Monday, July 15, 2013


New thread.  Gonna be a hot one...


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Costume Lady said...

THANKS STEVE...have a good week!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and do try to have a "cool" week. I hollered for the others.

Costume Lady said...


Looks like got another feather. I don't know how many I have from another place and time, but I do know I have two brand new ones from this past week;)

Hey, JUDIE, where did you go?

Costume Lady said...

THERE YOU ARE, you were hiding behind me:)
It's a beautiful, sunny morning here in Eagle Land and no rain for a few days. Hoping to get in the garden and pick some beans. Bet I find MYRTLE the turtle out there!

Judie said...

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR JUDYE ♪♫ Wishing you the best day ever and the best beginning of another year.

Hope it is still raining at Hawkwood. Know Lolly and Jack are happy.

Love the GG and Jayden story. Jayden is a kind and gentle soul. Runs in the family.

Lori, I'm sure the dentist will find you are okay and on the mend. Good luck.

Going to finish up some laundry this morning and read a bit more in a new profiling book.

Hardest part of today: I must make a final decision to return to GDub or resign. No need to comment. Just going to be a challenging day.

Off for coffee, newspaper, and washing machine.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

Costume Lady said...

My avatar is JAYDEN with his ALL-TIME-HERO,Batman suit on. I found it in my shop and gave it to him on Friday evening. He couldn't wait to get it on...even though it didn't fit quite right, he loved it and wore it all evening, flying through the house, outside and around and around he went! Karla said he fell asleep as soon as she got him buckled into his seat:)
Then, first thing Saturday morning, he put the suit back on and started his day as Batman:)

Judie said...

Morning Wanda. Happy bean-pickin' Might get some at the market this week. I have a sauteed bean recipe but need fresh beans for it. Hi and hugs to Capt. Gene.

Okay, off to begin my day.

Costume Lady said...

Nice to be in your company, Shar and Judie...
I, too, have a date with the washer and dryer today. GG got her was all done and want's me to bring my laundry to her. She said to put it all in piles, the way I want them washed and she will do it for me...bless her heart, she can barely walk, but she would do it! Once in a while, I will take something easy for her to handle, like a load of my jammies and let her wash them to make her feel helpful. She folds them perfectly and has them in the clothes basket waiting on me when I go back the next day...I Love Her!

Costume Lady said...

Judie, Capt. Gene does the bean sauteeing here, they are wonderful. We like the beans to be about half grown,so that they absorb the herbs that he puts in them, better.

Costume Lady said...

Have a wonderful day! ♥

Sandi said...

Good morning Judie and Wanda - thanks for the call over. And thanks Steve for a new thread!

Skies look beautiful blue at the nest but I haven't seen any eagle action this morning. Guess it's inevitable that, even with our new view, we're going to see less and less of our eagle kids. =(

Off to get some stuff done!

JudyEddy said...

Hello and good morning one and all

and Thanks for the new thread Steve

Shhh don't say anything but my hip isn't bothering me this am when I got up maybe being a lazy bum and being in the reclined position has helped it

got a list of stuff to do today

Thanks for the e cards and the bday wishes

JudyEddy said...

forgot to check the box

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

appt made for Wed at 3 for Mammo I didn't have the prescription the last time I stopped in remember

Lolly said...

Good morning!!!


68 this morning. Good sleeping last night with the windows open and listening to the gentle rain. That is all we have had....gentle rain, 1 1/2 inches of gentle rain. Love it! Yes, Wanda, you can rest from dancing for a while but you will probably have to start back up next week. Some lakes around here are 17 feet below normal. I want to keep drinking water as well as water my gardens, not to mention bathing!!!

GG's and Jayden's relations are just precious. Wanda, be sure to write all of it down, so nothing is forgotten and Jayden will know all about it as he gets older. Love the batman suit. Jacob loves to dress up. Zach does too, but only as Elvis. lol

Hoda, what on earth were you doing up so early? Get your sleep!!

Lolly said...

Miss Lynne, called herself a Brat, and did so correctly. She knows how to rile us on the blog. LOL

Hellooooo Brat!

Lolly said...

Jack has headed to a doctor's appointment. He had blood work done last week. Please say a prayer! We thought he was going to have a biopsy this month, but think the office messed up. So, he may be going back again soon.

He leaves for Denver on Thursday and will return home on Sunday. I can allow him to be gone that short of time. :)

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY will be keeping him in my thoughts and hoping for the best

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I was vacuuming and didn't realize I ran over a sock and my it smells like burnt rubber YUK what a smell

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


The burnt rubber smell is probably your belt that has melted.

JudyEddy said...

Smell is better now opened a couple of windows had to close getting to warm in here but the I pulled the sock out in time to save the belt from disintegrating

JudyEddy said...

for those on facebook check out all the great photos from yesterday and the Hancock Wildlife Foundations David Hancock hosted and it looks like all his eagle will just sit there for you amazing Sasse took a picture with one of the eagle and Sasse is behind the eagle with the camera up to the eagle head as if the eagle was taking pictures He stated that the eagle are so friendly here

Mema Jo said...

