Wednesday, June 27, 2012


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Thanks Steve for the NEW THREAD~

Costume Lady said...

Can't stay and chat...getting face on by the light of the computer and then leaving for appointments.
Have a great day♥

Costume Lady said...

Oh, wanted to tell SANDI that frozen blueberries make a wonderful snack~

stronghunter said...


Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the call-over, Wanda.

Heading to the kitchen to do some chores.

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon everyone.

I take my leave and will remember LYNN♥ as I come to the border and know gratitude for the wonderful gift and privilege that it is.

Prayers for all in need and how I do so very much ♥ us.

Stay safe everyone and Blessed Be Blessed Be Blessed Be every one.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Be safe Hoda. Keep in touch! Love and hugs!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Let us know about GG's appointment Wanda.

CarolAnne said...

Eyes to the skies - it might be HODA :o)

stronghunter said...

Yay, Hoda!!

Prayers for GG's appointment. May it go well.

Lolly said...

♪♫♪♫ Lolly has her car, Lolly has her car!♪♫♪♫ I am so happy!!

It looks great and drives good. Really impressed with the place that did repairs. And, would you believe the total...$12,000!!! Oh, I get sooo MAD when I think of that girl. We only had to pay our deductable of $200, but it should be her insurance taking care of EVERYTHING!

I guess our Amazing Hoda is well on her way. Gods blessings on our Hoda!!!

Plants are watered, Jack has gone to lunch with friend. Let me see what I can get accomplished around here. Fear it won't be much!!

Judie said...

Congratulations to Hoda the Amazing on her departure.

Wanda, please let us know about what happens with GG's doctor. Wishing for good news.

Lolly must be doing her "happy dance" with her new former car. So glad you are pleased, Lolly.

Hope Shirley got her kitchen chores finished.


Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Wanda got a feather!

Lolly - drive with care (care about the other drivers)

Hello Judie and Shirley

Sorry to say I heard that Ft Campbell
has fire on the campus - Not Good.
Thinking of your brother, Shirley and praying he is safe!

Hubby just invited to dinner our younger son and his family. I have to go and shuck corn BBL

T-Bird said...

Hello again everyone.

Sandi said...

Afternoon all!

I hope Hoda can contain her excitement today on the plane!

Jo, I felt a lot worse about my lousy tennis this morning than I did about my broken nail - the nail is easier to fix! =)

Lolly, happy for you that you have your own vehicle back and that it looks and runs good as new!

Haven't seen any updates today on Kay - hoping that every day is better than the one before.

Wanda, also hoping you get some answers for GG.

Hmmm, no box to check to get posts sent to my email. May have to publish this comment and then it will appear?

Sandi said...

Yup, now the box is there!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work to find a spankin fresh new thread

and we have one noisey juvie in the nest

JudyEddy said...

all that snise isn't coming from the one in the nest the mouths isn't moving must be up in attic

magpie said...

I hear those Eagle sounds..
and I SEE YOU Eagle Pals....
and I'm thinking of Hoda's Adventures....
Happy Trails to Hoda ♥

magpie said...

past tense...DID hear those sounds, but not now

Most of my catching up on news takes place in the mornings, but my list of to-do things this week is to get that laptop working!

Thinking of GG and wanting to know what the doctors think...

magpie said...

..and continuing wellness prayers for all that Sharon asked, and all the other prayers we have going for each other

magpie said...

adult eagle sound now

magpie said...

and rattling on the branches

magpie said...

Wish I was at the nest to watch what the bird/s are doing!

JudyEddy said...

sounds like they are moving furniture in the attic LOL

JudyEddy said...

I see a eagle helmet upside down at 3 in the nest HEY JO or PAULA or anyone around the nest Has anyone ever gone out to the nest area to get any of the things at the bottom Like I did at the cell phone tower nest ????

JudyEddy said...

and I see one just about ready to fall from 7 someone go up and catch it

JudyEddy said...

I wonder where HODA is right now??? Thinking of her and her adventures

magpie said...

Yep, I just wonder where Hoda is right this very minute!

Don't think we can get near the nest area yet...the restrictions run through or at least INTO July, Judy

magpie said...

Hey Judy
Happy Week-end!
I just completed my "Tuesday" :(

magpie said...

I'm headed out to the cell phone place with the data service card and see if I can get it rigged up to my cell phone...

Hope JO is done shucking and that the corn was tasty!
I had some corn roasted in their leaves over the week-end...ummm good !

Hate to leave before the eagles show up at the nest which I think they WILL do...

Lolly, Yay on getting YOUR buggy back !

Best Wishes to all tonight...
the next three days, weather folks are saying temperatures will be High and Hot....

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

My Moon Vine from Megan's market stand is climbing and thriving, I forgot to mention that.
But there is a little bunny somewhere here and nibbling on leaves once in awhile...
oh well, better a bunny than aphids and slugs !
xo bye now

stronghunter said...

Picked some baby squashes and put them in my salad tonight. I have a couple of tomatoes ripening on the windowsill. Don't want to take a chance on the critters getting them first.

The squash plant is taking over the garden plot.

JudyEddy said...

So cool seeing the eagle in the nest food fight

JudyEddy said...

one is manteling the food at 5 the other is at 12

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from shopping and returning the things I bought after work bought some DVDs for Jordyn and she had them so just ran them back up and got my son B day present while I was there Killed two with on stone

JudyEddy said...

gonna go see what I can find on the boob tube

JudyEddy said...

OH MY mom house is back on the market I knew it would go FHA the swagging roof and ceiling and the soft floors It need to be bulldozed or sold as is

Lolly said...

Hi all! Dinner is long over. We went out for a little while, but it is just too hot. I filled a bucket, that was my limit. Early morning and very late evening is all I can do and then just for a short while.

