Monday, June 03, 2013


New thread. 

Latest on the outage:

"We have preformed two power resets to try and fix the Eaglecam system, but the camera is still not reachable. We explore other options and update you ASAP.


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JudyEddy said...

GLO posted a fantastic video from a Rhoda Gerig who is watching a nest with two juvies in the video the parents one in tree and other flys in with fish to entice the pair and guess what another juvie also flies in the nest to assist the adult female in trying to get the pair out of the nest this is the link it is on facebook so don't know if you will be able to see it I can see the gals page and I am not friends with her so hope it works if not I can try to upload

Adult female entices her pair out of nest with a fish and another juvie must be kid next door LOL this is a two eaglet nest but for a second there is three and looks like it failed didn't fledge LOL

JudyEddy said...

so let me know if it doesn't work and I can do on real player NON FACEBOOKERS it is worth a see

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I love the capture you got I was trying the same thing but the little bugger only showed me his backside What a handsome and pretty eaglet

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I got that pic by pure luck!

Mema Jo said...

What a day! I made it - graduation of 322 students only lasted 1 hr and 1/2. It was really organized and went on without a hitch. The music at a graduation always makes me tear up! Then again with America and the salute to the flag! But would you believe that the tears started to flow when the one young graduate in her wheelchair with her yellow lab watch dog named Xavier came up the isle. I was so proud of her and Xavier was strutting along - it was unbelievable. Everyone just stood and applauded. I know all of you would have had the same emotions I did. All in all it was a beautiful day - I am very proud of my gs - he's the best! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Another event at the graduation - I knew that Helen aka Mits would be there for her Niece was graduating. I knew that my chances were next to nothing to find her in the large crowd. Faith treated me to seeing her son Kevin and family come in. I followed them with my eyes to where they were sitting but I was on 2nd level and they were down on the 1st level. Half way through here comes Helen with Maggie headed right in front of us to the outer door. I yelled and so we got to give hugs! ♥

magpie said...

That's Magical, Jo!
What a lovely and touching report
on the Graduation...and the meeting up with Helen and Maggie ♥♥

Congratulations to your Grandson....

Bravo !!

magpie said...

Magnificent Photo, Paula.....

Lots of wild and crazy pictures on the photo albums....sure appreciate everyone's "captures."

magpie said...

Bedtime approaches.....Sandperson
made a quick journey from Northern Virginia to Eastern West Virginia

Prayers, Pals, big bursting at the seams Prayers.....

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all
Time to tuck my head under my wing
I am wondering what tomorrow will bring with our juvies


Hoda said...

PRAYERS PRAYERS PRAYERS for DANA'S father and for the family to stay strong.

Thank you STEVE and CLAY for fixing the cam.

JO what a magical moment and things do happen and it is awesome. I am glad for you and HELEN.

JANET glad the surgery went well for TOM. Yes time to heal is called for.

LORI any time you are welcome to Nelson and you all will find that once you get here there will be no need for Brownies...LOL

LOLLY the baby is beautiful.

Awesome picture PAULA. Thank you.

Hoda said...

Went to the optometrist...Macular Degeneration is not getting any worse and cataract neither. He wants to check for Glaucoma so will go back again next Thursday.
I don't like not having 20/20 vision and I might have to wear my glasses all the time even when I am in the flat...Can not wear them when I do yoga though.

Spent the rest of the day on my bicycle...I rode it to the Optometrist in the morning and after meeting friends it was too beautiful to go in so I rode around to the parks and sat at the beach and rode around some more. Oh clear blue skies and sun and warm and not much wind...perfect day. I came back to put the bicycle away and to take my yoga bag and I headed out to yoga. Good practice. I think I will sleep well tonight with all the fresh air...had a terrific salad for lunch mostly made from my container garden and my sprouted seeds.

Blessed Be.

Lolly said...

Sounds just awesome, Hoda. Would absolutely love biking around your town with the beautiful views!

I on the other hand worked in the yard. Not too hot in the shade so I really enjoyed it!

So very proud of Jacob getting a math award. It wasn't until this morning that Laurel learned about the awards ceremony. She would have had us be there, but she managed at school to be there herself. Very important for Jacob that someone be there!

So, Lynne did not honor us tonight with her choice words. hmphhhhh..........!

Lolly said...

Oh, Jo!!! So very exciting that you got to see Mits and even more exciting that you got to give hugs. That is so very special!!

stronghunter said...

Yawning and yawning . . . very sleepy.

Time for me to say good night.

Rest well, everyone.

Prayers for you and your family, Dana.

Enjoy, Judie. Redecorating is definitely hard work. But with all of your efforts, you are bound to be happy with the results.