Gonna be a hot one all week long!!
Thanks for the fresh thread Steve and I hope everyone can stay cool ♥

Happy Birthday Judy - have a fantastic year ahead

Jenny is here this morning so I'll return later ♥

Hoda said...

Thinking of JUDIE and let us know what you decide.

Thinking of JACK healing thoughts and wellness.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - I hate that smell! Get the Febreze out and spray away!

Prayers for Jack's good health!
Lolly, will you have any company when he travels for those few days?

Here's to Lori and the dental appointment!

I guess I need to read the previous page as I think I may be missing some conversations.

Judie - I will not mention that I wish you well with your decision making today - I just pray that you will be given a sign!

JudyEddy said...

gonna head out to buy a pair of shoes for work

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday JudyE!!!

Cam is up, nest and tree look MT

Got home around 11:30 this morning. Bro and kids didn't leave until almost 7pm last night. Had too much to do after they left to get home last night, so I got it all done and left at 8 this morning.

Going to be a laundry and house cleaning day today. Got the outside pots watered as soon as I got home.

Will be keeping an eye on the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, glad the hip is feeling better.

Judie, wishing you peace with your decision, whatever it may be.

Wanda, cute story about Jayden and the Batman suit. My Gkids love to dress up.

Lolly, glad you received some nice rain. Hoping for the best for Jack at his appt.

paula eagleholic said...

Andy, glad Emma seems to be feeling better, and you know what not to feed her!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, that was a low flying plane behind the nest!

Judie said...

Back for a visit.

Wanda, wait, wait. I'm on the way with my remaining laundry. Tell Miss GG to get ready...maybe I should stop for Paula on the way? We could have a laundry party. What does Capt. Gene do with the beans? I just sautee them with a few drops of olive oil, a few red pepper flakes, and manderin orange slices, a sprinkle of salt and pepper.

Lolly, so glad for the gentle rain so water can soak in and wishing Jack a good and positive doctor's appt.

Andy, glad you know more about Emma and what to do for her. Seems she is improving.

JudyE, so glad you hip is better but really sorry about the burned sock smell. Yes, Fabreeze and a fan, if you have one.

Jo and Jenny - have fun!


Lolly said...

Jack is home. Nothing new to report, numbers still the same, maybe a wee bit lower.

Still raining. Hallelujah!!! House still open and a whopping big 71. Incredible! Know that this weekend the temp will be back up but everyone is celebrating this blessing. Want to see the lake levels rise. As long as they are so low it is a severe drought.

LOL Loved your non comment to Judie, Jo. That is my non comment as well. :)

Are you ready for this? Today I tackled my kitchen. Really scrubbed it down, under the sink and range top too. Really scrubbed. Put down new paper under the sink. Now the curtains are down and washing.

No, Jo. No company this weekend. I will probably use the time doing house work. I am in the mood to really clean. Next week, after Jack is home, the plan is to move the freezer, washer, and dryer and clean behind and under them. Then I am going to paint the utility room. The painting will be the easy job, it is moving the appliances and cleaning that will be the hard job.

Judie said...

Oh no! It's the Lolly

Glad Jack's numbers are not much changed.

Guess what everyone? Well, Darth just brought me a Samsung Tablet. Wowser! Now off to read the instructions - please wish me the powers of technological insight.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, JUdie! Have fun!

Lolly, sounds like good news for Jack.

WVJerry said...

Good afternoon all. Looks like a lot of things happening here today. Happy Birthday Judy E...enjoy you day and I hope it's special.Did play golf today at Front Royal, VA..had a good time and a Jekyl-Hyde round 39-52. Enjoyed the day and my friends. I know it's hot around here but it feels kinda good to me. Take care all and hope it's a great start to your week. Wanda and Judie - your fresh green bean recipes sound good. Don't have a garden but I'm imagining it's been a good summer to have one in this area.

stronghunter said...


Have done a quick read.

I see nobody in the attic at the moment.

Need to urge Hunter to mow the grass, or maybe not--don't want to stir up the stubborn juices in the boy.

Thinking of you as you make your decision, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your new tablet, Judie.

Wow, Lolly, you are the busy bee today. That nice cool weather is doing you good.

Good to see you on here, Jerry.

And, Paula's cleaning too.

stronghunter said...

Hate it when I get something caught in the vac like that, Judy.

stronghunter said...

BBL--Hunter has an appointment. Thinking that the grass will not get mowed. He was supposed to do it awhile ago. Too late now.

Lolly said...

Jack and I just ran out and bought his birthday present, a new chair saw. Jubby is habby!

Judie enjoy your tablet. Michael gave me an ipad for Christmas. I love it!!! Still learning how to get the best use of it.

Lolly said...

