Saturday, November 03, 2012


New thread.  American Conservation Film Festival is going on at NCTC, open to the public until 5:00 PM.


Kay said...

Thank you ever so much for the New Thread, Steve !!!! Hope the film festival is a huge success !!!! Thrilled with the cam update !!!!

magpie said...

Good for you Kay! Fining and Announcing !!

and GREAT for us, ...thanks for the New Thread....
unfortunately I am at work today, no opportunity to go to the film festival :(

but thanks for the Hot Tip !

Kay said...

Aha, my first Feather ! Yay !

Absolutely tickled pink upon reading your post on Michael's phone call, JO !

Pleased to hear about the siding, SHIRLEY---progress at last !!!!

Hope the clean up is going well, SANDI !

Sounds like most things are looking good for those of you posting these days and that makes me very happy. ☺

Love and prayers to all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

fining = finding
I'm blaming that one on finger splits !

HELLOOOOO ☼HI☼ Sunshine Kay !

movin said...

New thread is great; new and improved camera setup is great, Steve. Thanks a big much.

I hope everybody's day is as sunny and beautiful where you are as it is here in So Cal today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Sandi said...

Taking a break from the clean up to eat lunch and check in. Things are moving along - we'll get there. Denny has picked up about 10 new jobs repairing houses with storm damage. He may never have the time to get ours redone!!


Lori O. said...

Gosh, it's so cold out today. My hands are numb from mowing leaves. This time I put the leaf vacuum on and half the time it's a pain, but it does a good job when it works. Sometimes stuff just gets clogged in it -- so frustrating when you go to dump it and there's nothing in it! :)

Hope everyone is having a productive weekend!

KAY, congratulations on your first feather. I only have one, too, so we can be twins...definitely not chiefs!

Lolly said...

Home from soccer. Joseph's team lost to the first place team 4 to 3.They tied 1- 1 last time they played. Still have a chance to win the season as it is a point contest.

Came home and mowed the leaves.

Okay, guys, this is it. Today

TCU wipes up WV!!!!GO FROGS!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Jo, what a fantastic phone call from Michael!! Hope you're enjoying your visit with him today!

Just dropping in quickly to let you know about the movie Cloud Atlas that we saw yesterday. The acting and the makeup were terrific, but the plot was a puzzle (they jumped around thru time too much, and there were so many stories going on that it was difficult to follow!) It's one of those movies where you are still trying to figure out what you've seen, days later! I would recommend waiting until it comes on DirecTV, and watching it there.
It's not one I would want to see more than once.

Steve, thanks for the new thread, and the news on the new cam! Can't wait to see our eagles again! Hope someone spots them soon.

Shirley, I'm thrilled that there is finally some progress being made, and your home will be repaired soon! Sounds like everyone is busy cleaning up today.
Things are looking up!

Need to get some laundry done. Will check back in later. HAGD, everyone. Prayers continue for all!
I ♥ us!!!

Lolly said...


JudyEddy said...

home from work to find a new thread two within in 24hours your spoiling us STEVE LOL THANKS FOR THE FREASH THREAD we will do our best to fill it up
Hope each and everyone of you had a great day now I need to catch up on the reading of the blog

JudyEddy said...

Thelma use your zero instead of o

JudyEddy said...

LYNN1 I know how you feel with the cats bringing in critters The live ones YUK My old cat did that also birds, rats, mice all alive so I also closed the access door No more surprises after that

JudyEddy said...

HEY KAY bet you look mighty good in your new head dress with the eagle feather

JudyEddy said...

LORI so sorry you are cold I was just thinking when I walked in my house WOW I just may have to trun on the AC 78° now but as I sit here I am comfortable with it so no AC for the present time and when the sun goes down it will be cooler With my ceiling fan on make it cooler toooo

JudyEddy said...

all caught up didn't take me toooo long so now I must figure out what I want to eat or go get to eat or maybe pizza delivery of pasta delivery HMMMMMM and the lava cakes toooo Bad Judy LOL

JudyEddy said...

pretty image of NASA of the day

Imiage of the day

Lolly said...

Great day!!!!!!☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

☺☺☺☺ TCU beat WVU!!! ☺☺☺☺☺

Enjoyed commenting on fb with Bev's Tom!!!

GO FROGS!!!!!!

Hoda said...

Rainy gray day.
I continue to be inspired by all who are volunteering to clean up the mess in NY , NJ, Conn, and West Virginia...BRAVO

I hope some of the marathon runners show up to Staten Island to help with the clean up tomorrow too...It would be a great gesture towards a city that has hosted them for forty years...hands reaching out.

SANDI proud of you and pray for you and DENNY and your neighbourhood too.

THELMA I am sorry about the computer?

LOLLY I will not touch the comments about the game!!! you are on dangerous ground gal!!! Some pretty awesome folks live in West By God Virginia...LOL!!!

There is a feel of snow in the air but the weather speaks only of rain this week.

Lori O. said...

HODA, we have a chance of snow Tuesday night & Wednesday! Know what you mean about the game score!
Love our West Virginians!

Hoda said...

LORI I dreamt you have a new dog, you were chasing it around and laughing!

Lori O. said...

HODA, You must have felt me looking at a picture of FloBear! I miss him so. It may be time for a new dog. Thanks Hoda!

Steve Chase said...

Saw both birds about 6 pm tonight at the nest.

JudyEddy said...


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Mema Jo said...

That is great news, Steve. Thank you so much for getting the good word to us.

magpie said...

Oh, that is a seriously BIG WOWSER, Steve's Post...

Oh, just so enjoying the thought of this extra hour of sleep coming up !

Jo: Hoping your trip to the Big City with the visit to that wonderful son of yours, was stellar today !


magpie said...

got my work clothes on after a wee Panda Nap...time to work on packing up more family treasures here..
then I'll start with rearranging and moving some of my things Monday and
Tuesday. Let it snow, I'm OFF next week

(( Saturday Night Hugs ))xo

Hoda said...

YAY STEVE!!! YOU ROCK!!! Thank you for telling us

40 Amsterdam Marathon Runners have volunteered for the reclaiming efforts on Staten Island and NY...This is good the city gets back some of what it gives to the world.

Hoda said...

{{{{{HUGS LORI}}}}}

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!!!!
So far, the only thing I've seen good about Hurricane Sandy is that she knocked down enough leaves that I can see the Eagle Nest from the road at the Park!!!!☺ Was MT, looks pretty much the same except for a lump in the middle which might be some fallen branches, etc.

