Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Walking over to our commons building today I saw both of our eagles, soaring in circles high over the building.

New thread.


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magpie said...

Well, Steve, This is a Great Report on the Double Soaring Eagle Sighting....

Thanks for the NEW THREAD, I'll go let the rest of the "family" know


magpie said...

Continued Happy Birthday Wishes to our dear Suzanne.....
Hope it is the BEST Birthday EVER!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Magpie got a feather!

Hoda said...

Thank You STEVE for the report on the eagles soaring.

Happy Birthday SUZANNE.

MARGIE got the Feather YAY MARGIE!!!

I have not read back...Hope LOLLY and JACK checked in and that they saw the lake from their Lakeside Park where they camped last night...Safe travels you two.

I am very sadened and heart broken over the events in Egypt and Lybia yesterday...I can not even imagine how they could have happened!!! Broke my heart to see a bunch of thugs, they thought they were flying the Moslem Banner yet it is a black flag and the Moslem Banner is a green flag...they burnt the US Flag in Egypt and oh how I cried...In Libya they killed three Americans including the Ambassador and all this due to a youtube trailer of a not even B rated movie on the Prophet Mohamed!!! I watched it and it was insulting and very poorly made and when aired a year ago it was to an empty theatre...So my heart is heavy with sadness and I extend my condolences to the American people for the burning of the Flag and the Death of three compatriots...

CarolAnne said...

Hoda - :o( I agree

Magpie - Steve - :o)

Lolly said...

Hoda, we got a glimpse of the lake from the rv park. Saw the lake after we left. It was way low! Sad!

Talk about wide open spaces, that is where we are!

Hoda said...

LOLLY and JACK I am glad you saw the lake and sorry it is low...

I checked border crossing from Montana and the folloeing are the hours of operation for various routes...I am not sure which you will take so I copied them all. Somehow I see JACK as already having all this information as I think it is part of organizing the trip...
Here goes Crossing the border to Canada from Montana:

•24-hour service
Chief Mountain on Montana Highway 17 (May to September)
Coutts on Interstate 15
•Daytime service all year (7 am to 11 pm)
Carway on US Highway 89 (closest to Glacier on the east side)
Del Bonita on Montana Highway 213
Aden on Montana Highway 409
Wild Horse on Montana Highway 232

Notice that the 24 hour service ends in September and I would presume that would be after the Labour Day weekend.
The rest is 7:00AM to 11:00PM

Hoda said...

Thank you LINDA, C/A and THELMA for your kind words.

I am headed off to yoga and meditation...I hope it relieves this heavy heart of mine...I ♥ USA

T-Bird said...

Thanks Magpie for the call over and Steve for the new thread.

T-Bird said...

Happy, happy birthday Suzanne. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend.

T-Bird said...

Well said Hoda.

Lolly said...

Hoda, we will be on I 15. Entering at Sweet Grass, Montana. Lol. We are never up before 7 and do not travel at night!

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch to find a new thread THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

WOW the nest in real clear right now but MR ;^[

JudyEddy said...

now its rainbowey odd how it jumps from one to the other after it refreshes

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Thanks for the Call over MARGY!

STEVE, thanks for the report on the eagles! Tell 'em we said hello! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The preliminary culture results were rare gram negative rods. Final report tomorrow.

magpie said...

WEll Sharon, you would have something rare !!!

okay tell us somethig more when you know it, and also keep letting us know that you are doing better...if you are, that is, and I hope that IS SO !!!

magpie said...

must start putting things away; we are sort of in a meeting but someone has to stay plugged in and take calls

but when it's time to go I won't waste any time doing that !

Take care, all and best wishes for one of those Great Kinds of Evenings


Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and for the news that you're seeing our eagles! Before we know it, it will be time for them to start sprucing up the nest for next year's eggs!

Had to email my Brian from school to make sure things are OK at the Embassy in Tanzania. I know that Libya and Tanzania are a distance apart but I had read that Obama has heightened security at all US Embassies. He emailed back that he is fine and there is nothing to worry about!

What an awful day to have to be indoors! I spent the day administering the first round of state testing to some of my students (we test in the fall to get a baseline score and then again in the spring to see growth during the year). I was testing 5 of the "antsiest" boys you would ever want to meet. After about an hour and 15 minutes, they were mentally DONE, so we took a walk outside to give them a stretch before they had to go back to testing. What a magnificent day - just about perfect!!!

Need to water pots and then grocery shopping is on this evening's agenda.

Later all!

Linda said...

Thanks Steve for the report on our souring eagles! That was surely a welcomed report!!

The uproars in Egypt and Lybia are indeed troubling. We used to be able to count on our Embassies being safe and now something like this has happened.

HODA - I know you still have family in Egypt and I think of you and pray your family is safe every time I hear of all the turmoil in that country.

Lori O. said...