Just saw my typo. LOL A chainsaw, not a chair saw. Well, guess he could use it on a chair and then it would be a chair saw, but not MY chairs!!!

Mema Jo said...

ROFL - Lolly you got me on that one!
I just thought it was a tool that I knew nothing about!
Enjoy your gift, Jack! Put it to good use and make something spectacular!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly you know how you can have back aches from pulling weeds and planting bulbs - Now you are going to tackle moving appliances - Oh my aching Back! Do get a dolly and some strong armed help!

paula eagleholic said...

Chair saw, LOL

Lolly said...

I am wondering if the panda cub has been born. They are zooming the camera in and using a flash light.?????

Lolly said...

Momma is sitting up and looking down. Can not see anything.

Judie said...

Chair saw? A chair saw? Well, there's Lolly doing some really serious Lolly Treatment. If ya can't dust it just cut it up into small pieces. lol Please do take care with moving heavy things.

Shirley, tamarrah is anuther day and I'm sure the lawn mower will still be there waiting for Hunter. He probably does not suspect that he has only delayed the inevitable.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, looks like she could be in labor. Last cub took only 6 hours.

Lolly said...

Jack will not build things with a chain saw, just cut limbs off trees as well as cut down small dead trees. (if there are any to be cut) He will not do big jobs.

As for moving appliance's, we will just be moving them away from the wall. Jack can do that easily.

paula eagleholic said...

Back to vaccuuming....

Lolly said...

Yes, she is tending to herself and not a cub. Did you see the flash light? And, what a position she is in now. A real lady! NOT!

Mema Jo said...

Don't forget to check in on Lun Lun at the Panda Cam Atlanta GA Zoo
Birth watch is in effect....

Hoda said...

Well LOLLY does not want her chairs sawed with JACK's chair saw! Got that!!

Darth bought JUDIE a tablet and she has to learn the ancient art of scrolling! Good on DARTH.

Blessed Be JACK'S numbers holding their own slightly dropping.
Safe travels to Denver.
Glad Texas has rain.

Took my computer in today. MTBR

Hot here and promises to get hotter the week!

paula eagleholic said...

No Lolly, I turned on the panda cam when you said something.

paula eagleholic said...

Adult in the tree

paula eagleholic said...

Arrived from the rear

paula eagleholic said...

Wings are slightly out...must be trying to cool off.

paula eagleholic said...

Adult still in tree

JudyEddy said...


and good afternoon

Just got back from Sawgrass Park to where I had sort of a birthday adventure and not a good one

I was on the trail and a man on a bike was pushing his bike I did ask him if the trail went to the tower as he passed me He grabbed my buttock and my bionocular was sort of hanging in the back of my because I had it over my shoulder but on my behind so Did he think I had a purse or was he grabbing my butt I don't know but I was skerred and beat feet while I pulled out my phone and called Angie and loudly yelled call the cops so he could hear me I walked out of the park and reported the incident and made a police report The park ranger and the cop and I all had a good laugh When I told them I sort of yelled I am old enough to be your grandma and you grab my butt LOL Got to get ready for dinner

I see JUVIE in attic also Will be back later dinner at Olive Garden with family for Bday

Mema Jo said...

lun-lun's water just broke a little while ago‏ per our Panda expert Helen aka Mits!

BTW she has Panda watch at DC zoo next week for Mia

JudyEddy said...

I used my chair saw the other day and trimmed my tree LOL

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday JudyE!

For those with an iPhone or iPad, Apple is celebrating 5 years of the App store by giving away for free 10 apps. When you go to the App store you will see on the featured page big number 5. Click on it and choose your apps.

I so wish LunLun would have her cub. We are to look for when her water breaks. She seems so ready!

NCSuzan said...

That's great Jo. LunLun is definitely in the position!

NCSuzan said...

Gotta go full screen. Later!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update, Jo.

Adult gone from the tree.

paula eagleholic said...

Per Zoo Atlanta on FB

Cub number four is officially on the way! Lun Lun's water broke just before 5 p.m. today.

Lolly said...

I have had my eyes glued to the cam. Lun Lun is definitely restless.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow is it 6pm already? Gotta get a move on...

Hoda said...

I am afraid I am not laughing even though you and the cops tried to see the humour.
It makes no difference if he was trying to grab your binocs or grab your butt! Both are invasive violations and I am glad you had your cell phone and I hope you had a good description of him.

NCSuzan said...

JudyE, sorry you had that experience today but glad you are ok.

Looks like LunLun is ready for that young'un to come on out!

Mema Jo said...

I remember how LunLun would hold the cub in her arms and do the roly poly!

Judy - what an experience! I would have hollered really loud too. How did he get away so fast if he were pushing his bike - did he ride off?
Well, you will remember this birthday now won't you! Love ya gal ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hi Suzan - good to see you! Praying you stayed inside today just as I did ♥

NCSuzan said...

Hi! Jo. Yes, have to stay wherever I can breathe! Hope you are being careful too!

NCSuzan said...

