Wednesday, August 15, 2012


New thread.


Costume Lady said...

OH, I get another feather...Thanks Steve!

Costume Lady said...

Wow...I now have two feathers, gonna put them in my hat and call them macaroni (I always thought YANKEE DOODLE was stupid!).

Costume Lady said...

It was such a pretty morning, but now it is overcast, damp and not the kind of day I like to be, I'll continue to wash clothes. It is a perfect 73°, but just doesn't feel perfect:(

Costume Lady said...

Our garden is still producing well, large tomatoes, salad tomatoes, 3 kinds of squash, cucumbers, red-yellow-green peppers and green beans. This is the second crop of green beans and they do need picking, but the plants are dripping wet and the straw is so wet that you slip when you step on it. Beans will wait a day or so.
Last year, our garden was really lousy, very few beans or tomatoes and NO squash, peppers or that is why I am a happy camper this year:)

Costume Lady said...

JUDY, I can't figure out what Jordyn and friend are doing...are they in some kind of 'ride'? Whatever it is, Jordyn is all smiles:)

Costume Lady said...

Clothes in the dryer are calling me. Have a great day, whatever or wherever♥

Mema Jo said...

Oh Wanda - you are so fortunate to get another feather for your hat! Great about your garden producing well.

I have to read other thread - to get the morning news.
I am once again watching the hack tower. I opened it up immediately out of concern for the one female sitting out on the perch through the night. She is still there and her sister is now beside her. I wish them well as I am certainly happy for Ranger.

Thanks you Steve for the fresh new thread! Has anyone sighted any of our Eagle family recently? I would love to know ♥

magpie said...

oh Wanda...I see gazpacho ingredients !!

Thanks for the New Thread, Steve
Thanks for letting us know, Wanda

ttfn Best Wishes for a Great Day, Eagle Pals xoxoxox

Mema Jo said...

Back I go to UStream and the Hack Tower

Mema Jo said...

Lots of rain at the hack tower. Screen is black for now - and I sure hope it comes back with the 2 eaglets still there.

I am going to check out Fb
Trying to get an update from Dana on

Sandi said...

Home from tennis to find a new thread - thanks Steve and thanks Wanda for the call over!

Still sunny here but a chance of showers this afternoon. Will get outdoors while I can! Later!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

Lolly said...

Good morning! During the night we had some rain. Only .27 of an inch. Laurel said they got an inch of rain. Really jealous! But, thankful for our .27!!!!

Grosssssery shopping today. Hate making a list! We have decided to go to the museum tomorrow after we pick up the boys. Then Friday we are heading to Dallas to go to the World Aquarium. We loved it last year. Think we will wear our t-shirts Friday. Reserving the weekend for mowing, movies, and church. Monday through Wed. we will be at the RV/Water Park.

And, I will not be on here much at all. My laptop gets taken over by the munchkins!

Lolly said...

Glo, the slide show you had made and I tried to share was from 2009 and you had added Perry Como singing "Catch a Falling Star".

I really enjoyed it!

Lolly said...

I really need to get busy. Want to get this grosssssery shopping behind me. Jack is going with me so that will help. Think I will start out with 3 gallons of milk and see how we do. lol

Later Gators!

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon Momsters.

Wanda, you need to take care of yourself too. Your GG reminds me of my late Mom, and not only in looks.

Sorry I missed birthdays and anniversaries while I was in AK. Maybe some day I'll create a blog here and post pictures. I guess I'll get busy and do some chores I've been putting nests to watch these days..

glo said...

Congrats on your feather Wanda. Lolly my guess is that was one of those early loop slideshows. I can't even remember the program BUT they stopped supporting it and all of those shows are gone. So many folks would capture and send photos to me the first year or 2 and I made lots and lots of those. All gone. It is what it is. I am glad you saw and enjoyed it.

glo said...

oh and the hack tower is full of drama atleast this morning. Griffith the one inside fledged and ended up in the lake. She was retrieved and is now back in the tower. This is why I watch this cam and why they have a soft fledge. They will make sure each fledges in good condition or will help in any way before they leave that site.

Lolly said...

Brought grosssseries...think I am well prepared. Hope so anyway!

Lolly said...

Guess that should really be "bought" grossssseries. I brought home the grosssssseries I bought. LOL

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve and I was talking on the other one all by myself this am I guess

JudyEddy said...

WANDA They were at the zoo and it was a train they were in there are a few pix of them in it but I like this one because they were both smiling at the same time

JudyEddy said...

Adobe Reader did a update and want me to restart the puter so I must do what it says see you all later tonight after work

GLO someone needs to go give them two juvies a little nudge I just went over and see one in side and the other on the branch

T-Bird said...