Lolly said...

Eyes are tearing up...they do that when I am tired and ready for bed,

Nite all!! SED!!

stronghunter said...

I want to make more comments, but my brain is winding down. I will be back tomorrow.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Lori, so glad to read the good report about your Dad!

DanaMo, glad your Dad is feeling so well in spite of the "iffy" Dr. report! Prayers and more prayers for him, for your Mom, and for you and your family! Stay strong!

Lolly, bet your new grandniece is a real cutie! Congratulations!

Lynne1, prayers that the pancreatitis will vamoose, pronto!

Well, need to go unwind a bit. Have been busier that all get out trying to get some serious housecleaning done. Hope everyone has a good night's sleep, with SED!
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. God bless and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!

Hoda said...



magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals....
It's the Morning,
It's June 5th....
and it's T-Bird's Birthday !

Best Wishes for your
Very Best Birthday Ever, T-Bird...
filled to the brim with all your favorite things ! xoxo (( HUGS )) ♥

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning my eagle friends!

I see just one juvie in the nest at the 3 position.


Dana, congrats on finishing your school year!

Lori, glad to hear your dad is doing well!

Janet, good news about Tom's surgery going smoothly. Saw pics of Seven on FB - what a cutie but boy, he's growing fast!

Day 3 of the longest week ever for me! I can do this!

Make it a great day all!

magpie said...

I see exactly one eaglet...
searching the perimeters of the nest for more feetsies !

Beauteous morning it is....
a Good Day for a Birthday !
Hope the weather is
good in Bluefield ! ☺

magpie said...

Congratulations to Lolly's super grandson Jacob on his Math Award!
Bravo !!

Thinking of all amongst us and our
families with illness, and
keeping you in my prayers.....
sure hope YOU are feeling better
today !

magpie said...

I THINK I see a tiny bit of tail feather up on the branch on the that the "balcony" ?

guess we'll know in good time
if a second eaglet is at the Roost....

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Very Good
Day for Every One...

Work time looms...

I'll be watching from work when I get there

xoxo ttfn ♥ ☺

magpie said...

Aaaah, two eaglets present and
accounted for

one is having breakfast...
leftovers I think

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone!~
Yes, it's my first day without students, Sandi! When is your last day?

Much on the agenda today. Cleaning, packing and doing progress reports. Then sending info out for next year's kinders! geesh.

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY T-BIRD♪♫ Wishing you a really wonderful day.

Jo, so happy you had a good day with a successful grandson graduating and being able to share a hug with Mits. Very special day indeed.

Lolly, congratulations to Jacob.

Glo, hope you're on the mend.

See two eaglets. Thought at first it was only one. Isla is "listening" so I hope there will be another ospreylette; bears are busy with family breakups; RTH are "practicing."

Off to begin another day of trying to decide. Plan to return to the paint store to look at more options. Think I may have decided on carpet.

Have a lovely morning.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning Eagle Bud


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

grannyblt said...

Good eagle morning to all.

Happy birthday to our Thelma.

Thanks all for the prayers for my son, he is doing better and may come home tomorrow.

Sorry to hear that Dana's dad has to have more chemo.

Hear a little noise from our guys, so I'll get back to the cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday TBird!!!

Lori O. said...



Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle friends!!!

SANDI, sorry it's such a long week for you, but it'll be over soon and you'll then be enjoying your long awaited summer!

DANAMO, so glad to see you on the blog again! Prayers for your Dad, and glad you've resolved to be strong. Big hugs!

JO, So happy you had a nice time at the graduation and got to see Helen, too!

JANET, how is Tom doing?

HODA, you were a whirling dervish yesterday about town on your bike! Good for you...and lucky for you that you have such a beautiful place to ride around.

JUDIE, good luck on your paint store trip today. Hope you decide on the perfect colors.

JUDYE, any headway on the hole in the roof?

KAY, so glad you had such a perfect weekend with Seth! I'm sure you were the proudest Grandmother! How is Penny doing?

MARGY, hope you have a great day at the dough factory!

PAULA, great pic! Reminds me of Hidey when he used to do that.

paula eagleholic said...

Going in for one last day today!

Catch ya later.

Lori O. said...

No big plans here today. I'll have to figure out something to do to use my time wisely...looks like we have a chance of rain tomorrow and it increases through Saturday.

I'm still not done spraying weeds. Now, the first round is done and I can see more spots I want to do or that I missed. URGH!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Happy birthday, Thelma!

Cam is down for me. Anybody else?

