Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Walking over to our commons building today I saw both of our eagles, soaring in circles high over the building.

New thread.


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Mema Jo said...


JudyEddy said...

oh I just split and didn't even feel it LOL

JudyEddy said...

HI JO you
just showed up on the map tooo but not me Do I exist hmmm makes me wonder LOL

JudyEddy said...

ok gonna go to the rocker neck says so

JudyEddy said...

Just thought I would let you know I called the thrift store and I didn't go in to the details of the sale I didn't want to get the cashier in trouble I told them that I had noticed that a item for a little less that $5 was not on my receipt They told that it was ok that I didn't need to come down and pay them They did thank me for calling so I feel better I wanted to know how late they were open to go up there to pay them

JudyEddy said...

.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸E.•´A(¸.G• (L¸.•´E¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥

JudyEddy said...

both are in the nest

JudyEddy said...

POOF both

JudyEddy said...

This is a fuzzy pic of both in the nest I will put in album I did put on FB Too

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judy. I do see the eagles in the picture.

JudyEddy said...

JO that is a beautiful picture of Brantley the little angel you posted on facebook sooooo pretty

Lolly said...

Still traveling, trying to make up lost time. Going to Great Falls, Montana tonight.

JudyEddy said...

GOTTA silly question Why do older people think that when you get older you should have short hair Vera Angies boss came up to me today and wrapped her hands around the bottom of my hair like pigtails sort of and said You would look younger with short hair I would never do that to someone I told her I have had short hair most of my life when I was young never allowed to grow it out because of the natural curls and its my hair and I like it long Boy that just irks me to no end She hair is short and dyed with grey roots and I wanted to say something back about her grey roots show her age tooo but I didn't I do not dye my hair its natural color and I don't like my hair short Just had to get that off my chest OH NO hair there LOL

My best friend Terry Junes husband always said never cut your hair Judy because he and other like it that way Ok get off the band wagon Judy and go get a shower Gonna go to see Winter tomorrow Angie doesn't think the passes she has will work being she isn't with us

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I think that was a rude remark by Angies boss...I don't like that kind of crap either!

Heavy heart here for Wanda and her family...and the baby sitter also.

Lolly and Jack, glad you were able to get the camper fixed so quickly and are back on the road.

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you JudyE for the candle lighting suggestion.

Also, thanks for the Royal Couple pics!

Lynne2 said...

evening all, my heart is still heavy. Thanks for the candle link on FB Judy, I lit mine last night.

Glad Lolly and Jack are making travel progress!

Judy, I feel for you on the hair thing! Every stinking time I go for a haircut, I am advised it's time to start coloring it! I hate that. The last lady I went to...she never said that, I got the best haircut I've had in years, too! I'll never go anywhere else! Geez, I'd never ask anyone WHY they DYE their hair or suggest they shouldn't, or cut it, or whatever!

Mema Jo said...

Paula, I am waiting for Wanda to advise us of arrangements for Brantley.
Wanda will also give addresses in an email and I will get published for cards. I have asked Wanda to speak with Karla about assistance that perchance we could give to Rachel and Robbie in lieu of flowers so that all of us could be a part of it. I will advise you as soon as I know something.

Mema Jo said...

Gals, hair is very personal to a person. I never remark to anyone any opinion about their hair. I do like to say, 'My you look nice' ♥

Mema Jo said...

I was trying to watch a BBC movie 'Luther', but there isn't a close caption and I don't know what the darn is going on! Not going to waste my

Lynne2 said...

Paula, I have been thinking about the babysitter as well. When I was in high school, I did a LOT of babysitting, and have all my life. I was, and am, scared. I would, and still would, check the babies all too often, putting my hand on them while sleeping to make sure they were breathing. I cannot even imagine what Brantley's babysitter must be going through, too.....

JudyEddy said...