Hello again everyone.

glo said...

Griffith did indeed fly today once. She was retrieved from the lake and placed back in the hack tower. Both have been fed also.

Mema Jo said...

lol Glo It's been a long day at the Hack Tower, wouldn't you say? Maybe tomorrow or even later this early evening! How about that Griffith!

Lolly & Glo - I may have saved it. I'll give it a look later. Glo closed down For the Love of Eagles and that may be where Glo placed it. See what I can do.

Back to the Hack................. ♥

glo said...

MeMa Jo the link form Lolly yesterday did lead to a FTLOE page. I am thinking from her description it was a Filmloop. They shut down their services so no Filmloops are available to watch anymore. I may or may not have some videoed and saved to an old external hard drive but no real time to look now. I will say there was a nice Palmer video on the page I linked to last night too. Well atleast for me there was. So more than one memory came flooding in last night.

Live video from Hack Tower is over for today. Both gals are there. They have both had some food and both had a shower.bath. Maybe tomorrow will be the day LOL.

Hoda said...

Read back only on this thread. Glad That WANDA got another feather. You go Girl!!

LOLLY you and JACK are the GREATEST Grand Parents...enjoy your time and ask the boys to send us a report on you every once in a while letting us know how you are doing since they will have your lap top..."hello this is Joseph and Grandma and Grandad are doing well..." You get the idea. It sounds like a terrific week you have planned for them...
I enjoy reading the reports on the Hack Tower...Thank you all.

My day is going very well. My favourite Yoga teacher started her classes in the new place today and I had a terrific time...such wonderful instructions she gives. I feel vibrant!!!
Did some errands and the hat that I had sent Hope did not fit her right so she is sending it back from Portland and I got her a new hat today and I think it is lovely.I want to send it to her before she goes to Nepal the first week of September.

magpie said...

Well Yay Hoda, that is what you have been waiting for, to reconnect with favorite Yoga instructor...happy about that !!

Welcome Home, grannyblt !
I have a feeling you had a wonderful time !

Lolly, so you were correct, you bought groceries and then you BROUGHT them home... Have Fun!
We don't mind at all blogging with the boys !

Good Beautiful Evening Eagle Pals, it's a wowser here in West Virginia !

magpie said...

JudyE's mini-make-believe Retirement starts right about now!
Enjoy, Judy !

My day with James the Wise Kidster was office, McDonald's, Goodwill, and then Ice Age 4-Continental Drift....lots of fun there and a Happy Ending ☺♥

magpie said...

and now it is time to disappear...
unpack the car at the other place...
the Wide-Open night sounds and night skies and early morning birds Paradise of sorts...
Hope to see Saturn, Mars and Spica tonight, last night was too cloudy..
in the Southwest sky after dark...

Best Wishes for Everyone's evening...
See Y'All Later on...
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Oh, nice Google Image today, Julia Child's 100th Birthday, maybe when I get to the laptop it will be animated, but that will only make me hungry !

ok, 'Bye

Lolly said...

Dinner is in the oven...a new mac and cheese recipe....cooked in a cast iron skillet. It looks pretty and hope it tastes yummy. Will give a report. lol

Thanks for all the well wishes for camp! I will see if I can get the boys to chat with you.

Joseph registered for school today, so Laurel was a mommy and not a teacher today.☺ Joseph was thrilled to see friends. They checked schedules to see if they had classes together. Also, Laurel knows lots of her kids this year....friends of Joseph. Should be an interesting year.

JudyEddy said...

Todays NASA Image of the day is Mars I suspect there will be more to come now of it here it is if you want to see it
Mars shot

Lolly said...

I posted new pic of Laurel and the boys. Did this specially for Margy and those not on fb.

Laurel and boys

JudyEddy said...

I love the pix of the boys and Laurel You ought to frame that one Its really nice

JudyEddy said...

WANDA here is the link to the pix on Angies facebook page I think you should be able to see them
Pix of the zoo with Jordyn and her playdate and Angie and her playdate with the MOM LOL Otherwise they are on my profile also Aug 4 passed all my videos of the past with my family if you can't see them on here and you want to see them OK dokey

JudyEddy said...

Angie put pix on FB today of the going away party the school had for her Pizza and cupcakes they borrowed my camera turned out cute

magpie said...

Thank You ! Absolutely stunning....
I appreciate the extra effort you and others make to help me see things here xoxo

magpie said...

Fascinating view of Mars, JudyE,
Thanks for the link, and the information is very interesting also.

I am going out to have a look-see for the rest of Mars right now...
hope to see it
skies are nice and clear....

magpie said...

I'm assuming the Redskins pre-season game might be on?
Maybe I oughta have a look at that also

magpie said...

