Friday, November 30, 2012


TGIF thread.


NCSuzan said...

Good Morning everyone!

NCSuzan said...

Thought everyone was here! LOL!

Lolly said...

Good morning Suzan! Where is everyone?

Have been on the phone with my brother. Going to be a great aunt again! Nephew and his wife are expecting in June. This will be their 3rd. You might recall they had a little boy a couple of years ago. They named him Talon Coal. I like the Talon....forget the spelling of Coal. Yuck! But they call him TC. Wonder what they will come up with this time.

Going out to work in the yard. Can not see the grass it is so covered with leaves!

Tears came to my eyes watching the video of Isaac. So very precious!

Yes, Jo...getting your do done makes one feel better. I feel like I have been scalped. LOL Started wearing my hair shorter last spring and still not used to it.

Also, just talked with Laurel. She is home today with a sick Jacob. He has a stomach virus but seems to be better today, not eating. Threw up all over the bathroom baseboard. Lovely!

Have a great Friday. Will be checking in to hear anything on
Isaac and Jo.

Lolly said...

Forgot my manners....thanks Steve for the new thread. I left an alert on the old thread. Congrats to Suzan for acquiring a feather!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

JudyEddy said...

Good almost afternoon eaglbudlets Signed on to find a new thread

AND now off to read the old and new

Lolly said...

Just came in from working in the yard. 74 and I was hot! You can put Texas on your prayer list again 'cause
♪♫ Texas needs rain!♪♫ Head line in the paper was about the drought returning in full force!

Okay...back out I go!

Lori O. said...

WOW, this is a short thread! Thanks for the new one, STEVE!

Good afternoon all anxious eagle friends waiting on the new cam!

Lori O. said...

Congrats on being a great Aunt again, LOLLY! Sorry to hear Texas is headed for more draught. Bummer.

We've had the handman here all day, so the new bedroom fan is up, there's new doorknobs everywhere, and new towel, TP holders in the bathroom...oh and 3 new light fixtures! Looks really nice with the silver appliances.

Lori O. said...

That should be HANDYMAN...

Kay said...

Nice new thread thanks to STEVE, but few comments for the day. Guess we're all too busy getting set for Dec. 1 and the Christmas rush. No doubt we'll all get more chatty once we have a cam and our beloved eagles to watch together !

So pleased with baby Isaacs progress ! God is good !

SHIRLEY, wish the workmen were finishing up today, but glad the work is proceeding. A red door in Hunter's room sounds cheery, good and boyish !

Went to Seth's play again last night and it was better than the night before. A comedy and it felt so good to laugh n' laugh !

LYNNE2, based on all you know about me what do you think of a senior Italian Greyhound. Will appreciate your thoughts on one I'm considering. The foster parents have nothing but good to say about 9 year old Harley on Am I foolish to consider any dog that old ???

Love and prayers for all my Eagle Buds, their families, friends and pets ! Have a great weekend everyone !


Kay said...

Oh, Hi L☺ri and L☺lly !

Wow, nice home improvements, LORI !

Okay, LOLLY will add your area and need for rain to my prayer list. Hope your grandson is back in the pick by tomorrow ! Congrats on the next baby for the family to enjoy. Some young folks are getting very inventive with names, aren't they ? Some are a bit mind boggling !

Kay said...

That should be "back in the pink", of course !

DanaMo said...

TGIF is putting it mildly!

Lori O. said...

Hi KAY! How are you feeling?

Any decision on a dog yet?

Kay said...

LORI, no decison re:dog. Hoping to hear from LYNNE2 soon about feasible breeds.

Still on pain killers, but feeling pretty good as long as I don't let the pain get ahead of me. No trouble at all with mobility--yeah !

Hoda said...

Jo Spoke of her hair appointment and we have not heard from her since. Have you heard from them as to appointments for treatment yet JO?

KAY I think a dog is a good idea and yet I think it has to be not a high strung type of a dog...I am thinking of my own self when I consider a dog I think of not high strung.

What a lovely environment for my meeting this morning. A group of 7 women in the country today to organize and make decisions on an event the 25th of May. I like how effective we were. I will post pictures on FB. The view on the lake was breath taking.

Rain here LOLLY I will try to put in a request for TEXAS...I hope we do not get slides as the ground is too wet already from all the rain we have had.

I like being warm and I find that my wool socks are colourful and very warm. In the one bedroom home where we had the meeting the floors were heated and oh my toes were so toasty, almost too hot rather!!!We had fresh baked muffins and Welsh cakes and fruit with coffee and very pleasant to sip tea and make decisions...

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends! Found this joke in my email inbox when I got home. I know y'all will love it, animals lovers that you are. Here goes:

A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said, 'Jesus knows you're here.'

He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off, and froze.

When he heard nothing more, after a bit, he shook his head and continued.

Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard 'Jesus is watching you.'

Freaked out, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice.

Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.

'Did you say that?' he hissed at the parrot.

'Yep', the parrot confessed, then squawked, 'I'm just trying to warn you that he is watching you.'

The burglar relaxed. 'Warn me, huh? Who in the world are you?'

'Moses', replied the bird.

'Moses'?' the burglar laughed. 'What kind of people would name a bird 'Moses'?'

'The kind of people that would name a Rottweiler 'Jesus'.'

Funny, eh??? The joke came with a close-up of an angry Rotweiler's face at the end. Made me laugh out loud! =)

Great updated photo of Michael on CaringBridge - looks like the staff there really loves him!

Later - gotta fix food for humans and dogs.

Sandi said...

Kay, just read your post about the senior Italian greyhound you're considering. I'm so happy about you getting a dog!!! Here's what I found on Wikipedia:


The Italian Greyhound makes a good companion dog and enjoys the company of people. However, the breed's slim build and short coat make them somewhat fragile, and injury can result from rough or careless play with children. The breed is good with the elderly or a couple without any children for it prefers a quiet household but they are also generally fine with older children.

Linda said...

Good Evening Eagle Friends!

After a week of family and travel, I am getting things back to normal.....

Of course that is just in time to begin preparing for Christmas!! My, how this is such a busy time of year.

Have been following the news and miracles of Michael and Isaac and continue to keep them as well as DanaMo's Dad, Sandi's Mom, Jo, Kay and others in prayer.