SANDI, glad you had such a great day and found a way to get the boys through the testing!

SHARON, please tell us more about rare gram neg rods. Are you okay?

Linda said...


Nice to "see" you :)

Linda said...

JO - Dennis is just beginning to enjoy our home grown tomatoes, too!! He loves sliced tomatoes and miracle whip and of course the BLT's are a favorite!

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon and congrats to Margy for getting a feather! Steve, thank you so much for such a good report of our eagles up there enjoying the thermals!

Hoda - I appreciate your words and feelings concerning these world's affairs. Sandi - thanks for letting us know that you contacted Brian and that he feels safe. I pray that our leaders will take the right course to rectify this situation.

Sharon - you are a rare bird! As long as you test negative - that is good - right? ♥

Mema Jo said...

I think it dinner time - hungry but don't know what I am hungry for .


Nest does look good for a few and then it goes kaput!

Lynne2 said...

WOO HOO I LOVE it when Steve posts about our eagles....makes me feel better! Thanks a bunch STEVE!

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for Brian's continued saftey, Sandi. Such a horrible thing to wake up and hear first thing this morning. I haven't read up on all of the events, and I wasn't even aware of this movie trailer at all. But it certainly created a very sad mess, and uneasiness throughout that area and others.....

Lynne2 said...

I am pretty sure (and will investigate) that "rare gram negative rods" are not a rare bacteria, but rather that whatever the bacteria is, is rare, or few, and not large numbers of it. Curious as to what the bacteria is....and glad it's under control!

Lynne2 said...

THANK YOU DENNIS!!!! Linda, I LOVE Miracle Whip, and Steve regards it as sort of the "ANTI-Mayo". LOL!

Lynne2 said...

Janet, so sorry about your GD's hamster. I well remember the loss of my first little furbaby at a young age....mine was a Gerbil.

Lynne2 said...

My jaw is NOT feeling better. UGH. But the other side of my neck feels better today!

Looks like a really good one on PBS Nature this evening....

Born Free Elsa's Legacy

Linda said...

LYNNE2 - You're so funny!! Dennis frowns at mayonaise.............unless it is Miracle Whip!! He loves that tangy flavor!

Linda said...

LYNNE2 - Glad the neck is feeling better but not so happy about the jaw. Soft food for a while??

Lynne2 said...

yes Linda, I am thinking....ICE CREAM!

Linda said...

You KNOW LOLLY will find out!!!

But it is sooooo soothing!! :)

Lynne2 said...

I ain't skeerd of her.....much!

Linda said...

And she knows it too!! Haha!!

Linda said...

So what is the Christmas song of the night??

Lynne2 said...

well, in honor of Steve's audible gas issues (he's gonna KILL me), I was thinking

Do You Hear What I Hear??

Linda said...

You are a RIOT!!!! You better hope he doesn't read your blogging!! Don't walk away from the screen and let him see that one!!

You're living on the edge tonight, Gurl!!

Lynne2 said...

shhhh, don't rat me out!

Lynne2 said...

Just saw that Christie posted this explanation on FB regarding Sharon's report....

GNR are bacteria that stain gram negative. The stain is called gram stain. There are many types of bacteria that are gram negative and many that are gram positive cocci. Cocci are round shaped, rods look like little minus signs. MRSA or other staph and strep infections are gram positive cocci or GPC. MRSA is one of the worst infections, so I am thankful that it is not GPC!!

Lynne2 said...

Spottie at Snowman Cam...spots are really fading fast.

Linda said...

Have been working on our own "Kitchen Crashers," but this one certainly will NOT get done in three days!! More like three stages!!

Today, though, our new range came (2 hours early) and we were not complete done with the demolition area it was to go.

Amazing what can hide behind those cabinets after many years.......

I don't think we would call what we took down craftsmanship.......

Dennis is determined to get this thing completely installed tonight. I'm DONE!! And I am wishing he would stop now, too. He's a bit cranky and there is still some clean up and putting away to do. I guess I will have to help with that part, but I am NOT finding a place for all those pots and pans on my dining room table until tomorrow!!!

Lynne2 said...

wow Linda....who would ever think anything would be delivered EARLY!

Sandi said...

Shar, glad the leg is getting better!

Lynne2, your Chr---mas song choice for this evening and the reason for it made me laugh out loud!!! I'm sure I'll be thinking about it the very next time I see Steve in person!! =)

Linda, you obviously don't live in Sussex County, DE where NOTHING/ NO ONE shows up on time! When someone makes an appointment and arrives at the correct time, I always ask, "You're not from around here, are you??"

Gotta rustle up something for dinner - I think there are 2 cans of soup in the pantry, then off to the store! My Prempro prescription ran out over a week ago and I just got word that the Giant pharmacy has it ready - have been holding my breath hoping the hot flashes didn't return before I got the meds refilled!


Linda said...

Yeah, we were pretty surprised on the early delivery, too.