Oh my, it is beautiful.....
Saturn (yellowish-white)at the top, Mars in the middle (orangeish) and Spica at the bottom,white
makes a little half circle arc

another half hour more of darkness and I am going to be swooning

SouthWest sky....

magpie said...

Well I know nothing about sports..if the Redskins are playing I think I have the wrong day in mind, because I don't see it anywhere

Sorry About That !!! I had thought I heard on the radio this morning that pre-season game was tonight

"Mea Culpa"

magpie said...

no animation on the Google image but some nice food images on there....

Hoda said...

Julia Child's 100 Birthday

JudyEddy said...

I'm back--Lost IE for a bit Panic mode set in LOL Did a update on my puter or I should say it did it all by itself like its suppose to Odd it prompted me if I wanted to turn off the puter after update and I clicked yes well after wards IE couldn't be displayed I unplugged box and puter and didn't come back was in middle of calling the co 611 on the phone and walla it came back Panic lol

JudyEddy said...

funny thing is the email worked but not the IE when it happened

JudyEddy said...

I got to go set the clock to get up in the am funny thing I get up earlier on my days off that I do for work LOL
Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Friends
Seems like everyone had a good day
Hope Paula's crown went on easy!
Glad you had time with James, Margy.
Hoda, thankful your Yoga is making you feel Vibrant! That is good!

Everyone take care - prayers for all of you!
I ♥ US
♥ Lynn

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night from Fredericksburg. Bridge went well, but I am very tired. My feet and legs are not used to so much activity.

SED--See you tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Going to bed now...
Blessings and Love for all

Lolly said...

I am heading to bed too. Have had my nose in a book tonight. Well...really in my kindle.

Night all! SED!!!!

Hoda said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say goodnight. Not much happening here this afternoon. It was still hot, but not quite as bad. Humidity is still with us.

The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED!
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Remembering Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

Wanda we each have two feathers now! Guess we're not chief material! LOL. Love your GG avatar!

Hoda, glad you got your favorite yoga teacher of all that you felt vibrant! :)

Lolly, sounds like a great schedule for Camp Hawkwood. Those are lucky and handsome boys! Thanks for posting the pictures!

Granny BLT - Welcome Home! Can't wait to see your pictures..

Good Morning Early Birds, Sandi, Judy E, Margy and Thelma.

Hope everyone has a great day! Will try to check in later!

I love us!

Lori O. said...

OH, can someone post the hack tower link again? I lost it...Thanks!

Janet said...

Good Thursday morning to one and to all. These weeks fly by for me. If summer weeks are fast, school weeks are even faster.

Cold front heading our way tonight bringing more rain! :) Cooler temps as well. I hope lower humidity goes with that.

Another rocking Thursday: school, Massage Envy, Tom has physical therapy for his shoulder, and ice skating tonight. :) No wonder I'm tired in the evenings!

Have a sueprb day to one and all.

JUDYE: hope you sleep in LATE and have a wonderful day. Do something FUN and enjoyable for yourself!

Hugs, light, love and smiles!

Sandi said...

Good sunny Thursday morning Lori, Janet and other eagle friends!

Lori, if you Google AEF Eagle Cam, it will be the first site!

Hoda, happy that you and your fav yoga instructor are reunited!!

Lolly, enjoy camp!! Beautiful photo of Laurel and the boys!!

Margy, more James time?? Lucky you and lucky James!

Andy, it's hard to see changes in the juvenile heron b/c he takes off as soon as the boat gets close. I saw him thru binoculars once and he had streaks of white on his breast feathers, where the adult doesn't have the white.

Family arrived LATE last night, so we are back to a full house. Tennis at 9am (5th day in a row and my joints are feeling it) and then I'm sure we'll hit the beach. Supposed to be a little bit cooler and drier today.

Judy, enjoy the start of your vacation - you set an alarm on vacation?????

Have a good one all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
Hack tower

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I stillhave Jordyn today and tommorrow so I have to set my alarm to get up to get her Next week I won't she will be in PreK and I only get her in the afternoon
The funny thing is I get up earlier on my two days off because of I get her at 8 and my work schedules is later 9 or 10 so I get up earlier for my days off

JudyEddy said...

The only thing with the hack tower you never know if it live or video

Check on the chat and sometimes you can tell that way

JudyEddy said...

NOT LIVE FEED now they are saying soooon though

JudyEddy said...

I can tell when its live feed my real player pop up comes up when it is a video But when it is live the Realplayer pop up doesn't come up I figured that out the other day

JudyEddy said...

When you see all three in the tower its is a video Glo let me know that the other day

JudyEddy said...