SANDI - I am glad your Mom is at peace with her decision, but I can only imagine the feeling of not knowing what could happen and when.

JO - Steady as she goes. Any treatments yet? Happy to hear Wednesday's procedure went well.

So sad about the Decorah D-14 eagle. I didn't know that D-12 was electrocuted as well. That is heart breaking.

You're never out of my thoughts....


Linda said...

SANDI - Forgot to mention I enjoyed your joke!!

Linda said...

LORI - Your pumpkin quilt is just beautiful!! Are you taking quilt orders?? ♥ =)

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

How is Dennis and how are you LINDA?

Good to see your posts.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening
Yesterday -sit down with SURGEON
Markers are in place
Dec 6 - Meet dr with Cyber Knife - Make a body cast so to speak for lying there receiving the radiation. 3-5 business days later begin treatment. No specific date YET.

Liked your joke Sandi
Love Michael's pic at PT

Mema Jo said...

Dana - Definitely Sunday to market

I'm trying to locate a driver lol
Not sure what time of arrival - maybe 11

Hoda said...

Thank you JO for the date...On Calendar and in my Prayer Jar...
December 6th and three to five business dates later a schedule will be set up...good luck with the cast...we are with you...

Hoda said...

DANA JO you must take pictures of MEGAN'S stall and wreaths when you go to the market and post them on FB. A picture of the three of you would be cool...are PAULA and LORI going to join you?

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I am missing the Market visit, heading to Paradise to close it up, see ya'll later tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, glad you are more mobile and staying ahead of the pain. Hoping for a dog for you'll know it when you meet it!

paula eagleholic said...

I Just told Nick were are going for a ride...he's a little excited :)


Lolly said...

Jo, prayers for you as you make progress with this treatment.

Earlier today I called Laurel. Jacob answered the phone. He sounds so sweet on the phone! He said he was feeling better, only threw up once. Laurel said he still did not have an appitite, but he will survive!

Hoda said...

Safe trip PAULA...Enjoy the last weekend in Paradise for the season.

I am glad JACOB is feeling better LOLLY, sorry he was sick.

NatureNut said...

Hey Bluefield gang!! TRAIN is singing now at NASCAR Award Show!!!
SPEED channel

Linda said...

HI HODA - Dennis is doing good. He does still have pain in the kidney area, which we did not expect. He will have to see the doctor next week if it persists. Otherwise, he goes back in February for an ultrasound to see if everything is working properly and another cystoscopy to check for any tumors in the bladder.

Unfortunately he is having problems with an abdominal hernia that will probably require surgery soon. He has had it repaired once before and we were told that it may not hold. Ugh!! The poor guy just can't get a break! I wish he didn't do so much strenuous work around here, but that is just who he is! He has always said he is the brawn and I am the brains!!

DanaMo said...

Oh good Jo. What time should we met? I've never been to the market. Annemarie serves 5:15 mass so that works out perfect.

Good evening everyone. Things have been really hectic here. We met with my dad's doctor on Thursday and he feels pretty good about what the chemo has done so far. The lymph nodes are substantially better, almost normal, and the tumor size is reduced. This is all good, but now he is thinking that they will operate. They are consulting with a couple of specialist, both down the road. That makes us very nervous and my dad has never wanted to leave Hagerstown for treatment. Of course, we appreciate that the doctor knows what's best and where the best treatment is that's available. So they will consult and he will possibly have surgery after Christmas. We hope to know more about that on Tuesday. along with everything with the cancer though he has had a great deal of swelling in his legs. He has gained 10 lbs since the last doctor visit and we are worried that he is retaining fluid. I pulled some strings and got him into the cardiologist this morning. All seems to be okay, but dad is wheezing and he wants to do an ultrasound on his legs to check for blood clots. He ordered the ultrasound and a chest xray, but the office didn't get it taken care of today so it hasn't even been set up which has my mom really upset. She is worried about a blood clot. Oh and he is getting a picc line on Monday. Again not a bad thing, just another thing. And of course nothing from my $hi! head brother (sorry he really has me upset). I passed all this information on to him and he isn't responding. My mother is determined that he has to be there if my dad goes to surgery. I have mentioned to hi that he should start figuring out a way to get here no matter now I guess he is just going to ignore me.

Sorry...I had to vent...thank you for letting me. Love you guys.

DanaMo said...

That's *meet* geesh! and I'm a teacher!

Linda said...

I am doing just fine! Had a houseful for Thanksgiving, which was a little crazy, but fun!

We all drove to Boston Friday afternoon so we could bury my mother's ashes on Saturday with her parents and grandparents.

We had dinner in the city Friday night. Saturday's burial was private and very nice. The cemetery was beautiful! We drove to the homes where our parents grew up and went to see the church where our parents were married, since we have not lived there since 1965. I was too young to remember seeing those places.

We have pictures of our parents on their wedding day. It was neat to actually see that church, walk inside and see the same altar where they were married. Fortunately the church was open and it was beautiful!

We had a late lunch and ended up driving home in some pretty heavy SNOW Saturday night.

I'd love to go back and visit Boston when we have more time to see the sites.

Linda said...

Oh, DANA, I am sorry things have gotten so hectic and scary again with your Dad's health.

If anything gets worse, or is she is really worried, maybe she could take him to the ER and they could order those tests right away. Waiting is the absolute WORST!!

Will be keeping your Dad, Mom, You and your family in prayer for sure. Remember to trust in Him and he will give you strength and peace.....

DanaMo said...

Thanks Linda. So much too deal with. I am trying to remind myself and my mom that we have to deal with one thing at a time! And you are right, if it gets worse over the weekend we can go to the ER.

Hoda said...

DANA, all things considered I think you have it all together and posting about what is going on is not venting it is telling your friends what is going on. Even if you think of it as venting VENT AWAY GIRL!!! JUST VENT AWAY!!!
Prayers for your DAD continue and also for you and your family. Learn to forgive your Bro and let him go. He has many issues and he might not be collected inwardly enough to help with this situation. He might bring more trouble than you want to deal with. The FOCUS is your DAD'S recovery and you do not need your BRO'S drama to cloud the scene...
I say all that with all due respect to you and to your parents.

DanaMo said...

Hoda, I can see that, but my mom cannot. She wants him here. Him not being here or responding to them in anyway is just adding so much stress to this situation.
I know you don't mean any disrespect. I love you for the advise and I totally agree, but I can't get my mom to see it that way.

