Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Tuesday thread.


glo said...

A feather for Michael

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning eagle budlets!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you very much! Hello to two of my most favorite peeps - glad and honored to share this new thread with you.

Thank you Steve
Bright blue cam with correct date but the time is incorrect! Can't wait for
that new cam!

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon ladies!

Just got home from work and voting. I'm so excited to watch the returns on TV tonight!!!

It's a beautiful day, a little cool, but the sun is out and I'll take that any day!

THANKS, STEVE, for the new thread...and Congrats to GLO on her new feather for Michael! Way to go!

JO, are you taking good care of yourself? I'm thinking of you!

SHAR, how much snow did you end up getting? Still there?

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Lori - always and if not everyone else takes care of me lol Enjoy your day ♥

Sharon, how is your knee this morning?
You need a ramp for the dogs to walk on to get into your van! BTW-happy about your recent medical report ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The dog was actually a pit bull that lives a few blocks up but always escapes and ends up in my neighborhood. He is the sweetest dog and his name is Stax. He crawled into my van and laid down in the floor board in the back and didn't want to leave. My knee is feeling a lot better but still gets twinges.

Lori, we got about 13 inches of snow.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird inventory so far today:
Pine siskins, goldfinches, white-breasted nuthatch, red-breasted nuthatch, chickadees, titmice, dark-eyed juncos, purple finches, cardinals, blue jays, downy woodpecker, wren, house sparrows, song sparrow, but no partridge in a pear tree, yet!

Sandi said...

Afternoon all! I need Momster prayers for my mom. She stubbed her toe on 10/27 and by the 29th, it was swollen and infected. My sister spent Monday, 10/29, in the ER with her and she was eventually admitted. She has been in the hospital for a week now on IV antibiotics and the toe hasn't healed. When I got home from voting there was a message that the docs think the toe should be amputated so the infection doesn't spread. Can't reach my sister for details.

grannyblt said...

Oh, no Sandi. Prayers that the correct decision is made.

grannyblt said...
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JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch just for a quickie and see a new thread THANKS for the new thread STEVE

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...


I am here. Thanks, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Summary of what I posted:

Contractor says they will start tomorrow.


We beat the first-placed team in bowling.


I voted. Line was not too bad.


Mema Jo said...

♥Sandi - prayers for your Mom - and for your peace of mind. Hope you reach your sister soon - hoping she may be with your mom. Some medical decision are so hard to make........

♥ Shirley - Yeah Yeah Yeah You are a winner today all around.

I'm off to retrieve the film from my most recent CT - Dr kept it and I need it - so off I go.... BBL

Sandi said...

Just talked to my sister. Surgeon was able to get an OR today, so Mom's toe was amputated. The doctor was afraid the infection would get into her blood stream and that would jeopardize her aneurysm surgery. I talked to Mom after the surgery - she only had local anesthesia. Will probably head to Baltimore Thursday.

Lolly said...

You amputate my toe, you better knock me out! lol

Seriously, Sandy..prayers for your mom. Glad you have talked with her.

Shirley...you go, girl! Hurrah for your bowling and for the possibility of work on the house tomorrow!!

Mema Jo said...

One good thing Sandi - you didn't have time to worry about your Mom's toe - It was a done deal by the time you were aware of it all. God Bless your Mom!

Lori O. said...

SANDI, sorry about your Mom's toe, but it sounds like it was the thing to do to keep her ready for the big surgery. Prayers that she's okay with it.

SHARON, hope your knee is healing well....especially if you have to navigate thru 13 inches of snow! Didn't realize it was SO MUCH!

SHIRLEY, lots of great things happened to you today! YAY for the contractor and the winning bowlers!

I'm off to bed soon, then up early around 11 or so to see if we might have a winner yet. Lots to know for work tomorrow!

SED & AOYP - prayers for all needs!


JudyEddy said...

Who's Michael ?? JIM !!

