Thursday, February 14, 2013


New thread. 


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Hoda said...

Glad you are at your MOM'S SANDI. Enjoy your time away. Yes it was a year fast time goes.

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

Belle on eggs and looking about!!!

magpie said...

Hoda...I am sorry about the worrying you are going through....sounds like some Guardian Angels might be there for your niece and I hope they continue to watch out for her....
(( Hugs )) and Prayers

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

JudyEddy said...

HELLO home from Angies Jordyn and I went to Freedom park and yep we saw the eagles and guess what

maybe about 20feet in front of us right at the lake the eagle flew in front of us and in to the lake to go fishing I thought at first was a wood stork then I didnt see any white on the wings all dark then realized it was the eagle I was in 7th heaven I was standing with another lady talking and turned on the cam to get the eagle landing in the tower I wish I had it on for the lake fishing but didn't I was unbelievable
there were about 5 other parents there and they didn't realize a eagle nest was in the tower till them everyone was excited

magpie said...

The hand/finger stretching exercise you explained to me a few weeks ago, on this ol' blog,
has become of one the most helpful exercises that I am doing these days and so easy to do...
anywhere !
Thanks again ♥

stronghunter said...


We came back from the vet's. Hunter went with me and we met Kathryn. Everything went smoothly. Hunter did not want to go, but I told him that we needed to be there to support his mom.

It was good to see that Flash was comfortable. He was so frantic when I took him there.

We came home and had cheesy scrambled eggs, hash browns, and biscuits. That chicken I have been thawing will be good tomorrow. night.

Oh, Hoda. I am sorry about what happened to your sister. I know you worry about your family.

Looked at Belle in the nest and it woom me awhile to figure out which end is which. I think I finally figured it out.

magpie said...

Nice, JudyE...
way to go !

magpie said...

It's wet and not so pleasant out
but nothing like the weather at the nest this time
back in 2007..that crusty snow
that seemed to have doomed the Royal Eggs that year, two storms that year were bad....

magpie said...

That's a LOT of dental work GG is getting these days...
Hope there is some Friday Night Family going on for all the
family to bring along some
joyful distractions

magpie said...

When it rains on a day when someone dies, and I think this
goes for pets also..
I have heard it said, that
it means the angels and everyone on heaven is crying....
I believe it.
Thinking of Shirley and all the family on this sad good-bye day for Flash
(( Hugs )) ♥

magpie said...

I see that you found your contacts for CarolAnne...

Enjoy your beach days, and how special, Larry is looking out for his sister

Just can't say enough about the
family devotion that we read about on here ♥

magpie said...

Whoa, switching to Still Cam is such a shock! Wonder when that will get squared away

Best Wishes for Good, Safe, Warm evening for all

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Thanks for the report, Shirley....
We Love you, All ♥

magpie said...

And Lolly:
your report on the services
was dear to read also

magpie said...

this avatar is for you and your families today
and for all the precious furbabies that have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge....
xo ♥

Judie said...

Goodnight to everyone.

The night light is on and the sandperson will soon be delivering sleeping dust.

Again, so very sorry about the hurting hearts today.

JudyEddy said...

This is a pic of the eagle in the nest in the tower today In the process of uploading a couple of little video and going to edit to one sure I got the eagle flying out of the nest and in the nest so I am putting on one Haven't decided if I want to put music with it will wait and see you can hear me and the lady talking about the eagle when if flew to the lake in front of us darn it wish I had the cam on oh well got the fly in to the tower of it really a quick one too that is why I am putting together with other short ones

Judie said...

My apology to Hoda. Just saw the post regarding your sister. So happy she is safe but so sorry she had to have that terrifying experience. Prayers for her continued safety.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Here is the link to the video and two pic I put on the blog the video is 5 short videos Cell phone tower eagle today fly in and out

JudyEddy said...

Belle has done a faceplant

JudyEddy said...

I took a picture of a bird also on a light pole on the interstate while we were stuck in traffic I think I will put it on the blog first I thought was a osprey but now I don't know almost looks like a hawk also

JudyEddy said...

ok I put two more pic on it one of a think is the same bird the female boatailed grackle also the bird that was on the streetlight on the interstate

Hoda said...

Thank you MARGY JUDIE and SHIRLEY...the only thing really is pray and have faith.

SHIRLEY I am so glad HUNTER went too and with the thought to support his MOM. Glad FLASH was comfortable.

MARGY glad that the exercise work and whenever we do them in yoga class I now think of you...

What an exciting experience JUDYE I hear you and am very happy for you...awesome sight indeed!!!

Hoda said...

PAULA must be at the beach by now...Soon will check in I hope.

Lolly said...

((hugs)) for you, Hoda. Know that you are so worried for your family memebers. We will all just make it a point to keep them in our prayers.

Jack and I just finished watching last Sunday's episode of Downton Abbley. I just love that program!

