Good Hump Day Morning!!! Love that commercial with the came walking around asking what day it is. :)
SANDI, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! That's awesome. Good luck playing tennis this morning. Is your leg all healed?
JO, excellent report from the doctor. Glad you got some new meds to try and you're so happy.
HODA, love that you're loving your new yoga class. You made the right decision.
LOLLY, wishing Jack good luck at the docs today and hoping he gets new meds and starts feeling better.
MARGY, are you packed yet for your trip?
ANDY, prayers for your friend, Jim. Hope he is out of the hospital soon.
JANET, glad you're home and had a great time! Sorry about the fall. Glad you didn't break anything!
JUDYE, can believe you got a pic of the Osprey! Good job!
DANAMO, so happy you checked in! We miss you a lot!
SHIRLEY, Pleurisy is very painful. Hoping Hunter gets better soon.
Thanks for your thoughts on RoRo. He had a good night last night and the doctor said he can come home today. Kate will pick him up in Manassas about 4:30. House is so quiet without him. The vet techs loved him! He really is a cutie.
Thanks for the kind words for Hunter. Did a little research and saw that pleurisy can be caused by an injury. Perhaps something happened at a football practice or from throwing the bowling ball. He was heaving that ball at 15 or more mph. Probably showing me what he can do. It's what he does. Guess people wondered why we arrived at practice, talked on the phone, then left.
Hunter and I did have an experience on the way to the football field. Traffic was stopping. We spotted a small dog walking down the middle of the road. Hunter got out of the car with many cautions from me, but the little dog kept going.
Hunter was hesitant to grab it, and I really didn't want him to take a chance, so I got out of the car in time to see someone else pull the dog into their car. A good Samaritan, I hope.
The poor little dog looked exhausted and lost, but it was wearing a collar.
Good morning all. Looks like a beautiful day at the nest site--gentle breeze and a few clouds drifting by--but no eagles.
Happy day to Denny and Sandi.
Not much interesting going on in my life these days..will have car inspected tomorrow for the biggie for the week LOL
For all of you that I play WWF, I have been having a black screen for days. I play on my iphone. I think I will delete the app and reinstall. I know I can play on Facebook, but don't like the fact that I can't see the whole board and my rack simultaneously. Whine whine.
Margy and Shirley--I hope you have wonderful trips.
Have been interested in the story about the school bus driver and the kids beating up the younger boy on the bus. Terrible to watch. I can understand why the driver felt helpless to stop the beating, but not sure what I would have done.
We have been told various things:
1. Do not jump into a fight. (But I have.)
2. You do not have to jump into a fight, but you do have to say something like "stop that."
3. You can touch a student to stop a fight. (I don' I have ever been told that I could not touch a kid to protect someone else.)
I have seen several teachers injured by jumping into a fight, both men and women. I have seen injuries bad enough to require surgery and possible permanent problems.
I have personally testified in court because a kid beat up another kid for reporting an earlier incident.
I did back out of a fight that took place in my classroom the day I returned to school after surgery. I still had stitches that day. One of the fighting kids wondered why I did not jump in and pull them apart. These were ninth grade boys knocking around furniture. I did get help, and an older classmate of the boys did help pull them apart. Thank goodness teachers now have phones.
It does make you think there should be monitors on school buses. When I was in high school, students drove the buses. Hard to believe now.
WWF--I had problems for quite awhile. It would not load. Seems to be working, too. I prefer to play on my phone, too, Diann. Actually, I really prefer Scrabble, but your opponents have to be your FB friends to play that game.
Thought my sister, dog, and both kids were coming to the beach tomorrow and staying til next Tuesday. WRONG!!! Lisa just called to say they will (1) be arriving tonight, (2) will be bringing my mom, and (3) my brother-in-law will be coming! Oh dear, bathrooms to clean and food to buy! Later!
I got invited to participate in a youth camp CANADIAN VOICES OF WOMEN FOR PEACE. It is a leadership camp for women 15-35 years of age who aspire to learn non-violent skills and a culture of peace.
Oh my!!!
26-29 of August!
They wanted to have Elders be part of the youth experience.
I said I would be a day participant if that worked for them.
Good morning! Have to rush, need to eat and leave to get the do done!
Today I get a bank loan to buy grosssseries for the boys. LOL
Good to see Dana on here even though I do see her on fb.
Jack has called the doctor's office and is waiting for a call back. He says this is not going to affect our trip but I am worried. HE NEEDS TO FEEL GOOD!
Laurel had another talk with Jacob last night. She followed my suggestion to talk with him about how smart he is. He really responded well to that. I will continue to do the same while he is here.
Hello my eagle budlets. Thought I had better check in. I go today for an EMG (electromyography) of my lower extremities. Not sure yet if it will be with needles or surface but praying it is just surface. More will be revealed. They are checking for peripheral neuropathy. I also find out about the blood tests I had. Will let you know when I get back.
Yes SHIRLEY it is short notice, they just got funding in form of grants to four communities across Canada. LORI I won't be staying overnight. Not really going to camp. Will lend a helping hand.
Kathryn did not mention blood tests or x-rays, Jo, so I guess not. It was pretty late when they got back. We ate and went to sleep.
If there are any more problems, she will follow up with another doctor, I am sure.
He says he is feeling fine now. Just fed him.
A couple of kids just showed up wanting to borrow Hunter's Xbox controllers to go play at their place. When I said no, they asked if they could put the request to Hunter. I said no, I won't allow it. Ohh, they said. One was the kid who was afraid of George.
Thanks Jo... nephew said the weather is "just about the same as Hedgesville" - but to be sure to "bring a rainjacket".. in truth that rainjacket is probably the lightest item in the luggage... ☺
Prince William and The Duchess will leave the Welsh Island of Anglesey at the end of his 3 year Search and Rescue tour. This ends in September. He did not make it clear if he was going to leave RAF or if he is going to continue but in a location to allow him to do more of his Royal Duties. The Duchess will bring Prince George to the Island next week. She is also breaking with tradition and will use several family photos of the young Prince instead of subjecting him to a photo shoot.
Very concerned for the events in Egypt. The burning of churches and killing of Christians is in acceptable. Also concerned for crack down on MB has turned so violent.
Aha! The evil Jufie is at it again. Thought it was a Sheetz.