OH feel so much nicer and clean Nothing does a body like a hot hot shower HUH
So problem Paula so happy I was here to see them I know about the times they are showing up just like the eagle at the cell phone tower here before dark I guess to make sure its their nest HUH Just wish the pictures were better Odd how one minute the cam is clear and the next not like bad wiring maybe who know we will never know I was on the phone with Angie when they showed up she laughed when I squealed a eagle hang on I have to post this and grab a pic so lucky I put the phone in between head and shoulder can't do that for long because it kills my neck Jordyn was in the tub when she called she always call me when she is in the tub But she hung up and Jordyn says I didn't get to say HI to OMA so she called back so I answered what did you forget Angie and Jordyn you forgot to talk to me OMA I love you ok bye Not a kid of many words she is
Funny thing we had issue with her speaking and she is learning Greek at school

Lynne2 said...

Thank you Jo.

Mema Jo said...

The picture I have on FB of Brantley
caught my eye and stole my heart - Just had to copy and post. Karla's daughter Jillian had it up on her FB in memory of
her nephew. It is so beautiful but I am not Jillian's friend and I can't tell her how much I love it ♥

JudyEddy said...

JO you can go on her page and message her with a email to let her know how much you like it I know I have done that to people I am not friends with

JudyEddy said...

JO I just went to Karla's page and she doesn't have her friends posted but her message thing is there you can message her to thank Jillian for the picture

Mema Jo said...

Yes, I could have done that. I just copied and pasted onto mine. Is that called Stealing? Oops!

Linda said...

Hoping that WANDA feels our love, hugs, and support surrounding her. All we can do is pray that God carries you and your family through this.

Thank you Jo for being our voice and for helping us with information and what we might be able to do to help.

magpie said...

Yes,Thank you Jo...You are a Gentle Giant....your leadership and your fellowship is precious and dear....

and Paula.. thank you for your initial post last night, I know how very difficult that was for you to do, but we appreciate it

JudyEddy said...

.JO I meant if you wanted to tell her how much you like it Any pic on FB is for the taking if they don't have it marked private I feel that way

I just noticed also when you view my profile as a stranger my friends aren't listed but some of my family is I guess it the one that don't have their acct marked private Like Angies is cause hers isn't visible only a few ODD Huh you can view your profile by clicking on the on the gear looking thing next to the down arrow says view as that is how strangers see your page some of my albums are marked public and the pic I post from other sites are on it and well as the one on the FB fan page odd also thats how I added a FB badge to my blogs OK gonna go read my book I want to get the series done before the new tv season come on

magpie said...

and thanks again Ever So Much, Jo, for calling me. Your call came in at exactly 9:11

magpie said...

I understand it looks like I am on Facebook but I really am not...I tried to do the logistics a few years ago but got in an endless loop and never finished up.

Oh Hair, I have had mine long for a long time, LOL...but in 1994 I had it cut short very short due to lots of damage, and started all over. Short hair is way too much trouble for me, and though I almost always have my hair up in some sort of clippy arrangement, I like it long.

magpie said...

LOLLY: I hope you have packed some RED Shirts for RED FRIDAY....I will be wearing my S.O.S. shirt tomorrow...Support Our Soldiers, and thank you again very much for that !!!!

magpie said...

Paula...I understand there is a Golden Retriever in the neighborhood of The Big a fenced yard of course, and I almost met him tonight when I was walking a cousin's Roxie Puppy...maybe another time...I hope

Happy WOOF
WOOFs to NICK.....xoxo

magpie said...

My sister in Massachusetts sent an email earlier wondering where the "
Winter" has gone, so I ragged on her about that...then she sent another chuckling about the typo, and wished me a God Tomorrow...I love it !

learned overnight and today NOT to rely on text messages, I sent Jewels a goodnight message last night, not received, someone sent me a message today, not received...
oh well...

Linda said...

Well, we will get those messages here, MARGY!!

Glad you are making time to reach out and stay connected with family and friends close to heart. It is so very important because we have learned all to well that we never know when our last day on this earth will be.

Just in case I haven't told you..... I love you!!!

I love each of you here!!

magpie said...

The prettiest long hair I know of, is our dear Wanda's...
my heart too, is so heavy....
sad and grieving for this precious family...

