Monday, August 13, 2012


Fresh thread.

We are working on possibly installing a new camera in the next several weeks.  Will keep you posted.


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magpie said...

So, GO !
over to the other side

magpie said...

Good Evening to Everyone,
And See You Later, 'Bye

A meeting at 8 then out the road for me...


paula eagleholic said...

Happy Anniversary Sandi and Dennis! Hope you have many, many more!

Sandi, hope they have a med that can help Bandit.

Janet, glad Livvy is feeling better!

Jo, that is cool about the gkids renewing their vows on the beach.

I get to go to the dentist tomorrow! My crown came off last night while I was eating dinner! No pain or anything, it just needs recemented...hope it is as simple as that. Got it in a baggie in my purse.

Probably having BLT's tonight, then I have to pick some crab, then maybe make some more zucchini bread.

Lolly said...

Wahoooo! Camp Hawkwood t-shirts are done and they look GREAT! Pictures will come once we wear them. Think the boys will like them.

Tomorrow I buy groceries for Camp. Oh, boy!

Shirley, the wall paper looks fantastic! We have wall paper on one wall in the dining room. It has been there for years. I would love to change it, but Jack is not in agreement. We remember putting it up....late at night and our neighbors from across the street (and good friends) came over to "watch". lol Bless them!

Lolly said...

The last wall paper we put up we hired someone to do it. That was in the entry hall. She laughed because when we put the wall paper up before that we let the kids write on the wall. She uncovered it!

stronghunter said...

Wondering how much a paper hanger gets paid. I paid about $230 for the paper and supplies.

JudyEddy said...

Been over watching the Hack tower they are still there two inside and one on the branch outside all day just branching back and forth I chated a while with them

JudyEddy said...

gotta go run Norton again my icons are doing odd things again Blogger is a weird green thing Darn cookies is what does it LM LM and time to eat making cheese stuffed ravioli and alfredo sauce frozen shells are really good

Judie said...

It seems that everyone has had a pleasant and successful day. Have not completely caught up but all seems quiet on the eastern, midwestern, and western front.

Day was good. Chores accomplished.

Early night. Will set the night light for 11:30pm and have instructed the sandperson to begin rounds when the night light comes on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

I was cleaning out some favorites on the puter....came across this. Need an Eagle Fix? This will take you back...

Belle and Lib by Glo

Lolly said...

Well, drat...that did not work. It is there on my favorites but could not post it here.

glo said...

Gosh Lolly I wanted to see too. I wonder why it doesn't work. I haven't updated that Blog in a while Maybe that is why :-( I will see if i can figure it out.

glo said...

OK here is a link that will work if you want to see Lib and Belle at the nest. Lib and Belle

glo said...

I have to say it jumped out at me who responded to the post of lib and Belle back then. I miss our Lynn

JudyEddy said...

OH GLO thanks I got tears in my eyes when I saw HEDGIEs name thanks for posting the video I have a lot of video in my fav on youtube toooo

JudyEddy said...

and I saw little bickering going on tooo same ole Belle LOL

JudyEddy said...

the fly away was magnificent as always

JudyEddy said...

time for shower been hooked to the tube with the hack tower and have done the big zero since I got home so much till working till 5 LOL

JudyEddy said...

Glo I let them know that you have always spoke well of the site and the chat They said thanks you was really nice but boy is fast pace hard to keep up with and only on the little screen but was nice to see the three of them the one was on the outside when they turned it off I guess a person will be there all night tooo they said You know me 50 questions and off course I bragged on Fl have so many eagles LOL ok now I must go to the shower I stink LOL

glo said...

Judy they played the video of yesterday each time the cam went down today. Ranger is not at the hack tower BUT he is I or atleast was in a tree near by this afternoon. When I first opened up the cam this morning and saw three I thought oh good there's Ranger but nope it was a video from yesterday. He is fine though and has both been seen and videod today. Infact I think I saw where MeMa jo posted a link earlier today of Ranger in the trees.

T-Bird said...

Good evening everyone (my eagle peeps).

glo said...

Hi T Bird. Hope you are doing well. You are surely posting some cute animal photos on FB thanks :-)

T-Bird said...

Thank you so much Lolly for sharing.

stronghunter said...

Lots of thunder and lightning here. If I disappear, that may be the reason. Do not know when Will might disconnect the system in the basement where he resides.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening EagleBuds! Well Olympics may be over, but I still can't get on here much due to Panda Naps and attacks by the Sandperson! LOL
Was outside a lot at home stalking the elusive hummingbirds! Today at Park walked into the little garden gazebo and hummers where just outside on the flowers. After work, went there w/camera & of course no hummers! Our Ustream osprey cam doesn't seem to be working.Something wrong w/computer setup~~DUH!!! Greg is so mad!I took a couple pictures of the screen and a video so we won't miss their screams!!(still in camera)
Thoughts and prayers for GG & any others w/ailments.

