have to ditch the long underwear, for sure!

Haven't caught the rat yet, and haven't spotted it again, either. It will undoubtedly come out of hiding late tonight while we're sleeping. Just hope it doesn't try to wake us up like George the cat does, Shirley! By the way, I'm actually better about a young rat than I am a spider--as long as it doesn't land in my lap! The rascal is almost cute--looks much like the pet rat our daughter Jen had as a 10-year-old. Little "Munchie" used to cling to Jen's bike handlebars when she went for a ride. They were covered with black foam rubber, and easy to hang onto.
They made quite a picture. I don't have any plans to bond with this critter, though--don't worry!

Hope everyone has a restful night's sleep tonight, with SED!
The porch light's on, and both security systems have gone on automatically. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you! I ♥ us!

Hoda said...

Marino wool SHIRLEY! JUDIE must get the Sandman some Marino wool long underwear. It does not itch. It keeps a person cool also so it would work in California.
As to Rats all I can say is I spent 26 years of my life in a rat free province. Apparently BC has them and I am petrified!!!
Don't like spiders either. Snakes out in the open no problem in the house and I would move before I had a stroke!!!
Oh my!!!

stronghunter said...

Speaking of wool, it sounds like Margy's dough factory has woolly stink bugs. I think I would rather deal with a woolly stink bug than a rat, though.

The white rats people have as pets seem okay, but I remember a nasty one in a lab room when I was in college. Profs said to stay clear of it, and it was snarling and slashing through the bars of its cage.

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday morning everyone!

JANET, sure was nice of you to volunteer your time for the MS event. You worked really hard! Hope you get caught up on your sleep.

JUDYE, went to see Jordyn's hair picture and it said the material is not available at this time. Maybe FB doing some early morning work.

MARGY, enjoy your day off today! What are your plans?

KAY, so glad you got some Seth time in and I know you loved every minute of it. BRAVO!

HODA, glad you have merino wool long undies. Will be wearing shorts here today as it's supposed to get up to 82.

LOLLY, how was the wedding? Busy time for you now getting ready to leave again on Tuesday. Mom & Dad just got home from their trip yesterday and they're heading out again on Tuesday, too. Hope you're feeling better and that Jack doesn't catch the bug.

Prayers for Brian, Michael, LOLLY and DanaMo's Dad.

Time to get an early move on today. Lots of homework and studying still to be done. And, I need to put the finishing touches on a paper that is due Thursday.

Hope everyone has a blessed day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

LORI the video that I posted the link to may be a issue of setting I went over to look and she has it as friends not public Darn it Even though my end says public it won't show I guess Didn't we go through this before with other pictures I just may have to down load it I see it on my page I guess no one else can unless you are friends with Angie DARN FACEBOOK

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning Lori, Judy, and all my eagle friends! Another warm day on tap here, then finally some rain and cooling off.

Andy, our DIL has a pet rat, a white one. Kinda cute but the tail creeps me out! The cat loves to sit for hours and watch it in its cage - kinda like kitty TV!

Judy, love Jordyn's new do - makes her look older! What a sweet gesture! I remember Madeline, my niece, donated her hair a few years ago.

Shirley, our DIL's mother works for USDA and she has been furloughed since Tuesday. Cannot even express how disappointed I am with Congress right now.

Paula, glad you are loving the job!

Remember me telling the story of Denny splattering bleach water solution on the brand new carpet on the stairs back in the spring? Well, we had someone come out and dye the bleach spots. Found the company by reading a household tips email that Kay sent and following one of the links in it. It cost more than I was hoping to spend but less than replacing the carpet and NO MORE BLEACH SPOTS! The carpet looks perfect and it's permanent b/c he actually dyed the bleached carpet fibers to match the existing carpet. The guy said he can dye an entire room of carpet for about half of what it would cost to replace it - amazing!

I was delighted to hear that US troops captured the terrorist responsible for bombing the 2 US embassies in Africa. Hope the mission in Somalia was successful as well - I was still reading conflicting reports last night when I went to bed.

Denny has been bugging me for a new TV to replace our projection one. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the set we have - Denny just wants bigger than 51" and new technology. Well yesterday, I was updating Quickbooks for the business and balancing the business checkbook (which takes forever each month since Denny ALWAYS makes errors) and found $4000 that Denny didn't think he had. So ... guess what we ordered from Costco!? I am embarrassed to say how big the screen is - let's just say huge! The TV and the console to put it on should be here in 2-3 weeks.

Prayers continue for Dana's dad and for Miracle Michael.

Have a great day all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Very quiet here this morning. George insisted upon having breakfast, and, I must admit it is late.

stronghunter said...

Will have to check the news to see what is reported about the situation in Somalia.

stronghunter said...

I am sure you will enjoy your new huge TV, Sandi.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi...great news on the checkbook and the TV. Glad you heard from Brian.

Kudos to you lori on you grades!

Prayers for Dana's Dad.

Took Larry's boat on the ocean yesterday for the first time ever. He got a new motor this year and finally felt comfortable taking it out. Ocean was very calm. Didn't catch any fish...but had fun trying.

Guess the cam was finally turned off due to the shutdown.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All ♥

Another warm day out there - No special plans for me yet.

Sandi, I am sure Denny is one happy camper with the new HUGE TV coming.

Andy I would pray that rat didn't wake you up throughout the night!

Shirley I hope your guys down at the river are having fun.

Lori - I assume you are on the down side of your training. You have done fantastically well. I am so glad you are surprising yourself by doing so well.

Hoda - have a good day today and I hope the sun shines on you!

Hope to hear from Lolly...I don't think I missed any comment last evening from her.

Going over to FB to check out Dana and her mom's remarks.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly on FB has many pictures from the wedding - there is one of Lolly and Jack - a very fine looking couple!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jufie has been sentenced to a full day of time-out.

Have to make a dash to the closest pharmacy to secure a gallon or two of Calamine lotion for Sandperson. Itching and whining is just pitiful -- not to mention the unkind words directed to Jufie.

Then will scour the local stores for Merino wool undies.

I see good news from super-student Lori, Andy has a pet rat, Jordyn has a cute new "do," Shirley got some extra sleep, Jo may take the day to relax, good deeds were done for MS, there was boating on the ocean, a lovely wedding took place, a huge television screen was procured, stink bugs know where to get 911 assistance, a carpet has been successfully dyed and Brian was heard from.

Now to hear good news about Dana's dad.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Judie... ♥

No update since yesterday from Dana on FB
I'll keep checking...