Good Night, Precious Pals...I have a 6 o'clock check in time at work, so I guess I better try to get some sleep....will have an earlier view of the spectacular morning skies, moon is about to disappear for a few days

Prayers for Wellness and Comfort Amongst us all

God Bless Us, Every One

Linda said...

Or I meant to see I love all those here and beyond in our group. Not everyone comes everyday or as frequently as they'd like, but they are with us in spirit and love.

magpie said...

'Nighty night, Linda...and another amongst us with beautiful long hair...

Linda said...

Wishing everyone peaceful and restful sleep tonight as our hearts are broken over the loss of such a precious life - one that brought much joy and happiness to the whole Wright family and beyond.

Rest in peace precious Brantley.

Night xoxo

Costume Lady said...

I will try to write this before the time comes for face-plants.
The cause of death for Brantley was
a Birth Defect that no one knew about (but should have). It was noted a few weeks ago that he would only turn his head to one side. Rachael was told by his doctor to take him to physical therapy (without x raying him to see just what the problem was).
It seems that some of the vertebrae
in his spine had protrusions which severed his spinal cord and thus, touched off his cardiac arrest.
I probably am missing some of the fine tuning of the autopsy,

Costume Lady said...

Sorry, I wasn't done....
His body will come home tomorrow and funera arrangements will then be made.

Once again, Thank You all for your prayers and comments and for being my friends, especiall now that I need your support.
Please continue your prayers for Rachael and Robbie, they are devistated~
More later♥

Mema Jo said...

Oh Wanda - I pray for you to find
some kind of closure in knowing this.
It will never take away your pains
Thank you for giving us this information. Prayers for you and all.
Love and hugs Jo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Dearest Margy and Jo...God bless you both for your phone calls. Just hearing your voices was like two BIG hugs. I do feel the love and hugs from all of you!
Never knew what that meant until now♥

glo said...

I stopped to check one more time for some info and see Wanda's post. I too pray this info will in its own way start to put together some pieces that will help everyone to deal with this loss. Prayers will indeed continue for all of you. My prayer is a restful night's sleep for all who are grieving this painful time In it's own way I think you have all already dealt with the hardest 24 hours. You needed that info to make any sense at all about this . Good night everyone. Prayers for a good rest for all of you. "mantles" too.

Mema Jo said...

I have tried to pass Wanda's words to others that are not in here tonight.
Email not yet on Momsters - prefer to wait until service is announced.

Good Night everyone
I love us ♥

Love you Lynn♥

JudyEddy said...

OH WANDA I KNOW ITS ISN'T GOING TO EASE THE PAIN OF THE LOSS OF HIM BUT ITS GOOD TO KNOW THE REASON WHY and so sad that it was detected earlier but we mustin do the what ifs now Just pray the family and you all get through this

Thanks for the email JO

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Linda said...

Although extremely difficult to hear, there is a blessing in having an answer to this awful tragedy. Having no answer could be worse. This is truly heartbreaking, either way.

WANDA - With all you have on your mind, we so appreciate your keeping in touch with us. We do love you and wish we could ease your pain. May God Bless You and the whole family.

Jo - Thank you for alerting us via email about Wanda's post.

We are heading upstairs keeping Wanda and family in prayer.


Mema Jo said...

Also email from Wanda:

Dear Jo,
I have thought about our conversation about helping Rachael and Robbie out in some way and I do believe that a dish-garden, something that they can keep, would be very fitting.
I can order it, and put it on my credit card, if you like.
Let me know.
Love You,

Let's sleep on this and discuss later
Nite ♥

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Wanda. I don't know what else to say.

Thanks for sharing with us and allowing us to be here for you.

stronghunter said...

About time for me to get to sleep. I am trying to get rid of some stuff around here. Pulling things out of closets and other hidey places does create a jumble.

I hope you neat, tidy people are not too shocked. I did have some hidey places, but I think most of them have been breached now.

It was bad enough when I lost two spare bedrooms. I got rid of lots of things earlier this year, but now there is more to get rid of. Geesh. I can't get away with anything.

Will is saying we need to clean out the hall closet and pantry. Oh, my gosh. Not right now.

