Sunday, July 07, 2013


New thread.  Hopefully we'll have the cam back up by 6 today.


Mema Jo said...

Hot Hot Hot New Thread

Thank You Steve and also thanks for the info

Will call others over.

Hoda said...


Lynne2 said...

thanks Steve....gee, I sure will miss the current view though. It's been great to see what goes on around the nest after fledge!

Thanks for the call over Jo.

Lynne2 said...

well, there is a terrible storm at the nest right now...

Hoda said...

It is wonderful to continue to see the Tree in July. When the eagles move on who else takes up residence? Anyone?
I hope it is cooler your way JO when you said Hot Hot Hot I thought you were talking about the weather!!! Glad it was a new thread.

Hoda said...

LYNNE I think they will fix the distant view camera by 6:00 not the nest camera.??? Anyone else, what do you think?

Hoda said...

test can I bold on iPhone

Lynne2 said...

oh, maybe....DUH! Well, it's on now and it's blowing like crazy there.

Lori O. said...

Thanks STEVE for the fresh thread!

Congrats JO on your new feather. You'll be sporting a pretty fancy headdress at our next nest get together!

HODA, I live near JO, and it is HOT HOT HOT again today. 92 right now, and more of the same with threats of thunderstorms all week. Guess that's just summertime.

MARGY, glad your hand is doing well. Have a fun time with James today.

I know Megan is unwell, something to do with her ears, but what is the diagnosis? Prayers that she feels better soon. Hope it's not vertigo -- had that and I was so sick I couldn't stand up and so nauseous. Glad it's only happened twice to me.

Slow day here on the blog. Hope everyone is having a cool, relaxing day.

Lynne2 said...

I wonder if they'd do BOTH views next season? Maybe we could chip in for the cost?

Lynne2 said...

FYI, many of us are in the sever T'storm watch area

Lynne2 said...

better get the clothes down, the plants secured and the dogs out...

Lynne2 said...

storm passed the nest, looks much calmer now

Mema Jo said...



Praying the temps go down...

Lynne2 said...

oh dear, cam kaput again...

Lynne2 said...

and we're back, with what appears to be a juvie in the attic

Lynne2 said...

where is everyone?

Hoda said...

I am here LYNNE glad the cam is back. Another hot week coming up for us. Mid to upper eighties!!!
Did groceries. Watered plants. Cooked vegetable and rice as I had not cooked a proper meal since it started to get hot. Salads and fruit and seeds, pumpkin and sunflower mostly.

Hoda said...

LORI and JO did the temperatures go down???

Tomorrow I have a two hour appointment at the Dentist!!!
I have to admit I am a bit warry after the swelling and the bruising three weeks ago.
Off I will go at 11 in the morning should be back by one!!!
Keep me in your thoughts that she does not drop the crown down my throat like happened to LOLLY.

JudyEddy said...


Home from work and seeing Jordyn perform at the Fountain uploading picture or video I should say


JudyEddy said...

LORI I wish you were closer to me I know a place that fixes pressure washers I got mine fixed for 15. not bad
and no went to see Jordyn dance but will finish the carport in the next day or so It rained and stormed after work so I wouldn't have been able to do it

JudyEddy said...

Just clicked on the weather for the nest they are cooler than me tonight I am 77 with rain showers cooled us and the nest is 71° Janet is 83° I love the weather channel app you put in area codes for cities and get the temps there

JudyEddy said...

HODA I just added your city to my Weather Channel App 82° is that correct you are same as I am 82 now with storm heading in boom boom pow

JudyEddy said...

WOW you get in the 50° at night ok gonna power down lights are flickering

Hoda said...

Yes JUDYE it has gone down from 88 to 82 and heads down to mid fifties!!!
Glad you are powering down with the storm .
We should have a storm coming in as you said

stronghunter said...


Decided that I should have some new summer clothes since it is definitely summer. Found several nice things. It will be nice to have
some capri pants. Jeans are a bit warm for this weather.

Got home just ahead of a windy, rainy storm.

Looks like the cam is down. I see there was a storm at Shepherdstown, so maybe it took the cam back down.

Judie said...

