LORETTA, your avatar is sooo sweet ! I've been thinking of your daughter and sil so much as I read of the devastating fire in CO. I'm sure it's bringing back horrible memories for the TX victims. Someone needs to write a book on how in the world we can be prepared for such disasters and what steps will need to be taken once one gets whammied.
Have to be honest: I have missed most of the Eagle Action but am enjoying it vicariously through all of you wonderful Momsters....have about 18 things going on here tonight.....Wheee, the morning is going to be Fun ! Sandi got out of school just in time for this!!
Lolly...dedication to that Lemon Meringue Father's Day pie over-rides what's going on the nest...hope Jack's results come back good...most everyone has at least on polyp that needs to be removed.....
When I saw the white on the tail on the juvenile the other night my first knee-jerk reaction was that it was an adult..and of course it was NOT.... also Lolly...I said to myself (along with a Prayer...) Okay five more minutes....if nothing happens then I must leave...BUT guess what, that's when the action started....reference your post earlier about YOUR nest visit... great stuff isn't it !!!
I'd love to JudyE, thanks, but I am truly playing Beat the Clock tonight and these next few days.... just happy as an eaglet lark that all of you are seeing these things....
In the midst of my organizing today I came across photos of some nest visits and Open Houses....saw some dear pictures of the First Hedgie...Lynn...and also Bob Rum Rum Rumpelstiltskin Quinn I love all my stuff, just too much of it in this little apartment solution would be a Bigger Place! Come on Powerball....it's MY turn !
Got my feeders refilled, but no customers this evening. I'm sure they'll find the feeders in the morning. Couldn't get John to do everything, but he did water my plants and mow the grass. Two of the potted flowers looked kinda dry, hope they will come back OK.
Poor John, don't know if I told he got a job back in April. He got laid off on Friday, along with 6 other employees. They are doing a consolidation move, and his job was eliminated. I asked him if he asked his employer why he was hired if they were going to lay him off 2 months later. They weren't sure when or if they were going to do the consolidating move, so they hired him.
Haven't said anything on FB, and neither has John or Ajay...but he has been living here for 3 months. They are trying to work out some issues. I am hoping they can work it out. She finally agreed to go to marital counseling, so I hope that it helps them. They have been together for 10 years, married for 6.
Oh, Paula, I hate to her that. Do hope they can both go to counseling and make it work. Marriage is something you have to work at and it does affect the children.
Hey Shammie, did we have a great day or what? Told you those humans would get crazy watching us practice our flight skills. Yeah, Hedgie, they really do just get all excited. Let's dream up a plan to really give them a show tomorrow. Okay, but first we have to rest 'cause I'm just slam wore out.
Hi Judie, This is Shammie and Hedgie.... thanks for your cool reporting.... and we are pleased that everyone is so excited about our presence today ! and all your imaginary but very believable stories about us :) :)
OMG....I just went on my email to catch up on the blog and there are HUNDREDS OF POSTS....I can't catch up!
SO, Hello, goodnight, glad the temp cam offers a cool new view...thanks steve and gang...I got on at work today long enough to see the good news on FB and had it on for a few minutes.
I had to run errands and then rush Hunter off to his baseball game and then fix dinner and do clean-up.
I got two screen grabs earlier. The first one was of one juvie in the attic. The second one was of both of them in the attic. Both of them are on my FB page. I will post the second one in the Momster Album. I just ran out of time earlier.
Had an interesting experience at the pet store. I tried to pay for some purchases with a $100 bill. The girl took it to another cashier. He studied it and put it in a "fraud stopper" light or some such thing. I knew something was up when they kept discussing it.
Anyhow, they refused to take the bill and suggested that I should take it to the bank.
I do know where it came from. I do not get $100 bills that often! It was one of the bills paid to Kathryn for the car she sold. And she does know the person who bought the car.
I will surely be going to the bank tomorrow.
Kind of glad I did not get arrested. That would have put the afternoon into a tailspin.
Shirley: we have had counterfeit $10 bills here in our county recently....and lots of them, at local CVS stores.....yes, take it to the bank... You have an honest face and demeanor.....of course you would not get arrested....!!
probably not the car-buyers' fault either...some crook farther back in the system... BIG WOOF !!!
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Much enjoyed the reports on the eagles and the goings on in the Palace and the EXCITEMENT it is all generating.
Good fund raiser. We have learnt a lot and the young people were happy with what happened and it is all good. Not as big or successful an event in terms of revenue as The Grans to Grans but it is all good.
PAULA I do hope John and AJAY work it out and I have added them to my prayer list. It is complicated and I am sorry he was laid off again. It is very difficult for the young people these days. Some of the people I was working with today hold three jobs to just pay the bills!!!