We are going to Laurel's tomorrow. It is the big move for the boys bedrooms. Jack built a huge unit in the playroom. It contained two desks and lots of bookcase. He built it in sections, so tomorrow he is pulling out Jacob's desk and a section of bookcase to move to Joseph's old bedroom. Jacob is moving into that room. Joseph is moving into the playroom. More fun! The boys are excited!

Lynne2 said...

back again, briefly. Watching Dallas, catching up a bit.

has ANYONE heard from LINDA????

Lynne2 said...

and what does and "iPhone with group messaging turned on" mean?

Lolly said...

No, we have not heard from Linda. And, have no idea what you are asking about, Lynne.

Lolly said...

Where did you see that?

Lynne2 said...

it's a post from someone on her facebook idea what it means but was wondering if that meant that someone tried to call and got some sort of message.

Lolly said...

Really neat thing just happened. Watching the Ranger ballgame on TV. A service man, just returning from overseas, just surprised his children at the game. Mom knew about it. His three daughters and 8 year old son had no idea. It is also his sons birthday. The crowd stood and applauded!

Lolly said...

Went to her fb page and saw that. Have no idea what it means.

Lynne2 said...

wow, that's awesome Lolly, would liked to have seen that!

We finally broke down and put the BIG a/c in the living room window. Temps in the mid to upper 90's with humidity at least through Independence Day. Only into the mid 70s at night. Problem this time of year is that it takes a LONG time to get there, and doesn't stay there long enough to be any relief.

Lolly said...

102 here at our house yesterday. Official temp was 106. Today we saw 100. It is always just a wee bit better at our house because we are in the country and have trees. Presently 88.

Lolly said...

We do have central AC and ceiling fans, thank goodness. We keept the AC pretty high as the ceiling fans really help.

Lolly said...

Thankfully we do not have a 2 story.

Lynne2 said...

Yeah, it would be nice to be just one story....for SO many reasons! But it's tiny here, so not much to cool! We aren't going to get the REALLY hot stuff like you, and other points south of here....thank goodness! I think the worst, the triple digit real temps will be south and west.

Lolly said...

The thing about the triple do NOT get used to it. Lived here all my life. Actually lived 500 miles south of here and we did not have AC. You never get used to it.

Lynne2 said...

Going to bed. Been so tired lately, seems like everything I do is exhausting.

Hope Hoda has made it to the USA by now!

Will try emailing Linda again...did so over the weekend, but no response.

Have a good night and prayers for all.

Lynne2 said...

No, I really don't think you can get "used" to it when you live anywhere that has "seasons". Only if you lived somewhere where it was that hot ALL the year round!

Judie said...

Spent the day sorting through boxes of papers (life/family history) that need to be shredded. Don't know about Darth but when the time comes, I'm ready to move with as little baggage as possible.

Seeing an orthopedic specialist for shoulders tomorrow morning. Damaged my left shoulder some way or another about three weeks ago and is not improving.

Sandperson is on the way and will make a special visit to check on Hoda the Amazing to be sure she is safe on U.S. soil.

Restful sleep everyone.

Lolly said...

Night Lynne! Certainly is quiet on here. I miss everyone!

Janet said...

Evening, everyone!

Hoda on the way! Woo hoo!

Glad Lolly is back in her car!

Hope everyone else is fine.

Been busy since I've been back yesterday. Cleaning, unpacking, etc. I had/still have some gardening stuff to catch up on, however, Rome wasn't built in a day, so they say. Pulling some lovely tomatoes off the vine. Shared with a neighbor today!

Soooooo terribly dry here. The ground is cracking open and the grass is now brown. Even the bradford pear has wilting leaves. Temps are going close to 100 and above the next few days. Although I looked forward to coming home, I didn't look forward to THIS. bleech.

We need a nice tropical storm to hit the Gulf coast and send the drenching rains up this way.....

Hope everyone is well. Yes, sadly Judy has reported that mom and dad's place is back on the market. I doubted but hoped it would sell. It has just fallen apart too far.....and unfortunately, we cannot seem to make the oldest sister see this.....long tough road ahead I'm afraid.

Anyway, back to work tomorrow. Have pleasant dreams.....night all!

Lynne2 said...

Night Lolly, and anyone else lurking! It's TOO quiet here tonight!

Lolly said...

Do not let that shoulder freeze up, Judie. Therapy for that is so painful!! Been there, done that!

magpie said...

Darn it on the shoulder thing, Judie...hope relief is on the horizon...

okay, I want to hear from Linda soon...
and I want to thank Jo for letting us know she and Suz exchanged messages....I have been thinking about her also
Yep, got the laptop working...

Hello and Good Night Lynne2

Sounds like some fun stuff for the boys, Lolly...never enough bookcases and shelves in my book !


magpie said...

glad JudyE saw the eagles...wish I had, but there's always tumarrah

magpie said...

It's late for a phone call to Linda but I'll give it a try after 0900 Thursday if we don't "see" her here or you all on Facebook by then

magpie said...

Thinking of all SEEN and UNSEEN here, glad that Janet checked in...

back in a bit before bedtime...someone here needs a bath, I live alone so it must be ME

got some gifts tonight, one is a lovely Eagle Dream Catcher, and another is a switchplate with Eagles on it...neat, huh??

ttfn Good Night in Advance to those heading for those pillows...

did you know, don't mow if the temp is above 90, it could ruin your grass, you all probably know that

Yay on the A/C Lynne2...think that is a good plan you and Steve have...
we don't want you to wilt !

Mema Jo said...

I am in Spokane good trip.‏
‏I am very happy to be in the USA
Good drive and one wrong turn and one too early exit but I made it alright
I love US

Sent from my iPhone
In the Light,

Mema Jo said...