There it is!!!!

Lolly said...

OMG Lun Lun is giving birth. I just saw the cub. It is born. I saw it~

Mema Jo said...

Cub number four is here!

NCSuzan said...

Wow. They moved the cam really fast. hope everything is ok. She did not pick him up right away.

Lolly said...

Oh, I wanted to see that. I did and then they moved the cam away. I wonder why? Yea!!!! A baby panda!

NCSuzan said...

He was so squirmy! Looks like everything is ok.

Mema Jo said...


Cub number 5 is here too ...


paula eagleholic said...

daggone, missed it. looks like the cam is back on

NCSuzan said...

No way! Wow! No wonder she was acting a little funny. Twins! Yippee!

Lolly said...

No, are you serious? I did not see the second one.

paula eagleholic said...

2 butter sticks! yea!

paula eagleholic said...

The Zoo announced it, Lolly.

Lolly said...

Have you seen both?

Hoda said...

I love love love us
and the panda reporting too.
Great interactions ladies.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - you know LunLun well enough that she isn't going to have show and tell for weeks maybe!

Hopefully the zoo on FB will keep giving us updates.

We always talk about our eggs hatching on someones' birthday - WOW Judy has had Twin Pandas born on her birthday!

Lolly said...

Just talked to my sister in law in Atlanta and while talking to her they put in on the news. LOL She knew before the news! I saw the first one before they moved the cam. Was the second born while the cam was moved away?

Mema Jo said...

A viewer on Zoo Atlanta said we should name them

Ping & Pong lol

I am awaiting for more info on the FB page of Zoo Atlanta - they were less then a minute with the information after it happened.

Lolly said...

Really interesting article on the twins. Lun Lun is only caring for one. The other is being cared for in the nursery. That is when they moved the cam, I bet! In the wild they only care for one cub if twins are born.

Twin Cubs

Lolly said...

They just took the cam away again. Hmmmm???? What is going on? Nervous Panda Grandma here!

Lolly said...

Maybe exchanging them already?

Lolly said...

Okay, cam is now back on Lun Lun. Wish we knew what was going on.

Hoda said...

Interesting you posts LOLLY. I did not know that in the wild they would look only after one.
From your last post they actually switch the babes do they both roils get some Mama time??? Does'nt Mama know they have been switched?

Judie said...

Ah, congratulations to Lun Lun and Yang Yang. And, how sweet the twins arrived on JudyE's birthday.

Don't seem to be able to get a live cam but very happy and so hoping the little ones will be healthy and robust.

Have a feeling, symptoms are drowsiness and heavy eyelids, that the sandperson will be on the way a bit early tonight. Hoping for a sign of what to do before the sun rises. If I don't return, restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Just read the Atlanta update...yes they will switch out the cubs and will do so for the first few months. In the wild, the mother will usually care for only one and the other one will die.

they said if you see the wall appear, they are switching them out.

JudyEddy said...

back from dinner it was good and I am so full

JO He was pushing his bike because he was going off the boardwalk to a path of mulch Not good for bikes I think And I didn't look back I just grabbed my phone and called Angie to call the police yelling it so he could hear and I yelled I'm old enough to be your grand mother I wasn't forsure if he grabbed my butt while going for the binoculars thinking it was a purse and let go or what -It was a grab and I didn't look back
and I think he would have been early 20 to fast to really sink in

Just wanted to make a report although I didn't have a great description Others should be aware pervert or purse snatcher either way They will keep up patrol in the park more now I am sure because of it

paula eagleholic said...

If they knew there was twins, they didn't let on by their updates.

Lynne2 said...

I saw bears. Yep, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. I have pictures, too! MTBR....

Wanda, I just love GG stories...Jayden is priceless, and her wanting to do your special!

Andy, what testing did they do on Emma? Is she actually allergic, or INTOLERANT to these foods and did they do tests for external allergens as well? Glad she is feeling better!

Geez. Drop a little rain on Texas and Lolly becomes a Whirling Dervish!

Wow, JudyE, disturbing you got groped...and on your BIRTHDAY!

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to hear about your park incident, JudyE. Glad you reported it.

Lynne2 said...

Looking for an update from Lori post dentist visit...can't seem to find anything.

paula eagleholic said...

And wowser, did her water ever break...pretty much shot out of her!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Lynne, bear hunter of the north woods.

No check in from Lori.

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 I was thinking of you as I walked in the woods today

JudyEddy said...

I didn't get a bear but I got gators, turtles and then viscous butterflys lol

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 your comment is in my email but not here at 940

Lynne2 said...

wow, wonder why it isn't on HERE??? I didn't delete it....hmmmm.

I wouldn't want to go where GATORS are!

Lynne2 said...

gotta hit the shower and the pillows. Need my beauty rest. Goodnight and prayers for all!

Lynne2 said...

Hope Margy is spending lots of quality time with James and family!

JudyEddy said...