Lolly said...

Dana, (((hugs))) !! I know the responsibility of your parents is weighing heavily on you. It does sound though like the doctors are optimistic.

I am thinking of putting my nose in a book for a while. I am sleepy early tonight. Maybe I should go take an early shower. That might wake me up!!

Janet said...

good evening all...

STRONGHUNTER: how was your resolve on having a good day?

mine actually turned out well! :)

MEMAJO: yes, we are with you....holding you tight and holding you strong.....

DANAMO: sounds like, overall, things are progressing well with your dad. as for your brother, remember, there is only one person's action that you can control and those actions are your own. you have alerted him to what is going on; the decision is his and his alone. HE has to live with his decision, not you. i understand that it must be frustrating....i understand that his help and support would be helpful....but it seems that he is not willing to give that at this time...and it is very sad.....but its not worth your energy. sometimes you have to pick your battles and sometimes you have to let go when you have done your best. jmo. ((((hugs)))) venting in a safe place, like here, is a great thing for you to do....we are all here to listen and to we can.

as for me....i had a fully booked day at work....which was great, considering most everyone else had one or two maybe 3 on teh books. it was overall, a quiet day at work. it may have picked up this evening.

we went to red robin and then baskin robbins tonight. :) its been a lovely evening.

my oldest is in a quite the funk. she's sad and depressed .... very hormonal i think. i had quite a long chat with her trying to encourage her, etc.

and the middle came up tonight. after our major pow wow with him last night....he seems to be thinking a bit.....not sure it it will lead to any where, or to anything productive...that remains to be seen....but he's got to do something to make a better future for himself.....

and then livvy.... she's 11 and acting like it.

i had someone to tell me once when things were overwhelming me to "just have big shoulders">....i think of her and that statement when everyone seems to need me at once!

i am planning on painting my living room isn't very big but we sure have a LOT of junk in here and on the walls.....egad.

everyone have a great evening and i shall catch you int he mornign. time to catch up on face book, then into my book ......sweet eagle dreams to one and to all! good night

Mema Jo said...

Watching blue bloods
But I am getting very tired and sleepy
May not make it to the end

Dana - prayers for all your family!
I know you will probably get there earlier then me - I'll see you by Megan's wreaths. You can usually find a place to park on the main street.

Say good night and pray you have AOYP
I love us ♥

Hoda said...


Goodnight JO Love you.

Glad you had a good day JANET.

JUDYE has not been on today??? Is that possible??? 11:52 was her last post and she said BBIALW...well I would say it has been a while now and a bit more too!!! Hope all is well JUDYE

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all

Hope JudyE is having a day with Jordan!

Jo glad your gold is where it should be

DanaMo...I agree that your bro might be best to stay away until he can handle the situation's the house looking

Never really got rid of the sore throat...went to DR today and got some meds...should be better in a couple of days

My Bro was a no show...talked last night...said he was coming...his loss!

paula eagleholic said...

suzan congrats on the feather.......your 1st I think?

House is 49 heaters going...but going to go crawl into bed and read...see ya in the morn

SED love and hugs for all<3

paula eagleholic said...

Had to hop back on...I just heard the loons calling!

Hoda said...

Sounds wonderful about the loons PAULA.
I am glad you made a safe trip.

Tomorrow is busy for me. I volunteer with the Eco-Society young people from 9:00 till 2:00.
It is their Christmas Craft Faire and mostly hand made things priced for lower income Nelsonites...some pretty nice things and the young people are very creative.

I have a yoga workshop from 3:00 to 5:30 or 6:00...
I will check in when I come back in.

I have to admit I am what irritated? Angry? Anxious? All three I think...I looked at a draft copy of the proposed Egyptian Constitution as set up by the Islamist. ALL, and I mean ALL sections guranteeing Women's Equality in the previous constitution have been taken out. NO WOMEN EQUALITY clauses in the new proposed constitution!!!
Clitoridectomies are on the rise and YES I THINK IT IS BACKWARD!!!UGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Hoda said...

I will go meditate.



JUDYE I hope you are well. I am worried. If you were not three hours ahead I would have phoned you to find out what is up? SED

Costume Lady said...

It was good to hear from LINDA today, but sorry to hear of more trouble at her roost.

Dana, sorry your dad might be facing surgery, but hopefully they will repair the hernia more strongly this time.

I don't recall seeing Judy on facebook, today. I do hope she is ok!

I feel a faceplant coming on.
Good night dear friends...Love and prayers headed your way♥

Family friday was a blast. Jayden is becoming a comic:)

NCSuzan said...

Evening, everybody! Thank you Lolly and Paula, Yes, it was my first feather! I had no idea i was headed for the splint so soon. Caught me off guard! What fun!

Am keeping everyone in prayer. Out, out damn spot!

Anyone heard from Red? Hope he is OK.

Take care all.

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Thank you for all the kind words. I feel exactly as you have all viced as far as my brother, but my mother does not and she won't let it go. I know, I tell my kinders all the time they are only responsible for one persons actions, his/her own! This is all on my brother and I'm okay to just let it go, but mom is so upset.

Wanda-Dad doesn't have a hernia, this surgery would be to remove the lymph nodes and the ureta which are both affected by the cancer, and possibly the kidney as well.

Kay and Italian greyhound sounds like a wonderful dog from what someone posted. Good luck with your decision, I'm sure that dog would love to be in your life.

Jo-do you need me to come get you? I would be happy to do that? If not, I will meet you at Megan's wreaths at 11:00.

So glad it's Saturday and there isn't anything on the list today except to clean house and go to 5:15 Mass. It should be a very relaxing weekend!

Janet...I do not like painting, even when someone else is doing it. Such a mess to have everything pulled apart in a room. Then again, it's so nice when it is finished!

Paula-Enjoy paradise and give Nick big hugs.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Everyone!

It's the WEEKEND!

DANAMO, glad you have peace in your heart about your brother and pray your Mom arrives at that place soon. Prayers continue for your Dad. Keep us posted - like HODA said, it's updating us, not venting! :)

LINDA, so glad to see you back on the blog. You have been missed. Nice to hear that you had such a nice visit to Boston. Worried about Dennis, though. He's back on the prayer list!