Heading to Denton tomorrow for basketball games.

Hoda said...

It was my niece who was in the car not Samia...

Hoda said...

Saqw the video JUDYE...hard on the eyes with all the shaking but you had some very good clear shots...

stronghunter said...

Will in with a weather report. It is snowing. Not cold enough to stick, at least not yet.

stronghunter said...

Will came in . . .

stronghunter said...

Getting sleepy. About ready to head upstairs.

Hoda said...

Belle is awake and moved around a bit head looking about and now is tucked in.


NCSuzan said...

Thank you all for your kind words. Shirley, so sorry for your family's loss also.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend.

magpie said...

Calling it a Night here at
Magpie's Roost:

A Night!

Good to see so many of our friends here, sure missing a lot of others

Prayers for Wellness, Good Restful Sleep, and Comfort for all

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Arriving in a little late this evening. So sadden for Shirley, Kathry and Hunter's loss.
Headed off to bed (recliner) and will TTUT

I love us ♥

Hoda - prayers for your niece - may she stay safe!

Hoda said...

Thank You JO.



Belle is tucked in.

Costume Lady said...

Good night everyone, had a wonderful day with GG and family...ready for a faceplant ♂

Lolly said...

Really a slow night on here and everyone has headed to bed. Same here!

Night all! SED!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good evening from Paradise.

Got in around 10:30...had some good conversation and now heading to bed

Chance of snow here tomorrow night..would like to see snow on my beach.

Have to read back aways...

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda...will contine to pray for the safety of your family in Egypt

Sandi, enjoy your weekend. I'm sure you drove tthru some rain too...

Hoda said...

Well I am greatly relieved my misunderstanding. It was not my niece it was a friend of hers. Sorry it happened to anyone and I am very happy to correct my post.

Hoda said...

Thank you PAULA.
Everyone please note my correction. It was not my niece it was a friend of hers. Sorry it happened to anyone but I am relieved.
Sorry to have posted my misunderstanding on here.
Good night again

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Belle woke up, is off the eggs
she and Shep calling to each other

Switcheroo coming up

magpie said...

And has occurred

T-Bird said...

Good morning my early birds.

magpie said...

oh maybe not, it looks like Belle not Shep on the eggs...
trying to make sure on that

magpie said...

Hi T-Bird...
Early birds, you, me and Belle ☺
And Shep out there somewhere..
I guess that IS Belle on the eggs...
she rolled them also

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Good Day
for Everyone...

doing the morning shuffle here,
be back in little while before work time

Rain has quit, weather here today might be OK, temps in the 40's
and partly sunny

BUT I hope Paula gets the snow at the beach that she would like

xo ♥

T-Bird said...

Is that snow at the nest. We have probably an inch or a little more. It is beautiful.

Sandi said...

Good morning Margy and thelma and all my eagle friends. Excuse some missed capital letters this weekend. It takes me so much longer to type on the kindle.

T-Bird said...

I don't think I've ever seen the show Downton Abley. What is it about? I'm not so sure I got the spelling right.?

T-Bird said...

Belle calling out for a break or some food.

T-Bird said...

That is okay SANDI, what ever is easy for you is good. You all put up with my poor grammar and misspellings.

Sandi said...

We only got rain here last night but snow is in the forecast for tonight.

We are hoping to get to the cemetery today where Denny's grandparents great and great great grandparents are buried to take photos of headstones for Brian to add names and birth and death dates to the family tree Brian is working on. Also my mom has dug up old documents and the family Bible with details on hers and my dads family to scan and email to Brian. So we will be checking out our roots this weekend. This geneology stuff can become addictive!

Shirley an extra big hug this morning for you and kathryn and hunter.

Will check in when I can. Make it a great day.

Sandi said...

Thelma I don't watch downtown abbey so I cant help you w/ your question.

T-Bird said...

A little less demonstrative but still calling out.

T-Bird said...

SANDI-I wish I had some willingness to get and share info on my families genealogy. My older sister has done some of that but I'm not so sure where I put that information. It has been four moves ago.

magpie said...

Well fooled me, I figured Shep was going to come in that time too....

heard them both calling

Enjoy your busy week-end...hope the weather is great...
And Best Wishes for Madeline's
11th Birthday Party Sunday ☺

magpie said...

Hearing so many morning birds ♪ ♫
rooster, crows, geese, and I think
a bluebird or two...

and a Choo Choo

magpie said...

need to disappear into the work routine very shortly...
apron ready for dough-making...

"See" you pals from work I hope...

(( All Day Hugs )) xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle budlets

JudyEddy said...

Love your rainbows Margy

magpie said...

Thanks JudyE....
workday for us both, eh?
Will try to check out all your
new pictures and things later on...
when the pace slows down just a wee bit for me
xo ttfn ♥

Sandi said...

Margy beautiful avatar!! Have a great day at work.