With the heat of the day - I guess I best find something to do in the house... :(

stronghunter said...

Oh, Judie, you know how to make a person chuckle.

Stink bugs seeking 911 assistance? Had not thought of that. Well, Margy did say it was "taken care of." Okay!

stronghunter said...

Hunter has been invited to a birthday party this evening. An interesting one. A big truck full of video games has been ordered for this group of kids.

Sounds very expensive. It seems that they get on the truck and play the games. I am interested in hearing about it. Hope Kathryn takes pictures.

stronghunter said...

Well, I think I found it. Yes, expensive. At least I think so . . 300 to almost 500 dollars depending on the package you select.

stronghunter said...

And those are the "specials."

stronghunter said...

Hunter should have a blast.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley this is a new twist for parties ...
Used to be Moon Bounces or Chuckie Cheese or Pizza Hut & McDonalds
Hunter is growing up in the Tech World

stronghunter said...

Yes, Jo.

I remember one year when I thought all of the birthday party options were so expensive that I asked Kathryn if she would like to have a special party at home with all of the nice china and crystal I used for adults.

I thought it was one of the nicest parties she had. Of course, it was a "girly" event. Not for the boys at all.

Mema Jo said...

FB from Dana

Thanks everyone for asking how dad is, and for all your help. Here's the latest:At the suggestion of Pam Ours and some other friends my mom finally asked for the house supervisor last night. Well that got them listening. The nurse was like, "why". So mom explained. Finally the doctor came in (although still late, after I had gone home). I THINK we have a plan now. Dad is probably being discharged today and we are going to transport him down the road to Hopkins or one of it's branch hospitals. They are going to perform a laser surgery on the bronchial tube that has the blood in it. Of course, this is his word on what is going to happen and I am afraid I have lost some faith. None of this can happen though until Monday morning. So I doubt that dad will be going to Baltimore until at least Tuesday. Continued prayers please, especially for stability. We are a little nervous about dad coming home. ♥

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

DANA, that is hopeful news and you know our prayers are continuing on his behalf !

Yikes, I just about screeched and was ready to jump on a chair just reading about ANDY's rat ! Ugh !

SANDI, what a great find--wish you were my accountant ☺. Enjoy that new TV !

PAULA, it's just grand to hear you "talk" about the job and Larry. What a happy life !

Had a grand time with Seth. It's fun to hear him process info on classes, friends, campus life.

Love and prayers for all !


Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

DANA, that is hopeful news and you know our prayers are continuing on his behalf !

Yikes, I just about screeched and was ready to jump on a chair just reading about ANDY's rat ! Ugh !

SANDI, what a great find--wish you were my accountant ☺. Enjoy that new TV !

PAULA, it's just grand to hear you "talk" about the job and Larry. What a happy life !

Had a grand time with Seth. It's fun to hear him process info on classes, friends, campus life.

Love and prayers for all !


stronghunter said...

Prayers for Dana and her whole family.

Hoda said...

Good afternoon.
All is good here.
Prayers continue.
Been taking Cod Liver Oil and Deep Immunity tinctures for a few days now and feel a great energy and relief from cold and flu like symptoms.
Quiet Day here doing chores and cooking.
One article to write for a Grans book to be published in Ottawa.
Two Canadians held in Egypt's notorious Tora prison have been released after spending two months there. Arrested without charge! They however can not leave as the Egyptian Government has not returned their passports!!! Something is not right. A Doctor and a Film Maker.
The moral of the story is if you are foreigner and you see demonstrations do not check them out, do not help those who are being shot. Get out of there!!!

NCSuzan said...

Hello, everyone. Lots of stories to comment on but want to save space during the shutdown. However came across this young artist and his work with driftwood and the like and wanted to pass it on. Wait til you see the eagles!
Wood Sculptures

Also, last I read Pot Plant Owl had 2 eggs! Due to the commitments of the owners, webcams will not be shown this year. Going to miss those babies!

Prayers for all needs....

stronghunter said...

Beautiful sculptures, Suzan.

Lolly said...

We be home and watching football. Have loaded clothes into the trailer. Will get really busy this evening loading.

The wedding was awesome. Wade has married well. lol Big crowd, several hundred. orchestra and choir. Music was was unbelievable. Reception was also unbelievable with band and singer at a special event venue...three floors all open to the first floor. Needless to say we had a blast!

Sandi said...

Hi all! Got to chat online with Brian this afternoon. He is settling in - still feeling fortunate to be there rather than here b/c he is getting paid instead of being furloughed! What logic!! Says he feels VERY safe there - his words!

Judy, I thought of you today as we tried to decide what to do with our 51" projection TV that still works perfectly fine. We were just going to give it away but finally decided to put it in the first floor guest bedroom that my mom stays in when she's visiting. It's WAY bigger than a bedroom TV should be but, with a little furniture rearranging, it will fit fine. Boy, Mom is in for a treat the next time she comes to stay!

Suzan, thanks for the link to the driftwood sculptures - INCREDIBLE talent and INCREDIBLY beautiful pieces!!

Paula, when we get the new TV, you and Larry will have to come and watch a football game or something with us! We owe you guys dinner!

Jo, speaking of dinner, we owe you and Ed a dinner at House of Welsh! When will you be coming to the beach next??

Dana, hope your dad is OK until you can get him to Hopkins - prayers continue!!

Time to feed people and pets - later!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and happy you thought of a place for the TV SANDI Your MOM will be happy I am sure
SUSZAN thanks for the link to the sculpture wow great work there is a guy on FB that does it also
LOLLY happy you had a good time at the wedding sounds NICE $$
DANA I hope you get some answers at the new hospital You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers

Sandi said...

Oh yeah, forgot to say that I read on FB today that Venus, Saturn, and Mercury will all be visible this evening along with the crescent moon. Here's a link:
Look southwest after sunset

paula eagleholic said...

Cool Sandi, thanks for the heads up. I wonder if that was Mercury I saw las week, right after sunset on the horizon?

paula eagleholic said...

Suzan, that driftwood eagle is gorgeous! The person really captured the essence of an eagle. Mabe I can make one with my driftwood!

JudyEddy said...

Here is the video of Jordyn hair cut I had to upload to youtube cool that I can do that I have the real player and recorded it from facebook

Jordyn and her hair cut notice at the end the delight in her face as she see it

stronghunter said...

Frustrated. Got a bill from my doctor for $30.41. This is for a procedure that was done last spring, and, yes, they say it is way past due.