HODA, have a fabulous time with the ECO kids today - I know you will. I bet they dearly love you!

KAY, I was thinking a small bulldog would be great for you! Of course, I'm partial to them, and you!

PAULA, hope you have a great last weekend in paradise for the winter. I bet you'll miss it! You heard LOONS!!! How cool.

I would love to go to the Market tomorrow and see MEGAN, JO, DANA and everyone, (who else is going?) but I have to get ready for my colonoscopy on Monday...YUCK! I'm so nervous!

SUZAN, congrats on your first feather!!!

LOLLY, is Joseph all better? How many pecans now?

JANET, you had a full day yesterday, but Red Robin and Baskin Robbins sounds like the perfect end to a great day! Yummy! Love RR onion rings!

Where is our JUDYE?????

JudyEddy said...

You can cancel the silver alert PAULA was correct Had a great day with Jordyn at the park then we went out to eat and didn't get a chance to get back on the blog All is well

Good morning eagle budlets and eaglebuds

Sandi said...

Good morning Dana, Lori, Judy, and all my eagle friends! It's December!!

Listening to 2 squirrels scampering around on my roof right now - hope they stay on the outside and don't get into the attic.

Dana, don't even talk to me about brothers who are asses right now!! I am so pissed off at my brother I can't even talk/write about it!!!!!

Shirley, how close did the 6 guys get to finishing yesterday?

Paula, enjoy your last weekend in Paradise for a couple of months - it's supposed to be a nice one!

I have school work to do today and am hoping to get outside lights up, since the temps are supposed to get up to nearly 60. Tomorrow, after tennis, I am taking my binoculars and heading to the eagle nest to see what I can see (no hunting in Delaware on Sundays so I don't have to worry about being mistaken for a long-legged deer!)

Make it a great day all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

SANDI-I'm really having a hard time this morning. I can't wrap my head around it being December. : ))

T-Bird said...

LORI-prayers your way for the fear of your colonoscopy. I haven't had to have anything but an endoscopy. I know every time I get one I'm nervous about it. Who is going with you?

DanaMo said...

One batch of famous Italian cookies are made. Kitchen is clean and first floor is vacuumed. Not really sure what else I am going to get into today. Maybe some school stuff...maybe not :)

Lori O. said...

THELMA, Kate will take and bring me home.

Lori O. said...

Getting excited about the cam, so I had to change my avatar to one of Belle and Shep! Can't wait to see them in the nest!

Sandi said...

Have changed my avatar to something appropriate for the season.

Dana, those cookies look delish!! Have seen them in stores but never eaten them - they look more like little cakes than cookies. What do they taste like?

Lori, bad me, I have yet to have a colonoscopy but Denny has had 2. The prep for the first was horrible, but this past spring, he said the prep was so much better and he felt great afterward. Came home, took a little nap, and was as good as new! Good luck on Monday!

Good morning Thelma!

Gonna get myself dressed and doing something! Later!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all

Gorgeous here

Water is calm...ducks are feeding...sun is shining :)

Janet said...

good mornign all

HODA: i too would be repulsed by what you have read. certainly this will not pass! how infuriating!!!!

we in this country, who have come so far.....and in other places for women's rights certainly will work together to help our sisters in need of equality.....what about something like women for women international? would have any pull for a situation like this?

well its Saturday and 50 degrees right now. its been in the upper 20's most mornings this week.

i loved red robin and baskin robbins last night, but my tummy sure didn't. let's just say it didn't stay with me for very long when i got home. still grumbly this morning; but more left eye feels funny......i do have olivia's drops...why on a Saturday does this start? i don't want to go to a quick clinic, they don't' take my insurance....i shall wait and see what happens. i'll use some reiki...hope for the best.

such a lovely day. i need to get started and moving stuff in a bit. tom is still asleep. he is taking olivia to the ice rink and ballet today.

i hate the thought of moving all this stuff...but it will look SO much better when i finish. that's what i keep telling myself anyway, lol

okay, folks, have a stupendous day! hugs, light, and love to all!

Linda said...

Good Morning!

I better get going this morning! DANAMO is putting me to shame with all that she has already done this morning!!

Buck season started Monday, Doe season starts today. We live in a very wooded area and are very close to game lands. I am hearing LOTS of shots this morning. I'm NO tree hugger, and I totally understand hunting season, but I always hate hearing those shots. I just love the beauty of all animals....

Lolly said...

I am right there with you, Linda! So thankful Jack is not a hunter, nor is Michael. Joey has hunted some, but basically can not afford it. He has taken Joseph with him before. He wanted to get Joseph a gun for Christmas, but Laurel put a stop to that. What kind of gift is it when you have to put it up and not use it. Also, he is just too young!! JMHO

Jack slept really late today, but he said he was awake in the middle of the night. Hate that!

TCU game at 11, our time. So will watch it while picking up, straightening and decorating the house.

Lolly said...

Lori, it was Jacob who had a bug. He is fine now, apparently a 12 hour bug!!

DanaMo said...

They are like little cakes...We always bought them at the Italian bakeries on Long Island. You make the dough which has almond flavor and almond paste, divide it into 3 portions, dye one green, one red and leave the other. Cook in a 13x9x2. Put in the refrigerator to bond the layers together with raspberry preserves between each layer. The next day melt semi sweet chocolate squares and spread on top and then cut into bit sized pieces. A royal pain but big favorite.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We have an immediate need! Isaac is extubated and needs to cough NOW!! Lets go prayer warriors!!

glo said...

cough cough little buddy cough cough. Prayin prayin

Lolly said...

Praying! Cough Isaac! Cough!

Thanks, Dana....just got the recipe!

Costume Lady said...

Praying and coughing here!

JudyEddy said...

cough little Issac

DanaMo said...

Well I started out strong and faded by lunch! Oh well. I have had an enjoyable day being lazy.

Lolly said...

Heading to a wedding this evening. Going to be interesting. Going to support the grooms family. (dear close friends) The bride is 8 months pg.

JudyEddy said...

I did not know this they have a picture to demonstrate it but you get the idea
Eagle Fact for Saturday, December 1, 2012

Since we've been discussing the eye of the eagle this past week, I thought it was a good time to tell you in how the eagle eye helps us identify the male from the female.
Notice in this photo (from Norfolk website) that the female beak extends to the back of the eye and the male's beak stops at the pupil. Also, if you look at the depth of the beak, the female's beak is deeper from top to bottom than the male.
The female's head is also larger, because the female is the larger of the two birds. :) Fun stuff

JudyEddy said...