I will have a slow day tomorrow.
My gums hurt and there is a bit of throbbing but to be expected after I sat in the dentist chair for four hours.
The young people made 800 dollars tonight. That will keep programs going in Nairobi for a whole month...all costs covered for over 50 children/youth...not bad for a group of young adults themselves living in poverty in Canada. Some of them hold three jobs to just make ends meet...
Good Tuesday morning Margy and all my eagle friends! I think I see one juvie in the nest or on the stump just above it. The other must be practicing with those wings. Nope, think I just saw movement from both juvies in the nest. Maybe waiting for a breakfast delivery?
Paula, sorry to hear the news about John and Ajay, the job and the marriage. Staying married is hard enough work when everything is stable - a decent place to live, everyone healthy, enough money coming in. When one of those things gets upset, the stress it creates is enormous. Prayers that things work out for them.
Lolly, hope Jack is feeling like his old self today!
Judie, are ya ready for this "project" to be finished???
Lynne2, good to see you on the blog for a minute last night!
Kay, great to see you on the blog as well - off on another trip soon, eh? Will Penny and Malcolm be bunk buddies while you're gone?
Getting my fingers AND toes done this morning. No tennis today. Forecast is for 2 more days of possible thunderstorms.
Can I just say again wonderful it is to open the cam page and be able to see our eagles? I don't watch any other live cams - no other eagles, no osprey, no kestrels, no storks, no labradors, no bears, no hummingbirds, no loons. This family of eagles is IT for me! And this family of people as well - I would miss you all if you weren't part of my life! ♥
Will be taking that $100 bill to the bank in awhile. I do think it is okay. It has a watermark. I think it would take a very good counterfeiter to create a watermark. The young man at the pet store thought the face on the watermark did not look right. We shall see.
STRONGHUNTER: oh my. that would have been upsetting......but yes, not as upsetting as getting arrested. will be interested to read what happens...
JUDIE: love the reporting! keep your eagle ear to the eagle beak! :) love it!
So happy a camera is back and such a nice view! I rather like the perspective, although the close up of the eagles is nice as well. It would be lovely to have both views, would it not?
I am up early today as I picked up a partial shift every other Tuesday at Massage Envy. I work 8 to 11, then come home, change shirts and drive to Franklin for a 1 to 2 p.m. chair massage job. :) Easy money.
Raining today (apologies, Lolly).....which is fine. Just have to wear my regular tennis shoes....
Not a lot going on. Hope everyone has a grand Eagle watching day! Today is my oldest daughter's b-day, be going over there tonight to celebrate! :) 27 years! How can it have been that long? Seems like a blink of an eye!
Holding all close in my heart and thought, light, love, blessings, healing, and smiles to all! :)
I would have been pretty upset if they had kept the bill, Judy. Yes, I am glad they did not.
It was one of 10 $100-dollar bills Kathryn had gotten for the car she sold. I had five of them, haven't had any issues with the others. It looks pretty worn, as if it has been around awhile.
Lori, look at the words that are printed under the cam view of the tree and find the word non-functional. A little above the "f" in functional is a dark blob - that's the nest. If you go to full screen, you can sometimes see movement in that area, meaning one of the kids is in the nest. And, if a parent is in the nest, you can see white which stands out from the darkness of the nest material. But it's far from a clear view of anything in the nest - it's all very fuzzy and shadowy, but better than nothing. From what I've seen, fly-ins tend to come from the back, but, if you're watching when they arrive, you can see the wings as the eagles are incoming. Better than nothing!
And you're right, Lori - I am SO happy!!! Are you enjoying all this time off you've had, or are you getting anxious to get back to work (as in nursing school)?
SANDI, thank you! That helps a lot! Glad you're so happy. I'm getting anxious to do something, but guess I should enjoy the time off while I have it. :)
Yes, Judie, I will either get it changed into 20's or deposit it to my bank account. Thanks for the suggestion. A $100-dollar bill does attract attention when you are in the line at the cashier, and I had planned to take the bills to the bank and deposit them when Kathryn gave them to me.
If it is not good, I suppose the bank will call the police, and we will take it from there. They will be contacting Kathryn to find out the name of the man she got it from and we will go from there. I would think he knows where he got them.
Good morning my eagle budlets. I am feeling the power of prayer, positive energy, light and hugs this morning. I am actually sitting at my desk for a few minutes. Up through last night, everytime I put my foot toward the ground, it felt like there were knives stabbing (literally) into my foot and knee. Today it is just a stinging pain. I will take it.
Hunter's team is finished for the season. Their team lost last night, though they played well. They did improve greatly. Actually hitting the ball is a good thing.