Was reading the few comments in my inbox and realized when I read about SANDI mom's toe that I hadn't read the blog from the point of the new thread to when I came home at lunch

sooo sorry for your mom loosing her toe but its best not to get it in her blood stream

Went and visited with the eagles at the park today

I went on the facebook page of walker ford tooo and got a reply from them they want me to get hold of some lady so far no luck with the cam I guess here is the email I got
Hi Judy,
Walker Ford Company commented on their Wall post.
Walker Ford Company wrote: "Our Controller Mary was working on it. We did not have any success. She would like you to contact her if you are interested please. mary.avedisian@walkerford.com"

I wonder if they got a hold of STEVE like I suggested I guess I will email her maybe we will see tooo late in the season I think now with our season just beginning here in Fl

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, so happy you got a feather the other day! I only have 2.

Sandi, glad they decided to proceed quickly on your Mom, like Jo said, you didn't even have time to worry about it.

DanaMo said...

Oh Sandi I am so sorry that your mom's toe didn't heal and had to be amputated! That just stinks!You have been having a tough run of it lately. I hope things start to look up soon.

Went to Curves today and worked out. Just can't get out and run in the dark and cold in the morning and I don't want to run in the afternoon.

I am ready to go up to bed. Unlike Lori, I have no desire to watch the returns. I had channel 7 on for about a half hour and couldn't take it anymore. So much speculation and then the news people going over and over everything over and over again! I'm done.

I'll find out in the morning. Me watching isn't going to make a difference. LOL! I did vote though and I was excited that I could go with Andrew to the polls. His first time! And Aric's too but he had to vote absentee from that all important state of OH!LOL!

Checking out for the night. See you in the morning ♥

JudyEddy said...

I also don't want to watch the returns I am watching stuff I dvrd but I won't have enough for the night :-( Will have to see what cable has on
Here are video of my visit to the cell phone tower nest today

Today visit with the cell phone tower nest this is the one I show the zoom on with my camera

this one has no zoom back just up close of the eagle
Todays visit with the cell phone tower nest

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

GLAD there is some action for SHIRLEY.

Power outages here have been the norm...

JudyEddy said...

HODA I know who he is I was just wondering when GLO said a feather for Michael it was JIM Movin that found the new thread thats all so she is giving him the feather huh thats nice ♥

Hoda said...

JUDYE I knew you knew who MICHAEL is and could not understand the question. I deleted the post.

Sorry to hear about SANDI'S MOM toe amputation...tough decision and prayers and blessings to her to heal soon.

I thought the first person who posts get the feather not the one who finds the new thread...

JudyEddy said...

I also thought that and JIM MOVIN found it but GLO claimed it for Michael I guess Maybe she will clear it up LOL
JIM don't you want the feather LOL
Can you imagine what peeps think when the read this we have eagle feathers we give away LOL

JudyEddy said...

Its the person who finds and post I thought and JIM found but didn't post so GLO is entitled to the feather I guess atleast no more WAX LOL or POOP facials

JudyEddy said...

I meant the first person who announces the new thread and post

JudyEddy said...

so JIM get half a feather LOL OK just being silly as Jordyn would say

Hoda said...

OMA!!! you are having way too much fun!!! LOL!!!

JudyEddy said...

OK ran out of things to watch and you will never believe what I am watching????????????????????????????????????????????????

JudyEddy said...

Its old from 1968

JudyEddy said...

Its sort of supernatural

Hoda said...

Not Bonanza then!!!LOL!!!

JudyEddy said...

Rosemarys Baby I loved it when it was on then so we will see now I just can't watch any of the returns tooooo frustrating I will just be surprised in the morning no fretting over it now just can't watch

Janet said...

Good evening folks.

SANDI: keeping your mom in heart and thoughts....you certainly do NOT need any more right now! oh, my...i don't know....how i would/could handle it, being aware they were taking off part of my body!!!!! (((((hugs))))))

STRONGHUNTER: yeah!!!! sounds like things are moving along a bit for you...

JUDY: as i remember you always did like the spooky movies! lol enjoy

i just finished another book. this darned kindle has me hooked. i finish one book, go thru, pick another, pay and boom its there....yikes!!!!

been a good day. a couple of massages, then in the p.m. went grocery shopping....(found out they don't sell alcohol on election days in tn...who knew?????? ) and now, relaxing and watching the election returns. won't be up too late though. another busy day tomorrow.....

hope everyone is doing okay...hugs to all!

stronghunter said...

Trying to stay awake to watch the returns. Getting very sleepy, though. Going to say good night and try to hang on for awhile.