I paid them the bill they sent for $49.00 in September, but that is not shown anywhere on this statement. I thought I had paid the whole thing already, so I am quite confused.

I don't think they always get around to sending the bills right away. I would have paid long ago if I had known. Not like it is a huge amount.

So, I tried to go online and check things out. However, according to them, I do not exist as a patient. If I do not exist, how can I owe them money?


stronghunter said...

Jordyn looks very proud of her new haircut, Judy. So cute!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Good Wife will be delayed, football game on CBS is running late.

Gonna try and see the moon and planets...nothing out there yet. The sun sets here at 6:35.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I think I see the problem. They are saying I paid 19.35, not the amount I paid--actually 49.34--and they tacked on a finance charge to boot. Good thing I have a copy of the canceled check.

But I do not exist, so I wonder if they will talk to me on the phone??

stronghunter said...

Yes, Paula, that would be Lolly's Cowboys.

stronghunter said...

It may be awhile. The score is tied.

Hoda said...

So strange I am not getting notices from blogger!!! Box is checked!
What is up with that?

Just came back in from apple picking also plum picking. I have four huge bags!
Sauce, slice and freeze, maybe even jam!

All is good here

stronghunter said...

Two touchdowns. The score is 48-48. Quite a score for football.

paula eagleholic said...

I saw Venus and Saturn, but couldn't see Mercury. There were some clouds on the far horizon that probably blocked my view.

paula eagleholic said...

Ooh, the ISS should be visible this week! Monday, Tuesday, Weds, and Fri nite. Been wanting to watch it down here.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - Sandi - not sure of a date for us to come down but sure will let you know.

Busy afternoon with Michael and his 5 yr old & 11 yr old granddaughters.
The oldest, Sammy takes over my computer and Izzy likes to play make believe - Love it. She tells you what to do or say. At dinner she realized both her 2 bottom teeth are loose! I'm sure I'll soon get a call or a picture!

I'm waiting for The Good Wife
Ravens game was a win - really rough playing though by the Miami


magpie said...

Good Evening, Eagle Pals....
I Like the Happy News here, family and fun times....

Oh, AAAARGH for Andrea...I would not have survived the ratty event
at all....having had some
unpleasant experiences here with another rodent, my in-house squirrel a few years back. Good luck on all this, Andy !!!

I saw Venus...that's it...I think Mercury and Crescent Moon were too low for my views here...daggonit, but thanks for the Alert, Sandi !
I hope SOME of you have seen this.

magpie said...

Bravo on the Maiden Voyage of the boat, Paula...
does this boat have a Name ?

James the wise kidster time was good...we had our Milk Toast for all our special friends here...
but I had water and he had a soda...
but it all works the same !!

magpie said...

oh, ISS, my old dear pal of a vessel..I hope to see THAT this week sometime also...have to re-find the link to it....
thanks for the alert, Paula...

Well, that's about it for me for the night....Lovins' and Hugs to you, my friends...

Prayers for Wellness, Serenity,
Peace and Joy for all of us, our families, friends and Pets !

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

magpie said...

And,also, thanks for the updates on Dana's father...especially strong prayers for good outcomes....

stronghunter said...

Did not make it out to see the planets this evening. Kathryn and Hunter showed up and I was talking with them.

Lolly said...

Bev posted this on fb

Beverly Crisco Riffe

2 hours ago via mobile.

With Thelma. She fell down the stairs and hurt her knee, toe, and cheek — at Princeton Community Hospital.

Then she posted this:
Beverly Crisco Riffe

50 minutes ago near Princeton, WV via mobile.

No fractures, just banged up. Muscle relaxers, etc. and going home.

Lolly said...

I think those ladies should just live at the hospital!! Glad Thelma did not break anything but bet she will be mighty stiff and sore!

Hoda said...

Sorry to hear about THELMA!
Thank you for bringing it over LOLLY

paula eagleholic said...


The link is spaceweather.com

Janet said...

Sunday night:

Last night (saturday) i was so tired! i went to sleep @ 9 and didn't get out of the bed til 8 this morning. 11 hours of sleep!

we did our grocery shopping this morning and of course bowlng tonight. we won 1 game. my high score for today was 149!

jordyn sure looks cut judye with that hair cut.

another week ahead! tom is off on a two week fall break from school...livvy only gets 1 week which starts this friday.

hope everyone has good sleep! nite nite

Judie said...

I believe the boat is named "Paula's Studmuffin"

Continued prayers for Dana's dad.

No need to fear Jufie tonight. Sandperson just shoved Jufie's face into a large bag of sleepy dust. Snoring already in progress. Sandperson has on new Merino wool undies for a visit to the brownie capitol of the world.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Just watched the Good Wife which ran about 40 minutes late - I just may now be calling it a night.

Very breezy outside and temps have dropped.

Thanks for containing Jufie, Judie.

Glad your day was a good James the Wise day. Hope he is enjoying school.

Anxious to hear about Hunter's birthday party he attended in the Hi Tech Truck.

Mema Jo said...

Very concerned about Thelma's fall.
Wish her healing and hope she is able to relax.

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all my friends.


I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Ha ha ha JUDIE!

Goodnight all

God Bless Us all

paula eagleholic said...

Sed love and hugs for all!

stronghunter said...

Best wishes for Thelma.

Hoping the Sandperson is warm and cozy tonight.

Yawning. I will see you tomorrow.

Lori O. said...

Good Monday Morning All!

SANDI, forgot to mention yesterday how cool it is that you can talk with Brian while he's there. Used to Skype with my brother and SIL when they were working in Sudan for a year.

Prayers for THELMA. Surely that had to hurt, and probably more so today. We miss you T=Bird!

HODA, have fun deciding what to do with all your plums and apples. I've heard of apple plum jam before.

LOLLY, when do you leave on your big trip? I'm thinking it's tomorrow, but I remember you saying how you had to rush to get things done...Safe Travels and lots of pictures!

JUDYE, I think I'd start counting down to retirement by the months, then days when you get closer...well, that's what I'm doing with school.

It's another no test day today since we have a guest speaker, but a big test on the cardiovascular system coming up on Wednesday.

Hope you all have a blessed, beautiful day.

Enjoy the rain, we need it.

Love, Love, Love you all!

Lori O. said...

Oh, also wanted to add, prayers for DanaMo's Dad, Sandi's Brian and Michael.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends. It's the start of a new work week - UGGHHH!

Lori, enjoy your guest speaker - what's the exciting topic??