Wish we could get a camera!We have bad luck w/electrical items there. However, for the first time the Park 'puter turned on to my desktop and programs opened faster than 15 minutes!!!!Maybe Sandy did that, too!
We had the annual Jug Bay 10K, 5K Run for Wildlife down at the big Group Camp. I was only one assigned to the office.Boo, was warmer but I didn't get my shirt!(And we had a deceased rodent under the fridge) Had to wait for help after the race. Needless to say, I haven't eaten, yet! But I am
Been on phone w/daughter. They are planning to get 2 of the kittens they visited today so they will always have a playmate.

JudyEddy said...

stopping in to say good night

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

My body says it is bedtime - turned my clocks already and they say it's too early - I'm listening to my body!
Good night and God Bless all

Miss you Lynn ♥

I Love Us ♥

Hoda said...



Costume Lady said...


Sleep tight, but leave a little room for prayers and love being sent your way♥

Lolly said...

Wow!!! Thanks, Steve for letting us know about the eagles! Wahooo!
Can hardly wait for the cam to be up and running! Who will be the first to spot our eagles on the cam?

Have been reading tonight and now it is late. Have already moved our clocks back.

It has been a GREAT day!☺

Night all! SED!!!!!

magpie said...

I have an atomic clock here that went through its 23 hour go ahead routine...thought the poor clock was having a seizure! But it's the correct "new" time already, though it got an early head start on it

magpie said...

But, like body and definitely my mind thinks and knows it is really 12:53 a.m. hereabouts and it is played slam out

magpie said...

But, like body and definitely my mind thinks and knows it is really 12:53 a.m. hereabouts and it is played slam out

magpie said...

So I'm off to the delightful pillows.

Prayers for Wellness, and definitely for Sweeeeeet Sleep for all

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One

Lori O. said...

DUH, I was so sore and sleepy from all the mowing and carrying the cut up trees yesterday that I forgot to turn the clocks back...just realized it's 3 not 4AM!

Lori O. said...

Guess I'm up for the long haul, now.

WOOOHOOOO, STEVE! Thanks so much for the eagle report. Kills me that they are there and we can't see them, but I'm grateful we'll have the new and better cam soon!!! I can't wait!!!

T-Bird said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle peeps.

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning Lori and all my eagle friends. Dogs don't understand DST or EST. Bella's stomach said it was time to get up and eat!!

Got a lot of clean up done yesterday though we also discovered another casualty of the storm. We have 2 heat pumps and didn't plan to use the one on the side of the house that got flooded til the HVAC guys could come out tomorrow to check it out and make sure it's OK. But we turned the other one on Friday night before we went to bed. Yesterday morning, there was an error message on the thermostat. Called the HVAC company and, when they came out, they said the unit is low on freon. The guy thinks the force of the water must have moved the platform the unit sits on and damaged the freon line, so that will have to be fixed tomorrow as well. Still waiting to hear whether Denny's van will be repaired or totaled.

Today, the water restoration company comes to clean the floors and spray mildewcide on the studs and sheathing so we can start moving our stuff back indoors. There is a chance of a nor-easter on Wednesday into Thursday!

School work, laundry and grocery shopping are on today's agenda. Make it a great day all! Continued prayers for Michael, Jo, Dana's dad, and Thelma's brother-in-law. Morning Thelma!

T-Bird said...

I couldn't sleep so I decided I might as well get up.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning SANDI & THELMA! Glad to have some company now! I got up early, too. Forgot to change the clock, but my body said time to get up!

Lori O. said...

SANDI, hope everything works out with the heat pumps, and Denny's van. Prayers for a fast return to normal, and NO Noreaster!

T-Bird said...

It is game day. Love you Lynn!!
The weather isn't so cold today and it is froggy here today. Here's looking forward to a sunny fall weather day. ((hugs)) Don't get me wrong I was ready for some snow and boy did we get it. :))

Lori O. said...

THELMA, you're doing great getting your letter "O" to type! Maybe your computer is fixing itself! :)

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Good Morning JUDYE!!!!
Guess today is a work day for you...bummer. Are your days off still Thursday and Friday?

JudyEddy said...

yep work day but I get off at 4 instead of 5 everyone is cut 2hours and that is accross the board even in NC where June lives and yep I am still off on Thru and Fri

JudyEddy said...

I put a long sleeve shirt on today yesterday I was so cold in the store with working on the grocery side and all the coolers and freezers and the temp being cooler outside it was chilly in store and all the customers complained tooo funny we are such wimps with the temps being a little cooler LOL

Sandi said...

In the midst of all the storm stuff, I forgot to mention that my new binoculars arrived!! They're Celestron Granite 8X42 and wow, what an improvement over my old binoculars!! The image is so much brighter and crisper! Now, to find the time for some bird watching!!

Also, one of my last night's dreams was about 2 eagles soaring together as I was walking home from school. Guess I went to bed with Steve's comment on my mind that he had seen both eagles yesterday. I really miss watching them!

Janet said...

good morning all! HOPE EVERYONE FELL BACK!

TEARS IN MY EYES over steve's post. just knowing the birds are okay...they are the silent partners here, who can't type for themselves...and i know we all are thankful that he has seen them and they are well.

feels like November outside this morning. it was sunny and 82 yesterday, then about 5:30 yesterday, as I was letting class out of the building, the storm clouds were rolling in. it was a beautiful electrical storm, with the lightening snaking across the skies....and right now, its 43 degrees and kind of misty/wet out there. feels like november. we aren't warming up that much today. :) 58 today and 30's tonight.

glad we have heat!!!!!

classes were good yesterday. like i said, about half the size of my former classes, and even though i would have liked the $ $ from the other half dozen students, i'm thankful for those who were there and it was an easy day. :)

hope everyone has a beautiful day. we have bowling tonight. hope i can bowl worth something tonight. *sigh* it does get discouraging when you can't knock the pins down......i want to at least get my average....

have a great day ya'll. hugs, light, and smiles....

Lori O. said...

JANET, we need to give you a bowling nickname, like we called Shirley, Cyclone! Any ideas? :)

T-Bird said...

I have really found something out this weekend. If you (I) leave a child or young adult be when you want to wring their necks(and probably when you want to wring an adult's head too ) and instead politely tell them, this was a wrong decision you made and suggest to them what you think is the proper decision and give them room to make mistakes they have a good chance of "treating others as they would want to be treated," and making better decisions. Of Course there is always leading by example and not "do as I say not as I do." Let me say this again, I believe children and young adults need the chance to make mistakes so they can grow.
I realize this can not and does not apply to everything but it sure helps me with Justin. I have a calmness and admiration when I can stand back and watch him make the right decisions.

magpie said...

