Monday, August 13, 2012


Fresh thread.

We are working on possibly installing a new camera in the next several weeks.  Will keep you posted.


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Costume Lady said...

Thank you, Steve...sounds GREAT!

Costume Lady said...

Hey, I got a FEATHER!

Costume Lady said...

Be sure to read STEVE'S announcement...sounds promising!!

Costume Lady said...

Thank you all for your continued prayers for GG...I know they are working!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps. Thanks Steve for the new thread and the word on the possible new camera. I sure hope it happens.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve for letting us know. I was going to send you an email to ask that very question! :)

I am watching the 3 eaglets at the hacktower.

Lolly said...

Yea, Shaorn. Glad you are watching. Think they will ever leave? lol

Morning Wanda! Thanks for the call over. A new cam....sounds fantastic!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Flapping those wings, trying to get up the nerve.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lightened the load!

Sandi said...

Back from some great tennis! Walked in to find Bandit squatting and peeing on the runner in the dining room. When I picked the rug up to throw it in the wash, there were 2 more pee spots on it! Hate to think that incontinence is the next thing we have to look forward to with him! We have been taking him out a lot more but I go back to work in 2 weeks and no one will be home during the day. Not happy about this turn of events!

Glo, thanks for the link to the eagle release at the hack tower. It's been so long since I've watched a live cam that I had forgotten how to have 2 windows open side by side!! Looks like all 3 are still there.

Lolly said...

I know it is scary to leave home, but golly gee whiz! I do not have all day. Carried my laptop to the bathroom to repair the do and put on the street face, then made my bed, with laptop on dresser. Now just ate breakfast with laptop here on the table. Come, juvie, fly!!! Please!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lolly, you can get the ustream app on my iPhone and can watch the cam.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have the puppy cam and the eagle cam side by side. Polar opposites. Look at the puppy cam and get soothing ahhh moments and look at the eagle cam and think O-M-G!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And now the screen is black. ARRGGGHHHH!!!!

Lolly said...

ok, Sharon. Downloaded ustream but can not find the cam.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Type in American Eagle Foundation.

Lolly said...

I have it, Sharon! Thanks!! Wahoo!

Lolly said...

Now, off to brush my teeth and only taking my iphone. lol

Lolly said...

Hmmmm, wonder what else is available on my phone that I do not know about?????? lol

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon Friends!
I am still waiting and watching the hack tower! I am really getting my eagle fix!

Thanks for the fresh thread and for
the unexpected wonderful news!
I ♥ it!

Wanda take that feather to GG... ♥


Mema Jo said...

Do it again Glo!

Lolly said...

Jo ahould we go up and give those lil guys a shove?

Lolly said...

It is nice to sit here and wait for Laurel. House is nice and chores there!☺

Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE and NCTC for the announcement re new camera...we are with you on that one...cheers

Good morning all. I have not read back yet.

The helicopters are making a racket and lots of traffic in the air but the skies are not full of smoke and it seems to be all good. Under control and I am having a cup of tea.

Hoda said...

Good posts on the eagle release...GLO good on you for sharing the link.

Dear SHAR always helps with apps and such on iphones I enjoyed the exchange with LOLLY.

I have errands to run today and so will get things rolling.

Make it a terrific day.

movin said...




vERY WARM and humid in So Cal these days. I'm hoping we get a little rain and it cools things down a bit.

I'm trying to get my car back on the road, but all is not going as well as I planned at the moment.

Have a great week, everyone.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

NCSuzan said...

Good Afternoon all!

There is an app for the San Diego Zoo. Lots of cams but I watch Bai Yun and the new baby. Lots of sleeping going on but it is great to see that tiny baby and its evere gentle and caring mama.

GG rules!

Mema Jo said...

That was wonderful watching his liftoff and going higher and higher! I sure have had my eagle fix!

It so reminded me of our Spunky! ♥

glo said...

wasn't that just awesome.

Mema Jo said...

First flight from the Hack Tower

This brought tears - wish all could have been tuned in to see it. ♥

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Link is on FB It didn't come thru on here.....

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

What a beautiful sight that was!

Mema Jo said...

The girls are in Lock Down
The 2 females at hack tower will try again tomorrow!


Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon eagle buds!

I'm going to have to get that hack tower link up so I can watch tomorrow since I missed all the action you all seemed to have really enjoyed today. Would love to see our eagles.

Thanks STEVE for the camera update!

WANDA, looking forward to more good reports on GG. Prayers.

HODA, so glad you're not bombarded with the smoke from the fires. Do well with your errands and enjoy the tea I know you'll have when you get home! :)

LOLLY, can't believed Camp Hawk Wood is here already, again. You're a great and kind Grandma! Happy the shower went so smoothly for you!

Hello SHARON and JO!

Thanks GLO for the hack tower link!

JudyEddy said...



stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Taking a break from wallpapering. I have put up just two strips and am already out of paste. The woman at the store thought I had enough. I sent Will to get more. Had a really hard time with the first strip, second one was better.

Plumb wore out, though.

Immunization was not bad.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I too help out with shopping and getting stuff for Jordyn and I enjoy doing it I remember what it was like living pay check to pay check (single person income) which I also do but I try and help out when I can

and MAGPIE also does she said so I thinks its a grandparent thing I know my parents didn't live around up and didn't and neither did Toms parents

GLO I was heading out the door when you posted the eagle release DARN IT but so glad you all got to see and I loved reading the commentary buy you guys

LOLLY they aren't going to guarantee her to be in Kindergarten next year only PRE K

JudyEddy said...