Sorry to hear about Thelma falling - those Farley girls sure do seem to like visiting hospitals!

Prayers for Dana's dad, and for her and her mom as well.

Hope the rain makes its way to the coast - we sure do need some.

Have a good day everyone.

Janet said...

Good morning to one and all!
Fall has found us here in Nashville. It is 49 with a projected high of 68 today! Definately NOT a pool day, lol.
Beautiful skies this morning....bright stars...

Tom is on a 2 week fall break. Olivia has school thru Thursday, then he will joinhim on break.

Hopeeveryone has a lovely day! Light, love, hugs, and smiles to ll!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

75° today lot nicer that its been suppose to be a raining day scattered showers Hi today 85°

stronghunter said...

Good morning--a bit of coffee and I am on my way. Lots to do today.

Must get that belt for the vacuum.

stronghunter said...

Wishing everyone an excellent day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all ♥

Wow! the winds had been blowing and all of a sudden the heavens opened up and rain rain and more rain.
I had to think of Lolly getting ready for her trip to NM.

No plans - other then just to stay dry


stronghunter said...

Started out with a drizzle, then a deluge, then more drizzle. Wondering if there will be football practice this evening.

stronghunter said...

Severe thunderstorm warning for us.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wow, see you are having a bit of severe weather. Was in the low 50's here this morn but we have bright sunshine!! We did receive a blessing of a half inch of rain while we were gone! Wahooooo!

Fell asleep last night without saying good night, Please forgive my bad manners! :)

Yes, lots to do today as we leave in the morning...hopefully. lol

Judie said...

Good morning.

Wow! Jo and Shirley, closest to me, had lots of rain. We have had bursts of strong wind and a few raindrops. Hope the big trees keep their toes firmly attached to the ground.

Finished ironing and perusing the newspaper. Now a quiet day. May make some flour-less PB cookies if power stays on.

Hope Lori enjoys the speaker today. Cardiology test on Wed. will be a piece of cake. Oh, cake. Not good for the heart. Okay, a whole wheat muffin, instead.

Hope preparations go smoothly Lolly. Enjoy your trip.

Woke up this morning to a scuffle in the upstairs hallway. Seems Jufie is more than a little jealous of Sandperson's Merino undies. Jufie, as usual, is on lock down.

Wishing everyone a nice afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Judie!

This is not the weather that all the Pumpkin Patches ordered!

Jenny was here earlier -
Need to find a project other then just putting up my feet today...


stronghunter said...

Tornado warnings have come and gone. Will's reaction was to walk out on the porch and declare that the National Weather Service is overreacting.

I reminded him that those could be the last words he might say before the house blows away, but it seems all is well.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds ! Sorry for the double post yesterday--never know why. Will be brief today, just collecting prayer requests. Adding Thelma to the list and hoping for quick and complete healing !

Have a good day and tornado free day all !


stronghunter said...


Just got another call from those credit card people. This time I pushed the #1 instead of hanging up. The woman came right on and wanted to know if I owe more than $3,000 on my credit cards.

I said that I wanted to be removed from their calling list. She wanted to know why I hadn't said that at the beginning of the conversation.

My part of the conversation had been, I think, "Hello."

She then said, "I'm not going to do that. I apologize." Then she hung up.

So tired of those calls. I need to find out where to go to get back on the "Do Not Call" list.

stronghunter said...

Got to find out more about that lovely wool that Hoda has recommended.

stronghunter said...

Well, guess what?

National Do Not Call Registry


Due to the Government shutdown, we are unable to offer this website service at this time. We will resume normal operations when the government is funded.

stronghunter said...

Interesting information about Dr. Rogers and his bears:


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Kay, like you, I'm collecting prayer requests and checking to see whether all is well.

The winds have died down, and it's only supposed to be about 83 here today. For tomorrow they're predicting a high of 74, with some light rain! Yesterday afternoon, the sun was hitting our patio thermometer (forgot it's lower in the sky this time of year), and it was reading 118 degrees! THAT will get your attention in a hurry! It was in the mid-90s, but not THAT hot!

Mighty glad to hear that Thelma is not broken anywhere! Hope she is not too sore today! ((HUGS))!!

Good to hear that there is a plan in place for Dana's dad. Prayers continue--for the whole family.

Critter update: We haven't seen the rat at all. Haven't caught anything in any of the traps yet.
Emma hasn't met up with it, either, thank God! Just hope the thing gets caught somewhere, and soon! It creeps me out that we don't know where it is!

Wishing happy trails to Lolly & Jack. Enjoy your trip!

Well, need to go do some more laundry. Will check back in later.
I ♥ us!

JudyEddy said...

Hello Home from work How was everyones day Mine great I asked Stacy yesterday about my schedule and YEP she changed for me Cool Beans

Won't tie up the blog Just let you know I am still kicking

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in the attic in FL

Hoda said...

Greetings everyone.
Had a terrific morning on the water.
Friends of Kootenay Lake Water testing.
Beautiful sunrise and good few hours on the water.

I found out I might be able to volunteer with The Kootenay Sailing Association to bring grain from the East Shore to Nelson. I will keep you posted. Three day trip and two nights on a sail boat!!! Oh to die for!!!

Making apple sauce. Two pits on the go. I have ins to de with too. Probably a compote of sorts.
Yesterday I went on a Harvest Rescue and as a result have HUGE amounts of apples and plums all for free.

I feel truly Blessed.
Praises Praises Praises to The Lord!

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

WOW HODA that is so great I hope you get to go on the sailing adventure
and good news on the fruits
You are one talented lady with all you do in your life I get exhausted just reading LOL 1 yr 9 mth til I retire

Lori O. said...

Good evening everyone!

SANDI, The guest speaker this morning spoke about Hepatitis C. We have to work a day in a testing clinic.
Then we got out early, at 9:45, because of a bomb scare at the school. Nothing happened that I know of.

HODA, how fun, all that free produce. Glad you're making good use of it! Sure hope you get to do the sailing trip.

LOLLY, safe travels and have a great trip. Pictures, please.

SHIRLEY, after all the rain, was there football practice tonight? It's cold out there! 50 degrees here!

Prayers for DanaMo's Dad, Brian, Michael and Thelma.

Love you all! Big hugs.

magpie said...

Oh,a bomb scare....
now THAT's a way to get out of class,
but sure ties up the emergency responders....we have had a few here since school started...

Hello Eagle Pals...
could see a a beautiful crescent Moon and brilliant Venus this evening...