"Eloquent" is the word that comes to mind as I read your post...
(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

Hoping and Wishing that today is a very good day...
might be tough, with chores, discoveries of new damages..things like that...
but I hope it has a Glory all its own for each of you

Getting my "workday" going here..
So, I have you ALL in my thoughts and prayers

xo ttfn

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning...
I must agree with Janet about the eagles being seen by Steve and the news about the new cam is VERY good news. It has put a SPRING back into my step and I am ready to SPRING forward instead of FALLing backwards;)

Have a blessed Sunday♥

WVJerry said...

Just want to say Good Morning. Been reading some here. Really enjoy the passion, compassion and camaraderie you all display. Not an Eaglet Momster but sure am glad to be s 'Dadster" even in a small way. Hope all have really good productive and positive days. Take care all. I'm excited and anxious to see the whole "Eaglet" process. I want to echo the sentiments about the new "Cam". I will try to check in next week ...boss on vacation a six day stressful week ahead...but nothing compared to anyone affected by "Sandy ". Be safe and well.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I do not like the time change either! Annie was yowling earlier than usual! Not good!

Sandi...sorry you have discovered more damage and problems. Hope there are no more "surprises"! Prayers for all in the north east and another storm brewing. Not good!

LOL Margy...hope your clock has recovered from its seizures! We have atomic clocks, too. Jack commented that he would like to see them change, however, we were not going to stay up and watch them!

We have wondered about having an atomic clock in the trailer. How would it deal with time changes as we travel through different time zones?

Thelma...can relate to your computer problems. My left shift key does not work and to type z I have to press with both hands to get the key to go down. lol Maybe I should ask Santa for a new computer but I have so much on this one.....hate to change!!!

Later Gators! Wishing you a great Sunday!

Lolly said...

Home from church, just checking the blog. Again, must say....I miss many momsters/dadsters!!!

Costume Lady said...

I'm home from church, also...where is everyone?
I know we will all spend more time here when our cam is installed. Our Royal Pair, most certainly are busy at the nest every day, now.

Think I will busy myself with Thanksgiving Day menu. Trying to decide what other meat to have for those who aren't crazy about turkey.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon ! Tickled pink over STEVE's sighting of our beloved Eagles ! Good times and a lot of chatting ahead when we get that new cam in service ! Yeah !

WANDA, I vote for a nice beef roast. It goes so well with all the dishes most enjoy with the traditional T'Day turkey. I love turkey, but my mother n' daddy didn't so r.b. was IT for my birth family.

THELMA, wise words re:letting young people learn via their own mistakes unless it's a matter of life and death !

SANDI, good luck with all repairs ! Hoping life gets back to something close to normal for you and others in the storm tossed area as this week progresses. My NJ kids still don't have power. It tantalized them by going on for about 20 minutes several days ago, but then out again. :(

MARGY, have a terrific week off and keep us posted on your activities.

Love and Prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Worked some in the yard this afternoon. Then have been on the phone for a long time with my sister in law, Jack's sister, in Georgia. We were going to go to Atlanta Thanksgiving, but that has now been cancelled. Laurel and Joey are moving in January to a different house. They get the house the 1st of December, so they are going to use Dec to paint, move slowly, and then the week after Christmas move! Laurel called this morning saying it just was not in the cards to go to Georgia. Please keep Laurel and family in prayers...they are making decisions and moving in a different direction. I am feeling good about it, but Laurel needs lots of support. Joey is giving up his insurance business and going into teaching.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work went to CrackerBarrel to eat after work and go to see the cell phone tower eagle but I left my camera at home dern it any who

JudyEddy said...

SANDI so sorry about the heat pumps being damaged When it rains it pours as the saying goes huh Hope you can keep you wits end with all the happening= so so sorry sure wish there was something I could do to help

JERRY I was just wondering how was your son doing I remember you speaking about his issues with acne

JANET says she can't knock the pins down how about NO KNOCKER LOL trying to think of something LOL

Hoda said...

Blessings and prayers to LAUREL and JOEY...he will make a great teacher he is already a performer and God Bless them and the children.

Well I have had zip zero nada sleep last night and I am still going, hoping for some sleep tonight. I am like my ancient Grand Mother who was over a hundred when she crossed and as she aged she just did not sleep!!! Well I figure I am at least thirty years too young for this to start happening but it certainly is happening...did not take a nap hopping to recalibrate my internal time clock and get a good night's sleep tonight.

Glad you have your binocs SANDI and sorry about more damage discovered...better to know now however. I hope the house and the belongings are indoors before the nor'wester hits!!! You are warm in the house right?
Speaks of snow here for Friday and it has been a few weeks already since we have seen the sun.
Vitamin D is becoming a very close and personal friend for the next few months!!!LOL!!!

I am missing SHIRLEY no news of her house for a while now...

AS TO MISS JUDIE I do not know what to would think she would send her sandman over so a person would not have to go hours on end without sleep, but NO she is not here and I miss her very much as we all do I am sure...JUDIE JUDIE JUDIE WHERE ARE YOU??? Check in at least once a week please?

I want to hear from LINDA and HUBBY too...

AS to C/A send a picture, it has been so long since you were here! I hope all is well with you and your family C/A Miss you much too.

LYNNE I sometime see on FB!!! I tried to tell her that 51 shopping days left till Christmas and do you all know what she did??? LYNNE TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY IGNORED ME

Tears tears tears!!! Who would have thunk it???WAAAA WAAAA WAAAA!!!

I need a kleenex be back soon!!!

Hoda said...

I am hoping so much that I am Hopping!!!Ribbid Ribbid Ribbid!!!
And don't any of you start a rumor that I must be on something and call the RCMP because I am not!!! No danger of that happening it is MISS JUDIE that always threatens to get in touch with a Mounty or two!!!

Hoda said...

O.M.G it is not MISS JUDIE that it is MISS JUDIE matters not really because she is not here to call the RCMP any way so it is not a question of upsetting SHIRLEY!!! OH NO NO NO...I just have not had any sleep and it is 32 hours since I slept!!!

Hoda said...

Where are you all now anyway? What's a gal to do when she is wanting to chat and no one is here to listen or to respond???

Football maybe you are all watching football???

Lolly said...

I am here. Hoda!!!

Lolly said...