Dennis just plugged in the 220 and it checked out good and the gas connections are good to go as well, so I think it should be a go. It is a duel fuel range with a gas cooking top and an electric convection oven for better baking! :o)

LYNNE - I would NEVER rat you out!!

Better go clean up things. Dennis is in a better mood now that the range is in place and working.


Linda said...

Also thankful to hear SHAR has no risk of that awful MRSA!

Will be anxious to her the full report tomorrow and hopefully the antibiotics she is on will heal the wound!

Lolly said...

Ok, trying to keep my cool! We are in Sheridan, Wyoming. It is a long story so here goes. We stopped at a rest stop for lunch. The smell of ammonia was strong outside the trailer, opened the door and the smell was over powering. !!! Then we noticed we had lost the tread on a tire though it had not lost air. Jack changed the tire. I was attempting to call a rv place to ask about the smell. A fed ex man walked over and offered help. He gave us directions to an rv place. Very nice people!!! Our refrig is dying. So, tomorrow they are pulling a refrig from a new rv and installing it. They have to take out a window to go in and out. We have taken the tire to a tire place, get a new one tormorow, they loaned us one ice chest and bought several more styrofoam chests, ice and dry ice. Now here we sit in out trailer at the back of the rv place. We are hooked up to electricity and they will be back at 8 in the morn. So, we are out $2,000 or there bouts. Not going to cry!!! Just thankful it is being repaired. We could have been in the middle Of nowhere!

JudyEddy said...

WOW 51 comments on this blog already talkitive bunch this afternoon huh This is a picture of my new ring that I just to in the door way They box was deleived and stuck inbetween my screen door and front door UPS just left it $86 is what it was
Landstroms Ladies Silver Onyx Ring with Eagle and Gold Leaves Landstroms will begin the many steps in the
fabrication process 8/30/2012 and They make them for you to cool huh

Hoda said...

Very happy to hear that Brian is alright and that the embassies are being secured. According to our news killing in Lybia is an Al Qaeda hit!!!

Thanks LINDA for your concern about my family in Egypt. I too got in touch today and they are alright and upset at the events at the embassy and also upset at the you tube trailer...

I laughed at your Christmas song LYNNE and no we will not rat you out but then again if MISS LOLLY gets a hold of it, you will never know!!!LOL!!!

JudyEddy said...

Too funny when I was looking for eagle rings I ran in to ear rings made out of the beads like I bought and sent to some of you I posted a picture on facebook of them if you all need a idea and I

I DO HAVE MORE BEADS IF ANYONE WANTS ANY I still need to buy acrylic spray I am gonna make a bracelet for Jordyn out of some I have 20beads so let me know if you want some

magpie said...

Hi Eagle Pals...
Praying for Safety overseas, and for all the loved ones amongst affected...
Sandi, Hoda...and all...

And all the Military and Peacekeepers...

Have also realized that today is GG Doctor day...and I hope and pray that Wanda will have an upbeat report....

magpie said...

Lynne2: I was thinking of you at pre-dawn and seriously thought about sending you a text message, but then I thought maybe you might still be sleeping,
try for Thursday morning, should still be nice viewing

magpie said...

Thanks for the kind offer, JudyE....about the beads...I have to pass for now

Lolly said...

Lynne, knows i am a softie, I can not scare her. She knows if I saw her face to face all I would do is hug her neck!!!!

magpie said...

busy as can be amongst us...
remodeling, teaching, being creative, caring for friends and family
And Rounds of Support Praises for all that's going on amongst us

JudyEddy said...

OK I just started readying and I too was curious so I google Sharon negative rods etc here is a link to it

rare gram negative rods Sharons

magpie said...

and it's time for me to switch Roosts....

See Y'all later.

Oh Lolly! I am so sorry about the malfunctions with the refrigerator and the tire !!! WOOF !! I am glad you two are safe, and that help could be rounded up...
Hope everything will turn out OK !!!

ttfn xoxox ♥

magpie said...

I saw that you cracked on me about
Love you bunches !!
Hope you will be 100% better soon

okay, 'bye !

JudyEddy said...

Just read to where LYNNE2 already put something on about it OOPS Hope your neck gets better and YES go for the ice cream LOL that is soft food

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I am totally thankful you all were not out in the middle of nowhere. I sure hope you don't lose any of your prepared meals!

Lynne - worried about your jaw pain but you have had that happen before - right?
What scares me is that a heart symptom in women is Jaw Pain. I am going to start praying for you and hope you have lots and lots of ice cream ♥

Linda - pots and pans on the dinning room table is very permissible at this time of day! You've got a reorganization day tomorrow,

Sandi - enjoy your soup! lol I had a hamburger steak, baked potato and green beans (At Bob's) They do let me make up my own selections when they aren't on the menu!

It feels beautiful out this evening - you know - like Bonfire weather!