For those of you who are fairly new to the blog, Judie did not know about Sheetz until she visited Shepherdstown. For those of you that know about neither Wawa nor Sheetz, they are gas station/convenience store-type places. And, no, you do not buy sheets at Sheetz--unless you are Judie. She buys all of her sheets there. . . bed sheets, sheets of paper, etc.
It has been an interesting day. got my do done, left and my car would not start. Called Jack and he came. Worked with battery, that did no good. Tried to give me a boost, that did no, off to Wally World to buy a new battery. That did the trick. Then I went to the poor house buying grosssssseries to feed the boys. LOL
Jack has departed to pick up a new prescription for another antibiotic.
Lolly, doesn't Jack scare those armadillos off with a shotgun? Aargh! Spell check is harassing me again. Please note that I do know how to spell. It's just hard to correct when you are pecking with a stylus. Mis using a key board.
Jo, happy to hear good news from your doctor. Let me know how the meds are working for you. My doc put me back on Advair since I'm having trouble breathing lately.
Lori, how's RoRo? Hope his surgery was successful.
Judie, lock Jufie in the cellar so the sandman doesn't go on strike.
Shirley, sorry to hear about Hunter. Pleurisy is very painful.. Hope his youth helps him heal pronto. If I miss when you leave, please have a wonderful time.
Janet, welcome home and like my mother used to ell us, "lift your feet." Glad no major harm done.
Margy, we'll miss you but hope you have a great time. That was one place I always wanted to visit; after Ireland.
Almost time for Jeopardy and Jim will soon be home from Mass so I'll close for now BBL
Need to make a very quick visit. Had all sorts of stuff to mention such as Janet needing to make her grand exit from MI.
Hope everyone is okay. Will catch up later or tomorrow.
Computer is racing out of control and am having to try to get this done before shutting it off. Will have to contact the server. Getting weird messages.
Jufie will be contained and Sandperson will be packing a large satchel. Departure 11pm. Restful sleep.
Good Evening Eaglebuds. At Park yesterday, our Naturalist Stephanie saw our first monarch! We had a staff meeting there today, so I finally got to see it in the butterfly garden. We haven't seen any caterpillars on the milkweed either. She thinks everything's late because of all the spring rain. Sun was in my eyes, but hope I got at least one pic! Daughter Sherry was in Houston at a medical convention recently and sent us some pictures of "Bikes". I'll have to put them on. And SIL, Jimmy, was in Brazil, but too many miles north to see the Pope when he was there. He got home Sunday and they went furniture shopping. She wants to get some Serta mattresses, so she can get some sheep! We were into them a few years ago & I got some from Ebay. One of them talks~~~that's the one older cat, Binky, likes to dump on the floor from the dresser top! I may not have to go to work for the rest of the week, so hope to play w/pictures! Will put Bike pictures on now!
Well a day full of the unexpected!!! On my way out to Yoga I got a phone call. A kid I taught in the 70's when he just came to kindergarten! I was friends with his parents. He just was passing through and would I have time for coffee. Cute kid he was and a handsome 40 year old he is now!!! Blessed Be.
Then a teacher's aid phoned and left a message. I had a terrific yoga class that is not a surprise. Yet what was a new yoga studio is now having people move around again...change seeme to be what it is about!!!
Another student from the eighties left a message on FB. She is going through a divorce. She has two children and is having a tough time. She wants to be Friends on FB... I try not to accept students request, something told me to accept this one. She is reaching out and my teacher character kicked in!!! Surprise!
LYNNE1 Our state no longer does car inspections maybe 25 years since we have had them
HODA yeah congratulation on the invite You are one wise woman they choose well
SHARON please keep us informed and you are also missed on the blog so happy DANAMO checked in She had put something on FB the other day-- """Bath, book and beer. Aaah!"" AND THIS was my comment -"he three B need to include a 4th Blog you are missed just stop in and say hey"
LOLLY hop Jack get some good news in his upcoming visit
MARGY you need to get your traveling angle out for the travelers I haven't seen it in a long time
LORI I saw a BV today and thought of you Have you seen any at your roost when you were home last??
I walked out on the front porch to talk with Will about the gas can situation. Yikes! Pain! Knew it had to be a wasp. I rushed back into the house. Will rushed up on the porch. Swarm of wasps came after him, but he escaped unscathed.
We eventually found the nest under a chair on the porch. Thank goodness no one sat in that chair. It was a sizeable nest with lots of wasps on it.
LIFTing feet reminds me of so many people at work that shuffle their feet they make noise when they walk I want to say don't you know how to pick up your feet Don't know why that is so annoying to me funny huh
Jo, you asked about x-rays and blood work for Hunter. He did have x-rays, but not blood work. He has seemed okay today. I did not give him any pain medicine.
WOW ShIRLEY with the wasp I have to look udder my porch swing and most everything out side That is one of my biggest fears is wasp I don't like them at all Denise a friend of mine had them build a nest under the cover of her gas grill one year and I get them under the ladder rungs of the ladder all the time Its a loosing battle I have cans of spray every where out side The like my car port also try to get in the holes there I have stuffed screens and caulking it them keeps them out
RoRo is home and snoring now. They did TPLO surgery for his cruciate ligament. He came home with 3 prescriptions. Kate says he looks stoned! Maybe our breeze today came from HODA's area. LOL
LORETTA, nice bikes! Loved the pic of the Black Vulture crossing sign. Sure do miss those that were bringing up babies here a few years ago.
JUDYE, I wish I had more Black Vultures. They are so cute! Haven't seen any lately, except for Loretta's picture.
LOLLY, glad Jack got new meds - sure hope they help and you get to go on your trip as a healthy couple.
SHIRLEY, so sorry about the wasp bite. I've had that happen where swarms of yellow jackets or hornets chased me and now I'm terrified of things that fly and sting!
Just got some messages about Pat. She has been moved to the same nursing home where her husband Joe is staying. At this point, she is there for rehab. There are still problems with her memory with her liver. We don't know what is to come next.