And, I am very worried about you. Yep, I think you are on something!!! LOL

The nerve of Lynne! Ignoring you!!!!

Lolly said...

And, it is clearly all Judie's fault that you are not sleeping. Where is the sandman when you need him?

Lolly said...

I am concerned though with your not sleeping! I sleep fine. Oh, sometimes I wake up around 5 or so and have trouble going back to sleep, but usually I do manage to get back to sleep.

JudyEddy said...

HODA I take melatonin Our body produce it normally but as we age it doesn't (getting old suck) LOL check it out you can get some natural stuff also

JudyEddy said...

Speaking of Melatonin last weeks Crimial mind it was mentioned the one crazy loony lady used it to knock out the people she kidnapped Yuk just thought of that did anyone see it to where she was using people as fertilizer

JudyEddy said...

Odd being dark already I wish they would stop with the time change It was effective for the farmers but why still have it ?

Hoda said...

So here are my friends!!! Thanks you are awesome.

If this continues I will go see my doctor LOLLY!!! Maybe I need more excercise. I will try that first and then the melatonin, but JUDYE don't scare me about criminal minds!!! LOL!!!

Maybe I need to cut down on tea!!! That will be a problem!!!

JudyEddy said...

HODA yes caffeine in tea will keep you wired for sound LOL I changed to decafe coffee and very little sweet tea so I am sleeping better but the Melatonin helps tooo

Hoda said...

Do you take melatonin every night and does it make you groggy and how much do you take...did the doctor recommend it? I read that it is not good to take for long periods of time...

Very little sweets is what is going to also be very hard. I like sweets!!!

JudyEddy said...

this was just on the news Way to go Walmart and Pepsico Co

donations to relief to sandy area

JudyEddy said...

Melatonin is a hormone made by your brain that helps regulate your body's internal clock. Your levels of melatonin increase at night and decrease during the day. Some people find that taking melatonin supplements helps them to sleep better, especially if they are suffering from jet lag. Different people respond to different dosages, so it may take some experimenting to find the dose that works best for you.

Although studies have used doses of anywhere from .1 mg to 75 mg per night, most people take doses between .3 mg and 5 mg per night. To minimize the risk of daytime side effects, start with a low dose taken about an hour before bedtime and increase your dose every three days until you find the dose that helps you. Most people respond well to doses between 1 mg and 3 mg. Quick-release forms of melatonin supplements may work best for people with insomnia.

JudyEddy said...

there is lots on the IE I googled the above and yes there are side affects but I have none on that page the livestrong they say children can take it also I have been taking for years and have no issues

Hoda said...

Good news JUDYE for the donations...
I am impresses in NY too that some of the Marathoners went out to Staten Island to help.
Others came up to Canada to run a marathon in Ontario!!

JudyEddy said...

here is another from the Huffington post
Huggington post and melatonin

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE I will go to the livestrong foundation and do some more reading...
Today I only had two cups of tea and I have not had any sweets...I will see what happens.

LOLLY are LAUREL and JOEY and the Children going to be closer to you or further away or are they going to be in the same area just a different house?

Hoda said...

Excellent article JUDYE and I saved it...I need to talk to my pharmacist and my doctor...

I just had some quinoa and chia seeds for my supper as I am not hungry either today...

I will get away from the computer a bit so I would not get too compolsive about this issue it is only 4:20 PM here and I still have a few hours to go to be able to reclaim my sleep cycle. I will try for 9:00 PM lights out...

NatureNut said...

Goode Evening, Eagle Buds. It's been one of those football and Nascar days!Mostly football because Fubby does not like Jimmy Johnson winning all the car races and changed the channel!Redskins lost, but Ravens and Steelers won!!Yay!
I've been working on cat toy pics to send to daughter.Older cat tears them to shreds and then brings them to the food dish. We used to think she was trying to feed her babies, but maybe they are supposed to be dinner!!!!
Also had several night time possum visits. Tried to get pic thru windows w/no flash~~~very blurry. Snuck outside and got him w/flash!

Have to read back more, but hope Sandi can get her house all repaired soon.Nature can be fierce.
Daughter said they met at house being built w/electricians to decide on all the spots were there will be fixtures, sockets, etc. before walls are built.

Hope everyone is OK and Hoda, the sleepless one, will be visited by Judie's sandman!

Lolly said...

Hoda, they are moving to a different neighborhood in Denton. Their present house is too expensive. I do like this "new" house. It is one story, older, but well built, 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths. The bedrooms are bigger, the living area bigger. The kitchen could use some updates but everything is in great condition and the yard is beautiful with lots of big trees in the back.

It is going to cost much less to cool and heat.

Hoda said...

You brought your children up well LOLLY! KUDOS!!! How smart is that to be in a period of transition and retraining and to shift things to accommodate the realization of the new dreams and new directions. Smart people they are...
I am glad you are still the smae distance so you can see the Grand kids as usual.

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, if they were moving farther, I would be moving with them. lol

Lolly said...

Starting in January, Joey will be teaching senior english. Yes, another English teacher at Denton HS.

Lolly said...

He is working on his certification to teach.

Hoda said...

You must be very proud of him and Laurel. Sometimes we don't move forward because we are so attached to our comforts and our routines.Bless them both and their boys too.

Hoda said...

I am going to sign off so I could see if I can slow down before I head to my bed.

I have two meetings to go to tomorrow morning so I will log on after I come back and before I go to yoga.

Sleep well everyone.


Costume Lady said...

A new house and a new job for the NEW YEAR, sounds like a great new start for Laurel & Joey. He is an entertainer, so that should make for a good teachr. Hope this move
doesn't mean that
he boys will be loosing any good friends!

Costume Lady said...

I think I can go to sleep now...didn't sleep well last night'
I don't know if this will work

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Wonderful news from Steve about our Royal Couple.

My body says I have worked hard the last 3 days...hitting the hay.

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night.

Yay, Steve saw our eagles at the nest! Such good news. Thank you for sharing, Steve.

Lolly, I was very interested to see that Joey is going to be teaching. Senior English, I believe you said. I do hope he enjoys it. And I hope that they have an easy move to the new house.

Is he taking over for someone who is leaving mid-year?

I hope there will be some work on my house this week. So far, just the siding guy. He did measurements and took pictures. But they will have to do some other stuff before the siding goes up.

The weather this week does not look too promising.

Hope we will soon be looking at our eagles on the new cam.

Hunter has tomorrow and Tuesday off from school. Guess he will accompany me to the bowling alley and to the polls.