I posted the picture of the eagle heads with the comparison of the eyes from FB if you want to see what they were referring too
Eyes male and female

magpie said...

Are there any updates on Isaac?
I sure hope our little buddy did his coughing...

Been reading the doins'.
Just don't know where to start....

I Care ! I can start there

(( Hugs to my Eagle Pals ))


JudyEddy said...

MARGY there is a picture of him on facebook in his Mommy's arms sweet picture her holding him

magpie said...

Thanks lovely that sounds...
has Isaac coughed as he needed to ??
going from apt to house and computer to computer I don't have my favorites on all the computers...
and of course do not have facebook.
I shall use my imagination....

magpie said...

Well, make that thank you JudyE!
eyeballs ain't working so good either !

magpie said...

Good luck to you,
whenever you check in...
colonoscopy, not so bad..
I have had two...just kept reading the preparation instructions over and over again...and I still got a little mixed up...
I kind of welcome, the simpler diet for a few days though....
Prayers for a Perfect Outcome..

Lynne2 said...

hello all! Slow goings today on here....

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
Just read about Lolly's wedding. That's not too hard to picture! Hope she gets some photos.
Hi Margy. I don't know where I am or what I'm doing either!After taking a white-knuckle drive to work in the car w/minimal brake pedal, spent ALL day in CPR and 1st Aid classes! Then I get home and someone's side of the computer has NO Start Menu or Toolbar!!!!I've tried the "run the mouse low where Toolbar was last seen" but not there! BTW, the other car that I've been taking is at the Chevy dealer as it had the wrong key inserted in the ignition and after the broken part was removed, won't start at all. I think I'm going to have to set parental controls!
As Scarlett said, "there's always tomorrow!"
Later~~~food in oven~~~

magpie said...

"copy all that" Loretta,
as in, that's a Big 10-4!
Gee whillikers, what a crazy couple or three weeks it has been for you!
Food in the oven, now THAT sounds nice!

Howdy Lynne 2!
Always a treat to "See You." xo

magpie said...

"copy all that" Loretta,
as in, that's a Big 10-4!
Gee whillikers, what a crazy couple or three weeks it has been for you!
Food in the oven, now THAT sounds nice!

Howdy Lynne 2!
Always a treat to "See You." xo

magpie said...

hellllo Laptop, the double posting

magpie said...

I have used the word "tomorrow" so much lately that I am really wearing out my welcome with it...

Thinking of all, please excuse me for not saying Yay and Hooray, and
putting in a comment about so many things that are touching and moving and difficult amongst us here....

Am sending Lovins' everyone's way and Prayers for all our most special needs....

Headed to the pillows very soon...
so Good Night, Precious Pals....

God Bless Us, Every One

glo said...

Well except to tell Isaac to ocugh I haven't posted much on here today either but I will just say God is good all the time. Not counting my "Mom" My own family has had a major test develop this past week to the point it was just plain old hard to even sleep. BUT there has been a miraculous happening tonight thanks to a few courageous folks and a thing called facebook. You just never know. Prayers and praises too continue for the very many needs and situations being shared on here. This is a special place indeed.

Hoda said...

LORI Colonoscopies are no problem I have had several. The hardest part is the prep. I pray yours comes back negative.

Did ISAAC Cough?

Very busy and very good day...I will put some pictures of the Eco-Society Faire on FB.
Two little girls came and sat behind me and made bracelets to donate to the Eco -Society and I got lots of hugs. They were so cute. I gave them a raspberry pie and how so very polite they were. It was awesome.

Awesome Yoga workshop.

JANET Thank you for the suggestions regards Women's Equality in Egypt. I will wait and see what happens with the vote on this supposed constitution...Heaven help us.

Yes we are blessed in North America...and those of you who were born here won the lottery when you were born...

In the Christmas Craft Faire today I worked with a Jewish guy from New York and with a Pagan from up the Valley and it seemed the spirit of Christmas was alive and well...I like that about Nelson. We all hugged and went about our lives when it was time to go...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Just a quick update..Isaac has coughed twice now! They were faint and week but at least we know he can cough. His stats have held strong and he is slowly being weaned off the nasal canula and meds. Thanks again for all the thoughts & prayers everyone!

Good night my eagle friends! I love us!!

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say a quick good night. Will came home and took care of the network connections.

Nice to see the good news about Isaac.

See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening and Good night - I have been AWOL today - All is well.
Visiting with Michael this afternoon - then home and to Mass and then a Hallmark movie - Now I am playing catch up.

So thankful Isaac has coughed! So many have jumped for joy about it! ♥

I will add my comment about my visit but first will say for real that I am heading for my pillows. Hope all of you have sweet dreams! AOYP ♥

Mema Jo said...

Visit with Michael - It has been a very busy and blessed day. I visited this afternoon with Michael - we even went outside for a long walk and rode the elevators a couple of times - He has an ortho... appointment over at UMMC Monday - probably for a final check on the foot that was injured in the fall. He showed me a new shirt given to him by Courtney - Miracle Michael is on it! His roommate's mom gave them both a be
autiful poinsettia. Brightens up their room.
Michael says he now weighs 150 - finally getting some meat on him.... he says he was down to 123 when he started there. He is in very excellent physical condition. He out walked me - but that isn't saying too much. He is anxious to get onto the next step of his journey with outpatient care and his skull replacement surgery. He has never given up on being well again - he has prayed quite a lot as we all have. Keep those prayers going upward. He say in June he is going to Haiti to see the children.
I bet he does just that! ♥

Hoda said...

Blessed Be MICHAEL You keep your dreams...

Goodnight JO.♥

So very glad ISAAC coughed twice.

I am sleepy so I too will sign off.



Lolly said...

Home from the wedding. I loved the chapal where they had the wedding. The bride came down the stairs at the back. Then after the wedding the bride and groom came out on the balconey at the back. Really pretty! She did wear a long white wedding dress, but for the reception wore a short purple dress that looked really cute on her. Baby due Jan 3. She was late to the chapal, the wedding started 45 minutes late. Yikes! We were sitting with friends so we had fun visiting!