I see Janet is 65 right now
We are 85 Wanna trade Janet

When I got up and when I looked at my weather channel on the bottom of my tool bar it said 52 I had to take a double take I was looking at the ap last nite and left Burnsville up on the map in NC and not Fl Radcliff is 61 and Shepherdstown is 61 too I have them as my favorites Neat that you can do that Not for sure how many you can add but think its neat

JudyEddy said...

I also noticed on top left says Channel is OFFLINE above the AEF

JudyEddy said...

your gotta see this was just on the news

Nasa Rover Mars

JudyEddy said...

on the news they said that they did borrow the uniforms and got permission to do the video I thinks its cute

JudyEddy said...

Almost time to get Jordyn Probably go to the park today

glo said...

Good morning all. I so enjoyed the Water Ski show last night. Just as sun was in nice position nearing to set a gorgeous plane took off from the airport which is on a couple of miles form the airport. I liked the lighting so snapped the photo. Voila it says United States of America on it. It was the Obama's heading home after their busy day which included a stop in East Davenport.

I have no clue if hack tower will be live today for the third fledge. It does say lIVE or Recorded live in the upper right corner under the word Ustream, so you will know which you are watching. Also along the right of that screen is a list of some of the more recent recordings. Under the Ustream player is all kinds of links to Info on Indy and Franklin and the young they have raised and fledged.

It's raining here YEAH but soon Dex and i will be off to coffee and dog treats. HAGD everyone.

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning and then off to get the boys. We will be gone most of the day, home for dinner and the evening.

Now friends with another of my former kindergarteners. Saw her engagement picture in the paper, found her on fb, and now we are friends! She is a French teacher at the Univ. of Missouri, a beautiful young lady. So much fun to be in touch with her again.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Sandi and JudyE for the hack tower website! Hope all goes well for the juvies today. Wish we could see ours!

Wishing everyone a great day! ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning on this Thursday!
Judy - I loved the video on NASA ♥ I shared it over on FB for all my friends to view.

It is refreshing to see all of you here this am hr. I stepped outside and the day's weather is marvelous!

I have dinner at Dutch's this evening with hubby's brother and wife. Yummy!

I hope all is well with Paula, Linda, Kay and all others in my thoughts.

Costume Lady said...


So wish I was going with you to DUTCH'S, Jo. Order some FRIED GREEN TOMATOES:)

Going into church to put clothes on hangers and get my NEW CLOSET pulled together.

GG's doctor appointment, yesterday, was inconclusive...waiting on xrays.
She still has no appetite, but will eat a chef's (Wanda) salad clean down to the bottom of the bowl. I put everything in there but the kitchen sink! ;)

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Whoa! Those fried tomatoes were really good - Thanks for the reminder!
I am definitely going to order them.

Do you have enough hangers? You should really be out in the garden today!

That is great that GG will eat your salads - You should be able to sneak a lot of good stuff for her in it! I really love her picture, Wanda!

Is it Jillian who is getting married in Oct? I was thinking it could be Denise.. - Love her pics on FB

Mema Jo said...

This is lengthy but important
Eaglet Release Update (8-16-12):

BraveHeart finally flew off yesterday (8-15-12) at 6 p.m. after we had already packed up all our camera equipment for the day. She flew very well and high and landed in a small tree on the same shoreline of the lake cove where Ranger has been perched for the past couple days. Rob and Christine are out at the lake this morning (8-16-12) dropping fresh trout along t
he shore and on the roof of the hack tower to make sure both birds have access to some food while they are discovering their new world around Douglas Lake. They do this in a manner whereby the eaglets do not see them doing it.

When the big 12 lb female (Griffith) flew for the first time yesterday (8-15-12), she landed in the woods on the ground. Then, she took off and flew across the lake, but did not quite make it to the other side and landed in the lake. She swam to a nearby shore. Rob and Christine took the boat to that side of lake to get her out of the water and place her back into the hack tower for another chance to fly again. After she dried off and preened all her feathers while perching on the nesting tower, she stayed on the tower for the rest of the day. After her placement back into the hack tower, we were observing that she only lifted her left foot to rest, rather than taking turns with each leg like the other eaglets did when they were on the tower (prior to their flights). Raptors will usually switch off resting legs when they are perched for long periods of time. They do this mostly when they are relaxing (and even sleeping at night).