I think the owners fell in love with Jordyn The other day when Angie went over there they were disappointed that they didn't bring her She was at camp with her dance class and Angie said she thinks Jordyn got them the house LOL that kids got power LOL
Well lets hope they eagle stays the night or doesn't leave so early that way Sandi can see in the am What times does the sun come up at the nest Not that I will be up just curious
OH forgot to tell you something When I got to work this am there was a flock of parrots walking down the sidewalk next to the retention pond where I park and off course as I opened the window it startled them but they did fly up to the fence and I got some pic Heard them first
Ok now all links are looked at so now I will step away Odd I can only look at links when I click on blog link The link that comes with the email says Windows can not find then the link add ODD huh I wonder what is breaking in the ole puter now will have to ask my puter expert
I am back well I went to download pictures for the open house and the parrots and my SD reader would come up and them go away so I rebooted the puter and guess what we are working links and all Odd just needed dumped Well I guess we all need a good DUMP every now and them LOL
What happened to the time its after 10 Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Just on the news more info on the dead lady 2010 is when her elec was cut off and went into forclousre so sad 68 and no family no friends or work peeps here is the article
Spent most of the evening in the kitchen. Jack grilled Salmon for dinner and we had that with baked potato and salad, watermelon, too. I went outside for a little while but then came in and made Lasagna. Put it in the freezer. It is for Laurel and family the first week of school.
Joseph had his first soccer practice this evening. Really getting back in the swing of things.
As for the armadillo. They are nocturnal. So Jack has to get up in the middle of the night. He is not chasing them away with the shotgun. Well, I guess he is, but it ia "sorta" away a permanent chase. Not our first choice but the only thing that works. I can deal with an occasional hole. I can deal with an occasional caladium dug up. I can not deal with it when they plow up a big area.
Shirley, so sorry about the wasp sting. That would have me running for my epi pen. I start immediate swelling...big time.
Lolly, I knew how Jack took care of the armadillos. I was just being generous and secretive. ;)
My ears are closed tonight. Must be related to the sinus trouble I'm having. Had a terrible headache most of today on one side of my head behind the eye.
Guess it's time for me to get some sleep, or at least try to. Teresa, Max & Mike will be here for Jim's bacon & egg breakfast. Teresa nn Max have been visiting since Sunday and I' m tired.
Have a restful sleep everyone and healing prayers for all. Goodnight &God bless.
Good night. George is sitting and waiting for me to go upstairs. Funny how Lucky wants Kathryn upstairs and George wants me.
Can't say I've ever encountered a flock of parrots walking Judy. What a sight that would be.
Had one parrot show up next door once. It was a lost pet that the neighbors and I managed to convince to come down. We were able to find the owner, fortunately.
I don't seem to be having any problems from the wasp sting, Lolly. Thank goodness. It got me good. I keep thinking how bad it would have been if someone had sat in that chair.
And there was the two boys who came looking to borrow that Xbox controller.
I can't believe it had been there too long. On the other hand, it was a good-sized nest.
I am thinking about trying to get to bed a wee bit earlier than usual. Tomorrow morning we go get the boys. Laurel and Joey start in-service tomorrow. Boys will be fine until we get there.
I will be getting on but not very often. We have them until next Thursday.
JO you got me!!! You said perhaps tomorrow ,Wed ,we will get a new thread!!! I stopped!!! I did Wednesday things today!!! I think tomorrow is Thursday. There was the Wednesday Market uptown today so I am pretty sure today is Wednesday!!! PAULA HAD HER INTERVIEW MONDAY, RIGHT????
Enjoy the grand kids LOLLY.
SHIRLEY glad you did not have a wasp reaction!!! They can be miserable.
Good morning my eagle friends! Gray screen on the nest cam!
Thanks for all the anniversary wishes - we won't be celebrating til this weekend. Michael, my sister's son, was born on our anniversary so yesterday was his 9th birthday. We'll be going out to Fishtales in OC on the boat this weekend and it will be our combined anniversary, Michael's birthday, my birthday dinner.
Lori, good news about RoRo - hoping he heals quickly, which he should at his age.
Hoda, glad you have found a yoga place that's a good fit for you.
Paula, any news on the job prospect?
Shirley, how is Hunter feeling? Hope he's OK for your trip.
Shar, how did the tests go? Any answers?
Margy, when do you leave - is it tomorrow? I know you've said it several times but ... CRS!
Judy, when is settlement for Angie and Carl?
Tennis at 8 and then I guess the beach, though temps are only going into the 70s again today.
good THURSDAY morning all. (i too am having difficulty remembering the day and date.... the 15th in case you were wondering....)
Healing thoughts for PA Nana, Jack and Hunter....and for all in need....
HODA: the invite is quite an honor!
Here? back at it....go go go. i think that is my middle name! lol. i didn't realize how busy/on the go i am til i had that break last week............... now it seems ceaseless! i havne't even had time to put away my clean clothes from the trip....
yesterday, got livvy to school, ran, did 2 massages, came home, got stuff together, ran to the bank, picked her up, let her brush her teeth, etc, at home, and ran to the orthodontist. good news, it will be maybe next summer before we consider braces. she has over crowding (i knew that much) and a bite issue ( i suspected that)....
then home, yard work, dinner, was 9 p.m. before i sat down.
and 9:30 i was asleep.
gotta get running.....another day....and the coffee has kicked in...i am awake now...
I am so tired I drank too much tea last night for dinner and had the hardest time sleeping Going to see Winter again with Jordyn today being will be the last time we can go and want to get use out of my yearly pass Will do the Boat tour again she loved it the last time
SANDI, I don't have my paper out...when is your birthday???? I'm sure you're looking forward to a great time on the boat this weekend. Hope I understood that right.
HODA, have fun riding and swimming today. I'm sure you will fit yoga in the somewhere.
SHIRLEY, thanks for the update on Pat and Joe. Glad the wasp sting isn't causing you any trouble.
LOLLY, you will have your hands full for the next week. Nice of you to make that lasagna for Laurel and Joey. You are a great Mom! I bet even armadillos love you! Have fun with the boys. We'll be thinking about you. Is Jack feeling any better yet?
JUDYE, have fun seeing Winter with Jordyn today. Where did you post the pictures of the parrots? I would love to see it.
MARGY, getting down to the wire on leaving for your trip. I'm so excited for you!
SHARON, what did the doctor say yesterday, and what did your tests reveal?
KAY, what's going on in your busy life? Prayers that it's peaceful and you're enjoying the dogs.
JO, hoping you have a great day. It's supposed to be sunny and 79 here today. Perfect weather.
RoRo slept well with all his pain killers last night. We've got the front and back set up with ramps for him to walk on. Dalai is not happy he is back - that's just her. She loves being the only dog that gets ALL the attention.