Bad Bad Me! The kids stayed and visited after dinner and I sat down in my recliner and dosed!
I looked back and I don't see Hoda's message - It must have come in on my mail around 7pm

I am so happy to have gotten the
message I'm just sorry I didn't see it sooner.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda has been on FB - for those of you without FB
4 hrs ago I arrived to the USA Border Guards courteous. Beautiful drive through Washington till Spokane. Nice hotel. Took an early exit and one wrong turn but made it here alright. Thank you all for your good wishes. — at Best Western Peppertree Airport Inn.
3 hrs ago Had a good salad for supper and people are friendly. Good service — at Dennys Restaurant.

Lolly said...

Fell asleep in my chair. That seems to be habit. Think I will go shower and see if that wakes me up.

Costume Lady said...

Not much to report on GG today. Doctor could find nothing wrong, blood pressure was excellent, 128/80 Heart and lungs OK, she did look much better. Took her to get some blood work, that may show something when the results come in.
She has lost 7 lbs, but did eat some baby food and some chicken broth with crackers. She was doing fairly well without her wheelie walker.

There are 4 big totes at the Clothes Closet, waiting on me to put them away, so off to church as early as possible in the to bed I go.

I'm very sleepy but saying prayers and sending love to all~

magpie said...

That's Great Jo...I think you got this message to us in fine time....
Thank You!

Welcome to the USA for Hoda, so glad that folks are treating her well

Nighty Night, Precious Pals...took care of some prayers while soaking in the tub, will take the rest to bed with me
Will be anxious to check on the rest of the evening and overnight news in the morning.

(( All Night Hugs )) xoxo

magpie said...

oh great news, Wanda....
on GG
and on the donations for CC....though know it means a lot of work...


Mema Jo said...

That is a good report Wanda - Sleep well

I am going to head down my hallway to bed

Good Night and God Bless and keep you
Blessings to Hoda as she flies to ME
I have lunch with past co-workers Thurs
Every one is remembered in my prayers

Thinking of you Lynn♥
Carolyn♥ Christie♥

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to head upstairs. Not happy about the coming heat wave. I was hoping we could spend some time outdoors when Virginia gets here on Sunday, but we will want to hang indoors with the AC if it gets really hot.

Hope you get the shoulder taken care of, Judie.

Remember West, the little Jack Russell Will was always bringing over? He moved with his owner to Colorado. They live near the Air Force Academy, one of the fire areas. (Owner is Kyle, Will's former roomie and very good friend.) Hoping they are okay tonight.

I have posted a few fire pictures on my FB page.

Have not heard any bad news from my brother Jim. That is a good thing.

stronghunter said...
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stronghunter said...

Thanks for the news from Hoda, Jo!

stronghunter said...
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stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...
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Judie said...

Hello eagle bloggers. This is the sandperson logging in using Judie's account.

Hoda seems to be doing quite well and is happily enjoying her first hours in the U.S.A. Must say, she seems to have navigated a few logistical challenges quite easily. She is, indeed, Hoda the Amazing. I will continue to watch over her progress, keep her safe, and try to make sure she enjoys a few hours of sleep each night.

Now off to visit the B.C. dragon boaters.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the info on HODA I didn't get the comments on my news feed ODD I have list for all my peeps and it was there but not on my new feed FB said that it picks and choose who they think we want to see Drat it I have most all my work peeps and HighSchool peeps not on my news feed hoping to get all that I wanted like Family and Eagle peeps but I guess its impossible so I just have to remember to click on my eagle blog list daily now Hoda has always showed on my feed until tonight

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Wanda, thank you for the GG update. I hope the blood work comes back with good numbers. Try to get some rest/sleep for yourself, please.

Prayers for Kyle, West, and your brother Jim, Shirley. I do hope the weather will be reasonably pleasant for Virginia's visit.

Margy, you been shoppin' at your favorite store again? An eagle dream catcher. Now that would be really special.

Janet, glad you're home okay but sorry about the drought.

Lynne, the A/C will help with getting some sleep. Enjoy.

Be back sometime tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Judy, it was funny....Hoda updates were not on my fb either. ?????

Hope to hear from Linda soon.

Happy to get good reports on GG. Do not like the weight loss. Maybe I should start eating baby food.

Nite all!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here late again tonight. Was watching some recorded TV shows so I could delete them. Emma says "Woof!" to everyone.

Shirley, I continue to be amazed at the variety of wildlife at our place, too! Late this afternoon, I found out that we have honeybees hanging around one of the ventilation holes under the eaves of the house, above the living room window. Not a swarm, but maybe a dozen or so bees. Found a phone number for a green bee removal company that vacuums them up into something like a small shop vac, and finds them a new home. Will call them in the morning. Geez, if it isn't one thing, it's another! Just grateful that it isn't a big swarm!
Oh, then later, just before dinner, found a line of big, brown ants walking across the bathroom floor. Wonder if the bee guys can get rid of them too! Had a couple of lively baby herons in the back yard. One was pecking at its reflection in the bottom glass panel of the master bathroom door leading to the backyard. It finally flew over the fence into the neighbor's yard. The other fledgling flew to a phone wire next door, and sat there for a while. Glad they're both in good shape.

Ms Bookworm said...

Mighty happy to hear that Hoda's taking the U.S. by storm! Sounds like she's having fun! Thanks for the post from her, Jo!

Wanda, so glad to hear that GG is still doing better. Sorry to hear she's lost some weight, but now that she's eating better, maybe she will gain it back. Hoping for a good report on the doctor's tests. Prayers for her continue!

JudyE, glad that the weather has calmed down in your area.

Lolly, glad you got your wheels back! Sounds like they did a good job fixing everything. Sorry about the triple-digit heat you're getting!

Well, better hit the hay. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature. Prayers for Judie's shoulder, and her doctor appt.! The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled.
Sleep well, everyone, with SED.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Thinking of Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

JUDIE - I'm with you, moving with as ilttle as possible. Sounds smart. I'm not a pack rat either. Hope you get the new you need/want from the doctor on your shoulder, and that it feels better pronto!