SANDI They do make doggie diapers for Bandit Not for sure if he would wear them!!!

Costume Lady said...

Hallelujah, GG is home! She was so elated, you would think she had been gone a month:) "Thank you, God for allowing me to come home! My flowers are still pretty, my grass is still green and the hummingbirds are still here!" :)

She does not have many restrictions. It is up to me to watch for signs of FLUID BUILDUP again. WHOAH!! Have to weigh her every day and watch her feet and ankles. Low salt and fat diet~

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY and all Angie drove up to the school today and she is starting there next week for PreK so evrything worked out Yeah

Janet said...

afternoon check in:

thanks steve for the new thread.

and costume lady; congrats on the feather!

Thanks to those who have commented on the ice skating dresses. I think they are cute...and I appreciate your input.

Livvy is still puny. Not vomiting any least not for about 6 hours now. But headachy, still feverish. She is asleep. I would love to nap as well, but if I do , I won't sleep tonight.

I don't foresee her going to school tomorrow, but we shall see. This has been a rough virus.

I did snooze off and on from 6 til 9, getting up every time she hit the bathroom. Poor kid. When I heard Tom's bus beep beep beep down the driveway, I passed out cold and didn't move til 11 a.m.

Its been raining here today and I've been quietly working on my class stuff. Next Reiki classes are Aug 25 and 26.

Well let me get busy. The day is slipping away............................

JudyEddy said...

YEAH WANDA so Happy she is home Back to work I go

JudyEddy said...

Did anyone ask Steve about the STILL CAM????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

glo said...

Such good news on GG :-). Tomorrow at 10 am they will open the hatch once again for the remaining two females who did not appear ready to fledge today. If you plan to watch then tune in early is my advice. The eagles names are Griffith Male who fledged today. He does have a transmitter and will be monitored. One female is Braveheart and the other was given the name Ranger. Named by the family of their fallen soldier in his honor.

Lolly said...

We are home. Going to the poor house. Here's the kicker...the almost 8 year old is wearing the same size at the almost 12 year old. Some of his shorts are larger. Also, Joseph is wearing 8.5 shoes and Jacob's are 7.5.(mens) Yes, these boys are big. Joseph is now 5'3 1/2". Jacob is 4' 10".

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Jim is right--it's hot and humid here in SoCal! Jim, hope you're able to get your car on the road without much ado! Prayers!

That's fantastic news! God is SOOO
good! Wanda, and Capt. Gene, prayers for you--hope monitoring her will not complicate your life too much! Just so glad for the good news! God bless GG, and Wanda & Gene!

Hoda, I'm thrilled to know that the fire near you seems to be contained! Hope you have a terrific, smoke-free day!

Sandi, I believe there are meds for incontinence in older dogs--check with Lynne2!

Wow, Steve, that's good news about a possible new nest cam! Thanks for the update! Thanks for the new thread, too.

Well, gotta go get some wash done. Hate to have to run the dryer, but it's starting to pile up.

Margy, hope you have a FANTASTIC day today! Enjoy!!!

Will check back in later today to see what's going on. Oh--Shar, how is your wrist? Also, how is Thelma's sprained ankle? Better, I hope! Later, alligators....
I ♥ us!!!

WVJerry said...

Just want to drop in and let everyone I'm still around. Looks like great news for a new cam. I hope everyone here has been good and if not I'm sure there was some support here. Just got back to work today from vacation. They asked me to work a day earlier and I said yes. I had a really good vacation although a little expensive. We spent four days visiting family in Delaware. Got to surf fish just north of Bethany brother and sister were able to take there trucks on the beach. No fish but a lot of fun. Did a lot of thrifting along the way and even got my step-dad's power wheelchair running with installing new batteries...hope he will use it more now. The expense part came from a Dover, Delaware red-light cam. $112.50 with no points or insurance repercussions. I vaguely remember a light changing...maybe a turn light and just took off by mistake. A costly one at that but it must be paid. Well enough about me and my tribulations. Hoping to get out to the river and maybe catch a glimpse of the eagles. Take care all and if something's going on I hope it can get better.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, Jerry. At first, I thought you had had an accident, but it looks like the accident was just getting photographed going through the red light. No fun.

Had that happen, too. I was the passenger and Kathryn was driving, but it was my car, so it was my ticket.

She was taking me to visit a friend in the hospital, so it seemed fair that I pay the ticket. Glad that I did not get points on my record.

Got to remind Hunter to get ready for football.

stronghunter said...

Yay! New cam!

stronghunter said...

So happy to see that GG has gotten to go back home.

stronghunter said...

Still resting. Told Will that I might need some help with wallpaper. Did go out and take down a small tree that has been trying to grow in one of my shrubs. Sweetgum tree, it was.

stronghunter said...

Very frustrating when your ankles swell up and your legs get so tired. The spirit is willing, but the body says "no way."

paula eagleholic said...

Steve, sure hope that possibly is a definite!

Going to go help Stud move some stuff and grab a bite to eat afterwards...

Glad GG is Home!

Glad one juvie fledged...I would have thought they would have left the doors open all the time now, so they can fledge whenever they want.

Jerry, I hate those money grabbing speeding/red light ticket things!

Lolly, have fun this week at camp :)

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, you go girl on that wallpaper!

Hoda said...


JERRY sorry about the ticket and glad you had a good vacation.

I have decided that I live in a CRAZY TOWN!!! Honestly!!!

The weekend has been rough what with the fire and a bunch of twenties and thirty somethings hanging out at a music festival. Several overdosed and were sent to the hospital...
A 23 year old man from Vancouver Island was announced dead on arrival to the hospital on Sunday...