Rest well, my friends. SED.

JudyEddy said...

God’s Lent Child.

“I’ll lend you for a little while
A child of mine” God said –
For you to love the while he lives
and mourn for when he’s dead.
It may be six or seven years
or forty two or three
but will you, till I call him back,
take care of him for me?

He’ll bring his charms to gladden you
and, should his stay be brief,
you’ll have his nicest memories
as solace for his grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
since all from earth return
but, there are lessons taught below,
I want this child to learn.

I’ve looked the whole world over,
in my search for teachers true,
and from the things that crowd life’s lane
I have chosen you.
Now will you give him all your love,
nor think the labour vain,
nor hate me when I come to take
this lent child back again?

I fancied that I heard them say,
“Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done”
for all the joys thy child will bring
the risk of grief will run.
We’ll shelter him with tenderness,
we’ll love him while we may,
and for the happiness we’ve known
forever grateful stay.
But, should thy Angels call for him
much sooner than we planned,
we’ll brave the grief that comes
and try to understand.

I found this and a couple of other I sent on to Wanda

JudyEddy said...

Don't know if they will help but I thought couldn't hurt they are so beautifully said


When God calls little children
to dwell with him above,
We mortals sometime question
the wisdom of his love
For no heartache compares with
the death of one small child
Who does so much to make our world,
seem wonderful and mild
Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to his fold,
So He picks a rosebud,
before he can grow old.
God knows how much we need them,
and so he takes but a few
To make the land of Heaven
more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult still
somehow we must try,
The saddest word mankind knows will always be "Goodbye."
So when a little child departs
we who are left behind
Must realize God loves children,
Angels are hard to find.


It's hard to know just what to say,
When one so young is taken away.
Far too soon he had to part,
His memory forever engraved in our heart.

We only knew him for a short while,
But the life he led made us smile.
He was so beautiful and oh so rare,
Life as they say just isn't fair.

Those gone before him will watch him with care,
Till the day comes when we'll all join him there.

Know Brantley is watching from heaven above,
And with each ray of sunshine, he's sending his love

JudyEddy said...

I should be in bed but not tired I have to get up to pick Jordyn up at 7

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, I hope that you and your family can find some sort of closure...thinking of all of you and keeping you in my prayers.

paula eagleholic said...

SED love and hugs for all ♥

Lolly made it to Great Falls, Montana. Looks like she will be in Canada tomorrow!

Hoda said...

God Bless you WANDA and FAMILY. Heart Breaking for the cause of the cardiac arrest and yet at least his parents know what happened...PRAYERS for them all.

Thanks JO and MARGY for contacting WANDA and giving support.

Thanks JO for the emails and for liaising to figure out how we can contribute...

Hoda said...

JUDYE the woman was rude when she made the comment about your hair. I have at times had similair comments and I ignore family even thinks I should dye my hair!!!

LOLLY You are making good time and I will be cheering for you as you cross the border

Hoda said...

The Buffalo New York person checks this site regularly JUDYE...several times in the evening and sometimes during the day too...

Hoda said...

Good night.


NatureNut said...

I am shocked and saddened to hear about baby Brantley.
Many prayers,condolences,love, and support to Wanda's whole family and the parents, Rachael and Robbie.
God Bless ♥

Lolly said...

Hi all! I was able to get on fb but not the blog, so I am on the phone. I love us! And, I love the love being sent to Wanda and. Family. Closing it down for tonight! Hugs for Wanda and all of you!


Lolly said...

Finally able to get on via the computer, but now heading to bed.

WANDA, love you and so very very sorry for you and your family. Hang on to the love of our Savior. He will carry you through this!

Night all...heading to bed. SED!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I am shocked and saddened beyond words to hear of baby Brantley's passing! Wanda, Gene, GG, Rachel, Robbie, and Jayden, my heart is breaking for you, and I send you my love and (((HUGS))). May God bless you and comfort and sustain you in this unimaginably difficult time. Please know that I am with you in spirit. Oh my, words fail at a time like this. I love you all so very much!