I do wonder about all of those balls that come flying over the fence towards the spectators and children playing in the park. Only victims last night were a couple of cars. They took several hits.
Have not seen a hummer at the feeder in a long time, but saw one on my Hibiscus yesterday.
Did not get the really yellow finches this year.
Parking lot is not close to the ball fields. Thank goodness! Child got hit with a foul ball last year.
Jacob has learned so much being on this team. He is finally getting some real coaching. However, Jacob has a lot to learn about paying attention. He is not the intensive player that Joseph has demonstrated. Joseph is our real athlete. He is so coachable...he really listens.
Time for me to get busy. Jack will be yelling to "walk" very soon,.
Good Rainy Morning to All - it has been raining here most of the morning
When I signed into Firefox my Hotmail comes up automatically = I freaked out this morning when it said server not found - I thought my computer was completely down.. I was able to sign into all my other programs.
Adult is perched up in the attic right now. Beautiful!
Back from getting my fingers and toes done! Boy, do I LOVE getting a pedicure - what a treat for my feet!!
I see there is a juvie perched in the tree. Sky looks gray at the nest and it is getting grayer here but no rain yet.
I have some things to get in Rehoboth but this would be an awful day to go shopping. Too many tourists looking for something else to do since it's not a great beach day. They'll all be heading to the outlets or the movies and Rt. 1 will look like a parking lot!
Shar, good to hear that the pain in your leg and foot are a little better. Prayers continue for you!
Have been watching the cam steadily for about an hour. All I have seen is a little bird land close to juvie, plus a lot of preening and a couple of poop shoots.
I am getting ready to head into town. All the action will start when I leave. Get ready!
Back from bank and shopping. No problem with the $100 bill. I did exchange it for 20's.
While I was waiting, the manager waved at me from across the room and asked how I was. I am a regular customer there.
I did ask Will about the bill, and he thought it was okay. I am sure he sees plenty 100's at his job. He did say that there are lots of counterfeit 100's around. They usually make them by bleaching 5's, he said, and that those are easy to detect.
Jo, just sat down at my computer and was getting ready to post that I see an eagle with a white head perched in the top of the tree! Hello Belle/Shep!! Nice to see ya!
Rain has arrived on the east coast - just drizzly right now.
Grandson Aaron and galfriend Valerie are heading down when he gets off work today. I think they are staying long enough to get some sunshine later in the week.
Was so pleased yesterday to see some eagle action from the new amera. Thanks to all responsible. It is like watching in real life, while seeing them up close on the nest doesn't seem quite real to me. I am not explaining it right but I hope you get my drift.
LYNNE1 I agree with what you said I know I have been there and seeing it like this makes me feel I am there I wish we could have two camera This reminds me of the OK nest
I have so much to do but I can't take my eyes off the nest OH if anyone else can't see the nest its the same height as the tree line to the right of the nest and right center
Funny I see the face again the two opening in the top of nest looks like eyes again but a different shape head LOl OK I am loosing it LOL
Lynne, I get what you mean about this view seeming more real. It's like what we would see if we hiked to an eagle nest and watched the comings and goings, except we can't use binoculars to bring things any closer.
Boy, is it ever raining here!! The ground around the house is starting to look like a swimming hole!!
Judy, I can see what you're talking about but can't tell if it's the head of one of the parents or some white tail feathers from one of the kids. The fly-ins seem to come from the side of the tree that's away from the cam so we don't get to see much, esp. with the sky getting darker.
Juvie at the top of the tree took off and then I think flew into the nest from the side of the tree away from the camera. I think I see a white head in the nest so maybe it's dinner time?
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 903 Newer› Newest»I put the pic on FB of the snip will put in album in a bit with the pic I took today I think the juvie maybe thinking about leaving
POOF I was right
Juvie just flew the coop!
and now in to the nest
Flew in from the left can see movement in nest now
LORETTA, your avatar is sooo sweet ! I've been thinking of your daughter and sil so much as I read of the devastating fire in CO. I'm sure it's bringing back horrible memories for the TX victims. Someone needs to write a book on how in the world we can be prepared for such disasters and what steps will need to be taken once one gets whammied.
in nest so wonder if will stay night
Think adult flew into nest down below-saw some white.
Adult still in the nest.
just saw wing in nest
see the movement in one of the eyes of the animal I see LOL
see white tail feather
and a white head
I see two eagles in the nest.
I wonder if there are wor I see the tail feathers and I see movement of the right side also of the white
LOL we said the same thing LOLLLY
one is a juvie that probably has been there all along from earlier Paula thought may have been behind stump
Looks like munching going on!
Gotta tend laundry, boooo
Yes, it looks like dining is going on. Have to put it on full screen to see it.