Have a great day everyone...lots of love, light, hugs and smiles for you!
Peggy in India found 250+ infections so computer seems to be feeling better this morning.
I return to find that Shirley has reminded me to wash sheetz, was attacked by a wasp, and is a certified parrot rescuer; RoRo is stoned (probably had surgery at Shambala hospital), Hoda is beyond confused and headed for a childrens' camp, Jack is on news meds and has armed himself with a shotgun.
Diann, tried the basement for Jufie but the evil Jufie learned to unlock the outside door.
Hope Hunter is feeling healthy again and that Paula has some good news if she wants the job and that Margy is almost ready to flee her roost tomorrow.
Good morning! Just a quick good morning before we head to Denton. Have already been outside for a while, 74, and wonderful. More storms in the area but, of course, not one drop on my yard. I am living wrong, obviously!!
BUT, guess what!!!! Jack is much better today!! In fact, he declared himself cured! LOL When we went to bed he said he was better. He slept late, just got up and had a smile on his face. Wahooooooooooooooooooooo!!
Good news, Lolly. So glad Jack is feeling better. Safe drive.
JudyE, my apology. Forgot this morning to thank you for the Megan/hummingbird picture. Agree. Jealous.
Good news for Shar.
Okay, now to begin finish a book I'm reading. "Girls Like Us" by Rachel Lloyd. It will be the basis for a critical thinking assignment regarding the commercial child sex trade. I know, not pleasant, but that's the point. We prefer to pretend it doesn't exit in the U.S.
TYPO - Top all should be To All I know - you already figured it out!
MY FINGERS ARE GETTING FATTER AND I HIT THE WRONG KEYS OR MORE KEYS THEN NEEDED...... This is an Age Related Condition....... lol Oh yes, the caps key is the worst..
PA Nana Wasn't sure I had your email address BUT... I used to take Advair until a newer inhalant came out called SYMBICORT. My Pulmonary dr changed me and it does work much better for me. You take it twice daily - 2 puffs each. Look on the internet concerning side effects for each drug.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 318 of 318BUMP BUMP
Good morning,
Errands to do today. Time to get organized for traveling to Colorado. Getting excited.
Oh my goodness...Duck Dynesty guy thinking of running for Congress. Willie Robinson.
Good Hump Day Morning!!! Love that commercial with the came walking around asking what day it is. :)
SANDI, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! That's awesome. Good luck playing tennis this morning. Is your leg all healed?
JO, excellent report from the doctor. Glad you got some new meds to try and you're so happy.
HODA, love that you're loving your new yoga class. You made the right decision.
LOLLY, wishing Jack good luck at the docs today and hoping he gets new meds and starts feeling better.
MARGY, are you packed yet for your trip?
ANDY, prayers for your friend, Jim. Hope he is out of the hospital soon.
JANET, glad you're home and had a great time! Sorry about the fall. Glad you didn't break anything!
JUDYE, can believe you got a pic of the Osprey! Good job!
DANAMO, so happy you checked in! We miss you a lot!
SHIRLEY, Pleurisy is very painful. Hoping Hunter gets better soon.
Thanks for your thoughts on RoRo. He had a good night last night and the doctor said he can come home today. Kate will pick him up in Manassas about 4:30. House is so quiet without him. The vet techs loved him! He really is a cutie.
Good morning.
Restless night. Jufie likes the closet NOT. Well, that's just too bad. Sandperson took the key and won't give it to me.
Wanda, bacon and tomatoes it is. Do not feel obligated to stop. Just know you have a resting place for Miss GG if she needs one.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Sandi and Denny. Wishing you a wonderful day to begin year 38.
Isla's babe, Blue YK, has fledged. She is #50 for successful fledglings. Panda cub visible when I looked.
Need coffee. BBL
Happy Anniversary SANDI and DENNIS. 37 and counting. Blessed Be
Happy Anniversary Sandi & Dennis! And many more!
Going to do yard work is 59° here this morning! BRRRR
And thanks for the reminder that it's Wednesday! Thought it was Tuesday, LOL
Gotta watch that commercial...
Thanks for the kind words for Hunter. Did a little research and saw that pleurisy can be caused by an injury. Perhaps something happened at a football practice or from throwing the bowling ball. He was heaving that ball at 15 or more mph. Probably showing me what he can do. It's what he does. Guess people wondered why we arrived at practice, talked on the phone, then left.
Hunter and I did have an experience on the way to the football field. Traffic was stopping. We spotted a small dog walking down the middle of the road. Hunter got out of the car with many cautions from me, but the little dog kept going.
Hunter was hesitant to grab it, and I really didn't want him to take a chance, so I got out of the car in time to see someone else pull the dog into their car. A good Samaritan, I hope.
The poor little dog looked exhausted and lost, but it was wearing a collar.
Good morning all. Looks like a beautiful day at the nest site--gentle breeze and a few clouds drifting by--but no eagles.
Happy day to Denny and Sandi.
Not much interesting going on in my life these days..will have car inspected tomorrow for the biggie for the week LOL
For all of you that I play WWF, I have been having a black screen for days. I play on my iphone. I think I will delete the app and reinstall. I know I can play on Facebook, but don't like the fact that I can't see the whole board and my rack simultaneously. Whine whine.
Margy and Shirley--I hope you have wonderful trips.
Have been interested in the story about the school bus driver and the kids beating up the younger boy on the bus. Terrible to watch. I can understand why the driver felt helpless to stop the beating, but not sure what I would have done.
We have been told various things:
1. Do not jump into a fight. (But I have.)
2. You do not have to jump into a fight, but you do have to say something like "stop that."
3. You can touch a student to stop a fight. (I don' I have ever been told that I could not touch a kid to protect someone else.)
I have seen several teachers injured by jumping into a fight, both men and women. I have seen injuries bad enough to require surgery and possible permanent problems.
I have personally testified in court because a kid beat up another kid for reporting an earlier incident.
I did back out of a fight that took place in my classroom the day I returned to school after surgery. I still had stitches that day. One of the fighting kids wondered why I did not jump in and pull them apart. These were ninth grade boys knocking around furniture. I did get help, and an older classmate of the boys did help pull them apart. Thank goodness teachers now have phones.
It does make you think there should be monitors on school buses. When I was in high school, students drove the buses. Hard to believe now.