WANDA, Hope you get all your church and Clothes Closet stuff done. Good news on four totes full! Praying blood work will show what is ailing GG.

SHARON, prayers for Justin, Lori and all in need. Big Hugs for you!

JO, thanks for passing along the HODA info. I bet she's so excited she didn't sleep at all AGAIN!

Good morning SANDI!

Woof to EMMA!

Lori O. said...

Mom and I stayed home yesterday and have 60 bandanas done! Kate will be shocked when she gets home. Kate will take them to the fundraisers and sell them. I'm sure she didn't expect so many, but my mother is an energizer machine!!!

My SIL is coming today. She'll spend the night and take Mom home tomorrow, so it's girls day today. Don't know what to plan.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my other eagle friends! Looks like a heat wave is coming to the east coast! 90 today here at the beach (hotter inland) and 99 tomorrow!

Sandi said...

Didn't remember that Hoda was just driving to Spokane yesterday and is flying to Maine today until I read the posts that Jo put on the blog. I hope Hoda was able to get some sleep last night! Thanks Jo, for the updates.

Wanda, happy to hear good news about GG's doctor visit! I hope her energy continues!

Lori, what a productive pair you and your mom have been! Enjoy girl's day today!

Judie, do you and Darth have a tentative timeline for retirement and moving to Solomons Island? I'm with ya on the "travel light" philosophy!!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle Buds Really quit on the blog Getting ready to get Jordyn was thnking about seeing Winter The Dolphin today but was thinking they may not be open with the storms being they are a resuce site also no answer don't open till 9 and no response on FB

JudyEddy said...

I hear a pretty bird at the nest singing us a song

JudyEddy said...

Today is the day that congress will tell all if we have to have insurance that the Pres said

JudyEddy said...

or Supreme Court

JudyEddy said...

I lost the cam

JudyEddy said...

stinkin big arrow and the saying the item selected is not currently av

JudyEddy said...

ok 5 min of trying and still no live cam and the still cam is all rainbowey I guess its trying to tell me something Like almost time to get Jordyn

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

I've been up since 5:20. Buddy was up early.
Nice to hear the early birds though. : )
I also have my morning chores done. Time to relax, right?!
I love you all.

JudyEddy said...

cam back just as I am heading out the door YEAH

Lori O. said...

Good morning THELMA & JUDYE!

Yes, THELMA, time to relax now. Wish I had all my chores done! You've been a busy lady!

JUDYE, have fun with Jordyn today, whatever you decide to do. Glad your rain has stopped!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....


Happy Birthday to CarolAnne....May this be your very best birthday ever !! xoxo ☻

magpie said...

So glad you have this time with your Mom...
so you Mom is an energizer machine...and I understand the apple does not fall far from the'm just sayin'!

xo (( Have Fun Hugs ))

magpie said...

Yep, HOT it's going to be around here the next few days...

so get those water balloons and water squirters out, freeze a few wet washcloths, and all that kind of stuff

There might be some Swinging Bridge time in my future

magpie said...

actually, the Eagle Dream Catcher, was a gift from a friend who, I it at a yard sale, but it is actually NEW. ☺

magpie said...

I agree with Lori, T-Bird...
It IS time to relax...
As Jo would and probably will say, these are some Bluefield Lemonade days upon us...
well, she can word it better than I...

Lori O. said...


And, many, many more!

Hope your day is super special and all your birthday wishes come true!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, MARGY!

magpie said...

Nest looks dreamy but too empty!
and I cannot have sound here at work, so...waaaaaaaah!

time to make dough..
Best Wishes to All, for a very good day.... xoxo

Thinking of Amazing Hoda sailing across the continent today !
"Spokane's loss is going to be Maine's Gain !"

magpie said...

Hey there gal...
well, since you are not making tunes these couple of days....I have a Celtic Christmas CD in my car stereo that I have been listening to ☺

trying to get some of that Christmas spirit going....just because....

grannyblt said...

Happy Birthday Carolanne. Hope your day is GREAT.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. Today was to be Mattie's last day at softball camp but she twisted her back yesterday while tossing the softball with Andrew and is not able to go. I have to do a little work this morning but then we will be heading back to Bluefield. I love being up here with my boy but it will be so good to get back home. I miss my dogs! Maybe some of the peeps too! :-)

magpie said...

oh dear Sharon...sorry about Mattie, think that is going to be disappointing for her, AND the rest of the campers...

We'll be watching for you from the Bluefield side of things

xo Safe Traveling Wishes

(( Healing Hug for Mattie ))

magpie said...

The shadows on the nest...I guess it is tree branches and leaves, but I'm pretending it is a juvie moving his or her head and neck

Mema Jo said...

1:48 am Another night and I can not sleep. I will be flying most of tomorrow and will try to check in from the airport if they have wi fi. I hope all are well on the blog. I hope Wanda made a good report on GG. I hope we heard from Kay. Happy Birthday C/A.
Thanks for keeping me connected Jo. Hugs

Sent from my iPhone
In the Light,

Sandi said...

An extra person showed up for tennis today so I agreed to come home - have played every day this week and am playing again tomorrow.

Jo, thanks for the update on Hoda. I would think that lady would be exhausted at this point and would have no trouble sleeping!!

Happy birthday CarolAnne!! Hope it's a wonderful day for you!!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Carol Anne - hope you are enjoying your special day ♥

Lolly said...

♪♫♪ Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear CarolAnne
Happy Birthday to you....and many more! ♪♫♪♫

Lolly said...

Good Morning!

Poor sleep last night! She will be exhausted tonight! But Happy!!!

Had one cup of coffee outside, walked around dead heading, etc. Filled one bucket and decided it was time to come in. Now having my second cup of coffee and then time to walk.

Leaving after lunch to head to Laurel's.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - My attention is on TV reporting the Supreme Court decisions on Health Care bill.