POOF out the back side of the nest
looks like up on the stump jumped up
Beautiful fly out of adult!
This is so much better - did not like not knowing what was happening.
There will be SED this evening!
Off to watch Major Crimes at 9:00
Saw the fly out. This is totally awesome. Really enjoying it!
YEP can't get no better than that
YEP DEB did some video just got the email notice her is the link
Debs video from today 7:30
Wow, surprised how much you can still see the tree. Cool.
she got the double flyin
ODD on her video there is talking at the 29sec and at 150 odd advertising hit mute
Just saw the night lite come on!
Hey NIGHT VISION what do you think
Have to be honest: I have missed most of the Eagle Action but
am enjoying it vicariously
through all of you wonderful Momsters....have about 18 things going on here tonight.....Wheee,
the morning is going to be Fun !
Sandi got out of school just in time
for this!!
Lolly...dedication to that Lemon Meringue Father's Day pie over-rides what's going on the nest...hope Jack's results come back good...most everyone has at least on polyp that needs to
be removed.....
We will wait to see if goes dark or not
Might not last very long...but cool.
MARGY watch the video from DEB she has edited the day of fly in and outs
but hit mute or you will jump like I did
When I saw the white on the tail on the juvenile the other night my first knee-jerk reaction was that it was an adult..and of course it was NOT....
also Lolly...I said to myself
(along with a Prayer...)
Okay five more minutes....if nothing happens then I must leave...BUT guess what, that's when the action started....reference your post
earlier about YOUR nest visit...
great stuff isn't it !!!
I'd love to JudyE, thanks, but I am truly playing Beat the Clock tonight and these next few days....
just happy as an eaglet lark that
all of you are seeing these things....
I sure hope the Southern Delegation is tuned in, and that SHARON is coming along OK !!
In the midst of my organizing today
I came across photos of some nest visits and Open Houses....saw some
dear pictures of the First Hedgie...Lynn...and also Bob Rum Rum Rumpelstiltskin Quinn
I love all my stuff, just too much of it in this little apartment
solution would be a Bigger Place!
Come on Powerball....it's MY turn !
It is getting harder to see, but we can still see fly ins, so come on eagles. Give us a little action!
Got my feeders refilled, but no customers this evening. I'm sure they'll find the feeders in the morning. Couldn't get John to do everything, but he did water my plants and mow the grass. Two of the potted flowers looked kinda dry, hope they will come back OK.
Poor John, don't know if I told he got a job back in April. He got laid off on Friday, along with 6 other employees. They are doing a consolidation move, and his job was eliminated. I asked him if he asked his employer why he was hired if they were going to lay him off 2 months later. They weren't sure when or if they were going to do the consolidating move, so they hired him.
Haven't said anything on FB, and neither has John or Ajay...but he has been living here for 3 months. They are trying to work out some issues. I am hoping they can work it out. She finally agreed to go to marital counseling, so I hope that it helps them. They have been together for 10 years, married for 6.
Shutting down the cam for now...going to play some WWF. :)
Paul.....my heart goes out to John and the family.....just added them to my prayers
(( Hugs ))
I'm sorry..I mean PAULA... Paul...I also am mis-typing on the laptop....
Watering the garden is
one of my 18 things to do
ttfn xoxox
Holding you ALL close to my heart
Oh, Paula, I hate to her that. Do hope they can both go to counseling and make it work. Marriage is something you have to work at and it does affect the children.
Very sorry Paula about John's circumstances. Hoping employment will happen soon and that counseling will help the marriage.
This is a good day for watching our eaglets and, again, we are grateful to Steve & Co.
Going to head down the hall to get some sleep. Grocery shopping the morning and then more cleaning up. Really dislike spackle dust.
Sandperson will begin rounds at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.
Hey Shammie, did we have a great day or what? Told you those humans would get crazy watching us practice our flight skills. Yeah, Hedgie, they really do just get all excited. Let's dream up a plan to really give them a show tomorrow. Okay, but first we have to rest 'cause I'm just slam wore out.
'Night Hedgie.
'Night Shammie.
Hi Judie,
This is Shammie and Hedgie....
thanks for your cool reporting....
and we are pleased that everyone is so excited about our presence today !
and all your imaginary but very
believable stories about us
:) :)
and Magpie thinks this is
the coolest blog in the whole wide world!
And we agree.
Yours truly,
Shammie, Hedgie, Shep and Belle
cam went all white on me how about all of you
Yes, JudyE...same here....
what a day, though, eh ??
OMG....I just went on my email to catch up on the blog and there are HUNDREDS OF POSTS....I can't catch up!