Checking out the TV schedule I may have found a good one.


JudyEddy said...

MAYO or Miracle Whip Mayo on sandwiches and MW is any salad I make JMHO

Mema Jo said...

Oh my Judy - I did a close up of your eagle ring It is beautiful! ♥

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY so sorry about the mishaps and when you said smell of ammonia I visualized other things that smells like that like urine of a animal or something LOL Ok that just what I thought

JudyEddy said...

eagle eagl eagle eagle

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

I think you have an awesome Eagle ring JUDYE.

I have the still cam up and I can not make anything out at all except multyi coloured dots...Can yu still see the eagles at your end?

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

OH HORRIBLE this has happened!!! Couldn't blame you if you cried! Thank GOD the tire didn't blow! Geez

JudyEddy said...

REALLY quick changing avatar to the ear rings I found in the internet while looking for rings These are the beads I have so those of you that have them here is a idea and the offer stand if anyone need some I will send to you to do this ok bye this time for good for now

Hoda said...

OH LOLLY!!!I am so very happy you caught the tire in time and got it changed and I am sorry about the costs for tire and fridge...Your safety comes the food you prepared still alright? I hope so...I hope you caught it all in time...someone is going to be very lucky to buy this trailer from you guys you have certainly kept it in good shape...

Hoda said...

OH JUDYE I believe you on seeing an eagle! No question there 100% sure you saw it...I was more questioning if my feed was poor or if your camera went out too...I could not see a thing that is all I was saying...Your reports are very reliable and I trust in them 100%...thanks for the pictures too...I will go to FB to see them...

Lynne2 said...

Boy Jo, sure wish you hadn't reminded me about the jaw pain and heart's not my whole jaw, just the joint area on the left side, and around there.

JudyEddy said...

HODA it was in and out so that why I thinks Shep I saw two for a split sec one was on the rail and the other was in the pic then they both poofed

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 didn't you say you were eating something at the time it hurt??????????????????????????????????????????????????????Crossing finger you were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

From Wanda on FB

It is with so much saddness that I tell you our Baby Brantley James has died unexpectantly...our hearts are broken into pieces that can never be put back
together again. We all loved him so much♥

paula eagleholic said...

My heart goes out to all of Wanda's family...omg

Hoda said...

OH DEAR GOD!!! JO GO TO WANDA'S FB PLEASE!!! JUDYE MARGIE Some body please go to WANDA'S PAGE ON FB...SHAR BAD NEWS ON WANDA'S Page...I am heart broken!!!

Costume Lady said...

It is with so much sadness that I tell you, our precious baby Brantley has died, unexpectantly this not know any details at this time, other than he went into cardiac arrest and could not be brought back to us~
More will be revealed later this evening~

Hoda said...

Oh PAULA you saw it I thought you were still at knew what to do...OMG is right...HEART BREAKING HEART BREAKING I CAN NOT STAND IT!!!

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

OH such sad news PAULA I put a comment on FB soo sad soo sad LIFE SUCKS BIG TIME

Hoda said...

God Keep Precious Baby Brantley's Soul. PRAYERS TO YOU WANDA AND YOUR FAMILY

glo said...

I just sit here and cry for this sudden so very sad sad news. There are just now words. (((Wanda and family )))

JudyEddy said...

I also can't stop crying for you WANDA and GENE and your family

Lynne2 said...

My heart is breaking for Wanda and the family....

see you all tomorrow....

Mema Jo said...

Oh Precious Savior - I cannot understand this.. Prayers for all of Wanda's family! Such a sudden tragic death. I cannot fathom the grief your family will feel at this time. Brantley was so small but he brought so much love to your family. Prayers Prayers and more Prayers for this beautiful little angel. ♥

Mema Jo said...

I did just get off the phone with Margy - we are both devastated with this heartbreaking news! I am going to call
Judie ♥

CarolAnne said...

An unimaginable horror - my heart hurts for them all. How does one recover from such a sudden loss. . . .

Be sure to take the time to hug & love those dear to you.

magpie said...

I look at all the twinkling stars in the heavens above, and know that one new bright twinkling star is amongst them all, one that represents the bright light that Brantley James brought to the lives of all, in his short time here.....

My deepest prayers for peace and comfort for this unimaginable loss....
for Wanda, Gene, his parents, grandparents, Jayden, and the entire family...
Thank you Jo...for calling...I have a call in to Carolyn, she is at work....she was on a 911 call when I called in

Jewels said...

Oh my gosh, I feel like such a stranger here, then the first thing I see snatches me from that, cause I see that something went terribly wrong with Brantley, OMG I am heartbroken. Wanda and Gene, Mommy and Daddy, JAyden and rest of the family, My heart breaks for you all and my thoughts and prayers go out to you all. God has received a angel and a wee one at that. Praying that they find a cause so they are not wandering the rest of their days.
Margy, who did you talk to, they not tell me you called for me. I am
sooo sorry for this news, already a tear jerker day for me, now I guess mom has a baby to cradle in Heaven tonight.

stronghunter said...