Thelma I wish I had more free time to get into the geneology stuff. Someday ...

Sandi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Is that frost or ice on Belles feathers ??????

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all
Hoda it is still so scary for family I'm sure

Just getting ready for a new day...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

she is getting up and POOF BELLE

JudyEddy said...

eggs alone in the cold

JudyEddy said...

here someone in attic

JudyEddy said...

and here he is SHEP is in the house

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday Morning Eagle Pals!

HODA, so glad you happily updated your post. Continued prayers for your familiy's safety. And, thanks for the update on CarolAnne.

SHIRLEY, I'm sure your house is feeling a lot different this morning with the loss of Flash. I know you're happy he's no longer in pain. Prayers for your family.

PAULA, have a great weekend at the beach! What a nice relaxing break for you!!! :) Hope you see lots of eagles.

SANDI, good luck on your geneology quests today. Brian is lucky to have the help.

LOLLY, enjoy the basketball games today. You're great grandparents!

JANET, good luck with your class today - hope all goes GREAT!

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, I enjoyed your new eagle videos - thanks for sharing!

Janet said...

Saturday morning! hello all!

HODA; my goodness! given the situation in egypt, anyone with a lick of sense would be concerned and worried.....and we are here for you .... we can send our light, our love and our blessings, and always be here for you....

STRONGHUNTER: i am glad that hunter went. sometimes our darkest fears are the unknown. i think as we assist our loved furbabies through the veil over onto the rainbow bridge, they assist us with their continued love and letting us know, indeed, it will be okay.

we luke died, even though part of me had that panicky feeling, touring the cremation center, actually helped me mentally. even though it was "just his body" that had gone there, knowing the loving care that was given to his remains,even after his passing, truly helped me mentally.

KUDOS to you for having him to come along.... and HUGS to you all.

things are doing okay around here with our furbabies. scout has blended in well, she has learned our routine and is so smart.

sable, the old lady that she is, is declining. she started this before scout, and maybe, that's why i was all about getting scout.....she doesnt' jump out up to go out anymore, we have to wake her up, coak her out, etc. she's lost some weight. still seems okay, enjoys her dinner, and of course we have her still on pain meds. she sleeps very soundly these days, wondering if her hearing has gone a bit? i don't know.....i dread the day she travels thru the veil to the rainbow bridge, but at 131/2 years, i know that it may not be too far off...

as for beano, he's a nervous wreck. he's working on adjusting to scout. she simply wants to play and he simply wants to play hide and seek, oh not, that would be hide. don't seek him. as long as he can be in his spots, he is okay.

we are still looking at the invisible fence products. we have a fenced back yard, but needs reinforcing. anyone have any opinions on types that work well or don't work well?

well, class in a a bit. i need to jump in the shower and get moving. i have huge classes this weekend and need to eat my wheaties! lol

light, love and hugs to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley, thinking of you and Kathryn and Hunter. It was nice that Hunter went along to be supportive as I know he is sad.

NCSuzan, also sorry about your daughter's loss.

Thelma, Downton Abby is a bit like Upstairs Downstairs. Story of a titled British family living in a "small" castle just prior to and following WWII. Evolving story line of how the family and their servants adjust to changes in social customs, etc. Only reason I started watching was to see Maggie Smith and Maureen McGovern. Got hooked.

Wandy, glad you had a good day with Miss GG. Give her another hug, please.

Off to read a book today called Gang Leader For A Day. A sociologist joined a gang to learn how that culture functions. It is a reading assignment for the wannabe adults.

Thinking of Hoda and her family.

Have the best day possible everyone.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Again, thanks for all of your kind words and thoughtfulness. It is good to know that Flash is not suffering anymore.

The nest looks well-flugged this morning.

Last night's snow did not stick here.

I am not too well-informed about invisible fencing, Janet, though I have seen it work well for some people. Having that in addition to a regular fence sounds like super security.

I do remember one family who had a dog that jumped over or dug under a regular fence. His fate was tragic; he ended up hanging himself because they kept him tied in the backyard and, unfortunately, left him too near the fence. An invisible fence would have been much better.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Sounds like an interesting read! I am sure I knew several gang members (maybe leaders) during my teaching career, and plenty of gang-admirers. Was interested to learn that not only was one of my students in a gang, but her mother was as well.

I don't remember the name of that gang now, but it is one of the more violent ones.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Good luck with the vote, Glo. Hope you win the binoculars.

Shirley, down your area it was likely MS13 and generations of family gang members is quite frequent - becomes a culture. CA gangs have four or more generations of the same family. Sad.

Back to reading. All looks peaceful at the nest.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I am so wishing and praying that each of you have blessings in this day. Our blog has so many tough times and yet also praises on a daily basis. Time for a little weekend R and R :-).