So I go run my errands aware of all the happenings and wondering how it will affect their families and Nelson turns it all into a spectacle!!! Honestly a festival on all counts...

The helicpoters and the water bomber come to the west arm of the lake to fill up their buckets and the water hold...well lemonade stands are set up and even a coffee bar all through the park area and people have music and are watching the whole thing in a very festive atmosphere.

Quietly I was told some bad ecstacy drug has been circulating in town since the spring...the RCMP are on it...

Then I pass the court house...a beautiful 100 year old stone building with ivy up the building...very dignified looking building at a very attractive corner of town...there is a park next to it...judges here wear wigs and robes and lawyers in their robes were going in and out of the building and having to pass Hippy is court day in Nelson today and many arrests were made at the music festival and many old vans and very colourful looking vehicles parked next to the court and they turned into a party there too...they know they will be fined and they know some might get some jail terms but the beat goes on...

Do you see why I think I live in a crazy town??? More so than usual it was Hippy Ville with all the festival goers walking in town...friendly enough and laid back they even move off of the sidewalks when the judges were passing conflict no ill is a strange town.

SHIRLEY proud of you for the wall papering. You Go GIrl!!! I am glad it went well with HUnter's immunisation.

As LORI predicted I need a cup of tea...

I found organic blueberries and ate a bowl and froze six bags for later...

BBL after the tea is ready

magpie said...

I noticed a lot of those "photo enforced" notices on I-70and 270 Sunday ... and sure kept it in mind, I am way too poor for traffic tickets

I kinda knew GG was no longer in the hospital when I was at the info desk asking for her last name and the room number....was there also to visit another person in the hospital.....

Yay and Yahoo...that's very good news, Wanda....Steady as she goes and prayers continue...

xo Hello Eagle Pals

magpie said...

also observed a multi-mile back up on I-270 near least 15 miles and then some....was a fatal accident, unfortunately....

Shopping trip with James went well, good bargains were found including two pair of SIZE 9 shoes (Lolly, take not...)
James is now half an inch taller than my 60.5 the age of 12

was a nice outing with him, his father and the other paternal grandmother, but we're all whooooped

magpie said...

Wow exciting play by play on the Eagle Release....thanks, sorry I missed it...

magpie said...

Hoda and Shirley and any and all TA DRINKERS:
There is a resident Towhee at my brother in law's which is very insistent that you
"Drink your Teeeeeeea" and I think of you often when I hear that....

magpie said...

good on the wallpapering except for the first strip...sure that kind of thing gets easier and better the more you do it

Yay on the New Thread news from Steve...
Can Hardly wait, in fact, I can't wait !

need to get settled in here for the night

Lolly and all grandparents here helping out with "the little [and big] ones" Bravo....!
it brings joy to us as well as helping the extended families in ways we might not even be able to imagine or perceive

xoxox ttfn

magpie said...

of for goodness sakes
"TA drinkers"
hope you know clumsy typist her means TEA Drinkers...

magpie said...

found two good pairs of shoes, Nike and Puma for James, well, HE found them, both at good prices, rather amazing considering we were at Dick's Sporting Goods store

also saw some tennis shoes as high as $143 - surely glad those did not catch his eye

magpie said...

Good wishes on the moving-help for Studmuffin, Paula...

got to streeeeeeetch those 24 hours in a day during times as these

Hope Janet's Livy feels much much better soon, certainly NO FUN when kids are sick :(

Hoda, yes your little village sounds quite...animated and colorful...
don't like the overdose, there, or anywhere, such sadness for the families....
we have a lot of that in this area, way too much of it

JudyEddy said...

Glad you had a good time with James the Wise and school shopping Margy

JudyEddy said...

HODA I agree sounds like your community is a colorful place to live

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn just called me sort of and told me she is going to a new school she seems to like the teachers already and the room Open house is Thur nite tooo 6-9 its on this end of town close to Angies work tooo Its a little more in money tooo She will be learning greek tooo

magpie said...

Thanks JudyE..
good luck for Angie on the schooling decisions.....

magpie said...

Nice little celestrial trio in the SouthWest skies...especially when things get a little bit darker depending on where you are

Top yellowish, Saturn
Middle, orangish, Mars
and bottom, whitish star, Spica

these three will be getting closer and eventually the infantCrescent moon will work its way in there to join them
That will be on August 21

The waning crescent moon is still getting slimmer in the mornings, with Venus and Jupiter in the East
and Mercury joins them, August 15... low on the have to be up EARLY for this

Hope you can view these things

Pajama time for me !!!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks Margy for explaining what is what in the sky I will go out in a little to peek

JudyEddy said...

OK ALL PLANT EXPERTS NEEDED I HAVE TWO PIX ON THE BLOG It is the plant that was growing on my carport in the Norfolk pine needles I guess the squirrels wanted a garden or the birds I pulled them down tonight right after I got home from work at 7 was easy got most of the pine needles down toooo I also have a earth worm bed up there lots of worms the boy next door told me to stop and he wanted to collect some worms so he can do that tomorrow any info will be appreciated I have 6 of them and there was asparagus fern up there tooo What a mess

What is this plant was pretty tall 3feet or so

JudyEddy said...

I need to find out something also about the school I know in Fl they have vouchers if your kid doesn't go to public school you can get them for the school they are attending need to check in to that I saw something like that on the news I still not for sure why she is against public school But if the voucher will help pay the extra that will be good

Hoda said...