WWF--I had problems for quite awhile. It would not load. Seems to be working, too. I prefer to play on my phone, too, Diann. Actually, I really prefer Scrabble, but your opponents have to be your FB friends to play that game.
Sandi and Denny, happy anniversary!!
I mean WWF seems to be working now.
Diann, I had to reduce my screen size to see the entire WWf on my laptop...use the ctrl - or +
Home from tennis - what a great day to play!
Thought my sister, dog, and both kids were coming to the beach tomorrow and staying til next Tuesday. WRONG!!! Lisa just called to say they will (1) be arriving tonight, (2) will be bringing my mom, and (3) my brother-in-law will be coming! Oh dear, bathrooms to clean and food to buy! Later!
Well, Sandi, at least you know now what you are doing today!
I got invited to participate in a youth camp
It is a leadership camp for women 15-35 years of age who aspire to learn non-violent skills and a culture of peace.
Oh my!!!
26-29 of August!
They wanted to have Elders be part of the youth experience.
I said I would be a day participant if that worked for them.
Will keep you posted.
Good morning! Have to rush, need to eat and leave to get the do done!
Today I get a bank loan to buy grosssseries for the boys. LOL
Good to see Dana on here even though I do see her on fb.
Jack has called the doctor's office and is waiting for a call back. He says this is not going to affect our trip but I am worried. HE NEEDS TO FEEL GOOD!
Laurel had another talk with Jacob last night. She followed my suggestion to talk with him about how smart he is. He really responded well to that. I will continue to do the same while he is here.
I am off! Have a great day!
Hello my eagle budlets. Thought I had better check in. I go today for an EMG (electromyography) of my lower extremities. Not sure yet if it will be with needles or surface but praying it is just surface. More will be revealed. They are checking for peripheral neuropathy. I also find out about the blood tests I had. Will let you know when I get back.
I ♥ US!!!
So glad you checked in SHAR putting you in prayer.
Yes I hope it all goes well.
LOLLY keep us posted with JACK's doctor's visit.
I hope it goes well.
Awesome the shifting of Paradigms to bring into focus all that JACOB is good at.
I can not wait for the pictures from Camp Hawkwood.
I am adding my prayers to those already in place for JACK
He DOES Need to feel Better!
that's a Momsters' Order !
xo (( Healing Hugs, Jack ))
Almost good afternoon ♥
I did better today with 21 minutes to go for this morning hour.
Happy anniversary to Sandi and
Denny for their 37 years of marriage. May they enjoy many many more year of happiness
Hoping for Jack's rapid recovery.
Also for all kinds of positive things for Jacob. Being a kid is tough.
Wanting to hear all about the trip to Germany, Margy. So exciting.
Congrats, Hoda.
Yes we have two travellers going on adventures.
Wow, not much notice of the event, Hoda.
Camp Hawkwood has always been so exciting and good for the boys. I agree that you want Jack to be well and able to enjoy himself.
Margy I am hoping your nephew has advised you of the weather there so you know what to pack. Safe Journey and don't talk to strangers! lol
SHARON, so glad you checked in. We'll be waiting for your report when you get back. Prayers for positive information.
HODA is going to camp! How cool. You are going to have so much fun!
SANDI, what an anniversary surprise with all the family coming. Hope you all have a wonderful time, and you & Denny get to really celebrate.
LOLLY, keep us posted on Jack and if he gets a doctor's apt today.
Shirley - Hunter
Did the dr suggest chest x-ray or any blood test?
Dana - I keep up with you on FB.
You have had a full summer! ♥
Yes SHIRLEY it is short notice, they just got funding in form of grants to four communities across
LORI I won't be staying overnight.
Not really going to camp. Will lend a helping hand.
Kathryn did not mention blood tests or x-rays, Jo, so I guess not. It was pretty late when they got back. We ate and went to sleep.
If there are any more problems, she will follow up with another doctor, I am sure.
He says he is feeling fine now. Just fed him.
A couple of kids just showed up wanting to borrow Hunter's Xbox controllers to go play at their place. When I said no, they asked if they could put the request to Hunter. I said no, I won't allow it. Ohh, they said. One was the kid who was afraid of George.
Thanks Jo...
nephew said the weather is "just about the same as Hedgesville" -
but to be sure to
"bring a rainjacket"..
in truth that rainjacket is
probably the lightest item
in the luggage...
And yes, Lori.
I have started packing ..
trying to keep things very very simple...
And the sky looks so beauteous
at the Sycamore Palace
Sandi - Full house! Good times ♥
Isn't your sister the one who loves to bake and cook?
Awaiting word from Sharon
Awaiting word from Jack
Prayers are for all of you no matter what it is you need - I just pray that the Good Lord hears you - so don't forget to talk with Him ♥
Prince William and The Duchess will leave the Welsh Island of Anglesey at the end of his 3 year Search and Rescue tour. This ends in September.
He did not make it clear if he was going to leave RAF or if he is going to continue but in a location to allow him to do more of his Royal Duties.
The Duchess will bring Prince George to the Island next week.
She is also breaking with tradition and will use several family photos of the young Prince instead of subjecting him to a photo shoot.
Waiting with you JO on SHAR & JACK
Very concerned for the events in Egypt. The burning of churches and killing of Christians is in acceptable.
Also concerned for crack down on MB has turned so violent.
Is not acceptable... Is what it was supposed to be...
Judy! Here is a new unusual one for you ...
Cam for a hatching ostrich egg
My neighbor at the beach just sent me an email, she found Nick's dog tag with his name on it!
Haven't you recently found it yourself, Paula? Did it go missing again?
Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say "Howdy" before the day gets away from me. Been busy this morning making more dog food and cleaning house.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO SANDI AND DENNY!!! Hope you have many, many, MANY more!
Anxiously awaiting news of Jack, and of Shar!
Hoda, I'm extremely concerned about events in Egypt, too! Prayers are ongoing!
Glad that RoRo is doing well. Lori, I believe you are doing the right thing for him. Wishing him a speedy recovery!
Paula, that's so amazing that your neighbor at the beach found Nick's name tag! Wow!
Well, have a pile of bills to pay online, so guess I'll go into lurk mode for a while. Have a fantastic Wednesday, everyone!
Plane Lands at Wawa
Aha! The evil Jufie is at it again. Thought it was a Sheetz.