Lunch today with past co-workers
I need to read back on this mornings'


Lori O. said...

LOLLY, the desk and cupboards that Jack made sound awesome! The boys are so lucky to have a handy Grandpa! Have a safe trip to Laurel's house. Take pictures!

Lori O. said...

Good morning, Jo! Hope all is well at your house this morning! ♥

Lolly said...

Lori, Jack does beautiful work and we believe in bookcases. LOL Every room of our house and Laurel's has a bookcase....Jack built oh, and Laurel's classroom.

JudyEddy said...

Home from Winter The Dolphin and I see cam is working but sound is not so good on it

Lolly said...

Heading to Denton. See you much later this evening!

JudyEddy said...

Is anyone else having cam issue with sound intermittent I saw a note under the cam yesterday that they were doing maintenance but the date said the 26th I thought ????????????????????????????????

JudyEddy said...

and I got sucked in to the picture Three of them The money goes to help the dolphins and turtles and sea life so as HODA say All is good

JudyEddy said...

ok now the cam sound seems to be steady for now

stronghunter said...

Caledon State Park--Eagle Sancutary--just a few miles down the road

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from Panera's and my
cheddar-broccoli soup. Really a warm day out! Had a wonderful gathering at lunch with the gals. All are well and work is good. We figured that I have been retired for 8 beautiful years.
The highlight was when a young man not booting 40 stopped by to say Hi. He and I had worked many depts together but it was more interesting to get an update on his son and daughter and wife. You know, family talk!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda did wish me a good day around 6am
on FB, so when you open FB be sure to check out Hoda's page

Guess what? My feet are going up for an hour. We have Alexis and family coming for dinner around 5:30pm


stronghunter said...

Enjoy your rest, Jo. Eight beautiful years. That is wonderful. Something for me to look forward to.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eaglet in the nest, flew up to the 9 o'clock stump and now back in the nest and plotzed!

Judie said...

Good late late afternoon.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CarolAnn. Hope this was the best ever.

Sharon, sorry about Mattie and the unexpected end of camp. Hope she feels better soon. Also still thinking about the others in your life that are ailing.

Thelma, not fair! Chores done by 7:43am? Not fair! Hope you had a good day.

Jo, have fun Alexis time tonight. Love Panera and the broccoli/cheese soup.

Lori, hope you had a fun "gals day" and congratulations on all the dog bandanas you and your mom finished.

Andy, 12 bees = a swarm. Don't like them. Hope Kubby is better.

Sandi, estimated 1 to 2 years wait for a large cottage on the river. Sounds terrible but have to wait for one to become vacant which means the occupants have moved to assisted living or heaven. Still, cleaning out 25 years and getting a house "sell ready" is a big job tackled sooner rather than later for me.

Judie said...

Oh, wow. That was way too much. My apology.

Short update: damaged rotater(sp) cuff, physical therapy 1-4 times weekly, follow-up 7/24, assess progress and further treatment. Cause not determined.

Not a happy camper and do not like limitations. Had not planned to have summer days in therapy.


stronghunter said...

Wow, that is a lot of time in physical therapy, Judie. I would not like the limitations, either. Hope it works quickly.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Judie - I sure hope the physical therapy is near you - I was reading online about that Rotator Cuff causes -
Did the dr tell you that you need to quit pitching for the soft ball team
or did he attribute it to the aging process! I would quit the team & stay young ♥

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I really hope the pain and discomfort is bearable or that there is
something you can take that doesn't make you loopy! Can you take Muscle

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Both bablets in the nest. Probably expecting supper delivery.

Mema Jo said...

Little BRO stand like a real eaglet. Wings out from body cause it is hot, I'm sure. Missy is a lighter brown.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner is about to be served!


magpie said...

Dear Judie...oh bother! So sorry to read of the rotator cuff diagnosis...many have this sort of thing happen, but I wish YOU were not in this group...

if there is anything your cyber pals can do to help...Please Ask !!

magpie said...

Wonder where Hoda is right now!
I wonder if her "transcontinental flight" path takes her over some of our so !

magpie said...

I hear eagle squeakings...

good on plan her voyage AFTER these juvies pretty much had flown the coop

magpie said...

juvenile/s still squealing but not showing themselves on the cam :(

Garden report, one poolball sized tomato.
three marble sized ones
lots of yellow blossoms
one adolescent green pepper
and many flowering Nicotiana blooms
Lisianthus looks strong,
New England Asters WAY tall
and Megan's Moon Vine is climbing

magpie said...

and 18 gallons of water on the dirt...didn't want to put cold water on hot plant leaves, but the dirt can handle it !

I might miss the eagles from this roost, but maybe when I get to the Other Roost they'll be on the nest

Prayers for Wellness Amongsts us all, our families, friends and pets

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

RED FRIDAY coming up...get those red duds out, honor and tribute to all our Military Personnel

xo 'bye ♥♥

glo said...

Stopped in this evening to say Hi. My house is now empty but my heart is full. It was so very nice everyone here together for a few days. We did a lot and the weather was actually very kind to us. It is however now very very hot. I shall stay inside pretty much for a few days and look through all those photo memories. Hope all is well with folks here. I see Hoda is on her voyage :-) I do hope she has a wonderful time indeed.

Judie said...

Dinner has been consumed and, as best I could, the kitchen has been returned to reasonable order.

I have submitted my softball team resignation, Jo. Effective immediately.

First line of attack is therapy. Then, if necessary, more serious measures. Not much anyone can do. Well, of course I will milk this and tell Darth I am totally helpless. Not given any meds -- pain is not debilitating and contraindicated for my other necessary meds. Thank you for the concern as I am truly grateful.

Margy, your garden is 100% better than what we have. Puny little plants are not likely to produce an abundance of anything much. Planted too late.

Glo, so happy your heart is full and you have such wonderful memories to carry around everywhere you go.