At the end of the day, we decided to close the nesting cage door like we did the night before (to give added protection to the bird during the night from potential racoon encounters, etc.). Before, we left the tower site for the day, we decided to catch up the eaglet and give her a quick physical, since she had flown that day and landed in the lake. We also felt after observing her closely for a couple hours that she might possibly be favoring her left foot more that the right one. In checking, we discovered a significant abrasion on the bottom pad of her right foot, a sensitive area of the foot for raptors. She may possibly have hit her foot hard on some object while landing on the ground in the woods (rock or sharp stick) or even could have grabbed onto a tree limb briefly on her way down to the ground. We really don't know because she landed in the woods. We decided last night to take the eaglet back to the AEF facility for a check up by our vet tech and veterinarian - and to treat the abrasion. We did not want the foot to become infected and cause a serious problem for the bird once it was in the wild. Once this abrasion has healed, we will likely place the eaglet back into the hack tower for release. We will be extra cautious about the way we continue to feed the eaglet during this process, so it does not know humans are providing the food. I do not know at this time how many days we are talking about until we have been able to fully assess the situation.


Mema Jo said...

Oh My I just read a poem concerning the 2 eagles left in the Hack Tower after Ranger took 1st flight! This will mean so much to all of us - it is the lesson of life to me ♥
Eagle Nest Cam - AEF

Two bald eaglets, sitting on a pole
Should they be cautious, should they be bold?
Said one to the other - "Shall we try?
Shall we sit here or shall we fly?"

"I don't know," said Griffith to Braveheart
"We need to be cautious, we need to be smart.
It's awfully nice right where we are —
Fish in a dish, and we don't have to go far."

Braveheart replied, "I'm telling you,
Ranger was brave, and we should be too.
He jumped and he pranced, and he finally flew high —
His wings flapped so strongly as he sailed in the sky.

We must have courage, and we must take our chance!
Nature is calling us to join the Big Dance!
How far will we travel? What sights will we see?
What does the future hold for you and for me?

It's a wide world out there and we have to be strong,
And careful, and caring - we can't get it wrong.
We have journeys to make, a soulmate to find —
So we can raise eaglets & have more of our kind!"

Said Griffith to Braveheart - "I hope when we nest
We'll come back to this place - for sure it's the best!!"

Carolyn STE ♥

Mema Jo said...

I think I have hit my quota for the day

Time to move on..........

Lolly, Happy First Day at Hawkwood Camp

glo said...

I see MeMa Jo has you all caught up with the happenings in and around AEF's hack tower.I am glad some of you have found and are watching what is being done and shared through there. 3 day Webinar time at my house now. Also posted photo form last night's water ski show on my FB page. It's not what you think. Use your eagle eyes :-)

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just barely morning . . .

Resting today.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to check out those Water Ski pics, Glo!

stronghunter said...

Plumb wore myself out the past couple of days. Back when I was teaching day classes and night classes, I sometimes spent a Saturday in my bed reading, watching TV and just resting. I might do that today. My feet and ankles are not happy.

George is pleased to stay with me. I think he got a bit upset at being shut in the bedroom last night while my guests were here. When I came to bed, he kept coming to be patted. I would open my eyes to see a cat face in my face in the middle of the night.

He likes to visit with my bridge guests, but, unfortunately, some people do not like cats, and he seems attracted to them.

stronghunter said...

Read the account of happenings at the hack tower. Very interesting.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn found out that the little girl next door is one of the cheerleaders for his football team. She just finished first grade. Loved watching her walk to the school bus with all of her ruffles and bows. A girly girl.

stronghunter said...

Very nice eagle poem. Thanks for sharing it, Jo.

Hoping that the first day of Camp Hawkwood is especially fun, Lolly.

T-Bird said...

Good afternoon my eagle peeps.

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon T-Bird and other eagle buds.
Shirley, I know what you mean about a day in bed reading and resting. I sure needed it after my trip, but chores and grossery shopping got in the way. I realized on my trip that I am terribly out of shape and need to get with an exercise program of some sort. I won't be cross training for a triathalon(like my daughter), however. I'm thinking riding on the stationary bike..wish I could walk for a mile or so ....
Wanda, maybe you could make a smoothie for GG. You can get a lot of fruit that way. I even sneak a handful of raw spinach into can't taste the spinach. Today my smoothie had a banana, 5 or 6 strawberries,a handful of blueberries,a handful of grapes, 1/2 fresh peeled lime,about 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt,ice cubes and a small handful of fresh spinach.The lime gives it a nice fresh touch or even add agave nectar if you need sweetness. Yummy..Sometimes I just do the banana, another fruit, yogurt, milk and spinach. Enough of the happy homemaker tips LOL

stronghunter said...

Went downstairs this morning to find Hunter sitting in my recliner with the bag of pretzel M&Ms left over from last night. There was a little pile of shrimp tails on the table beside him. I think that was his breakfast.

He made several trips to the shrimp plate last night. My bridge buddies aren't the only ones who like the shrimp. He and Kathryn had eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwiches last night, figuring that they could feast on the party food, so everyone had shrimp for dinner.

One bag of M&Ms disappeared last night. Hmmm.

stronghunter said...