For those of you who are fairly new to the blog, Judie did not know about Sheetz until she visited Shepherdstown. For those of you that know about neither Wawa nor Sheetz, they are gas station/convenience store-type places. And, no, you do not buy sheets at Sheetz--unless you are Judie. She buys all of her sheets there. . . bed sheets, sheets of paper, etc.
Found the rabies tag, Shirley. Bought a new name I have 2
Sounds like you might need more than one, Paula.
Sounds like you might need more than one, Paula.
It has been an interesting day. got my do done, left and my car would not start. Called Jack and he came. Worked with battery, that did no good. Tried to give me a boost, that did no, off to Wally World to buy a new battery. That did the trick. Then I went to the poor house buying grosssssseries to feed the boys. LOL
Jack has departed to pick up a new prescription for another antibiotic.
Just walked outside for the first time today. Repaired a huge armadillo hole in front of the greenhouse and replanted a caladium he dug up. Grrrrrr!
Margy, when are you leaving?
Lolly, doesn't Jack scare those armadillos off with a shotgun? Aargh! Spell check is harassing me again. Please note that I do know how to spell. It's just hard to correct when you are pecking with a stylus. Mis using a key board.
Jo, happy to hear good news from your doctor. Let me know how the meds are working for you. My doc put me back on Advair since I'm having trouble breathing lately.
Lori, how's RoRo? Hope his surgery was successful.
Judie, lock Jufie in the cellar so the sandman doesn't go on strike.
Shirley, sorry to hear about Hunter. Pleurisy is very painful.. Hope his youth helps him heal pronto. If I miss when you leave, please have a wonderful time.
Janet, welcome home and like my mother used to ell us, "lift your feet." Glad no major harm done.
Margy, we'll miss you but hope you have a great time. That was one place I always wanted to visit; after Ireland.
Almost time for Jeopardy and Jim will soon be home from Mass so I'll close for now BBL
Need to make a very quick visit. Had all sorts of stuff to mention such as Janet needing to make her grand exit from MI.
Hope everyone is okay. Will catch up later or tomorrow.
Computer is racing out of control and am having to try to get this done before shutting it off. Will have to contact the server. Getting weird messages.
Jufie will be contained and Sandperson will be packing a large satchel. Departure 11pm. Restful sleep.
Good Evening Eaglebuds.
At Park yesterday, our Naturalist Stephanie saw our first monarch! We had a staff meeting there today, so I finally got to see it in the butterfly garden. We haven't seen any caterpillars on the milkweed either. She thinks everything's late because of all the spring rain. Sun was in my eyes, but hope I got at least one pic!
Daughter Sherry was in Houston at a medical convention recently and sent us some pictures of "Bikes". I'll have to put them on. And SIL, Jimmy, was in Brazil, but too many miles north to see the Pope when he was there. He got home Sunday and they went furniture shopping.
She wants to get some Serta mattresses, so she can get some sheep! We were into them a few years ago & I got some from Ebay. One of them talks~~~that's the one older cat, Binky, likes to dump on the floor from the dresser top!
I may not have to go to work for the rest of the week, so hope to play w/pictures!
Will put Bike pictures on now!
evening all....
Loretta, monarch sightings are WAY down this year. :(
What a gorgeous day this has been!
Must watch the time....season 4 premier of DUCK DYNASTY at 10pm!!
Well a day full of the unexpected!!!
On my way out to Yoga I got a phone call. A kid I taught in the 70's when he just came to kindergarten!
I was friends with his parents. He just was passing through and would I have time for coffee. Cute kid he was and a handsome 40 year old he is now!!!
Blessed Be.
Then a teacher's aid phoned and left a message.
I had a terrific yoga class that is not a surprise. Yet what was a new yoga studio is now having people move around again...change seeme to be what it is about!!!
Another student from the eighties left a message on FB. She is going through a divorce. She has two children and is having a tough time. She wants to be Friends on FB... I try not to accept students request, something told me to accept this one. She is reaching out and my teacher character kicked in!!!
Home from work and open house at Jordyn school and dinner with kids
I had a text on my phone leaving work to go to open house and dinner
SHIRLEY My mom had pleurisy and I remember her wrapping her ribs to help with the breathing and pain and I do remember being very painful
Hi, gang. Put Sherry's convention pics in Nook!! ☺
Gonna watch my Soap repeat~~~~
To Sandi and Dennis, Happy Anniversary.
so happy the dog got picked up SHIRLEY
LYNNE1 Our state no longer does car inspections maybe 25 years since we have had them
HODA yeah congratulation on the invite You are one wise woman they choose well
SHARON please keep us informed and you are also missed on the blog so happy DANAMO checked in She had put something on FB the other day-- """Bath, book and beer. Aaah!"" AND THIS was my comment -"he three B need to include a 4th Blog you are missed just stop in and say hey"
LOLLY hop Jack get some good news in his upcoming visit
MARGY you need to get your traveling angle out for the travelers I haven't seen it in a long time
LORI I saw a BV today and thought of you Have you seen any at your roost when you were home last??
.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥
the pic is so pretty and pink the sky looks so pretty put on FB and will in ablum in a bit
that was a short 5 min visit but at least it was a visit
Wasp Attack!!
If you heard screaming this afternoon, it was me.
I walked out on the front porch to talk with Will about the gas can situation. Yikes! Pain! Knew it had to be a wasp. I rushed back into the house. Will rushed up on the porch. Swarm of wasps came after him, but he escaped unscathed.
We eventually found the nest under a chair on the porch. Thank goodness no one sat in that chair. It was a sizeable nest with lots of wasps on it.
LIFTing feet reminds me of so many people at work that shuffle their feet they make noise when they walk I want to say don't you know how to pick up your feet Don't know why that is so annoying to me funny huh
Jo, you asked about x-rays and blood work for Hunter. He did have x-rays, but not blood work. He has seemed okay today. I did not give him any pain medicine.
WOW ShIRLEY with the wasp I have to look udder my porch swing and most everything out side That is one of my biggest fears is wasp I don't like them at all Denise a friend of mine had them build a nest under the cover of her gas grill one year and I get them under the ladder rungs of the ladder all the time Its a loosing battle I have cans of spray every where out side The like my car port also try to get in the holes there I have stuffed screens and caulking it them keeps them out
RoRo is home and snoring now. They did TPLO surgery for his cruciate ligament. He came home with 3 prescriptions. Kate says he looks stoned! Maybe our breeze today came from HODA's area. LOL
LORETTA, nice bikes! Loved the pic of the Black Vulture crossing sign. Sure do miss those that were bringing up babies here a few years ago.