Without Internet for the moment.

Read the sad news from Wanda on FB.

Thanks for calling Judie, Jo. She needs to know.

Oh, Wanda, prayers for you and your family.

JudyEddy said...

Bless baby Brantley Life was to short for him Jesus love you I put this on Wanda Facebook page also No words no words

stronghunter said...

Trying to stay in touch

stronghunter said...

Getting Willto check our network.

stronghunter said...

Now back online.

NCSuzan said...

Dear Wanda and family, thoughts and prayers with you and for you.

Lolly said...

Wanda, hugs, love, and prayers coming your way. Thought we had problems, but it is NOTHING compared to dear sweet Brantley! I am so so sorry!

Mema Jo said...

I notice that Wanda has removed her FB remarks - Hopefully we may hear from her this evening here on the blog.

JudyEddy said...

WANDA and Gene and your family are in my thoughts

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

Quick good evening.

Thanx ya'll for the thoughts for my gdaughter and the hamster. She has a new furbaby to love now--- a guinea pig named Buttercup. at least they generally live a bit longer...

LYNNE2: hope that neck feels better. i work with a lot of people with shoulder/neck/headaches.....

Holding Wanda and family close in my heart and soul, sending love, prayers, hugs, and comfort...such a tragic loss..................

Calling it a night....

Lolly said...

Jack and I are locked in at the rv service center. Ate dinner then walked around. Discovered that they do not lock their trailers, so we did a little trailer looking. Fun!

stronghunter said...

Hoping that we do hear from Wanda. Thinking about her and the whole family.

Linda said...

Dearest WANDA - Please know you and your whole family are in my prayers in this horribly difficult time. May God Bless each of you and may He give you peace and comfort as you come to terms with this tragic loss. My heart aches for dear little Brantley and the joy he brought to all of you.

Linda said...

LOLLY - So sorry to hear of the problems you and Jack faced in your travels today as well as the financial set back. Good to hear you had good friendly people willing to help you. Hoping tomorrow you can get things fixed and get back on track for your vacation.

Linda said...

I'll be heading to bed with a heavy heart tonight.

We surround you with love, support and ((((( HUGS ))))), WANDA.

Kay said...

Up for pain pills and something drew me to this computer...Tears are flowing as I pray for WANDA, GENE, GG and the whole family. We can't understand why God found He needed little Brantley so soon, but must trust it's for the best. These kinds of things bring home the fact that WE ARE FAMILY and all share any heartache that comes along. Time to light another candle. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Good Night, friends...
Stunned with sadness and sorrow for our dear friends, and saying many prayers for comfort and peace

Wanda and Gene, we are here for you,
With Love....all the time

Mema Jo said...

Heading to my pillows and like you I have a very heavy heart. Brantley is with his Heavenly Father and I pray for Peace within the family by knowing this.


Hoda said...

Prayers for WANDA and her Family...God Keep Brantley James by HIS side.

See you tomorrow God Willing.


Lori O. said...

What a sad morning. Prayers for WANDA and her entire family on the loss of Baby Brantley. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

LOLLY, I hope you get back on the road soon. So sorry for the delay, but glad you're safe!

I think KAY had a good idea in lighting a candle. Will do that now.

I love you all. Peace & light be with you all today.

Costume Lady said...

My dear friends...what would I do without you? Your prayers, love and concern have sustained me through this day. I would like to have been with my family, but they all have so much to do and don't need a sniveling grandma getting in the way. Rachael and Robbie have gone to a hotel because they cannot bear to stay in their house with so many reminders of Baby Brantley. Karla and Donny have Jayden staying with them...have no idea how to tell him that his Baby Brudder is never coming home! We have not told GG yet, guess we'll wait til the time is right.
Brantley was with the babysitter when he passed...still haven't heard what happened. Don't know if an autopsy will be performed or not.

I will say Good Night now and send love and prayers your way♥

stronghunter said...

Fell asleep awhile ago and woke up just now. Wanted to check on the sad news from Wanda. Yes, Wanda, we are here beside you in every way we can be. God bless little Brantley and all of his family.

stronghunter said...

Lolly and Jack, hope you are able to get back on the road very soon.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wanda, Gene and family-I don't even know what to say. Love, hugs and prayers to you all. I don't even understand the happenings in this life.

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends. Woke up before the alarm this AM and couldn't get back to sleep. My first thoughts were for Wanda and Gene and their family - my heart hurts so much for them. There just are no words to comfort someone in a time of such tragic, unexpected loss.

DanaMo said...

Wanda I am thinking of you and praying for your whole family as you deal with this tragic loss. I cannot even begin to imagine how one deals with such a loss. Love you! ♥

magpie said...

