Wednesday, June 19, 2013


New thread.  Been offline, sorry for being so late.  Good to see the alternative cam up and I can see a juvie right now.


CarolAnne said...

Thanks Steve,
Way to go Jim!
Hope the others find their way here soon.

movin said...

Thanks, Steve.
The distance shot on the live feed looks great, especially at this time in the fledging process.

Thank you, Lolly, for the cues for locating the nest in the live shot. That puts it about where I thought it was yesterday, but for some reason it didn't look right this morning. Hahahaha.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

THANKS STEVE!! We are loving the cam and do appreciate all of you!!

Lolly said...

I just love how Steve announced the new thread on the old thread. Think we should award him as well as CarolAnne with a feather!!!

CarolAnne said...

Not me Lolly - Jim found it first!!

Besides, I have allergies. That feather would make me S N E E Z E!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you so much for this new thread and terrific photo Steve. I sure am hoping that when the other cam is repaired that this one will remain. You always had thought another tree cam would be great.

Thanks Jim and Steve for the alert of the new thread.
Congrats CA on a feather and send it to Jim if it makes you sneeze ♥

Lolly said...

Tried to work in the yard but it is just too hot and too humid. I melted and the sweat went into my eyes. Yikes! I was blinded!

Have instead mended a blouse, did some treasurer's work for a group at church, and sorted through some stuff. Now, I think I am going to read. :)

Sandi said...

Ooh, a new thread! Thanks so much Steve for the new thread - LOVE the new cam! It's perfect for seeing the eagles coming and going!!

Thanks Jim for the call over.

Played tennis for an hour and a half this morning before it started drizzling and we had to stop. Sun came out around noon and it's clear but cool now. Have turned off the AC and opened up the windows!

Hope everyone is having a great day! Later!

stronghunter said...

Just saw a large bird fly through the picture...probably one of our eagles.

paula eagleholic said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the thread and cam, Steve.

Hoda said...

Thank you very very very much STEVE. The new thread and the cam.

Liquid Sunshine here and it is good for clearing things from alergeants...I am afraid it will stay with us for a while now...Breathing easier...

Good yoga practice.

Feeling well and yet face is still swollen and bruised. I was hoping it would be gone by now...

I will go read the other thread.

Thank you C/A for bringing us over here and as JO said maybe share the feather with JIM if it is going to make you sneeze.

How did STEVE announce the new thread? I must go read...BBL

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Almost dinner time here in my home

I've been watching for some of the eagle family to come home to their nest. It has been a beautiful day and fishing was probably great.

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

Everyone...NO PAIN I have absolutely NO PAIN. Just the chipmunk look with bruises. so I am really fine thank you.

STEVE is a man of few words.
States what needs to be stated and no more!

JudyEddy said...

fly out didn't know any one was in

Lolly said...

Made a salad and then was going to make Jack Blu Cheese dressing...his favorite. Then I discovered I put the blu cheese in my gorgonzola sauce last night. LOL Guess I could use the gorgonzola in the dressing but will hold off. Geeeesh! Better read lables better!

JudyEddy said...

HODA In all the times I have gone to the dentist I never had issues like that with the exception of a extraction Hope it is better now

JudyEddy said...

JIM the nest in at the bottom along the tree line to the right same height and the total width seems to be at the words nest is non function
you can see lots of movement at the word non in the opening of leaves I hope this helps OF course I haven't read the entire blog someone els may have said that

JudyEddy said...

ANDY so happy you got EMMA feeling better

JudyEddy said...

OK NOW to sit and wait I won't have Jordyn tomorrow I have a 1 appt yearly thing you know Mammo also should be done tomorrow I guess I will do that in am

Hoda said...

Glad EMMA is feeling better ANDY.

I laughed about Gangsters not being trust worthy...Way back when they said he was in the cement of one of the columns in Yankee Stadium and I think that is where I think he is...SHIRLEY re Jimmy Hoffa

JudyEddy said...