This is a powerful documentary. You need 45 minutes to see it. Worth the time. A Lion Called Christian moves from London England to Freedom in Kenya Africa Never in a zoo was sold at Herrods!!!

I thought of SANDI'S stunning photography of lions and her trip to Africa.

magpie said...

JudyE - James's father got 2 $100 vouchers....can be used for most things, some things are need to spend them all at once, in other words, you can't just buy something for $20 and come back another day for the balance, and he has until October to use them both, he gets some sort of public assistance due to lower income

Also, the first plant in your pic blog looks like something related to our native rhododendron family plants here, if the two pics are of the same plant, then that one also, other than that I do not know

magpie said...

Clouds haved moved in and the trio is behind them, but Big and Little Dippers and some other nice things still visibl

also saw a very faint little satellite sailing across the sky, probably something like an iridium satellite for cell phones, maybe

Sorry I know it's not about eagles or other wildlife, but at dark that's the best I can do :)

magpie said...

disappearing for awhile to read and look at picture books, I received a VERY LARGE book on birds today as a birthday present...think I am going to get lost in that



magpie said...

oh my, Google image has returned to normal...going to miss all those Olympics graphics....they were all very nice

Hoda, I don't think I can watch that 45-min show right now....I might be able to catch up to it ... another time in next day or so....
Thank You


Hoda said...

MARGY very few will be able to watch the 45 minute show...I was impressed and thought to put it on on the off chance that someone has the time to watch it...

The leaves on JUDYE'S plants are too shiny for rhodedendron? You know more MARGY I thought that first off and then it bothered me that it was so shiny so I did not say anything...MEGAN where are you???

JudyEddy said...

I google the Fl voucher and this is what it says vouchers.

Each voucher is worth $4,011, a drop from $4,106 in the previous year. Step Up for Children officials say the value decreased because of state budget cuts but anticipate it will rise by $200 in 2012-13.

JudyEddy said...

and it goes to the school

JudyEddy said...

I got a couple of answers on facebook on the plant Unbrella is one from Lynn2 and Wanda Schefflera

JudyEddy said...

which is same plant Wanda said to plant it I have them leaning on the fence with some of the norfolk pine needles and the dirtt I pulled off the carport will have to plant tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

I don't think it applies to VPK only K and up

JudyEddy said...

but good to know in the future unless that stop doing it It was voted on years ago by the pople of Fl

Lolly said...

I am tired tonight. Had fun with Laurel and the boys. Very successful buying clothes at Kohls, just shorts and shirts. Will get the jeans later. Then we got shoes. Both boys had grown so much that they really needed clothes. All they have been wearing this summer is the athletic shorts and Laurel does not allow those to be worn to school.

JudyEddy said...

Well I guess I was wrong Darn it I hate when that happens LOL Kidding The school that Jordyn is going to Plato academy doesn't charge for the school its the before and aftercare that cost Wrap around care for working parents If she just went to school No charge so the 4t doesn't apply
to them only Private schools

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY the schools they go to don't have uniforms Most schools here do

JudyEddy said...

Tomorrow is a 8-5 day so I can't sleep in drat!!
and I'm not sleepy that is one reason I dislike the different hours in shift changes especially getting off at 7 home by 720 then I played with the things growing on my carport now its bed time and I am not sleepy waiting for the tylenol pm to kick in
Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

Hey got a silly question What can I use to put on those eagle bead the ones I had on my ear rings have changed some in color so I am think maybe a acrlyic spray or something any idea any crafters out there Now I do keep them in my ear 24-7 so I guess the shampoo etc is wearing the paint down some

JudyEddy said...

MAGPIE I went out side and I see two star really really close together one on top of the other- is that the two didn't see a third yet

JudyEddy said...

I found this I googled it pretty cool
the nite sky tonight

LOLLY this may be a site for you all with your new telescope to check out each nite it shows the different stars Cool Beans I really enjoyed watching this Wishing I had a telescope now

JudyEddy said...

Aquila is a eagle star formation I did a pic grab of it Its about 5min in to the video

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. I am trying to wind down a bit. See you tomorrow.

SED, everyone.

magpie said...

Good Night from me, Eagle Pals ...
Happy to think of GG being back at her Home Roost

Prayers for wellness amongst us, our families, our friends and our pets

God Bless us, Every One,

Costume Lady said...

Time for me to lay me down to sleep. Anxious to see how GG sleeps tonight. She sure was a happy camper when we left at supper time.

Good night, prayers and love for all♥

Mema Jo said...

Thankful for GG to be home!

I had a taste of Crab Pizza tonight at gs Corey's 22nd b-day. I still prefer
my peperoni best.

I was over on FB tonight. GD and family visited REDSKIN's camp - It made me miss Lynn all the more looking at the pictures they took. Coley #45 was there.
Not sure he was signing anything. I have to ask the kids.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed for sleep too, Wanda. I am sure your heart is happy.

Good night friends.
Prayers for all
((((Hugs)))) I ♥ US!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kind of late. I was watching a movie on TV. It sure is good to know that GG is home! I'm sure she will sleep well in her own bed. Prayers for her continue.

Shirley, I like your wallpaper. Hope all goes well with it. Don't wear yourself out. Is it still really hot there?

Margy, glad you had a good time shopping with James the wise!

Yikes, it's still plenty hot here tonight. It's better though--only 88 in the kitchen, instead of 90!LOL

Think I'm going to call it a day.
Have said prayers for everyone, every creature, and all our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn tonight♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...



Lori O. said...

Good morning !!!

Running late this morning and hoping everyone has a great day!