If you have a minute I would so appreciate a vote for an image i have entered into a contest to win a pair of High Quality Birding Binoculars. I do not own any binoculars actually. Thank you for your time and maybe email or share with others. The top three who get the most votes go to the judges who then choose one. So I need the numbers for this one Please vote for my eagle

grannyblt said...

My Mom contracted to have an invisible fence installed, but it didn't happen because they couldn't go under the driveway as she requested.

glo said...

I deleted the first link as I don't think it worked right and posted one that takes you directly to the photo Thanks everyone.

Hoda said...

Good Morning.
I love us.

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning. Need to eat a bite and then we are off for Denton.

Have a great day!

Just saw the changing of the guard!

magpie said...

Glo I will vote of course!
but I have to wait until I get home

Hapy Trails, Lolly and Jack
Goooooo Hoopsters....!

magpie said...

Well Howdy Hoda... !
Am relieved your updated report
and that your niece was NOT the victim

magpie said...

sorry I am not keeping up better with everyone's doins'

not keeping up with my OWN doins' for that matter....

But we sure care about each other on here so I think most if not all the bases do get covered ☺♥

magpie said...

back in the mid-50's here
in the Martinsburg area....
we had the "Black Jackets"
and the "White Jackets"..probably not really gangs per-se...
but the high school girls work white leather jackets, the fellows, black leather ones....I guess they had their own little gang things...
Wanda and Gene will most likely remember this also...

back to work for me....
ttfn xoxox

glo said...

Remember the invisible fence only keeps your animal in . It does not keep other animals out. Just a thought,

DanaMo said...

Shaking the tree!!!

magpie said...

ok....and then....
what happened DanaMo
I can't watch from here

are YOU there shaking the tree?


how ya' been, missed you these last few days !

magpie said...

oh Kay
by the way
I loved those YELLOW Tulips....
[that you posted on Friday]
awesome avatar !

Jewels said...

Hoda, I do not like the sounds of that all, very scary for your family!
I am so very sorry to hear of Flash and Berry. Too sad!
Guess what tonight is???
Of course there is a name change to the event. But as we fans of the sport know it, Its BUD SHOOTOUT tonight!!!! I am so very happy that Nascar is starting!!!! Thursday will be the Dual Race events and the 24th will be Daytona 500!

NatureNut said...

Hope Saturday is a Happier Day for Everyone. ♥
Blessings for furbabies and their families. ♥

Good to see NO snow in nest. Just saw Shep eggsitting. Our friends who moved to NC have snow on the grass!! and our friends in Paw Paw are clear.

Haven't done any pics yet as we installed a new printer/scanner and I'm trying to learn a foreign language real fast to decipher the online mannual! I like the good old paper manual that you can flip through & find what you want real fast~~DUH.

For all you Race Fans, there's a special 3 part race this PM at Daytona. That's OK, but car stuff is on TV all day! Guess the break is over.

magpie said...

Too Funny!

As CArolyn-Jewels was talking about the NASCAR events today...
I aid you oughta put something on the blog...I know Loretta would be itnerested for sure ! {and others as well]

And there's Loretta !!

magpie said...

just fix my typos as you read, pals...

Jewels said...

Haha, funny about our timing!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Cloudy rainy and some wet snowflakes here so far

Waiting for the rain to stop so I can go walk the beach and unload the car of things I brought down

Been watching doves cardinals and junkos at the feeder

Hoda said...

Thank you all very much. I much appreciate your love and your concern and prayers.
I am sorry I brought wrong information here and was so happy when my misunderstanding became clear to me from further emails and Skype...


Went to the Gym this morning and then to coffee with the Dragons and then went and did some volunteer work distributing brochures for a wonderful yoga centre celebrating 50 years this year.

It is now snowing so I finished just in time and am back home. I think a hot chocolate is in order...I usually have it later the day but it feels right just now.

Beautiful Avatar MARGY.

SANDI so nice to see you check in.

Oh LOLLY had a pocket size dog who was lost where LAUREL lives and I so would like to have that cute beyond adorable...I asked if we could get it across the border? I wonder what it would take? I like to dream...If you are on FB go see it just adorable.

JudyEddy said...

WOW are you all ok really its Sat and only 30 emails to read Are you all ok LOL no really whats up ??? not to many to read I will be back OH and have I got a story for you

JudyEddy said...

Shep is calling Belle

Hoda said...

Eagle Chirps...Shep

Hoda said...

What is the story JUDYE?
Yes I think everyone is OK...just a busy day for all...out and about

Hoda said...

Camera shakes

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

I think it was probably MS-13. They were Mexicans, and it was in Culpeper. Some school people went to their house and spotted a flag behind the sofa, as I recall.

The girl and her mother were illegals. Her younger sister was born in the US. Last time I had contact with them the girl was pregnant. Such a mess.

She made comments about snitches ending up in ditches or something like that. Scary.

We did have a speaker come once and give us information on gangs and gang signs. We definitely had them.