This camera also reminds me of the one at White Rock two views I wonder if we can keep it

stronghunter said...

Will be playing bridge tonight. I will see you later, good friends.

Hoda said...

I see no action indicating birds in the tree. A few small birds flew past but nothing large enough to be an eagle or a vulture....there is a breeze at the Sycamour Palace.

JudyEddy said...

hey FACEBOOKERS I just discovered something When you make a comment under someone else comment you can now attach a picture A little icon is in the comment box I just tried it with a pic form last nite and it worked

JudyEddy said...

Looks darker at the nest tonight or is it just my eyes???????????

Hoda said...

I like the blue skies JUDYE. The clouds seem to have cleared since I logged on.

Hoda said...

Medium sized bird flew infront of the tree headed left...not an eagle I am sure...

Hoda said...

We, in The Commonwealth, are getting a bit too hyper, for my taste, about the birth of the Royal Baby. Now the news reports it is a natural child birth that the Duchess has chosen...PLEASE! DO I really need to know that? Straight from the Telegraph of London so the Brits are as bad as us!!!

WVJerry said...

Just wanted to stop in and say hello. Hope everybody and everything has been good. Thanks to Steve, NCTC and anyone that helped get the new cam going. I was thinking the season was over. Been pretty busy plus my father just had triple by-pass surgery Monday afternoon. From what my sister tells me he is doing well but is still in the hospital in Salisbury, MD. My sister has been staying there a lot and has kept me updated. Take care all and talk later.

JudyEddy said...

JERRY so sorry about your dad Thanks for stopping in to say hi and will keep your family close in heart sending healing thought your familys way

WVJerry said...

Hi JudyE. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

JudyEddy said...

I see a pinkish hue in the white clouds against the blue sky

JudyEddy said...

OK the eagles are running a little late tonight Something just flew right to left big bird ??? don't think eagle

JudyEddy said...

They were in the nest last night this time
Fishing must be good or eating out

JudyEddy said...

LM to the rocking chair I go and listen to news

Hoda said...

Prayers and Healing thoughts sent your way JERRY and hope to hear soon that your father is OK and out of the hospital.

I saw that large bird wing to the left of the screen JUDYE and also a floating white feather which made me wonder...I can not tell what it was...large enough to have been an eagle though...

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear from you Jerry and please know I'll be praying for a complete recovery for your dad. It's great that your sister is there for him and can keep you updated on things.

Lori O. said...

Hello everyone!

A beautiful day here. Just got in from taking the dogs for a post dinner walk. So nice outside now.
Saw some more poison ivy while we were out, so I'll have to spray that tomorrow.

HODA, I'm so glad you're not in pain...but it sounds painful. Hope the bruises and swelling are gone tomorrow!

LOLLY, You make your own bleu cheese dressing? I bet it's delicious!

SHIRLEY, hope you do well tonight at Bridge. I've never played it. Is your bowling league still on for the summer?

JO, hope you and the family have a nice dinner!

ANDY, so happy Emma is feeling better again. That must have been scary.

JIM, prayers for your Dad. Hope his recovery is speedy and complete.

Enjoy your evening everyone!

Hoda said...

Large bird flies behind tree...pretty sure it was an eagle.

Mema Jo said...

BBL - after Jeopardy

Hoda said...

Again lower half of the screen from where the thick leaves are something just flew from left to right behind the tree...could only see it as the leaes moved. It was a large bird.

JudyEddy said...

I forgot tonight is half off at the thrift store Its up the street a little over a mile from me so I am poofing my self

JudyEddy said...

OH I saw that also HODA but wasn't at the desktop was on rocker TTFN

Sandi said...

And we have a juvie perched high in the tree! Hi all!

Hoda said...

See the juvie SANDI

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle on the Y branch, looks like an adult?

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, dark tail.

Hoda said...