I wonder if this weather means we will have a cold winter. It really got chilly around these parts.

Oh, Hoda, I hope you sleep well tonight.

stronghunter said...

Hope you are sound asleep by now, Wanda.

Thinking of Sandi and the repairs they have to make. Hope there is no other storm to interfere.

SED, everyone. I appreciate your concern about my house. I hope to have good news to report soon.

Lolly said...

Wanda, you are so sweet! The boys are not changing schools. Joseph will actually be moving to the neighborhood where several of his best friends live. Jacob will have some changes but he will make new friends easily and will see his old neighborhood friends at school. Laurel has seen boys in a house across the street. She has also told Jacob his pals can come and spend the night. All will be good!!

Cowboys lost...bummer.

Shirley, yes, a teacher is leaving. His job will be a permanent sub job as they work this out. The person leaving was also a coach. Joey is not going to do that. Surely they want a good English teacher and Joey will be good! He is also continuing his insurance business for about two more years.

Heading to bed.

Night all! SED!!!!♥

T-Bird said...

Good morning my Momster and Dadster family.

T-Bird said...

I can hardly wait to see our eagles again. I'm really jonesing.

Sandi said...

Good morning Thelma and all my eagle friends! Thelma, you're up awfully early this morning!

Lolly, I'm picturing a dining room table stacked with 2 piles of papers and Lolly and Joey sitting there grading side by side! =) English is the worst as far as paper grading! I wish Joey well in his new career and wish them all well in their new home!

Easy week for me. Work today, off tomorrow, work Wednesday, off Thursday (DE celebrates something called Returns Day, which is held 2 days after Election Day when the results of the elections used to be announced in Georgetown - after all, we are the First State), then teacher inservice on Friday to work on grades for the end of the first marking period.

Make it a great day all!

T-Bird said...

I listen to music at night. This morning I had it on shuffle and it played "Hush Little Baby." This is the lullaby that Donna recorded for Justin and Mattie years before she died in 2007. I'm so thankful to have her sweet voice singing. (What I wouldn't give for a conversation.)She had such love for her grandchildren. She had a one of a kind (lifetime), soul. I strive just to have a little bit of the unconditional she had for people.
I put on my FB this morning that time WILL ease all pain (it has been my experience that it never goes away howeve it has been eased) but it leaves a "scar" that "festers" every now and again. I got the scar part of the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt and the fester part of the quote came from the Kennedy matriarch, I can't remember her name, but it comes back every now and again.
I got the scar part of the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt and the fester part from the quote from the Kennedy matriarch, I can't remember her name but she sure went through tremendous/numerous deaths in her family/lifetime. A parent isn't suppose to die before her children.

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
I am looking at a full week of school this week and it's going to be a busy one! I am working on the kindergarten quilt for this year's auction and need to get that put together. We have an open house tonight. Adam is having a bone scan for that pesky ankle still giving him trouble. Annemarie is having a hearing test. Dad has an appointment with the oncologist, no chemo this is a rest week. Cycle 2 is done! One more cycle till we get to see if it's working. Can't come soon enough for me. He looked a little pale this weekend, but last check on his blood count was good. Hmmm...not sure what that means. Guess we will find out. He is still going full steam though and insists that he is fine.
Monte hasn't been to work all last week because the plant in NY has no power. Not sure if he is going up this week either. Apparently the hotel where he stays didn't have power either.
Sandi with all you have to do at home it's good that you have a light week. I'm sure the other teachers and parents feel the same way.
Lolly-good luck to Joey. Wow teaching seniors. Definitely not my cup of tea, but many say that about kinder.
Which by the way is getting better. The kids are doing much better with behavior, now if I can get them doing better with reading.
Loretta-I'm not a JJ fan either, I was screaming at the end of the race. I would love to have seen Brad win. If only he had taken 4 tires, I think he had the better car.
Kay-I see you checked in. How are you feeling? Aric is flying home for Thanksgiving, but maybe I will drive down to get him for Christmas. I will let you know as we get closer. I would LOVE to visit again.
Time to get another cup of coffee and get this crew moving...♥ you all!

Janet said...

Good morning.

LORI: i have NO idea what my bowling nickname would be! lol. i will say this, FINALLY we won 2 out of the 3 games last night (all were close, but one was a squeaker by 7 pins!) and overall as well!

i had 3 good games last night. i guess i have to go completely wiped out and tired. i so just wanted to go to bed last night. i was tired Friday night and then working sat and sun...up @ 6:30 both days, working, and the time change. i am very very tired today as well.

T-BIRD: that was a most fabulous thing that you did ! yes, sometimes, the quiet is better heard than the ranting and yelling and screaming.

JUDYE: rothflmbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no knocker!!! have you seen me? did you LOOOK at me when i was in florida? lmbo!!!! that would be SUCH a contradiction! i'm good with whatever you pick, lol. that just tickled my funny bone!

had good classes over the weekend. my level one and level two's were half the size i have grown accustomed to ....but that was okay. it was very relaxed. much easier to interact as opposed to a room with 15 people in it! the level 3 had 5, which is a fairly large class for that level.

we went to the cracker barrel last night....i don't generally cook on sundays that i work and bowl.

massage envy today, of course. maybe it will be a quiet day. busy, but easy massages? i don't know. might have to drink some extra coffee to stay awake...or do some jumping jacks just before each massage. lol.

anyway, it is my busy week.

i too am thinking about thanksgiving dinner. the whole family comes here, but i am learning to delegate who brings what. chelsea was saying momma can i come over wed afternoon and help you to bake pies and such again? of course, yes. :) love my kids.

am teaching michael how to make his favorite thing this year, green bean casserole. lol. he loves that stuff. so i made it his responsibility to bring it but will help him to put it together.

well let me scat. time to get moving again! :{ hugs, light, love to all. be glad when the cam is up so i can peek in! :D

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Good Morning, JUDYE, SANDI, JANET,
DANAMO and THELMA -- who have checked in this morning... I'm late checking in!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

I had a most awesome weekend at Cedar Lakes in Ripley. Feel like I have been hit by a Mack truck today though.

T-Bird said...

LOL it could be Lori. That would be great.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Loved it, Sandi! Now picturing that table stacked with papers, too. lol Sometimes when I am up there, I grade papers. She has to have a key for me to follow, not the papers where they are writing a lot.

Dana, so glad you see an improvement with your class. Hope it continues!

It has cooled off here, thank goodness. Last week with highs in the upper 80's was not fun. 56 right now and have some yard work planned.