Hi Thelma!

Mema Jo said...

That smoothie sounds fantastic! I need to get myself a blender and to make my own! Good idea for GG.
I really enjoyed the family photo on FB
I know what you mean about some exercise
I need someone to push me to start up again! Enjoy your day ♥

Kay said...

So nice to "tune" in and get JO's wonderful Hack tower update and poem ! Thanks !

My rehab is going well, but have have a couple of anxious days with my Julie Kay. 3 weeks ago her gyno put her on a hormone that she had an extreme reaction to. Pulmonary embolisms. Thankfully she went to ER Tuesday and was admitted to the hospital. They've gone over her with a fine toothed comb and find her healthy and fit otherwise. Today she'll go home, but will be on Cumidin (sp??)for 3 to 6 months and of course, the gyno will have to come up with another solution for her constant menopausal bleeding. Prayers will be much appreciated !

Youse guys make me so hungry ! Nothing has tasted good for weeks and I've lost another 20 lbs. over this malady. I'm now down to 145 and hope to hold it there. I'm a big boned girl who was 5'10 back in the day, but am now measuring out at 5'6. I think this weight is just about right. Sounds like GG is much like me--if one of my daughters makes a meal I'm ravenous, but if I have to come up with a menu and do the labor I'm just not hungry ! ☺

Love you Eagle Buds and prayers go out for you daily ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Good to hear from you, Kay.

Prayers for you and for Julie. Surely hoping that you both are much better very soon.

Does your doctor think this weight loss is okay?

JudyEddy said...

HODA HODA you almost caught on the my hints I was holding back a secret and being its been two weeks now I mailed out to you something on the 2nd of this month the PO said it would take 6-10 days well its been that plus now and you said you don't check your POstBox often but could you please check it I sent you the link to what I bought CA made it for you I had gotten with her when you left and thought what a grand idea this would be but its seems to be taking a while to get there so please see if it is there I don't know when the last time you went to your pobox Thanks I sent you a email also with the link and here it is also in case you want to send it on to your American family the link toooo

A surprise for you I wanted to be a surprise but the PO not cooperating with delivery process

the regular link with out the blog blue link is here to copy and paste

Janet said...

Good afternoon:

No, JUDYE, I do not wish to trade 65 for 85. I like 65. I'm not completely burning up @ 65....thank you though, for the offer, lol.

Its been a quiet day around here. Wanting to know how Tom's first physical therapy went, guess I'll just have to wait til he gets home, eh?

Gotta pick up the kid and got to the ice rink tonight. It is 94 out there right now...that 42 degrees will feel GOOD!!!!

And to think, I used to love the heat. Oh well, that was 20+ years ago...

Have a super afternoon all!

JudyEddy said...

Good to hear from you Kay Getting ready to head on out with Jordyn to see her new school I wanted it to be a surprise oh well Poop happens HUH

magpie said...

describes my path to the Blog.

Good Afternoon, Eagle Pals xoxo

magpie said...

Very sorry to read of Julie's complications, and very relieved to read she got through that danger ok....
prayers for you both....


magpie said...

Daydreaming about going to Dutch's with Jo...
Been there exactly ONE time and the food the fellowship with the friends I was with, was

magpie said...

sounds like a very creative breakfast Hunter had this morning, Shirley...
now go put your feet up!

Sandi, tennis every day, I think will keep the osteoporosis away!

magpie said...

My good night post was abducted last night after it was published, and I couldn't sign on all day today either, something to do with "unusual activity on your account" and I had to jump through a few hoops.
Not sure what that is all about but somehow I squeezed through the warp

so I won't say much, just thanks to everyone for all the neat and information posts about the eagles and the hack tower, people, pets, food and all that good kind of information


magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Nice Afternoon and Evening, Every One...

ttfn xoxox
"hope to check in later"

Mema Jo said...

Off to Dutch's for dinner

see you when I return

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon Margy, Jo and all who are still on at the moment.

Good afternoon to everyone else with a big hug when you get here.

Another busy day! Got my medication changed again since the last one just wasn't giving me the smile I need. :) Hoping it works.

Thanks for the hack tower update. It's been nice to really follow some juvies for a little while. I sure miss ours. Wonder if they are still going to the nest?

KAY, so nice to see you here today! Prayers for you and Julie. AND, ((((BIG HUGS))))!!!

GrannyBLT, you should open a smoothie shop! They sound delicious!

Shirley, sure hope your feet and ankles feel better after some rest.