I was only about 2feet from the gator was just a baby

JudyEddy said...

and if you deleted it it would show deleted I remember missing post have happened to others The blog ghost eats them LOL Ok gonna get ready to watch the news and unwind from the day

Lynne2 said...

yes, I've been trying to unwind since my almost 11 hour work day was over. Another very upsetting day in the animal kingdom. SIGH.....


Lolly said...

Dinner over and dinner ready to grill Wed. Been busy! Tonight we fixed a new recipe for stuffed portabella mushrooms. Wed is rolled flank steak. Jack is helping a friends daughter move tomorrow so we had to cook tonight.

Lolly said...

Do not be a brat, Lynne. Give us the true story about seeing a bear, :)

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh, Judy. I am glad you are okay. What an experience. It sounds like your reaction was perfect. Hope the police will keep a closer watch on that park. The next victim might get worse treatment.

Wow! I missed all of the excitement of the panda birth. Many posts to read.

The lawn got mowed. Hunter did it after his appointment. We just asked him to do the front today. It's pretty hot to do too much in one day.

His appointment was for a check-up so he can go to Y Camp. He starts camp tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - FB Zoo Atlanta

Full story and photos of the newborns

JudyEddy said...

Hey forgot to run this by you all Angie took Jordyn for her school physical and they talked about Jordyn issue with smelly arm pits which may be a hormone issue Well the dr want to run a blood test I guess for it and thyroids and suggest Jordyn loose 8 lbs she is 5 yr and 3 months and is 54 lbs She doesn't eat junk or sweets I ask her the other day if she wanted a ice cream cone and she said NO Thanks Carl cooks wholesome meals every night

Hoda said...

Thank you JO they are TINY!!!

SHIRLEY glad HUNTER did the front lawn.

Very happy to see LYNNE checked in.

Missing LORI and would like to know how her trip to the dentist went. Hope all is well.

KAY has not been on either I do not think. Hope it is cooler there.

MARGY HAS VISITORS. Yet she also said maybe she will go back to work soon. Sending good healing energy.

LOLLY you found well organized and the food is delicious sounding too. I am not surprised that JACK would lend a hand to a friend's daughter.

Quiet night here. I will do my meditation practices and call it a night.

Will check back in before though.


Hoda said...

My first reaction JUDYE in regards to JORDYN: one does NOT put a five year old on a diet!!! Sorry
We get our body odour from what we eat. We all have body odour and I do not think it is right to give a 5yrs old a compiles about that.
Weight always in relation to height. It is the only meaningful way of looking at it. Genetics play a role.
I can exercise and do all the yoga I want I will always have big thighs and be heavy set bum wise. It runs both sides of my family.
Be safe in regards the thyroid test but if it is off regulate it with food instead of medication.
How often does she it at McDonalds or KFC... To me that would be the source of the odour. I apologize to anyone who likes these places.

NCSuzan said...

Paula and Jo, did you see the ultrasound? I am no professional but it only looked like one cub in there!

Hoda said...

Complex not compile

Hoda said...

Eat not it

NCSuzan said...

I have Hyperthyroidism. Any Thyroid issue is nothing to sneeze about. But to suggest a five year old child has issues without doing blood tests is cruel. Her problem could be as simple as the type of soap she is using. Her hormones have not kicked in yet. Just gets my blood boiling. She looks and sounds fine to me.

NCSuzan said...

Ok. Will leave you all in peace. Bon nuit!

Mema Jo said...

It has been a very delightful evening
with our twin panda cubs. Anyone planning to be in GA in the fall - that is when they would be old enough to place on exhibit. Prayers that they both are healthy and will be cared for by Lun Lun and the staff.

Mema Jo said...

Time to say goodnight


I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Bon Nuit NC SUZANNE. Reposez- vous bien.
A Demain.

Lolly said...

The zoo stated that they did not know there was going to be two. Whoops! They had the cam on the wall again. Trying to swap out the cubs. So very interesting.

Zach is 7 and he needs to weigh less. He is not on a diet, do not want him to loose weight, but what they want is for him to not gain more weight as he grows taller. I know why he is heavy. As an infant and a toddler they stuffed him, No kidding! He eats very well now, but it is such an ordeal. Enough said!

JudyEddy said...

they do want to do a blood test
and Angie is wondering if she should put her through it She did good with the finger prick for the test for the physical but this would be tube withdrawal more than a finger prick and wondering if insurance would cover it She is calling the insurance co

NCSuzan said...

Dadgummit. I have Hypothyroidism not Hyper.

Yes, Jo. It has been a wonderful evening. I hope very much the twin cubs survive and live long and prosper. Imagine the double cuteness they will be!

For real this time. Nite!

JudyEddy said...

OH and Angie is not going to put her on a diet she is active with dance and swimming each week twice with dance and we when I have her we don't sit down active she is and solid as a rock and remember she was almost 10 lbs at birth so she had a head start

NCSuzan said...