Hoping to get a call from the dentist office that the crown is ready. I need your support, mentally!!! Going to tell them what I think of the work that has been done.

glo said...

Good Monday morning. It's a new week. I am so ready for one of those. HAGD all. I have someone coming to look at my dryer this morning. Hoping it's an easy fix and not a new dryer. MTBR

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Listening to the sound of the generator and hammers next door where they are working on that house. I will be glad when they connect the power there.

Nothing happening here. Soon, I hope. It really should not take very long when they get started. Same contractor as the one next door, but they do subcontract the work.

Will be excited to hear about Joey's teaching experiences, Lolly. I had juniors and seniors my last few years.

Dana, I am sure your skill with those kids has started to pay off. Maybe they just needed to mature a little bit. You will have them reading in due time. I am sure.

stronghunter said...

Kindergarten has changed so much over the years. And to think I did not even go to kindergarten. There was no such thing where I went to school. My children started preschool at 3 and 4. I was almost 7 when I first went to school.

Lolly said...

Was watching Brook Falls/Salmon and brown bear cam and there is a bald eagle on the little island in the river...chowing down.☺

Lolly said...

Oh, and it is snowing. Pretty picture.

Brooks Falls/Salmon and Brown Bear Cam

stronghunter said...

Had not seen that cam before, Lolly. It is a pretty picture. Still snowing. I think I saw the eagle, too.

Lolly said...

Shirley, on the puppy cam page there are lists of other cams. I tried several but really liked this one because of the eagle. Last time I looked I was not sure if he was still there or not. He was eating, then walked to the waters edge, then to the other side of the island.

stronghunter said...

What I was not on the island, but on a rock in the water. I am not sure if it was an eagle or not.

Sandi said...

Good afternoon my eagle friends. Just got an email from the mayor of South Bethany to all residents. Here's what it said:

• A strong coastal nor’easter will threaten the region in the November 7th-8th timeframe.

• Storm force wind gusts (55-65 mph) are likely during this storm.

• Moderate coastal flooding is likely during this storm, major coastal flooding is possible; the high tides of most concern are the ones around midday Wednesday, November 7th and the following high tide Wednesday night.

• There will be moderate to severe beach erosion during this event.

• This nor’easter will have greater impact than usual because of the serious impacts from Coastal Storm Sandy.

Good grief!!

Water restoration company came in today and cleaned tyhe floor 8in the workroom. Fans and dehumidifier are still running down there. Hopefully the floor will be dry by morning so I can get our stuff in from outside before the next storm arrives.

Still waiting for the HVAC company to show up to service the heat pumps. Have I said I HATE waiting???!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I'm so glad that Steve has seen our eagles! Thank you for letting us know about that, Steve!

Gosh, this time change is playing havoc with my sleep schedule! Hope it gets straightened out soon.
Hoda, I sure hope you can get some good sleep soon!

Ken and I went to the movies on Saturday, and saw Taken 2. We really liked it! It's a real white-knuckle, chase scenes movie, but it's extremely well done. Liam Neeson is very good in it. I've been thinking about it, and I think I know why I didn't "get" the Cloud Atlas movie. It's done by the same people who did the "Matrix" movies, and I didn't understand them, either.

Lolly, please relay my best wishes to Laurel and Joey. I hope they enjoy their new house, and that Joey likes his new job!

I'm hoping that the storm that's expected on the east coast this week isn't as bad as they expect!

Well, I have some laundry to finish up, so better get busy. Will try to check back in here after dinner tonight. HAGD, everyone!

I ♥ us!!

Hoda said...

SANDI I do not like the forecast at all...thinking of you and sending prayers.

Good morning here for me and yet I find myself thinking how I would have loved to vote in the USA elections. Can not wait to see the results.

Slept well and was in need of more sleep when I got up but knew I had to go to the meetings. They went well and all is more meeting before the African Dinner on the 18th. The Kitchen Crew that met today had 10 people in it and we all worked ever so well with one another and no one was left out and so much work got accomplished. Wednesday we meet with all the other Grans to see where all the committees are and it who needs help.

Good Luck both SHIRLEY and SANDI with house repairs.

My is it warm here today!!! Just like spring!!! I was over dressed and certainly did not need boots and two coats today...My windows are open as I type will have to change a great deal if we get the snow for Friday...The skies were even blue today with the sun, oh wonderful sun!!!

I will be heading out to yoga in a while so will check in till then...

Hoda said...

Thinking of you and praying for you for a good action plan on the 8th JO. Love you...

JudyEddy said...


Florida eagle nest Ft Meyers

JudyEddy said...

the nest looks so small compared to our nest

JudyEddy said...

so glad you got some sleep HODA

JudyEddy said...

only one eagle now there and looks like she is looking right in the camera and you can see the highway too

JudyEddy said...

POOF now gone and looks like may be a nite lite on it will no in a few min

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

LOLLY, it's always a little scary to switch gears and to see our children doing so. But it sounds like Laurel and Joey are using good sense and I wish them and the boys the best !!

DANAMO, the welcome mat is always out ! I'm so happy to hear you've been able to make progress with those little imps and hope the rest of the year is a breeze by comparison. Good luck to all family members on those tests and procedures--keep us posted !

HODA, I went through a long period of that sleepless stuff---well, some of you will recall that I used to be a very early morning person here on the blog. I thought it was an old age function, but have now done a big left turn and find myself sleeping far more than I think I should ! Are we ever satisfied ? ☺ Will have to wait til' I'm off pain meds to see where I settle in on the question of sleep.

SANDI, prayers for you and all along the East Coast as the next storm approaches.

SHIRLEY, here's hoping those contractors can move over to your job soon. I'm almost surprised we can't hear the sound of genrators running from here. Wonder how many are in use due to Sandy ???

THELMA, I hear and understand the pain you've expressed ! Thinking of you with love and prayers !

And, I think of you all as I say my nightly prayers, dear friends !


JudyEddy said...

and one eagle is back

JudyEddy said...

Nice cam LOLLY they pan around also thanks for the link dark there now will have to check it out see all the white snow still in the dark

JudyEddy said...

YEP and they do have a light on the cam in Fl

JudyEddy said...

the nest in Ft Meyers the cam went up in Aug and within the nest month we will have eggs I guess HP has been establishe3d I am chatting with them now on live chat

JudyEddy said...

By Christmas they said there should be a eaglet

Hoda said...

Exciting about the new nest JUDYE. Warmer in Florida is this why an eaglette by Christmas?