Lolly, thanks for the memories of school made me smile!

SO HAPPY GG is home!

Jewels said...

Good morning! At work..yea me!!
ON Po Po tonight.
Great News GG is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see good news about a new camera too? Yea!!
Had a dream and Mom was in it. Only thing I really remember is that Christie had a wedding or prom or something, she was all dressed up and mom was there to get pics taken with her. In my dream, she was not well and was very tired... the phone rang and woke me up. So who knows where my dream was going with that, and maybe it was a good thing the ph rang.
I sure do miss her and constantly she is the main thought in my head.

Jewels said...

Looked up a little while ago and it was raining. I didn't even know it was calling for rain! Guess that is what happens when I get home at 1pm and in bed by 2 pm and slept till almost 10pm!!

stronghunter said...

Wonder if that rain is coming this way, Carolyn? We could surely use it.

I miss your mom, too. But it is comforting to know that she is past not feeling well and the tiredness she had.

Going to try to get a little more sleep this morning.


stronghunter said...

Wonder if that rain is coming this way, Carolyn? We could surely use it.

I miss your mom, too. But it is comforting to know that she is past not feeling well and the tiredness she had.

Going to try to get a little more sleep this morning.


stronghunter said...

Pardon the double post.

Jewels said...

I do not know if it is coming that way or not.... hmmm going to have to pull up the weather map!
I agree, past all that nasty feeling. It is good to know that, :) Get some more sleep my dear...and sleep well!

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning Lori, Jewels, Shirley (if you're still here) and my other eagle friends!

Great news about a new camera at the nest! Also great news that GG is home - wonderful for her and for Wanda!!

Congrats to Grandmas Lolly and Margy for successful back-to-school shopping trips with Jacob, Joseph, and James!

Thirty six years ago today, Dennis and I were married! Wow - how time flies!! And today is my nephew Michael's 8th birthday!

Tennis at 8am, nail appt. at noon, and then I have a beach day with some of the gals I teach with - guess we'll talk shop since school days are coming sooner than I'd like! Will use the anniversary as an excuse to go out somewhere for dinner.

After I found multiple pee spots on the runner yesterday, I checked other area rugs and found 7 other places where Bandit had recently peed (Bella stays gated in one room so I know Bandit is the culprit). Spent the afternoon washing rugs and hanging them outside to dry.

Called the vet to tell him what we're seeing and he said he was getting ready to call me with Bandit's urinalysis results. They show that the pH in his urine is elevated and there are 2 different kinds of crystals forming! I take him in on Friday for an xray to see if there are any bladder stones (he had surgery last August to have 5 stones removed) and discuss next steps. Dennis, Kevin and I had a long talk and we have agreed that there will be no surgery if he has more stones. If they can be treated with diet and medication, fine (though I don't know how long I can live with this peeing all over the house and the crystals are the reason for it). If the stones are causing him pain and surgery is the only answer, then we will have him put down. Can't justify surgery for a 14 year old dog with dementia. Yesterday wasn't a good day and I'm not looking forward to Friday.

Shirley, good luck with the wallpaper project - I have hung a LOT of wallpaper in my day and know how tiring it can be!

Have a great day all!!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning Eagle Buds LORI, SANDI, SHIRLEY, and CARLOYN and anyone new arriving at the Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
I went on Facebook and said goodmorning to all the eagle peeps that no longer come the the blog and say good morning I guess they only came for the eagles huh Sure do miss some of their post

JudyEddy said...

oops CAROLYN can you tell I need my coffee

JudyEddy said...


▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥

Lori O. said...

Oh, SANDI, so sorry about Bandit. Praying for good test results that can be treated with meds and diet. ((((BIG HUGS))))

Good Morning JudyE!

JudyEddy said...

YIKES they found a 17feet Burmese Python snake in the everglades and she was PG with87 eggs in her wow People are releasing the snakes they don't want and they are getting really bad there they have a snake hunt all the time to find these She will be on display

Snake found with 87 eggs in her can you imagine if they didn't find her there would be 87 more running around

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Dex and I got to go to the marina again yesterday afternoon. He so loves to be there. He hardly barks when we arrive anyplace now except the Marina. It's like OK lets walk. The river is so very low. Saw a couple of herons but overall the waterfoul are not spending much time in our spot of the river. Maybe that means more and bigger fish come eagle season. I can hope :-). Off to coffee and dog treats. Prayers that GG and Bandit have a good day, oh and well You Too :-)

JudyEddy said...

HEY LORI back at ya
Today is a 8am day for me I almost screwed up I set the clock as if it was a 9am day woke up at 7 with meowing in the face then remembered it was a 8am day I just wish I could break Benny of his meowing in my face at all hours of the night

JudyEddy said...

so I should be grateful he meowed this am but not in the middle of the night HUH

MORNING GLO hope you all have a good day at the marina

SANDI keeping you and Bandit in my thoughts our pets are a family member and its hard on us when the time is near the end so sorry my heart is breaking for you

JudyEddy said...

A previous cat of mine had that issue I did get the surgery and paid for it out of my butt and the cat died not to long aferwards of something else

JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

Good early morning.

Yes, the rain got as far as N. Va. Hope Shirley got some, also.

Wanda, glad that GG was able to be at home where she wants to be. Hope all goes easily today.

Happy Anniversary,Sandi. Hope the day will be especially nice for you. Also very much hoping Bandit will respond well to meds.

Judie said...

Good early morning, again.

Have not time to read back for everyone and need to get ready to head for the big school house.

So, wishing everyone a great day. I'll be back this afternoon late.

glo said...