As for Hoda's whereabouts -- I don't know for sure but would not be one bit surprised to see some viral YouTube video of a visiting Canadian woman out dragon boating with the entire State of Maine.

Going to put my feet up (helps stop the shoulder pain) and watch First 48.


Linda said...

Hellllllooooo Dear Eagle Friends!!!!

I have missed you and thank you for your concern for me. I am here and doing okay!

Have been away from the computer lately, which is odd for me. Also had some family issues resurface recently that kind of side swiped me emotionally! Ever feel like you've settled everything in your heart and mind....only to find out months later that you didn't?? Sort of like that!

I apologize for worrying my friends and thank Jo, Lynne2 and Margy for nudging me to let you all know I was alive and well. I know you care and it means so very much!! are all of you??

Judie said...

Decided to return.

Will likely be sleeping soon so the night light is on for anyone who needs to arise in the darkness.

May Hoda enjoy a restful sleep and awake to a fun-filled memory-making day.

The sandperson will begin rounds at 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Linda, thank you for stopping by to visit. So very happy to see you. I'm sure we all have been where you are/were and can empathize. Let us know if we can help. Welcome home.

Linda said...

Oh, Judie, a rotater cuff injury can be quite painful. I hope you caught it early and the therapy will help. The next step would involve LOTS of time and much more milking of the situation!!

Any word from KAY in the past couple days? Praying she is getting a little better each day.

JudyE - Happy to hear you stayed dry for the most part and that you and Janet had a nice visit last week.

Sandi You had quite the week with tennis guests, matches and hosting family, too. Hope your time at the beach is fun for all.

Hoping Hoda is safely in the United States enjoying her first moments with her American family after all this time!! Enjoy!!

Lolly got your car back.....finally. I hope it is looking good and working good, too.

Shar - I know you're enjoying your week with Andrew and Kelsey and Mattie!! Any time with your kid is a GOOD time!!

Lori - Hoping your week with your Mom is enjoyable for you both. How are the projects coming along?? I see where your creativity came from!!

Linda said...

Thanks, Judie!!

Linda said...


I hope your day was every bit as special as you are.

Lori - 60 bandanas??? Geeze, you and Mom are amazing!!!

So happy for the updates on Hoda!!!

Thank you, Jo.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good to see you on here Linda.

I had a wonderful week with my boy. I so love how our families get along perfectly. God is good all the time.

Linda said...

One more thing, since I'm here by myself.....

LOLLY - We had TWO BEARS on the back deck Monday night. We had just sat down to watch a movie and it was still light outside. The downstairs windows were closed because it was chilly.

All of a sudden Riley started barking and ran up the stairs (because the windows upstairs were empty and that is where the smell came from). I thought he was chasing the kitty, but when I got up there, I saw two beautiful shiny black bears. One was a good size and the other was about half the size of the larger one.

Dennis scared them off, but again, they had such shiny coats. They tend to run over the rock wall and into the woods once Dennis yells at them.

Linda said...

Sharon - That is such a blessing. I am so happy to hear you have had a great week and everyone gets along so well. That is really something special.

Linda said...

Sharon - Any news on Justin??? Praying for him.

Wanda - keeping GG in prayer, too. You're so loving to take such good care of her. I hope she gains back some weight and gets back to herself very soon. I know you worry about her and we do too!

Linda said...

Okay, I am taking up too much space here.

Wishing you all a wonderful evening, restful sleep and sweet eagle dreams!!

Keeping us all in prayer with lots of love............


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No news on Justin yet. Becky called the doctor's office today and they said they didn't give results over the phone. They gave him an appointment for next Friday. We are going to try to get the report from the hospital.

Linda said...

That is ridiculous, Sharon. They scare you with a possibility of something and then drag out the results. Ugh!!

Hope you can get the results sooner.

Mema Jo said...

I do not have any message yet from Hoda
However - Hoda has been on facebook:
Hoda Ghamrawy ‎2 silver birds and they both were long but I made Otto Connecticut . It is beautiful here. I am happy to be with Carol Barans David Barans and Geoffrey Barans. All is well the three airports were all very friendly and then
Hoda Ghamrawy was at Windsor Public Library.Windsor CT
about an hour ago

I bet we see her on/here soon!

Mema Jo said...

I had watched a 2 hr movie but now
I need to read Long Lost Linda's Book Sooooo happy happy you are here

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
Checking in, but see poor Judie has a softball injury! There go the summer games. Hope you rest and heal ASAP.
Great to see that Hoda is at our end of the country!Hope the Dragon Boat can sail down the Atlantic Coast and up the Chesapeake Bay!!
Daughter and I went for late lunch to Crab House in Riva, outside of Annapolis. Went into town to some of the shops near the harbor and got home around 8PM.(BTW, she and I split the first ripe tomato yesterday. Have a cluster of 4 small w/one turning orange.) Have leftovers I've GOT to eat! Was good to get out today, considering the upcoming heat, which is Sherry's normal. She wore a lacey tank top under a short-sleeve Sweater!!!!
Hope everyone is doing OK, such as Kay.
Pleasant Feather Dreams & Good Health Prayers for ALL ;>)

Janet said...

Greetings this late Thursday evening....

It was 105 today. Ugh. Dry dry dry.

Work was good.....

Dealign with a sick cat. My oldest daughers cat...took her to the vet yesterday, think it maybe kidney or liver failure. Isn't looking good....she is just lying there not eating/drinking.....they did fluids today til they can figure out what is going on....

They may close on their house monday.....hope so for their sanity sake.


Well folks calling it a night. Really tir anc omputer is acting skeewonkey....

good night

NatureNut said...

Sorry so late, but,

stronghunter said...

Good evening. Have my laptop in bed with me tonight.

Have been busy today. Really trying to get as much housecleaning done as possible. There is no motivator like a houseguest when it comes to to getting things shipshape.