Thank you Steve and Jo for the call over. So many feathers for Princess Summer Fall Winter Jo.

Ah, storm here at 7pm. Cooled down to about 80º but humidity still awful.

Hope Megan is healing.

Nice that Shirley treated herself to some new spiffy duds. Are the capri pants hot pink?

Lori, nice that you can share the power washer and the cost. Take it easy in the heat being outside.

What did Jordan do for her performance? Alone? A group?

Glad to see Margy is taking care of her hand. Not something to take chances, girlfriend.

Ah, and Hoda is having proper meal instead of brownies. Hope the dental work goes well without any pain or unpleasantness.

Judie said...

Made a dent in catching up today but still weary and feeling sleepy.

Sandperson is filling a large satchel and will be departing soon. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to All


I ♥ US

JudyEddy said...

There were 4 girls in the dance they did Jordyn only got to practice twice with the dance the other girls have done it on two other performances But Jordyn will be doing it again at the next assisted living facility so she can do more practicing on the dance I am waiting for the videos to upload and will post on blog probably tomorrow with the storm and me having to log off so had to start over with the upload

Hoda said...

Goodnight JO and JUDIE sleep well ladies.
God Bless

JudyEddy said...

OH the name of the song was Country Girl the were dressed in blue jean shorts and the same shirt and pink hats oh and bare footed

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

No hot pink capri pants this time, Judie.

Tomorrow I get a perm! I thought I might have to cancel the appointment, but Will can stay with Hunter.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Hunter can probably stay alone. Kathryn was babysitting at his age. But he is a boy, and there are too many friends who come knocking on the door. Furthermore, he would be insulted beyond belief if he had to go with me to the hair salon. He did go when he was younger, but now he is way too cool.

JudyEddy said...

video got done They did the dance twice I put have the second one first Jordyn only practiced two times for the dance the nest time she will be better So cute She didn't want her tummy showing you notice she pulls down her shirt in the beginning of both

Jordyn at the Fountain

paula eagleholic said...

Oh dudes and new do too! Bet that. Will feel nice

Glad the cam is back 9n.

Doing laundry tonight...heading home in the morning.

Hope Margy had a nice visit with James

No storms here yet...maybe overnight.

Caught fish yesterday and today. Had the crabs last night, they were delish

paula eagleholic said...

Still 84 and steamy here

Hoda said...

Pictures SHIRLEY model clothes and do. I agree Hunter is too old to go to dresser with Granny.

Safe travels tomorrow PAULA. Glad you had good meals this weekend fresh from the sea.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy.

Hi Paula. Glad you had a fun weekend. Safe travels home tomorrow.

JudyE, Jordan's dance group is really cute. Thank you for sharing.

Aw Shirley, I just so wanted you to have some hot pink capri pants. Hmmmm, how about Electric Blue?

Okay, really fighting the sleepy dust. Till tomorrow...

Hoda said...

Good night

God Bless

Hoda said...

Hot Pink and Electric Blue are JUDIE'S colour choices!!?? And you all wonder about MY brownie eating habits??? Hmmmmmmmm! I think MISS JUDIE IS INTO PSYCHEDELIC COLOURS!!!

Lolly said...

Having a fantastic time. Boys are having fun.

Cute Jacob story. 5 month old Natalie is fascinated with Jacob and he is as well with her. Tonight she was following him everywhere with her eyes. "She is stalking me!", he said.

Tomorrow the Atlanta aquarium!

This morn I opened the blinds and there was mama deer and two little spotted fawns! Awesome!

Nite all! SED

stronghunter said...

Wore myself out shopping today. It was hot, even inside the store.

Going to crawl under the covers.

Oh--watching the news. It seems that the pilot who crashed that plane in San Francisco was in training. Yikes. How sad for everyone.

stronghunter said...

I do have some blue capris, Judie. Electric blue? They are pretty bright.

Cute Jacob story, Lolly. Awesome sight outside that window.

stronghunter said...

Have a safe trip home tomorrow, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Read have forgotten what I wanted to I WILL SAY

SED love and hugs for all :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yea...glad to see they are on top of the cam being down....thanks for keeping it running NCTC

magpie said...

G'night Precious Pals...
Rained horses and cows in Berkeley Springs earlier...