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE

I have lots of tears and what it is is that I am very lonesome for my American Family. I told JO it feels like a big hole in my heart and I have not really been able to settle since I have come back. I miss them. Plain and simple I miss them. The trip went so fast and my visit even faster and here I am again wishing I was with them.
Part of me wants to be living in the USA next to them and this is very hard to accept that it will not happen. My teachers' pension is Canadian this could come with me across the border. But My Canadian Pension and my Old age Security are Canadian and they require that I be a resident of Canada. I know in my head that it is my Karma to be a Canadian. I am also very grateful for that in my heart.YET I MISS MY AMERICAN FAMILY. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND IT IS HARD BEING AWAY FROM THEM.

They say time will heal...PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW...

Thank you JUDYE very much for the wonderful book.
Sorry all for bringing the sadness over here. I will do better and it will be fine.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

BIG (((((((HUGS))))))) HODA!

Hoda said...

PRAYERS for JULIE, KAY it is good to read your post and yes do stop losing weight.

Thanks for the updates JO.

I miss our Cam and enjoy pictures on FB from the WHITE ROCK photographer. He does a superb job.

Hoda said...

Love you SHAR and what an awesome EAGLE for Eagle Eyed SHAR!!! It will be alright I am sure blessed am I with many GRACES...I do continue to have gratitude and it will help me get through it.THANKS

Hoda said...

Headed off to yoga...and errands.
Thank you again JUDYE and SHAR and MEMA JO and C/A for advice to JUDYE...

stronghunter said...


Hugs from me, too.

Lolly said...

We enjoyed our afternoon at the museum. I think the boys enjoyed the RISK exhibit more than the grossolgy exhibit.

Came home and they spent some time in the shop with Jack building boats.

We have steaks now marinating for supper. First day and I am already tired.☺

grannyblt said...

Hoda ((((((HUGS)))))

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds. I finally get on here and then get lost in Googleland with Lolly's pictures!!!It posted my Comment twice, so that's what's removed!
Sounds like a wonderful summer camp at Hawkwood! I almost had to write Lolly about a lovely TX shrub, but did find it with the Good Google!Been searching for days to ID a shrub that had been in my daughter's woods. It had gorgeous purple berries. I had shown a 2004 pic to a naturalist who misidentified it.Now that I was trying to see if it could be purchased for future replanting, we looked it up & name we had was wrong. Found it now and it is American Beautyberry!!!Read one site that said it grows in the shade from Ches. Bay to TX!!!! I've got to check it out!!!!
I know some of you had rain, so if you get more blow it down this way!!!TY It's getting bad again here.
This time of year when the magnolia tree starts to have the red seeds showing, we get visits from the vireos. Not Yet!!?? Where are they?
Glad to see Kay on here and hope Julie gets better ASAP and love GG's pic. She is so special like her family♥
Blessings to you Hoda! You are one special lady also! ☺

Janet said...

HODA: (((((HUGS))))) sending light, love and comforting energies.....

JudyEddy said...

Back from the open house very nice school I am confused about its status it says is a public school with out tuition but can't be applied for the state voucher Like I said I am confused oh well Angie knows best I guess

I put a short video of Jordyn at the school with her teacher its only a couple of seconds long and a video of her pushing me on the merry go round at the park I think no more videos of me wow I have gained weight working these 7pm shifts eating after 7 shows Maybe no more video

Jordyn at open house and me on merry go around she is pushing me

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, my neighbor says that my fence has enabled her cat to catch more rabbits because they get trapped in the corner of my fence and the one behind their house. Poor bunnies.

She thinks that they might put in a fence too. That would keep bunnies out of their yard, at least until they find a way in. I don't think we have had any bunnies for awhile.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to call it a night. I am getting sleepy.

Tomorrow is "business day" at Hunter's school. I guess it is what we called open house a couple of years ago when I was still teaching.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from dinner and as I said before - I am filled to the gills.

Hoda, we are your Blog Family and it is quite alright to let us know how you are feeling. We know Dragon Lady that you have all the emotions that we have even though you are so active you still have time to ponder about your trip to the USA. I am sure that your family misses you greatly. Above all, don't you just hate being controlled by the almighty dollar! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, I shouldn't go to bed on such a full stomach but I am going to anyhow

Good Night my Friends
Love you all dearly
Today on FB, Sharon put a pic of a baby
hedgehog - I know we all Miss our
Lady Lynn ♥♥♥

magpie said...

Good Night, Everyone

Hope that Sleep is especially Sweet tonight for all...restful, and restorative

Prayers for Wellness, and Peace

God Bless Us, Every One xo

Hoda said...

Thank you for the love and the support...I ♥ US, I ♥ the US also.

I went to the post office JUDYE and there was no package notice so it is still not here. I will go again tomorrow and then Monday. We don't have postal services on the weekend here.
Thank you very much again.

Very good yoga practice.