Got some good news about the neighbor who caused us so much trouble this spring. Can't say much, but just learned that she has lost her job. We are wondering if it was related to the ugly behavior we were subjected to.

We have done nothing to cause anything except to tell our lawyers about our suspicions. Can only say that this woman is lacking in veracity--in other words, she is a liar. Maybe she told one too many.

Costume Lady said...

LINDA...Did you remember to say "IT'S ME BEAR"? Sounds wonderful and frightening at the same time. So very glad you checked in with us and are OK!

MARGY...hope you are lurking and will check your email...I need some information~

GG was good today, in that she ate a small bowl of Chicken Noodle/Egg Drop Soup and about a third of a cup of peas. But left us after only about a half hour and went to bed. I'm still thinking 'depression'.

GOOD NIGHT, prayers for all and sending you my love ♥

(Didn't get Closet clothes all done. Not enough time in a day!)

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. I will see you tomorrow. Rest well. SED.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Wanted to get here earlier than last night. Need to update about the bees. The bee guy came out and gave us an assessment of the situation (they HAVE already colonized in the living room (wall and roof, I believe he said), so they will have to kill the bees in order to avoid a HUGE number of them getting into the house. They gassed them with some kind of stuff that would supposedly slow them down overnight, and they'll be back between 8 & 10 am tomorrow to remove bees, honeycombs, and everything. All that to the tune of nearly $800 (yikes!), but no choice in the matter. Removing just the bees would've been only(!) $200, but the smell of melting honey in hot weather would attract more bees, rats, raccoons, mice, ants, and just about every OTHER living creature, so that's not an option.
As it is now, Ken and Emma have retreated to our bedroom to escape the several (at least 5 or 6, MAYBE more) angry bees flying around in the house. I have all the lights off in the living room, kitchen, and dining room, so they won't find their way out of the wall/roof/attic space into the house. I'm hanging out in the bedroom where the laptop and my desk are located, with the door closed. There's one bee somewhere in our bedroom that made its way there in my hair. It tickled my neck, and I brushed it off before I realized what it was, so it's loose in there. Hopefully, it's feeling kind of dopey. Not sure I'll sleep much, if at all, tonight. The last time I was stung by a bee was in 1965. It fell down my cleavage, and the spot swelled up so badly I looked as if I had THREE boobs! At least when they are done, they will repair all damage, seal the house completely, and give us a written guarantee.
All the stuff they use is non-toxic, too. That's the one good thing for this environment.

Oh--for some GOOD news, Ken's elbow feels almost completely normal! A bit stiff, and twinges a tiny bit when he stretches it too much, but nearly there!

Need to read back on here to catch up. BBIALW....

JudyEddy said...

So sorry for the bees Hey if only you lived here in Fl My daughter in law do that for a living could cut you a good deal

Been home for a bit playing on FB with dolphin pictures from today

Had a good dinner Angie cooked surprise she had chicken lasagna was really good
Just wanted to stop in and say nite nite

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

that should have been my daughter IN LAWS not daughter in law My son isn't married LOL ok nite again

magpie said...

What happened! All of a sudden it is sereiously late !
good to so many friends here since the last time I was at the keyboard

Andrea: What a miserable saga with the bees...hope it all works out, also glad that kubby's elbow is much better

and sorry about your daughter's cat....hoping for a little miracle there

Mema Jo said...

Linda, so happy that you're back. I love the part about the bears. Good for Riley alerting you.

I am anxious to hear why Hoda was at the Library - I just can't believe she read all those books she packed during one flight! (Just teasing)

magpie said...

sounds good, Loretta, your visit with Sherry..especially the Crab House Part

trying to make a little bit of noise since Glo and Dex have an empty house now...hope Becky is recovering well, am so glad she could make the trip with her husband and your granddaugther

magpie said...

I'm going to start typing gibberish I can feel it coming....sleepiness is overtaking me.

"See You" tomorrow
God Bless Us, Every One

Mema Jo said...

It has been a good day
Good to have friends and family with whom to share my time.
Thankful for Glo having time with her family.
Praying that Kay is doing great at the rehab and is recovering well.
Prayers for Mattie's Back and Justin's leg! ♥♥
Loving memories of Lynn♥
Carolyn♥ Christie♥
I ♥ US

Mema Jo said...

Nite Margy!

RED FRIDAY is almost here!

Ms Bookworm said...

Whew! I'm back for a bit--managed to catch up here.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAROLANNE! Hope it was a fantastic day for you!

Janet, sorry your daughter's cat is sick! Prayers for that, and about their house closing on Monday.

YAY!! Hoda's in CT!!! You go, girl!

Shar, hope you can get results for Justin sooner! Mega prayers! Sorry Mattie's time at camp was cut short. Hope she's better soon! Prayers!

Linda, sooo good to see you here!
Gee whiz, I'm glad the 2 bears were in YOUR yard, not mine! Can't imagine what would happen if they smelled our honeycombs!

Lori, Emma says, "Woof, woof!"
Wow!! 60 bandanas! You and your Mom are quite a team!

Ms Bookworm said...

Judie, so sorry to hear that you have a rotator cuff injury! Prayers that PT will do the trick.
That's a shame it cuts short your softball career! Drat! Hope it doesn't ruin your summer!

JudyE, so glad you and Jordyn got to see Winter the dolphin! I'm so envious! Love your avatar, too.

Shirley, the eagle sanctuary near you sounds wonderful! Hope you get a chance to check it out!

Well, guess I'd better at least try to get some sleep. Hope the bee in the bedroom does, too. Not looking forward to turning on lights in the house in the morning at ALL. Instead, Emma and I may hang out on the blog in a closed bedroom! (At least until daylight):o[
Called the bee guy earlier tonight, and he will try to get here earlier tomorrow. Now I wish he had left the bees alone until morning. They're stirred up now!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, heading to bed. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for all creatures, too. Sleep well, everybody. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Loving and missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!