Lolly said...

Tomorrow we are going to church but in the afternoon...Jack and I have a date!! Going to eat at a winery as they have a band playing that we really like. To get in we take toys, so we went to the store today to buy two $10 toys!

Anyway, time to hit the sack. Night all! Michael doing great, Isaac doing great...held in his mother's arms and he coughed. Thanks you God!!!


Costume Lady said...

No doubt in my mind that Michael will make it to Haiti in June. After all that he has been through, a return trip to Haiti will be even more meaningful for him...and WHAT A STORY he will have to tell the people there...what a great witness for our Lord he will be!
Prayers continue for him and Isaac. Such good news coming from both of their Mommas!

Love and prayers for all my friends♥

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday morning eagle pals!

JO, sounds like Michael is coming along so well...and fast! Glad he has hopes and dreams to make come true!

LOLLY, glad you had a good time at the wedding and are looking forward to your date with Jack today! Sounds fun! Enjoy!

HODA, your event with the kids yesterday sounded exactly like I thought it would be. I wish Nelson was closer!!! ♥

HOORAY for Baby Isaac and his two coughs! God is great! What a miracle baby he has been!

SANDI, I didn't get to say earlier, but wanted you to know I'm praying for your family. Sounds like your Mom is firm and comfortable with her decision. Hugs. Enjoy your trip with your new binocs today! Hope you see lots of eagles and other birds, too.

MARGY, happy weekend...this is the beginning of your weekend isn't it?

No food for me today, except maybe the lime jello I made, the rest is Gatoraide and water as I do the prep for the colonoscopy tomorrow morning. Can't wait to get this over with!

I've been practicing my hand quilting on a couple of baby quilts, and I'm not sure I'm going to make it as a the thought, but hand quilting is way more difficult than I imagined! My perfectionism (shame on me) gets the best of me!

I hope everyone has a great day!

DANAMO and JO, please tell MEGAN I said hello and we miss her on the blog! Have fun you two.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Budlets
Hope each of you have a great day
in whatever you do today Have a good

DanaMo said...

Oh Lori...YUCK I can't imagine a day without food!

Can't wait to see Jo this morning and Megan to get a wreath and whatever else I find at the market. Lunch with Jo and her grandson. I'm going to see if Annemarie wants to go along and before we leave I will try to catch a glimpse of the royal pair. Wonder if I can talk my way onto the property?

Sandi said...

Good foggy Sunday morning my eagle friends! Have been up since 6am but dealing with my "brother issues" via email.

What wonderful news about little Isaac! The photo on FB of his mom holding him is just priceless!!

Jo, wonderful news about Michael's progress as well. Haiti in June - sounds like a plan!!

Dana and Jo, enjoy your time together today and tell Megan hi from all of us on the blog! Hope you get to see our eagles!

Lolly, it's looking like my mom will be heading to Killeen, TX for a week right after Christmas! My nephew and his wife and kids are living there while he is stationed at Fort Hood. She sounds excited to be heading to a state she has never seen before (plus it's warm!!) I hope it takes her mind off of her aneurysm.

Time to get ready for tennis. Got the inside of the house decorated yesterday except for the tree. Need to do the outside lights today, plus do some bird watching with my new binocs!

Make it a great day!

DanaMo said...

Brother issues. Boy does that unfortunately sound familiar.

Have fun at tennis, Sandi!

Just woke Annemarie up and she is going to go with me. Should be a nice day!

T-Bird said...

Good Sunday morning my fine eagle peeps.

grannyblt said...

Good Sunday morning eagle peeps. so glad to see all is relatively well in our world today.

Yesterday was the yearly craft show that our local branch of GFWC sponsors. We had a good turn out and hopefully raised enough $$$ for a couple of scholarships. It is a lot of work for a bunch of older ladies, fortunately a service fraternitiy at the local college helped with the grunt work--setting up tables etc. Now that that project is over for the club year, I hope to catch the sight of some ducks or geese before too much snow flies.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - foggy out there but I am going over the mountain to Market and perhaps that is where the sun is shinning! Will get to see my Megan and go to Mellow Moods with Dana after getting my Christmas wreath. My grandson will be my chauffeur and my carrier of goods! TTUL friends and family ♥

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Its warm and cloudy here. Too warm actually. Hoping all will have a good day. Gatorade is a good thing really :-)

Lolly said...

Just time for a quick

Good Morning!!!☺

Sandi...that is great about your mom looking forward to a trip. Oh, is warmer here, warmer than normal. Here it is 70 this morn and heading up. Yuck! Nice weather but when it is winter and Christmas it should feel like it!! Can't have a nice fire with weather like this.

Really gotta run! Later Gators!

magpie said...

Thinking of our Momsters Megan, Dana and Jo....and Jo's grandson the chauffeur extraordinaire {I am thinking Aaron perhaps] and Dana's Annemarie...having the time of their lives.....
and the weather is beautiful for this!

Good Sunday to everyone...

magpie said...

grannyblt: saw you today and also a few days ago here....
wonderful, the fundraiser, and yes,
always helpful to have some Brute Force available to move things around.....

Movers and Shakers....

hope you get some good Wildlifing in soon !

magpie said...

wonderful, Isaac, see the late night update from Sissy...

and also the terrific report from on Jo about Miracle Michael...and a T-shirt to prove it from his Kernan family !

magpie said...

heard some wild turkeys chortling a few minutes ago....but I sure can't see them! If they saw me first, then that's the end of the opportunity.

Take Care....
Lori...hope all the preparations go well...personally I don't care for
Gatorade after this ritual, but I guess it does help do the trick.

lime Jello, good choice!

ttfn Eagle Pals.....
(( All Day Sunday Hugs ))

Mema Jo said...

Today over at Market was fabulous. Met up with Dana and Annemarie - we both arrived within minutes of each other.
However, Dana had been over to the 'bend in the road' to sight our Sycamore Palace. We met Megan and got wreaths and then headed up to Mellow Moods for lunch. Had good conversation and enjoyed ourselves while waiting for our food...... Such a great way to start a new week.

Feet up BBL

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, Jo! That sounds fantabulous!! Seeing Megan, and Dana and getting a wreath. I am jealous!