I thought it was interesting that gangs like to have their gatherings in places like state parks, and that sometimes they communicated with the police about where they were going to gather.

Hoda said...

Is Pistorius murder charge getting any coverage in the US? I can not find it. He is a double amputee from South Africa and he shot and killed his model girl friend as he thought she was an intruder. They are charging him with premeditated murder. Canada and ENgland are covering the story extensively...have not seen anything from the US..

stronghunter said...

Kathryn, Hunter, and I went up to Potomac Mills for lunch and shopping. We got a new bed for Hunter and some drinking glasses. That place is insane on a Saturday. Plumb wore me out.

JudyEddy said...

Boy is it hard to get a good close up picture of a ring I tired and tried and this is as good as it gets

This is my story I was sitting out in the truck at lunch and I remember Jordyn and dropped a bunch of candy that went inbetween the seats Well when I was cleaning out I saw what I thought was a quarter peaking out from under the rubber boot thingey were the seat beat retracts in to behind the drivers seat and this is what the quarter was a EAGLE RING and its not mine either OK three different things maybe Janet at work says its the spirits that placed it there knowing I love eagle
My thought is that remember I had seat belts installed a while back

and another person at work says that someone who knew I like eagles put it in my truck through the crack of the window

I am going with my idea

I have the invoice from when I had my truck done and I am going to call I have the guys name also on the invoice that did the seat belt I am gonna ask if he lost a ring and go from there

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

Oh Dear!!! Florida wants Canadians to apply for International Drivers Licenses to drive in Florida!!! The law came into effect January 1st and The Canadian snow birds are livid!!! It is the first time in North America that another country's driver license was not respected. It apparently violates the Geneva COnvention to boot!!! JUDYE have you heard anything about this?

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

Shep off the eggs and takes to wing to the branch.
Eagle calls and a shake of the cam

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

I like the shape and size and depth of the cup...looks good.

Miss Belle in the house!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

She is really much bigger than he is...look at how she fills the cup and over...beautiful eagle she is...

JudyEddy said...

Angie MIL had the invis fence for Frosty worked good and after a while the collar wasn't on him and he wouldn't go out of the yard

JudyEddy said...

I saw that on the news about a couple of weeks ago HODA

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDIE!!!
Today the President is apparently spending the weekend in Florida and two F-16 escorted a little cessna out of the no fly zone around the area where he is staying. I bet you that pilot was scared stiff!!! I can hardly imagine!!!one little cessna and two fighter jets!!! nightmare!!!

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE not JUDIE even though I am always thankful for JUDIE'S friendship.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I have seen a good bit about the murder charges against Oscar Pistorius on CNN. Really sad and shocking situation.

Hoda said...

I think so too SHIRLEY. It amazes me the coverage it is getting here...we made a hero out of him during the parolympics.

How is HUNTER and how are you and KATHRYN today? Sending love and hugs to your family. Is LUNA alright or is she noticing that Flash is gone?

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

All right or alright? Oxford Dictionary says for 75 years alright has been used but in formal writing I am to use all right. I always stop to think before I type it...

Lolly said...

We are home! Quite a day. Enjoyed both games, though Joseph did not play much. He broke a little toe this week playing with Luke. Thought it was better but someone stepped on it in the game. OUCH!

About 9 this morning Laurel was at the computer when a car went by. She had an impression it had pulled out of the neighbors driveway. A teeny little dog chased the car for a ways, and then came back. (Was it dumped?) None of the neighbors recognize the dog. It is a teacup poodle...white. So very tiny and oh so cute. She was dirty and her eyes matted. They bathed her, but had to leave for basketball, so put her in the little back porch. She is the sweetest trained, wants to be held and if you stop petting her she leans into you and raises her paw as if to say "more, please", she gets along with the other two dogs, and does not bark. BUT, they can not keep her! I helped Laurel put out signs, she put her picture on fb, and she called the Animal Shelter. They need to have her scanned for a chip. The animal shelter was closed by someone was there as they were doing adoptions today. They said someone called looking to see if a poodle had been picked up, but they did not leave their info. Laurel left her info. She also called poodle rescue but they are full. Had another number to call, but their mailbox was full and she could not even leave a message. We shall see what happens. She does not even weigh a pound. She is so tiny.

Lolly said...

Egg roll!

Wish we could ship her to you, Hoda. Wish I could keep her, but I would have to get rid of Jack.

Hoda said...

Cool story about the eagle ring in your truck JUDYE...there are no coincidences.

I see SHIRLEY that you went shopping with KATHERYN and HUNTER today...good to know he is not isolating...

Hoda said...

If she is still there by Monday I am going to phone and see what is involved in shipping a dog from the USA to they have to keep her in Qurantine for example.

NO NO NO I think your JACK is a keeper...stay with him he is a winner and I think I could have a little dog like her in my flat no problem and I could take her with me when I go out...she is so very cute...

Hoda said...