SO, Hello, goodnight, glad the temp cam offers a cool new view...thanks steve and gang...I got on at work today long enough to see the good news on FB and had it on for a few minutes.
Hope everyone is well!
I had to run errands and then rush Hunter off to his baseball game and then fix dinner and do clean-up.
I got two screen grabs earlier. The first one was of one juvie in the attic. The second one was of both of them in the attic. Both of them are on my FB page. I will post the second one in the Momster Album. I just ran out of time earlier.
Had an interesting experience at the pet store. I tried to pay for some purchases with a $100 bill. The girl took it to another cashier. He studied it and put it in a "fraud stopper" light or some such thing. I knew something was up when they kept discussing it.
Anyhow, they refused to take the bill and suggested that I should take it to the bank.
I do know where it came from. I do not get $100 bills that often! It was one of the bills paid to Kathryn for the car she sold. And she does know the person who bought the car.
I will surely be going to the bank tomorrow.
Kind of glad I did not get arrested. That would have put the afternoon into a tailspin.
Hi Lynne2 - bye Lynne2 - good to SEE You
Shirley: we have had counterfeit
$10 bills here in our county
recently....and lots of them, at local CVS stores.....yes, take it to the bank...
You have an honest face and
demeanor.....of course you would not get arrested....!!
probably not the car-buyers' fault either...some crook farther back in the system...
Paula - hoping John finds employment and that his family can be united again. 10 Years is a long time but as Lolly said you have to work at Marriage.
I am closing down for today. I will anxiously wait for the sun to rise and the Sycamore Palace to appear.
Hope Jack loved his pie!
Okay, I have posted the second picture to the album.
Good night to all
God bless you and your loved ones
I ♥ Us
CAM is back
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Good Night, Precious....
I know The Sandperson has
Standing Orders....and I hear
his approach
Prayers for Wellness, Serenity
and Faith...
and Grateful Prayers for Many
Gifts Received
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox
Very sleepy. It was a good day. So nice to see the eagles again.
Saying good night. I will see you tomorrow. SED, everyone.
Prayers for John and his family, Paula.
Guess it is time for me to say good night, too. Looking forward to watching the cam tomorrow. How in the world am I going to get things done?
Prayers, Paula, for John, his marriage and for a job. That is a lot of stress.
Night all, night Hedgie, night, Shammie......night John Boy!
Thank you for your prayers for John and his family. We sat and talked a lot tonight.
SED, love and hugs for all.
Much enjoyed the reports on the eagles and the goings on in the Palace and the EXCITEMENT it is all generating.
Good fund raiser. We have learnt a lot and the young people were happy with what happened and it is all good. Not as big or successful an event in terms of revenue as The Grans to Grans but it is all good.
PAULA I do hope John and AJAY work it out and I have added them to my prayer list. It is complicated and I am sorry he was laid off again. It is very difficult for the young people these days. Some of the people I was working with today hold three jobs to just pay the bills!!!
I will have a slow day tomorrow.
My gums hurt and there is a bit of throbbing but to be expected after I sat in the dentist chair for four hours.
The young people made 800 dollars tonight. That will keep programs going in Nairobi for a whole month...all costs covered for over 50 children/youth...not bad for a group of young adults themselves living in poverty in Canada. Some of them hold three jobs to just make ends meet...
Good Morning Eagle Pals...
I see a head bobbing up and down
in the nest
Good Tuesday morning Margy and all my eagle friends! I think I see one juvie in the nest or on the stump just above it. The other must be practicing with those wings. Nope, think I just saw movement from both juvies in the nest. Maybe waiting for a breakfast delivery?
I think I see TWO heads moving in the nest now
Now I see a white head. Looks like one parent AND both kids in the nest.
Good Morning Sandi!
I'll sure be watching from work today....work...oh, just think, YOU don't have to go do that outside the home today !
Nice fly out by one....
looked the one I saw the other night
flying off the branch....
I might have missed some action
was out of the room for a minute
Parent just took off - kids are home alone!
Paula, sorry to hear the news about John and Ajay, the job and the marriage. Staying married is hard enough work when everything is stable - a decent place to live, everyone healthy, enough money coming in. When one of those things gets upset, the stress it creates is enormous. Prayers that things work out for them.
Lolly, hope Jack is feeling like his old self today!
Judie, are ya ready for this "project" to be finished???
Lynne2, good to see you on the blog for a minute last night!
Kay, great to see you on the blog as well - off on another trip soon, eh? Will Penny and Malcolm be bunk buddies while you're gone?
Getting my fingers AND toes done this morning. No tennis today. Forecast is for 2 more days of possible thunderstorms.
Make it a great day all!
Senior Eyes....guess I called that one wrong...
work time looms -
Best Wishes for a Very Good Day
for Every One...