My prayers and thoughts are with Wanda and Gene, all the family, the babysitter.....and everyone whose lives were touched by this precious young child Brantley

(( Hugs to All ))


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning wonderful friends! My heart is breaking deep in my soul this morning for our precious Wanda and her family! What a horrific thing. No sense to be made of this. Much love and many prayers.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tears are flowing, words are so empty.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

When we lost our children, everyone kept telling me it was God's will. I could not fathom how such a thing could be a loving God's will. My daddy told me then, and I carry it with me every day, that God did not cause this to happen, it was not His will. It happened and God will get us through it but He did NOT cause such a terrible thing. I believe that to be true with my whole heart. Praying for comfort for Wanda, Gene, and their family.

grannyblt said...

Oh my, what terribly sad news for our Wanda and Gene and the whole family. My sincere sympathy.

Linda said...

Wise words from SISSY's Daddy. Thank you Bev for sharing those words from such a devasting time in your life. Certainly if anyone could come close to understanding, you surely could.

Thinking of Wanda, Gene, Karla, Donny, Robbie and Rachael and precious little Jayden as they face today. One day at a time in love and support of one another. I pray God guides your every thought today and comforts each step you make. I'll be lifting you up in prayer throughout my day today.

We are here for you WANDA & GENE..... xoxo

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

glo said...

Sissy and Linda both have pretty much summed up what is so on my heart today. I have no other words. It's a sad difficult time for some very loved friends and their family. I am not going to say have a good day. Prayers for all as life hands you whatever is in your day and special prayers for the needs I know about with our Momster friends. Dex is good and it's going to rain here today. I feel like one of the Blessed one's right now.

Sandi said...

Bev, I SO agree. When a plane crashes killing everyone aboard, when an innocent child dies suddenly, when horrific things happen to good people, it is not God's will. We are human and, as humans, both good and bad things happen to us. If God always interceded, we would not be human. God grieves with us when our "human-ness" results in pain and we can take comfort in knowing that He is ALWAYS with us.

JudyEddy said...

Good SOMBER morning Eagle Buds Not much to say just that WANDA our hearts go out to you and your family

JudyEddy said...

OH MY just read the babysitter was in charge She must be devistated herself Poor thing

JudyEddy said...

SISSY I am with you I can't fathom God or any GOD wanting a child to die because he need a new angel Things just happen ( LIFE SUCKS at times) and there is no reason there are illness accidents and you may look to your God for a reason and he will see you through this OK I hope I don't make any one mad but I agree SISSY you said it well JMHO

JudyEddy said...

LINDA, GLO, and SANDI repeats what Sissy says also I am so glad I am not the only one that thinks this some time its overwhelming when someone says its GOD WILL and He need another angel I just get besides myself when they say that Well this isn't helping our dear friend WANDA but I am glad other feel the same way Its gonna be such a sad day for all here and I still wish I was up there to HUG WANDA so hard I LOVE US

JudyEddy said...

Here is the candle link Lets all light a candle for her and her family Thanks you in advance Nothing on my plate today NO JORDYN but I will have her all day tomorrow (no school)
Candle link

Mema Jo said...

Morning to all of you and thankfulness that we are here for our Wanda and her family during this time. I am still at a true loss for words for them so that they will find some comfort as they bond even deeper during this time. Sissy, your Daddy had spoken the truth.
Thank you for guiding our faith with his words.

I will speak with Wanda today and see just what we as a group could do to help other then our prayers and cards. Such a young couple for this to fall upon - perhaps we can help them financially in some way other then flowers - or both.

stronghunter said...

Thank you for getting in touch with Wanda, Jo. It is so hard to know what is best to do in a situation such as this.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I love y'all so much! How I wish I lived closer. I wish that alot!!

Mema Jo said...

I just talked with our Wanda - She said yesterday that there were a couple of things coming at her but that last evening the Good Lord Blessed her with a sound sleep. ♥
Wanda will speak with Karla as to what we as a group could best do for Rachel and Robbie. I'll be in touch later.
I love us ♥

magpie said...

Thank you, Jo...
It's a comfort to know that the two of you have talked.
♥ ♥

glo said...

Thanks MeMa Jo

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have read some wise comments on here. Bev, your dad was so right!!!

Sitting at a laundry mat. Jack is changing the tire at the rv place. Hoping it is early afternoon when we get on the road.

Did not cry until reading the blog and then tears started. Flowing.

Lolly said...

Hoping there is some tp as I have used up my one and only tissue! It was 33 this morn!

JudyEddy said...

Gonna go have lunch with Angie can't have a Jordyn fix so will have to settle for a Angie one LOL today Plus we don't get to do it often enough

Judie said...

Wanda, Gene, Rachel, and Robbie: May your faith sustain you through your grief and loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all the family as you move toward peace and acceptance.♥

JudyEddy said...