Thanks for the comments on sleeping JUDYE and KAY. I have only had three cups of tea today and NO sweets not even honey in my tea! I hope this helps the sleep dept. I walked for a long while today and am headed out to yoga so I think I exercised enough today...
I hope it goes well with you KAY in the sleep dept. after you are off the pain medication...

Off to yoga...

I ♥ US

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, yea, not good news on the Nor'easter,..all they do is tear up the beaches and flood them. Hoping my tree guy gets my tree down tomorrow. Glad Denny picked up some work.

Lolly, sounds like Joey and Laurel have planned this move pretty well. Two teachers in the house! Cool! Best of luck to them! Oh, that cam is cool, they must be doing reruns...I see the eagle eating on the island.

Shirley, glad your work will be starting soon!

Great news on Michael!

Jo, thinking of you and the 8th. Hugs.

Judy, thanks for the Ft Myers eagle cam link. Hoda, eagles there generally have chicks in December or January.

JudyEddy said...

Just got a notice that the eagle is back on the ladies porch

Eagle is back on the ladies porch

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I wonder will out night light be like that
and did you notice that the nest seems so small to ours and I don't see many crib rails maybe its the angle of the cam

Lolly said...

Same here in Texas for the timing on eggs and eaglets!

I just have to say I am so tired of this election. I usually do not say anything or put anything on fb. I am not political nor argumentative. Nor do I say anything when someone posts something I do not agree with. However, I liked an article I saw and I shared it. A nephew disagreed, posted a long comment and said something to me that was very disrespectful. I deleted it. Then my brother got on and used bad language. I deleted the whole mess! Why can people not agree but still be nice and respectful? I am so tired of the whole mess!!! Excuse me...just had to vent!

Well, Paula, I am so sorry that was a video I saw today. However, someone said they saw it getting dark there. So maybe what I saw was not a video and what you saw was a video/rerun. Hmmm???

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I meant like the light on the Fort Meyers eagle nest

JudyEddy said...

I also agree LOLLY I don't post any thing about politic I don't think FB is the place for it one of our momster put on there that if you didn't like her candidate she would take you off her friends list To me that is childish I won't mention names but to me we all have our own opinions and should respect them I just put I am glad that its almost over and people have to remember the pres can't do it all on his own no matter who it is takes more that one to run the country JMHO

Lolly said...

Judy, I just went to that eagle nest cam. The light is bright and the nest looks artificial. It is too perfect!

Lolly said...

Getting ready to watch Castle.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I told them on chat on that page the nest looked like a easter basket when it got dark LOL

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, yes our night light should be that good, if it's anything like we had before the last 2 years! Some eagle nests are really round....could be the angle too,

Lolly, reruns are OK!

I read the Decorah eagles are building a new cam this year is what I read.

JudyEddy said...

SAD NEWS from Ed Clark, Wildlife Ctr of Virginia, today:

Ed Clark
3 hours ago

After such a glorious Gala weekend, my heart is truly broken this morning. My beloved golden eagle, Junior, a friend and partner for the last 27 years, was found dead in his cage this morning.
As he neared 30 years of age, I knew this day was looming, but I confess that I was not ready to face it this morning. Fortunately, I got to spend time with him yesterday, during the open house tours. Junior was putting on his usual show, talking to everyone who passed by, and enjoying all the attention. There are so many memories that are welling up for me; so many adventures we shared, and so much history together.
The exact cause of death will be determined later today, but at least is was not a drawn-out or protracted illness. He was happy and active right up to the end. Most of all, I was spared the pain of having to make the decision for him. Like everything else he did in his life, Junior did this on his own terms.
Goodbye my friend; you will never be forgotten.

JudyEddy said...

that was on facebook

Hoda said...

Very sorry to read the news from Ed Clark. Thanks for bringing it over JUDYE.

LOLLY I noticed and I did not say anything and I think you showed a lot of class. Good on you lady, Good on you!!!

Talking of having two teachers in the same house I thought of Joseph and Jacob and thought poor kids will not be able to get away with anything because now they are "faculty brats" and then I thought they do not get away with anything now and they have loving and caring parents and grand parents who take the time to explain things...My American parents were both teachers and we were faculty brats children...homework always had to be done because neither one of them wanted to go in to explain why our homework was not done. Sometimes Carol and I used to wake up at five in the morning to finish our assignements up to snuff just to make sure.

Awesome yoga class.

I want a cup of tea something awful but I decided I will try for a week or so to see if it is the tea past midday...I could make an exception for chamomile...other herb teas send me to the washroom through the night...

As we used to say you can dress her but you can not take her out!!! I almost deleted my above explanations about herb tea...can not make conversation and then the expression came into my mind. Sorry folks.

JudyEddy said...

HODA get decaf tea

Hoda said...

OH JUDYE decaf anything gives me a headache!!!
I will just have to adjust and if this is the cause then I am sure I will find other hot drinks to have for the winter...thanks...

JudyEddy said...

Angie came up with a good idea for the next election if we can remember it the month prior to election get our phones disconnected then no robo calls I am going to do it If only can stop the junk mail that way too would be nice I will be so glad when its over Do they think a phone call or the slander on tv and the stupid commercial will change someone mind Not mine OK on that note I am hitting the sack

so sorry about headache from decaf that is odd huh I changed my coffee last week and don't see a difference between caffeine and decaf coffee I guess it never bothered me thats why I don't see a difference I bout 8 bags of decaf hazelnut half price at work so I though what the heck try it and don't see a difference

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night. I will see you tomorrow. I bowl, then I vote. Hunter will have to tag along.

Costume Lady said...

Sleep Well..Prayers and Love for all♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning All!

KAY, I remember the days when you were an early, early bird, and I miss them a lot!

LOLLY, loved the Brooks Falls cam, beautiful picture with the snow. I think I was seeing reruns, too, because it was daylight...clock on cam said 9:24 PM....Where is Brooks Falls? I'll be JUDYE, Miss Waterfall :), will know! ♥

SHIRLEY, I can hear your pain with those loud, loud generators running next door all day long. Can't wait until your house is done!

Nothing new in my neck of the woods, except reading about this Noreaster and how much WET SNOW we'll get. And, more wind to hopefully knock down ALL the leaves! Tired of raking and mowing them!

SANDI, prayers that you escape all damage from the coming storm!

JUDYE, thanks for posting all the eagle sighting links. So nice to see the birds!

Prayers continue for everyone in need, SANDI, Michael, JO, Sandi's MOM, THELMA's BIL, DANAMO's Dad and KAY for no pain!