Juvie Poop shoot

Hoda said...

Where is the other I wonder. It is getting late to be fishing and hanging out!

Mema Jo said...

WOW What a poop shoot that was - Our juvie must be eating good lol.

Hoda said...

That is what I was thinking Jo! Glad to know the eating is good...

Hoda said...

Juvie takes off heades to the right of the screen

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

Several birds flew from right to left lower part of the screen

Eagle /Juvie just landed in the nest. Came in from behind.

Sandi said...

I see movement in the nest - don't see a white head. Juvie waiting on dinner??

Hoda said...

Juvie takes off from the nest.

Hoda said...

2 nd Juvie arrives to Y branch
Not the same one who took off

Mema Jo said...

Nor for sure I am going in to watch Jeopardy


Sandi said...

2nd juvie high up in the tree!

Hoda said...

LOLLY I think it is possible to tell the male from the female Juvies on the Y branch. There is a noticeable difference in size. THe one there now is much smaller than the one I was seeing most of the afternoon. JERRY might have had the same experience...I am learning with this new cam...

Hoda said...

Wow lots of birds, I counted five fly behind the tree. I keep thinking one is bound to come in for a landig but NO...they go from right to left.

Hoda said...

I do believe second juvie arrived to the nest...

Hoda said...

Anyone else...?

Hoda said...

It was an adult and it just took off from nest...white was too prominent.

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

HELLO I see eagle in tree back from Thrift shopping and got lots

Hoda said...

I am soon going to head out to a meeting. The Food co-op where I buy my food is having a meeting to tell us about GMO's and all their problems and Local Food being extended to be the Province+ 50 KM !!! RIght now local is 50KM radius...they have gone nuts. The gov't also is in the process of approving GMO Alfalfa and for those who eat meat this is a problem so now their meat will be GMO contaminated. The Co-op only buys grass fed free range meat and I do not eat meat yet it is a problem that needs discussing. So I will go to the meeting.

Hoda said...

Wingercising and slightly shifting direction Juvie on Y branch...

Hoda said...

On going with wingercsing...and shifting...

Hoda said...

Pretty pink skies.

I hope someone else is watching so I can find out who is in the nest.

Y branch juvie just took off headed to the left

Hoda said...

OK there are no eagles juvies or otherwise in the Sycamour Palace...

I am off...

Hope someone else takes up the watch...


JudyEddy said...

I had Jordyn doing a guessing game on the phone she was in the tub when I called Angie to tell her to check the picture I sent of the stuff I bought and Jordyn of course guessed dresses so we played the game of The dress sounds starts with S or C and Color game also Naturally Jordyn is super excited to see them tomorrow I put picture on blog for the non facebookers I love the Disney dresses they were the most 9.99 but naturally got at HALF OFF yeah 18 items 38. and they have a punch card system now and I have it filled half after today they gave me extra punches because no one has told me about it Cool Beans

Thrift store shopping on HALF Price day Got to remember in 2 weeks again

JudyEddy said...

HODA I got back bit ago when I posted saw the fly away but was on the phone with Angie for ever LOL I really don't like talking on phone do mostly texting I use to love to chat on phone but not much any longer

JudyEddy said...

I have issues with the cam being this big every time I use my mouse the silly band at the bottom of the camera pops up annoying little bugger

JudyEddy said...

I have the cam at 150% to see the nest better thanks to PAULA

JudyEddy said...

the wind has died down I thought cam froze so still now compared to earlier

JudyEddy said...

The tree is basking in snow LOL

Hey is anyone going to watch the new show UNDER THE DOME based on a Stephen King book I just set the DVR to record the series starting MON at 10pm in CBS The previews look awesome

paula eagleholic said...

I haven't seen any juvies return for the night.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals....
Kinda busy these days
but I wanted to say HI

Good to see Movin' Jim on earlier...I need to check that
Finney Osprey nest to see the
chick he mentioned

Hope everyone is having a nice
evening, and
that folks are feeling well and
perky... from top to bottom,
inside and out :)


JudyEddy said...