Rest well, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Here is a link that show up to the second the electoral votes and each state is listed I have this on my puter and watching movie

right now Mitt is ahead in Electoral votes 173 and Ob is 162

Up to date electoral votes

Mema Jo said...

I am heading to BED. I can wait for all the election surprises until morning

Heading down tomorrow afternoon to visit with Michael.

God bless us all - Prayers for all our
Good Night I love us ♥

Thinking of you Lynn ♥

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Have been watching the election returns tonight and messaging with family and dear friends. My book was laid aside.☺

Getting on to say good night!

Much love and (((hugs))) And, I just want to say how much I appreciate the fact that nothing political is discussed on this blog. We love our country and each other!


magpie said...

Well I posted and now don't see it.
I have severe finger splits but I shall try again:

Good Night, Precious Pals...
I cannot eke another minute out of this day

Prayers for Wellness, with particular thoughts for Sandi's dear Mom, and for Michael, all the time, every day....and for all our many needs amongst us...
(( Hugs))
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxo !!!!

magpie said...

Well I posted and now don't see it.
I have severe finger splits but I shall try again:

Good Night, Precious Pals...
I cannot eke another minute out of this day

Prayers for Wellness, with particular thoughts for Sandi's dear Mom, and for Michael, all the time, every day....and for all our many needs amongst us...
(( Hugs))
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxo !!!!

magpie said...

G'Night Terrific Texan Lolly!

sorry for my double or maybe triple post...blaming it on these
%$#* finger splits !!!!

xoxoxo !! and I mean it !!!

Lolly said...

Nite Wonderful Vivacious West Virginian Magpie!☺

Costume Lady said...

Now that the election is over, maybe our phones will get a rest:)
Maybe WE will get a rest!
Praying that the next 4 years is better than the last.

Sandi, so sorry for your Mom...what does she say about loosing a toe (which one)?
You just don't need anymore bad news. Prayers for you and yours♥

GOOD NIGHT dear friends. Love and prayers for all♥

Lori O. said...

Well, it's over. I've been up watching the election returns...now all I have to do is remember who and what won and lost and I'll be good for the day. Tomorrow back to normal! I need a nap already!

Prayers for all in need, SANDI and her Mom, DANAMO's Dad, THELMA's BIL, JO, Michael and KAY!

I love us!

Hoda said...

...and to my neighbours to the south...ONE AMERICAN FAMILY. God Bless You and God Bless The United States of America.
You continue to lead the world. You showed the world today and tonight how it is done. God Bless You all and I love you and your country with all of my heart.


Hoda said...

Good night




Lori O. said...

Goodnight HODA! AOYP!

T-Bird said...

Good morning one and all.

T-Bird said...

Yet again Buddy woke me up and now I can't go back to sleep.

Sandi said...

Good rainy, cold Wednesday morning my eagle freinds!!

Another good report on Michael - YAY!

Shirley, if your weather is like my weather, your contractor won't be starting on your siding today! But at least you know it will be very soon.

Prayers for Michael, Jo, Dana's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law and all needs on the blog. Make it a great day!

DanaMo said...

Dry here in Hagerstown so far. Not turning on the television this morning so I will have to look up the weather.

Thank God it is Wednesday. Adam has his bone scan this morning. Halfway through this very busy week. Hopefully, the letter H will come in this morning so I can get this quilt put together. They want to display it tomorrow. I will be at my sewing machine all evening. Pray for me that it comes together as well as last year. I foresee some challenges this year. Many designs when right to the edges and I am trying to figure out if I need to add ribbon between each row to give me more fabric to work with. Not sure how to do it though if I do. EEEK. Wish I had more time to think about it (that would be procrastinate! ☺)
Prays for all!

Janet said...

good morning all.

wednesday. halfway thru another week. two massages and ice skating on my agenda today. i still haven't put things away from my classes this past weekend!

we did the grocery shopping last night, then ate and watched the election returns. we watched them until our eyes were closing involuntarily. lol. about 10 cst we went to sleep. so we, like many of you, are waking up the the results this morning.

since we don't have and haven't had a house phone for 5 years now, i haven't been inundated with calls. i think i would unplug my phone if that were the case, though.

just so glad its done and over with. no maybe they will hush!

yuck. the east cost is getting wind and rain again. i am so sorry, ya'll.

thinking of each of you, have a good day. will touch base later. light, love and hugs to you! and smiles for all!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

95thousand ballots are still not counted Fl always seems to mess up but it won't change anything was just on the news

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

No work on the house today because of the weather. Do not want them to take the tarp down and then get rain. They said tomorrow looks better. Oh, I hope so.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, it is supposed to be sunny & warmer tomorrow. :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ahhh. So refreshing to come here where there are no words of hate!