Merci, Hoda.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Judy, does sound like he tried to grab a purse. Why did you not dial 911?

Cam is off again. I think they have had some times when they were not successful exchanging the cubs.

Janet said...

good evening to all.

JUDYE: so glad you are okay! i am with HODA on this one, i don't find it humorous. it is worrisome to me. i am glad you had the presence of mind to react as you did and to file a report. my guess was he was attempting a purse snatching, but either was it was a violation of your person...and completely unacceptable!!!!

okay hush janet.

its been a lovely day. fully booked at work. came home. floated for 2 hours in my pool
dinner. yoga. now bed. work in the morning.

SED to all. :) :) :)

JudyEddy said...

Was so hoping nothing like this would happen IDIOTS in the world
just on News

JudyEddy said...

that would be LA California

JudyEddy said...

Protest has turned to peaceful

JudyEddy said...

I can't sleep I feel the grab on my cheek
sound weird but seems to be bothering me more now ODD
Huh adrenaline has stopped maybe

Hoda said...

Sorry that you are feeling uncomfortable JUDYE.
It does not surprise me.
You can calm your self for being strong and going the right thing. Blessed Be

Hoda said...

Good night

God Bless Us All.

JudyEddy said...

OK I am still waiting for the SANDMAN I know I don't need to go to sleep I can sleep in but I am tired but not sleepy if that makes any sense

Lolly said...

Night all!


JudyEddy said...

APB out on a Sandman didn't come to Fl yet still waiting gonna lay down and give it a try

Costume Lady said...

NCSUZAN, my daughter, also, has hypothyroidism...4 or 5 years now and can't get a good handle on it!

I was able to get in the garden today without sinking too far into the mud, in fact, some spots were actually dry! There were so many beans that my pan runneth over...have to go out again tomorrow. It was so danged hot, I had to go inside. Also picked some squash and tomatoes...ahhh, Summer time!
Fixed the beans with country ham and potatoes. GG ate a bowlful, big enough to satisfy a 16 yr old boy!

Off to bed now. Good Night, love and prayers to all ♥

Janet said...

Good morning all

JUDYE: I hope you were able to sleep peacefully. I am not surprised that after the fact it bothers you. I think it likely just "sank in". In the moment, you are right, adrenaline, etc. I wish you a peaceful day today.

And I wish everyone, light, love, peace, and kindness in their day!

Off to work in a bit. :) Hugs to all!

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends. I wasn't on the computer much yesterday but didn't get even one glimpse of an eagle when I was. =(

Didn't click on the panda cam link - don't want to risk getting "sucked in" - this cam is my only online "wildlife distraction." Still, I am happy got the Atlanta Zoo!

Judie, have fun with your new toy. I'm sure it can distract you from your work vs. retire decision. When is the deadline for letting them know?

Judy, scary experience at the park yesterday - glad you called the police. You may have saved another person from going through the same experience.

Don't know what to say about doctor's concern over Jordyn's weight. On one hand, this country puts WAY too much emphasis on being thin, especially for girls. On the other hand, we are a nation of overweight people, children included.

Lori, hope yesterday's trip to the dentist was painless and you are healing OK from the tooth being pulled.

Another hot day on tap here - things are drying out from last Friday's monsoon! I am going to watch the interclub match that I was supposed to play in this morning to cheer my team on. Then getting my nails done.

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

Uh.....FYI: LYNNE2: Putnman Co Tn has a bear on the loose, looks like a baby, near HWY 62...if you want to go sight seeing... LOL


Janet said...

You can stop by and float a while after you find the bear if you want!

Judie said...

Good morning.

JudyE, so sorry about your experience and not sleeping is a normal reaction. The important part is that you were not harmed. As for Jordyn, I think a regular checkup with her pediatrician. Let him/her assess. Could be an overreaction based on awareness of widespread child obesity.

Today is decision day. Here is my reasoning. I do not want to return because of the work environment but there are 100 students who enrolled in the course last Spring and expecting me. So, I will return to finish the calendar. I will go to class, teach, and go home. I can easily avoid going into the dept. I will notify the Dept. Chair (the problem) that I will not return in Spring 2014. That way, my name will not be on the course and students will not expect me.

So, now to get my coffee and newspaper and then a play date with my Tablet.

Have a great morning.

Sandi said...

Judie, I applaud your decision and the reasoning behind it! Many of those 100 enrolled students would be so disappointed if they showed up on day 1 of the class and you weren't there to teach it; I'm sure your reputation is well-known.

Congrats! Now you can go back to playing with your new toy!

I'm off to start my day - later!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Judie, that is a lot of students! Very considerate of you to think of them, and good reasoning. Also, if he knows this is your last semester, he/she may just well leave you alone.

Have fun with the tablet.

paula eagleholic said...

No juvie visits yesterday. When was the last time a juvie was spotted in the tree?

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I'd have to defer to your assessment of Jordyn...she eats well, and she is active. Some of us are naturally larger than others...especially in bone structure. Don't know what to make of the armpit issue...