I love this picture I smile ear to ear it was on facebook For you non facebookers I bring it over

JudyEddy said...

I chuckle looking at it so stinkin cute

JudyEddy said...

and oh the poor mom they have quills already I didn't know this

JudyEddy said...

Do I see head lights in the back of the tree area????

JudyEddy said...

a moving light went across the screen in the area to the left for a short piece before going behind the tree

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

PA Nana said...

Mema Jo, Always take time for Jeopardy. Really happy when I know the answers, especially the final one. Doesn't happen all the time but glad when my meager education pays off.

Hoda, glad your better.

Jerry, prayers for your dad's recovery.

JudyE, thanks for the play by play since I can't get the cam on my iPad. I have to imagine what you and others see. I can get the cam on the desktop but can't put that on my lap. ;(

Hello Paula. Love your pictures from. Paradise, especially "sunrise and sunset.... Quickly pass the years."from " Fiddler on the Roof" I think. :-) can't add notes from this iPad,but sure you know what I mean

Spell check is getting to be a pita. Even the punctuation is wacky.

Must get to bed early tonight. Have an early doctor appointment in the morning. Have a sore that won't heal and a rash on my body so my pcp wants a second opinion. Praying for a resolution to the terrible itching.
Treatments so far haven't been successful. MTBR

Wishing all a goodnight and prayers for all needs. God bless all who visit this blog and share in the love and support of our eagles; especially NCTC and staff and our blog leader Steve.

Mema Jo said...

Jeopardy - I don't get too many correct - some of the contestants amaze me as to what all they know.
Hubby said that they must read a lot to know so much!

Good viewing of the Eagle Family today. It is so reassuring to know they are well!

Mema Jo said...

I am closing down for the evening
Goodnight and God Bless
I ♥ US


Lolly said...

Had a meeting at church tonight, I am on the board. At the end of the meeting the president told us the thermostat on the refrig was out. I looked and saw the doors closed on the refrig. I immediately started asking questions. How long? Has the food been removed? Had it been cleaned? Since Sunday when they noticed it and no only some food had been removed. OMG!!! So then I opened the doors and thankfully it did not smell and started to work. Threw out melted butter and had to scrub the bottom that was covered in melted butter. Left it with the doors propped open and going back tomorrow to clean with baking soda. He had no clue about what how bad a refig could smell if just left. It is a huge professional 2 door refrig. Would be a shame to loose it.

Came home, had dinner and went outside. It felt so good after a horrendous hot, humid day.

Missed all the eagle watching this evening,

Yes, Lori, make my own bleu cheese dressing. It is yummy and so simple to make.

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

Prayers for Wellness and Joy
in All our Eagle Corners

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

I am pleased to announce that in a speed-eating competition with a Hoover shop vac, Emma would've won tonight! She loves her new temporary (?) diet of boiled chicken and rice! She's been fine today--no throwing up at all. I think we may have turned the corner on the road to perfect health! I must say, though, Ken brought home a list of holistic veterinarians in our county, and I think we are going to check them out and see if there's a good one.
I just like the idea of someone who doesn't just shove pills at you and give your dog shot after shot. I'm leaning more and more toward the Eastern type of medicine.

Hoda--I would not knowingly eat ANY GMO food. Just really don't like the idea of messing with genetics. Ken and I eat nearly all organic food. It costs more, but who wants to fill up on food saturated with insecticides, etc.?

Jerry, hope your Dad is feeling better VERY soon--healing prayers!

Shar, how are you doing? Hope you're not hurting. Feel better soon!--and NO MORE FALLING ALLOWED!

Lolly, thanks for the link! It's much appreciated. Sorry about the hot, humid weather! We had it here a couple days ago. YUCK!