I LOVE US!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

AMEN!!!! to that, Sharon!

Good morning eagle buddies!!!! I am seriously considering leaving fb. I am so tired of the negative comments! Have started blocking those that post negativity!

Hoda and I enjoyed the evening messaging back and forth. Love you, Hoda!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning friends ♥ I waited until this morning to see the headlines.. Now I want the pres to do what is best for my fellow Americans!

Getting ready to head down to Kernan.
Thank you for all the prayers and support for Michael and our family.

No rain here - yet... Maybe around 4:00 so they say.

TTUL I love us ♥

Lolly said...

Shirley, so sorry about the rain today, but sounds like tomorrow will be a better day! ♪♫ tomorrow, tomorrow ♪♫ ☺

Sun shiney here. Have hopes for rain this weekend. On TV they say the lakes are dropping again. Our sandy soil is powder dry! Yuck!

Lolly said...

Have a great day, Jo! And, let Michael know your momster/dadster friends are praying for him!♥

Lolly said...

Looks like we might be going to Dallas this weekend. Have not seen my Michael or Zacharooski since before our trip. Do not like that!

glo said...

Good morning all. Praying for a good day.

Kay said...

My goodness, no post since Glo's of 11:32 AM. We do need to get that cam and let our eagles bring us back together !

SANDI, prayers for your dear Mom ! Sounds like a good medical decision so that the next procedure will not be compromised. I hope the healing is quick and complete and that she has no problem with balance as she gets used to living without that toe.

DANAMO, I am praying per your request ! I remember that beautiful quilt of last year and feel sure this one will equal it ! Prayers for Adam, too, in hopes that the bone scan shows nothing amiss !

Like others in "swing States" I'm finding the silence today to be lovely ! I was getting robocalls right up until 6pm yesterday. Ugh !
Enjoyed watching returns til' the wee small hours of the morning and so today I'm too pooped to pop !!!

Praying for all of you who are in this weeks storm path and for all in need ! God Bless America, land that we love ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Home from work today was a hour cut day Hope very ones days was super its my Fri Think about driving to watch the sunset

JudyEddy said...

I guess most of us work sure can't wait to retire and am gonna try my dardest to soooooooooonnnnn ♥

JudyEddy said...

I buzzed by the park on the way home and saw one eagle on top of the tower but didn't stop but just nice to be able to see

JudyEddy said...

I have the Fl nest up and boy is it windy there Thinking about takin a road trip down there to see it One of the gals on the chat said they would email me the address if I want it just don't want to put on chat

JudyEddy said...

sure was nice to come home today and no no no no calls and no mail that is niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!♥♥♥♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say "Howdy," and mention that I, too, am SO glad the election is over! We were receiving late evening phone calls, and on Monday night someone even rang our doorbell after 8 pm!
I am DONE. Ken and I voted yesterday afternoon after he got home from work.

I'm thinking of, and praying for, everyone on the east coast today.
Hoping that the storm is not as bad as expected.

Prayers are continuing for Michael, for Jo, for Sandi's Mom, and everyone else in need. Sharon, so glad to hear of a good report from your doctor!

Hoda, regarding the decaf tea, I doubt that it will cause you to get a headache. I bet, rather, that is is the lack of tea containing caffeine that causes the headache! A gradual switch-over is the best way to do that.
Hope you are sleeping better!

I have received a lot of medical reports from the doctor that need to be transcribed, so will be pretty busy for a few days. Hope I can stay caught up here!

Lolly, I understand your frustration about Facebook. I haven't had much trouble like that, but can't believe the way some people abuse the privilege of posting there. Don't they realize that a lot of employers check up on their employees to see what they post? Prospective employers do the same. Gotta be careful nowadays!