I didn't sleep at all well last night, so really better get to bed now. I'll be back tomorrow morning. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. God bless us all, and goodnight.
♥♥Lynn, how I miss your wisdom!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Costume Lady said...

As some of you have said, knowing the cause of death has been a big help in giving Gene and I closure. I was imagining all sorts of was awful, not knowing!

Good night my friends, prayers and love for you all♥

magpie said...

God Bless You, Wanda and Gene.....just whispering this into the night while you sleep,
It is comforting to us as well, that you two have received some measure of peace, however small perhaps, in learning the cause of Brantley's death. Maybe what has happened, will somehow help other children and their families....if it boosts education, knowledge and treatment of the condition....

magpie said...

Good Early Red Friday Morning, Eagle Pals...

Hope this can be a GOOD day for Us'ns.

JO: thank you once again for helping us with communications and comfort here.....


magpie said...

Hope to "See You" from work, just never quite sure what's on the dance card there....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone. Just read Wanda's post about the cause of Brantley's death. I pray that in the days to come they are able to find some kind of closure with this. Tears are flowing this morning. This is gonna be the hardest thing this little family has ever had to do. God bless them all (and us). I will not be on much today, got lots to do before we head to the camper. But know that I am with you all every minute and am so grateful to be part of such a wonderful group of friends.

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!

Wanda, my prayers continue for you and Gene and your family. I'm glad that you were able to get some questions answered about Brantley's cause of death but this is still an unimaginably painful time for all of you.

Jo, thanks for emailing the details to keep everyone up to date.

Lolly, sounds like you and Jack made up for lost time! Sorry about the expensive repairs.

Heading to my mom's for the weekend as soon as Denny and I finish work today. Mom has made a to-do list of things she needs done at her place and Denny is the "to doer." Will check in when I can.

Have a good day all.

Janet said...

good morning friends.

nothing much to report from nashville. better week thankfully. just busy.

have had WANDA and family in my heart and thoughts for the past few days....nothing can remove that pain. but hoping that knowing people care will help in some way.

JUDYE: read your post about hair. yanno, I get the opposite. i keep my hair short. and i've had people say.....why don't you let your hair grow out? yes, it is rude. it is my hair. it has silver in it. when i see the silver, i think of Dad. Its kind of like when a woman is pregnant and a person says, ohhh twins? Rude rude rude. I try to stay with if you can't say something nice....

everyone, have a pleasant friday. sending hugs, love, light, and comfort to all....

glo said...

Good morning all. It's 6 am here but I have been awake since 3:30 just plain old could not get back to sleep. Sending love and prayers for all. Catch you later I don't think it's going to be much of a computer kind of day.

JudyEddy said...

Good Friday Morning Eagle Buds

YES I have one of my only two read shirts on I need to find more

Going to see Winter the Dolphin today Like Jordyn says Its been a long time since I seem him Will be nice to spend the whole day with her and dinner this evening with the family

I have a cute story Denise(friend that passed away 3yrs ago) daughter posted on facebook last nite Her son Logan is a little over three
LISA IS ME in the paragraph below I got the biggest kick out of and thought you all might tooo There has been so many comments on it tooo to cute what kids say I think of Art Linkletter show at the time I read it

""""Here how my conversation with Logan went on the way home from school today...LOL!!

Me: (singing quietly to a song on the radio)
Logan: Mommy, was that you making that sound?
Me: What sound? Singing? Yeah.
Logan: Yes, shhhhhh.
Me: Really? Was it THAT bad?
Logan: Yes, you are hurting my ears!""""

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Oh, Judy, you can certainly wear your hair the way you want to wear it.

Speaking of coloring hair, I had a hairdresser tell me once that I was at the end of my dye job. She also said I was at the end of my perm.

I don't dye my hair and the perm was almost brand new. I do not see that hairdresser anymore.

It was about a year ago--I remember that I mentioned it on the blog when it happened. Really annoyed me.

stronghunter said...

Actually, it was the first and last time I saw that hairdresser. Guess she was trying to get more jobs for herself. Did not work.

CarolAnne said...

New thread -- going to India

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...