JUDYE, I wish I had more Black Vultures. They are so cute! Haven't seen any lately, except for Loretta's picture.
LOLLY, glad Jack got new meds - sure hope they help and you get to go on your trip as a healthy couple.
SHIRLEY, so sorry about the wasp bite. I've had that happen where swarms of yellow jackets or hornets chased me and now I'm terrified of things that fly and sting!
Did four chapters today! I'm done.
Just got some messages about Pat. She has been moved to the same nursing home where her husband Joe is staying. At this point, she is there for rehab. There are still problems with her memory with her liver. We don't know what is to come next.
JO thanks for the hatch link will keep eye out on it
OH info on house owners have to pay 1700 so far 1200 to architect and 500 for fee for inspection and maybe back taxes but they are willing to do it
eagle is back
When do classes start, Lori?
.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥
I see an eagle in the attic, Judy.
I think the owners fell in love with Jordyn The other day when Angie went over there they were disappointed that they didn't bring her She was at camp with her dance class
and Angie said she thinks Jordyn got them the house LOL that kids got power LOL
Well lets hope they eagle stays the night or doesn't leave so early that way Sandi can see in the am What times does the sun come up at the nest Not that I will be up just curious
JO when do they expect the egg to hatch ???
OK I have to step away from the puter I have been on it since I walked in the door haven't even taken my shoes or bra off of TMI
OK I just read under the cam I keep getting a blue circle on the cam
OH forgot to tell you something
When I got to work this am there was a flock of parrots walking down the sidewalk next to the retention pond where I park and off course as I opened the window it startled them but they did fly up to the fence and I got some pic Heard them first
LORETTA that is one beautiful ride
Ok now all links are looked at so now I will step away
Odd I can only look at links when I click on blog link
The link that comes with the email says Windows can not find then the link add ODD huh I wonder what is breaking in the ole puter now will have to ask my puter expert
I am back well I went to download pictures for the open house and the parrots and my SD reader would come up and them go away so I rebooted the puter and guess what we are working links and all Odd just needed dumped Well I guess we all need a good DUMP every now and them LOL
Good Night, Precious Pals
Hoping and Praying for healing and wellness amongst us all...
and for Sweeeeet Sleep...
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥
What happened to the time its after 10
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Just on the news more info on the dead lady 2010 is when her elec was cut off and went into forclousre so sad 68 and no family no friends or work peeps here is the article
may have been dead 3 years make me sad
I just pulled a Margy
thought since they released more infor I would post it see ya in the am
Spent most of the evening in the kitchen. Jack grilled Salmon for dinner and we had that with baked potato and salad, watermelon, too. I went outside for a little while but then came in and made Lasagna. Put it in the freezer. It is for Laurel and family the first week of school.
Joseph had his first soccer practice this evening. Really getting back in the swing of things.
As for the armadillo. They are nocturnal. So Jack has to get up in the middle of the night. He is not chasing them away with the shotgun. Well, I guess he is, but it ia "sorta" away a permanent chase. Not our first choice but the only thing that works. I can deal with an occasional hole. I can deal with an occasional caladium dug up. I can not deal with it when they plow up a big area.
Shirley, so sorry about the wasp sting. That would have me running for my epi pen. I start immediate swelling...big time.
Well, that was an awkward sentence. What I was trying to say is that Jack is making sure that they are permanently "chased away."
Make sure you check out the picture that Megan put on FB of her and a hummer eating out of her hand
I sent it to JUDIE, MARGY AND ANDY are they the only three that doesn't have FB??
Perhaps tomorrow, Wed, we will get our fresh thread. Seems as though Mondays and Wednesdays are our days.
Shirley - relieved that Hunter did have an x-ray. He should be ok.
Lolly, hoping that the new meds only take a good day to start working properly for Jack.
Judy - they said today was the hatch date. Guess they were wrong..
Little Ostrich best get that eye tooth working.
Lolly, I knew how Jack took care of the armadillos. I was just being generous and secretive. ;)
My ears are closed tonight. Must be related to the sinus trouble I'm having. Had a terrible headache most of today on one side of my head behind the eye.
Guess it's time for me to get some sleep, or at least try to. Teresa, Max & Mike will be here for Jim's bacon & egg breakfast. Teresa nn Max have been visiting since Sunday and I' m tired.
Have a restful sleep everyone and healing prayers for all.
Goodnight &God bless.
Sandperson has gone through the valley!
Goodnight to all and
God bless and keep you through the night ♥
Good night. George is sitting and waiting for me to go upstairs. Funny how Lucky wants Kathryn upstairs and George wants me.
Can't say I've ever encountered a flock of parrots walking Judy. What a sight that would be.
Had one parrot show up next door once. It was a lost pet that the neighbors and I managed to convince to come down. We were able to find the owner, fortunately.
I don't seem to be having any problems from the wasp sting, Lolly. Thank goodness. It got me good. I keep thinking how bad it would have been if someone had sat in that chair.
And there was the two boys who came looking to borrow that Xbox controller.
I can't believe it had been there too long. On the other hand, it was a good-sized nest.
SED,everyone. I will see you tomorrow.
I am thinking about trying to get to bed a wee bit earlier than usual. Tomorrow morning we go get the boys. Laurel and Joey start in-service tomorrow. Boys will be fine until we get there.
I will be getting on but not very often. We have them until next
Good night all! SED!!
JO you got me!!! You said perhaps tomorrow ,Wed ,we will get a new thread!!!
I stopped!!!
I did Wednesday things today!!!
I think tomorrow is Thursday.
There was the Wednesday Market uptown today so I am pretty sure today is Wednesday!!!
Enjoy the grand kids LOLLY.
SHIRLEY glad you did not have a wasp reaction!!!
They can be miserable.
Swimming and bicycle riding tomorrow.
Good Night
God Bless Us All
SED, love and hugs for all ♥
Good morning my eagle friends! Gray screen on the nest cam!
Thanks for all the anniversary wishes - we won't be celebrating til this weekend. Michael, my sister's son, was born on our anniversary so yesterday was his 9th birthday. We'll be going out to Fishtales in OC on the boat this weekend and it will be our combined anniversary, Michael's birthday, my birthday dinner.