Well, I need to get back to work. Will try to check in later tonight or tomorrow morning. Hope everyone has a fantastic afternoon/evening!
♥♥Love & miss you, Lynn!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

I have the Brooks Falls cam up to looks like its snowing there now just light flurries Has anyone one see any bears fishing for salmon there yet???

JudyEddy said...

I only have one issue with that cam it has such a big long screen I have brought my zoom level down on it

JudyEddy said...

Thinking about closing up the windows for the nest couple of days right now its 63° but we had a cold front come in today some areas are gonna go in the 40° but not us because we are surrounded by water so we will get in the 50° that is window closing weather to me I

I hope everyone that is in the path of the nor eastern doesn't get any thing especially SANDI and all those with issue from Sandy

JudyEddy said...

ON the new now showing Ocean City NJ getting sideways snow My heart goes out to all you peeps up north

Sandi said...

Hi all! So far so good with the weather. It has been blowing and raining all day but not so hard that the ground can't absorb most of the water. The water level in the canal in front of us is getting a little high but nowhere close to overflowing. The rain is turning to snow inland but is supposed to stay all rain right here at the coast. No idea if the beach has sustained any damage from wind and erosion.

The water restoration company just took out all the equipment - dehumidifier and big fans. It sounds so quiet in here after 3 solid days of listening to all that equipment running 24/7!

Just got a call from my sister. Mom is being discharged from the hospital. Will have a nurse coming in each day to redress the wound. Not sure when I'll get up there. I am SO swamped at school, I was really banking on having Friday afternoon to do some catching up on paperwork (teacher inservice day with meetings in the morning). I may wait til Friday afternoon to drive to Baltimore and then spend the weekend and part of Monday with Mom(no school on Monday for Veteran's Day).

JudyEddy said...

SANDI great news I have the intellicast weather map and it looks like everything is north of you Del looks like mostly rain some pink and blues but mostly green I hope it continues

Lori O. said...

SANDI, I'm glad to hear you're not getting the snow. I just checked your forecast and it said snow, but like you said that must be inland. Prayers for your Mother and your cleanup!

SHARON, I missed your good report from the doctor, what was it? :)

I, too, am happy to land here on this beautiful positive, no politics blog. I was so disappointed/disgusted with people on FB this morning!!!

JO, hope you had a nice visit with Michael. Do you have a test or procedure tomorrow?

Lori O. said...

Okay, it's bedtime for this early bird...early to bed, early to rise!

Sweet dreams everyone. AOYP!

Mema Jo said...

♥ Sandi - happy that things are coming together for you weather wise - Prayers for your mother's recovery ♥

♥ Dana - I suppose you are sewing away on the Quilt - hope it is going well.

♥ Snow - I wouldn't mind a dusting of snow. No precipitation here yet.

♥ Shirley - hope tomorrow is your Start day on the house repair.

♥ Andy - good to hear from you!

♥ Lori - I know you are sound asleep by now but I'll say Hi! anyhow.

♥ Judy - I keep checking out our cam - so glad we have the others to watch.

♥ Janet - Boy could I ever treat myself to a good massage and a reiki

My appointment for tomorrow has been rescheduled by the dr to Fri...

Mema Jo said...

Our visit with Michael was very good today. He had two different therapy sessions - one at lunch with chewing and the other was occupational . He was one tired fellow by the time we were ready to leave. His trachea was going to be removed today and he was pleased about that! He gives a thumbs up & says 'good'. Michael has a release date of the 16th - but destination is still unknown. His niece and friend is visiting this evening. I told her to bring her guitar. The part of his brain that is affecting his speech does not affect his musical ability. He can sing along beautifully! I am praying for Michael and for his future. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Signing off for the day
Be back Thursday Lord willing

I Love Us ♥

Prayers for all our needs

Thinking about you Lynn ♥

Lolly said...

Dinner is over. We had a fantastic meal and a good bottle of wine. ☺

Jo, so happy for your great visit with Michael.

Dana....sew sew sew!!

Left Lynne a message on fb. I miss her!!!

Quiet around here this evening, guess I will read!

Hoda said...

A beautiful day here but the temperatures are dropping and the snow they spoke of tomorrow might still happen.

I miss LYNNE too LOLLY and was very glad to see your post on her FB page.

Praying for the Friday appointment JO. Glad of MICHAELE'S news.