Was on live chat with the Maine eagle nest they have a juvie just chirping away had a nice talk with them the juvie is Eden 4months old ok gotta go have lunch hungry

magpie said...

waiting for the Still Cam to clear up, as I thought I had seen a juvenile complete with yellow beak

Is actually a shadow that resembles an eagle in the nest

magpie said...

So when it was fuzzy, I was so eager for clarity because I really thought it was going to be a juvenile

It is still a lovely view, but not an eagle

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Even if it is empty, that nest is sure a sight for sore eyes!!

magpie said...

Yes, it is, Sissy....
sometimes it has been just beautiful..these last couple of weeks, on and off, as you know....

(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

so lush and inviting....
and this is the time of day, right about now...when the views can be dreamy

magpie said...

the Google Image today is pleasing

Lolly said...

On the road again! A day late and lots of $$$$ short!!! But like the lady said at the rv place.... I'm NOT pg!!!!!

magpie said...

Hope you will have Smooth Sailing now, Lolly and Jack....

(( Travel Hugs ))

Mema Jo said...

Thank you for my beautiful sunflower snail mail card, Margy! Made my day!

Just home from having nails done.
Putting my feet up for a while.


magpie said...

leaving the workplace soon,
4-12 shift is here
got me my Jewels Hug....

Love and Prayers

magpie said...

You are welcome Jo.
It is so YOU....
and, I got it at one of my favorite shopping places:
the US Post Office

Rest those feet..

God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

BEV and LINDA spoke well...Thank you.

JO too thank you and keep us informed please.

WANDA Much love and Light come to you and your family and that poor baby sitter!!!

Beautiful autumn day here and my heart is comforted that we are all praying for the same reason and that we all stand together to help our Friend WANDA and her family...PRAISES PRAISES PRAISES...and Blessed Be.

Went to yoga in the morning and ran an errand and am pleased that LOLLY and JACK are on the road again...SAFE TRAVELS you two...

Headed out to a meeting this afternoon and then a canning and preserving cooking class.

I will check in when I come back but it will be late eastern time.

God Keep you all and GOD BLESS US EVERYONE.♥♥♥ Missing LYNN ♥♥♥ terribly she would have known what to do to bring healing and comfort in this situation.

JudyEddy said...

Back from lunch and thrift store shopping The nest is perfect clear at this minute like it was earlier Just as I saw that it got fuzzy but I did get another picture of it clear bought Jordyn one play dress and three nice dresses and a pair of sandal that don't fit me give to Angie strappy one with zipper in back again i just love them kind

JudyEddy said...

ok now its clear again lets hope it hold till the eagle land

JudyEddy said...

funny thing when I was at the store I was talking to the cashier Bad Idea they get distracted easy I guess I bought a pic frame tri fold 5x7 8x10 5x7 wood frame was 4.94 That was the first thing she rang in the second was 294 she rang it is as 4942.94 didn't notice continued to ring in my 3 things the bill came to over 5thousand dollars we both busted out laughing her boss didn't think it was so funny No sense of humor Now I could see if upset me she would be mad but not the other way around Now of course she had to void the sale maybe that's why she got mad But in the mean while when I got home she didn't charge me for the 4.94 frame I don't want to get her in trouble and go up there to pay for it What to do

Must be something with me and not being charged for this It happened the other nite at work I bought2 1/4 yards of tuling and she only made the ticket for 1/4 I did make it right the next day at work just had them make a tag up and paid for it at the register They all commended me for that tooo

Lolly said...

In Montana! All is well!

JudyEddy said...

Good to hear LOLLY
so happy you got a new refrigerator but I would rather had that eagle but I guess it wouldn't keep your food cold LOL

magpie said...

Big Sky Country, Lolly....
(I think....)
Best of Traveling wishes.

Hello JudyE....
glad you had some one on one time with Angie today. These things are important

(( Hugs to All ))

JudyEddy said...

I get to watch Jordyn on Sat nite Carl and Angie are going to a friends that is have a aloha party Jordyn would be the only kid there Angie usually take her to all the parties because usually there are kids but not this one so I will have Jordyn for a while party is 730-1030 they will pick up Jordyn by 1030 since I have to work Sun Will be nice to have a couple of hours with her although I will have her all day tomorrow Angie suggest we go to the zoo she has free pass I just don't like to drive in Tampa maybe Carl can give me good direct directions its a one way night mare in places Was going to see Winter or the monkeys but the zoo may be better will talk with her later tonight about it

JudyEddy said...

and if Jorydn wants she can stay up till they pick her up she will like that part no early bed time like on school nites But she will probably fall asleep on the couch She can't keep up with the big gals LOL

JudyEddy said...

thanks Margy yep you are correct spending time with family life is to short you never know We use to do lunch all the time

JudyEddy said...