Lolly said...

We are home and had a great time, a successful time. Jack tore apart the bookcase and Jacob's end moved to his new room. Jack has some wood work to finish off the new look. Anyway, Laurel and I got Joseph's bed moved and made, posters up, etc. His room looks great. Now Laurel will paint Jacob's new room. I have ordered his comforter, shams, sheets, and valance. Hope it all comes soon!

Linda, I love it!! Two bears!! I am moving in with out! I have been thinking of all the poor bears is Colorado, so sad.

Judie, so very sorry have your shoulder. Therapy is not fun, but home it does the trick!

It is late, need to get to bed. Night all!


T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle momsters and dadsters.

Janet said...

good morning and tgif ya'll.

ms. bookworm: good grief...BEES???????????????????????? wow. i don't know what else to say but WOW.....

we have wild fires starting in tn/ky now. christian co. which is north of here, in ky near ft campbell ky, and smyrna tn, which is south of us have both had wildfires. those scare me. we had wildfires when i lived in jacksonville fl in 98. we need rain so badly. and all we see are hot and dry. 107 forecast for today. so sad.

have a great day ya'll. thinking of you....hope everyone has a great day..... :)

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds wow real slo and quite morning Thelma and Janet is the only one on since last nite What did everyone fall off the face of the earth LOL I love that saying and hardly ever get to use it LOL

JudyEddy said...

I hear noises on the cam box

JudyEddy said...

Haven't thought of what to do today stay home or do something I won't have her next week all day only a couple of hours there is activity going on at her school and Angie wishes her to participate Gonna start weaning her off of me Getting ready for Pre K next month

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Janet, and any other early birds!

Didn't get much sleep at all last night/this morning. Got Ken off to work about 90 minutes ago. He's the brave (foolish?) one. He got up and turned on the lights in the living room this morning. When I went out there to watch the news with him, I had a live bee on my chair! Not happy, I am. He cleaned up at least a dozen dead bees off the floor before I got there. The other live ones seemed to be asleep. After he went to work, I went back in to watch more news, and started hearing a LOUD, ominous hum of bees coming from the attic, so I turned off the TV, turned off the lights, and scooted out to the kitchen, where I pretty much made my breakfast in nearly total darkness--by the feeble night light on the microwave oven.
Emma is in our bedroom, with the door closed, snoozing away in her crate. When the bee guy calls to let me know he'll be here in half an hour, I'm gonna tell him that the bees have found a way to get to the attic space, and there's a huge, long opening in the living room (where the recessed lighting shelf is) that leads DIRECTLY to the attic! I don't want him doing ANYTHING until he figures out a way to completely block that entire opening! I don't want to be living in an angry swarm of bees for the next couple of weeks!
Emma is such a bug hunter that she will go after each and every one with a vengeance--and won't be stopped until she gets them! And I can't just keep her in her crate. She's a bundle of energy, and would be crazy before you know it!
Can't put her in the yard by herself because of coyotes, raccoons, 'possums, and the baby herons, not to mention the other birds, and all that constant heron poop! Plus, she wants to be WITH ME, not outside. Aargh!!! Sorry to go on so, but thanks for letting me vent--I guess I needed that!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Andy, I would have to move out. I HATE BEES!

Hairy would absolutely go nuts. He doesn't do well with bugs flying around.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shar!
That's just about where I am right now. I could move into the nearest motel/hotel that takes dogs, in a New York minute! I am not really fond of bees either. I totally respect them and know how much our environment depends on them, but don't really want to share living quarters with them! I'm P.O.'d at the bee guy for spraying whatever he did on them last night, getting them all stirred up, and then leaving. Twenty minutes later, the wall they are in was humming like an angry swarm! You could hear them through the wall! Scary!!!!

magpie said...

Oh dear Andy !!! this is just awful....
Prayers for the Critter Guy and for total success and elimination of this problem, TODAY !!!

Bees belong outside, with the flowers and the pollen !!!

Good Morning Eagle Pals.... !

magpie said...

on another note, Andy, I think I am seeting a Coopers Hawk every morning at the "other place" I am staying...
trying to take your mind off the bees for just a few seconds !

Hi Shar !

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Magpie!

AMEN!! You've got that right--bees belong OUTSIDE!

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow, a Cooper's Hawk! Aren't they beautiful?!

magpie said...

And Hello to anyone else here...

JO - gotcha on Red Friday...
have the coolest shortest sleeve RED shirt I own....

God Bless Our Military...
and all their families.....
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

He (or she ) is stunning, Andrea, sometimes it faces towards my line of sight, and sometimes its back is to me....
dreamy...but no opportunity to get a picture yet...that will come this week-end ☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Golly, one thing I can really be thankful for, is that LINDA has 2 bears in her yard, NOT ME!! Can you even imagine?! What if they smelled the honey in our wall?!

magpie said...

SPLIT coming up soon, very soon....

Oh yes, the BEAR story....sounds like road trip time to Linda's !!

magpie said...

Hoping that Janet and everyone else country-wide will be safe with these terrible fires....
this is tinderbox season for sure, I hope our Forestry Department will put a burn ban on...but then...we have fireworks season, and people are so irresponsible with the flying sizzling projectiles !

Ms Bookworm said...

Yes, Margy,
I'm hoping they can gain control of the wildfires, SOON. What a horrific situation! And people are just stupid about fireworks. They're banned in our city, but have heard several going off at night recently anyway. Guess they sneak them in from Mexico or something. Disneyland and Angels' Stadium have spectacular, safe fireworks displays every Fourth of July, and you can see them really well even if you can't afford to pay the entrance fee. Just park on a nearby street!

magpie said...

Wanda..I read your report on GG and Clothes Closet...
hope Family Friday Fun is on the horizon for you, and you have 10 days til the next Soup Kitchen....maybe I can help of an evening or so....

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...