Word has it from Al Cecere "Challenger's handler and overseer of the eagles at AEF that the eagle that flew yesterday was NOT Griffith as reported by those not at the tower. It was Ranger, and the family watched their bird named in honor of their fallen soldier fly free right over them. The other two will be released today IF they choose to leave :-) and the weather co-operates.

Lori O. said...

Have a great day, Judie, at the big school house. Enjoy the quiet!

Lori O. said...

Hello Thelma and Buddy! How are you feeling today? Is your foot/leg all healed?

Janet said...

good morning to all my friends here.

its tuesday. cloudy and cool outside. august is sure being weird weather wise....supposed to be in the 90's by Thursday so will just enjoy what we have.

olivia is doing better today. she just got up; color is better, small headache, but i suspect that is simply dehydration. i have her drinking. those nasty stomach/gut bugs will just drain you. i think once she has some fluids in her and eats some solid foods she will be fine.

keeping her home today. tomorrow will be back to school'

i skyped yesterday for the first time! was so excited. (silly aren't i?) i talked with a friend in michigan. we've been online friends for 5+ years but have never seen each other face to face and it was wonderful.

SANDI: yes there are meds for older dogs with incontinence. as you may have guessed, both my dogs are on the medication. the doc usually wants to check for other issues, but there are meds available. my dobie has been incontinent since she was spayed as apup, so she's been on it for years, quite literally works well, runs me about $50 for 90 tabs. i crush it into her food once a day.

JUDYE: there are clear acryllic sprays that are available at wally world, michael's etc. i use them on a lot of projects. you might want to spray all your eagle earrings that you make (and i will do the same to mine). maybe, (you'll love me for this) you could get a paint brush and some acryllic paint, repaint them and then spray them?

i don't have to be anywhere til 1 today. i have my chair massage gig and then i have a 5 p.m. massage. i'm glad. gives me more of the day home to do some stuff i need to do; paperwork. (i hate paperwork) and be with olivia.

everyone, have a fabulous day. i am working on it myself,lol.

hugs, light, love and smiles....everyone can use a smile from a friend!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I definitely got more sleep. Ready for coffee now. Really must do some cleaning and tidying and then contemplate how much I can do with the wallpaper.

Sorry about the issues with Bandit, Sandi. Maybe you will need to restrict him to certain rooms. I had to do that with Sassafras.

Not sure if it rained here last night. Haven't looked out the window yet. The weather map looked like rain was headed here last time I looked, though.

Hope you have a good and productive visit to the Big School House, Judie.

Love that truck, Judy. You do amazing things.

Happy anniversary from me, too, Sandi.

Hope your day is fabulous, too, Janet.

Lori O. said...

Happy Anniversary, Sandi!

Mema Jo said...

Happy 36th Anniversary Sandi & Dennis
Wishing you happiness in your hearts & love in your lives ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Friends! It rained sometime through the night or early morning as our deck is wet!

Glo Thanks for the info on Ranger - that
is an after the fact means so much to the fallen soldier's family.

Lazy day for me!
Shirley - any before or after pictures going to be available of you great work?

magpie said...

36 years already, Sandi???
the two of you look like Teenagers !!

Happy Anniversary, and go for another 36!! xoxox

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
yup, we got a lot of rain overnight and probably more to come through the day


magpie said... very sorry about the newer problems now with Bandit....
keeping you all in my heart and prayers

magpie said...

Howse about that GG Avatar !

Sure is neat to see all of Wanda's family folks here on a regular basis...

magpie said...

Good Morning Jo :)

Neat about the kids getting to Redskins park.....guess no more public attendance now until the games begin..
"RGIII" speaks well about things, could b

magpie said...

"could be an exciting year."

Best Wishes, Everyone...for a Good, Better, BEST Day....

chores to attend to, I have this
day that the Lord has Made, OFF, wahooo....

ttfn xoxo

stronghunter said...

Jo, I will try to get some pics. It has been slow going. I got tired yesterday. Am slow in getting going today.

Hunter has already said he does not like it. But he was happy to help me drop a plumb line. I let him snap the thread. Maybe getting him involved some more will help. Who knows?

I asked him why he did not like it, and he said he liked things the way they were. Maybe he just does not like change. Maybe he likes to be contrary. Maybe both.

Reading the directions for this job--it said I should wash the walls, fill in all nail holes, etc., and turn off the electricity.

I think it is silly to turn off the electricity, though I understand why. I did cover some outlets and switches, but was careful. I think it would be hard to work in darkness, not that there wasn't some daylight coming in.

Everyone used to fix fancy desserts for these gatherings, but now we just serve snacks. I usually serve shrimp, in fact they expect shrimp and some other stuff when they come here. And wine. We always have wine. Glad I do not have to do a lot of cooking.

I think there are some shrimp in the freezer. Must check.

Going to get busy now.

stronghunter said...

Don't tell anybody, but I only brushed off the walls.

stronghunter said...

I am sure I have plastered a few critter hairs under the paper, too.

stronghunter said...

Oh, and by the way, I have to show my ID if I go to Wegman's for wine. Kind of interesting at my age. They ID everyone.

stronghunter said...

And Will has pointed out that I can use my level with the laser attachment instead of the plumb line thingy. But I do like a line that stays put. Oh, well.

stronghunter said...

Rain--if we got any, not much. It looks pretty dry out there.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your freedom, Margy!

magpie said...