SANDI Prayers, love and Light to you and your MOM and the whole family rather. It seems like your sister did a lot...Can your MOM walk or is she out of balance with the loss of the toe? Is it her big toe?

Early morning meeting tomorrow and also ASIAN FUSION cooking class in the evening...it will make for a long day.

Lolly said...

Did not read....fell asleep! Going to shower, guess last night staying up has gotten to me!

Night all! SED!!!!!

Hoda said...

6.3 earthquake hit off of Vancouver an hour ago...did not feel it here...all is well even in Vancouver.

I hope the folks back east are doing well with the North Easter.

JudyEddy said...

Thinking of MARGIE each time I see a new google symbol check it out its for Bran Stoker

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Costume Lady said...

Nothing going on here weather-wise...I think the Nor-Easter
will be missing us! Saturday and Sunday will be like Indian Summer days and great for working outdoors!

Getting symptoms of Face Plants...moments ago, I caught myself with my eyes closed and fingers just resting on the keyboard...going to bed!

Love and prayers to all, sleep well♥

Lori O. said...

Good Thursday Morning eagle friends!!!

Glad we were spared the snow, but a dusting would have been pretty! Didn't even get any rain, here.

DANAMO, hope you got your quilt done. I'm sure it looks as great as it does in the picture!

HODA, so happy the earthquake wasn't closer to you and glad you didn't feel it! After living in LA, I don't miss earthquakes at all!

JO, Wonderful that you had a nice visit with Michael. Interesting how his musical ability isn't affected! That's awesome! Remember to take good care of yourself!

SANDI, what's next on the cleanup agenda, or are you done already?

SHIRLEY, bet you'll be glad to hear the noise of carpenters at your house today! Finally! YAY!

JUDYE, have a happy day off! Enjoy it!

KAY, hope you're feeling NO pain!

I miss LYNNE2, MARGY, LINDA and some of the other regulars who must be very busy.

Prayers for all in need. I love you all! AND, I love us!!!

Hoda said...

Have an AWESOME day LORI {{{HUGS}}}



DanaMo said...

Thanks Lori! Have a great day! We will do some finishing touches at school today and tomorrow, but it is ready to display at the luncheon.

DanaMo said...

And good morning everyone!

DanaMo said...

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. Sew, Sew, Sew is what I did Margy. And I was up way past my bedtime and then couldn't get to sleep. I didn't even try right away knowing I needed to unwind, but even still had trouble once I was in bed.
Let's hope it brings in as much as last year, although I'm not sure that it will. I don't think I will even be able to stay for the live auction this year because I have to go to church and teach Confirmation class. Oh well.

I'll post a picture on my blog for the non-facebook users.

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning Lori, Dana, and all my eagle friends! Still raining here this morning but just a little for now. One more high tide to get through and then we can relax. So far, all water has stayed IN the canal and NOT in our yard or house!

Clean up schedule today calls for getting mildewcide sprayed on all of the exterior sheathing and studs where the drywall has been removed and maybe the sealer on the floor. Once those 2 things are done, and the floor dries, then we can start getting things moved back into place in the workshop. Denny plugged in his dust collection system yesterday and, even though the motor had been under water, it's working! There's some good news - it would have been a big expense to replace.

Happy to hear that Michael has gotten his trach removed and is singing!

Dana, the quilt is beautiful!! What a labor of love! What is the purpose of today's luncheon and auction?

Shirley, hope the work on your house FINALLY starts today!

Hoda, are you sleeping any better?

Today is a day off for me - Returns Day! Will be badgering the flood insurance company to get an adjuster out to get an answer once and for all if any of our damage will be covered.

Make it a great day all!

Lori O. said...

Happy Day Off, SANDI! You deserve it! ♥

Janet said...

A quick good morning to one and to all.

Day 8 of 9 in a row work, work, working. Be glad when Saturday gets here. I am tired.

Took Olivia skating & Michael (son, age 22) went with us. :) He had a great time. Actually, they both did skating aroudn together. He had never been skating before, but did okay.

Hopeing everyone has a dandy day. Thiknking of each of you, your concerns and sending light and love to you.

Hugs to all! :)

DanaMo said...