What a rain we had here this morning,
Jefferson Co (Shepherdstown, Charles Town) and Boonsboro Md
had it worse than us, weather warning-wise...hope Megan is OK !
She is in
Sharpsburg...near Boonsboro AND
Jefferson County


magpie said...

Thanks for the ISS flyovers link..
I SEE there are some good ones coming up....will be watching for them

So sorry to hear of tumble and fall for Thelma...hope Healing is Well in Place !!!

Hoda: Simply Amazing, that's YOU !

magpie said...

I will say this about the weather:
the clouds were Incredibly Awesome!
and the sunset here was beauteous

magpie said...

glad your schedule suits you...

and, the the the That's All Folks...

Enjoy your evenings...

thinking of all, with Lovins'
and Hugs

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

That storm was a doozy here! 4" of rain in the gauge...tree limbs down, water up into the yard. The boat was out on the beach, but it was secure. Had water and sand in it and tossed the gas tank out! But it was OK.

Still 76° here now...I hear the cold is headed my way!

Margy, not sure the weather is going to cooperate for the ISS here, but I'll take a looksee. Pretty red on the horizon at sunset tonight at least.

Nice free fruit assortment Hoda! Hope you get to go on the sailing trip. Sounds like fun!

JudyE, glad you got your schedule changed!

Andy, I would be creeped out, too, not knowing where that little bugger is!

Safe travels for Lolly and Jack!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, thanks for the bear update link. I totally agree with what the mayor said!

Hoda said...

You will enjoy retirement JUDYE.

Sorry about the bomb scare LORI.

Have a pot of plums on the stove... Making a compote.
Plums, ginger, coriander, cloves, apple cider vinegar, and honey. I read a few recipes and then created my own. I like all the ingredients.

Thank you about the sailing wishes. If I do not actually sail I will be happy to meet them at the wharf and be part of the human chain to unload the grain.

I think I might have to dry some apples. Two pots of apple sauce and I have not put a dent in the harvest rescue fruit. I found a dehydrator in Nelson called The American Harvester. Does anyone know anything about it? I might have to message MEGAN?

Judie said...

Reading Hoda's post at 6:37 I wonder if she was into a brownie compost. lol

Hoda, hoping you get to go on the sail boat.

I suppose because I commented about not having much rain, Jo and Shirley and Margy teamed up and sent at least eleventy billion rain drops to my house. Much needed. Thank you, ladies.

Dr. Rogers and the bear researchers have taken some serious blows this season. Sadly, on top of the loss of Dot and June, the orphans trying to survive, and crippled Aster, it does seem as if the powers that be are out to shut him down. At least the town Mayor has made a public statement of support.

Ironing finished, cookies baked, dinner over, kitchen restored to order. Now time to point my toes toward the ceiling.

Night light is on. Sandperson is packing a satchel. Jufie is still on lock down. Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Um, that would be compote.

Hi Paula. Glad you had no damage.

Good night!

Lolly said...

We are loaded and ready to head out. Jack has even hitched up. Won't say good bye as I will have my trusty iphone!! :)

Hoda said...

JUDIE you are hilarious!!!

Mema Jo said...

Our rain stopped and the rest of our day was very nice. Megan said she was without power for an hour.
I did wear a jacket this evening when Hubby and I went out to dinner. I told him this dinner could be my birthday dinner as
we went to the Longhorn Steak House. I even had a sundae for dessert ♥

I have watched 2 tv shows this evening and now I am getting ready to close down. Safe journey to Lolly and Jack - Sorry bout bomb scare Lori - really disrupts your whole day. Dana said that Dad's doctor is supposed to be coordinating with the doctor down at Hopkins. We suspect it may be a couple of days.

Lolly said...

I have a few things to do yet this evening, so I am shutting down and packing up the computer.

Night all! SED!! See you on the road!

Hoda said...

Wonderful Birthday Supper JO.
Glad the weather improved to go out.

Kitchen is now clean ready for tomorrow's creativity with apples and plums.

I will sign off. I got too excited today and I am afraid sleep will not come easily.
I need to go meditate.


God Bless Us All.

paula eagleholic said...

Rest well, Hoda and Jo.

stronghunter said...

No football practice. We had at least eleventy-billion and one raindrops. Just happy that we did not get blown away by a tornado. As far as I know, nothing major happened.

Oh my, a bomb scare. I've been through a few of those over the years. Glad that it was just a scare, Lori.

Your compote sounds very delicious, Hoda.

Kathryn took Luna and Lucky to the vet today. Luna has a cyst on her side and Lucky needed a check-up. He's twenty years old. Hard to believe.

Lucky came home in a nasty mood. He did not like being poked and having his ears cleaned.

I believe someone mentioned that when a pet goes to the vet, other pets at home give them a hard time. George was very upset with Lucky tonight. There was lots of sniffing, hissing and growling.

JudyEddy said...


Sharon Lea Crisco Farley
Well I have narcolepsy.
Like · · Share · 5 hours ago near Bluefield, WV


We had a little over a inch of rain today Cold Front headin in tomorrow

·Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Going to shut down for now. Watching a bit of TV before sleep.

Bowling tomorrow.

SED, everyone. God bless and good night.

paula eagleholic said...

Rest well, Hoda and Jo.

stronghunter said...

Really upsetting about Dr. Rogers and the DNR officials. Hard to understand. It was good to see that the mayor supports the doctor.

Hope the diagnosis helps Sharon solve the problems that have been bothering her.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, and Shirley and JudyE

I hope the diagnosis helps Sharon too.

Time for BED

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Tuesday morning all!

I can't find Sharon's post with her diagnosis. Happy she finally got one and hope it's one that can be fixed.

LOLLY, Safe travels and wishing you and Jack a great trip as you leave this morning.

JO, glad you had a nice dinner at Long Horn...love that place. Great baked potatoes and steak! And you even stayed dry!

JUDYE, are you going to have weekends off again? Glad your schedule change worked out for you and it was granted.

HODA, have fun with all your apples and plums today. I think a dehydrator is a great idea. My parents had one, don't know what kind, and it worked great. That brand name does sound familiar.

Time for me to scoot...have to be at the LT Care Facility at 5:45. I'm scared to death. Last week was just orientation...this week we get to work with our assigned patients. I hope I serve him/her well. :)

A blessed day for everyone.

Lori O. said...

Thanks JUDYE, I just found your post with SHARON's FB post about her diagnosis. Thanks for bringing it over.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !

Hmmmm, Narcolepsy for SHAR, eh. Wonder if that means meds or machinery or both. Thank goodness she has a diagnosis and it's something that can be worked with.

One might wonder if that's my problem this moment--up with agonizing sciatic nerve pain--the surgery seemed to stem that on the right side, but oh, how my left side aches at times ! Waiting for Tylenol and Neurontin to kick in.

PAULA, so glad the storm didn't do more damage--that was close ! I talked to son, Lee, yesterday afternoon and they'd been under tornado watch in NJ. Bad stuff !

HODA, every now and then I wish you all an "Apple Dumpling Dandy Day" and you've sure taken that to ♥ and then some !

JO, an early and delicious birthday dinner and dessert ! Good on you !

LOLLY, Jack sure is hitched up and to a great gal at that ! Safe travels you two !

LORI, a bomb scare at your school ? Yowee, zowee ! Somebody have a beef with a teacher ?

Special hi to SHIRLEY, ANDY, MARGY, JUDYE.......

Love and prayers for all !


Sandi said...

Good morning Lori, Kay, and all my eagle friends.

Lori, enjoy your day - what kind of folks are at this long term care place?

Kay, so sorry to hear about your pain. Hope the meds have kicked in and you're sleeping like a baby.

Shar, narcolepsy wouldn't explain all the pain you were having. What's the treatment for it? Is it safe for you to drive? I remember Brian had a high school teacher with it - boy, did the kids have a field day in THAT class! Teacher was finally asked to resign.

We got a nice amount of rain and no severe weather. Cold front came through during the night and today will feel like fall again.

Prayers that Dana's dad gets to Hopkins today for a solution to the blood in his lung.

Have a great day all.

Janet said...

Tuesday and good morning! 50 degrees bright n clear here! :D

Taking Seven in to get spayed in an hour. She is in her kennel and not a happy girl.

And of course if ANYTHING is off, everyone is off. But thins hae settled down.

Had great day yesterday and antcipating such toda.

Reading over everyone'posts....thinkig of you all, holding you close in heart and thoughts....have a fabulous day....gota scat, leaving early to takeSeven tothe vet. (((hugs))), love and smilesto all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Coffee time here.

Kathryn left early. I-95 is closed. There is a major accident between here and her destination. Sounds like it will take her a very long time to get to work.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle BUDS

LORI no weekends off Just the 8-5 not a different schedule daily
10-7/9-6/8-5 etc The computer does that to me since I have a availability from 7-7 the systems picks different sch daily but I would rather have the same time and she let me have the 8-5

JudyEddy said...

I can consider myself lucky because others have to work their schedule that the system produce I don't say anything about it to anyone Just happy that they oblige me

stronghunter said...

Interesting story about that nine-year-old who sneaked into an airplane and flew to Vegas. They've put a GPS tracker on the kid and are holding him in Nevada. It seems he has quite a record.

Lolly said...

Good morning! On the road again! Hear me singing? We left 20 minutes ago! Stars were beautiful this morn and 53. First time to put on a jacket!

stronghunter said...

Have fun, Lolly.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Shirley, I heard about that 9-year-old too. It's kinda scary that a kid that young could get past airport security the way he did. Either the kid's a genius, or some people were asleep on the job! WHERE were his parents?!

Prayers are firmly in place for everyone on the sick list, and for everyone else here, too.

Still no sign of that pesky rat that has invaded our living space!
Wish it would make an appearance in one of the traps! Meanwhile, keeping as much of our fresh fruit as we can, in the microwave where it's safe from rodent nibbles. Our bread is now residing in the fridge, and we've dug up some metal cookie tins, too. This is getting old pretty quickly.

It's supposed to be much cooler here today, at 74, with morning gloom and afternoon cloudy sun. 40% chance of some sprinkles!

Hope everyone has a good day today.
Hoda, I bet your kitchen smells just heavenly! Your compote sounds delicious! Hope you get to go on the boat ride.

Well, I need to go get a shower and get busy sweeping leaves out of the garage before the gardeners get here. They have their work cut out for them--the entire yard, front and back, is covered ankle-deep in leaves!

Have a spectacular day, everyone!
I ♥ us!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lolly, you posted while I was writing mine! Have a wonderful trip! Can't wait for your next report.

Shirley, I can hardly believe the troubles Dr. Rogers has had lately.
So sad! A pox upon those DNR officials!--and God bless the mayor who supports Dr. Rogers!
Going into "lurk mode" now--will check in later. HAGD, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Getting ready to head out for some bowling.

They are saying that the 9-year-old might have had some help from Mom who works at the airport. Maybe he had help and maybe he was just comfortable at the airport because he spent a lot of time there.

Lolly said...

Thought of Norma this morn. We. Always eat sausage sandwiches on homemade bread when we leave early. Because of this she wanted me to adopt her! Lol. I did!

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
I have been on computer looking for craft ideas for the great grandkids coming over on Sunday. Fall and Halloween will be the themes. They can do their pumpkin cutting at home.

Lori - you will do great and you get all the experience you can because one day I may need you to care for me ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lolly & Jack - I am so thankful you both are retired and in good health -
take advantage of each and every day

Paula - is your heat source in Paradise ready to be turned on?

Shirley - I saw your pic of the bowling alley over on FB. I think I need a hobby but I just can't knit or crochet - my fingers are just too numby. lol

Mema Jo said...

Kay - praying for you to find some comfort! Sleep whenever you can -

No word yet on my #12 great grandchild wanting to come out and
meet all of us! Soon very soon I hope for granddaughter's sake!
Kristen told me a cute story about Vincent when she was watching him the other day. I had asked her if he was starting to speak many words. She said not yet; however, when she was ready to come home she asked Vincent to 'get Meme's shoes - I need to go home' He walked right up to her in her faced and pointed his finger at her and very boldly said NO.
That cracked me up! He is one smart cookie in my book!

Mema Jo said...

I want to try to remember to call Norma tomorrow on her birthday. I don't think she does computer anymore

Miss that gal ♥

Lori O. said...

Great Afternoon Everyone!

JO, hope you get your great-grandchild #12 soon, too! You must have one extra large family photo! :)

KAY, so sorry you're in pain on the left side now. URGH! You've had such a long road to recovery and now this. Prayers for your
pain to go away.

JANET, how did Seven do with her surgery? Is she home and healing now. I bet you've already done Reiki on her.

JUDYE, glad you got the schedule you wanted...you're very fortunate. I wouldn't tell the other employees either.