Was watching heat lightening outside. Where's the rain????My little Wallymart potted tomato plants are croaking and some of the tomatoes are falling off before they're ripe!
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening! This is what was happening this evening with Braveheart still outside of the Hack Tower

8:29pm 8/14

Mema Jo said...

Well the second visit to the REDSKINS CAMP Patrick wised up today and wore his Army Uniform and Cooley came right up to him - thanked him for his service
& gave Patrick his autograph! Now RGIII
went by and acknowledged Patrick & thanked him for his service and said, 'I'll be back right after practice &I'll give you my autograph. They waited but he NEVER showed. Very
disappointing to the kids.

T-Bird said...

I hate to hear that about RGIII Mema Jo. I hope that isn't a bad sign about the ego.

Mema Jo said...

T-Bird, I'm hoping that isn't the case. That camp is so crowded with visitors and I can understand the players' frustrations. Coley is 2nd string right now.... :o(

Mema Jo said...

I know it's early to be leaving BUT
I need to get some cards addressed and ready to mail.

Good Night my friends! God Bless you and Keep you in His care ♥

Always missing my friends, Lynn ♥

I ♥ Us & I hope we do get a new cam!

Hoda said...

Sorry the kids did not get their autograph...the chap probably got distracted JO.

PAULA good luck with the dentist tomorrow. Crowns could be simple unless the base needs rework...
Sending positive thoughts.

Very good yoga practice. Spoke to Carol before I went and many changes are happening for her and her work situation and the dog has to have surgery on his rear left knee for the tune of 1500 dollars...question of trust and faith in the doctor and so I ask for prayers that he may heal and they make the right decision for him. I love that dog.

magpie said...

I see the beautiful heat lightning too, I'd like to just sit out on the porch and watch it !

Good Evening, Eagle Pals...think I missed a few already headed to the pillows. GOOD NIGHT TO YOU'UNS

Neat report about the Bragg Bunch at the Redskins classy, Patrick receiving the thanks he so deserves for his service to our county


magpie said...

Loretta, I have surely been missing your posts...hope you see all that you yearn for in the wildlife department....sorry about the live stream at the Greg IS disappointed !

paula eagleholic said...

Zucchini bread is done, crabs are picked.

Hope the doggie is OK, Hoda.

We finally had some rain after hours of lightening and thunder.

SED, Love and hugs to all!

magpie said...

Righto, Paula, hope the crown fix is a breeze for you

magpie said...

Lolly, all sounds good in the preparations for Camp Hawkwood....
can't wait to see the kids in their "T's. The "Counselors" get them also, right ??

Well it sure was nice to see late-nite T-Bird on here !

Going to say Good Night !
That night light comes in soon, so appreciative of that....Thanks,
Professor Judie !

Thinking of, and praying for, all our prayer needs here...of many different varieties....

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

woooops, secret that I am using the laptop....
discovered earlier that the printer set up to this, does all kinds of cool things, color copy,scan, and so on.
I feel like a kid at the candy store :)

man oh man the tree frogs (I think that is what they are) are really singing out here where I am

okay, G'Night- I hope this one only publishes once

stronghunter said...

`A quick good night. SED everyone. See you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Thanks PAULA. I hope so too...he is such a sweet heart and he is only ten years old so he has a few more years to go...I feel sad as I loved spending time with him and he followed me around when I was there...Carol and her family are also very concerned...The surgery is on the 22nd...

Hoda said...



grannyblt said...

Good evening eagle buds--or I guess it is morning. It took me hours to read what I had missed on the blog the last several days. Glad some situations have been resolved and pray for good outcomes on others. Too tired to comment further. SED to all.

Costume Lady said...

Busy, busy day once again. I like keeping busy...does a body good:)

Spent time with GG...still in good spirits, but seems to be having some misgivings about her hospital stay??

Went to the church and moved everything out of the OLD CLOSET and put them in the new CLOSET. We had a lot of good help, including our Pastor's wife. Still needs about 2 visits from me to get bags of donated clothes and put away.

I haven't talked about my JAYDEN for a good while. He is growing up way too fast! He is now 2½ and I guess going through the terrible twos:) He got mad at his Mommy and packed up his back pack with his favorite toys and sat on the couch and told his Mommy "Gramma coming". Was going to run away to Gramma's house:) Didn't get to see him or Brantley last week because of GG's hospital stay...won't see them this Friday, either:(

OK, I have a date with a pillow.
Good Night friends...prayers and love for all~

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Sandi and Dennis, HAPPY 36TH ANNIVERSARY!!!
Praying that Bandit can be helped with diet & meds.

Had another hot, humid day here today. I'm running out of energy. Sure hope it cools off soon! Have been having trouble with my printer because of the heat. The ink keeps drying up, and you have to clean the print head.