Thanks Shirley.....
James does not like change much either, like for example if I wear my hair down, which is very rare....

kids are funny

sounds like you are doing a magnificent job !!!
No big surprise :)

I am watching two butterflies, the Red-Spotted Purple,complete with it's RED spots now, and one I can't ID yet,maybe a metalmark, they don't sit still too well...

magpie said...

The Red-Spotted flew inside the screened porch because I was outside with the door open watching it...I tried to escort it to freedom, no luck yet....

hmmm, I find any excuse not to get to chores... :)

T-Bird said...

Yes Lori I'm all healed. How are you feeling?

T-Bird said...

I'm so excited about RG the 3rd too.

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from running an errand
Stopped at Subway for my Cold Cut sub

Margy - the Ft Bragg family is back down again today to the Redskins Camp.
I think it is in Annandale VA
Tomorrow they will go to the beach house for about 5 days before going back to NC. They are renewing their marriage vows since the 17th is their 10th anniversary - ON the beach!

Mema Jo said...

It is Ashburn VA now that I remembered
what the Kids said.

Hi T-Bird! I hope the Skins have a great season also!

Mema Jo said...

Going to eat my sub BBILW

magpie said...

That's great, Jo...what the "kids" are up to, so I see today might be the last time the "public" can see the Redskins in practice, but I especially like the part about them renewing their wedding vows...those kinds of things bring on the warm fuzzy feelings...

T-Bird...glad you are healed, and I hope there is lots of joy for you watching the Redskins play this year, i.e. - lots of good play and lots of wins !
I just learned about RG3 on Sunday, I am pretty much out of the Sports Loop most of the time

magpie said...

right now I am dealing with a case of butterflyitis....have several fluttering around, and the one that has not found its way to the great outdoors from the outside screened in porch yet....he likes something on the screen material...just wish he would fly outside to do it

Lolly said...

Hellooooo! Failed to get on last night to say nitey nite, and failed to say good morning! We went out early to water pots and it took a while.

Today I work on Camp Hawkwood
t-shirts. Jack and I usually have different ideas. We shall see what we end up with.

Then tomorrow I go to the bank to get a loan to feed the boys. They now go through 4 gallons of milk a week. lol They have big feet that must be fed.☺

Hope GG is having a good day.

Sandi, so sorry you are having problems with Bandit. Right before school is not a good time to be having this problem, but fully understand your decision. We did the same with Annie. Two years ago decided not to treat her disease as giving meds to a cat is not fun for the cat or us! She seems to be doing fine!

Hoda said...

Good morning, good afternoon everyone.


Sorry about the tough decisions re Bandit SANDI. Prayers and hugs...

I love the pictures of all your Grandsons on FB JO...some pretty handsome looking chaps in your family.

The Fire continues and it seems to me to be stronger today in terms of smoke is moving south of us to a wooded areas and no population...Both roads out of town are good to go.

The Friends of The Library meet today at the park...our president accepted a part time position at the library and we want to know if there is a conflict of interest and who else would fill the role of president.

I watched a TED talk yesterday that explained the word President as one who presides over a gathering. Did you know that the US Senate never approved of the word President for George Washington as it did not have enough stature. They still have not given approval over two hundred years later!!!
I like TED Talks...

Hoda said...

LOLLY LOL I am sure the bank will approve the loan to feed the boys!!! Best investment ever!!! LOL!!! No wonder they are growing so much 4 gallons of milk a week??? GRACIOUS ME!!! In good health always in good health and blessings for these two...Is Zach enjoying his school/camp experience? He was going to be eased into the school routine over the summer you had said. I love the boys colourful shoes...I think when I turn 65 I will buy outrageous colourful shoes that are not at all what I have been wearing...I try to buy them to go with as many outfits as is possible...

Hoda said...

Off to the Friends of the Library Meeting.
I have yoga in the evening...

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY there are a lot of place that ID everyone especially the way they have make up now that can make you look older A store got busted here by a 14 year old under cover with no ID but had make up on wrinkles and all I will see if I can dig up the story it was months ago When they saw the wrinkles the cashier just assumed and the store got fined and the cashier got fired it was a little local store

I put the tree plants the forth broke at roots in Jordyn swimming pool with water should be ok till I put in the ground maybe today after work if its not storming We had one big round of storms at work with Hail and all lots of boom boom pow

JudyEddy said...

Carol says my plants is a banana plant I googled what you all said I I say its a umbrella plant also leaves looks same I hope they take hold when I plant them Pretty they are so far the neighbor boy hasn't gotten the worms off the roof maybe later I hope otherwise they will come down when I rake the rest off and will have to dig in to the ground Its amazing that they are up there in the mulch that was made by the pine needles really dark and rich mulch it made

JudyEddy said...

Well its that time for me to head back to work ONE MORE day till VACA starts I am going with Angie and Carl and Jordyn Thur nite for open house at the new school

glo said...

Its Hack tower time for those who are wondering. Hoping the girls will fly today.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Wallpapering is done. There is one more spot I could cover, but I would probably need to do some piecing together, and I might decide to put some border there or maybe paint. It is the last little edge next to the kitchen. I am too tired to think about it now.

Hunter said, "looks good." Nice to hear from him, the rascal. He wanted to cut the last piece, but got tired of waiting, thank goodness.

stronghunter said...

Oh gosh, almost sounds like entrapment to do that to the poor clerk and store, Judy. Will works in the ABC stores here in town, so he has to ask for ID all the time. I will have to tell him about your story.

stronghunter said...

ABC stores--state controlled liquor stores. He works for the state.

stronghunter said...

Posted pictures of my wallpaper on my blog.

Hunter says it reminds him of something in one of his games. I hope that is good.