Home from church. Now gotta mop floors that Jack has vacuumed. We are leaving in a couple of hours to go to Lightcatcher winery. Yea!!

magpie said...

Hoping Lolly and Jack had a great date.
Sounds like Jo, DanaMo, Megan, Annemarie and I am thinking grandson Aaron did !
Sun hid behind the clouds for the afternoon but still very mild out.
A few sprinkles, and now a beautiful sunset

Good Evening Wishes, Eagle Pals
xoxox ♥

DanaMo said...

Wonderful afternoon with Jo and her grandson and DIL. Got a beautiful wreath from Megan. One of the last ones! Glad we arrived in time.

Went down to the damn to see if I could catch the eagles at the river, but no luck. Then went to the bend, but no luck there either! Hope that camera comes up soon!

Did see 2 birds, I don't know what either one is, the one had a really strange "call". If you are on FB you can see the pictures there.

magpie said...

Bye Bye Paradise for the season for Paula...hope it was a great close-down with lots of wildlife sightings

magpie said...

Glad for you, DanaMo...
weather turned out real nice didn't it?
don't have facebook
can't make a guess on the birds
but someone will !

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Okay, folks, I need some help. Who is Christina Ryder from Annapolis, MD? Is she a Momster? We received a gift from her for Chuck and Nicole and I can't place her. I am old, so that may be the problem! LOL!!

magpie said...

I don't know Christina, Sissy...unless perhaps she might have been around when we first lost Liberty and starting seeing
someone on here will be able to help more I bet...
seems to me....we had a lady who did come on the blog then with that name....
I'm betting Paula will fill in the blanks !
Hello and (( Hugs ♥))

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Urgent prayer request from Nicole Perry Riffe. We need stronger breathing, lower respiratory rate, and good blood gas results for Isaac. We DO NOT want him to be put back on a respirator! Everyone please pass this around and let's get to praying! Come on Isaac, breath deep and slow little one!!!!

magpie said...

And I think she went to one of the Eagle Rescue places, and then reported back to us about it...the name of which place, totally escapes me now...

magpie said...

I caught the pass, Sissy!
Prayers for better breathing for Isaac...
right now !

JudyEddy said...

I haven't heard of her either BEV maybe LORI or someone that lives in MD knows her HMMM I did google and found her in Annapolis, MD says 36 yrs old if its the same one couldn't find on FB tooo many of them without the city and state listed What did she send did you see it??? and no note?? OH how much has been collected tooo I may have missed the post I do recall someone else asking before

JudyEddy said...

I also looked on the momster member list and from what I see I don't see her but most aren't full names on there also

JudyEddy said...

this was on fb
update on Phoneix.

Phoenix Update and Photos—November 6, 2012
Phoenix weighing in at 4112 grams (9 lbs 1 oz)
Phoenix Update and Photos—November 6, 2012 Phoenix is doing well. On the 7th of November we needed to check his weight (now weighing 4112 grams; 9 lbs 1 oz), examine his talons and beak and in the process of doing this we decided to cope (trim) his beak. His talons and beak still have a long way to go, but are looking very nice—his beak has getting a little long and has some “ripples” in it caused by the heat damage, but we hope this will grow out over time. Phoenix has cut back a lot on his eating from a month ago and is starting to leave leftovers, so he has topped on his weight. He’s is being fed a rotation of quail, venison, and rat. He tries his wings frequently and due to the structure of his damaged feathers is rather noisy when compared to other eagles.
By: Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah

Hoda said...

Prayers for ISAAC'S Breathing.

JO and DANA so happy you had a good visit...any pictures? I must go to FB to see what DANA posted. It would be great if there was one with the three of you at the market...MEGAN DANA AND JO...

In all seriousness people were telling me today,"enjoy the rain" and I answered " Thank you I will you too" when I got to my car I cracked up laughing!!! This is Nelson...we were all soaked and with our hoods up and yet smiling and enjoying the liquid sunshine!!!

Hoda said...

Pictures of the wreaths you and DANA got would be greatly appreciated. I did not find any photos on FB.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

This just in from Nicole.... Blood gas good, breathing a little slower & stronger!!! The power of prayer is something for sure! Keep praying his progress continues. YAY!!

Thank you all so much for all the support! It really makes a difference!! Love you!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have over $800.00 for Chuck and Nicole counting this last gift from the lady in Annapolis. What a miracle.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

There was note with the card and it was addressed to Beverly Crisco Riffe, which is my name on facebook, so she may be a friend of a friend on there or something. But I haven't posted on there to send money to me. But who knows, at any rate, we are very grateful for the gift. Good night all you beautiful people out there in eagle land. Hope you all have a restful night. I love us!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Don't remember if I posted this I don't think I did This is a video of the area around the tree in Ft Meyers on the property of the realtor
A drive around the eagle nest at Fort Meyers

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

Best wishes for Sweet Sleep and a Good Tomorrow

Special thoughts for Lori for tomorrow....
but I know things will be just fine...

Prayers for Wellness All Around

God Bless Us, Every One

Janet said...

Good Evening everyone!

Just about bed time, but haven't had a chance to check in...

Spent most of yesterday painting the living room. We have a very small home, and the living room although small is full of STUFF. So Tom and I painting two walls plus trim yesterday. Next Saturday, the other two....that's the plan anyway.

It looks lots better. I have to give Tom his props, painting is NOT his favorite him helping like that was really a big deal.

Today was grocery day so we were at the Walmart @ 8:30 this morning and then home to put it all away once again!

We went down to the sportsplex where Olivia skates for the Holiday Show this afternoon from 2 to 4. It was very very good. I was most impressed. And, I was very impressed with the turnout of the crowd as well.

Bowling: went well for us tonight. We WON 2 games and took total pin count. :) That's a first for us this season!

So much positive news on the blog today/tonight..... makes me smile.

Hope everyone has a great restful evening.....and a wonderful Monday!

Good night!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Great time this evening! Went to Lightcatcher Winery....had good food, good wine, and fantastic music!!! Took our two toys to get in.

NowI am sitting here and falling asleep!

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a day - it's been a busy one.

Prayers for all of you and your friends and family
Good night and sweet dreams with AOYP

I love us !

Mema Jo said...

Margy - grandson Dominick (Just so you know)


stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. Painting is finished. Now to get the carpets put back down and cleaned, the porch rail fixed, and the house power washed.