Will check back later. Gotta rush off now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Cam is down for me too Shirley, live and still.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Thank you all for your birthday wishes. You make me feel special.

magpie said...

no cams for me either

with all that wing flapping and flopping around on the nest by the eaglets....maybe they shook
something loose !!

grannblt, Yay, that your son
is improving....hope he can be home Thursday

magpie said...

so maybe we are making you feel
More Special ☺ ♥

magpie said...

My birthday card for you is probably languishing in Baltimore system here in
Martinsburg, the processing is
done in Baltimore

magpie said...

It is also "World Environment Day...."

Question for JO when you arrive this morning....
How are the Bragg Bunch arrangements coming along ??
I know things were scheduled for this week....

Janet said...

Good Eagle morning to one and to all!

Tom is doing well. He is still partially numb, pain level manageable. Will see how things progress as nerve block wears off completely. Started pain meds last night, though. Taking no chances!

Quiet night over all. Used to getting up with give mds, take pup out, go back to sleep. Am glad though that I took the rest of this week off.

JUDYE: looks like you are gonna get wet.

No real plans for the day. AS you may have summized, JUDYE and I got the final paperwork from the atty on the estate. I have to print mine, get it notairzed and in the mail mail mail! I have to run a few errands as well. Will get Tom out of the house that way. As long as he is on the pain meds, not supposed to drive, so I can drive and he can back seat drive, lol. He doesn't do that, but at least he will be out and about.

Hope everyone has a pleasant day. Sending light, love, healing and comfort to all in need and love love love to EVERYONE! :)

CarolAnne said...

. Happy Birthday!
To our very own Special Thelma.
Hope it's a great one!

Lolly said...

Happy Birthday, Thelma!! Wishing you a fantastic day and an even better year ahead!!

Lolly said...

Good morning Eagle Buds! Rejoicing with the teachers on the last few days of school. Know the feeling so very well!!!

Zach has already finished school, Joseph and Jacob still have tomorrow and then Laurel has Friday with no kiddos. She hopes to be home by noon. She then has to get ready fast for the trip to Colorado. We get Jacob and Luke too! Annie is not going to like this! lol

Lolly said...

Forgot to mention...when we were enjoying a moment of just sitting outside, just momentarily a Painted Bunting landed on a rock in the sunshine. Beautiful! Then he was gone! Least I know he is still around.

Have a great day!

Sure wish we had a cam!

Bird Girl said...

Aww no cam :(

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon - I've been here but forgot to post. Bummer no cam! At least from your comments both juvies were seen in the nest before the cam went down. There is such a good chance they both may not be there when it comes up.

Mema Jo said...

10:45 a.m. Wednesday News reporting
a building collapse in Philadelphia, and the fire commissioner says as many as eight to 10 people were believed trapped in the rubble
Prayers for their recovery.

Mema Jo said...

@ Margy: Ft Bragg moving date could be as late as July 5 No definite word to date. Getting frustrating.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Today was Justin's last day of school and tomorrow is graduation practice. So hard to believe he is graduating.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Apparently there is a power outage in the area of NCTC.

stronghunter said...

Paris Jackson, Michael's daughter, has been rushed to the hospital. She was getting ready to testify in the latest legal procedure involving the Jacksons.

stronghunter said...

Power outage would cause the cam to go down, I would think.

magpie said...

I was remembering June 5 or 6 so
it sounds like this is somewhat more friendly than that !!!
Best wishes for all good outcomes with all those plans.....

Yepper, I agree, I think power outage would create some problems...bummer kind of problems

glo said...

Happy Birthday T Bird

I feel much much better today. Made it to the grocery store and took Dex with. I was much lower on food than he was. He just needed his "special" treats refilled. :-)

Thanks for sharing that video over here Judy E It worked fine form here for me so I am sure it will work for others. I did not at all feel like even tryign to do that link thing over here yesterday. Rhoda is a great Bird photographer. I will meet her next yr here locally. You can hear in her voice that she too was surprised by what she saw happening before her eyes. I wonder if that situation is also another one of those things we could be learning about eagle behavior as the population rebounds back to healthy kinds of number.

MeMa Jo I am so glad you got to see Mits and Maggie. Thats great and of course glad the graduation was beautiful with more than one special kind of moment for all who attended.

Congrats to Justin on his graduation. Some of us have known each other atleast sort of :-) Long enough to put kids through jr and sr high school. I don't feel any older, atleast not today LOL.

Hoping all will have a good day. I guess there isn't much point in checking the cam right now. Will check back later.

Mema Jo said...






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6 13 24 🌞

  The only thing that showed up in the nest. Today was the sunrise beautiful. Maybe we'll see them tomorrow. I'm sure dad will find ...