Hoda: nice report on the
fundraiser, Bravo to ALL!
Can I just say again wonderful it is to open the cam page and be able to see our eagles? I don't watch any other live cams - no other eagles, no osprey, no kestrels, no storks, no labradors, no bears, no hummingbirds, no loons. This family of eagles is IT for me! And this family of people as well - I would miss you all if you weren't part of my life! ♥
The SUN if reflecting on the cam and it can be seen good
Good morning,
Excited to be able to watch the nest today.
Will be taking that $100 bill to the bank in awhile. I do think it is okay. It has a watermark. I think it would take a very good counterfeiter to create a watermark. The young man at the pet store thought the face on the watermark did not look right. We shall see.
Here is FL if they think its counterfeit they are suppose to keep the money Your were lucky they didn't SHIRLEY
morning all!
PAULA: (((Hugs))
STRONGHUNTER: oh my. that would have been upsetting......but yes, not as upsetting as getting arrested. will be interested to read what happens...
JUDIE: love the reporting! keep your eagle ear to the eagle beak! :) love it!
So happy a camera is back and such a nice view! I rather like the perspective, although the close up of the eagles is nice as well. It would be lovely to have both views, would it not?
I am up early today as I picked up a partial shift every other Tuesday at Massage Envy. I work 8 to 11, then come home, change shirts and drive to Franklin for a 1 to 2 p.m. chair massage job. :) Easy money.
Raining today (apologies, Lolly).....which is fine. Just have to wear my regular tennis shoes....
Not a lot going on. Hope everyone has a grand Eagle watching day! Today is my oldest daughter's b-day, be going over there tonight to celebrate! :) 27 years! How can it have been that long? Seems like a blink of an eye!
Holding all close in my heart and thought, light, love, blessings, healing, and smiles to all! :)
I would have been pretty upset if they had kept the bill, Judy. Yes, I am glad they did not.
It was one of 10 $100-dollar bills Kathryn had gotten for the car she sold. I had five of them, haven't had any issues with the others. It looks pretty worn, as if it has been around awhile.
Good Morning all!
SANDI, your posts sound so happy now that your summer vacation has started. Lucky you!!!
HODA, glad you have a slower day today and hope your mouth feels better.
PAULA, prayers for John and Ajay, that he will find a job and their counseling will do the trick for them.
JANET, two jobs in one day! WOW! Glad you think it's easy money.
Thanks to everyone who has been posting pictures. I'm having a hard time finding the nest on the new cam.
Have a great day everyone!!! Best wishes for love, light, smiles and lots of joy!
Lori, look at the words that are printed under the cam view of the tree and find the word non-functional. A little above the "f" in functional is a dark blob - that's the nest. If you go to full screen, you can sometimes see movement in that area, meaning one of the kids is in the nest. And, if a parent is in the nest, you can see white which stands out from the darkness of the nest material. But it's far from a clear view of anything in the nest - it's all very fuzzy and shadowy, but better than nothing. From what I've seen, fly-ins tend to come from the back, but, if you're watching when they arrive, you can see the wings as the eagles are incoming. Better than nothing!
And you're right, Lori - I am SO happy!!! Are you enjoying all this time off you've had, or are you getting anxious to get back to work (as in nursing school)?
SANDI, thank you! That helps a lot!
Glad you're so happy. I'm getting anxious to do something, but guess I should enjoy the time off while I have it. :)
Good morning.
Latest report: Shammie and Hedgie are playing hide-and-seek with us this morning. They know we are watching...adolescent antics to be sure.
Shirley, am sure you would do this but if the bill is good, get it changed into twenties.
Sandi, yes, we are both ready for the project to be over. Carpet tomorrow. Eleven days to restore order before "those people" descend for a week.
Feel the worst for Grace and Audrey. They are very shy and get so scared with loud noises and strangers. Hope they don't ask to be unadopted.
Hoda, I apologize for not congratulating you and your Grans on the amazing amount of money raised. Congratulations!
Off for coffee, a grossery list, and an attempt to make myself less scary.
Yes, Judie, I will either get it changed into 20's or deposit it to my bank account. Thanks for the suggestion. A $100-dollar bill does attract attention when you are in the line at the cashier, and I had planned to take the bills to the bank and deposit them when Kathryn gave them to me.
If it is not good, I suppose the bank will call the police, and we will take it from there. They will be contacting Kathryn to find out the name of the man she got it from and we will go from there. I would think he knows where he got them.
Good morning my eagle budlets. I am feeling the power of prayer, positive energy, light and hugs this morning. I am actually sitting at my desk for a few minutes. Up through last night, everytime I put my foot toward the ground, it felt like there were knives stabbing (literally) into my foot and knee. Today it is just a stinging pain. I will take it.