SANDI, the LTCF, long term care facility, is really elder care. Today wasn't the heck I thought it was going to be...so relieved. But, I was loaded up with homework. Two more papers to write...URGH!

LOLLY, how's the drive going? Safe travels and so happy for you that you get to enjoy cooler weather.

ANDY, same for you about the cooler weather. Our weather cooled off dramatically today, too.

HODA, how's it goin' in the kitchen? Did you come up with any new ideas for apples and plums? Are you getting a dehydrator?

MARGY, I miss you! I hope all is okay with you and you're not sneaking off for hand surgery without telling us. Big hugs.

SHIRLEY, how was your bowling today?

JUDIE, since you're only teaching this semester, surely you have a countdown going for how many days left until retirement. Very happy for you!

Okay, I'm off to study for tomorrow's big, big cardiovascular test, and get started on homework.

I adore all of you! Really, a lot!

Hoda said...

I had a beautiful fresh walk in the rain with my friend Dale and her dog Darby. It was beautiful. Her husband is not much for walking and she goes out twice a day with Darby.

Yes I bought a dehydrator LORI. I have four trays drying as I write.

I like the sauces I made yesterday so much that I will just repeat the same process.

Janet said...

Good after noon to all.
Absolutely gorgeous day here.

Seven is home from the vet. She did well. I went out to PetCo and bought a large water bottle for the large kennel as well as some hooves to occupy her while she is incarcerated. Lol. I also found a temperpedic mat for Sable marked from $60 to $20
Furbaby stores see me coming….
And see $$$$$$$.
I am tired at the moment, I have been going non stop since my feet hit the floor this morning. I have to get ready for work tomorrow, fix dinner, etc but am taking a break right now.
SHIRLEY: maybe I have missed it, but is the brace helping your bowling?
LORI: how’s school going? I have a buddy in nursing school I just checked in with him today and he’s not doing so well. He says admittedly, he’s been distracted. I said, well then, you know what you have to do.
JUDYE: glad they are cooperating at work. Tick Tock, counting down to your retirement!
Hope everyone is having a great day…..thinking about everyone, but especially Mema Jo, DanaMo, Kay, Sharon……light, love, healing and hugs to all.

Lori O. said...

JANET, School is going well. Thanks for asking. Funny about your friend being distracted in nursing school...I haven't had my brain on anything else since I started. They give you so much work, reading, tests, reports, etc, it's hard to ignore. I wish him well.

Nice to hear that Sable is home and doing well. I'm a sucker at furbaby stores, too!

Mema Jo said...

lol Lori - it would need to be a panoramic view!
That I would love.

I am trying to formulate some plans for all the great grandkids coming to visit on Sunday. Some cooking-baking-crafts and the likes. Should
be fun .

I am waiting for my Terrific Tuesday TV time to start. I do find 3 shows in a row a bit too much for me to sit through..

Mema Jo said...

Janet - Seven is doing well and her mommie sure does love her lots.

Andy - Hopefully that rat didn't like your ceilings and ia at the next house down.

Hoda - happy for you and your friend to take a walk - Not one of us want to hear about any sniffles you get from walking in the rain......

Mema Jo said...

Correction on my call to Norma - her birthday is the 11th -that is when I will call.

On Oct 11th Mason Ellsworth, our young friend from Shepherdstown has
his birthday. I'm not sure how to get messages to him...

Almost time to close windows and doors - it is getting chilly outside.

grannyblt said...

Beautiful day here too. Ate lunch with a friend then paid a visit to a local apple orchard. I've already had a big juicy Honey Crisp. No applesauce for me HODA. And I no longer own a dehydrator. During my TX days I dried hot peppers every summer.

Mema Jo said...

I want to head up to the orchards and get some of the Honey Crisp - had them last year and they were really good! Thanks for the reminder because I had forgotten the name ♥


JudyEddy said...

HELLO Home from work

JO the calendar shows as her Bday on the 9th???

JudyEddy said...

there is a eagle in the FL attic and one in the nest

JudyEddy said...

Got some sort of good news today at work They are offering us on our health insurance eye care now and for only 2.62 for a single person per payday debating to take it or now thinking what the heck and go for it even if I only wear reading glasses

stronghunter said...


Our team won two games, lost one, and got credit for total points which counts as another game.

Really odd ending. Our final bowler in the final frame got a spare, which would have won the game for us. She then realized she was bowling in the wrong lane, so she had to do it over. That time, she did not get the spare, and we lost by (I think) two pins.

I bowled about the same as usual. I've been taking Advil to help with the arthritis pain in my thumb. One lady from another team asked about my new approach. It was so nice to hear that someone has noticed. My teammates are super nice and supportive, but no one seems to have noticed the different approach.

stronghunter said...

No school and no football for Hunter today. He has a cold.

stronghunter said...

Today my oldest child turned 43 years old. Rus will come on Sunday night so we can celebrate. We haven't firmed out the plans yet.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, if only use reading glasses, I would say no to the vision insurance!

Cleaned up the path to the beach, it was full of grass and such. Also washed out the end of the path a little bit, so had to fill that back in. Might be all for naught...coastal storm tomorrow and next day with 30mph winds. I'll have to see what we get here...should be less.

Going home this weekend for Colorfest...getting my list ready of things to shuttle back and forth. Warm clothes are on the list to come here to the beach!

no ISS here tonight...too cloudy. but we had a beautiful sun peek out on the horizon, and the sky was all red for an hour afterwards.

OH, forgot to mention, saw the eagle in the dead tree at work on Monday. Turns out it was the female. The male was soaring above her and the water. Then he landed for a little HP!! Then he hopped over to another branch, and they both perched in the tree!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I can turn on the heat anytime! Had the AC on Sunday and Monday. Temp in the house is perfect right now, don't need either!

paula eagleholic said...

Still don't have the extra room done yet, have to call the insulation guy.

stronghunter said...

I think I am going to call it quits for the night. I am really sleepy this evening.

We did learn that Lucky has some health issues. Vet called today to report there is kidney failure and he has a UTI. There are treatments we can use to help him with the kidney issues, and, of course, antibiotics for the infection.

Lucky is really a remarkable kitty. He turns twenty years old this month. Until about a year ago, he was not showing his age. When Kathryn and Hunter moved in with me, she set up a cat tree for him across the room from her bed.

Danged if Lucky didn't try to leap across the room from the cat tree to her bed. He didn't quite make it, but came so close that he ripped her bedsheet.

Now he isn't hearing so well and his back legs are stiff. But he still has attitude.