OH LOLLY I just read about how little poodle could have been dumped there??? Oh how sad. I am serious about this if we can ship her and she does not have to stay in Qurantine for a month I would love to have her...not even a pound how so very cute is that!!!
I could buy her an airline ticket and if you bought her a carrier cage I will send you a cheque...I think she would be too frightened if they had to keep her in quranting for a month and then where would that be if it is in Vancouver I would have to find a person to take her back for the rest of her trip to Nelson...she sounds perfect for me...

So sorry about JOSEPH'S toe...

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, awesome story about the ring. Very cool! It must be meant for you. :)

LOLLY, bless Laurel's heart for taking care of that tiny dog.

GLO, I voted for your picture!

HODA, you deserve your hot chocolate after all the good things you did today. Big hugs!

SANDI, how is it going at your Mom's house? The geneology coming along?

PAULA, hope the weather got better for you to do what you wanted to do today.

SHIRLEY, thinking of you and your family. Prayers for comfort.

Hoda said...

If a dog is not accompanied by its owner (is being shipped by itself) and is less than 8 months of age, it will need a detailed health certificate, in English or French, that bears the signature of the veterinarian and that clearly identifies the dog and states:

- that the veterinarian has examined the dog and is satisfied that the dog is not less than eight (8) weeks of age at the time of examination, - is free of any clinical evidence of disease,
- was vaccinated not earlier than at six (6) weeks of age for distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus and parainfluenza virus,
- can be transported to Canada without undue suffering by reason of infirmity, illness, injury, fatigue or any other cause,
- the date on which the dog was vaccinated, that the vaccine was licensed by the country of origin of the dog, and the trade name and serial number of the vaccine, and - is imported into Canada not more than seventy-two (72) hours after the time of the examination.

Dogs over the age of 3 calendar months require a valid rabies vaccination certificate.

The new owners will need to contact Canada Border Services Agency to determine how much you have to pay for duty and taxes for purchasing a dog. For information purposes only, they would require an import permit for a pet dog, only if the dog is under 8 months of age and it is deemed as being used for commercial purposes and/or breeding purposes. Please note that they would apply for an import permit in advance of the dog(s)’ arrival to Canada. It takes approximately 5 business days to process import requests and import permits cannot be granted after the dog(s) have arrived in Canada.

OH dear I do not think we will have all her medical records.This is what I found on the internet LOLLY

Lolly said...

Hoda, I am sure she would need to be checked by the vet and receive all her shots before being shipped, since we know nothing about her. So far we do not even know her age though we do not think she is old. If Laurel does not hear from anyone, she will probably go to the shelter and someone will want her. Would love for you to have her, she is precious. Laurel fed her by grinding up some of the other dogs' food. It was too big for her.

Hoda said...

LOLLY these dogs are expensive they sell in Canada for $2500. I was checking breeders in BC. I can not beleive that the one LAUREL found is not micro-chipped!!! She is so very adorable.

Hoda said...

How cute is that...Good on LAUREL for grinding up her food...

What will happen with JOSEPH'S toe? I do not think they do casts for toes...they can bandage with two together and a support stick? I hope he heals all right.

Hoda said...

LORI so sweet...thank you about the hot chocolate. It must feel grand to have a weekend home and practice holiday time before you head to PA...I was going to call it retirement but you are too young and it will be quite the responsibility with your parents and then you said that as time goes by you will see about getting another position in PA. I am so very proud of you and pleased for you and the same time.

stronghunter said...

That is a precious little dog, Lolly. It would truly be nice of Hoda could adopt her.

magpie said...

Nice to see this interesting story about the little tea cup poodle, Lolly...
my goodness what a tale of Many Hearts ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Would be quite Alright and All Right if Hoda could take adoption ☺

And I agree, JudyE, with the others...that Eagle Ring is MEANT to be yours...I applaud you for your efforts to find its possible OTHER rightful owner....

Hello Evening Eagle Pals...breezes picking up here, it is a tad bit raw outside hereabouts


magpie said...

Poor Blackwater EAgle is fritzed out again, and those eggs could start hatching just about any time...or in a few days...

magpie said...

Good on the boys with their basketball games, and
sorry about Joseph's toe
OUCH for sure when it got stepped on.

My supper is ready, I better eat it before it gets cold

ttfn xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Laurel is taking the pup to be scanned tomorrow. Also, she is not taking it anywhere and is going to ask for id if anyone claims her. We have found her a home, Hoda. So very sorry, would love for you to have her.

Hoda said...

Oh You already found her a home? The lady on FB? I am so happy that she will be all right and that all effort is being made to find if she has micro chip!!! Unbelievable that someone would dump her as I checked out the prices here and they go from 2000 to 2500 Dollars!!! You said when LAUREL found her she was not looked after and dirty and matted. She looks beautiful in the photo because she was given a bath by LAUREL...

magpie said...