I love all of the new paint colors. Now I want to paint the other rooms.

And then I would love to replace some floor coverings.

stronghunter said...

Glad the bowling went well, Janet. We were not quite so successful on Tuesday.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all

Doing a lot of work here and caulking windows...burning floors, bathrooms etc

Still have more caulking to do tomorrow...hope we don't get rain tonight...been foggy last 2 morns

Great day for momster at the market...sorry danamo didn't see our eagles...everyone ready for the cam to be on

Good news on Isaac...Sissy that gals name is not familiar...

Shirley glad your place is coming along

Ready to go read a few pages and crash...catch y'all in the am

SED love and hugs for all <3

Lolly said...

Learned from info from Laurel today. Their church, St Andrew Presbyterian, had an anniversary celebration...150 years, I think. Today they had a very long worship service, including bagpipes. Joseph carried in chimes and Jacob carried in the chalice for communion. So very proud of my boys. Laurel said Jacob was especially excited and proud.

Oh, and this afternoon, the boys went to a friends house to go swimming!!! Yes, I am sure it was cold but it was up to 80 today.

Heading to bed. Praises and thanks to our maker for Michael and Isaac!

Night all! SED!!!!!

Hoda said...

Checking in to say goodnight.


Costume Lady said...

Stopping in to say goodnight...
We had another wonderful visit from Jillian and those two. So good to see young love, hope they stay happy like this for many years to come~

Love and prayers to all my friends and their loved ones♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle buds!!!

So glad to hear that Isaac was doing better! What a trooper!

JO and DANAMO, glad you got to go and see MEGAN and get your wreaths...only wish you had seen Belle and Shep! Soon, hoping, our cam will be up!

LOLLY, how was your date at the winery?

PAULA, enjoy your last day in Paradise this fall...or meteorological winter. Sounds like you have your hands full today. Good luck!

SANDI, did you get to go see your eagle nest yesterday?

SHIRLEY, YAY! So great to hear that the house is finally coming along. You've had to put up with the wait, for way too long!

Time to start getting ready for today's procedure...was up half the night!

Wishing everyone a great and blessed day, with lots of smiles and joy in your heart!

Lori O. said...

JANET, what color did you paint the living room? Mine is next if Tom wants to help some more!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle buds!! I solved the mystery of Christina Ryder. She is a friend of Nicole's and I had posted on Caring Bridge to contact me about donations to Chuck and Nicole. I guess she got my address off of facebook. So, at any rate, I am glad to know. It was bugging me. Great report last night about Isaac. Breathing better and stronger with good blood gases. Pray that continues. There is a precious pic of him looking at his dad on facebook. I will try today to put some over here so those of us not on facebook and share them as well. Have a great day everyone. Love and hugs!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I put three pics of Isaac in my pics here on the blog. Sorry I didn't think to do that sooner.

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning Lori, Bev, and all my eagle friends!

Didn't get to the eagle nest yesterday. It stayed foggy and damp til about 2pm. We got the Christmas lights up outdoors (still have the tree to put up), got my mom's flight to TX booked for the 26th, and watched the Ravens lose instead. One good thing about Mom going to TX is it means my brother will go there instead of coming to Balto. and I won't have to see him (awful thing to say but he's not my favorite person right about now!!)

Wonderful news about Isaac!!

Shirley, glad you are getting your house back in order - what a wait it's been for you!

Lori, hope the colonoscopy goes smoothly and the results are A-OK.

Prayers continue for Michael, Isaac, Jo, Dana's dad, Thelma's brother in law, Glo's "mom" and Emily. Glo, how is Emily doing?

Make it a great day! I sure was hoping for a fog delay this AM!

DanaMo said...

Good morning! Where has the morning gone, already?

My time is up and I need to get moving.

Have a great day everyone!

DanaMo said...

I would live it if we get word today about our cam!

Janet said...

good morning to all!

LORI: the living room is a very very soft beige/light makeup foundation color.....its very soft. the room is small and i couldn't go very dark, but i didn't want eggshell....or white....or cream.....i wanted just a hint of color. and i got it. it is very warm.

going up to 74 today.....think we will grill out tonight. temps are dropping though in the next few days, but nothing cold. 60's all week. soon enough, cooler weather will arrive.

hope everyone has a great day....just keep smiling! hugs

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eaglebudlets
Wishing everyone a great day in
what ever you have planned today

I feel like I am getting a cold
Lots of peeps at work have it and
looks like its my turn dern it

glo said...

Good morning all. Busy today with all kinds of errands. It is supposed to be 65. That is just plain wrong. Sandi There was talk of discharging Emily on Fri. She was going to stay with family for a few weeks. I will find out more specifically how things are when i go to pick up Dex RX tomorrow. I know she is still in therapy for something to do with a leg and a knee and there was another MRI scheduled. I do think overall she is doing well She will be with her little girl on Christmas for sure is my guess.

paula eagleholic said...

Last morning in Paradise...

I am standing out back with my first cup of coffee. Nick is laying in the yard. He looks up..he is watching something coming over the house. An eagle comes into view..right over the house...he soars out over the water...I wonder if he is going for a loon or a bufflehead. You can hear the loons distress calls. He circles back in front of the house...then flies up the river. I look out on the water...all the ducks and loons had dove under. Totally cool!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Paula, what a sight to see with your morning coffee.

Need to get going here. I have a 12:00 appointment to get a perm. Getting tired of bad hair days.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - what a great weather day it is today - Really not December is it?
Need to get the house in order - wreaths are hung and outside lights are in place. Sadly the season will be over before we have time to enjoy it!

Paula - I love the free morning feelings you are having! Paradise for sure

Thinking of you Lori and wishing it is all over and good results are on their way to you!

Everyone have a fantastic day - Come on CAM !

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wow, Paula, such an awesome sight to see...while having your coffee. You could not start the day any better!!

I have tons to do today, so best get busy. Have to cook for our trip, cook for dinner at Laurel's tomorrow, but first need to grocery shop.

Tomorrow is Laurel's 40th birthday and then Wed. we leave for the Hill Country. Going down near Fredericksburg, TX.

Lolly said...

Lori, we had an awesome afternoon and evening at the winery. Food and wine was great, but really enjoyed the music. The Christmas tree was almost buried in toys. Awesome!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...