One of the games is set in Jerusalem, and I heard something from the Old Testament the other day. I pointed that out to Hunter. I have forgotten what it was, now, though. Maybe he remembers.

Mema Jo said...

Wow, Shirley you have done a beautiful job hanging the wall paper. You are a professional because even your stripes meet! I love it..

Mema Jo said...

Thanks GLO I couldn't open it earlier!

stronghunter said...

Some little flaws, Jo. Stripes are easier than floral when it comes to matching patterns, but they do show if you are not completely straight, and this paper has direction--I had to flip several strips to match it properly. Messed up once, but I am hoping it is not noticeable.

But thanks for your kind words.

stronghunter said...

It always feels good to to a little decorating.

Janet said...

Good afternoon all.

SANDI: happy anniversary. will keep you close in thought as Friday approaches.

STRONGHUNTER: wallpaper looks great! i don't have that much patience!

not a lot going on. 1 more massage today. then 2 in the morning. i work so hard, lol.

ordered the new baby stuff that chelsea wanted: i offered to buy the basinette and she came back with this set she wanted; instead of the basinette, it is more like a pack n play with a built in changing table and such, plus the high chair, a stroller that the seat doubles as a car seat. when i priced just the pack and play portion it was $100. then i thought, well maybe i'll get her the high chair or stroller for the holidays, but it was not much more to get the whole set and have it sent to her. it is quite cute; pink and black . i ordered it online and had it sent directly to her house! woo hoo. love the ease and convenience of THAT!

not a lot else going on. have a super afternoon!

stronghunter said...

Hate to think how long it would take me to paper a whole room.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo HOo Glo and others, Ranger left the Hack tower yesterday while the other 2 stayed. The two are still in the Tower and while we are waiting for them to take flight - Back comes Ranger!
Love it ♥♥♥ Maybe he can get them out of there! lol

Mema Jo said...

Ranger returns to tree by Hack Tower

Probably checking on his sisters!

glo said...

It was good indeed to see Ranger.

glo said...

The female on the perch now is Braveheart

glo said...

If it gets dusk they will close the hatch again BUT tonight someone will stay and make sure they do not lose Braveheart. They have a human on standby for each soft fledge from AEF hacktowers to be sure its successful.

Mema Jo said...

If you have ever watched Holly and her half doz pups - they are are in the pen now.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for that info Glo I hope Braveheart takes flight

JudyEddy said...

I just opened the link was on FB the eagle is still in the hack tower HUH doesn't want to fly away I guess OH HOME FROM work I hope everyone day was grand

Hac tower one is on stick and other inside

JudyEddy said...

OH I see you are watching toooo just saw the post right above mine haven't read any of the blog being I just walked in and opened it I wonder why they don't want tofly

JudyEddy said...

very pretty area near the water they are showing

JudyEddy said...

mine went off air what up with that

JudyEddy said...

oh and now its back panic to sooon

JudyEddy said...

The wall paper is just beautiful Shirley I love it ♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Looked almost like she wanted to take a leap opened her mouth and is looking around

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


glo said...

Judy normally all they do is video the release for the fallen soldiers family. This is the first time they have shown the release live. It is very remote middle of nowhere location. No electricity out there. On eagle time these birds are sort of draining the batteries in the computer, camera and even the van. Someone has used a cell phone for a hot spot for now I think.

glo said...

you are surely not watching alone but I have watched these 3 pip within 24 hours of each other. Their disabled do to gunshots parents care for them til 6 weeks and then moved to hack tower. AEF does an awesome job with eagles. I am in awe actually over what I have learned about them this year.

JudyEddy said...

GLO thanks for the info funny that the other one came back huh and the two are still inside They are afraid of the big world out there

JudyEddy said...

I did some pix grabs and put on FB I love that view with the flag so cool

JudyEddy said...

Odd no one showed up on the revolver map I don't even show up on it now and here I am silly map huh

JudyEddy said...

I love the way the one keeps looking up -is that the one that flew away yesterday I am assuming and the other two are still inside to afraid to come out

JudyEddy said...

I wish we could hear what they are saying

JudyEddy said...

OK now Canada and Wisconsin is on the map so I think the map is working POOP SHOOT

JudyEddy said...

GLO if they are recording this and there is a link will you please post it I would love to hear what they are talking about Silly eagles don't want to leave a good thing and there is no food in the tower right they are just in the small enclosed space

JudyEddy said...

I am trying to keep up with the live chat tooo on that page

Hoda said...

Glad Ranger came back to check on his video JO.

Awesome job wall papering is a lot of hard work and it paid off.

It is so good to have a Staycation JUDYE...enjoy every minute of it.

I am cooking prawns and scallop medley with olive oil and garlic...smells so good. I also have Kale and Rice happening.

Very good meeting with the Friends of The Library group...we will have a book sale in October and it is a big one as we might go somewhere else to hold it...not enough room in the library...MANY MANY MANY books are already donated.

Next on the program is yoga so I will finish my tea and head out.

I love us...

Stay well.

JudyEddy said...

GLO are you glo77 on there I am chating with them also

stronghunter said...

Hmm, I think I have wallpaper paste in my hair. Yuck. Time to wash my hair.

glo said...

Yes I am glo77

magpie said...

just about time

JudyEddy said...

I thought so-GLO I am of course JudyEddy some imagination huh That is a fast pace and my keys don't seem to work so good on there not like regular odd and the delay tooo is odd I guess the delay isn't always there from what I take from reading

JudyEddy said...

I put a couple of pic on Facebook of them

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...