Sure sounds like it is going to be a cozy and fun night at
Laurel's tonight, Lolly....

Wonderful rescue....Laurel was in the right place at the right time for sure

magpie said...

My goodness, those entries in the birding photo contest that Glo has entered, are literally flying
onto the page at breakneck speed, or so it seems

Of course I like Glo's the best !!
....and there are some
wonderful other photos on there also
second and third place and so on...
found a photographer with the last name Hoagland...much like my last name but mine has too o's not an oa

JudyEddy said...

HELP WHAT AM I ??????????????????

JudyEddy said...

Angie took this picture today So pretty is it a duck what kind or a goose ??

magpie said...

Well I think it is a goose
but I cannot tell you its name..because I don't know !
Nice picture

magpie said...

It might be a cross-breed between two different kinds of possibly domestic gooses ..
someone on here will know better, JudyE

JudyEddy said...

I also thought goose because of the beak I guess I could google it HUH Ok of to TV land

magpie said...

I googled domestic geese and found some similarities...
maybe part greylag goose with something else
so it might not actually HAVE a name
could not find a match in my bird book

glo said...

Judy I am thinking maybe a greylag goose. The picture is so small in the avatar though. Can you post to facebook. Maybe there is a larger photo on your blog. I will go look, which is what I should have done before making my guess LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Sending a quiet evening - Did have a short visit from 2 family members That was nice.......

Nothing in my plans for tomorrow

Just rest and take it easy

BBL to say good night

magpie said...

I think we are of like mind, Glo...
on that goose...
I love your Eagle In Flight picture...sure hope you get the
MOST votes....

Hello Jo, been thinking about you...glad you had some family visiting going on

JudyEddy said...


What am I

magpie said...

Unfortunately I am not really on Facebook so I don't think I can vote:(
it looks like I am on FB but not really, I tried once a few years ago and got tangled up to where I didn't know what to do next

magpie said...

and I don't think I can take it
on now either...
"Maybe some day"

JudyEddy said...

I loved you pic toooo GLO voted also I dislike doing apps on facebook but I did to vote for it

magpie said...

The Night Bandit and the Energy Bandit have teamed up here big time against me...
plus I might get a call to go in
beddy-bye time for me with a good book...
Thanks for the comments on my rainbow..Oct 14, 2011, here at Magpie's Roost

Prayers for Wellness All Around

Good Night Eagle Pals
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Hoda, my sister wants her. She has not been on fb, but saw the pictures and the discussion and called me. She had in the past a little dog that looks just like this one.

Janet said...

A good,but tired evening ya'll.....

Thanks for the thoughts on the wireless fencing....not worried so much about keeping anyone out....just thinking it might be the best way to help a very rambunctious Scout stay in and a very (from time to time) ornrey Beano stay in as well.

We looked at the ones that are wireless....don't go underground, but Tom has decided against that type. He is now investigating the ones that do have wires but go underground. He said that that type has better overall we shall see.....

Hoping that will be done fairly soon thought. I would love for Scout to have more yard time than what she has. I know there is a training period, but the sooner we start, the sooner she can have more freedom. Right now we walk her several times a day and do take her into the back yard to romp, but supervised only. She already has discovered loose spots in the fence. :(

JUDYE: VERY interesting about the ring....let us know what comes about with regards to its owner....or perhaps you are the new owner?

Sitting here ready to watch DAYTONA....probably won't make it very late thought. I was up @ 6 , left the house @ 8 a.m. and didn't get home til 6:30 p.m. With all of those students, I am very tired. Thankfully I had my buddy Amie to help today! :) :) :) She did very very well. She will be facilitating her own Reiki classes starting in April.

Having skimmed the comments, everyone seems to be well today. Have been thinking of you all. Gonna get some zzzz's here shortly, another busy day tomorrow. Only 9 in class tomorrow, and should be home around 4 at the latest....then bowling.

Everyone have a wonderful evening, light, love and SED to all!

Hoda said...

LOLLY that would be perfect...I hope it works out for your sister to have her...she would give her lots of love and care for her a great deal...good all around...

Hoda said...

JANET glad your classes went well. It is a long day. I well understand needing a rest.

JudyEddy said...

BRRR tonight is gonna be the coldest night of the season some areas are in freeze warnings we are suppose to get 38° brrrr

stronghunter said...

Wow, that is cold for Florida, Judy!

JudyEddy said...

Its 56° now winds gusting up to 30mph and makes it feel colder I am in my onsie LOL

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Florida Drivers' Licenses and Canadians

Hoda, this is what I found about your question regarding drivers' licenses for Canadians in Florida.

stronghunter said...

Dogs do find ways to get out of fences, Janet. We had a neighbor once whose dog would jump over the fence in the morning and run all over he neighborhood all day, then jump back in before the owners got home in the evening.

glo said...

The large gray and white goose in the front is a Greylag Goose.Judy

JudyEddy said...