Paula, been wanting to ask you--do you make your own dog food for Nick? Is there a recipe you could share? I'm wondering if Emma will ever want to go back to Blue Buffalo, the home-made is so tasty to her!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'll go veg in front of the TV for a while. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

Thank you PAULA for your post, you did not see the eagles return to the nest we have an empty Sycamour Palace.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

MIL's hubby in Balto for foot surgery today so we were in the BIG city and OMG I really don't know how people live there...

Surgery went well. And after 100+ miles of driving today, stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Lynne2 said...

James Gandolfini has died. WOW, he is MY age.....

Lynne2 said...

Off work tomorrow, getting a molar pulled first thing. What fun!

Prayers for all and good night!

Hoda said...

Wishing you well with the molar tomorrow LYNNE.

Let us know how you are.

Such freedom to be able to travel to the big city and to know you do not have to stay there. Yet many do love the big city...

Hoda said...

I agree ANDY in regards food. Yet it drives me to irritation to know that those who suffer are those who can not afford to eat organic. I have to be on a very strict budget and I work on making do so I could eat only organic. What do families do who have children and are on a limited income...It also limits where I can go out to eat. Nelson has four places that gurantee organic and it leaves out so many other places. If the food was labeled GMO then I good have a wider choice... Good meeting and now I will let it go.

Hoda said...

could not good!!! sorry!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynne! More fun! Getting a tooth pulled! NOT!!!!! Hope it not too bad!

I am thinking of a nice warm shower. (Did not say hot..not chilled tonight. )

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...



Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends! Chill here for June - 58 degrees. Good sleeping weather with the windows open last night!

While I was catching up on reading posts, I saw a parent fly in to the nest. When I went to full screen, I realized there was already one juvie in the nest. Then the 2nd juvie flew in right behind the parent and the parent skedaddled. Must have been breakfast delivery. So both kids are in the nest, probably fighting over the food, though it's really hard to see with the sun not hitting the nest yet.

Sandi said...

Lynne, good luck with the tooth today - hope you are going to sleep, not just getting novocaine.

Hoda, what is GMO? I don't eat organic - just eat the regular food at the grocery store (always have and so have my kids) and don't spend time dwelling on what may have been sprayed on it or what may have been fed to the chickens or cows. I didn't miss one day of school this year and have had one cold in the past year and a half and never get a flu shot, so what I eat certainly isn't affecting my health (that I'm aware of).

Andy, I make homemade dog food for both of my dogs. I started 3 years ago when Bella had to have all of her teeth removed. I can't stand the smell of canned dog food and she couldn't chew dry kibble. Then I felt guilty about feeding Bella homemade and giving Bandit dry dog food so I started feeding it to both. They were both overweight when they started eating homemade and have lost weight on it. Very easy to make. If someone will send me an email address for you, then I'll email you my recipe.

Just saw one fly-out from the nest - other juvie is still there.

Sandi said...

Othe juvie just flew out of the nest.

Lori O. said...

Good Thursday Morning Eagle Friends!

It's cloudy & cool now but supposed to be sunny an 80 degrees around here today. I've already got my long pants and long sleeved shirt on ready to go outside and spray the poison ivy I missed...there's still tons of it and Kate is very allergic to it.

LYNNE2, as SANDI said, hope you're going under for the tooth removal and not just using novacaine. Either way, prayers for a fast recovery.

I still am not seeing the eagle in the nest like all of you are. Of course, I see them on the Y branch though. Just glad for all your reports!

LOLLY, hope your weather is cooler and less humid today so you can work outside.

HODA, good luck at your GMO meeting. Pretty soon everything will be genetically modified or affected somehow! URGH!

SHIRLEY, hope you had a great time at Bridge game last night!

Best wishes to everyone for a blessed day...make it a great one!


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Looks kind of cloudy at the Sycamore Palace this morning.

Will need to take Hunter to a friend's for a trip to Kings Dominion.

stronghunter said...