Tree is MT

stronghunter said...

I like your reasoning, Judie. I am sure many students would be disappointed if you did not show up.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have the day to myself and then when Jack leaves Thursday I will be by myself again. He used to have business trips and be gone for several weeks but I am used to having him right here with me. Strange!

I am already sucked into the Panda cam. It is just so very interesting. A few minutes ago a human arm extended into view and sorta nudged Lun Lun. The camera immediately went away.

Still having rainy weather and loving it.

Judie, sounds like a good plan. This will also give you the several months to adjust to "Yes, I am going to retire." Hope this last class is an enjoyable group!
Best of luck!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Judie ♥

You are going to have a beautiful day I can tell. And the rest of the year should be great! I wish an amazing class of wannabes for you to enjoy!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all ♥

Another hot one or 'Stay in the AC' day. No plans to go out that's for sure.

Stay coll - dance in your rain or float in your pool..... Love ya All ♥

paula eagleholic said...

The nest is much easier to see on cam in the morning light.

paula eagleholic said...


Lolly said...

Let that slip by me!


Lori O. said...


Congrats on making your decision. I like your reasoning.

Have a very special day, special lady!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly and All - Panda CAM

If you see the wall appear on PandaCam, that means they're trying to swap out the cubs! Keep watching ..

Lori O. said...

Just got home from the oral surgeon. My dentist recommended I see him again, so off I went to an appointment this morning. He packed the hole with clove oil and some medication and gave me stronger pain killers. It was all very fast and painless! YAY.

Thanks for all your concern, friends.

JUDYE, I'm so glad you're okay. How was your birthday?

I already took a pain killer, so think I will sit on the couch for a while...hopefully fall asleep.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Judie!!

grannyblt said...

GM to all.

No action at nest site, that I see anyway.

JudyE--what a birthday memory!!

Judie--Misplaced my BD list--Hope you have a GREAT day. Also agree with your retirement thinking and the comments of others.

I've been waiting around for a call from the garage door opener folks for days and finally called to see when they might be coming. There was a lot of putting me on hold and call backs to finally get a tentative date for installation. Not sure but I think they forgot about me and had to scramble. I was itching to make my annual visit to Target, but by the time I could get there, it would be afternoon and we are in the middle of that heat dome, so I'll go early tomorrow.

Off to check out Panda Cam....

Mema Jo said...

Big switch of pandas going on! I would LOVE to see a switch. Can't imagine how they get the one cub from Lun Lun.

Mema Jo said...

Lori - you have a very wise dentist! Now you can heal without the pain Good to have you on here today - we were all looking for you

NCSuzan said...

Judie, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Celebrate!

Lolly, I have to be careful about the cams. It is so hard during Eagle season. But the Pandas are so cute and so endangered. And the babies are just too cute, you have to watch!

Wanda, I am so very sorry for your daughter. Doctors are just looking for T3 and TSH numbers and that is not the end to thyroid issues. And if you can't lose the weight you are looking at pre-diabetes and other health problems. Is she on Synthroid or Levothyroxin?

JudyE, your grand daughter was on my mind last night. Do some research on Juvenile Diabetes. Not saying that is the problem, it could just be what the doctor is thinking about.

Judie, no one should have to work in abusive circumstances. That you would put other people ahead of you speaks volumes as to the person you are. Thank you for being a teacher.

OK. I am off my soapbox. You can rest in peace. And for goodness sake, please stay hydrated and cool!

Lolly said...

I wish they would let us see it, too. I did see and arm reach in one time before they moved the cam. The person sort of nudged Lun Lun.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I would imagine that Mom panda would make a fuss, therefore, they won't show it. Would probably upset people.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Reposting what I posted on Facebook this morning.

I found out yesterday that the police had not located my neighbor's family (the one who died on June 6). I really don't think they had even tried, which makes me sad. Yesterday, I go online, type in his last name and where I think his family is from on and start calling. On the second call, I found an aunt who contacted his sister and his sister called me last night. They had been out of touch with him and didn't have any idea where he lived. Hopefully today his family is claiming his body and we can all put closure to it. I also hope to find out soon whether he died of natural causes or was murdered. I really feel we have rights as his neighbors to know whether a murder was committed in our neighborhood. I also hope that the Bluefield Police Department work to find answers for his family.

Hoda said...


Great thinking on one more term. The Wannabes are blessed.

Happy Happy Happy Birthday.
Much love and Light to you this coming year and always

Hoda said...

The power is off. Wireless is off.

LORI glad to have you back with no pain.

JUDYE do check in. Let us know how you are today.

LOLLY glad of the rain.

Hot here. 93 today.

Mema Jo said...

Well we have cubs in the den but no juvies in our tree :(

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

JUDIE great decision for you retirement

•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

Judie said...

Hi Sharon. I am so happy the neighbor's family have been located thanks to you. You might try the local police web page for a link to crime reports. You might also try to contact the police chief to explain the unease at not knowing if a crime was committed.