Every year we have a catered Thanksgiving Lunch for the students (they do pay for it. The parents come in and have Thanksgiving lunch with their children. The high school has it too and I will be going to the one at Goretti next Friday. It's a nice tradition. Often times grandparents come as well. It's a "zoo" kind of day, and it will be very hectic, but it is very nice.

The auction is on Sunday. Each class made a project with the students and then we have tons of other items for a live and silent auction. (we are just previewing some of the pieces made by the classes today).

Appointment with the oncologist today for Dad. Don't expect to find out much. One more cycle of chemo. starting next Tuesday and then CT scan after Thanksgiving.

Sandi-glad to hear things are improving. We didn't get any precipitation here at all.

Posted Warrior Canine Connection pictures as well. Miss those puppies!

DanaMo said...

Janet-I could really use a massage this morning after leaning over that sewing machine last night. Wish you lived nearby. ;)

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

We are having a nice brisk morning.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Thelma! How are you this morning?

magpie said...

Happy 54th Wedding Annivesary for Jo and Ed !! xoxox ☺♥☺♥

What a day in history that is, one of the Greatest I would say....
a terrific couple, and
all those wonderful children and grandchildren and great grandchildren !!

Bravo, Congratulations, Clap Clap Clap !!!

magpie said...

And Good Morning Eagle Pals...
from Magpie's Roost


NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone! I'm up and don't have to go anywhere! I think it will soon be Panda nap time!Had appt. yesterday down at Georgetown~~took about 3 hours!!!!No new radiation growths found~~Yippee! Didn't go to work, after lunch had nap and awoke at 11 PM!!!!I'm on another continent!

Sandi, prayers for your Mom's toe surgery and hope your hard work on the house will soon be done.
DanaMo, your quilt is super!! Prayers for your Dad.
Shirley, hope your home gets repaired ASAP!!It's getting cold outside!!
Prayers for Mema Jo's appt. today.
And prayers for Michael and all those in need ☺

NatureNut said...

OOPS!!!! Mema Jo's appt. is Friday~~~HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MEMA JO AND ED!!!!

Lori O. said...

LORETTA, praises that you had no new growths! YAY!

Lori O. said...


stronghunter said...

Happy anniversary, Jo and Ed!!!!


There is equipment in my yard. I am hoping to see workers soon. The weather is beauteous. A bit cold, but pretty.

stronghunter said...

Hoping to send the lovely blue tarp to the burying place where all unneeded items are stored.

Oh, I hear a vehicle in the driveway next door. Gravel crunching over there.

stronghunter said...

Workers arriving next door might come over here. Same company. I am hopeful today.

stronghunter said...

I hear clunks out there.

stronghunter said...

Much to do today. Trying to get things ready for the indoor workers. You could not imagine how much stuff still needs to be moved around.

stronghunter said...

Sent Hunter off to school this morning in his YMCA shirt. While he was off from school, he wore his YMCA shirt for . . . maybe 4 days. OK. He has two of them, but I think the same one was on his body for at least 3 of those days. Kathryn and I conspired to sneak it into the laundry while he was sleeping.

Oh, the joys of having a pre-teen male child.

stronghunter said...

He waited until the very last minute to find socks this morning, then tried to dismiss me so that he could sneak a pair out of his mom's sock drawer.

With less than five minutes for him to catch the bus, I am fine with the kid wearing his mom's socks.

stronghunter said...

Glad for your good news, Loretta!

magpie said...

Best wishes on all your things there Shirley...
I am busier than I am comfortable with...as it does not leave
me time right now to catch up my friends HERE or anywhere else...

things will ease up soon, I think

Meanwhile: Best Wishes to Everyone on your Day and all the others to follow !!

xoxox (( Hugs ))

Costume Lady said...



stronghunter said...

Banging and hammering. The house is actually shaking. Thought George would be upset. Right now, he is unbothered.

stronghunter said...

Margy, make time for yourself. Please.

stronghunter said...

Taking my comments and

heading over to the


DanaMo said...

Posting this here but not on FB so don't refer to it over there. The news "appears" to be really good for my dad. We won't know anything for sure until the CT scan on the 27th which is why I don't want it on FB.doctor can no loner feel any swelling at all. There is a good chance that this means that the tumor has shrunk and that is why the kidney is now able to drain, hence the decrease in swelling.
Thanks for your continued prayers, I know that God hears them and has a plan for all of us.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...