Take care my friends. Sleep well.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Gang!

Oh, my! It is so deliciously cool outside right now! It's about 60 out, with a cool breeze. There's a bit of dampness in the breeze, so we may get some sprinkles tomorrow, after all.

Still no sign of the rat! I hope it gets hungry enough to investigate one of the traps. WHERE can it be?!

Well, think I'm going to go watch some TV. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight.
I ♥ all of you! I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy - I think I was looking at Mason's - I'll cal Norma tomorrow the 9th!

Viewing to go to tomorrow - not a relative but a dear friend over the years.

Hope the rains stay away for the Colorfest this weekend, Paula.

Andy - I hope that rat is long gone!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Calling it a day - Prayers for Dana's dad and for all our aches and pains. Thanks for remembering Michael.


Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless

Lori O. said...

Good Hump Day morning everyone!

PAULA, glad you get to go to Colorfest this weekend. Always a good time there. So cool you get to see eagles while at work.

SHIRLEY, congrats on the bowling victories. Nice that the one lady noticed your new approach.

HODA, are you done with apples and plums yet?

Didn't sleep much last night. Think my med change is catching up with me - had a really anxious day yesterday.

Gotta run. Still have to get more study time in for cardiovascular test this morning. It's a big one.

Love you all, very much! Wishes for everyone for a spectacular day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Janet said...

Good morning to all.

LORI: can you take OTC supplements? Melatonin helps with sleep...and Valerian can calm you. Or maybe, can you drink some chamonmile tea? Deep slow breathing ... getting into child's pose all help as well. I did hypnosis to help with my anxiety and PTSD....

Another beautiful cool, fall morning. :)

STRONGHUNTER: OH NO! That's my nightmare; bowling the wrong lane! So sorry you lost! rats!

If you remember, I bought a new bowlng ball last year, a 10 pounder. That probably doens't sound like a lot, but my other ball is 8 lbs. It took me the entire bowling season to really be able to do anything with it. So my point is, sometimes the changes are not instaneous. Don't give up!

Hope everyone has a lovely day. I need to get a moving! ((((hugs)))) light, love and smiles!

Sandi said...

Good morning eagle friends! Bandit takes so much more time in the mornings now that I didn't have time to get on the blog this morning to post, so I'm posting from school.

Paula, very cool about the eagles at work. It's getting to be that time of year - sure hope we can see our eagles again soon!

Lolly, enjoy your trip!

Lori, good luck on the big test. Sorry the meds change is creating additional stress!

Janet, how is little Miss Seven this morning? Bet she'll perk up a lot today. By tomorrow, you'll be having trouble keeping her calm!

Brian called last night - he is settling in well and feels very safe. I'm happy!

Have a great day all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Cool this morning with a touch of dampness in the air.

Jo, if you are looking at bowling as a hobby, I suggest you check out a local bowling alley. The leagues I usually see are mostly made up of friendly senior citizens.

stronghunter said...

Janet, my bowling ball is 12 pounds. I like to watch those curve balls some people have. Mine is a starter ball, so it goes straight. I did not know at first that all of those interesting curves are because of the balls, not the bowlers.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Glad your job is good Paula MeMa JO Please send birthday wishes to Norma for me too.. She is such fun. I am so glad I got to meet her. Lori Sounds like school is going well for you. I am sure it is a lot of work. Sandi I understand the extra time for Bandit so very well. Dex continues to hang in there but ya know to be honest i feel so badly that he lives his life in essentially a dark and quiet world now. I cry sometimes when I look into his eyes and he looks my way as best he can. I hope he is happy to still have my loving touch on him as very much as I can. 3 eggs hopefully to hatch on Ostrich Cam this weekend. I have gotten to know the mods there pretty well. Most are from MN eagle cam "Harmoms place LOL". Trolls took their toll the first few hours of that cam but this time we are so very ready for them. Dash has a wonderful young family and a very tender heart. He was so shocked at what happened online during Pips hatch. I am amazed he is even willing to share this again. OK off to the grocery for me. Then mowing and cook chicken for Dex. hagd everyone.

stronghunter said...

Jo, please convey my happy birthday wishes to Norma as well. I do miss her on the blog. She was always a positive force on here.

stronghunter said...

We are about to split, folks.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

I will have to catch up when I return from a viewing of a dear


Hoda said...

Good morning all

JO sorry you are going to a viewing!

LORI I am a third of the way through the apples and 2/3 of the way through the plums!
Sorry about the medication.

SANDI glad you checked in. Sorry Bandit took so much time. Glad you chatted with BRIAN.

Lolly said...

Good morning! In the mid 40's this morn. Love it! We will be off exploring soon. But, the name of this vacation is Be Lazy. No rush, no hurry, just enjoy the weather and the scenery!

Lolly said...

We will be off shortly! Have a great day! Will post any pics on fb.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

We're supposed to have some rain here, but nothing yet at this roost. Ken has had a few drops at his work, which is north of here.
Maybe there will be some liquid sunshine here later. Hoda, thanks for sending this cooler weather to us from your neck of the woods! Bet your kitchen is good for aromatherapy! Yum!!

Earlier this morning we think we heard a rat trap go off in the attic. I checked the ones in the house, and nothing's happened there. (sigh...)

Glo, I'm glad to hear that little Dex is hanging in there. He may not be able to see or hear, but I'm sure his nose still works well, and your comforting and loving touch must mean the world to him! I make homemade food for Emma now due to her food allergies, so I know how time consuming that can be. I feel much better feeding her human-grade food, though. She seems to feel so much better, too, since I switched.
((HUGS)) for you and Dex!

Shirley, I'm glad you're enjoying your bowling. I never was able to get very good at it, because I only bowled occasionally, and only had one or two lessons. I wish I could have done more with it, because I enjoyed it. You go, girl!

Well, need to get some housework done around here, and still have 2 loads of laundry to finish. (Can't believe how much laundry just two people and one dog can generate!)
If it doesn't rain very soon, I should give my patio plants a bit of water, too. Need to keep an eye to the sky so I can turn off the sprinklers if necessary.

Mema Jo, so sorry you have lost a dear longtime friend! Prayers!

Hope everyone has as nice a day as possible. I ♥ us!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Forgot to post this earlier:

Good morning everyone. Just wanted to report that I talked to Normabyrd this morning to tell her happy birthday. She thought her birthday was tomorrow. Her memory is not good at all. She wants to come to our next gathering and I told her we would make sure to get her there. She said she loves and misses everybody.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...