Thanks Glo

JudyEddy said...

The wind is blowing her do all over the place

JudyEddy said...

Has anyone let Steve know about the still being stuck????

Judie said...

Goodnight everyone.

So glad the little pup will be taken in by Lolly's sister but the idea of Hoda as a "mama" was fun to consider. Could have been a dragon boating yoga baby. Name of course: dragon

The sandperson is soon on the way to sprinkle sleepy dust. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

THELMA.....hurriedly peeking in the other day I saw you ask a question. Did not have time to answer and then it got by me. I am so sorry!

Downton Abbey has been a series on PBS Maserpiece Theatre. It is a fantastic program. Tomorrow night it the end of season 1. Here is the web site for Downton Abbey. Tells all about it.

Downton Abbey

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all

Snow flurries here tonight

Finally walked the beach in the rain

House is in good shape

Gonna go back and cach up

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

JUDYE please go out and cover my oranges!!! Florida freeze means a more expensive orange in Canada!!! So before you go to bed head out and cover the oranges!!!PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE!!!

Hoda said...

Glad the house is in good shape PAULA. That is always a relief when you do not live there year round.

Linda said...

Hello and Goodnight, Friends!

SHIRLEY - I am so heart broken over FLASH's journey over the rainbow bridge. So terribly sad, especially when he was so young. Praying you all find comfort in the fact that he is no longer suffering. (((( Hugs ))))

JANET - We had the Invisible Fence company install the invisible fence in our yard all around the front and back, so that our very active border collie would be safe. I worried that he would bolt out the front door if one of the kids didn't shut the door properly.

The fence worked like a charm and the training time was VERY minimal. As far as the driveway goes, our installer cut into the asphalt right at the edge of the street and slipped the wire down and used some of that sealer to cover over it.

Riley was so well trained by the time we moved to PA, that on over 11 acres, we never had to do anything!! He just doesn't ever cross the street!!

There is always that slight chance they will run through the "fence," but it is very rare.

LOLLY - That is one cute friendly poodle!! Good that you have found her a home. It would have been great for HODA, too!! At least we know the dog will be well cared for!

Saying prayers for healing, broken hearts and wellness all around as we head up the stairs tonight....... it's been a long day here!!


Linda said...

JANET - To further clarify......we had the fence installed at our Florida home, which was an acre. I loved that we could walk someone out to their car and not have to hold on to the dog. He could come out, too and there was no worry.

There are some you can install yourself to save money, but I just wanted to get it done and at the time Dennis was working way too many hours. It wasn't cheap, but it was well worth it for us! to bed!!

paula eagleholic said...

I saw the poodle pic...glad she has a home...would have been cool if Hoda adopted here...hope it will happen for you Hoda

Windy here tonight...heading to bed...

SED Love and hugs for all

Hoda said...

Thank You PAULA I hope so too...

Lolly said...

Yes, I wish you lived closer, Hoda! You might have this dog tonight. Laurel sent me pictures tonight of Miss Teacup asleep. We still have hopes for finding the owner. Will learn more tomorrow.

My neice in Houston saw our pics on fb. She immediately thought of her mom, my sister, Sharon. We had also thought of Sharon. So, when she called we all laughed. If she goes to Sharon and Dan, she will be one spoiled, well cared for dog. She will also have a sister, Ally, the dog Sharon has now. She will also travel the US and Canada in their RV. lol

Lolly said...

Oh, and if she goes to Sharon, it means we will have a road trip to deliver the dog.

Hoda said...

It sounds wonderful LOLLY about the dog. I hope she is well and I am sure your sister will be the best place for her to be. She is indeed a beauty. And if I can not have her I am glad she stays with your family, extended family through sister.

LYNNE is quiet this weekend. Saw a few missing animal posts on FB but do not think she has been here today???
Wishing you well LYNNE.

Hoda said...

Good night.


Mema Jo said...

Good night to one and all
Restful sleep and peaceful dreams AOYP

Everyone stay warm - ♥

Lolly said...

Heading that way myself. Ready to close the eyes! I am wondering how the dog is going to do tonight. hee hee

Night all! SED!!!

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. George is settling down at the foot of my bed. Doing his regular cat-grooming routine.

Hunter decided he would like to have Luna sleep in his room since Flash is not around to keep her company downstairs.

Thanks again for your kind words and thoughts.

stronghunter said...

Getting late. Time for me to say good night. I hope we can get Hunter's new bed assembled tomorrow. One good thing about it is that since it has drawers underneath, there will be no "under the bed" to cram things into--that is, unless he crams the stuff into the drawers. And I think there will be items in the drawers.

Costume Lady said...

Good night my and prayers for you all♥

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....
Have not gotten called into work yet
Belle is sleeping soundly and
there are minimal breezes right now

Blackwater Eagle Cam is running again ☺
SPLIT time

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 458   Newer› Newest»

1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...