Lori O. said...

HODA, glad you had such nice weather, and hope it continues!!! Sunshine makes such a huge difference. :)

WANDA, is this Soup Kitchen night, or an off night? Always love seeing your menu.

MARGY, hope you're getting the little house all settled once more! I'm sure the Big House will miss you!

Sandi said...

Good Election Day Tuesday morning my eagle friends! Even though it's a day off for me, my internal alarm clock went off at 5:30am! Might as well get some school work done this morning - another IEP to write, but an easy one.

HVAC guys didn't show up yesterday so we had no heat again last night. GRRRR!!!!! Put a small heater in our bedroom (Kevin is house sitting this week so he isn't sleeping here) so we were OK and we have the gas fireplaces to heat the first floor up til they get here first thing this AM. Denny's work van wasn't picked up by State Farm til yesterday (it's been sitting at the garage we had it towed to since last Thursday) so he's still waiting on the verdict - fix or total. Slower Lower Delaware!!!! =(

Once the HVAC guys are finished working on the heat pump in the foyer closet, I'll be lugging all of our stuff that used to be in Denny's workroom but is now sitting outside into the foyer. Need to get it indoors before the nor'easter but can't put it back in the workshop til the water restoration guys come out to spray mildewcide on all the exterior sheathing and studs and then put a waterproof sealer on the concrete floor.

Shirley, I don't know how you have kept your calm demeanor through all these delays with your house! I am so sorry your mess is still going on!

Great news about Michael on his last CaringBridge update!

Hoda, I can't believe that herbal tea would be the cause of your sleeplessness! It would be really hard for me to give up tea after midday! Hope you are sleeping well - you go, go go so much all day that I would think you would sleep like a rock the minute your head hits the pillow!

Paula, I hope your place right on the beach makes out OK in this next storm. We really should be alright this time water-wise. But our dunes on the beach took a hit in the hurricane and another big storm so soon could cause some damage to our beach.

Shar, great news on your liver tests!! What a relief!

Janet, my niece (a year younger than Livvy) just passed another ice skating test. She is into the "private instructor and $500 skates" level of ice skating!! Expensive hobby, but Madeline loves it!

Prayers for Jo, Michael, Dana's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, and all the needs on the blog.

Make it a great day all - don't forget to make your statement at the polls! IMO, those who don't vote have no right to complain about whatever happens in the next 4 years!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

LORI Brookfall is some where in Alaska

Thinking of Margie when I saw the google image of the day Be sure to check it out

JudyEddy said...

Happy Voting day to you all make sure you get out and vote if you haven't I got my sticker on my name badge at work

I just think there are going to be BIG ISSUES because of the people displaced with the storm Think about it

Janet said...

good morning to all.

i was so wiped out yesterday! i actually stayed home last night and went to bed early. i feel human this morning!!!! :)

SANDI: i am quickly seeing how expensive ice skating is/can be. i don't ever envision livvy being that far into ice skating...but i have been wrong before. lol.

metro schools are out today, therefore tom is off of work. after my clients we may go grocery shopping....olivia does have school. so for she and i it is a normal day

cloudy, cool and wet outside this morning ... by golly it sure does feel like november!

hope you have a great day all. hope things improve for everyone in need....hugs, light, love and smiles to brighten you day (from me to you!)

JudyEddy said...

LORI that is a beautiful cam but make me cold looking at it BRRR LOL

JudyEddy said...

I guess the Fl nest is just like ours is and I am sure most the eagles visited this am 613 in the dark I subscribed to the peep that does the youtube videos and the male is OZZIE I didn't see the females name but I bet is Harriet LOL

JudyEddy said...

Its raning out right now a very heavy line is getting ready to move in with a cold front I hear thunder in the distance its aparently over the bridges right now OTWIG TTFN

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

My spell check says momsters isn't spelled right but it doesn't do that with dadsters. Is dadster a real work? LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Judy, it's Ozzie and Harriet!

Don't forget to VOTE!!

magpie said...

Best wishes and Good Morning Eagle Pals.....
got my voting done....
now finishing up moving things from The Big House to the Little Apartment...going to be a very full and busy day, and I already want to take a nap !

but I wanted to say
I love you
Take Care
and See You Later !

(( Hugs )) xoxox

magpie said...

This is a heckuva busy time amongst us and I sure hope to catch up "one of these days...."
I am so sorry continually for the aftershocks from Superstorm Sandy...and other things that have mayhem and chaos...for many of us....

I see lots of friendly Momster faces but could not see a Jo Post....
Hello to Jo....! Hope all is well....

God Bless Us, Every One xoxo

Lolly said...

Good morning! Hi Margy!!! Miss ya!♥

Lolly said...

Did not get back on to make comments and say good night..,.I read until I was about to do a face plant!

Hoda, thank you! Sorry you saw those comments. It really upsets me that it was family. My brother sends lots of junk email. Joey recently told him to STOP. Jack started sending him random junk. lol However, he has stopped and Jack said he thinks he was taking it out on me. Do not know what my nephews deal was with being so ugly!!! If he ever says anything more to me face to face, he will really get it! He will not get it on fb.

49 this morn and we had the house wide open. brrrr!

Sorry about the no tea in the evening, Hoda, but that is likely your no sleep problem.

magpie said...

Hey there Terrific Texan Lolly...
I miss you all soooo much...

Thanks to all for the encouragement and support...

wish I could offer the same, all of YOU'UNS !!

But it is in my heart, for sure !

ttfn xoxox

Lolly said...

Lori...Brooks Falls is Alaska. I went to it just now and trying to figure out it is is live. Snowing there and the time looks correct so I am assuming it is live. We shall see.

Lolly said...

We know it, Margy and we are thinking of you. Know that you will be back with us when you are able. Love you!!! ((hugs))

movin said...

Good morning everyone.




Be sure to vote today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

glo said...

Good morning. Time for most of us to cast our vote. Lines are long in my neck of the woods. Its cold and rainy. I am glad folks think the election is important. I am also glad its ALMOST over. HAGD everyone.

stronghunter said...

Voted a little while ago. Line was not too bad.

stronghunter said...

Hey, we beat the first-place team at bowling today.

stronghunter said...

Got a message from the contractor. They plan to start on the siding tomorrow, weather permitting. Hoping the weather will permit.

JudyEddy said...

.♥ NEW THREAD ..♥ ♥.


JudyEddy said...

.♥ NEW THREAD ..♥ ♥.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...