Don't you just love hearing Tom Sellecks' voice on the GoRV commercial when you bring up the cam. Coincidence? I think not.
I think we have a juvie in the nest eating.
Cannot make out the juvie in the nest anymore.
Good morning! I have missed all the eagle action this morning. Ready for them to bring it on.
Another chance of rain today and tomorrow. Bring it on!
Jack and I are getting back to our walking today. He is just fine. He was just fine as soon as he got FOOD.
Anxious to hear from Shirley after her trip to the bank. Maybe we will have to visit her in jail. :)
Haven't ventured out yet, Lolly. Not too worried about going jail, really.
Tonight is Jacob's first All Star game. We do not plan to go, but plan on going to Saturday's game. We have had too many trips to Denton recently.
But I do not want to be out $100.
Hope Jacob's game goes well, Lolly.
Hunter's team is finished for the season. Their team lost last night, though they played well. They did improve greatly. Actually hitting the ball is a good thing.
I do wonder about all of those balls that come flying over the fence towards the spectators and children playing in the park. Only victims last night were a couple of cars. They took several hits.
Time for me to go to the bank.
Been hearing some thunder...we are on the edge of it.
LOL Shirley, I learned long ago where NOT to park the car at the ballfield!
Had some visitors at the feeders this morning...finches, yellow finch, MR& Mrs Cardinal, and a hummer! Put out fresh hummer food.
Time to get some stuff done...will be keeping an eye on the nest as I can.
Have not seen a hummer at the feeder in a long time, but saw one on my Hibiscus yesterday.
Did not get the really yellow finches this year.
Parking lot is not close to the ball fields. Thank goodness! Child got hit with a foul ball last year.
Jacob has learned so much being on this team. He is finally getting some real coaching. However, Jacob has a lot to learn about paying attention. He is not the intensive player that Joseph has demonstrated. Joseph is our real athlete. He is so coachable...he really listens.
Time for me to get busy. Jack will be yelling to "walk" very soon,.
Adult in the tree top!
Lolly, how did Jack enjoy his pie?
Good Rainy Morning to All - it has been raining here most of the morning
When I signed into Firefox my Hotmail comes up automatically = I freaked out this morning when it said server not found - I thought my computer was completely down.. I was able to sign into all my other programs.
Adult is perched up in the attic right now. Beautiful!
Hi! All.
Just wanted to say how grateful I am for this new view. Surely hope we can keep it in addition to the nest cam.
Please take care.
Make it a peaceful day!
Adult still in attic!
Looks like juvie in, adult out. Juvie on the Y branch.
Oh, he enjoyed the pie. Lemon Meringue is his favorite. It turned out great, lots of high meringue!
Off to walk, but I have the cam to watch!!! Yea!
I am hoping for a new thread :)
Just finished my 30 min, 2 mi walk and the juvie sat there the whole time. Certainly wanted to see another fly in.
Yes, Jo it is time for a new thread.
Really need to get street ready. Guess I will take my laptop to the bathroom. :)
Back from getting my fingers and toes done! Boy, do I LOVE getting a pedicure - what a treat for my feet!!
I see there is a juvie perched in the tree. Sky looks gray at the nest and it is getting grayer here but no rain yet.
I have some things to get in Rehoboth but this would be an awful day to go shopping. Too many tourists looking for something else to do since it's not a great beach day. They'll all be heading to the outlets or the movies and Rt. 1 will look like a parking lot!
Shar, good to hear that the pain in your leg and foot are a little better. Prayers continue for you!
Have been watching the cam steadily for about an hour. All I have seen is a little bird land close to juvie, plus a lot of preening and a couple of poop shoots.
I am getting ready to head into town. All the action will start when I leave. Get ready!
Juvie still perched in the tree top. Wonder where the rest of the gang is hanging out?
Back from bank and shopping. No problem with the $100 bill. I did exchange it for 20's.
While I was waiting, the manager waved at me from across the room and asked how I was. I am a regular customer there.
I did ask Will about the bill, and he thought it was okay. I am sure he sees plenty 100's at his job. He did say that there are lots of counterfeit 100's around. They usually make them by bleaching 5's, he said, and that those are easy to detect.
I see a juvie in the attic.
Raining here, and I desire a nap.
Glad it was good money, Shirley.
No juvie up top.
Wow! I've been away too long.
Hi everyone and thanks to the powers that be for the view of the nest. Just discovered it and have a lot of posts to catch up on.
Will try to catch up and post again later. If I've missed some important issue, please let me know.