SHHH the cam still looks good and wasn't it about this time the other day they were in the nest I am waiting with baited breath waiting

stronghunter said...

Hmm, I am not seeing a good view on the still cam. Not sure why.

magpie said...

I have been trying to get more time with family and friends, also, JudyE.
My immediate family is quite spread that makes it a little harder to do, but I'm trying. Being retired now would help, because I have to get time off around everyone else's getting time off at the office...

I left a telephone message for Wanda and Gene....when the time is right for them, I will see them...
for now, I am joined in prayers with all of us here, and will see what news we get, and how we can help.

magpie said...

Hi Shirley,
the early to mid-afternoon views seem to be the best...maybe you will get a few clear views now though.

I am headed out now, some local chores and then out to my brother in law's...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

SHRIKEY its not that clear now it comes and goes I can see the nest hit refresh there aren't so many lines in it now but not like the pic I put on face book but still can see nest good

magpie said...

LOL, that's a good one, JudyE,
typing fast are ya' ??

xo ttfn xo

JudyEddy said...

now it looks like poop LOL

JudyEddy said...

looks good now I just saw that tooo sorry SHIRLEY HEY you know the K and L are next to each other

magpie said...

This morning I put on two angel pins. On a white sleevesless shirt.
Then at the last minute I realized my shirt was inside out, noticed the seams were on the outside. Hmmm...
So when I got to Magpie's Roost to check on things here, I had to take care of that before I went to work.

JudyEddy said...

HERES THE NEST I SEE SHIRLEY every time it refreshes it changes from good to bad back and forth now its bad but with the next will be worse then good PIA for sure

JudyEddy said...

MARGY that happened to me on the way walking in to work was on the sidewalk looked down at my necklace and noticed no buttons on shirt inside out button holes so as soon as I got inside I went to the bathroom before I punched in

Hoda said...

I bet you cross the border tomorrow???
Safe Travels...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Heading out to finish my walk this evening, only got in 3 miles this morning. Heart so heavy I could hardly carry it around. Got 2 more miles to go, then to help a friend celebrate her recovery and get some recovery for myself. I love us and am so grateful to be part of this wonderful bunch.

Wanda, if you come on, please know that our hearts are broken with you and I would give anything to help lessen this burden. Please let us know what we can do. Love and hugs to all!!!

JudyEddy said...

Here eagle here eagle the sun is gonna go down on the MR nest and we need a eagle fix Not for sure who is all here but we need a eagle to appear the nest looks good at 538 I have grabbed maybe 7 pic today of the nice clear cam

JudyEddy said...

DITTO SISSY hope you have a good walk be careful out there this time of day

JudyEddy said...

MR nest dummy MT nest my fingers are not doing a good job today

Mema Jo said...

Margy, sorry to hear your seams were showing!

The last of the service puppies is now alone - Gracie. Levi left this am.
This has been a sensational cam to have watched -

Mema Jo said...

My bad - Grace is going to be raring to go with all this sleep today and poor Levi will be ready for bed as soon as he gets home.

2 to go ♥

JudyEddy said...

Angie said the swimming teacher told her that Jordyn probably won't be needing all ten weeks maybe only half the time 5 weeks

JudyEddy said...

wow a woman has lost 300 lost in 10months she has a aliment that will not let her body get rid of fluid she wore a suit that help get rid of the fluid That is soooo cool this is the first time she has been able to stand but only a few min at a time
WOW Just on the news WOW what a weight loss

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

What a weight loss lets try this now

JudyEddy said...

yeah it worked on the third time

JudyEddy said...

no sweet tea and soda will not be sold in NYC bigger than 16oz ok what to prevent someone from getting two to drink

Wow in Boston a double arm transplant just on the news she had flesh eating bateria

JudyEddy said...

Here is a link to the video of the arm transplant I haven't watched it yet listening to news

Arm transplant

JudyEddy said...

wow the cam is really really terrible right now I have never seen it that bad black and some little colors but realy yuky

JudyEddy said...

I put a picture on fb of what looked like a eyeball in the nest Do you see if If you go over to fb let me know ok maybe I am loosing it

JudyEddy said...

I put the eyeball as well as the pic from the other day on the Nest video blog if you want to check out my hallucinations LOL

Eyeball in nest and the visit the other day

JudyEddy said...

I looked on the map haven't done that in awhile Who lives in 1 Recent Pageview:

United States
Buffalo, New York
funny thing I don't show on the map but yet here I am Silly map huh

JudyEddy said...

now they are gone and must be JIM on or ANDY from United States
Sunnyvale, California

JudyEddy said...

Well I guess I should stop hogging up the blog all to myself news is almost over I am listening and waiting for our eagles they were in the nest the other nite at 740 when I grabbed a pic so there is still hope they may show up if the camera decides to clear up Its been a while since I have seen a clear nest has really been nasty looking black and rainbowey big time I would love to know what makes it do that

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...