Well, now the sky looks much bluer. Interesting.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Feel asleep reading a book last night. Love to do that.

Andy, I used to make homemade dog food for my dogs when they were sick. It was basically a chicken soup...chicken, whole grain pasta or rice, green beans or peas and carrots.

There are lots or recipes out there to can also make your own dog biscuits too...most are very simple recipes.

paula eagleholic said...

Don't forget...

Today is National Bald Eagle Day!!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Oh boy, National Bald Eagle Day,
I had forgotten that...

and also of course
West Virginia Day, our 150th Birthday as a State

Happy Anniversary Wishes to
Jack and Lolly.... ☺♥☺♥

magpie said...

Wishing Every One a Very Good Day,
and Wishing Myself a Chance to
Catch up on all the comments
I have missed!

Today is the Last Full Day
of Spring ☼

ttfn xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...


OFF to get mammo

nest and tree look MT NOW

Judie said...

Good morning.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO LOLLY AND JACK. Hoping the day will be one of pleasure and a time to spend a few minutes reflecting on all you two have achieved over the years.

No eagles to be seen when I looked. Off to a fishing lesson I guess.

We have survived. Now begins the reconstruction period. Chilly here this morning. Put on a flannel shirt.

Hope Lynne2 will have an easy tooth extraction. Not fun.

Glad Emma seems to be improving. Homemade pet food has apparently been very successful for dogs and cats.

Lori, take extra care with the poison ivy. I absolutely despise that stuff.

Shirley, hope you won big at bridge. lol Also hope you can enjoy a reasonably quiet "Shirley" day today.

Not going down the GMO road with you all. I am going down the stairs for some coffee and then to begin restoring order. Have a lovely morning.


Judie said...

Happy Bald Eagle Day to Belle, Shep, Hedgie, and Shamrock. The same good wishes to all the thriving symbols of our freedom.

Judie said...

JudyE, a negative report will be a good thing.

Margy, enjoy today, the last full day of Spring, and think about how the first day of summer will be the beginning of carpal tunnel freedom in one hand.

stronghunter said...

Wow, my backyard is full of a variety of birds. There's much chirping and squawking out there. I filled the feeders yesterday, but they will not stay that way for long.

Didn't win at bridge, but I did okay. One of my partners won, partially because of some points I scored when we played together. I did get some good cards, so it was fun. Also enjoy the good friends I play with.

stronghunter said...

National Bald Eagle Day! How nice!

JudyEddy said...

BACK home already so much for doing what I have in the past Before no appt needed just show up and they do the mammo Now only appt so they would have given me one at 1130 NO go dr appt 1 wouldn't be able to make the 1 appt different part of town so will have to do mammo another day make a appt

magpie said...

sorry about that JudyE
I always have to get a referral
then I call and make the
usually works pretty well....

JudyEddy said...

This place has gone that way now appt only before I was just pop in and wait about 20 min and you were seen but I guess they wanted change and I get a reminder every year from them can be done with out prescription OH well will have to do another day
Will have to do when Jordyn goes back to school when I don't have her the whole day also

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE just flew in front of man and on to tree

JudyEddy said...

sitting on LB

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

wings flapping and turns around

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie on the Y branch

JudyEddy said...

BOOM BOOM thunder out side pop up shower

JudyEddy said...

It was raining in Seminole must have followed me home LOL

JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PA Nana said...

Happy anniversary to Lolly and Jack! 48 is a good year. We're finishing ours now.

Happy that Emma is doing better. Maybe I should try homemade food for my cats. Are the recipes the same for both dogs &cats?

Judie, it's almost over and you'll have a new house.

Hope Lynne2 is done at the dentist and she has little discomfort. I'll get my permanent cap next Tuesday then I won't have to chew caramels or gum on the opposite side. Tried chewing gum yesterday - disastrous.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

stronghunter said...

Heading over to the







3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...