Adult just flew in to the attic aka tree top
Jo, just sat down at my computer and was getting ready to post that I see an eagle with a white head perched in the top of the tree! Hello Belle/Shep!! Nice to see ya!
Rain has arrived on the east coast - just drizzly right now.
Grandson Aaron and galfriend Valerie are heading down when he gets off work today. I think they are staying long enough to get some sunshine later in the week.
Going out for a few
4:22pm Just saw a juvie fly to the tree - slightly below nest area I think Couldn't see him after he few into the tree area.
Wonder if that might be Belle sitting there, judging by the size.
Saw what appeared to be an eagle fly by the tree and out of the picture.
I did send email requesting new thread if possible before Steve left work for the day.
I see wings flapping in the nest area every once in a while.
Really raining here now - flash flood watch has been issued til 8:15. Wish I could send all this rain to Lolly - we have had enough!!!
Eagle in the nest has all dark head feathers - must be one of the kids.
At least one eaglet in the nest...ooops, juvie :)
Looks like and eaglet sitting in the tree, just to the left of the Y branch...in the leaves.
I checked the nest on my phone..comes in good. You can see a little bit more of the tree under the nest.
Juvie in the nest is perched at the 12 spot
Now I don't think that's a juvie in the tree top...just dark leaves.
Juvie in nest is eating, not perched. Tail and back towards us.
Home from work
as if
you didn't know
I see me a eagle in nest
LORI I also couldn't find the nest so what I did is I looked at one of the pictures that I had taken when I was there and found it
I can put up bail $$$ if needed LOL
still reading
Lots of wingersizing in nest now
there is still a JUVIE in the nest I can see movement
they are on the left side of the nest
winger out wing in
wings not winger duh
wings not winger duh
POOF some from the right and down I saw something leave out of the corner of my eye
,=heads up they may come back like last night
Afternoon all.
Was so pleased yesterday to see some eagle action from the new amera. Thanks to all responsible. It is like watching in real life, while seeing them up close on the nest doesn't seem quite real to me. I am not explaining it right but I hope you get my drift.
LYNNE1 I agree with what you said I know I have been there and seeing it like this makes me feel I am there I wish we could have two camera This reminds me of the OK nest
I have so much to do but I can't take my eyes off the nest
OH if anyone else can't see the nest its the same height as the tree line to the right of the nest and right center
Funny I see the face again the two opening in the top of nest looks like eyes again but a different shape head LOl OK I am loosing it LOL
eagle in
flew in from the right and another fly in
a fly out and a fly in
wow lots of action that is three ok where is the forth two juvies must be in nest and Adult flew out
WHO ELSE IS HERE??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
so glad I did go do dishes
Judy, I'm here!
Lynne, I get what you mean about this view seeming more real. It's like what we would see if we hiked to an eagle nest and watched the comings and goings, except we can't use binoculars to bring things any closer.
Boy, is it ever raining here!! The ground around the house is starting to look like a swimming hole!!
I see some white to the left area of the nest SEE it of course the juvies have little white hared to tell
Judy, I can see what you're talking about but can't tell if it's the head of one of the parents or some white tail feathers from one of the kids. The fly-ins seem to come from the side of the tree that's away from the cam so we don't get to see much, esp. with the sky getting darker.
would love to see this view in the winter without all the leaves
HEY they are starting and ending the NASCAR series at Daytona
they are changing the track big time
I do think that is a juvie just saw from the side
two in nest still
wing flapping
hop hop
out the back side of the nest the one that was on the left went
juvie in LB
POOF other went
the one is still on the LB and the other flew out to the camera
something large just flew from left to righ behind the trees
lol the silhouette of the juvie at certain times is shaped like a FISH LOL when the head is turned
The nest sunset is 8:41 mine is 8:29 and the sunrise is way different also 5;44 / 6:35
one on branch still
Lots of nest action during the time I was gone. Thanks everyone for the comments.
Steve did email me a little after 6:00 ======
Hi. I am off line with minimal web availability. I wl try to do it tomorrow if I can. Thanks Jo.
one juvie on branch still did a wingersize for a second though was leaving but not
POOF off the the left and in to the nest
two eagle are in the nest I see white head
Juvie at the top of the tree took off and then I think flew into the nest from the side of the tree away from the camera. I think I see a white head in the nest so maybe it's dinner time?
I see head of adult
I can see movement in the nest
I bet the juvie saw the adult flying that way and did a U turn
YEP JO two in nest
I can see head going up and dow to the right brown head
adult is in the same area that they were earlier SANDI
one adult and one juvie is still in nest
i thing a poof happened on other side of nest I saw wings but not for sure I think a poof
I think not a thing
trying to keep eye on nest and type I see movement of one so far
I see white head
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