Cooled things off considerable...
visit was nice

Day is done...time for the pillows

Good to "See You" my fine friends
and read about your day's doins'

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

PA Nana said...

Stopping by to say hello. This weather has drained me of all energy.

Got my Symvisc. Injections in both knees on Friday and am waiting for relief to kick in. They told me it would get worse before it gets better. Running out of patience.

We finally had some good rain and my gardens are smiling. Hope Megan got some rain and is feeling better.

Have tried to catch up but forgot what I wanted to comment on so better say goodnight. Pain med is making my brain fuzzy. God bless us, everyone.

Goodnight and God bless. <3

Hoda said...

PA NANA so sorry you are having so much pain. Healing prayers and thoughts come your way.
Hope you can rest enough to sleep.

JUDIE'S Sand person must be held up at the border crossing... What else did he have in his satchel JUDIE?

OK I will give it another go!

Costume Lady said...

So happy, doing the HAPPY DANCE...we had a wonderful rain storm, this afternoon. Won't have to water the veggies or flowers for 3 or 4 days!

Good night, blessings and prayers for all ~♥~

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends. I am seeing a totally blue screen at the nest. Cam must be down - boo!

Have not read the comments on this new thread - BRB!

JudyEddy said...


I also don't have cam I have gray screen not blue but still no cam that was short lived :-(

JudyEddy said...

buts its nice to hear TOM
and my cam went blue a pretty different blue

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Pa Nana, hope you feel better soon.

Wow, it is hard to believe that some so near need rain. We have had so much more than our share.

Hope you did get some sleep, Hoda.

Sandi said...

Paula, have a safe trip home. Saw a sign in a store last night that made me think of you - "Welcome to Paradise, where it's always happy hour!"

Watched the Wimbledon men's final on TV in the AM - was glad to see Andy Murray win. It had been 77 years since Great Britain had a British Wimbledon winner. Spent the afternoon on the beach - had to sit practically IN the water to get any relief from the heat. The sand was like walking on the Sahara! No storm/rain here - it broke up coming across the Chesapeake Bay. Storms in the forecast again for this afternoon but hot all week.

Leg is healing - I can walk with only a little limp and rode my bike to the beach yesterday. But my ankle is very bruised and swollen - strange since the injury is to my calf.

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

I have the cam back

JudyEddy said...

LOOKS FOGGY or HAZY at the nest also

JudyEddy said...

looks like some is focusing the cam goes in and out a tad

JudyEddy said...

the cam looks like its at night now and there seems to be some focusing going on

JudyEddy said...

and now the cam is out again back to the odd color of blueish grey

JudyEddy said...

and the cam is back and looking like its late evening with the coloring so they are working on it but I have to head out the door NO eagle to report in the attic

Sandi said...

Cam is working fine now and we have a juvie perched high in the tree! What a lovely sight!!

Lori O. said...

Good Monday morning everyone!!!

SANDI, glad your leg is doing better. Hope you get some cooler weather today...better heat than rain at the beach though.

PAULA, safe travels home. Only a small chance of scattered showers here, but hot again today.

JUDYE, precious video of Jordyn! Thanks for sharing. :)

LOLLY, have a great time at the Aquarium today. Sounds like fun!

HODA, at least you're getting a little heat relief now. Temps dropped about 20 degrees yesterday here after the thunderstorms!

SHIRLEY, can't wait to see a pic of your new do!

MARGY, how many more days are you off work?

JUDIE, hope you catch up on your sleep. Visitors can be draining!

No big plans here today. Everything is still soaked from the rain last night.

Kate bought new beds for the dogs and RoRo just loves his! So cute.

Have a great day everyone. BBL.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Blue sky and a juvie at the nest moments ago.

Sandi, glad your leg is improving and hope that Diann gets some pain relief soon.

Oh no you don't Hoda. Hot pink and Electric Blue are NOT my colors. I simply choose them for Shirley. I'm as beige as beige can be.

A little overcast here. Agree Shirley, we've had more than our share the past week. Cooler days for us toward week's end. Happy perm.

Off for coffee, newspaper, and then to decide what to do today.


Lolly said...



1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...