We have had some new butterflies in the yard! A big Monarch, a Mourning Cloak, and a Tiger Swallowtail! They were all too frisky to get pictures, darn it!

Haven't seen any night herons lately. Think the youngsters may have all fledged, and all have moved on.

Well, think I'm going to call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, for every creature, and for all our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Remembering Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Sandi said...

Good sunny Wednesday morning my eagle friends!

Wanda, glad to hear a good report about GG's day yesterday and about the Clothes Closet getting its new, bigger home!

Shirley, the wallpaper looks terrific - I am so impressed with how plumb the stripes are at that corner!! And the contrast with the white doors and trim is beautiful! You should feel very good about your accomplishment!!

Paula, good luck with the crown at the dentist today.

Andy, we have 2 night herons that hang in the canals near our house all the time - 1 adult and 1 youngster. We see - and hear - them all the time, esp. when we take the boat out.

Judy, does your vacation start today??

Tennis at 8am, then I need to hit the grocery store before my sister and her family come back this evening for a week. Working on a game plan to use gates to keep Bandit and Daisy separated as much as possible.

Have a great day all!

Costume Lady said...

Don't see anyone, including SANDI, she's playing tennis by now!
I've been up since 6 o'clock, need to wash clothes. Can't seem to get started, absolutely no energy whatsoever:( I'm wrestling with myself...go downstairs or back to bed? Might as well stay up, GG has a 3 o'clock doctor appointment in Hagerstown. If I go back to sleep I will never make it:)

I have posted a few pictures from GG's 92nd birthday party on Wanda's Wishes if you would like to take a peek.

I think a walk outside might do the trick to wake me up. I'll go see if there are anymore caterpillars on my Milkweed. The three that I had in the little cage are now 3 cocoons. I think they are due to hatch this weekend.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, sorry RGIII didn't return. Likely got ambushed by the press.

Hoda, hope Carol's pup will have successful surgery. Always a worry with pets.

Wanda, saying a prayer that GG's doctor visit will be a good one. Try to slow down some. You need to take care of yourself if you want to continue to care for others.

Paula, happy re-cap today.

Okay, need to get busy with some laundry and then on to school work. Days are getting busier and busier.

Wishing everyone a very good day.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Much to do today, but wanted to say a quick hello before I get started. Wishing everyone a good day.

JudyEddy said...

Good Mid Morning Eagle Buds
10-7 today and the last day before my STAYCATION SANDI I can't wait

I am watching the hatch tower agaoin both eagle are still there one inside and the other perched where she was yesterday sooooo nice to see two juvies I dare not get invovled in the chat this am otherwise I will be late for work

JudyEddy said...

Gotta leave earlier today Have to drop off my camera at Angies works she wants to take it to Jordyn school and have the teachers take pix of her goodbye party Having pizza delivered and cake for a send off A bitter sweet day Angies is so teary eyed she is gonna miss the morning and evening talks with the teachers and friends there Jordyn has been going there since 18months old and Angies has made lots of friends there so I think its worse on her

magpie said...

Gooooood Morning Eagle Pals, another terrific WV day here....

Wanda.....I surely agree with Judie's post....get some Wanda time...if and when you can...
Bravo on the new Clothes Closet arrangements !!

Best Wishes for a Good, Better, BEST Day all; I have a day with James the Wise Kidster so I think I have a lock on a GREAT Day

Love you all, Take Care...and
Happy Wildlifing !

xoxox (( All-Day Wednesday Hugs ))

JudyEddy said...

I discovered the ustream site is what is giving me major cookies I guess I did a scan last nite and 58 cookies were found and all my icons were normal afterwards B for Blogger etc Well I am on the ustream again and the B for blogger is now the green looking sort of needle looking thing and I am running Norton again and she is finding more cookies So its that site I guess Odd that the silly icons changing bother me huh

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Live at the hacktowere now. Sisterly stuff still happening there :-). Dex and I off to the Marina this am and I am off to join cam club at waterski show for a while tonight. Dex has a friend coming here to be with him for a while .

Costume Lady said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say a quick good morning before getting some more chores done.

Sandi, that's neat that you have 2 resident night herons! As time goes on, maybe you can tell me what the juvie looks like as it changes from juvenile to adult plumage. They never hang around our house long enough for me to see for myself! Once they've fledged, they follow the adults to (I think) the beach, where we've seen them hanging around the docks and piers. That's about 20 miles from our house.

Margy, have a GREAT James the Wise Kidster day!

Wanda, prayers for GG's doctor appt. are going up from this roost. Hope you have some time to put your feet up today!

Will check back in later today, but better get busy now. HAGD, everyone! :o]

Janet said...

Good afternoon eagle pals.

Sorry I didn't check in this morning...time just got away from me.

Olivia returned to school! :D I shall pick her up in about an hour.

Massages were good to get to other stuff I need to do.

Have a super afternoon! :)

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...