Lori, good news about RoRo - hoping he heals quickly, which he should at his age.
Hoda, glad you have found a yoga place that's a good fit for you.
Paula, any news on the job prospect?
Shirley, how is Hunter feeling? Hope he's OK for your trip.
Shar, how did the tests go? Any answers?
Margy, when do you leave - is it tomorrow? I know you've said it several times but ... CRS!
Judy, when is settlement for Angie and Carl?
Tennis at 8 and then I guess the beach, though temps are only going into the 70s again today.
Have a great day all!
good THURSDAY morning all. (i too am having difficulty remembering the day and date.... the 15th in case you were wondering....)
Healing thoughts for PA Nana, Jack and Hunter....and for all in need....
HODA: the invite is quite an honor!
Here? back at it....go go go. i think that is my middle name! lol.
i didn't realize how busy/on the go i am til i had that break last week............... now it seems ceaseless! i havne't even had time to put away my clean clothes from the trip....
yesterday, got livvy to school, ran, did 2 massages, came home, got stuff together, ran to the bank, picked her up, let her brush her teeth, etc, at home, and ran to the orthodontist. good news, it will be maybe next summer before we consider braces. she has over crowding (i knew that much) and a bite issue ( i suspected that)....
then home, yard work, dinner, was 9 p.m. before i sat down.
and 9:30 i was asleep.
gotta get running.....another day....and the coffee has kicked in...i am awake now...
hope everyone has a lovely day!
light and love to all!
GOOD Morning Eagle Buds
I am so tired I drank too much tea last night for dinner and had the hardest time sleeping
Going to see Winter again with Jordyn today being will be the last time we can go and want to get use out of my yearly pass Will do the Boat tour again she loved it the last time
forgot to say
Have fun JudyE
Waiting for the coffee...
Good Morning Everyone!!! It is Thursday. :)
SANDI, I don't have my paper out...when is your birthday???? I'm sure you're looking forward to a great time on the boat this weekend. Hope I understood that right.
HODA, have fun riding and swimming today. I'm sure you will fit yoga in the somewhere.
SHIRLEY, thanks for the update on Pat and Joe. Glad the wasp sting isn't causing you any trouble.
LOLLY, you will have your hands full for the next week. Nice of you to make that lasagna for Laurel and Joey. You are a great Mom! I bet even armadillos love you! Have fun with the boys. We'll be thinking about you. Is Jack feeling any better yet?
JUDYE, have fun seeing Winter with Jordyn today. Where did you post the pictures of the parrots? I would love to see it.
MARGY, getting down to the wire on leaving for your trip. I'm so excited for you!
SHARON, what did the doctor say yesterday, and what did your tests reveal?
KAY, what's going on in your busy life? Prayers that it's peaceful and you're enjoying the dogs.
JO, hoping you have a great day. It's supposed to be sunny and 79 here today. Perfect weather.
RoRo slept well with all his pain killers last night. We've got the front and back set up with ramps for him to walk on. Dalai is not happy he is back - that's just her. She loves being the only dog that gets ALL the attention.
Have a great day everyone...lots of love, light, hugs and smiles for you!
MARGY leaves tomorrow for nine days. Stuttgart Germany.
LOLLY is off grid at Camp Hawkwood with the boys till next Thursday.
Today is THURSDAY.
Slow down JANET.
Great reasons to celebrate SANDI
I texted SHAR late last night and she said results came back normal. BLESSED BE
Yes LORI yoga today
Hope Coffee was good PAULA. Glad Nick tag was found.
Good morning.
Peggy in India found 250+ infections so computer seems to be feeling better this morning.
I return to find that Shirley has reminded me to wash sheetz, was attacked by a wasp, and is a certified parrot rescuer; RoRo is stoned (probably had surgery at Shambala hospital), Hoda is beyond confused and headed for a childrens' camp, Jack is on news meds and has armed himself with a shotgun.
Diann, tried the basement for Jufie but the evil Jufie learned to unlock the outside door.
Hope Hunter is feeling healthy again and that Paula has some good news if she wants the job and that Margy is almost ready to flee her roost tomorrow.
Wishing everyone a lovely sunshiny day.
Good morning! Just a quick good morning before we head to Denton. Have already been outside for a while, 74, and wonderful. More storms in the area but, of course, not one drop on my yard. I am living wrong, obviously!!
BUT, guess what!!!! Jack is much better today!! In fact, he declared himself cured! LOL When we went to bed he said he was better. He slept late, just got up and had a smile on his face. Wahooooooooooooooooooooo!!
Good news, Lolly. So glad Jack is feeling better. Safe drive.
JudyE, my apology. Forgot this morning to thank you for the Megan/hummingbird picture. Agree. Jealous.
Good news for Shar.
Okay, now to begin finish a book I'm reading. "Girls Like Us" by Rachel Lloyd. It will be the basis for a critical thinking assignment regarding the commercial child sex trade. I know, not pleasant, but that's the point. We prefer to pretend it doesn't exit in the U.S.
So very glad to hear JACK is feeling better.
Safe travels and have a terrific week with the boys LOLLY.
Good Cool August Morning top All ♥
Lolly I am so thankful the new med kicked in for Jack just in time!
Hoda - I did make you think twice with my Wed comment - lol This happens after you retire and you don't look at you pill box to see which day it is!
I haven't read thoroughly but I don't see any comment from Sharon as to how she is I'll keep my prayers going up for her health.
Margy, I know you are excited as is Shirley, Kathryn and especially Hunter. Safe Journey for all.
Margy, not on here but I hope you have someone local that will know your specific schedule. Please..♥
Lori - RoRo is a winner... keep us posted when he finds a new furever home. Tell Kate hello for me ♥
Lori sent you b-day dates on email....
TYPO - Top all should be To All
I know - you already figured it out!
HIT THE WRONG KEYS OR MORE KEYS THEN NEEDED...... This is an Age Related Condition....... lol
Oh yes, the caps key is the worst..
PA Nana Wasn't sure I had your email address BUT...
I used to take Advair until a newer inhalant came out called SYMBICORT.
My Pulmonary dr changed me and it does work much better for me. You take it twice daily - 2 puffs each. Look on the internet concerning side effects for each drug.
Mention it to your dr and get his opinion.
Still looking for a baby ostrich but no progress to report...
New thread for a lovely sunshiny day. Y'all come on over.
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