Lori, glad you have some relief. Just make sure you go back to the dentist if you have any doubt.

Lynn, sure hope you get that garage door repaired. What a PIA.

Thank you all so very, very much for your support in my decision. Has not been an easy one but professionalism took precedence.

Also, thank you all for the birthday wishes. Hard to imagine ~6 hours ago and 68 years ago. Gosh, time flies when I'm having so much fun.

Need to check out the Atlanta panda cam. Oh, Isla's baby is a girl and was banded yesterday. I think her name is Blue YK.

Okay, back to doing something boring -- no, think I will play with my Tablet instead.


JudyEddy said...

I am not and will not turn on the cub cam I am not getting sucked in LOL either

JudyEddy said...

LORI did he say you have a dry tooth socket that what they do for it pack the hole since there isn't a clot do you have to go back I did with mine??
and Bday was great

Mema Jo said...

Yes, I can understand Not wanting to get sucked in to another cam. However; it seems when the juvies are gone the pandas are here. It has happened like that with Tai and Po and some others. You can wait for a few weeks after our tree is always MT and come to the pandas to see their fur markings start because by then Lun Lun will be leaving for short periods of time to eat in the other den. I bet our comments will get you all Sucked In ♥ lol

Mema Jo said...


Just read article in local paper with the title:

Later retirement may help prevent dementia

Just proves you made the right decision! ♥

Janet said...


And, congrats on making a well thought out decision. Sometimes I think the process is worse than the actual decision!

LORI: glad the tooth pain could be releieved.

Back off to work! :)

stronghunter said...

Good detective work, Sharon. How sad that he was so out of touch with the family.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kevin's father and uncle over cleaning his stuff out of the house now.

Lynne2 said...

I'm off to TN to hunt for BEAR.

Bob Quinn said...

Hey all! I've posted photos from Sunday at BW. The last photo is a green heron. Did you know that the green heron is one of the only birds that uses "tools". It will drop bugs or a piece of bread or whatever on the surface of the water as bait and snatch the unsuspecting fish that goes for it.


JudyEddy said...

Porch is all cleaned out and then a big gust of wind came up and now its raining Came in for a second and the skys opened up Had to run back out to drag the pressure washer under cover Geeze I don't need this Was getting ready to finish the carport then every thing on my list will be done

Hoda said...

Thank you BOB

I am having a picnic in the park. Lovely breeze in the shade with a variety of small and large birds. Terms and Swallows to Canada Geese and osprey. Have not seen eagle yet.

Hoda said...

Has anyone seen the Juvies today? PAULA asked a good question as to when was the last time we saw them. I think Sunday???

paula eagleholic said...

Neat pics Bob. Interesting about the green heron!

WVJerry said...

Happy Birthday Judie. Hope your day is special in every way. Don't know much about your situation but I agree with all about your decision to return and teach the students that are enrolled in your class. Your decision and reasoning tell a lot about you. I hope your problem goes away now. On the Cam - I haven't seen much lately. I am assuming nesting season is over now? Take care all and enjoy your evening.

Mema Jo said...

Zoo Atlanta
A very tired but delighted panda team is happy to report that Lun Lun's twins are both doing well. Both cubs have spent time with her, but Mom is being understandably protective and hasn't been eager to relinquish whichever cub she's holding at the time of the rotation. We're supplementing both cubs with formula, and we're keeping an eye on Lun Lun to guide our next steps! Cub Confidential subscribers, look for your new exclusive content in today's installment, coming up soon. And stay tuned to PandaCam if you're not there already!

Mema Jo said...

Off to see Bob's photos before dinner is ready........... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Loved all your photos! Glad you found a bunny!

Sandi said...

Good afternoon friends!


Bob, your photos from Blackwater are beautiful, as usual!

Jo, I will not watch the panda cam, I will not watch the panda cam, I will not watch the panda cam!

Paula, Sunday was the last day that I saw an eagle - adult or juvie - in the nest tree.

Lynne, what's with the burning desire to see a bear???

Lori, glad your tooth is feeling more comfortable and you've got some drugs to help with the pain.

Very hot day today. By the time I got home from my nail appt. it was too late to go to the beach. Have had my nose in my Kindle.

Time to fix food for people and pets - later!

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon! I see spellchecker is at work again also changing my grammar! Please note Ihad a very good English teacher in high school so I do know some the things the spellchecker/grammar police post is not what I intended.

A very happy birthday to Judie! Sorry I missed JudyE day yesterday. Hope your days were/ are the best!

Judie, had no doubt your decision would be in the best interest of everyone. Have fun with your tablet.

Lynne, be careful with Smokey the bear. We still need his reminders. Pick me up on your way TN. I'll be in costume.

Supper time again! Lolly, do you rent out Jack?

Checking in on the butter sticks. Can't help but be drawn into watching.

...later folks

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...