Tomorrow I have to go to a Lung Stress Test. My doctor requested it as she wants to see how it is after the treatment and the reduction of inhaler use. I will go to it in the afternoon. Not my favourite test but I want to huour her as she gets upset when I do not do what she asks...

Lolly said...

Heading to bed! (((Hugs))) Hoda! Do not like hearing that you are down. We love you!!

Boys went down around 9:30. They were sooo tired, too. I have been relaxing and reading. Bet I fall asleep fast.

Good chance of rain the next few days. Think of us and hope for rain!

Night all! SED!!!

Costume Lady said...

Time sure did get away with me this evening. I've been trying to go to bed earlier each night, but I'm not making it tonight.

Good night, see you all tomorrow.
Prayers and love for all♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say goodnight. It was 90 here again today, and seemed even more muggy than it has been. Emma and I pretty much napped most of the day, or just sat around. I got one load of laundry done, and that was about all. I really dislike this kind of weather--it saps all the ambition right out of you!

Hoda, I SOOO understand what you are feeling!!! Ken and I really MISS the kids after our trip to visit them in March, and wish we were there with them! It will probably be a couple of years before we could move there, though.
Meanwhile, we are praying that property values in SoCal will go back up some. Sure would be helpful! (((HUGS FOR HODA)))!!!
One bit of advice--we text the kids daily, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day, and it makes them seem closer than they are. We send lots of pictures back and forth, too. It helps a little.

Well, I'm going to call it a day.
That darn alarm goes off VERY early on weekdays! Prayers have been said for everyone (especially those with health issues), and every creature, especially our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, all, with SED!
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!!!
♥♥Remembering Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!!

Hoda, I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling down and missing your family! In the US we have Social Security after a certain age, and a person continues to get their check even if they live in another country (with a few exceptions); I wonder why it's different in Canada? I know I would hate feeling like I was forced to stay in a certain place b/c of money.

Lolly, saw your pics on FB - looks like the boys are having a great time already! Enjoy!!

Kay, good to see you on the blog. Sounds like too much weight lost too quickly! That will really zap your strength! Continued prayers for you on this tough journey back to health and prayers for Julie as well!

Lynne1, talk about missing family - I bet you really miss your daughter(?) and grandkids right about now!

Lori, hope the new meds get you smiling in a hurry!!

I need to get to the lab for some routine bloodwork this AM (related to my physical that I got on Wed.) and then I take Bandit to the vet at 9am - hoping for some good news on him. Then a teacher friend is coming with her 2 kids to spend the day on the beach with the family and me.

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

quick good morning to my eagle friends!
thankful for coffee this morning; we were up late with big storms coming through just at bed time. :(

i brought beano, thundershirt and all, in the bed with us and he hid under the blankets. :) he buried down under there and that's when he calmed down. then he proceeded to crawl out when it was over and slept on top of me all night. *(usually he sleeps in his kennel)

was so excited for olivia last night. last night was bring a friend to ice skating and she had a friend and her friend's brother show up! olivia has NO friends who come over, or call, or they pal around. there are NO other children on our street. this was so exciting for her (and me too!) i took a few min to chat with the mom, hopeful hopeful hopeful for a friend for my daughter. this is the 2nd year that they have known each maybe?????????

however, i also felt like a dunce last night. mind you, i don't know squat about ice skating. so i bought her skates. we've had a couple of practice sessions to break in the skates before class last night...and the instructor came to me and told me the skates needed to be sharpened. oooooopppppsssss... so we took them to the skate shop to have them sharpened. i felt so stupid. i had felt so proud and happy, she has skates. maybe not top of the line skates, but she has nice little skates....i didn't get higher end ones because 1. in a year she will need the next size up and 2 . in a year she might not want to do this. i got decent skates, but not really high end ones. just didn't know about sharpening the blades. :(

tired this morning. late night with storms. thankful for coffee today. :) we needed the rain, so that is good.

need to get moving so i don't run late. everyone, have a fabulous day. Hugs, light, love and smiles...

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds I am soooo tired I wish I could get one night sleep without being woke up with the meowing I can just see this never happening Going to the park with Jordyn again today

magpie said...

Good RED Friday Morning, Eagle Pals

Hoping today has lots of joy for each of you and all your families

God Bless our Military

magpie said...

And Here is your Friday Morning Treat:


stronghunter said...

Oh my, Janet. I did not know about sharpening ice skates. I am sure lots of people don't know about that.

stronghunter said...

Must go find food.

stronghunter said...

Hunter Story

A couple of days ago, Hunter and I were discussing his XBox games. I made the comment that I could see some good things, that some parts of the games are educational. Hunter was horrified. He insisted that there is nothing educational about them.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shirley, you are on the old thread! :)

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...